Public Transportation Emergency Relief Program

OMB 2132-0575

OMB 2132-0575

This information collection (IC) request is for a three-year extension of a currently collection under OMB control number 2132-0575 “Public Transportation Emergency Relief Program.” The response to the collection is required to obtain or retain a benefit, as the information is required to obtain federal funding assistance that help states and public transportation systems pay for protecting, repairing, and/or replacing equipment and facilities that may suffer or have suffered serious damage because of an emergency, including natural disasters such as floods, hurricanes, and tornadoes. Eligible transportation providers must apply to receive federal funds and then provide milestone and financial reports as necessary to ensure the proper and timely expenditure of federal funds within the scope of the approved project. This information can be collected on yearly or quarterly basis. That information is submitted to FTA regional and headquarters staff via FTA’s electronic Transit Award Management System. This request includes an increase in respondents and burden hours due to the addition of an appropriation of funds for current declared emergency or major disaster.

The latest form for Public Transportation Emergency Relief Program expires 2022-11-30 and can be found here.

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