Sample Emergency Relief Program Milestone Progress Report

Public Transportation Emergency Relief Program

Sample Emergency Relief Program Milestone Progress Report

OMB: 2132-0575

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U.S. Department of Transportation

Federal Transit Administration

June, 2016 Milestone Progress Report

Federal Award Identification Number (FAIN)


Temporary Application Number


Award Name

Sandy 2 - Public Trans Emergency Relief

Award Status

Active (Executed)

Award Budget Number


Part 1: Recipient Information

Name: New Jersey Transit Corporation, The

Recipient ID

Recipient OST Type

Recipient Alias

Recipient DUNS


State Agency



Part 2: Award Information

Title: Sandy 2 - Public Trans Emergency Relief


Award Status

Award Type

Date Created

Last Updated Date

From TEAM?


Active (Executed)





Funding Source

Section of Statute

CFDA Number


49 USC 5324 - (MAP 21) Public Transportation Emergency Relief








Other Federal


Total Eligible Cost


Adjustment Amount


Gross Award Cost


Part 3: Milestone Progress Report Information

Milestone Progress Report Details

Report Type

Report Period

Final Report?

Report Period Begin Date

Report Period End Date

Report Due Date

Submission Date


June, 2016






Status Log

Previous Status

New Status

Change Date

Change By

Work in Progress



Millicent Dondero

Milestone Progress Overview Remarks

Remark By

Millicent Dondero

Remark Type

Award Overview

Remark Date



Quarterly progress report ending June 30, 2016

Remark By

Millicent Dondero

Remark Type

Award Overview

Remark Date




Remark By

Millicent Dondero

Remark Type

Award Overview

Remark Date




Remark By

Millicent Dondero

Remark Type

Award Overview

Remark Date




Updates for November, December, and January were also included in this month.

Remark By

Remark Type

Award Overview

Remark Date



I was unable to add the June Monthly Project info for this line item. An error message; `This content cannot be displayed in a frame`
An email was sent to the TEAM help desk. The report was submitted without this info since it was due today.

The descriptions are listed below for the projects in this line item.


748C (NPC12) © Traction Power Cable for Emergencies and Current Damages: NJT Procurement continued reviewing the bid package.
748E (NPC15) © Traction Power Cable Testing Program: Twenty First Century Rail Corp. TFCRC/AECOM continued the field survey, testing and implementation design program. TFCRC initiated development of a scope of work and cost proposal for the Testing Program Design.
748G (NPC18A) © Auxiliary power cable Replacement- Pilot program: NJT Procurement continued reviewing the bid package.

Notes: NPC means ¡°Notice of Proposed Change,¡± which refers to separate work orders to TFCRC for particular scopes of work issued under SSRRP. There are no change orders for this project, since no NPC directives have yet been issued to TFCRC. As NPCs are issued, these will be itemized in the `Change Orders` section of this report.
Work elements © 748F (NPC18B) Station Power Distribution (Feeders and Transformers) and 748B (NPC18B) Auxiliary Power Cable Replacement-Systemwide © cannot begin until the work of NPC18A is completed.
These projects are to be considered to be on hold until the Pilot Program is completed. The Pilot Program is to commence in April 2016.
The project elements are in the design (NPC15A) and procurement (NPC12 and NPC18A) phases; construction is 0% complete.

751B (NPC8) © 32 Main Line Switches Replacement: All switch machines have been delivered at the Vehicle Base Facility (VBF).

751F (NPC10A) © Mill Creek CIH Interlocking Rehabilitation and Installation: OSC reviewed the NJT Procurement package.

751C (NPC13) © Signal Cable for Emergencies and Current Damages: NJT Procurement continued to review the revised proposal from TFCRC.

751D (NPC14) ¨C Impedance Bonds: TFCRC to procure impedance bonds; TFCRC initiated purchase of the Impedance Bonds.

751H (NPC15A) © Signal Cable Testing Program: TFCRC/AECOM continued the field survey, testing and implementation design program.

751E (NPC21) © Traffic Signal and Light Rail Interface: NJ TRANSIT requested a proposal from TFCRC for this work element.

Notes: NPC means ¡°Notice of Proposed Change,¡± which refers to separate work orders to TFCRC for particular scopes of work issued under SSRRP, which are noted under the `Change Orders` section of this report.
Milestone 7 © Design Complete, is expected to be accomplished per the schedule.
New Milestone 14.03 © NTP Primary NPC10A © Mill Creek Interlocking, has been adjusted to July 2015 to account for delays in final construction elements. It is expected to be accomplished per the schedule.

752B&D (NPC5, 5B) © Wheel Truing Machine Purchase and Installation: New Wheel Truing Machine installation commissioning and personnel training were completed. Project construction is 100% complete.
752I (NPC 18C) © TFCRC began generating a proposal for auxiliary power cable repairs at the Vehicle Base Facility (VBF). Project construction is 0% complete; project is in the procurement phase.
752H (NPC6) ¨C Off©site Wheel Truing Machine: Off©site wheel truing ended. There was no construction under this project, which was a lease of services.
752A (NPC9) © 32 Yard Switches: Construction work continued with the removal of switch control, indication and power cable for the existing 32 WCH yard switches and installation of the 32 Vossloh new yard switches. Construction is 99% complete.
752J (NPC9B) 32 Yard Switch Heaters: Delivery of 32 yard switch heater components continued. Project construction is 20% complete.

Notes: NPC means ¡°Notice of Proposed Change,¡± which refers to separate work orders to TFCRC for particular scopes of work issued under SSRRP; these are indicated in the `Change Orders` section of this report.
There are six separate initiatives under this report.
Milestones 19.03 © Project Complete Off Site Wheel Truing, and 19.04 © Project Complete (NPC5B) Wheel True Installation, were both completed per the schedule. It is anticipated that ¡°Milestone Interim 01 ¨C Milestone 19 Project Complete 32 Yard Switches¡± will be completed per the schedule.

Milestone Progress FTA Review Remarks

No FTA Review Remarks have been entered.

Milestone Details

Budget Activity Line Item: 12.64.02 - REHAB COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS

Line Item Description: Amendment 1 - This is a new ALI 1. SCOPE AND COST NJ TRANSIT is requesting funds in the amount of $26,904,000 for the Hoboken Yard Signal Power project. This line item funds expenses that were not eligible under categories 1, 2, and 3 and are not funded by insurance. Funding for this standalone resiliency line item is from Tier 2. The total cost the project is $26,904,000. The total funding provided in this line item is $26,904,000. Funding for this line item supports design and construction of modifications to the Hoboken Yard Signal Power Distribution system including raising components such as feeder and branch cables, transformers, and sectionalizing switches above the Design Flood Elevation. Modifications to existing poles and catenary structures and the installation of new poles are included to support the additional structural loads from the new aerial cabling and elevated equipment. Costs include design, project administration, construction, the purchase of necessary equipment and materials, and any other related costs required to complete the scope. A third party contractor will be used. Through a federally compliant RFP process, NJ TRANSIT selected STV as the design contractor. A construction contractor and construction management services are required and have not been selected as of grant submittal. No contracts or in-house work were included in Sandy Grant 1, NJ-44-X001. The useful life for the project is 25 years. If NJ TRANSIT disposes of, or discontinues using, an asset acquired with FTA grant funding prior to the end of its useful life, the remaining Federal interest will be returned to the FTA (per Circular 5010.1D). 2. RECOVERY AND RESILIENCY This project is being funded from the local priority resiliency allocation. EMERGENCY RELIEF FUNDING CATEGORY Local Priority Resiliency (Tier 2) 3. RESILIENCY ANALYSIS This project is being funded from the local priority resiliency allocation. The applicable FTA templates (Attachment A, Justification Statement (Part B), Attachment C and flood maps) have been completed and submitted Wherever feasible, elements are located at or above ABFE+1. For elements that cannot be raised (such as those necessarily at or below track level) materials and components will be selected during design to be inherently resistant to, or otherwise protected against, damage by flooding, to the greatest extent possible in each case. FTA provided preliminary resiliency approval concurrent with grant approval. 4. BASIS OF COST ESTIMATE The cost estimate for this line item is based primarily on a concept design, interpreted and adjusted by NJ Transit in-house personnel who have expertise in the subject matter, to reflect the specific scope of the work and other known factors including escalation. 5. WORK SEPARATION / SCOPE Design and construction will be performed by a third party. STV was selected as the contractor for design services. The construction contractor and construction manager have not been selected as of grant submittal. NJ TRANSIT’s in-house forces are required for design. The project is included in NJ TRANSIT`s FY15 Force Account plan on page 222. While this project requires the use of NJ TRANSIT`s in house Electric Traction forces for completion of rail infrastructure work, no in-house forces are required in FY15. The project will be included in NJ TRANSIT`s FY16 Force Account Plan. 6. PRE-AWARD AUTHORITY Pre-award authority was exercised on February 3, 2013. Activities to date include Project Management and design activities. 7. CONTRACTS / VENDORS INFORMATION Through a federally compliant RFP process, NJ TRANSIT selected STV as the design contractor. STV has started PE. Construction Management services are required and have not been selected. Vendor information will be provided in Monthly Progress Reports. 8. PRIOR FEDERAL FUNDING Hoboken Yard received funding from NJ-44-X001. This line item represents work beyond that in the previous grant and is not a duplication of effort. The Work in Grant 1 consisted of minimal/temporary repairs necessary to render operational those systems that had been damaged by Superstorm Sandy, by repairing or replacing components in-place and in-kind. The work under this project is intended to make permanent repairs and replacements of damaged components which remain in place, in a resilient manner, either raised above ABFE+1, or protected, or using materials inherently resistant to damage by flooding. 9. COST BREAKDOWNS The overall budget for the projects included in this line item is $26,904,000.The following category of expenses is specifically related to this ALI. These expenses do not duplicate expenses in A.L.I. 12.79.00 and are tracked separately. Environmental Services -$15,000 Design - Services - $1,030,000 Project Administration - In House- $420,000 Project Administration – Services- $550,000 Oversight - Services - $564,000 Contingency - $2,946,000 Construction - In House - $7,260,000 Construction - Services - $7,000,000 Construction Mgmt. - Services - $1,239,000 Flagging - In House- $500,000 Purchase - Equipment - $1,680,000 Purchase - Materials - $3,700,000 Total: $26,904,000 10. SCHEDULED MILESTONES The milestones are listed in the Milestone section of this grant. 11. INSURANCE No insurance revenues have been received for the scope of this line item. 12. COORDINATION AND PERMITS Coordination with SHPO is required. DCA permits are required. NJ TRANSIT has not applied for the permits as of grant submittal. Permits will be applied for at the 90-100% document stage and expected duration is represented in the project schedule. 13. COST SHARING The total cost the project is $26,904,000. The total funding provided in this line item is $26,904,000 which accounts for $2,690,400 of credit from toll revenue expenditures (Transportation Development Credits)(90/10%). The line item is not being implemented in conjunction with any entity that is an FTA recipient or recipient of Federal funding. 14. PROCUREMENT METHODS NJ TRANSIT will comply with all federal procurement statues, regulations, and guidance as prescribed by FTA’s program. Additionally, NJ TRANSIT will comply with all Buy America requirements. URBANIZED AREA BREAKDOWN The funds will be drawn from the following urbanized area: MPO-NJTPA NENJ – 340010 – $26,904,000 STIP The project is included in the FY2014-2023 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Transit Administration approved the STIP on November 20, 2013. FTA approved STIP modifications on February 12, 2014 for the Superstorm Sandy projects. The STIP modifications are attached in TEAM. The STIP ID is T903- Rail Infrastructure Resiliency. NEPA The project is a Class II Categorical Exclusion pursuant to 23 C.F.R Section 771.118 (c)(1) – Utility and similar appurtenance action. A Section 106 review was completed by the SHPO and there was a “No Adverse Effect” determination for this line item.

Line Item #

Scope Name / Code

Custom Item Name








Funding Source

Section of Statute

CFDA Number


49 USC 5324 - (MAP 21) Public Transportation Emergency Relief




Non-FTA Amount


Total Eligible Cost


Adjustment Amount


Gross Award Cost


Milestone Name: NTP-Env.Service-NEPA

Milestone Description: NTP-Env.Service-NEPA


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: NTP Design-Hobo Signal

Milestone Description: NTP Design-Hobo Signal


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Comp. Env. Services-NEPA

Milestone Description: Comp. Env. Services-NEPA


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Design 100% Complete -Hobo Sig

Milestone Description: Design 100% Complete -Hobo Sig


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: NTP Primary-Contract -Hobo Sig

Milestone Description: NTP Primary-Contract -Hobo Sig


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Due to track outage planning and the open design issues the schedule was revised.

Milestone Name: 50% Complete-Hobo Signal

Milestone Description: 50% Complete-Hobo Signal


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Due to track outage planning and the open design issues the schedule was revised.

Milestone Name: Project Complete-Hobo Signal

Milestone Description: Project Complete-Hobo Signal


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Quarter Ending June 30, 2016 Due to track outage planning and the open design issues the schedule was revised. Activities This Quarter: The Engineer continued to address comments on the 90% design. A number of the comments remained open. Additional investigation on the need to reinforce existing trusses was identified and continues to be reviewed. Review comments on the outage plan were received and a modified plan was being developed. Project is 0 % complete.

Milestone Name: Closeout Complete -Hobo Signal

Milestone Description: Closeout Complete -Hobo Signal


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Budget Activity Line Item: 12.44.02 - REHAB/RENOV - MAINTENANCE FACILITY

Line Item Description: Amendment 1 - This is a new ALI 1. SCOPE AND COST NJ TRANSIT is requesting funds in the amount of $16,320,000 Hoboken: Relocate Signals to Terminal Tower . This line item funds expenses that were not eligible under categories 1, 2, and 3 and are not funded by insurance. Funding for this standalone resiliency line item is from Tier 2. The total cost the project is $16,320,000. The total funding provided in this line item is $16,320,000 This project includes design and construction for the replacement and relocation of existing signal equipment at Hoboken Terminal. There are 24 existing wayside cases that contain control relays, track circuit equipment, transformers, and power equipment. This equipment will be replaced with new equipment. This project includes installing the new equipment at higher elevations to afford it better protection from potential surge waters. However, there is not enough room in the cases to install all of the equipment at higher elevations. It is also not feasible to move the transformers and power equipment to other locations as they need to be located near the tracks. In order to increase the elevations of the new control relays and track circuit equipment, they will be installed on the third floor of the site’s Terminal Tower. By doing this, sufficient space will be created within the cases to allow the new transformers and power equipment to be installed approximately four feet higher than the existing equipment. New conduit and cable will also be installed from Terminal Tower to the wayside cases in order to provide the necessary equipment interface. Existing equipment that is being replaced will be stored for future use A third party contractor will be used. Through a federally compliant RFP process, Allied Resources Staffing Solutions, Inc. has been selected as the Construction Manager. No contracts or in-house work were included in Sandy Grant 1, NJ-44-X001 for this line item. The useful life for the project is 25 Years. If NJ TRANSIT disposes of, or discontinues using, an asset acquired with FTA grant funding prior to the end of its useful life, the remaining Federal interest will be returned to the FTA (per Circular 5010.1D).   2. RECOVERY AND RESILIENCY This project is being funded from the local priority resiliency allocation. EMERGENCY RELIEF FUNDING CATEGORY Locally Priority Resiliency (Tier 2) 3. RESILIENCY ANALYSIS This project is being funded from the local priority resiliency allocation. The applicable FTA templates (Attachment A, Justification Statement (Part B), Attachment C and flood maps) have been completed and submitted. Wherever feasible, elements are located at or above ABFE+1 (signal equipment relocated to Terminal Tower and, where possible, power devices within Signal cases). For elements that cannot be raised (such as those necessarily at or below track level) materials and components will be selected during design to be inherently resistant to, or otherwise protected against, damage by flooding, to the greatest extent possible in each case. FTA provided preliminary resiliency approval concurrent with grant approval. 4. BASIS OF COST ESTIMATE The cost estimate for this line item is based primarily on historical data, interpreted and adjusted by NJ TRANSIT in-house personnel who have expertise in the subject matter, to reflect the specific scope of the work and other known factors including escalation. 5. WORK SEPARATION / SCOPE Allied Resources Staffing Solutions, Inc. has been selected as a Construction Manager. NJ TRANSIT in-house forces are required and include the Signals Department Design, Signals Construction, Electric Traction support, and there are non-rail in-house forces for construction management. The project is included in NJ TRANSIT`s FY15 Force Account plan on pages 163 and 223. 6. PRE-AWARD AUTHORITY Pre-award authority was exercised on February 3, 2013. Activities to date include Project Management and design activities. 7. CONTRACTS / VENDORS INFORMATION Allied Resources Staffing Solutions, Inc. is supplying construction management activities. Vendor information will be provided in Monthly Progress Reports. 8. PRIOR FEDERAL FUNDING Hoboken Yard received funding from NJ-44-X001. This line item represents work beyond that in the previous grants and is not a duplication of effort. The Work in Grant 1 consisted of minimal/temporary repairs necessary to render operational those systems that had been damaged by Superstorm Sandy, such as cleaning of drain systems and by repairing or replacing equipment. The work under this project is intended to make the facility resilient. 9. COST BREAKDOWNS The overall budget for the projects included in this line item is $16,320,000.The following category of expenses is specifically related to this ALI. These expenses do not duplicate expenses in A.L.I. 12.79.00 and are tracked separately. Environmental Services - $15,000 Design - In House - 1,000,000 Project Administration - In House - $300,000 Project Administration - Services - $480,000 Oversight – Services - $375,000 Contingency - $1,500,000 Construction - In House - $8,100,000 Construction Mgmt. – In-House - $100,000 Construction Mgmt. – Services - $450,000 Flagging - In House - $100,000 Purchase – Equipment - $2,400,000 Purchase - Materials - $1,500,000 Total: $16,320,000 10. SCHEDULED MILESTONES The milestones are listed in the Milestone section of this grant. 11. INSURANCE No insurance revenues have been received for the scope of this line item. 12. COORDINATION AND PERMITS Federal or local permits are not required for this project. No coordination with outside entities is required. 13. COST SHARING The total cost the project is $16,320,000. The total funding provided in this line item is $16,320,000 which accounts for $1,632,000 of credit from toll revenue expenditures (Transportation Development Credits)(90/10%). The line item is not being implemented in conjunction with any entity that is an FTA recipient or recipient of Federal funding. 14. PROCUREMENT METHODS NJ TRANSIT will comply with all federal procurement statues, regulations, and guidance as prescribed by FTA’s program. FTA approved a sole source justification on September 10, 2014. The approval is attached in TEAM. Additionally, NJ TRANSIT will comply with all Buy America requirements. URBANIZED AREA BREAKDOWN The funds will be drawn from the following urbanized area: MPO-NJTPA NENJ – 340010 – $16,320,000 STIP The project is included in the FY2014-2023 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Transit Administration approved the STIP on November 20, 2013. FTA approved STIP modifications on February 12, 2014 for the Superstorm Sandy projects. The STIP modifications are attached in TEAM. The STIP ID is T903- Rail Infrastructure Resiliency. NEPA The project is a Class II Categorical Exclusion pursuant to 23 C.F.R Section 771.118 (c)(1) – Utility and similar appurtenance action. A Section 106 review was completed by the SHPO and there was a “No Adverse Effect” determination for this line item.

Line Item #

Scope Name / Code

Custom Item Name








Funding Source

Section of Statute

CFDA Number


49 USC 5324 - (MAP 21) Public Transportation Emergency Relief




Non-FTA Amount


Total Eligible Cost


Adjustment Amount


Gross Award Cost


Milestone Name: NTP-Env.Service-NEPA-Hobo

Milestone Description: NTP-Env.Service-NEPA-Hobo


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Comp-Env.Service-NEPA

Milestone Description: Comp-Env.Service-NEPA


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: NTP Design-Hobo Relocate

Milestone Description: NTP Design-Hobo Relocate


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: NTP Primary Contract-Hobo Re

Milestone Description: NTP Primary Contract-Hobo Re


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Design 100% Comp-Hobo Reloc

Milestone Description: Design 100% Comp-Hobo Reloc


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestones 7, 19 and 20 were moved out due to the Amtrak incident, the civil speed enforcement and the PTC requirements. Local funds will be removed from the project.

Milestone Name: 50% Complete-Hobo Relocate

Milestone Description: 50% Complete-Hobo Relocate


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Project Complete-Hobo Relocate

Milestone Description: Project Complete-Hobo Relocate


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Quarter Ending June 30, 2016 Activities This Quarter: Design and miscellaneous construction activities continued. Alstom has advised that the sole source equipment will be shipped next quarter. Alstom advised that they are in final phases of QA/QC. Project is 65% complete. Milestones 7, 19 and 20 were moved out due to the Amtrak incident, the civil speed enforcement and the PTC requirements. Local funds will be removed from the project.

Milestone Name: Closeout Complete-Hobo Relocat

Milestone Description: Closeout Complete-Hobo Relocat


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestones 7, 19 and 20 were moved out due to the Amtrak incident, the civil speed enforcement and the PTC requirements. Local funds will be removed from the project.

Budget Activity Line Item: 12.24.03 - REHAB/RENOV LINE EQUIP/STRUCTURES

Line Item Description: 1. SCOPE AND COST NJ TRANSIT is requesting funds in the amount of $1,326,252 for the Hudson-Bergen Light Rail (HBLR) restoration. This line item funds the repair/replacement of track components damaged by Superstorm Sandy and related activities. This line item funds expenses that were not eligible under categories 1, 2, and 3 and not funded by insurance. Funding for this line item is from Tier I. Funds will be matched with $132,625 of credit from toll revenue expenditures (Transportation Development Credits). Funding for this line item supports the repair/replacement of damaged track components such as rail resurfacing, rail lubricators, rail heaters, drainage swales; inlets, culverts and ballast washout from tracks on the HBLR due to Super Storm Sandy, and related activities. Costs include design, construction, project administration, construction management, and any other related costs required to complete the scope such as equipment and supplies. The location of the damage along the HBLR primarily occurred at the Caven Point Vehicle Storage Yard, extensively along the River Line Branch, and at the Richard St. Station –Traction Power Station Substation (TPSS) along the Bayonne Branch. NJ TRANSIT anticipates all work will be performed by Twenty-First Century Rail Corp. Similar work has already been performed under Sandy Grant 1, NJ-44-X001. Details are listed in application. This line item represents work beyond that in the previous grant and is not a duplication of effort. The useful life of equipment being repaired is: Rail Lubricators: ten (10) years Rail Heaters: ten (10) years Rail Switches: ten (10) years If NJ TRANSIT disposes of, or discontinues using, an asset acquired with FTA grant funding prior to the end of its useful life, the remaining Federal interest will be returned to the FTA (per Circular 5010.1D). 2. RECOVERY AND RESILIENCY Only recovery funds are being requested for this line item. If the line item is expanded in the grant amendment and is primarily recovery with integrated resiliency, NJ TRANSIT will identify the same in the extended budget description and include an appropriate non-add scope to reflect the resiliency activities and associated cost. The methodology for the cost split between recovery and resiliency will be included. The FTA templates Attachment A and C and flood maps have been completed to demonstrate that the project meets the ABFE+1 requirement. 3. RESILIENCY ANALYSIS This line item is not being funded from the local priority resiliency allocation. 4. BASIS OF COST ESTIMATE The cost estimate for this line item is based primarily on historical data, interpreted and adjusted by NJ TRANSIT in-house personnel, who have expertise in the subject matter, to reflect the specific scope of the work and other known factors such as escalation. 5. WORK SEPARATION / SCOPE NJ TRANSIT anticipates design and construction will be performed by Twenty-First Century Rail Corp. 6. PRE-AWARD AUTHORITY For all expenses, including final design and construction, the pre-award authority date is October 27, 2012. Activities to date include project management activities. 7. CONTRACTS / VENDORS INFORMATION Through a federally compliant, competitive RFP process, NJ TRANSIT selected Twenty-First Century Rail Corp, the Design, Build, Operate, Maintain (DBOM) contractor. Work under this line item will be assigned via a change order to the DBOM contract. 8. PRIOR FEDERAL FUNDING HBLR received funding in NJ-44-X001 but this line item represents work beyond that in the previous grant and is not a duplication of effort. 9. COST BREAKDOWNS The overall budget for the projects included in this line item is $1,326,252. Design Services - $90,000 Project Admin – In House - $40,252 Project Admin – Services - $70,000 Contingency - $100,000 Construction – Services - $896,000 Construction Management – Services - $70,000 Flagging – In House - $60,000 Total: $1,326,252 10. SCHEDULED MILESTONES The milestones are listed in the Milestone section in this grant. 11. INSURANCE No insurance revenues have been received or are anticipated for the scope of this line item. 12. COORDINATION AND PERMITS Federal or local permits are not required for this project. No coordination with outside entities is required. 13. COST SHARING The line item is not being implemented in conjunction with any entity that is an FTA recipient or recipient of Federal funding. 14. PROCUREMENT METHODS NJ TRANSIT will comply with all federal procurement statues, regulations, and guidance as prescribed by FTA’s program. Additionally, NJ TRANSIT will comply with all Buy America requirements, as applicable. URBANIZED AREA BREAKDOWN The funds will be drawn from the following urbanized area: MPO-NJTPA NENJ – 340010 – $1,326,252 STIP The project is included in the FY2014-2023 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Transit Administration approved the STIP on November 20, 2013. The STIP ID is T906-NJ TRANSIT System Repairs/Restoration, page IV-31. NEPA The project is a Class II Categorical Exclusion pursuant to 23 C.F.R Section 771.118 (c)(8) – Maintenance, rehabilitation, reconstruction of facilities.

Line Item #

Scope Name / Code

Custom Item Name








Funding Source

Section of Statute

CFDA Number


49 USC 5324 - (MAP 21) Public Transportation Emergency Relief




Non-FTA Amount


Total Eligible Cost


Adjustment Amount


Gross Award Cost


Milestone Name: Design 100% -HBLR -Track/ROW

Milestone Description: Design 100% -HBLR -Track/ROW


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: NTP Prim Cont-HBLR-Track/ROW

Milestone Description: NTP Prim Cont-HBLR-Track/ROW


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Budget Activity Line Item: 12.44.02 - REHAB/RENOV - MAINTENANCE FACILITY

Line Item Description: Amendment 1 - This is a new ALI 1. SCOPE AND COST NJ TRANSIT is requesting funds in the amount of $17,915,000 for the MMC/ ROC Building Flood Control project. This line item funds expenses that were not eligible under categories 1, 2, and 3 and are not funded by insurance. FTA funding for this standalone resiliency line item is from Tier 2. The total cost the project is $17,915,000. The total funding provided in this line item is $17,915,000. Funding for this line item supports design and installation of systems and devices to prevent or reduce flooding from entering the Meadows Maintenance Facility (MMC), which consists of multiple buildings, and the Rail Operations Center (ROC), along the buildings` perimeters. Specifically, vulnerabilities in the foundation system and at openings within the building envelope, including openings for rolling stock will be targeted, as well as ancillary systems such as HVAC. Doors and other openings in the building envelope subject to flooding will be protected to prevent or reduce water infiltration in case of flooding. Flood mitigation equipment/doors will be installed at currently unprotected access doors. High volume pumps and deployable pumps (approximately 10 and 20 respectively; exact number is to be determined during design) will be installed to protect these key areas so that the specialized equipment and controls remain dry during a repeat storm and water can be pumped out rapidly afterwards if necessary. These resiliency improvements will protect the ROC and the MMC facilities during repeat storms so that they can continue to operate normally or to allow the rapid resumption of services once a storm is past. Costs include design, project administration, construction, the purchase of necessary equipment and materials, and any other related costs required to complete the scope. Through a federally compliant RFP process, NJ TRANSIT selected Jacobs as the design contractor. The construction contractor and construction management services have not been selected as of grant submittal. Some contracts and in-house work for this project were included in Sandy Grant 1, NJ-44-X001 for the MMC. Details are listed in application. This line item represents work beyond that in the previous grant and is not a duplication of effort. The Work in Grant 1 consisted of minimal/temporary repairs necessary to render operational those systems that had been damaged by Superstorm Sandy, such as cleaning of drain systems and by repairing or replacing MMC equipment. The work under this project is intended to make the facility resilient. The useful life of the project`s major components is 15 - 25 years. If NJ TRANSIT disposes of, or discontinues using, an asset acquired with FTA grant funding prior to the end of its useful life, the remaining Federal interest will be returned to the FTA (per Circular 5010.1D). 2. RECOVERY AND RESILIENCY This project is being funded from the local priority resiliency allocation. EMERGENCY RELIEF FUNDING CATEGORY Locally Priority Resiliency (Tier 2)) 3. RESILIENCY ANALYSIS This project is being funded from the local priority resiliency allocation. The applicable FTA templates (Attachment A, Justification Statement (Part B), Attachment C and flood maps) have been completed and submitted. The MMC is an existing facility which cannot be raised. This project is intended to provide protections against flooding by sealing openings that are subject to flooding. Where feasible new components (such as electrical controls) are located above ABFE+1, Pumps are located in sumps (at low points). FTA provided preliminary resiliency approval concurrent with grant approval. 4. BASIS OF COST ESTIMATE The cost estimate for this line item is based on conceptual design. 5. WORK SEPARATION / SCOPE Design and construction will be performed by a third party. NJ TRANSIT selected Jacobs as the design contractor. The construction contractor and construction management services have not been selected as of grant submittal. NJ TRANSIT in-house forces are required and include Electric Traction Support. Non-rail in-house forces are required for construction management. The project is included in NJ TRANSIT`s FY15 Force Account plan on page 173 and 225. 6. PRE-AWARD AUTHORITY Pre-award authority was exercised on February 3, 2013. Activities to date include Project Management and design activities. 7. CONTRACTS / VENDORS INFORMATION NJ TRANSIT selected Jacobs as the design contractor. The construction contractor and construction management services have not been selected as of grant submittal. Vendor information will be provided in Monthly Progress Reports. 8. PRIOR FEDERAL FUNDING Some contracts and in-house work for the MMC were included in Sandy Grant 1, NJ-44-X001. This line item represents work beyond that in the previous grant and is not a duplication of effort. The Work in Grant 1 consisted of minimal/temporary repairs necessary to render operational those systems that had been damaged by Superstorm Sandy, such as cleaning of drain systems and by repairing or replacing MMC equipment. The work under this project is intended to make the facility resilient. 9. COST BREAKDOWNS The overall budget for the projects included in this line item is $17,915,000.The following category of expenses is specifically related to this ALI. These expenses do not duplicate expenses in A.L.I. 12.79.00 and are tracked separately. Environmental Services - $15,000 Design - Services - $3,220,000 Project Administration - In House - $460,000 Project Administration - Services - $725,000 Oversight - Services - $270,000 Contingency - $2,550,000 Construction - In House - $100,000 Construction – Services - $8,470,000 Construction Mgmt. - In House -$400,000 Construction Mgmt. - Services - $720,000 Flagging - In House - $985,000 Total: $17,915,000 10. SCHEDULED MILESTONES The milestones are listed in the Milestone section of this grant. 11. INSURANCE No insurance revenues have been received for the scope of this line item 12. COORDINATION AND PERMITS Coordination with outside agencies is not required. Permits are required from DCA. The permits have not been applied for as of grant submittal. Permits will be applied for at the 90-100% document stage and expected duration is represented in the project schedule. 13. COST SHARING The total cost the project is $17,915,000. The total funding provided in this line item is $17,915,000 which accounts for $1,791,500 of credit from toll revenue expenditures (Transportation Development Credits)(90/10%). The line item is not being implemented in conjunction with any entity that is an FTA recipient or recipient of Federal funding. 14. PROCUREMENT METHODS NJ TRANSIT will comply with all federal procurement statues, regulations, and guidance as prescribed by FTA’s program. Additionally, NJ TRANSIT will comply with all Buy America requirements. URBANIZED AREA BREAKDOWN The funds will be drawn from the following urbanized area: MPO-NJTPA NENJ – 340010 – $17,915,000 STIP The project is included in the FY2014-2023 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Transit Administration approved the STIP on November 20, 2013. FTA approved STIP modifications on February 12, 2014 for the Superstorm Sandy projects. The STIP modifications are attached in TEAM. The STIP ID is T901 – Meadows Maintenance Complex (MMC)/Rail Operations Center (ROC) Resiliency. NEPA The project is a Class II Categorical Exclusion pursuant to 23 C.F.R Section 771.118 (c)(8) – Maintenance, rehabilitation, reconstruction of facilities. A Section 106 review was completed by the SHPO and there was a “No Adverse Effect” determination for this line item.

Line Item #

Scope Name / Code

Custom Item Name








Funding Source

Section of Statute

CFDA Number


49 USC 5324 - (MAP 21) Public Transportation Emergency Relief




Non-FTA Amount


Total Eligible Cost


Adjustment Amount


Gross Award Cost


Milestone Name: NTP-Env.Service-NEPA

Milestone Description: NTP-Env.Service-NEPA


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: NTP Design-MMC/ROC

Milestone Description: NTP Design-MMC/ROC


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Comp.-Env.Service-NEPA

Milestone Description: Comp.-Env.Service-NEPA


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Design 100% Complete -MMC/ROC

Milestone Description: Design 100% Complete -MMC/ROC


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks





Milestone Name: NTP Primary Contract-MMC/ROC

Milestone Description: NTP Primary Contract-MMC/ROC


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: 50% Complete-MMC/ROC

Milestone Description: 50% Complete-MMC/ROC


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Project Complete-MMC/ROC

Milestone Description: Project Complete-MMC/ROC


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Quarter Ending June 30, 2016 Activities This Quarter: NJ TRANSIT approved the revised 100% design package and initiated procurement process. Milestone 7-100% Design was met. Project is 0% complete.

Milestone Name: Closeout Complete-MMC/ROC

Milestone Description: Closeout Complete-MMC/ROC


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Budget Activity Line Item: 12.34.03 - TERMINAL, INTERMODAL (TRANSIT)

Line Item Description: Amendment 2 - This is a New ALI Hoboken Terminal House Power Repair Project 1. SCOPE AND COST Funds in the amount of $24,058,978 ($12,888,954-Recovery/Restoration Funds/$11,170,024-Integrated Resiliency Funds) support the Hoboken Terminal House Power Repair project to repair/replace assets damaged during Superstorm Sandy. Funds will be matched with $2,405,898 of credit from toll revenue expenditures (Transportation Development Credits). This ALI funds expenses that were not eligible under categories 1, 2, and 3. The resiliency component is fundamentally associated with or a part of a recovery project. The total cost of the project is $24,058,978. The total funding provided in this ALI is $24,058,978. Funding for this ALI supports the Hoboken Terminal House Power Supply located in the Immigrant Building at the Southeast area of the Hoboken Terminal. Costs include design, project administration, construction, the purchase of necessary equipment and materials, and any other related costs required to complete the scope. This project involves the design and construction for the repair and replacement of the Hoboken Terminal House Power Supply (a.k.a. `Depot Substation`) including switch gear, transformers and associated relays, circuit breakers, power cables, electrical system components, and ancillary equipment. To improve the resiliency of the substation, it will be relocated above design flood elevation to the second floor of the Pullman & Immigrant building (a.k.a. `Immigrant` building), which is adjacent to the existing substation. The utility metering and isolation switch for the 13.2kV feed from Observer Highway will also be re-located to the second floor of the Immigrant building. The Immigrant building will be upgraded to meet structural requirements for the substation and all modifications will comply with SHPO requirements. The Substation provides power to the Hoboken Terminal at 480V. The projected load is 1900kVA, the substation is double ended and utilizes 3000/3990(AA/FA) kVA transformers, and 4000amp main bus, main circuit breakers and bus tie breakers. The justification for the request is the Hoboken Terminal House substation provides house power for Hoboken Terminal which services all NJ TRANSIT commuter rail lines operating from Hoboken, and was damaged by Superstorm Sandy. Replacement of the substation in a resilient manner in-place and in-kind is not feasible. The facility is located in the eastern portion of Hoboken Yard which is in a coastal floodplain designated Zone AE for which the 100-year storm BFE is 12 ft. NAVD 88. The facility is to be relocated to the second floor of the adjacent Pullman Immigrant building (16.08` NAVD 88), above the Design Flood Elevation of 14.5 feet at this site. Design and construction are performed by a third party. Through a federally compliant RFP process, NJ TRANSIT selected Gannett Fleming as the contractor for design. The construction contractor and construction management contractor have not been selected as of grant submittal. The project is not a continuation of any previous Section 5324 funded scope. The useful life for the project is 30 years. If NJ TRANSIT disposes of, or discontinues using, an asset acquired with FTA grant funding prior to the end of its useful life, the remaining Federal interest will be returned to the FTA (per Circular 5010.1D). 2. RECOVERY AND RESILIENCY The total cost of this project is $24,058,978 ($12,888,954-Recovery/Restoration Funds/$11,170,024-Integrated Resiliency Funds). The methodology for the cost split between recovery and integrated resiliency is based on an estimate of resiliency components. The resiliency component is fundamentally associated with or a part of a recovery project. The resiliency components for this restoration project include raising components at a higher elevation and using inherently more resilient components. The estimated cost associated with the resiliency is $11,170,024. A cost estimate of the major cost components including substation replacement, structural repairs and SHPO related costs is attached in TEAM (Hoboken Terminal House Power Cost Estimate). EMERGENCY RELIEF FUNDING CATEGORY Pro-Rated Recovery 3. RESILIENCY ANALYSIS This ALI is not being funded from the local priority resiliency allocation. Wherever feasible, elements are located at or above ABFE+1. For elements that cannot be raised (such as those necessarily at or below grade level) materials and components will be selected during design to be inherently resistant to, or otherwise protected against, damage by flooding, to the greatest extent possible in each case. 4. PRIOR FEDERAL FUNDING Previous federal funding was not received for this ALI. 5. BASIS OF COST ESTIMATE The cost estimate for this ALI is based primarily on 60% Design. 6. COST BREAKDOWNS The overall budget for expenses included in this ALI is $24,058,978.The total funding provided in this ALI is $24,058,978. The following category of expenses is specifically related to this ALI. These expenses do not duplicate expenses in ALI 12.79.00 and are tracked separately. Design - In House -$250,000 Design – Services -$1,538,000 Project Administration - In House -$500,000 Project Administration - Services -$1,086,978 Oversight - In House -$389,000 Contingency -$6,504,000 Construction - In House -$1,250,000 Construction - Services -$9,058,000 Construction Mgmt - In House -$400,000 Construction Mgmt - Services -$1,583,000 Flagging In-House-$1,000,000 Purchase – Materials -$500,000 Total: $24,058,978 7. COST SHARING The total cost for the project included in this ALI is $24,058,978. The total funding provided in this ALI is $24,058,978 which accounts for $2,405,898 of credit from toll revenue expenditures (Transportation Development Credits) (90/10%). This ALI is not being implemented in conjunction with any entity that is an FTA recipient or recipient of Federal funding. 8. WORK SEPARATION / SCOPE Design and construction are performed by a third party. Through a federally compliant RFP process, Gannett Fleming was selected as the contractor for design. The construction contractor has not been selected as of grant submittal. While this project requires use of NJ TRANSIT’s in-house Electric Traction forces, in-house Design, and in-house Construction Management, no in-house forces are required in FY15. The project will be included in NJ TRANSIT’s FY16 Force Account Plan. 9 CONTRACTS / VENDORS INFORMATION Design and construction are performed by a third party. Through a federally compliant RFP process, NJ TRANSIT selected Gannett Fleming as the contractor for design. The construction contractor and construction management contractor has not been selected as of grant submittal. 10. PRE-AWARD AUTHORITY Pre-award authority was exercised on February 3, 2013. Activities to date include project management and design activities. Designer: Gannett Fleming Contract Amount: $1,238,000 Contract Date: April 2013 - Limited Notice to Proceed (LNTP) 11. SCHEDULED MILESTONES The milestones are listed in the Milestone section of this grant. 12. INSURANCE No insurance revenues have been received for the scope for this line item. 13. COORDINATION AND PERMITS Coordination with outside agency, PSE&G, is required. The status of the coordination with the agency is ongoing. Permits required include DCA and NJDEP. NJ TRANSIT has not applied for the permits at the time of grant submittal. Permits will be applied for at the 90-100% document stage and expected duration is represented in the project schedule. 14. PROCUREMENT METHODS NJ TRANSIT will comply with all federal procurement statutes, regulations, and guidance as prescribed by FTA’s program. Additionally, NJ TRANSIT will comply with all Buy America requirements, as applicable. 15. STIP The project is included in the FY2014-2023 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Transit Administration approved the STIP on November 20, 2013. The STIP ID’s for this project are T903 ($10.83 million) and T906 ($12.889 million). FTA approved STIP modifications on 06/05/2015. Additional STIP administrative modifications were made to DBNUM T901, DBNUM T903, and DBNUM 906 on July 15, 2015. The STIP modifications are attached in TEAM. 16. NEPA This project is a Class II Categorical Exclusion pursuant to 23 CFR Section 771.118 (c)(8) Maintenance, rehab, reconstruction of facilities. A Section 106 Review was completed and FTA determined in consultation with NJ SHPO that the project will conditionally have no adverse effect subject to conditions stated in NJ SHPO`s letter to NJ Transit dated July 28, 2014. This project will not require a use of 4(f) resources, subject to NJ SHPO conditions; no 4(f) evaluation is required. URBANIZED AREA BREAKDOWN The funds will be drawn from the following urbanized area: MPO-NJTPA - $24,058,978

Line Item #

Scope Name / Code

Custom Item Name








Funding Source

Section of Statute

CFDA Number


49 USC 5324 - (MAP 21) Public Transportation Emergency Relief




Non-FTA Amount


Total Eligible Cost


Adjustment Amount


Gross Award Cost


Milestone Name: NTP Environmental, NEPA

Milestone Description: NTP Environmental, NEPA


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: NTP Design (LNTP) (Completed)

Milestone Description: NTP Design (LNTP) (Completed)


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Environmental Complete (NEPA)

Milestone Description: Environmental Complete (NEPA)


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Design 100% Complete

Milestone Description: Design 100% Complete


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: NTP Primary Contract

Milestone Description: NTP Primary Contract


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: 50% Complete

Milestone Description: 50% Complete


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Project Complete

Milestone Description: Project Complete


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Quarter Ending June 30, 2016 Activities This Quarter: The consultant's final 100°/o project design documents were approved in May and the bid package was submitted to procurement for advertisement. Pre-solicitation review of the bid package began. The DCA issued foundation and structural comments and the consultant began preparing responses to the comments. The DCA released the electrical, mechanical and fire plans for construction. The consultant was requested to submit a proposal for Revision 1 of TOA #1 for additional design, engineering and construction assistance services. A request for a proposal for Construction Management (CM) Services was issued to Procurement in June. Project is 0 %complete.

Milestone Name: Closeout Complete

Milestone Description: Closeout Complete


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Budget Activity Line Item: 12.54.01 - REHAB/RENOV TRACTION POWER EQUIPMENT

Line Item Description: Amendment 2 - This is a new ALI Bay Head 1. SCOPE AND COST Funds in the amount of $23,700,000 ($23,700,000-Recovery/Restoration) support the Bay Head Yard Substation Repair project to repair/replace assets damaged by Superstorm Sandy. This ALI funds expenses that were not eligible under categories 1, 2, and 3. The total cost of the project is $23,700,000. The $23,700,000 includes $700,000 that is transferred from 123-00-12.34.03 Rehab/Renov. Terminal/Intermodal - Weehawken Ferry Repairs. Funds in the amount of $23,000,000 will be matched with $2,300,000 of credit from toll revenue expenditures (Transportation Development Credits). The $700,000 that is being transferred into this ALI is from a previously awarded ALI and was matched with Transportation Development Credit in grant NJ-44-X003-00. Funding for this ALI supports the Bay Head Substation project. The existing Bay Head Substations are located on opposite sides of the parking and assembly area at the east side of Bay Head Yard, adjacent to the crew quarters and administrative facility building. They are approximately 1,000 ft. south of Osborne Avenue, at the end of Twilight Road, in the town of Bay Head NJ. Costs include design, project administration, construction, the purchase of necessary equipment and materials, and any other related costs required to complete the scope. This project involves the design and construction of a replacement Bay Head Yard Substation including switch-gear, transformers and all other associated power cable, devices, and controls. The Bay Head substation will be constructed on site. It is a brick façade over concrete masonry units, with concrete floors/foundations and steel deck/membrane roofing. The substation building is approximately 123’-2” long (includes 74’-8” long building + 48’-6” transformer enclosure) x 36’-2” wide x 26’-10” tall. The adjacent generator building is 37’-9” long x 18’-9” wide x 26’-10” tall. Substation building area is approximately 2,700 sq. ft.; Transformer area is approximately 1,380 sq. ft.; and Generator building area is approximately 710 sq. ft. This is subject to change as design finalizes and construction commences. It is solely for housing substation equipment and electrical distribution systems. The replacement project will combine the functions of both existing substations into a single new substation. A redundant utility service feeder for the new substation will also be included. The Substation will be elevated to Design Flood Elevation or above, and utilize components designed to better withstand contact with salt water where elements cannot be raised, in a manner consistent with codes and standards. The new substation will have two outdoor liquid filled 3750/4200 kVA transformers. The substation transformers will feed a 13.2kV switchgear line-up inside the new substation building which will power two wayside power unit substations and two building transformers for normal building house power supply. A new 800kW, 480Y/277V standby diesel generator system will be installed to supply standby building house power to replace the emergency generator damaged in Superstorm Sandy. The justification for the request is Bay Head Yard Substation provides power for all Yard maintenance and operating facilities at Bay Head. The existing substations were damaged by Superstorm Sandy. One of the two was rendered inoperable; the other was substantially damaged and is operating in a compromised state. Replacement of the substations in a resilient manner, in-place and in-kind is not feasible. The facility is located in the eastern portion of Bay Head Yard, in a coastal floodplain designated Zone AE for which the 100-year storm BFE is 10 ft. NAVD 88. The facility is to be raised to a Design Flood Elevation of 12.5 ft. The existing substations will be demolished and disposed as part of the construction contract. A third party contractor will be used. Through a federally compliant RFP process, Gannett Fleming was selected as the contractor for design services. The construction contractor and construction manager have not been selected as of grant submittal. The project is not a continuation of any previous Section 5324 funded scope. The useful life for the project is 25 years. If NJ TRANSIT disposes of, or discontinues using, an asset acquired with FTA grant funding prior to the end of its useful life, the remaining Federal interest will be returned to the FTA (per Circular 5010.1D). 2. RECOVERY AND RESILIENCY The type of fund being requested in this ALI is Recovery/Restoration. The total cost of the project is $23,700,000. The total funding provided in this ALI is $23,700,000. Additional FTA grants will not be requested for this project. EMERGENCY RELIEF FUNDING CATEGORY Pro-Rated Recovery 3. RESILIENCY ANALYSIS This ALI is not being funded from the local priority resiliency allocation. Wherever feasible, elements are located at or above ABFE+1. For elements that cannot be raised (such as those necessarily at or below grade level) materials and components will be selected during design to be inherently resistant to, or otherwise protected against, damage by flooding, to the greatest extent possible in each case. 4. PRIOR FEDERAL FUNDING Previous federal funding was not received for this ALI. 5. BASIS OF COST ESTIMATE The cost estimate for this ALI is based primarily 60% Design. 6. COST BREAKDOWNS The total funding provided in this ALI is $23,700,000. The following categories of expenses is specifically related to this ALI. These expenses do not duplicate expenses in ALI 12.79.00 and are tracked separately. Design - In House - $125,000 Design - Services - $1,700,000 Project Administration - In House - $300,000 Project Administration - Services - $900,000 Contingency - $2,200,000 Construction - In House - $1,000,000 Construction - Services - $14,250,000 Construction Mgmt. - In House - $325,000 Construction Mgmt. - Services - $1,450,000 Demolition - Services - $200,000 Flagging - In House - $750,000 Purchase - Materials - $500,000 Total: $23,700,000 7. COST SHARING The total cost of the project is $23,700,000. The total funding provided in this line item is $23,700,000 which accounts for $2,370,000 of credit from toll revenue expenditures (Transportation Development Credits) (90/10%). The $23,700,000 includes $700,000 that is being transferred from 123-00-12.34.03 Rehab/Renov. Terminal/Intermodal - Weehawken Ferry Repairs. The $700,000 was matched with Transportation Development Credits in NJ-44-X003. This ALI is not being implemented in conjunction with any entity that is an FTA recipient or recipient of Federal funding. 8. WORK SEPARATION / SCOPE Design, construction, and construction management are performed by a third party. Through a federally compliant RFP process, Gannett Fleming was selected as the contractor for design services. The construction contractor and construction manager have not been selected as of grant submittal. While this project requires use of NJ TRANSIT’s in-house Electric Traction forces, in-house Design, and in-house Construction Management, no in-house forces are required in FY15. The project will be included in NJ TRANSIT’s FY16 Force Account Plan. 9. CONTRACTS / VENDORS INFORMATION Design, construction, and construction management are performed by a third party. Through a federally compliant RFP process, Gannett Fleming was selected as the contractor for design services. The construction contractor and construction manager have not been selected as of grant submittal. 10. PRE-AWARD AUTHORITY Pre-award authority was exercised on 2013. Activities to date include project management and design activities. Designer: Gannett Fleming Contract Amount: $1,237,625 Contract Date: April 2013 - Limited Notice to Proceed (LNTP) 11. SCHEDULED MILESTONES The milestones are listed in the Milestone section of this grant. 12. INSURANCE No insurance revenues have been received for the scope for this line item. 13. COORDINATION AND PERMITS Coordination with outside agency, Jersey Central Power and Light (JCP&L), is required. The status of the coordination with the agency is ongoing. Permits required include DCA, NJDEP, and Soil Erosion Sediment Control (SESC). NJ TRANSIT has not applied for the permits at the time of grant submittal. Permits will be applied for at the 90-100% document stage and expected duration is represented in the project schedule. 14. PROCUREMENT METHODS NJ TRANSIT will comply with all federal procurement statutes, regulations, and guidance as prescribed by FTA’s program. 15. STIP The project is included in the FY2014-2023 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Transit Administration approved the STIP on November 20, 2013. The STIP ID for this project is T906 - NJ Transit System Repairs/Restoration. FTA approved STIP modifications on June 5, 2015. Additional STIP administrative modifications were made to DNUM T906 on July 15, 2015. The STIP modifications are attached in TEAM. 16. NEPA This project is a Class II Categorical Exclusion pursuant to 23 CFR Section 771.118 (c )(1) Utilities and similar appurtenance. A Section 106 Review was completed and FTA determined in consultation with NJ SHPO determined that the project will conditionally have no adverse effect subject to conditions stated in its letter to NJ Transit of April 2, 2014. This project will not require a use of 4(f) resources; no 4(f) evaluation is required. URBANIZED AREA BREAKDOWN The funds will be drawn from the following urbanized area: MPO-NJTPA NENJ – 340010 –$23,700,000

Line Item #

Scope Name / Code

Custom Item Name








Funding Source

Section of Statute

CFDA Number


49 USC 5324 - (MAP 21) Public Transportation Emergency Relief




Non-FTA Amount


Total Eligible Cost


Adjustment Amount


Gross Award Cost


Milestone Name: NTP Environmental, NEPA

Milestone Description: NTP Environmental, NEPA


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: NTP Design (LNTP) (Completed)

Milestone Description: NTP Design (LNTP) (Completed)


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Environmental Complete (NEPA)

Milestone Description: Environmental Complete (NEPA)


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Design 100% Complete

Milestone Description: Design 100% Complete


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: NTP Primary Contract

Milestone Description: NTP Primary Contract


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Due to ongoing coordination with JCP&L and SCADA and relay design issues, this project will be delayed and the milestones have been adjusted accordingly.

Milestone Name: 50% Complete

Milestone Description: 50% Complete


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Due to ongoing coordination with JCP&L and SCADA and relay design issues, this project will be delayed and the milestones have been adjusted accordingly.

Milestone Name: Project Complete

Milestone Description: Project Complete


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Quarter Ending June 30, 2016 Activities This Quarter: Meetings to finalize the design philosophy of the protection and control relays, and SCADA and communication architecture were held with Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories (SEL). The consultant re-submitted the 100% design package and review of the revised relay and SCADA protection schemes commenced. The environmental permit application was submitted to the NJDEP. In June, the NJDEP completed their review of the environmental permit applications and the public comment period notices were mailed to residents within the 200 foot radius of the proposed work. The DCA released the electrical, mechanical and fire plans for construction. The DCA issued comments on the structural and foundation plans. The consultant was requested to submit a proposal for Revision 1 of TOA #1 for additional design, engineering and construction assistance services. A request for a proposal for Construction Management (CM) Services was forwarded to Procurement in June. Project is 0 % complete. Due to ongoing coordination with JCP&L and SCADA and relay design issues, this project will be delayed and the milestones have been adjusted accordingly.

Milestone Name: Closeout Complete

Milestone Description: Closeout Complete


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Due to ongoing coordination with JCP&L and SCADA and relay design issues, this project will be delayed and the milestones have been adjusted accordingly.

Budget Activity Line Item: 12.54.01 - REHAB/RENOV TRACTION POWER EQUIPMENT

Line Item Description: Amendment 2 - This is a new ALI Henderson St. Substation 1. SCOPE AND COST Funds in the amount of $21,300,000 (Recovery/Restoration) support the Henderson St. Substation Repair project to repair/replace assets damaged by Superstorm Sandy. This ALI funds expenses that were not eligible under categories 1, 2, and 3. The total cost of the project is $21,300,000. Funds will be matched with $2,130,000 of credit from toll revenue expenditures (Transportation Development Credits). . Funding in this ALI supports the Henderson Street Substation project that is located at the Hoboken Rail Terminal at the southeastern corner of the city of Hoboken along the Hudson River. Costs include design, project administration, construction, the purchase of necessary equipment and materials, and any other related costs required to complete the scope. This project involves the design and construction of the replacement Henderson Street Substation in Hoboken, including switch-gear, transformers and all other associated power cable, devices, and controls. The replacement substation will be located at the site of the existing Hoboken Yard Boiler Building (boiler is decommissioned). Backup power will be included in the new facility. This work includes demolition of, the existing boiler building. New utility service feeders will be included in the replacement substation. The Substation will be elevated to Design Flood Elevation or above, and utilize components designed to better withstand contact with salt water where elements cannot be raised, in a manner consistent with codes and standards. The new substation will consist of 13.2kV switchgear, with a new 1200 amp main-double tie-main bus/ circuit breaker configuration. Three emergency generators are included in the new substation. The justification for Henderson Street Substation project: Henderson is a medium voltage substation that provides power for various facilities throughout Hoboken Yard and Terminal (other than Traction power). The existing substation was damaged by Superstorm Sandy and is operating in a compromised state. Replacement of the substation in a resilient manner in-place and in-kind is not feasible. In addition, emergency back-up power to Henderson St. Substation was damaged. An explanation for the addition of three emergency generators for replacement back-up power is attached in TEAM. The facility is currently located in the western portion of Hoboken Yard which is in a coastal floodplain designated Zone AE for which the 100-year storm BFE is 11 ft. NAVD 88. The new facility will be located within the existing Hoboken Yard Boiler Building at or above a Design Flood elevation of 13.5 ft. A third party contractor will be used. Through a federally compliant RFP process, Gannett Fleming was selected as the contractor for design services. The construction contractor and construction manager have not been selected as of grant submittal. The project is not a continuation of any previous Section 5324 funded scope. The useful life for the project is 25 years. If NJ TRANSIT disposes of, or discontinues using, an asset acquired with FTA grant funding prior to the end of its useful life, the remaining Federal interest will be returned to the FTA (per Circular 5010.1D). 2. RECOVERY AND RESILIENCY The type of funds being requested in This ALI is Recovery/Restoration. The total cost of the project is $21,300,000. The total funding provided in this ALI is $21,300,000. Additional FTA grants will not be requested for this project. EMERGENCY RELIEF FUNDING CATEGORY Pro-Rated Recovery 3. RESILIENCY ANALYSIS This ALI is not being funded from the local priority resiliency allocation. Wherever feasible, elements are located at or above ABFE+1. For elements that cannot be raised (such as those necessarily at or below grade level) materials and components will be selected during design to be inherently resistant to, or otherwise protected against, damage by flooding, to the greatest extent possible in each case. 4. PRIOR FEDERAL FUNDING Previous federal funding was not received for this ALI. 5. BASIS OF COST ESTIMATE The cost estimate for this ALI is based primarily on 60% Design. 6. COST BREAKDOWNS The overall budget for expenses included in this ALI is $21,300,000 The following categories of expenses is specifically related to this ALI. Design - In House - $100,000 Design - Services - $1,350,000 Project Administration - In House - $250,000 Project Administration - Services - $1,200,000 Oversight - Services - $300,000 Contingency - $2,325,000 Construction - In House - $1,000,000 Construction - Services - $12,000,000 Construction Mgmt. - In House - $250,000 Construction Mgmt. - Services - $1,625,000 Flagging - In House - $150,000 Purchase - Materials $750,000 Total: $21,300,000 7. COST SHARING The total cost of the project included in this ALI is $21,300,000. The total funds requested in this ALI are $21,300,000 which accounts for $2,130,000 of credit from toll revenue expenditures (Transportation Development Credits) (90/10%). This ALI is not being implemented in conjunction with any entity that is an FTA recipient or recipient of Federal funding. 8. WORK SEPARATION / SCOPE Design, construction, and construction management are performed by a third party. Through a federally compliant RFP process, Gannett Fleming was selected as the contractor for design services. The construction contractor and construction manager have not been selected as of grant submittal. While this project requires use of NJ TRANSIT’s in-house Electric Traction forces, in-house Design, and in-house Construction Management, no in-house forces are required in FY15. The project will be included in NJ TRANSIT’s FY16 Force Account Plan. 9. CONTRACTS / VENDORS INFORMATION Design, construction, and construction management are performed by a third party. Through a federally compliant RFP process, Gannett Fleming was selected as the contractor for design services. The construction contractor and construction manager have not been selected as of grant submittal. 10. PRE-AWARD AUTHORITY Pre-award authority was exercised on February 3, 2013. Activities to date include Project Management and design activities. Designer: Gannett Fleming Contract Amount: $1,031,354 Contract Date: April 2013 - Limited Notice to Proceed (LNTP) 11. SCHEDULED MILESTONES The milestones are listed in the Milestone section of this grant. 12. INSURANCE No insurance revenues have been received for the scope for this line item. 13. COORDINATION AND PERMITS Coordination with outside agency, PSE&G, is required. The status of the coordination with the agency is ongoing. Permits required- DCA, NJDEP and Soil Erosion Sediment Control (SESC). NJ TRANSIT has not applied for the permits at the time of grant submittal. Permits will be applied for at the 90-100% document stage and expected duration is represented in the project schedule. 14. PROCUREMENT METHODS NJ TRANSIT will comply with all federal procurement statutes, regulations, and guidance as prescribed by FTA’s program. Additionally, NJ TRANSIT will comply with all Buy America requirements, as applicable 15. STIP The project is included in the FY2014-2023 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Transit Administration approved the STIP on November 20, 2013. The STIP ID for this project is T906 - NJ Transit System Repairs/Restoration. FTA approved STIP modifications on June 5, 2015. Additional STIP administrative modifications were made to DNUM T906 on July 15, 2015. The STIP modifications are attached in TEAM. 16. NEPA This project is a Class II Categorical Exclusion pursuant to 23 CFR Section 771.118 (c )(1) Utilities and similar appurtenance. A Section 106 Review was completed and FTA determined in consultation with NJ SHPO that the project will have no adverse effect on Section 106 Resources per NJ SHPO letter dated November 7, 2013. This project will not require a use of 4(f) resources; no 4(f) evaluation is required. URBANIZED AREA BREAKDOWN The funds will be drawn from the following urbanized area: MPO-NJTPA NENJ – 340010 –$21,300,000

Line Item #

Scope Name / Code

Custom Item Name








Funding Source

Section of Statute

CFDA Number


49 USC 5324 - (MAP 21) Public Transportation Emergency Relief




Non-FTA Amount


Total Eligible Cost


Adjustment Amount


Gross Award Cost


Milestone Name: NTP Environmental, NEPA

Milestone Description: NTP Environmental, NEPA


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: NTP Design (LNTP) (Completed)

Milestone Description: NTP Design (LNTP) (Completed)


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Environmental Complete (NEPA)

Milestone Description: Environmental Complete (NEPA)


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Design 100% Complete

Milestone Description: Design 100% Complete


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Due to ongoing coordination with PSE&G and other NJ TRANSIT projects in Hoboken and SCADA as we!! as relay design issues, this project will be delayed and milestones have been moved out accordingly.

Milestone Name: NTP Primary Contract

Milestone Description: NTP Primary Contract


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Due to ongoing coordination with PSE&G and other NJ TRANSIT projects in Hoboken and SCADA as we!! as relay design issues, this project will be delayed and milestones have been moved out accordingly.

Milestone Name: 50% Complete

Milestone Description: 50% Complete


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Due to ongoing coordination with PSE&G and other NJ TRANSIT projects in Hoboken and SCADA as we!! as relay design issues, this project will be delayed and milestones have been moved out accordingly.

Milestone Name: Project Complete

Milestone Description: Project Complete


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Quarter Ending June 30, 2016 Activities This Quarter: Resolutions of the 90% review comments were submitted to the consultant and the consultant began preparing the 100% design package. The consultant continued to prepare the SESC application. Coordination meetings with NJ TRANSIT and other consultants on the Long Slip and Hoboken Yard Feeder projects were held. Meetings to finalize the design philosophy of the protection and control systems, and SCADA and communication architecture were held. The consultant responded to the NJDEP comments on the environmental permit applications. The consultant was requested to submit a proposal for Revision 1 of TOA #1 for additional design, engineering and construction assistance services. A request for a proposal for Construction Management (CM) Services was forwarded to Procurement for advertisement in June. Project is 0 %complete. Due to ongoing coordination with PSE&G and other NJ TRANSIT projects in Hoboken and SCADA as we!! as relay design issues, this project will be delayed and milestones have been moved out accordingly.

Milestone Name: Closeout Complete

Milestone Description: Closeout Complete


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Due to ongoing coordination with PSE&G and other NJ TRANSIT projects in Hoboken and SCADA as we!! as relay design issues, this project will be delayed and milestones have been moved out accordingly.

Budget Activity Line Item: 12.54.01 - REHAB/RENOV TRACTION POWER EQUIPMENT

Line Item Description: Amendment 2 - This is a new ALI ROC Unit Substation 1. SCOPE AND COST Funds in the amount of $6,610,045 (LPR funds) support the Rail Operations Center (ROC) Unit Substation Project. The $6,610,045 includes funds in the amount of $1,250,000 transferred from 124-00 – 12.42.11 – Purchase Rail Support Vehicles – Fuel Trucks (LPR). It also includes funds in the amount of $2,300,000 transferred from 126-00– 12.64.02 – Rehab Communication Systems - Interoperable Communications (LPR). A total of $3,550,000 is being transferred into this ALI. The remaining funds in the amount of $3,060,045 are matched with $306,005 of credit from toll revenue expenditures (Transportation Development Credits). The $3,550,000 was matched with Transportation Development Credits in NJ-44-X003. This ALI funds expenses that were not eligible under categories 1, 2, and 3 and are not funded by insurance. This project is a Locally Prioritized Resiliency project. The total project cost is $6,610,045. The total funding provided in this ALI is $6,610,045. Funding for this ALI supports the Rail Operations Center (ROC) Unit Substation, located at the Meadows Maintenance Complex site in Kearny, NJ. Costs include project administration, construction, the purchase of necessary equipment and materials, and any other related costs required to complete the scope. The justification for this request is the Rail Operations Center (ROC) monitors and controls all train movements throughout the system, and as such the facility requires reliable power at all times. The existing substation and emergency generator are susceptible to flooding. During Sandy, the water level reached just above the concrete pad of the equipment. Electrical components were not damaged, however to make the substation more resilient to future weather events it will be replaced with a new substation installed indoors at a higher elevation in its own dedicated building. The indoor location will provide a controlled environment to allow safe and expeditious maintenance, restoration of power and repairs in all-weather conditions and at any time of day. The substation building is approximately 93’-0” long x 20’-0” wide x 23’-3” tall. The substation building area is approximately 1,860 sq. ft. This is subject to change as design finalizes and construction commences. The building is for housing substation equipment and electrical distribution systems. It is insulated precast concrete panels, similar to the existing MMC/ROC construction; with concrete floors/foundations and steel deck/membrane roofing. The building will be constructed on site. The substation design does utilize factory fabricated precast panel walls, but they will be erected and set in place on site on a cast-in-place foundation. Construction service and construction management services are performed by a third party and will be selected through a federally compliant RFP process. The construction contractor and construction management contractor have not been selected as of grant submittal. The project is not a continuation of any previous Section 5324 funded scope. The useful life for the project is 30 years. If NJ TRANSIT disposes of, or discontinues using, an asset acquired with FTA grant funding prior to the end of its useful life, the remaining Federal interest will be returned to the FTA (per Circular 5010.1D). 2. RECOVERY AND RESILIENCY This project is being funded from the local priority resiliency allocation. EMERGENCY RELIEF FUNDING CATEGORY Locally Prioritized Resiliency 3. RESILIENCY ANALYSIS This project is being funded from the local priority resiliency allocation. The applicable FTA templates (Attachment A, Justification Statement (Part B), Attachment C and flood maps) have been completed and submitted. NJ TRANSIT evaluated the asset in relation to FEMA BFE and incorporated findings and requirements into the NJT Resiliency Program Design Criteria used to guide the development of the Basis Of Design for the project. FTA provided preliminary resiliency approval concurrent with grant approval. 4. PRIOR FEDERAL FUNDING Previous federal funding was not received for this ALI. 5. BASIS OF COST ESTIMATE The cost estimate for this ALI is based primarily 60% Design. 6. COST BREAKDOWNS Overall budget for expenses included in this ALI is $6,610,045. The total funding provided in this ALI is $6,610,045. The following categories of expenses are specifically related to this ALI. These expenses do not duplicate expenses in ALI 12.79.00 and are tracked separately. Project Administration - In House -$10,000 Project Administration - Services -$26,000 Oversight - Services -$148,000 Contingency -$443,045 Construction - In House -$300,000 Construction - Services -$5,492,000 Construction Mgmt - In House -$15,000 Construction Mgmt - Services -$26,000 Flagging - In House -$50,000 Purchase - Materials -$100,000 Total: $6,610,045 7. COST SHARING The total cost for the project included in this ALI is $6,610,045.The total funding provided in this ALI is $6,610,045. The $6,610,045 includes funds in the amount of $1,250,000 transferred from 124-00 – 12.42.11 – Purchase Rail Support Vehicles – Fuel Trucks (LPR). It also includes funds in the amount of $2,300,000 transferred from 126-00– 12.64.02 – Rehab Communication Systems - Interoperable Communications (LPR). A total of $3,550,000 is being transferred into this ALI. The remaining funds in the amount of $3,060,045 are matched with $306,005 of credit from toll revenue expenditures (Transportation Development Credits) (90/10%). The $3,550,000 was matched with Transportation Development Credits in NJ-44-X003-00. This ALI is not being implemented in conjunction with any entity that is an FTA recipient or recipient of Federal funding. 8. WORK SEPARATION / SCOPE Design, construction, and construction management are performed by a third party. Gannett Fleming was selected as the contractor for design services. The construction contractor and construction manager contract have not been selected as of grant submittal. While this project requires use of NJ TRANSIT’s in-house Electric Traction forces, in-house Design, and in-house Construction Management, no in-house forces are required in FY15. The project will be included in NJ TRANSIT’s FY17 Force Account Plan. 9. CONTRACTS / VENDORS INFORMATION Design, construction, and construction management are performed by a third party. Through a federally compliant RFP process, NJ TRANSIT selected Gannett Fleming as the contractor for design services. The construction contractor and construction manager contractor have not been selected as of grant submittal. 10. PRE-AWARD AUTHORITY NJ TRANSIT will not use pre-award authority for this line item. 11. SCHEDULED MILESTONES The milestones are listed in the Milestone section of this grant. 12. INSURANCE No insurance revenues have been received for the scope for this line item. 13. COORDINATION AND PERMITS Coordination with outside agency, PSE&G is required. The status of the coordination with the agency is ongoing. Permits required include DCA, NJDEP, USACE, and Hudson Essex Passaic Soil Conservation District (HEPSCD). NJ TRANSIT has not applied for the permits at the time of grant submittal. Permits will be applied for at the 90-100% document stage and expected duration is represented in the project schedule. 14. PROCUREMENT METHODS NJ TRANSIT will comply with all federal procurement statutes, regulations, and guidance as prescribed by FTA’s program. Additionally, NJ TRANSIT will comply with all Buy America requirements, as applicable. 15. STIP The project is included in the FY2014-2023 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Transit Administration approved the STIP on November 20, 2013. The STIP ID for this project is T901 MMC/ROC Resiliency. STIP administrative modifications were made to DBNUM T901 on July 15, 2015. The STIP modifications are attached in TEAM.” 16. NEPA This project is a Class II Categorical Exclusion pursuant to 23 CFR Section 771.118 (c )(8) Maintenance, rehab, reconstruction of facilities A Section 106 Review was completed. FTA determined in consultation with NJ SHPO that the project will have no adverse effect (per letter with NJ SHPO approval stamp dated January 27, 2014). This project will not require a use of 4(f) resources; no 4(f) evaluation is required. URBANIZED AREA BREAKDOWN The funds will be drawn from the following urbanized area: MPO-NJTPA - $6,610,045

Line Item #

Scope Name / Code

Custom Item Name








Funding Source

Section of Statute

CFDA Number


49 USC 5324 - (MAP 21) Public Transportation Emergency Relief




Non-FTA Amount


Total Eligible Cost


Adjustment Amount


Gross Award Cost


Milestone Name: NTP Environmental, NEPA (Compl

Milestone Description: NTP Environmental, NEPA (Compl


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Environmental Complete (NEPA)

Milestone Description: Environmental Complete (NEPA)


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Design 100% Complete

Milestone Description: Design 100% Complete


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: NTP Primary Contract

Milestone Description: NTP Primary Contract


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




NJ TRANSIT has moved out Milestone 12 and subsequent milestones due to reviews of the bid package taking longer than expected.

Milestone Name: 50% Complete

Milestone Description: 50% Complete


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




NJ TRANSIT has moved out Milestone 12 and subsequent milestones due to reviews of the bid package taking longer than expected.

Milestone Name: Project Complete

Milestone Description: Project Complete


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Quarter Ending June 30, 2016 Activities This Quarter: The ROC Unit substation bid package was submitted to Procurement for advertisement. Pre-solicitation review of the bid package began. Preparation of the responses to the DCA structural and foundation comments by the consultant continued. The consultant was requested to submit a proposal for Revision 1 of TOA #1 for additional design, engineering and construction assistance services. Project is 0 % complete. NJ TRANSIT has moved out Milestone 12 and subsequent milestones due to reviews of the bid package taking longer than expected.

Milestone Name: Closeout Complete

Milestone Description: Closeout Complete


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




NJ TRANSIT has moved out Milestone 12 and subsequent milestones due to reviews of the bid package taking longer than expected.

Budget Activity Line Item: 12.24.03 - REHAB/RENOV LINE EQUIP/STRUCTURES

Line Item Description: 1. SCOPE AND COST NJ TRANSIT is requesting funds in the amount of $164,821 for the Newark Light Rail (NLR) restoration. This line item funds expenses that were not eligible under categories 1, 2, and 3 and not funded by insurance. Funding for this line item is from Tier I. Funds will be matched with $16,482 of credit from toll revenue expenditures (Transportation Development Credits). Funding for this line item supports disposal of debris removed from rail tracks, replacing parts used to repair overhead catenary lines, and related activities along the Newark Light Rail Line following Superstorm Sandy. Costs include design, construction, project administration, construction management, and any other related costs required to complete the scope such as equipment and supplies. The Newark City Subway (Newark Light Rail) runs from north Newark to its terminus at Newark Penn Station. A third party contractor will be used. Through a federally compliant competitive RFP process, NJ TRANSIT selected TranSystems as the vendor for design. A construction contractor has not been selected. Some contracts and in-house work for restoration of NLR were included in Sandy Grant 1, NJ-44-X001. Details are listed in application. This line item represents work beyond that in the previous grant and is not a duplication of effort. The catenary parts and wire are part of a system that has a useful life of twenty-five (25) years. If NJ TRANSIT disposes of, or discontinues using, an asset acquired with FTA grant funding prior to the end of its useful life, the remaining Federal interest will be returned to the FTA (per Circular 5010.1D). 2. RECOVERY AND RESILIENCY Only recovery funds are being requested for this line item. If the line item is expanded in the grant amendment and is primarily recovery with integrated resiliency, NJ TRANSIT will identify the same in the extended budget description and include an appropriate non-add scope to reflect the resiliency activities and associated cost. The methodology for the cost split between recovery and resiliency will be included. The FTA templates Attachment A and C and flood maps have been completed to demonstrate that the project meets the ABFE+1 requirement. EMERGENCY RELIEF FUNDING CATEGORY Pro-Rated Recovery (Tier 1) 3. RESILIENCY ANALYSIS This line item is not being funded from the local priority resiliency allocation. 4. BASIS OF COST ESTIMATE The cost estimate for this line item is based primarily on historical data, interpreted and adjusted by NJ TRANSIT in-house personnel, who have expertise in the subject matter, to reflect the specific scope of the work and other known factors such as escalation. 5. WORK SEPARATION / SCOPE Design and construction will be performed by a third party. TranSystems was selected as the vendor for design. The construction vendor has not been selected as of grant submittal. While this project requires use of NJ TRANIST’s Signals & Communications, Electric Traction, and Track in-house forces, there are no in-house forces required in FY14. The project will be included in NJ TRANSIT’s FY15 Force Account Plan. 6. PRE-AWARD AUTHORITY For all expenses, including final design and construction, the pre-award authority date is October 27, 2012. Activities to date include project management activities. 7. CONTRACTS / VENDORS INFORMATION The design vendor, TranSystems, has started conceptual design. The construction vendor has not been selected as of grant submittal. Vendor information will be provided in Monthly Progress Reports. 8. PRIOR FEDERAL FUNDING NLR received funding from NJ-44-X001. This line item represents work beyond that in the previous grant and is not a duplication of effort. 9. COST BREAKDOWNS The overall budget for the projects included in this line item is $164,821 Design Services - $10,000 Project Admin – In House - $7,821 Contingency - $4,000 Construction – In House - $63,000 Construction – Services - $50,000 Construction Management – Services - $4,000 Flagging – In House - $6,000 Purchase – Equipment - $20,000 Total: $164,821 10. SCHEDULED MILESTONES The milestones are listed in the Milestone section of this grant. 11. INSURANCE No insurance revenues have been received or are anticipated for the scope of this line item. 12. COORDINATION AND PERMITS Permits for tree removals are not required. Catenary work does not require permits. No coordination with outside entities is required. 13. COST SHARING The line item is not being implemented in conjunction with any entity that is an FTA recipient or recipient of Federal funding. The budget is fully funded by federal funds with matching toll credits in this line item. 14. PROCUREMENT METHODS NJ TRANSIT will comply with all federal procurement statues, regulations, and guidance as prescribed by FTA’s program. As such, NJ TRANSIT has submitted a sole source justification for refurbishment of track switches, which has been attached to this grant. Additionally, NJ TRANSIT will comply with all Buy America requirements, as applicable. URBANIZED AREA BREAKDOWN The funds will be drawn from the following urbanized area: MPO-NJTPA NENJ – 340010 – $164,821 STIP The project is included in the FY2014-2023 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Transit Administration approved the STIP on November 20, 2013. The STIP ID is T906-NJ TRANSIT System Repairs/Restoration, page IV-31. NEPA The project is a Class II Categorical Exclusion pursuant to 23 C.F.R Section 771.118 (c)(8) – Maintenance, rehabilitation, reconstruction of facilities.

Line Item #

Scope Name / Code

Custom Item Name








Funding Source

Section of Statute

CFDA Number


49 USC 5324 - (MAP 21) Public Transportation Emergency Relief




Non-FTA Amount


Total Eligible Cost


Adjustment Amount


Gross Award Cost


Milestone Name: Project Complete ¡§CNLR - ROW

Milestone Description: Project Complete ¡§CNLR - ROW


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Quarter Ending June 30, 2016 Closeout activities continued. Project is 99% complete.

Milestone Name: Closeout Complete ¡§CNLR - ROW

Milestone Description: Closeout Complete ¡§CNLR - ROW


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: NTP Design -NLR -ROW

Milestone Description: NTP Design -NLR -ROW


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: 100% Design - NLR - ROW

Milestone Description: 100% Design - NLR - ROW


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: NTP - Construction - NLR - ROW

Milestone Description: NTP - Construction - NLR - ROW


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: 50% Complete - NLR - ROW

Milestone Description: 50% Complete - NLR - ROW


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Budget Activity Line Item: 12.34.03 - TERMINAL, INTERMODAL (TRANSIT)

Line Item Description: Amendment 2 - This ALI is being decreased This amendment decreases the ALI by $700,000 from $4,700,000 to $4,000,000. This amount represents the actual cost of the project. The $700,000 will be transferred to 125-01 – 12.54.01 – Rehab/Renovate Traction Power Equipment – Bay Head Yard Substation Repair (Recovery/Restoration) which is a new ALI in this amendment. Funds in the amount of $4,700,000 were awarded for in NJ-44-X003-00 for the Weehawken Ferry Repairs project. The project involved dredging and related activities at the Weehawken Port Imperial Ferry Terminal dock area and channel to remove silt deposits created by Superstorm Sandy that reshaped the terminal docking area. This project is complete. The actual cost was $700,000 less than originally anticipated. ------------- 1. SCOPE AND COST NJ TRANSIT is requesting funding in the amount of $4,700,000 to support the dredging of Weehawken Ferry Terminal which was silted as a result of Superstorm Sandy. This line item funds expenses that were not eligible under categories 1, 2, and 3 and not covered by insurance. Funding for this line item is from Tier I. Funds will be matched with $470,000 of credit from toll revenue expenditures (Transportation Development Credits). Funds for this line item support the dredging and related activities at the Weehawken Port Imperial Ferry Terminal dock area and channel to remove silt deposits created by Superstorm Sandy that reshaped the terminal docking. Costs include design, construction, project administration, construction management, and any other related costs required to complete the scope such as equipment and supplies. The Port Imperial Ferry Terminal is an intermodal hub connecting with the Hudson Bergen Light Rail (HBLR) service to Tonnelle Avenue Park/Ride, PATH and NJ TRANSIT commuter busses to Bergen and Passaic counties. Dredging is required to repair the channel depth for unimpeded ferry operations. Overly shallow water causes silt to be ingested by the engines, clogging and degrading them prematurely. The project restores the depth of the channel to pre-Sandy conditions. The Terminal is off the coast of the city of Weehawken, built in the Hudson River with pedestrian ramps between the mainland and the terminal platform and the work of this project is located entirely within the Hudson River. The useful life of the project is considered to be the normal maintenance cycle for dredging, which occurs once every ten (10) years. If NJ TRANSIT disposes of, or discontinues using, an asset acquired with FTA grant funding prior to the end of its useful life, the remaining Federal interest will be returned to the FTA (per Circular 5010.1D). Through a federally compliant, competitive RFP, NJ TRANSIT selected Hatch Mott McDonald as the vendor for design. Through a federally compliant, competitive RFP, NJ TRANSIT selected Urban and also Joule Inc. as the vendor for construction management services. Through a federally compliant, competitive IFB, NJ TRANSIT procured Cashman Dredging as the dredging contractor. 2. RECOVERY AND RESILIENCY Only recovery funds are being requested in this application. If the line item is expanded in the grant amendment and is primarily recovery with integrated resiliency, NJ TRANSIT will identify the same in the extended budget description and include an appropriate non-add scope to reflect the resiliency activities and associated cost. The methodology for the cost split between recovery and resiliency will be included. The FTA templates Attachment A and C and flood maps have been completed to demonstrate that the project meets the ABFE+1 requirement. 3. RESILIENCY ANALYSIS This line item is not being funded from the local priority resiliency allocation. 4. BASIS OF COST ESTIMATE The cost is based on the project contract that was approved by the NJ TRANSIT Board of Directors in September 2013. 5. WORK SEPARATION / SCOPE Design and construction will be completed by a third party. The vendor for design is Hatch Mott McDonald. The vendor for construction management services is Urban and also Joule Inc. The dredging contractor is Cashman Dredging. 6. PRE-AWARD AUTHORITY For all expenses, including final design and construction, the pre-award authority date is October 27, 2012. Activities to date include the following: The project was advertised in July 2013. The NJ TRANSIT Board of Directors approved the contract at the September 2013 board meeting. Notice-to-Proceed was issued in October 2013. 7. CONTRACTS / VENDORS INFORMATION Through a federally compliant, competitive RFP, NJ TRANSIT selected Hatch Mott McDonald as the vendor for design. Through a federally compliant, competitive RFP, NJ TRANSIT selected Urban and also Joule Inc. as the vendor for construction management services. Through a federally compliant, competitive IFB, NJ TRANSIT procured Cashman Dredging as the dredging contractor. 8. PRIOR FEDERAL FUNDING This line item has not received any prior Federal funding, 5324, FEMA, or otherwise. 9. COST BREAKDOWNS The overall budget for the projects included in this line item is $4,700,000. Design Services - $190,000 Project Admin – In House - $190,000 Project Admin – Services - $24,000 Contingency - $211,090 Construction – Services - $4,000,000 Construction Management – Services - $84,910 Total: $4,700,000 10. SCHEDULED MILESTONES The milestones are listed in the Milestone section in this grant. 11. INSURANCE No insurance revenues have been received or are anticipated for the scope of this line item. 12. COORDINATION AND PERMITS A DEP permit was issued to NJ TRANSIT in August 2013. An Army Corp permit modification was issued to NJ TRANSIT in December 2013. 13. COST SHARING The line item is not being implemented in conjunction with any entity that is an FTA recipient or recipient of Federal funding. 14. PROCUREMENT METHODS NJ TRANSIT will comply with all federal procurement statues, regulations, and guidance as prescribed by FTA’s program. Additionally, NJ TRANSIT will comply with all Buy America requirements, as applicable. URBANIZED AREA BREAKDOWN The funds will be drawn from the following urbanized area: MPO-NJTPA NENJ – 340010 – $4,700,000 STIP The project is included in the FY2014-2023 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Transit Administration approved the STIP on November 20, 2013. The STIP ID is T906-NJ TRANSIT System Repairs/Restoration, page IV-31. NEPA The project is a Class II Categorical Exclusion pursuant to 23 C.F.R Section 771.118 (c)(8) – Maintenance, rehabilitation, reconstruction of facilities.

Line Item #

Scope Name / Code

Custom Item Name








Funding Source

Section of Statute

CFDA Number


49 USC 5324 - (MAP 21) Public Transportation Emergency Relief




Non-FTA Amount


Total Eligible Cost


Adjustment Amount


Gross Award Cost


Milestone Name: NTP Design ¡§C Weehawken

Milestone Description: NTP Design ¡§C Weehawken


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: 50% Complete ¡§CWeehawken

Milestone Description: 50% Complete ¡§CWeehawken


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Project Complete ¡§CWeehawken

Milestone Description: Project Complete ¡§CWeehawken


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Quarter Ending June 30, 2016 Close out continued. Project is 100% complete.

Milestone Name: Closeout Complete ¡§CWeehawke

Milestone Description: Closeout Complete ¡§CWeehawke


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone 20 was moved out 3 months to accommodate close out of the project.

Milestone Name: Brd Apprl Design-Weehawken

Milestone Description: Brd Apprl Design-Weehawken


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Environmental Serv -Weehawken

Milestone Description: Environmental Serv -Weehawken


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Design 100% - Weehawken

Milestone Description: Design 100% - Weehawken


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Package to Procure-Weehawken

Milestone Description: Package to Procure-Weehawken


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Advertise -Weehawken

Milestone Description: Advertise -Weehawken


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: DEP Permit Issued-Weehawken

Milestone Description: DEP Permit Issued-Weehawken


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Brd Appl Prim Cont-Weehawken

Milestone Description: Brd Appl Prim Cont-Weehawken


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: NTP Primary Contract-Weehawken

Milestone Description: NTP Primary Contract-Weehawken


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Army Corp Permit Mod-Weehaw

Milestone Description: Army Corp Permit Mod-Weehaw


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Budget Activity Line Item: 12.79.00 - PROJECT ADMINISTRATION (RAIL)

Line Item Description: Amendment 2 This amendment replaces the text under Section 9. – Cost Breakdowns from Original Text The remaining costs are anticipated to be funded by deobligated balances from NJ TRANSIT’s Sandy grant NJ-44-X001 after NJ TRANSIT receives anticipated insurance proceeds for FTA funded line items. If insurance proceeds do not materialize as anticipated, and no other federal Sandy emergency relief funds are available, NJ TRANSIT would fund remaining costs from future FTA formula grants and/or available state TTF funding. Revised Text NJ TRANSIT will fund remaining cost from insurance proceeds, subject to FTA’s review and approval of proposed allocation of insurance proceeds. If insurance proceeds do not materialize as anticipated, and no other federal Sandy emergency relief funds are available, NJ TRANSIT would fund remaining costs from future FTA formula grants and/or available state TTF funding. -------------- Amend 1. Administrative Amendment – Removal of Insurance Claims Services Change text in original grant. In Section 1. Scope and Cost, third paragraph delete “insurance claims services.” Text should have been deleted in original grant. ------------------------ Original Grant 1. SCOPE AND COST NJ TRANSIT is requesting funds in the amount of $18,610,859 to support program management and oversight. This line item funds expenses that were not eligible under categories 1, 2, and 3 and not covered by insurance. Funding for this line item is from Tier I. Funds will be matched with $1,861,086 of credit from toll revenue expenditures (Transportation Development Credits). Funding supports third party services including program management, integrity monitoring, and environmental services. This line item also supports in-house project management for activities that cover multiple ALIs. Third party program management include services such as document control support; estimating and cost control support; QA/QC plan development and support; safety and risk management support; administrating and reporting support; insurance claims services; and PMP development. Third party oversight services include integrity monitoring activities such as verifying that NJ TRANSIT has adequate staff for the capital program; verifying compliance with federal regulations and monitoring the program for waste and fraud. Third party environmental services address matters related to resiliency, vulnerability, and sea level rise. Work includes preparation of topical white papers or research summaries, updating or revising work to date, review of recent relevant literature, serving as a key advisor, and coordination with the regulatory and academic communities. STATUS Through Federally compliant RFP Procurements, NJ TRANSIT selected HNTB to provide program management services; Hill International to provide oversight services; and BEM to provide environmental services. 2. RECOVERY AND RESILIENCY Only recovery funds are being requested in this application. EMERGENCY RELIEF FUNDING CATEGORY Pro-Rated Recovery (Tier 1) 3. RESILIENCY ANALYSIS This line item is not being funded from the local priority resiliency allocation. 4. BASIS OF COST ESTIMATE The cost estimate for this line item is based primarily on historical data, interpreted and adjusted by NJ TRANSIT in-house personnel, who have expertise in the subject matter, to reflect the specific scope of the work and other known factors such as escalation. 5. WORK SEPARATION / SCOPE Work will be performed by a third party and in-house forces. The vendors selected to date are HNTB, Hill International, and BEM. 6. PRE-AWARD AUTHORITY The pre-award authority date is October 27, 2012. The activities that have taken place include development and management of Sandy Grant 1 and Grant 2 (POP), integrity monitoring, in-house and contractual support and oversight. 7. CONTRACTS / VENDORS INFORMATION The vendors selected to date are HNTB, Hill International, and BEM. Vendor information will be provided in Monthly Progress Reports. 8. PRIOR FEDERAL FUNDING The project received funding in NJ-44-X001 but this line item represents work beyond that in the previous grant and is not a duplicate of effort. 9. COST BREAKDOWNS The overall budget for the projects included in this line item is $31,000,000. Federal funds in the amount of $18,610,859 are being requested in this application. REQUESTED IN THIS APPLICATION Environmental Services - $1,500,000 Project Admin – In House - $2,500,000 Project Admin – Services - $12,560,859 Oversight Services - $2,000,000 Purchase Materials - $50,000 Total - $18,610,859 TOTAL Environmental Services - $3,000,000 Project Admin – In House - $2,950,000 Project Admin – Services - $15,000,000 Oversight Services - $10,000,000 Purchase Materials - $50,000 Total - $31,000,000 The total funds requested in this application are $18,610,859. The remaining costs are anticipated to be funded by deobligated balances from NJ TRANSIT’s Sandy grant NJ-44-X001 after NJ TRANSIT receives anticipated insurance proceeds for FTA funded line items. If insurance proceeds do not materialize as anticipated, and no other federal Sandy emergency relief funds are available, NJ TRANSIT would fund remaining costs from future FTA formula grants and/or available state TTF funding. 10. SCHEDULED MILESTONES The milestones are listed in the Milestone section in this grant. 11. INSURANCE No insurance revenues have been received or are anticipated for the scope of this line item. 12. COORDINATION AND PERMITS Not Applicable 13. COST SHARING The line item is not being implemented in conjunction with any entity that is an FTA recipient or recipient of Federal funding. 14. PROCUREMENT METHODS NJ TRANSIT will comply with all federal procurement statues, regulations, and guidance as prescribed by FTA’s program. Additionally, NJ TRANSIT will comply with all Buy America requirements, as applicable. URBANIZED AREA BREAKDOWN The funds will be drawn from the following urbanized area: MPO-NJTPA NENJ – 340010 – $18,610,859 STIP The project is included in the FY2014-2023 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Transit Administration approved the STIP on November 20, 2013. The STIP ID is T906-NJ TRANSIT System Repairs/Restoration, page IV-31. PRE-AWARD AUTHORITY The pre-award authority date is October 27, 2012. NEPA The project is a Class II Categorical Exclusion pursuant to 23 C.F.R Section 771.118 (c)4 Planning and Administration activity.

Line Item #

Scope Name / Code

Custom Item Name








Funding Source

Section of Statute

CFDA Number


49 USC 5324 - (MAP 21) Public Transportation Emergency Relief




Non-FTA Amount


Total Eligible Cost


Adjustment Amount


Gross Award Cost


Milestone Name: NTP ¡§C Program Management

Milestone Description: NTP ¡§C Program Management


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: NTP ¡§C Program Management Ser

Milestone Description: NTP ¡§C Program Management Ser


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: NTP¡§CIntegrity Monitor

Milestone Description: NTP¡§CIntegrity Monitor


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: NTP ¡§C Environmental Services

Milestone Description: NTP ¡§C Environmental Services


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Project Complete ¡§C Program

Milestone Description: Project Complete ¡§C Program


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Project Complete ¡§C Program

Milestone Description: Project Complete ¡§C Program


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Project Complete ¡§C Environme

Milestone Description: Project Complete ¡§C Environme


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Closeout Complete ¡§C Environ-

Milestone Description: Closeout Complete ¡§C Environ-


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Project Complete - Integrity

Milestone Description: Project Complete - Integrity


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Quarter Ending June 30, 2016 Activities This Quarter: NJ TRANSIT continued to wait for FTA's release of the balance of the Emergency Relief Funding. NJ TRANSIT continued to work on the next grant amendment for the Emergency Relief Funding. The Program Master Schedule was updated. Work continued on the development of a Force Account Schedule for aU planned projects requiring Force Account support and track and ET outages. Program logs, including the log of pending procurements and items requiring NJ TRANSIT Board approval, were updated. Program Area meetings and meetings with Operations to review schedule, budget, and critical issues continued. The Integrity Oversight monitors continued their reviews of active projects. RANSIT started the change over from monthly reporting to a quarterly report cycle. The procurement process continued for other integrity oversight monitoring assignments. The PMP continued to be advanced. Project is 15% complete.

Milestone Name: Closeout Complete - Program

Milestone Description: Closeout Complete - Program


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Closeout Complete - Program

Milestone Description: Closeout Complete - Program


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Closeout Complete - Integrity

Milestone Description: Closeout Complete - Integrity


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Budget Activity Line Item: 12.42.11 - PURCHASE - RAIL SUPPORT VEHICLES

Line Item Description: Amendment 2 - This ALI is being reduced This amendment decreases the ALI by $1,250,000 from $2,000,000 to $750,000. This amount represents the actual cost of the project. The funds will be transferred to -125-03 - 12.54.01 – Rehab/Renovate Traction Power Equipment – ROC Unit Substation which is also a LPR project and is a new ALI in this amendment. The approved scope for fuel trucks in NJ-44-X003-00 is for the purchase up to 4 fuel trucks, at a cost of $2,000,000 to provide NJ TRANSIT with the ability to fuel emergency generators, locomotives and other equipment in the event of a disruption to the regional fuel supply. The related equipment provides the capability to fuel locomotives, fixed fuel tanks and emergency generators as the various equipment have differing nozzle and filling requirements. NJ TRANSIT recommends that the line item for this activity be modified to provide for the purchase of two fuel trucks with duel fueling (hose sizes) and high-rail capability to allow the vehicles to operate on rail and highways. The estimated cost of the two fuel trucks is $750,000. The fuel trucks will be equipped with the necessary equipment and hoses to fuel diesel locomotives, fixed fuel tanks and emergency generators. NJ TRANSIT has determined that two fuel trucks with the duel fueling capabilities are sufficient to meet the operational requirements of fueling locomotives and other critical assets in the event of a disruption in the availability of fuel. The high-rail capability provides for more efficient access to critical facilities and terminals in the event local access roads are impassable. ------------- 1. SCOPE AND COST NJ TRANSIT is requesting funds in the amount of $2,000,000 to support the purchase of up to four (4) fuel trucks and related expenses. Funding for this standalone resiliency project is provided from Tier 2. Funds will be matched with $200,000 of credit from toll revenue expenditures (Transportation Development Credits). Funding for this line item supports the purchase of fuel trucks, support equipment, and related activities. Costs include design, acquisition, project administration, and any other related costs required to complete the scope such as equipment and supplies. These fuel trucks are intended to be used in cases where a permanent fueling location is rendered inoperable or inaccessible during a storm. If existing fixed fuel facilities in rail yards are inoperable, the fuel trucks can be filled at any commercial station and driven to the site where fuel is needed. The fuel trucks will also assist in pre-storm preparations by accelerating the pre-storm fueling of locomotives that are to be moved to predetermined safe haven locations. These locations have been selected based on the criteria of centralized location, low flood risk, and storage capacity. In addition, the fuel trucks will be able to service equipment at safe haven locations where fuel may be unavailable after a storm. The fuel trucks will be stored at locations not susceptible to flooding with connecting roadway that are also not at risk for flooding. When used, they will serve sites throughout the NJ TRANSIT service area. The project is not a continuation of any previous section 5324 funded scope. The useful life of the trucks is ten (10) years. If NJ TRANSIT disposes of, or discontinues using, an asset acquired with FTA grant funding prior to the end of its useful life, the remaining Federal interest will be returned to the FTA (per Circular 5010.1D). 2. RECOVERY AND RESILIENCY This project is being funded from the local priority resiliency allocation. 3. RESILIENCY ANALYSIS This project is being funded from the local priority resiliency allocation. The applicable FTA templates (Attachment A, Justification Statement (Part B), Attachment C and flood maps) have been completed and submitted to demonstrate that the project meets the ABFE+1 requirement. FTA provided preliminary resiliency approval February 24, 2014. 4. BASIS OF COST ESTIMATE The cost estimate for this line item is based primarily on publicly available historical data, interpreted and adjusted by NJ TRANSIT in-house personnel, who have expertise in the subject matter, to reflect the specific scope of the work and other known factors such as escalation. 5. WORK SEPARATION / SCOPE NJ TRANSIT will purchase the vehicles. 6. PRE-AWARD AUTHORITY For all expenses, including final design and construction, the pre-award authority date is October 27, 2012. Activities to date include project management activities. 7. CONTRACTS / VENDORS INFORMATION The vendor has not been selected as of grant submittal. The vendor will be procured through a federally compliant, competitive process. Vendor information will be provided in Monthly Progress Reports. 8. PRIOR FEDERAL FUNDING This line item has not received any prior Federal funding, 5324, FEMA, or otherwise. 9. COST BREAKDOWNS The overall budget for the projects included in this line item is $2,000,000. Project Admin – In House - $10,000 Project Admin – Services - $15,000 Contingency - $100,000 Purchase Equipment – $1,875,000 Total: $2,000,000 10. SCHEDULED MILESTONES The milestones are listed in the Milestone section in this grant. 11. INSURANCE No insurance revenues have been received or are anticipated for the scope of this line item. 12. COORDINATION AND PERMITS Federal or local permits are not required for this project. No coordination with outside entities is required. 13. COST SHARING The line item is not being implemented in conjunction with any entity that is an FTA recipient or recipient of Federal funding. 14. PROCUREMENT METHODS NJ TRANSIT will comply with all federal procurement statues, regulations, and guidance as prescribed by FTA’s program. Additionally, NJ TRANSIT will comply with all Buy America requirements, as applicable. URBANIZED AREA BREAKDOWN The funds will be drawn from the following urbanized area: MPO-NJTPA NENJ – 340010 – $2,000,000 STIP The project is included in the FY2014-2023 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Transit Administration approved the STIP on November 20, 2013. The STIP ID is T901 - Meadows Maintenance Complex (MMC)/Rail Operating Center (ROC), pageIV-23. NEPA The project is a Class II Categorical Exclusion (CE) pursuant to 23 C.F.R. Section 771.118 (c)(7)-Acquisition, maintenance for vehicles/equipment .

Line Item #

Scope Name / Code

Custom Item Name








Funding Source

Section of Statute

CFDA Number


49 USC 5324 - (MAP 21) Public Transportation Emergency Relief




Non-FTA Amount


Total Eligible Cost


Adjustment Amount


Gross Award Cost


Milestone Name: Closeout Complete ¡§C MMC Fuel

Milestone Description: Closeout Complete ¡§C MMC Fuel


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: NTP Design - MMC Fuel Trucks

Milestone Description: NTP Design - MMC Fuel Trucks


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Design 100 Complete

Milestone Description: Design 100 Complete


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: NTP Primary Contract-MMC Fuel

Milestone Description: NTP Primary Contract-MMC Fuel


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Project Complete -MMC Fuel

Milestone Description: Project Complete -MMC Fuel


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Quarter Ending June 30, 2016 Activities This Quarter: The Contractor delivered both fuel trucks to NJ TRANSIT Facility and trained NJ TRANSIT personnel. NJ TRANSIT tested and accepted both fuel trucks, This project is substantially complete, Milestone 19 was achieved in June, Close-out will commence next quarter. Project is 99% complete.

Budget Activity Line Item: 12.54.03 - REHAB/RENOV POWER DISTRIB SUBSTATION

Line Item Description: Amendment 2 - This amendment increases federal funding for this ALI by $13,000,000 from $10,000,000 to $23,000,000. Funds are transferred from 126-00– 12.64.02 – Rehab Communication Systems - Interoperable Communications (LPR). Funds will continue to support the Gladstone Catenary project. Funds in the amount of $10,000,000 were awarded in NJ-44-X003-00 to support the Gladstone Catenary project. This project involves the replacement of up to 560 wood catenary poles with steel poles mounted on concrete foundations. The project scope remains the same. In NJ-44-X003, funding included FTA funds in the amount of $10,000,000 and TTF in the amount of $15,000,000. The total amount of the project remains at $25,000,000. The funding source has changed. FTA funds in the amount of $23,000,000 support the project. TTF in the amount of $2,000,000 also support the project. The STIP ID for this project is T903 Rail Infrastructure Resiliency. FTA approved STIP modifications for T900 – Rail Rolling Stock Resiliency, T903 – Rail Infrastructure Resiliency, and T906 – System Repairs/Restoration for the Superstorm Sandy projects on June 5, 2015. The modifications reduced funding to STIP DBNUM T900 and increased funding to T903 and T906. Additional STIP administrative modifications were made to DBNUM T901 DBNUM T903 and T906 on July 15, 2015. The STIP modifications are attached in TEAM. ------------------------ 1. SCOPE AND COST NJ TRANSIT is requesting funds in the amount of $10,000,000 to make NJ TRANSIT’s Gladstone Line catenary system more resilient. Funding for this standalone resiliency line item is from Tier 2. Funds will be matched with $1,000,000 of credit from toll revenue expenditures (Transportation Development Credits). Currently, there are 560 wood catenary poles on the Gladstone Line that are susceptible to damage from high winds, snow and ice. This project involves replacement of a portion of the wood poles, those in the worst condition, with steel poles mounted on concrete foundations. Funding for this line item supports the installation of concrete foundations adjacent to existing wood catenary poles, and the purchase and installation of up to 560 steel catenary poles. Costs include design, construction, project administration, construction management, and any other related costs required to complete the scope such as equipment and supplies. The Gladstone Branch runs from Summit to Gladstone Yard, through the municipalities of New Providence, Murray Hill, Berkeley Heights, Gillette, Stirling, Millington, Lyons, Basking Ridge, Bernardsville, Far Hills, Peapack and Gladstone. The useful life for the foundations is twenty-five (25) years. The useful life for the steel poles is twenty-five (25) years. If NJ TRANSIT disposes of, or discontinues using, an asset acquired with FTA grant funding prior to the end of its useful life, the remaining Federal interest will be returned to the FTA (per Circular 5010.1D). Through a federally compliant, competitive RFP, NJ TRANSIT selected Gannet Fleming Transportation Engineers as the vendor for design. The concrete foundation vendor has not been selected nor has the vendor for steel poles. Final installation will be done by in-house forces. Both vendors will be procured through federally compliant IFBs. NJ TRANSIT in-house ET forces will be used for catenary work. 2. RECOVERY AND RESILIENCY This project is being funded from the local priority resiliency allocation. 3. RESILIENCY ANALYSIS This project is being funded from the local priority resiliency allocation. The applicable FTA templates (Attachment A, Justification Statement (Part B), Attachment C and flood maps) have been completed and submitted to demonstrate that the project meets the ABFE+1 requirement. FTA provided preliminary resiliency approval (February 24, 2014). 4. BASIS OF COST ESTIMATE The cost estimate for this line item is based primarily on historical data, interpreted and adjusted by NJ TRANSIT in-house personnel, who have expertise in the subject matter, to reflect the specific scope of the work and other known factors such as escalation. 5. WORK SEPARATION / SCOPE Design and construction will be performed by a third party. The design vendor is Gannet Fleming Transportation Engineers. A construction contractor has not been selected. While this project requires use of NJ TRANIST’s Building and Bridges, Electric Traction, and Communication and Signals in-house forces for completion of rail infrastructure repairs, no in-house construction forces are required in FY14. The project will be included in NJ TRANSIT’s FY15 Force Account Plan. This project requires temporary bus service throughout the duration of construction. 6. PRE-AWARD AUTHORITY For all expenses, including final design and construction, the pre-award authority date is October 27, 2012. Activities to date include project management activities. Activities completed to date include the initiation of concept scoping. 7. CONTRACTS / VENDORS INFORMATION Through a federally compliant, competitive RFP, NJ TRANSIT selected Gannet Fleming Transportation Engineers as the vendor for design services. The concrete foundation vendor has not been selected nor has the vendor for steel poles. Both will be procured through federally compliant IFBs. Final installation will be done by in-house forces. NJ TRANSIT in-house ET forces will be used for catenary work. 8. PRIOR FEDERAL FUNDING This line item has not received any prior Federal funding, 5324, FEMA, or otherwise. 9. COST BREAKDOWNS The overall budget for the project in this item is $25,000,000. Funds in the amount of $10,000,000 are being requested in this application. Design Services - $769,000 Project Admin – In House - $1,092,000 Project Admin – Services - $893,000 Contingency - $1,031,000 Construction – In House - $3,126,000 Construction – Services - $15,000,000 Construction Management - Services - $310,000 Flagging – In House - $1,300,000 Insurance – Services - $7,000 Purchase Transportation Services - $1,472,000 Total: $25,000,000 Funds in the amount of $15,000,000 of Transportation Trust Funds will also support the project. 10. SCHEDULED MILESTONES The milestones are listed in the Milestone section in this grant. 11. INSURANCE No insurance revenues have been received or are anticipated for the scope of this line item. 12. COORDINATION AND PERMITS Federal or local permits are not required for this project. No coordination with outside entities is required. 13. COST SHARING The line item is not being implemented in conjunction with any entity that is an FTA recipient or recipient of Federal funding. 14. PROCUREMENT METHODS NJ TRANSIT will comply with all federal procurement statues, regulations, and guidance as prescribed by FTA’s program. Additionally, NJ TRANSIT will comply with all Buy America requirements, as applicable. URBANIZED AREA BREAKDOWN The funds will be drawn from the following urbanized area: MPO-NJTPA NENJ – 340010 – $10,000,000 STIP The project is included in the FY2014-2023 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Transit Administration approved the STIP on November 20, 2013. The STIP ID T903-Rail Infrastructure Resiliency, page IV-40. NEPA The project is a Class II Categorical Exclusion (CE) pursuant to 23 C.F.R. Section 771.118 (c)(8)-Maintenance, rehab, reconstruction of facilities.

Line Item #

Scope Name / Code

Custom Item Name








Funding Source

Section of Statute

CFDA Number


49 USC 5324 - (MAP 21) Public Transportation Emergency Relief




Non-FTA Amount


Total Eligible Cost


Adjustment Amount


Gross Award Cost


Milestone Name: NTP Design ¡§C Gladstone

Milestone Description: NTP Design ¡§C Gladstone


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: 50% Complete ¡§C Gladstone

Milestone Description: 50% Complete ¡§C Gladstone


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Closeout Complete ¡§C Gladston

Milestone Description: Closeout Complete ¡§C Gladston


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Package to Procurement-Glad-

Milestone Description: Package to Procurement-Glad-


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Environmental Complete -Glad-

Milestone Description: Environmental Complete -Glad-


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Design 100% - Gladstone

Milestone Description: Design 100% - Gladstone


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Advertise Primary Contract

Milestone Description: Advertise Primary Contract


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Board Approval Primary

Milestone Description: Board Approval Primary


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: NTP Primary Contract-Gladstone

Milestone Description: NTP Primary Contract-Gladstone


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Project Complete-Gladstone

Milestone Description: Project Complete-Gladstone


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Quarter Ending June 30, 2016 Activities This Quarter: The Electric Traction material package was advertised and one bid was received and is currently being reviewed by procurement. The GC contractor resumed work in April and started installation of the catenary bracket arms. Bussing has commenced relating to the track outages supporting the contractor's work activities. Signal force account has begun prep work for signal drop locations. Project is 40% complete.

Budget Activity Line Item: 12.64.02 - REHAB COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS

Line Item Description: Amendment 2 - This ALI is being reduced This amendment decreases the ALI by $15,300,000 from $30,000,000 to $14,700,000. Funds in the amount of $13,000,000 will be transferred to 125-00 - 12.54.03 – Gladstone Catenary Project which is a LPR project and was awarded in NJ-44-X003-00. Funds in the amount of $2,300,000 will be transferred to -125-03 - 12.54.01 – Rehab/Renovate Traction Power Equipment – ROC Unit Substation which is also a LPR project and is a new ALI in this amendment Funds in the amount of $30,000,000 were awarded for the Interoperable Communications Upgrade Project in NJ-44-X003-00. The $30,000,000 awarded in NJ-44-X003-00 was to support upgrades to NJ TRANSIT’s interoperable communications. Specifically, the funding was to support a consolidated Interoperable Communications Center for NJ TRANSIT Operations and Service at NJ TRANSIT’s existing Maplewood General Office Building (GOB). The elements include an Emergency Operation Center (EOC) and Bus Control Center. Potential additions include a Rail Control Center (including new connections from Maplewood to existing wayside signal system infrastructure), Light Rail Control Center, Data Center, and Customer Communications. Access Link Control Center, a Policy Suite, upgrades to NJ TRANSIT Headquarters communication/control capabilities and related activities. NJ TRANSIT recommends that $14,700,000 be used to fund the EOC, which is the initial phase of the Interoperable Communications Center. The EOC will be a pre-identified location for designated NJ TRANSIT personnel and, if required, emergency responders from outside agencies to meet and develop strategies for coping with emergencies and major planned events. A major objective of the EOC will be to support Incident Command (IC). The EOC shall be staffed with the personnel necessary to make emergency management policy decisions. NJ TRANSIT has determined that the EOC will be located at its existing GOB. The funds will support design and construction work necessary for completion of the EOC, as well as project administration, construction management, and other project-related work. The potential additions as noted in the grant and the bus control center can be added as later phases if funding becomes available.   ---------------------- 1. SCOPE AND COST NJ TRANSIT is requesting funds in the amount of $30,000,000 to support upgrades to NJ TRANIST`s interoperable communications. Funding for this standalone resiliency line item is from Tier 2. Funds will be matched with $3,000,000 of credit from toll revenue expenditures (Transportation Development Credits). Funding for this line item supports a consolidated Interoperable Communication Center for NJ TRANSIT Operations and Service at NJ TRANSIT’s existing Maplewood General Office Building (GOB). The elements include an Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and Bus Control Center. Potential additions include a Rail Control Center (including new connections from Maplewood to existing wayside signal system infrastructure) , Light Rail Control Center, Data Center, Customer Communications, Access Link Control Center, a Policy Suite, upgrades to NJ TRANSIT Headquarters communication/control capabilities and related activities. The GOB site has been selected for these critical functions as it is an existing NJ TRANSIT facility and is not in a floodplain. The work will include fit-out of spaces in the Maplewood GOB, with electrical and communication systems hardware and software for LAN electronics, security system, CATV/AV, PA system, and OC phone system and backup power. The GOB is located at the intersection of Springfield Avenue and Boyden Avenue in Maplewood, NJ. Costs include design, construction, project administration, construction management, software, hardware, materials, and any other related costs required to complete the scope such as equipment and supplies. Through a federally compliant, competitive RFP process, NJ TRANSIT selected Jacobs Engineering Group as the engineer for this project. The useful life for the hardware is six (6) years and three (3) years for software. The useful life for associated infrastructure is ten (10) years. If NJ TRANSIT disposes of, or discontinues using, an asset acquired with FTA grant funding prior to the end of its useful life, the remaining Federal interest will be returned to the FTA (per Circular 5010.1D). 2. RECOVERY AND RESILIENCY This project is being funded from the local priority resiliency allocation. EMERGENCY RELIEF FUNDING CATEGORY Local Priority Resiliency (Tier 2) 3. RESILIENCY ANALYSIS This project is being funded from the local priority resiliency allocation. The applicable FTA templates (Attachment A, Justification Statement (Part B), Attachment C and flood maps) have been completed and submitted to demonstrate that project meets the ABFE+1 requirement. FTA provided preliminary resiliency approval February 24, 2014. 4. BASIS OF COST ESTIMATE The cost estimate for this line item is based primarily on publically available historical data, interpreted and adjusted by NJ TRANSIT in-house personnel, who have expertise in the subject matter, to reflect the specific scope of the work and other known factors such as escalation. NJ TRANSIT’s police department, specifically the office of emergency management has personnel and consultants that have been involved with the construction of similar facilities. 5. WORK SEPARATION / SCOPE Through a federally compliant, competitive RFP process, NJ TRANSIT selected Jacobs Engineering Group as the engineer for this project. The construction vendor has not been selected as of grant submittal. While this project requires use of NJ TRANIST’s in-house Signals & Communications forces for completion of rail infrastructure repairs, no in-house construction forces are required in FY14. The project will be included in NJ TRANSIT’s FY15 Force Account Plan. 6. PRE-AWARD AUTHORITY For all expenses, including final design and construction, the pre-award authority date is October 27, 2012. Activities to date include project management activities. 7. CONTRACTS / VENDORS INFORMATION Through a federally compliant, competitive RFP process, NJ TRANSIT selected Jacobs Engineering Group as the engineer for this project. The construction vendor has not been selected as of grant submittal. Vendor information will be provided in Monthly Progress Reports. 8. PRIOR FEDERAL FUNDING This line item has not received any prior Federal funding, 5324, FEMA, or otherwise. 9. COST BREAKDOWNS The overall budget for the projects included in this line item is $30,050,000. Funds in the amount of $30,000,000 are being requested in this application. Design Services - $2,104,000 Project Admin – In House - $2,104,000 Project Admin – Services - $1,604,000 Contingency – 3,003,000 Construction – In House - $4,434,000 Construction – Services - $16,000,000 Construction Management - Services - $500,000 Flagging – In House - $301,000 Total: $30,050,000 Funds in the amount of $50,000 of Transportation Trust Funds will also support the project. 10. SCHEDULED MILESTONES The milestones are listed in the Milestone section in this grant. 11. INSURANCE No insurance revenues have been received or are anticipated for the scope of this line item. 12. COORDINATION AND PERMITS Department of Community Affairs permits will be required. 13. COST SHARING The line item is not being implemented in conjunction with any entity that is an FTA recipient or recipient of Federal funding. 14. PROCUREMENT METHODS NJ TRANSIT will comply with all federal procurement statues, regulations, and guidance as prescribed by FTA’s program. Additionally, NJ TRANSIT will comply with all Buy America requirements, as applicable. URBANIZED AREA BREAKDOWN The funds will be drawn from the following urbanized area: MPO-NJTPA NENJ – 340010 – $30,000,000 STIP The project is included in the FY2014-2023 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Transit Administration approved the STIP on November 20, 2013. The STIP ID T905-Interopational Communications Resiliency, page IV-15. NEPA The project is a Class II Categorical Exclusion (CE) pursuant to 23 C.F.R. Section 771.118 (c) (5) Action promoting safety, security, accessibility.

Line Item #

Scope Name / Code

Custom Item Name








Funding Source

Section of Statute

CFDA Number


49 USC 5324 - (MAP 21) Public Transportation Emergency Relief




Non-FTA Amount


Total Eligible Cost


Adjustment Amount


Gross Award Cost


Milestone Name: Project Complete ¡§CInter-

Milestone Description: Project Complete ¡§CInter-


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Quarter Ending June 30, 2016 First phase demolition work was completed. First phase construction of walls, mechanical work, electrical work, and installation of the raised access flooring continued. NTP for Construction Assistance was issued to Jacobs Engineering. Project is 30 %complete.

Milestone Name: Closeout Complete ¡§C Inter-

Milestone Description: Closeout Complete ¡§C Inter-


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: NTP Design - Interoperable

Milestone Description: NTP Design - Interoperable


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Design 100% -Interoperable

Milestone Description: Design 100% -Interoperable


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: NTP Primary Contract-Inter-

Milestone Description: NTP Primary Contract-Inter-


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Budget Activity Line Item: 12.34.03 - TERMINAL, INTERMODAL (TRANSIT)

Line Item Description: Amendment 1 - This is a new ALI 1. SCOPE AND COST NJ TRANSIT is requesting funds in the amount of $4,639,000 for the Hoboken Boiler project to repair/replace assets damaged by Superstorm Sandy. This line item funds expenses that were not eligible under categories 1, 2, and 3 and not covered by insurance. The resiliency component is fundamentally associated with or a part of a recovery project. Funding for this line item is from Tier 1. The total cost of the project is $4,639,000. The total funding provided in this line item is $4,639,000. Funding for this line item supports design and construction related to repairs to the centralized Hoboken Boiler System which provides heat and hot water throughout the Hoboken Terminal Building. The repairs include a replacement heating system using smaller boilers installed on upper floors at an elevation above the flood risk. The current design anticipates three separate boilers. The work includes the new boiler equipment; the associated utility work including new gas and power systems to each boiler unit; a new supply, distribution and return system, including equipment, controls and piping; building modifications to the Terminal Building to accommodate the new installations; and removal of the existing boiler and equipment. Costs include design, project administration, construction, the purchase of necessary equipment and materials, and any other related costs required to complete the scope. The Hoboken Rail Terminal is located at the Hudson River at the eastern face of the Hoboken Yard and the southeastern corner of the city of Hoboken. A third party contractor will be used. Through a federally compliant RFP process, NJ TRANSIT selected STV as the design contractor. A construction contractor has not been selected. No other major contractors are required. No contracts or in house work for this project were included in Sandy Grant 1, NJ-44-X001. The useful life for the project is 10 years. If NJ TRANSIT disposes of, or discontinues using, an asset acquired with FTA grant funding prior to the end of its useful life, the remaining Federal interest will be returned to the FTA (per Circular 5010.1D). 2 RECOVERY AND RESILIENCY The total cost of this project is $4,639,000. (Tier 1-Damage - $1,932,967/Tier 1 - Related Resiliency - $2,706,033). Funds in the amount of $4,639,000 are requested in this application. The resiliency component is fundamentally associated with or a part of a recovery project. The resiliency component of this restoration project includes the replacement of the existing steam boiler system (currently below flood elevation) with multiple hot water boilers located above the flood zone. EMERGENCY RELIEF FUNDING CATEGORY Pro-Rated Recovery (Tier 1) 3. RESILIENCY ANALYSIS This line item is not being funded from the local priority resiliency allocation. The major project components namely boilers and controls are located above ABFE+1. Parts of the heating distribution piping and devices (radiators) are necessarily located on the ground floor of the Terminal and are necessarily below ABFE+1. 4. BASIS OF COST ESTIMATE The cost estimate for this line item is based primarily on 30% design. 5. WORK SEPARATION / SCOPE Design, construction, and construction management will be performed by third party contractors. STV was selected as the contractor for design services . The construction contractor and construction management services have not been selected as of grant submittal. In-house construction forces are not required for this project. 6. PRE-AWARD AUTHORITY Pre-award authority was exercised on February 3, 2013. Activities to date include Project Management and design activities. 7. CONTRACTS / VENDORS INFORMATION NJ TRANSIT selected STV as the design contractor. The 30% design package has been submitted and is under review. The construction contractor and construction manager contractor have not been selected. No other major contractors are required for this project. Vendor information will be provided in Monthly Progress Reports. 8. PRIOR FEDERAL FUNDING Hoboken yard received funding from NJ-44-X001. This line items represents work beyond that is the previous grants and is not a duplication of effort. There was no work under Grant 1 related to repair of the existing Hoboken Boiler system damaged by Superstorm Sandy. A substitute temporary heating plant has been leased under Grant 1 and is in use. 9. COST BREAKDOWNS The overall budget for the projects included in this line item $4,639,000. The following category of expenses is specifically related to this ALI. These expenses do not duplicate expenses in A.L.I. 12.79.00 and are tracked separately. Environmental Services - $15,000 Design - Services - $730,000 Project Administration - In House - $310,000 Project Administration - Services - $330,000 Oversight - Services - $64,000 Contingency - $880,000 Construction - Services - $1,995,000 Construction Management - Services - $215,000 Flagging - In House - $100,000 Total: $4,639,000 10. SCHEDULED MILESTONES The milestones are listed in the Milestone section of this grant. 11. INSURANCE No insurance revenues have been received for the scope of this line item. 12. COORDINATION AND PERMITS Federal or local permits are not required for this project. DCA permits are required. NJ TRANSIT has not applied for the permits at the time of grant submittal. Permits will be applied for at the 90-100% document stage and expected duration is represented in the project schedule. 13. COST SHARING The total cost of the project is $4,639,000. The total funding provided in this line item is $4,639,000 which accounts for $463,900 of credit from toll revenue expenditures (Transportation Development Credits)(90/10%). The line item is not being implemented in conjunction with any entity that is an FTA recipient or recipient of Federal funding. 14. PROCUREMENT METHODS NJ TRANSIT will comply with all federal procurement statues, regulations, and guidance as prescribed by FTA’s program. Additionally, NJ TRANSIT will comply with all Buy America requirements. URBANIZED AREA BREAKDOWN The funds will be drawn from the following urbanized area: MPO-NJTPA NENJ – 340010 – $4,639,000 STIP The project is included in the FY2014-2023 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Transit Administration approved the STIP on November 20, 2013. FTA approved STIP modifications on February 12, 2014 for the Superstorm Sandy projects. The STIP modifications are attached in TEAM. The STIP ID is T906-NJ TRANSIT System Repairs/Restoration ($1,932,967) and T902 – Rail Station Resiliency ($2,706,033). NEPA The project is a Class II Categorical Exclusion pursuant to 23 C.F.R Section 771.118 (c)(8) Maintenance, rehabilitation, reconstruction of facilities. A Section 106 review was completed by the SHPO and there was a “No Adverse Effect” determination for this line item.

Line Item #

Scope Name / Code

Custom Item Name








Funding Source

Section of Statute

CFDA Number


49 USC 5324 - (MAP 21) Public Transportation Emergency Relief




Non-FTA Amount


Total Eligible Cost


Adjustment Amount


Gross Award Cost


Milestone Name: NTP-Env.Service-NEPA

Milestone Description: NTP-Env.Service-NEPA


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Board Approval Design Contract

Milestone Description: Board Approval Design Contract


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Concept Planning Complete

Milestone Description: Concept Planning Complete


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: NTP Design (Completed) -Hobo

Milestone Description: NTP Design (Completed) -Hobo


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Comp.Env-Service

Milestone Description: Comp.Env-Service


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Design 100% Complete-Hobo

Milestone Description: Design 100% Complete-Hobo


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: NTP Primary-Contract-Hobo

Milestone Description: NTP Primary-Contract-Hobo


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: 50% Complete - Hobo

Milestone Description: 50% Complete - Hobo


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Project Complete - Hobo

Milestone Description: Project Complete - Hobo


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Quarter Ending June 30, 2016 Activities This Quarter: The DCA review of the structural components of the project remained in progress. The Engineer continued to prepare its response to the latest round of comments from the DCA. The review by the OSC was completed. NJT Procurement completed its processing of the IFB and the project was advertised. The Engineer's proposal to provide CM services was being reviewed. Proposal to provide CM services by TOC consultants were submitted and being reviewed. A pre-bid meeting and site survey took place on June 22, 2016. Bidder's questions were submitted and answers were being prepared by the Engineer and NJT. The amendment (NJ-44-X003-3) was approved by FTA. Project is 0 % complete.

Milestone Name: Closeout Complete - Hobo

Milestone Description: Closeout Complete - Hobo


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Budget Activity Line Item: 12.24.03 - REHAB/RENOV LINE EQUIP/STRUCTURES

Line Item Description: Amendment 1 - This is a new ALI 1. SCOPE AND COST NJ TRANSIT is requesting funds in the amount of $43,578,600 (Tier 1-Damage - $41,958,600/Tier 1 - Related Resiliency - $1,620,000) for Hudson Bergen Light (HBLR) project to repair/replace assets damaged during Superstorm Sandy. This line item funds expenses that were not eligible under categories 1, 2, and 3 and not covered by insurance. The resiliency elements are closely associated with, and located in the footprint of a recovery project. Funding for this line item is from Tier 1. The total cost the project is $43,578,600. The total funding provided in this line item is $43,578,600. The elements of the project funded in this line item include the HBLR Vehicle Base Facility project, HBLR Signals and Communication project, and HBLR Traction Power/Station Distribution Power Repairs project. A third party contractor will be used. Through a federally compliant procurement, NJ TRANSIT selected Twenty First Century Rail Corporation as the Design Build Operate and Maintain (DBOM) contractor. Construction Management services are required. A contractor for construction management services has not been selected as of grant submittal. HBLR Vehicle Base Facility Funding for this line item supports design and construction related to the replacement of damaged yard switch machines, auxiliary power repairs, and switch heater repairs at the HBLR Vehicle Base Facility (VBF). Also included are the purchase of a new Wheel Truing Machine and installation at the VBF, and the purchase of off-site wheel truing services, due to the damage of the existing Wheel Truing Machine. Costs include design, project administration, construction, the purchase of necessary equipment and materials, and any other related costs required to complete the scope. The Hudson Bergen Light Rail Vehicle Maintenance Facility is located adjacent to Caven Point Avenue in Jersey City, New Jersey. No contracts or in house work for this project were included in Sandy Grant 1, NJ-44-X001. The useful life for the HBLR Vehicle Base Facility project is 25 years. HBLR Signals and Communication Project Funding for this line item supports design and construction related to replacement of mainline switches, impedance bond boxes, repairs at grade crossings, replacement of communication components, installation of Mill Creek CIH, and testing of Signal Cable throughout the Sandy affected area and pending the results, a limited number of Signal Cables will be repaired as part of this project. Costs include design, project administration, construction, the purchase of necessary equipment and materials, and any other related costs required to complete the scope. This line item supports work located primarily along the Riverline South Branch of the HBLR. Although no in-house work was included in Grant 1, some contracts were in Grant 1, NJ-44-X001. Details are listed in application. This line item represents work beyond that in the previous grant and is not a duplication of effort. The Work in Grant 1 consisted mainly of minimal/temporary repairs necessary to render operational those systems that had been damaged by Superstorm Sandy, by repairing or replacing components in-place and in-kind. Grant 1 work also included the purchase (fabrication and delivery) of the Mill Creek CIH, the installation of which is included in this project together with other work to make permanent repairs and replacements of damaged components which remain in place. The useful life for the HBLR Signals and Communication project is 20 years. HBLR Traction Power/Station Distribution Power Repairs Project Funding for this line item supports design and construction related to partial replacement of Auxiliary Power Cable including associated testing; Station Power Distribution, including feeders and transformers, Traction Power Cable replacement for emergency repairs and Traction Power Cable testing system wide and, pending results, a limited number of Traction Power Cables will be repaired as part of this project. Costs include design, project administration, construction, the purchase of necessary equipment and materials, and any other related costs required to complete the scope. This line item supports work located primarily along the Riverline South Branch of the HBLR. No contracts or in house work for this project were included in Sandy Grant 1, NJ-44-X001. The useful life for the HBLR Traction Power/Station Distribution Power Repairs is 25 years. If NJ TRANSIT disposes of, or discontinues using, an asset acquired with FTA grant funding prior to the end of its useful life, the remaining Federal interest will be returned to the FTA (per Circular 5010.1D). 2. RECOVERY AND RESILIENCY The total cost of the project is $43,578,600. Funds in the amount of $43,578,600 are requested in the application (Tier 1-Damage - $41,958,600/Tier 1 - Related Resiliency - $1,620,000). The resiliency elements are closely associated with, and located in the footprint of a recovery project. The methodology for the cost split between recovery and resiliency is based on a detailed cost estimate. The resiliency elements of the HBLR Vehicle Base Facility include switch machine controls elevated above Design Flood Elevation and storage for critical parts. The resiliency elements of the HBLR Signals and Communication consist of raising the Mill Creek Interlocking Central Instrument house (CIH). EMERGENCY RELIEF FUNDING CATEGORY Pro-Rated Recovery (Tier 1) 3. RESILIENCY ANALYSIS This line item is not being funded from the local priority resiliency allocation. Wherever feasible, elements are located at or above ABFE+1. For elements that cannot be raised (such as those necessarily at or below track level) materials and components will be selected during design to be inherently resistant to, or otherwise protected against, damage by flooding, to the greatest extent possible in each case. 4. BASIS OF COST ESTIMATE The cost estimate for this line item is based primarily on detailed cost estimate and contractor proposals. 5. WORK SEPARATION / SCOPE Design and construction will be performed by Twenty-First Century Rail Corp. 6. PRE-AWARD AUTHORITY Pre-award authority was exercised on February 3, 2013. Activities to date include Project Management and design activities. 7. CONTRACTS / VENDORS INFORMATION Through a federally compliant procurement, NJ TRANSIT selected Twenty First Century Rail Corporation as the Design Build Operate and Maintain (DBOM) contractor. The design is 90% complete. Work under this line item will be assigned via a change order to the DBOM contract. Construction Management services are required. A contractor has not been selected. Vendor information will be provided in Monthly Progress Reports. 8. PRIOR FEDERAL FUNDING HBLR received funding from NJ-44-X001 and NJ-44-X003. This line item represents work beyond that in the previous grant and is not a duplication of effort. 9. COST BREAKDOWNS The overall budget for HBLR Vehicle Base Facility is $8,579,000.The following category of expenses is specifically related to this ALI. These expenses do not duplicate expenses in A.L.I. 12.79.00 and are tracked separately. Environmental Services - $10,000 Design - Services - $400,000 Project Administration - In House-$340,000 Project Administration – Services- $500,000 Oversight - Services-$225,000 Contingency-$704,000 Construction – Services- $5,500,000 Construction Management – Services-$900,000 Total: $8,579,000 The overall budget for HBLR Signals and Communications is $9,815,600. The following category of expenses is specifically related to this ALI. These expenses do not duplicate expenses in A.L.I. 12.79.00 and are tracked separately. Environmental Services -$15,600 Design – Services -$574,000 Project Administration - In House -$480,000 Project Administration -$700,000 Oversight – Services- $257,000 Contingency - $2,886,000 Construction - Services -$4,253,000 Construction Management - Services -$650,000 Total: $9,815,600 The overall budget for HBLR Traction Power/Station Dist. Power is $25,184,000. The following category of expenses is specifically related to this ALI. These expenses do not duplicate expenses in A.L.I. 12.79.00 and are tracked separately. Environmental Services -$20,000 Design - Services - $792,000 Project Administration - In House- $480,000 Project Administration – Services-$775,000 Oversight – Services -$700,000 Contingency - $4,881,000 Construction - Services - $15,536,000 Construction Mgmt. – Services- $2,000,000 Total: $25,184,000 10. SCHEDULED MILESTONES The milestones are listed in the Milestone section of this grant. 11. INSURANCE No insurance revenues have been received for the scope of this line item. 12. COORDINATION AND PERMITS Federal or local permits are not required for this project. No coordination with outside entities is required. 13. COST SHARING The total cost of the project is $43,578,600. The total funding provided in this line item is $43,578,600 which accounts for with $4,357,860 of credit from toll revenue expenditures (Transportation Development Credits)(90/10%). The line item is not being implemented in conjunction with any entity that is an FTA recipient or recipient of Federal funding 14. PROCUREMENT METHODS NJ TRANSIT will comply with all federal procurement statues, regulations, and guidance as prescribed by FTA’s program. Additionally, NJ TRANSIT will comply with all Buy America requirements. URBANIZED AREA BREAKDOWN The funds will be drawn from the following urbanized area: MPO-NJTPA NENJ – 340010 - $43,578,600 STIP The project is included in the FY2014-2023 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Transit Administration approved the STIP on November 20, 2013. FTA approved STIP modifications on February 12, 2014 for the Superstorm Sandy projects. The STIP modifications are attached in TEAM. The STIP ID is T906-NJ TRANSIT System Repairs/Restoration ($41,958,600), and T904-Light Rail Resiliency ($1,620,000). NEPA The combined NEPA determination for this line item is a Class II Categorical Exclusion pursuant to 23 C.F.R Section 771.118 (c)(8) – Maintenance, rehabilitation, reconstruction of facilities. A Section 106 review was completed by the SHPO and there was a “No Adverse Effect” determination for this line item.

Line Item #

Scope Name / Code

Custom Item Name








Funding Source

Section of Statute

CFDA Number


49 USC 5324 - (MAP 21) Public Transportation Emergency Relief




Non-FTA Amount


Total Eligible Cost


Adjustment Amount


Gross Award Cost


Milestone Name: NTP-Env.Service-NEPA

Milestone Description: NTP-Env.Service-NEPA


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: NTP-Env.Service-NEPA

Milestone Description: NTP-Env.Service-NEPA


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: NTP-Env.Service-NEPA

Milestone Description: NTP-Env.Service-NEPA


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: NTP Design-HBLR-Trac Pwr

Milestone Description: NTP Design-HBLR-Trac Pwr


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: NTP Design-HBLR-VBF

Milestone Description: NTP Design-HBLR-VBF


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: NTP Design - HBLR-S&C

Milestone Description: NTP Design - HBLR-S&C


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Comp.Env-Service-NEPA

Milestone Description: Comp.Env-Service-NEPA


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Comp.Env-Service-NEPA

Milestone Description: Comp.Env-Service-NEPA


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Comp.Env-Service-NEPA

Milestone Description: Comp.Env-Service-NEPA


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: NTP Primary Cont-HBLR-VBF

Milestone Description: NTP Primary Cont-HBLR-VBF


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: NTP Primary Contract-HBLR-S&C

Milestone Description: NTP Primary Contract-HBLR-S&C


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Design 100% Com-HBLR-Trac Pwr

Milestone Description: Design 100% Com-HBLR-Trac Pwr


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Design 100% Com-HBLR-VBF

Milestone Description: Design 100% Com-HBLR-VBF


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Design 100% Complet-HBLR-S&C

Milestone Description: Design 100% Complet-HBLR-S&C


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: NTP Primary Cont-HBLR-Trac Pwr

Milestone Description: NTP Primary Cont-HBLR-Trac Pwr


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: 50% Complete-HBLR-VBF

Milestone Description: 50% Complete-HBLR-VBF


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: 50% Complete-HBLR--Trac Pwr

Milestone Description: 50% Complete-HBLR--Trac Pwr


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: 50% Complete-HBLR-S&C

Milestone Description: 50% Complete-HBLR-S&C


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Project Complete-HBLR--Trac Pw

Milestone Description: Project Complete-HBLR--Trac Pw


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Quarter Ending June 30, 2016 Activities This Quarter: NPC15B (748E) -Traction Power and Signal Cable Testing Program -Field testing: NTP was issued to TFCRC on June 3rd. NPC15B (748E)-Traction Power and Signal Cable Testing Program-Lab testing: NJT received TFCRC's proposal and commenced review. NPC18A (748G)-Aux Power Cable Replacement Demonstration Program: Cable procurement, which was on-going, continued. Project is 10% complete.

Milestone Name: Project Complete-HBLR-VBF

Milestone Description: Project Complete-HBLR-VBF


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Quarter Ending June 30, 2016 NPC18C (7521) Auxiliary power cable repairs TFCRC commenced procurement of cable Project is 90% complete.

Milestone Name: Closeout Complete-HBLR-VBF

Milestone Description: Closeout Complete-HBLR-VBF


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Quarter Ending June 30, 2016 NPC18C (7521) Auxiliary Power Cable Repairs TFCRC commenced procurement of cable. Project is 90% complete

Milestone Name: Closeout Complete-HBLR-Trac Pw

Milestone Description: Closeout Complete-HBLR-Trac Pw


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Quarter Ending June 30, 2016 Activities This Quarter: NPC15B (748E) -Traction Power and Signal Cable Testing Program -Field testing: NTP was issued to TFCRC on June 3rd. NPC15B (748E)-Traction Power and Signal Cable Testing Program-Lab testing: NJT received TFCRC's proposal and commenced review. NPC18A (748G)-Aux Power Cable Replacement Demonstration Program: Cable procurement, which was on-going, continued. Project is 10% complete.

Milestone Name: Project Complete-HBLR-S&C

Milestone Description: Project Complete-HBLR-S&C


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Quarter Ending June 30, 2016 Activities This Quarter: NPC13 (751C)-Signal Cables for Emergency Repairs: Cable was received in March. NPC14 (7510) -Impedance Bonds: All materials have been received and construction is on-going NPC21A (751E)-Traffic Signal and Light Rail Interface-Trackside: TFCRC started procuring the materials for the trackside grade crossings. NPC21B (751E) -Traffic Signal and Light Rail Interface -Street crossings: NJT received and started review of the TFCRC proposal for engineering of street crossings/camera system. NPC10A (751F) -Mill Creek Interlocking Signal CIH: Previous environmental issues were resolved and work resumed. There was no delay to project schedule. NPC15B (751H)-Traction Power and Signal Cable Testing Program-Field testing: NTP was issued to TFCRC on June 3rd. NPC158 (751H)-Traction Power and Signal Cable Testing Program -lab testing: NJT received TFCRC's proposal and commenced review. Project is 40% complete.

Milestone Name: Closeout Complete-HBLR--S&C

Milestone Description: Closeout Complete-HBLR--S&C


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Budget Activity Line Item: 12.64.02 - REHAB COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS

Line Item Description: Amendment 1 - This is a new ALI 1. SCOPE AND COST NJ TRANSIT is requesting funds in the amount of $10,285,000 for the M&E Signals: Meadows Interlocking Repair project to repair/replace assets damaged during Superstorm Sandy. This line item funds expenses that were not eligible under categories 1, 2, and 3 and are not funded by insurance. The resiliency portion of this line item is specifically tied to a recovery project and fundamentally integrated into the design of a recovery project. The total cost the project is $10,285,000. The total funding provided in this line item is $10,285,000. Funding for this line item supports the design and installation of new signal devices, cabling, and associated systems on the Morris & Essex Lines at Meadows Interlocking. The Central Instrument Location (CIL) at Meadows Interlocking will be raised to provide greater resiliency from future storms. In addition, wiring, cables and other components that cannot be raised above the design flood elevation will be made more resilient with the use of waterproof components, connections and cabling. Costs include design, project administration, construction, the purchase of necessary equipment and materials, and any other related costs required to complete the scope. The project is located in Kearny, NJ. A third party contractor will not be used. No contracts in house work were included in Sandy Grant 1, NJ-44-X001or NJ-44-X003. The useful life for the project is 25 years. If NJ TRANSIT disposes of, or discontinues using, an asset acquired with FTA grant funding prior to the end of its useful life, the remaining Federal interest will be returned to the FTA (per Circular 5010.1D). 2. RECOVERY AND RESILIENCY The total cost of this project $10,285,000. Funds in the amount of $10,285,000 are requested in this application (Tier 1-Damage - $7,235,000/Tier 1 - Related Resiliency - $3,050,000). The methodology for the cost split between recovery and resiliency is based on an estimate of the resiliency component. The resiliency components are fundamentally associated with or a part of a recovery project. The resiliency components for this restoration project include raising components at a higher elevation and using inherently more resilient components. EMERGENCY RELIEF FUNDING CATEGORY Pro-Rated Recovery (Tier 1) 3. RESILIENCY ANALYSIS This line item is not being funded from the local priority resiliency allocation. Wherever feasible, elements are located at or above ABFE+1. For elements that cannot be raised (such as those necessarily at or below track level) materials and components will be selected during design to be inherently resistant to, or otherwise protected against, damage by flooding, to the greatest extent possible in each case. 4. BASIS OF COST ESTIMATE The cost estimate for this line item is based primarily on historical data, interpreted and adjusted by NJ TRANSIT in-house personnel who have expertise in the subject matter, to reflect the specific scope of the work and other known factors including escalation. 5. WORK SEPARATION / SCOPE There is no third party work for this line item. This line item requires NJ TRANSIT non-rail in-house forces for design. The project is included in NJ TRANSIT`s FY15 Force Account plan on page 221. While this project requires use of NJ TRANIST’s Signals & Communications and Electric Traction in-house forces, there are no in-house forces required in FY15. The project will be included in NJ TRANSIT’s FY16 Force Account Plan. 6. PRE-AWARD AUTHORITY Pre-award authority was exercised on February 3, 2013. Activities to date include Project Management and design activities. 7. CONTRACTS / VENDORS INFORMATION Third party contractors are not required for this line item. Vendor information will be provided in Monthly Progress Reports. 8. PRIOR FEDERAL FUNDING This line item has not received any prior Federal funding, 5324, FEMA, or otherwise.   9. COST BREAKDOWNS The overall budget for the projects included in this line item is $10,285,000.The following category of expenses is specifically related to this ALI. These expenses do not duplicate expenses in A.L.I. 12.79.00 and are tracked separately. Environmental Services - $15,000 Design - In House - $900,000 Project Administration - In House - $260,000 Project Administration – Services - $290,000 Oversight - Services - $240,000 Contingency - $970,000 Construction - In House - $4,710,000 Construction - Services - $100,000 Construction Mgmt. – Services - $200,000 Flagging - In House - $200,000 Purchase Equipment - $1,400,000 Purchase - Materials $1,000,000 Total: $10,285,000 10. SCHEDULED MILESTONES The milestones are listed in the Milestone section of this grant. 11. INSURANCE No insurance revenues have been received for the scope of this line item. 12. COORDINATION AND PERMITS Federal or local permits are not required for this project. No coordination with outside entities is required. 13. COST SHARING The total cost the project is $10,285,000. The total funding provided in this line item is $10,285,000 which accounts for $1,028,500 of credit from toll revenue expenditures (Transportation Development Credits)(90/10%). The line item is not being implemented in conjunction with any entity that is an FTA recipient or recipient of Federal funding. 14. PROCUREMENT METHODS NJ TRANSIT will comply with all federal procurement statues, regulations, and guidance as prescribed by FTA’s program. Additionally, NJ TRANSIT will comply with all Buy America requirements. URBANIZED AREA BREAKDOWN The funds will be drawn from the following urbanized area: MPO-NJTPA - $10,285,000 NENJ – 340010 – $10,285,000 STIP The project is included in the FY2014-2023 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Transit Administration approved the STIP on November 20, 2013. FTA approved STIP modifications on February 12, 2014 for the Superstorm Sandy projects. The STIP modifications are attached in TEAM. The STIP ID is T906-NJ TRANSIT System Repairs/Restoration ($7,235,000), and T903- Rail Infrastructure Resiliency ($3,050,000). NEPA The project is a Class II Categorical Exclusion pursuant to 23 C.F.R Section 771.118 (c)(1) – Utility and similar appurtenance action. A Section 106 review was completed by the SHPO and there was a “No Adverse Effect” determination for this line item.

Line Item #

Scope Name / Code

Custom Item Name








Funding Source

Section of Statute

CFDA Number


49 USC 5324 - (MAP 21) Public Transportation Emergency Relief




Non-FTA Amount


Total Eligible Cost


Adjustment Amount


Gross Award Cost


Milestone Name: NTP-Env.Service-NEPA

Milestone Description: NTP-Env.Service-NEPA


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: NTP-Concept Design-Lower

Milestone Description: NTP-Concept Design-Lower


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Comp.Env-Service-NEPA

Milestone Description: Comp.Env-Service-NEPA


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Concept Planning Complete

Milestone Description: Concept Planning Complete


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: NTP Design-Lower Hack

Milestone Description: NTP Design-Lower Hack


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Design 100%-Lower Hack

Milestone Description: Design 100%-Lower Hack


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




The design 100% complete was moved out three months due to the Amtrak incident, the civil speed enforcement and the PTC requirements.

Milestone Name: NTP Primary Contract-Lower Hac

Milestone Description: NTP Primary Contract-Lower Hac


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: 50% Complete-Lower Hack

Milestone Description: 50% Complete-Lower Hack


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Project Complete-Lower Hack

Milestone Description: Project Complete-Lower Hack


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Quarter Ending June 30, 2016 The design continued and competitive and sole-source procurements continued to advance. Project is 0 %complete.

Milestone Name: Closeout Complete-Lower Hack

Milestone Description: Closeout Complete-Lower Hack


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Budget Activity Line Item: 12.24.03 - REHAB/RENOV LINE EQUIP/STRUCTURES

Line Item Description: 1. SCOPE AND COST NJ TRANSIT is requesting funds in the amount of $1,326,252 for the Hudson-Bergen Light Rail (HBLR) restoration. This line item funds the repair/replacement of track components damaged by Superstorm Sandy and related activities. This line item funds expenses that were not eligible under categories 1, 2, and 3 and not funded by insurance. Funding for this line item is from Tier I. Funds will be matched with $132,625 of credit from toll revenue expenditures (Transportation Development Credits). Funding for this line item supports the repair/replacement of damaged track components such as rail resurfacing, rail lubricators, rail heaters, drainage swales; inlets, culverts and ballast washout from tracks on the HBLR due to Super Storm Sandy, and related activities. Costs include design, construction, project administration, construction management, and any other related costs required to complete the scope such as equipment and supplies. The location of the damage along the HBLR primarily occurred at the Caven Point Vehicle Storage Yard, extensively along the River Line Branch, and at the Richard St. Station –Traction Power Station Substation (TPSS) along the Bayonne Branch. NJ TRANSIT anticipates all work will be performed by Twenty-First Century Rail Corp. Similar work has already been performed under Sandy Grant 1, NJ-44-X001. Details are listed in application. This line item represents work beyond that in the previous grant and is not a duplication of effort. The useful life of equipment being repaired is: Rail Lubricators: ten (10) years Rail Heaters: ten (10) years Rail Switches: ten (10) years If NJ TRANSIT disposes of, or discontinues using, an asset acquired with FTA grant funding prior to the end of its useful life, the remaining Federal interest will be returned to the FTA (per Circular 5010.1D). 2. RECOVERY AND RESILIENCY Only recovery funds are being requested for this line item. If the line item is expanded in the grant amendment and is primarily recovery with integrated resiliency, NJ TRANSIT will identify the same in the extended budget description and include an appropriate non-add scope to reflect the resiliency activities and associated cost. The methodology for the cost split between recovery and resiliency will be included. The FTA templates Attachment A and C and flood maps have been completed to demonstrate that the project meets the ABFE+1 requirement. 3. RESILIENCY ANALYSIS This line item is not being funded from the local priority resiliency allocation. 4. BASIS OF COST ESTIMATE The cost estimate for this line item is based primarily on historical data, interpreted and adjusted by NJ TRANSIT in-house personnel, who have expertise in the subject matter, to reflect the specific scope of the work and other known factors such as escalation. 5. WORK SEPARATION / SCOPE NJ TRANSIT anticipates design and construction will be performed by Twenty-First Century Rail Corp. 6. PRE-AWARD AUTHORITY For all expenses, including final design and construction, the pre-award authority date is October 27, 2012. Activities to date include project management activities. 7. CONTRACTS / VENDORS INFORMATION Through a federally compliant, competitive RFP process, NJ TRANSIT selected Twenty-First Century Rail Corp, the Design, Build, Operate, Maintain (DBOM) contractor. Work under this line item will be assigned via a change order to the DBOM contract. 8. PRIOR FEDERAL FUNDING HBLR received funding in NJ-44-X001 but this line item represents work beyond that in the previous grant and is not a duplication of effort. 9. COST BREAKDOWNS The overall budget for the projects included in this line item is $1,326,252. Design Services - $90,000 Project Admin – In House - $40,252 Project Admin – Services - $70,000 Contingency - $100,000 Construction – Services - $896,000 Construction Management – Services - $70,000 Flagging – In House - $60,000 Total: $1,326,252 10. SCHEDULED MILESTONES The milestones are listed in the Milestone section in this grant. 11. INSURANCE No insurance revenues have been received or are anticipated for the scope of this line item. 12. COORDINATION AND PERMITS Federal or local permits are not required for this project. No coordination with outside entities is required. 13. COST SHARING The line item is not being implemented in conjunction with any entity that is an FTA recipient or recipient of Federal funding. 14. PROCUREMENT METHODS NJ TRANSIT will comply with all federal procurement statues, regulations, and guidance as prescribed by FTA’s program. Additionally, NJ TRANSIT will comply with all Buy America requirements, as applicable. URBANIZED AREA BREAKDOWN The funds will be drawn from the following urbanized area: MPO-NJTPA NENJ – 340010 – $1,326,252 STIP The project is included in the FY2014-2023 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Transit Administration approved the STIP on November 20, 2013. The STIP ID is T906-NJ TRANSIT System Repairs/Restoration, page IV-31. NEPA The project is a Class II Categorical Exclusion pursuant to 23 C.F.R Section 771.118 (c)(8) – Maintenance, rehabilitation, reconstruction of facilities.

Line Item #

Scope Name / Code

Custom Item Name








Funding Source

Section of Statute

CFDA Number


49 USC 5324 - (MAP 21) Public Transportation Emergency Relief




Non-FTA Amount


Total Eligible Cost


Adjustment Amount


Gross Award Cost


Milestone Name: NTP Design ¡§C HBLR Track/ROW

Milestone Description: NTP Design ¡§C HBLR Track/ROW


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Proj Complete¡§CHBLR-Track/ROW

Milestone Description: Proj Complete¡§CHBLR-Track/ROW


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Quarter Ending June 30, 2016 In April the flap gate was procured and is in fabrication. Received the engineering assessment final report, regarding the cause of the damage to the culvert, from Statile Assoc. This report will be forwarded to FTA next quarter. Project is 50 % complete. Milestone 19 was moved out three months due to the fabrication of the flap gate taking longer then expected. The new delivery of flap gate is expected late September/early October. This time includes one week for instal!ation.

Milestone Name: Closeout Comp¡§CHBLR-Track/ROW

Milestone Description: Closeout Comp¡§CHBLR-Track/ROW


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Budget Activity Line Item: 12.64.20 - REHAB MISC SIGNAL/COMM EQUIP

Line Item Description: Amendment 1 - This is a new ALI 1. SCOPE AND COST NJ TRANSIT is requesting funds in the amount of $27,445,000 for NJCL: Upper Signal project to repair/replace assets damaged during Superstorm Sandy. This line item funds expenses that were not eligible under categories 1, 2, and 3 and are not funded by insurance. The resiliency portion of this line item is specifically tied to a recovery project and fundamentally integrated into the design of a recovery project. The total cost the project is $ 27,445,000. The total funding provided in this line item is $27,445,000. Funding for this line item supports design and installation of new signal devices, cabling, and associated systems along a portion of the North Jersey Coast Line from the area around Rare Interlocking to the area around East Matawan Interlocking. Signal equipment will be raised to provide greater resiliency from future storms. In addition, wiring, cables and other components that cannot be raised above the design flood elevation will be made more resilient with the use of waterproof components, connections and cabling. Costs include design, project administration, construction, the purchase of necessary equipment and materials, and any other related costs required to complete the scope. A third party contractor will not be used. No contracts or in-house work were included in Sandy Grant 1, NJ-44-X001. The useful life for the project is 25 years. If NJ TRANSIT disposes of, or discontinues using, an asset acquired with FTA grant funding prior to the end of its useful life, the remaining Federal interest will be returned to the FTA (per Circular 5010.1D). 2. RECOVERY AND RESILIENCY The total cost of this project $27,445,000. Funds in the amount of $27,445,000 are requested in this application (Tier 1-Damage - $18,445,000/Tier 1 - Related Resiliency - $9,000,000). The methodology for the cost split between recovery and resiliency is based on an estimate of resiliency components. The resiliency component is fundamentally associated with or a part of a recovery project. The resiliency components for this restoration project include raising components at a higher elevation and using inherently more resilient components. The estimated cost associated with the resiliency is $9,000,000. EMERGENCY RELIEF FUNDING CATEGORY Pro-Rated Recovery (Tier 1) 3. RESILIENCY ANALYSIS This line item is not being funded from the local priority resiliency allocation. Wherever feasible, elements are located at or above ABFE+1. For elements that cannot be raised (such as those necessarily at or below track level) materials and components will be selected during design to be inherently resistant to, or otherwise protected against, damage by flooding, to the greatest extent possible in each case. 4. BASIS OF COST ESTIMATE The cost estimate for this line item is based primarily on historical data, interpreted and adjusted by NJ TRANSIT in-house personnel who have expertise in the subject matter, to reflect the specific scope of the work and other known factors including escalation. 5. WORK SEPARATION / SCOPE There is no third party work for this line item. This line item requires NJ TRANSIT non-rail in-house forces for design and construction managment. The project requires the use of NJ TRANSIT’s in-house force for signals, design, and construction management. The project is included in NJ TRANSIT`s FY15 Force Account plan on pages 148 and 219. 6. PRE-AWARD AUTHORITY Pre-award authority was exercised on February 3, 2013. Activities to date include Project Management and design activities. 7. CONTRACTS / VENDORS INFORMATION Third party contractors are not required for this line item. Vendor information will be provided in Monthly Progress Reports. 8. PRIOR FEDERAL FUNDING This line item has not received any prior Federal funding, 5324, FEMA, or otherwise.   9. COST BREAKDOWNS The overall budget for the projects included in this line item is $27,445,000.The following category of expenses is specifically related to this ALI. These expenses do not duplicate expenses in A.L.I. 12.79.00 and are tracked separately. Environmental - $15,000 Design - In House - $ 2,250,000 Project Administration - In House -$350,000 Project Administration - Services - $ 380,000 Oversight - Services - $700,000 Contingency - $2,950,000 Construction - In House - $12,750,000 Construction - Services - $250,000 Construction Mgmt. - In House - $300,000 Construction Mgmt. – Services - $750,000 Flagging - In House - $500,000 Purchase – Equipment - $3,750,000 Purchase – Materials- $2,500,000 Total: $27,445,000 10. SCHEDULED MILESTONES The milestones are listed in the Milestone section of this grant. 11. INSURANCE No insurance revenues have been received for the scope of this line item. 12. COORDINATION AND PERMITS Federal or local permits are not required for this project. No coordination with outside entities is required. 13. COST SHARING The total cost the project is $ 27,445,000. The total funding provided in this line item is $27,445,000 which accounts for $2,744,500 of credit from toll revenue expenditures (Transportation Development Credits)(90/10%). The line item is not being implemented in conjunction with any entity that is an FTA recipient or recipient of Federal funding. 14. PROCUREMENT METHODS NJ TRANSIT will comply with all federal procurement statues, regulations, and guidance as prescribed by FTA’s program. Additionally, NJ TRANSIT will comply with all Buy America requirements. URBANIZED AREA BREAKDOWN The funds will be drawn from the following urbanized area: MPO-NJTPA NENJ – 340010 – $27,445,000 STIP The project is included in the FY2014-2023 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Transit Administration approved the STIP on November 20, 2013. FTA approved STIP modifications on February 12, 2014 for the Superstorm Sandy projects. The STIP modifications are attached in TEAM. The STIP ID is T906-NJ TRANSIT System Repairs/Restoration ($18,445,000) and T903- Rail Infrastructure Resiliency ($9,000,000). NEPA The project is a Class II Categorical Exclusion pursuant to 23 C.F.R Section 771.118 (c)(1) – Utility and similar appurtenance action. A Section 106 review was completed by the SHPO and there was a “No Adverse Effect” determination for this line item.

Line Item #

Scope Name / Code

Custom Item Name








Funding Source

Section of Statute

CFDA Number


49 USC 5324 - (MAP 21) Public Transportation Emergency Relief




Non-FTA Amount


Total Eligible Cost


Adjustment Amount


Gross Award Cost


Milestone Name: NTP-Env.Service-NEPA-NJCL

Milestone Description: NTP-Env.Service-NEPA-NJCL


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: NTP-Concept Design-NJCL

Milestone Description: NTP-Concept Design-NJCL


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Comp.Env-Service-NEPA

Milestone Description: Comp.Env-Service-NEPA


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: Concept Planning Complete

Milestone Description: Concept Planning Complete


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: NTP Design-NJCL

Milestone Description: NTP Design-NJCL


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone Name: NTP-Primary Contract-NJCL

Milestone Description: NTP-Primary Contract-NJCL


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks





Milestone Name: Design 100% Compl-NJCL

Milestone Description: Design 100% Compl-NJCL


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone 7 and Milestone 18 were moved out to accommodate additional time needed to complete the design and due to the Amtrak incident, the civil speed enforcement and the PTC requirements.

Milestone Name: 50% Complete-NJCL

Milestone Description: 50% Complete-NJCL


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Milestone 7 and Milestone 18 were moved out to accommodate additional lime needed to complete the design and due to the Amtrak incident, the civil speed enforcement and the PTC requirements.

Milestone Name: Project Complete -NJCL

Milestone Description: Project Complete -NJCL


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




Quarter Ending June 30, 2016 Activities This Quarter: Design activities continued and competitive and sole·source procurements advanced. Construction began. Project is 10 % complete.

Milestone Name: Closeout Complete -NJCL

Milestone Description: Closeout Complete -NJCL


Estimated Completion Date

Revised Completion Date

Actual Completion Date

Milestone Progress Remarks




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