DOE F 540.29 Better Climate Challenge Emissions Reduction Template

Better Buildings, Better Plants Voluntary Pledge Report

(20) BCC Emissions Reporting Template (DOE F 540.29).xlsx

Better Buildings Challenge, Better Buildings, Alliance and the Better Buildings, Better Plants Voluntary Pledge Program

OMB: 1910-5141

Document [xlsx]
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Portfolio Emissions
Emissions Reduction Initiatives
Facility Emissions

Sheet 1: Portfolio Emissions

Portfolio Emissions


Enter data in cells that are shaded in gray. Cells in green are calculated. The reporting year column headers will populate once you enter your base year. Refer to hover-over text for additional definitions or instructions for each row.

Section 2: Enter the scope 1, scope 2 location-based, and scope 2 market-based emissions for the facilities included in the Better Climate Challenge for the years that are applicable to your organization. For scope 1, include a break out of stationary, mobile, process, and fugitive emissions.

Section 4: Enter total portfolio site energy consumption. Electricity use should be entered in MWh and all other fuels should be entered in MMBtu. Please break out any purchased or acquired electricity accounted for at a zero emissions factor.

Section 5: This section is required for organizations with significant vehicle energy use and optional for others. Enter the portion of Section 4 energy use that is associated with vehicles.

GHG emissions reduction goal (%)

Data reporting period (calendar or fiscal year)

Base Year

Reporting toward a market-based or location-based goal?

Goal End Date

Select Base Year

Section 1: Portfolio Information

Partners can fill in either the committed square footage or number of facilities fields, or both. Square Feet

Partners can fill in either the committed square footage or number of facilities fields, or both. Number of facilities

Section 2: Absolute Emissions (Metric tons CO2e)

Scope 1: Direct GHG emissions that occur from sources that are owned or controlled by the company, for example, emissions from combustion in owned or controlled boilers, furnaces, vehicles, etc. Questions C6.1 or C7.2 in the CDP Climate Questionnaire Scope 1 Emissions

Includes fuel consumption at a facility to produce electricity, steam, or heat. The combustion of fossil fuels by natural gas boilers, diesel generators and other equipment emits carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide into the atmosphere. Stationary Emissions

Mobile emissions result from the combustion of fuels in company owned/controlled mobile combustion sources (e.g., trucks, trains, ships, airplanes, buses, and cars). It is optional to report this category of emissions. Mobile Emissions

Fugitive emissions. These emissions result from intentional or unintentional releases, e.g., equipment leaks from joints, seals, packing, and gaskets; methane emissions from coal mines and venting; hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) emissions during the use of refrigeration and air conditioning equipment; and methane leakages from gas transport. Fugitive Emissions

Physical or chemical processing: Most of these emissions result from manufacture or processing of chemicals and materials, e.g., cement, aluminum, adipic acid, ammonia manufacture, and waste processing Process Emissions

Scope 2 accounts for GHG emissions from the generation of purchased electricity, steam, heat, or cooling consumed by the organization. The location-based method uses the eGRID electricity to emissions conversion factor for grid electricity and offsite green power. Question C6.3 or C7.5 in the CDP Climate Questionnaire Scope 2 Emissions (Location-Based) from Electricity & District Energy

Scope 2 accounts for GHG emissions from the generation of purchased electricity, steam, heat, or cooling consumed by the organization. The market-based method uses the electricity to emissions conversion factor supplied by a green power provider for offsite green power. Question C6.3 or C7.5 in the CDP Climate Questionnaire Scope 2 Emissions (Market-Based) from Electricity & District Energy

Total Emissions (Metric Tons) - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Direct CO2 emissions from the combustion of biomass shall not be included in scope 1 but reported separately. If Applicable: Bioenergy and Biomass Emissions

Section 3: GHG Emissions Reductions

GHG Emissions Reductions (Metric tons CO2e)

GHG Emissions Reductions (%)

Section 4: Total Energy Use for Portfolio (Provide total Site Energy used across your organization, including facilities, vehicles, and other uses. This includes energy use associated with scope 1 and 2 emissions sources.)

This row is auto-summed, it can overridden if needed. Electricity and fuel use is included in Questions C8.2a, C8.2c, C8.2d, and C8.2e in the CDP Climate Questionnaire Total Electricity Consumption (MWh) - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Include only renewable energy generated and used on-site where your organization retains the RECs or has followed appropriate protocols for REC arbitrage. Renewable Energy Generated and Used On-site (MWh)

Enter all electricity here, excluding renewable energy generated on-site. Please break out any purchased or acquired renewable energy accounted for at a zero emissions factor below. The remaining non-renewable grid electricity will be calculated. Purchased or Acquired Electricity (MWh)

See for definitions Physical PPAs, Competitive or Utility Products, CCAs, Self-supply (MWh)

See for definitions Financial / Virtual PPAs (MWh)

See for definitions Unbundled RECs (MWh)

Calculated based on information above. Includes any power purchased from utility or energy provider without green power. Remaining Grid Electricity (MWh) - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Referred to in CDP reporting as "purchased or consumed steam". If you have district energy use in MWh, multiply the MWh value by 3.412 to convert to MMBtu. District Steam (MMBtu)

Referred to in CDP reporting as "purchased or consumed heat". If you have district energy use in MWh, multiply the MWh value by 3.412 to convert to MMBtu. District Hot Water (MMBtu)

Referred to in CDP reporting as "purchased or consumed cooling". If you have district energy use in MWh, multiply the MWh value by 3.412 to convert to MMBtu. District Chilled Water (MMBtu)

Natural Gas (MMBtu)

Distillate or Light Fuel Oil (#1, 2, & 4) (MMBtu)

Propane (MMBtu)

Coke (MMBtu)

Coal (MMBtu)

Residual or Heavy Fuel Oil (# 5, 6, Navy Special & Bunker C) (MMBtu)

Biomass (MMBtu)

Renewable Natural Gas (MMBtu)

Hydrogen (MMBtu)

Gasoline (MMBtu)

Diesel (MMBtu)

Biodiesel (MMBtu)

Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) (MMBtu)

Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) (MMBtu)

Ethanol Fuel Blend (E85) (MMBtu)

Other Fuel (please specify) (MMBtu)

Other Fuel (please specify) (MMBtu)


Total Energy Use (MMBtu)

Section 5: Energy Use for Vehicles (Organizations with significant vehicle energy use should provide the portion of Section 4 energy use that is associated with vehicles.)

Electricity Use (MWh)

Gasoline (MMBtu)

Diesel (MMBtu)

Biodiesel (MMBtu)

Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) (MMBtu)

Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) (MMBtu)

Ethanol Fuel Blend (E85) (MMBtu)

Other Fuel (please specify) (MMBtu)

Other Fuel (please specify) (MMBtu)

Total Vehicle Energy Use (MMBtu)

Sheet 2: Emissions Reduction Initiatives

Emissions Reductions Initiatives


Provide a brief description (2-3 sentences) of your organization’s emissions reduction initiatives that were active during the reporting year. Please focus on the initiatives implemented to reduce Scope 1-2 emissions, which will help DOE understand pathways leveraged to make progress toward your goal. Provide specifics on emissions reduced by activity, if available. Using this information, DOE will work with organizations to develop content that will be shared on the Better Buildings Solutions Center, with partner approval, and linked to your profile page.
*Note: this information aligns with questions C4.3a-C4.3c in the CDP Climate Questionnaire.

Year Description: Enter your response below

Sheet 3: Facility Emissions

Facility Emissions


Optional: Break out your total U.S. Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by facility. Using this information, DOE can provide more detailed technical assistance and help you determine at which facilities you should focus your emissions reduction planning. Complete a separate worksheet for each reporting year that data is submitted. Insert additional rows as needed.
*Note: this information aligns with questions C7.3b-C7.6b in the CDP Climate Questionnaire.

Reporting Year

Facility Name or ID Gross Floor Area (Sq. Ft.) Latitude Longitude Scope 1 emissions
(metric tons CO2e)
Scope 2, location-based
(metric tons CO2e)
Scope 2, market-based
(metric tons CO2e)

Sheet 4: Comments



Optional: Provide any additional comments or notes to describe your organization's portfolio, inventory, emissions calculations methodology, or emissions factors, including current status or any changes from previous years.

Year Description: Enter your response below

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