HTYPE_Implementer Survey_10.3.22

Human Trafficking Youth Prevention Education (HTYPE) Demonstration Grant Program Process Evaluation

HTYPE_Implementer Survey_10.3.22

OMB: 0970-0600

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Human Trafficking Youth Prevention Education (HTYPE) Demonstration Grant Program Process Evaluation Year 3

Implementer Survey

Dear HTYPE Implementer,

The Human Trafficking Youth Prevention Education (HTYPE) Demonstration Grant Program is being evaluated by RTI International, a nonprofit research organization. This evaluation seeks to understand the process of implementing the HTYPE program, from the perspective of all school staff involved, including those who delivered the human trafficking prevention curriculum to students. The HTYPE Demonstration Grant Program evaluation is overseen by the Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation (OPRE), in collaboration with the Office on Trafficking in Persons (OTIP), in the Administration for Children and Families (ACF).

As part of this evaluation, we are asking HTYPE implementers to complete this online survey. The implementer survey will provide information about the HTYPE program by asking questions regarding the following topics: professional demographics, educator training for program implementation, experiences with implementation of the student curricula, and experiences with your school district’s Human Trafficking School Safety Protocol (if any).

The survey will take approximately 10-15 minutes. Your responses are extremely important to the success of this evaluation. While there are no direct benefits to you for participating in this survey, your response will help determine whether the programs supported by the HTYPE Demonstration Grants improve awareness and understanding of human trafficking among school students and staff. There are no identified risks of participating in this evaluation.

Any information you provide will be kept private by RTI to the extent permitted by law and your responses will be stored on a secure network. District/school staff will not see your responses, nor will they know if you have or have not agreed to participate. Your participation in this evaluation is voluntary, and you have the right to refuse to answer any question in the survey. You may withdraw from the evaluation at any time. Your decision to participate or not to participate will not have any impact on your employment or on your school’s relationship with ACF.

We never identify an individual’s responses in our reports. Your responses will be combined with responses from other people taking part in the evaluation. Our reports will only include the combined information. In the future, de-identified information from this evaluation may be securely shared with qualified researchers to help understand activities that occurred throughout the grant period.

An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995, unless it displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number. The OMB # is 0970-0XXX, and the expiration date is XX/XX/XXXX.

If you have any technical problems with the online implementer survey, please contact Stephanie Halpin (Project Manager at RTI) at 919-485-1305 or by email at [email protected]. If you have any questions or concerns about the evaluation, please contact Dr. Rebecca Pfeffer (Project Director at RTI) at 919-541-7116 or by email at [email protected].

Thank you very much for contributing to this important evaluation.


Rebecca Pfeffer, Ph.D.

Project Director, RTI International


I have read the information provided above and have freely decided to participate in this research. I understand that by agreeing to participate in this research, I am not giving up any of my legal rights.

Click here to proceed to the survey.


Question and Responses

Follow-up Prompts/Skip Logic

Section 1. Professional Background


Which of the following local education agencies (LEA) do you work for/receive HTYPE training and resources through? [dropdown list]

  1. Brentwood Union Free School District

  2. DeKalb County School District

  3. Fort Worth Independent School District

  4. Granite School District

  5. Kent Intermediate School District

  6. Los Angeles County Office of Education

  7. Oakland Unified School District

  8. San Diego County Office of Education

Depending on response, fill in PROGRAM name below.

A: Youth Against Child Trafficking (Y-ACT)

B: Not a Number


F: Empower Youth

G: Let’s Talk About It (LTAI)


What is your school’s name?

  1. [Drop-down menu of school names for selected grant recipient; I work across multiple schools; other (please specify) [text box]]


In the 2022-23 school year, what is your primary position at your school? If you occupy multiple roles, please select the position in which you spend the most time. Check one.

  1. General education teacher teaching multiple subjects

  2. Physical education, health, or wellness teacher

  3. General education teacher teaching a single subject other than physical education, health, or wellness

  4. Special education teacher

  5. Guidance counselor

  6. School social worker

  7. Prevention or intervention specialist

  8. School resource officer (SRO)

  9. Administrator

  10. Instructional coach/support

  11. Behavioral health specialist

  12. Other school position (please specify) [text box]

Do not work for school (please specify) [text box]


During the 2022-23 school year, how did you deliver [PROGRAM] to students? (Select all that apply)

  1. In person instruction

  2. Remote/virtual instruction

  3. Both in-person and remote/virtual instruction

  4. Other (please describe) [text box]


In the 2022-23 school year, what grade levels of students did you deliver, or are you currently delivering [PROGRAM]? Check all that apply.

  1. 4th grade

  2. 5th grade

  3. 6th grade

  4. 7th grade

  5. 8th grade

  6. 9th grade

  7. 10th grade

  8. 11th grade

  9. 12th grade


During which school years did you teach [PROGRAM]?

  1. 2022-23 is/was my first year

  2. I taught some or all of the program in the 2021-22 school year

  3. Other (please specify) [text box]


Are you the only staff member responsible for implementing [PROGRAM] at your school?

  1. Yes, I am the only staff member responsible for implementing [PROGRAM] at my school.

  2. No, I am one of multiple people who are responsible for delivering [PROGRAM] at my school.

  3. I am the only person delivering [PROGRAM], but I don’t work at just one school.

  4. I am one of multiple people responsible for delivering [PROGRAM], but I don’t work at just one school.

Section 2. Educator Training for Program Implementation


Before you began teaching [PROGRAM], did you participate in training (professional development) about this program?

  1. Yes, I participated in an in-person training

  2. Yes, I participated in a virtual training (e.g., webinar, teleconference) with a live trainer

  3. Yes, I participated in a self-study training (i.e., with no interaction with a trainer)

  4. Yes, I participated in some other kind of training (please specify) [text box]

  5. No, I have never participated in a training for this program

If E, skip to Q10

[Educator training]


When did you participate in your initial [PROGRAM] training?

  1. Before I began implementing the program

  2. After I began implementing the program

[Educator training]


How prepared did you feel to implement [PROGRAM] following the training you received?

  1. Fully prepared

  2. Almost fully prepared

  3. Somewhat prepared

  4. Barely prepared

  5. Not at all prepared

If A, skip to Q12

[Educator training]


What would have helped you to feel better prepared? [text box]

[Educator training]


Did you receive any additional professional training about human trafficking other than the training you received to implement [PROGRAM]?

  1. Yes

  2. No

If B, skip to Q15

[Educator training]


Was this additional professional training offered as part of the HTYPE Demonstration Program?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. I’m not sure

[Educator training]


Who conducted the training that you received to implement [PROGRAM]?

  1. Someone from an external organization

  2. Someone from the HTYPE-funded LEA, but not from my school district

  3. Someone from within my school district, but not from my school

  4. Someone from within my school

  5. I’m not sure

[Educator training]

Section 2. Implementation of Student Curriculum


Have you begun/did you begin [PROGRAM] implementation yet with any students in the 2022-23 school year?

  1. Yes

  2. No


If B, skip to Q17


Please choose the option that best describes the implementation status of [PROGRAM] for the 2022-23 school year.

  1. I have completed [PROGRAM] with all of my students

  2. I have completed [PROGRAM] with some of my students but not with others

  3. I have not completed [PROGRAM] with any students.


If A, skip to Q20


Which of the following best describes the status of your [PROGRAM] implementation? (Select one)

  1. I finished/expect to finish implementing all program sessions by the end of the school year.

  2. I did not finish/do not expect to finish implementing all program sessions by the end of the school year.

If A, skip to Q20



Please briefly explain barriers to finishing all sessions (for example: time constraints, lack of importance, unable to fit in curriculum, no interest from students, too difficult to implement, did not receive enough training, etc.). [text box]



Of the total number of sessions, what proportion of required sessions did you complete?

  1. I delivered all sessions with all classes.

  2. I delivered almost all sessions to my classes.

  3. I delivered about half of sessions to my classes.

  4. I delivered a few sessions to my classes.

  5. I did not deliver any sessions to my classes.

  6. I do not know which sessions, or how many sessions, are required.

  7. This program does not have required sessions.



In the 2022-23 school year, how closely did you follow the curriculum guide in teaching [PROGRAM] sessions? (select one)

  1. Very closely–I taught the material as specified in the curriculum guide(s)

  2. Somewhat closely–I sometimes adapted the material as appropriate

  3. Not very closely–I frequently adapted the material as appropriate

  4. I did not use the [PROGRAM] curriculum guide

  5. I am not aware of a curriculum guide



What types of changes did you make, if any? (Check all that apply)

  1. Skipped or shortened program activities or lessons

  2. Repeated or reviewed program activities or lessons

  3. Presented additional activities, lessons, or content that were not part of the program

  4. Changed the order of activities or lessons

  5. Changed program language or examples

  6. Changed the format of program activities (e.g., modified activities, worksheets, or assignments)

  7. Delivered lessons at a frequency different from what program recommends (e.g., implemented lessons on consecutive days instead of weekly)

  8. Implemented with a different type of student (e.g., grade level) than what the program targets

  9. Other (please describe) [text box]

  10. I did not make any changes

If J, skip to Q23



What led you to make these changes? Select all that apply.

  1. We did not have enough time

  2. We had extra time

  3. I disagreed with program messages/content/format

  4. I forgot or made a mistake

  5. I did not have needed equipment or materials

  6. I did not think program content or language was appropriate for my students

  7. I wanted to modify content to be more culturally relevant for students

  8. I wanted to modify content to use language my students could better understand/identify with

  9. I wanted to increase student engagement

  10. I wanted to minimize disruptive behavior

  11. I wanted to increase student comprehension/retention

  12. My school/organization leadership directed me to make changes

  13. Students were required to attend other enrichment or individualized instruction programming

  14. Other (please describe) [text box]



Please indicate if any of the following challenges interfered with your ability to implement program sessions during the 2022-23 school year (select one answer per row).

  1. I did not have enough time

  2. I did not have the needed materials

  3. Students did not appear to understand the lessons

  4. Students were not engaged or interested in the sessions

  5. I was uncomfortable discussing some of the topics

  6. Students appeared to be uncomfortable discussing some of the topics

  7. There were often more pressing demands during lesson times

  8. I needed to prioritize academic subjects

  9. Other (please describe) [Text box]

This should be a matrix with the following options for each item:

  • No, this was never an issue

  • Yes, this was sometimes an issue

  • Yes, this was often an issue

[dosage, adherence]


Did COVID-19 disrupt or contribute to a lack of time for [PROGRAM] implementation?

  1. Yes

  2. No


If B, skip to Q28


How did COVID-19 disrupt or contribute to a lack of time for [PROGRAM] implementation? [text box]



Do you feel like you were able to navigate around or overcome the disruptions caused by COVID-19 to program implementation?

  1. Yes

  2. No


If B, skip to Q28


How were you able to navigate around or overcome the disruptions caused by COVID-19 to program implementation? [text box]



During the 2022-23 school year, did a school administrator or anyone else from your school observe a [PROGRAM] lesson/session that you taught to offer feedback or other in-class support?

  1. Yes

  2. No

[educator training]

If B, skip to Q30


What type of feedback or in-class support was offered? Select all that apply.

  1. Class observation

  2. Feedback on lesson

  3. Technical assistance

  4. Other (please describe) [text box]

[educator training]


During the 2022-23 school year, did anyone from outside your school who is associated with the HTYPE Demonstration Grant Program observe a [PROGRAM] lesson/session that you taught to offer feedback or other in-class support?

  1. Yes

  2. No

If B, skip to Q32

[educator training]


How helpful was the feedback you received in improving your implementation of [PROGRAM]?

  1. Very helpful

  2. Somewhat helpful

  3. Neither helpful nor unhelpful

  4. Somewhat unhelpful

  5. Very unhelpful


During the 2022-23 school year, how engaged were the students in [PROGRAM] during instruction?

  1. Fully engaged

  2. Almost fully engaged

  3. Somewhat engaged

  4. Barely engaged

  5. Not at all engaged/bored

[participant engagement]


Please describe any lessons, concepts, or activities that students seemed highly engaged in. [text box]

[participant engagement]


Please describe any lessons, concepts, or activities that students seemed very disengaged with. [text box]

[participant engagement]


How well do you think the students understood [PROGRAM] lessons?

  1. Did not understand

  2. Poor understanding

  3. Fair understanding

  4. Good understanding

  5. Excellent/complete understanding

[participant engagement]


Can you describe any lessons, concepts, or activities that were difficult for students to understand? [text box]

[participant engagement]


During times when you were not implementing [PROGRAM], did students reference the content or lessons during other interactions with you?

  1. Yes, often

  2. Yes, occasionally

  3. Yes, but rarely

  4. No, never

[participant engagement]


Outside of the [PROGRAM] lessons, was the program content reinforced for students in any other capacity in your school? Select all that apply.

  1. Communication to parents and caregivers

  2. Communication to students

  3. Communication to staff

  4. Posters/advertisements

  5. Announcements

  6. Integrated into other course curricula

  7. Other (please describe) [text box]


Were some students more engaged with this program and its content than others?

  1. Yes

  2. No

If B, skip to Q41

[participant engagement]


If yes, can you describe? [text box]

[participant engagement]


How much enthusiasm do you have about teaching [PROGRAM]?

  1. A great deal of enthusiasm

  2. Some enthusiasm

  3. A little enthusiasm

  4. No enthusiasm

[implementer engagement]


How much interest do you have in continuing to teach [PROGRAM]?

  1. A great deal of interest

  2. Some interest

  3. Very little interest

  4. No interest at all

[implementer engagement]


How important do you think it is to continue implementing [PROGRAM] or a similar program in your school in the future?

  1. Very important

  2. Somewhat important

  3. Not very important

  4. Not at all important

[implementer engagement]


Please indicate how much you agree with the following statement: The [PROGRAM] curriculum is appropriate for the students’ age and comprehension levels.

  1. Strongly agree

  2. Somewhat agree

  3. Neither agree nor disagree

  4. Somewhat disagree

  5. Strongly disagree

[implementer engagement]


Please indicate how much you agree with the following statement: The [PROGRAM] addresses problems facing students in your community.

  1. Strongly agree

  2. Somewhat agree

  3. Neither agree nor disagree

  4. Somewhat disagree

  5. Strongly disagree

[implementer engagement]


How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements (select one answer per row):

  1. I understand [PROGRAM] well enough to implement it effectively.

  2. I know enough about human trafficking to be able to implement [PROGRAM] effectively.

  3. I believe I can do a good job teaching students about human trafficking prevention and related topics.

  4. I am better at teaching other subjects/topics than I am at implementing [PROGRAM].

  5. I believe that if I do a good job teaching [PROGRAM], the students I teach will be less likely to experience human trafficking.

  6. I believe that if I do a good job teaching [PROGRAM], the students I teach will know what to do if they suspect someone they know is or may experience human trafficking.

  7. I believe that if I do a good job teaching [PROGRAM], the students I teach will be more aware of other people that may experience trafficking in the community.

Matrix with items A-J in first column and subsequent column headings:

  • Strongly agree

  • Agree

  • Neither agree nor disagree

  • Disagree

  • Strongly disagree

[implementer engagement]

Section 3. Experience with the Human Trafficking School Safety Protocol (HTSSP)


Each LEA participating in the HTYPE Demonstration Grant Program has created a HTSSP. Do you know where to access the HTSSP if you need to refer to it (e.g., in your school’s safety plan or staff handbook, on the school’s website, etc.)?

  1. Yes

  2. No



Which of the following best describes your awareness and knowledge of your school district’s HTSSP?

  1. I am aware of the HTSSP and what to do if I have concerns about a student

  2. I am aware there is an HTSSP but I am not sure/don’t remember what to do if I have concerns about a student

  3. I am aware there is an HTSSP but I don’t know what it is or how it applies to me

  4. I am not aware of an HTSSP

If D, skip to Q52



Have you ever reviewed the HTSSP?

  1. Yes

  2. No

If B, skip to Q51



How clear are the HTSSP’s instructions about what you need to do if you have concerns about the safety or potential victimization of a student?

  1. Extremely clear

  2. Somewhat clear

  3. Not very clear

  4. Not at all clear



Do you have any questions or concerns about what to do if you suspect human trafficking victimization among students that are not clearly addressed in your school district’s HTSSP?

  1. Yes

  2. No


Section 5. Closing/Final Thoughts


What do you consider to be the most significant impact of [PROGRAM] since the beginning of the program? [text box]


If you could make one change to the program, what would it be? [Text box]


Would you like to explain any of your responses to this survey or provide us with any additional information? [text box]

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorPfeffer, Rebecca
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2023-08-27

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