
Immigrant Petition by Standalone Investor, Immigrant Petition by Regional Center Investor


OMB: 1615-0026

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Instructions for Immigrant Petition by Regional Center Investor
Department of Homeland Security
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services

Form I-526E
OMB No. 1615-0026
Expires 07/31/2025

What Is the Purpose of Form I-526E?
The form is used by an investor pooling his or her investment with one or more qualified immigrants participating in the
regional center program to petition U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) for status as an immigrant to the
United States under section 203(b)(5) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), as amended. An investor not seeking
to pool his or her investment with one or more additional investors seeking classification under section 203(b)(5) of the
INA must file for such classification using Form I-526, Immigrant Petition by Standalone Investor at

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Who May File Form I-526E?

You may file this petition for yourself if you have invested or are actively in the process of investing the required
investment amount in a new commercial enterprise (NCE) in a USCIS-designated regional center that will benefit the
U.S. economy by creating full-time employment in the United States for at least 10 U.S. citizens, U.S. nationals, lawful
permanent residents, or other immigrants lawfully authorized to be employed in the United States, other than yourself,
your spouse, or your sons or daughters.
The required investment amount is set by statute. You may obtain additional information about the EB-5 program and
investment amount on the USCIS website at www.uscis.gov/working-in-the-united-states/permanent-workers/eb-5immigrant-investor-program, or at U.S. Embassy or U.S. Consulate abroad.

General Instructions

USCIS provides forms free of charge through the USCIS website. In order to view, print, or fill out our forms, you should
use the latest version of Adobe Reader, which you can download for free at http://get.adobe.com/reader/. If you do not
have Internet access, you may call the USCIS Contact Center at 1-800-375-5283 (TTY 1-800-767-1833) and ask that we
mail a form to you. The USCIS Contact Center provides information in English and Spanish.
Signature. Each petition must be properly signed and filed. For all signatures on this petition, USCIS will not accept a
stamped or typewritten name in place of a signature. If you are under 14 years of age, your parent or legal guardian may
sign the petition on your behalf. A legal guardian may also sign for a mentally incompetent person. If the request is not
signed or if the requisite signature on the request is not valid, USCIS will reject the request. See 8 CFR 103.2(a)(7)(ii)
(A). If USCIS accepts a request for adjudication and determines that it has a deficient signature, USCIS will deny the
Validity of Signatures. USCIS will consider a photocopied, faxed, or scanned copy of the original handwritten signature
valid for filing purposes. The photocopy, fax, or scan must be of the original document containing the handwritten ink
Filing Fee. Each petition must be accompanied by the appropriate filing fee. (See the What Is the Filing Fee section of
these Instructions.)
Evidence. At the time of filing, you must submit all evidence and supporting documentation listed in the What Evidence
Must You Submit and Specific Instructions section of these Instructions.

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Biometric Services Appointment. USCIS may require that you appear for an interview or provide biometrics
(fingerprints, photograph, and/or signature) at any time to verify your identity, obtain additional information, and conduct
background and security checks. After USCIS receives your petition and ensures it is complete, we will inform you if you
need to attend a biometric services appointment. If an appointment is necessary, the notice will provide you the location
of your local or designated USCIS Application Support Center (ASC) and the date and time of your appointment or, if you
are currently overseas, instruct you to contact a U.S. Embassy, U.S. Consulate, or USCIS office outside the United States
to set up an appointment. USCIS may use your biometrics to obtain the criminal history records of the Federal Bureau
of Investigation (FBI), for identity verification, to determine eligibility, to create immigration documents (for example,
Permanent Resident Card, Employment Authorization Document), or any purpose authorized by the Immigration and
Nationality Act. You may obtain a copy of your own FBI record using the procedures outlined at 28 CFR 16.32. For
information, please visit: https://www.fbi.gov/services/cjis/identity-history-summary-checks. For Privacy Act
information, please visit https://www.fbi.gov/services/cjis/compact-council/privacy-act-statement.

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Copies. You should submit legible photocopies of documents requested, unless the Instructions specifically state that you
must submit an original document. USCIS may request an original document at the time of filing or at any time during
processing of an application, petition, or request. If USCIS requests an original document from you, it will be returned to
you after USCIS determines it no longer needs your original.
NOTE: If you submit original documents when not required or requested by USCIS, your original documents may
remain a part of the record, USCIS will not automatically return them to you, and your original documents may be
immediately destroyed upon receipt.
Translations. If you submit a document with information in a foreign language, you must also submit a full certified
English translation. The translator must sign a certification that the English language translation is complete and accurate,
and that he or she is competent to translate from the foreign language into English. The certification must include the
translator’s signature. DHS recommends the certification contain the translator’s printed name and the date and the
translator’s contact information.

How To Fill Out Form I-526E

1.	 Type or print legibly in black ink.

2.	 If you need extra space to complete any item within this petition, use the space provided in Part 12. Additional
Information or attach a separate sheet of paper; type or print your name and Alien Registration Number (A-Number)
(if any) at the top of each sheet; indicate the Page Number, Part Number, and Item Number to which your answer
refers, and sign and date each sheet.
3.	 Answer all questions fully and accurately. If a question does not apply to you (for example, if you have never been
married and the question asks “Provide the name of your current spouse”), type or print “N/A” unless otherwise
directed. If your answer to a question which requires a numeric response is zero or none (for example, “How many
children do you have” or “How many times have you departed the United States”), type or print “None” unless
otherwise directed.

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Specific Instructions
Part 1. Petition Type. Indicate if your submission is an initial petition or if you are amending a previously submitted
petition because your regional center, new commercial enterprise, or job-creating entity has been terminated or debarred
from participation in the Regional Center Program. To maintain your eligibility if your regional center is terminated or
disbarred, your NCE may associate with another designated regional center or you may make a qualifying investment in
another NCE. If your NCE or JCE is terminated or disbarred, you may associate with another NCE in good standing and
invest additional capital necessary to satisfy any remaining job creation requirements. If you are filing an amendment,
complete all parts of this form with information related to the new regional center, NCE, JCE and/or investment, as
applicable. In addition, describe the circumstances related to any new associations and/or investments in Part 12.
Additional Information.

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Part 2. Information About You

Item Number 1. Alien Registration Number (A-Number) (if any). Provide your A-Number. Your A-Number is
the number used to identify your immigration records. This number may be located on documents you received from
USCIS, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or the Executive Office for Immigration Review during immigration
proceedings in court.
Item Number 2. USCIS Online Account Number (if any). Providing your unique USCIS Online Account Number
(OAN) helps you manage your online account. You have an Online Account Number if you previously filed an
application, petition, or request online or by mail and were issued a receipt number that begins with IOE. If you filed a
form online, you can find your OAN in your USCIS Online Account profile. If you mailed your form, you can find your
OAN at the top of the USCIS Account Access Notice we sent you. The OAN is not the same as an A-Number. If you do
not have a receipt number beginning with IOE, you do not have an OAN.
Item Number 3. U.S. Social Security Number (if any). Provide your U.S. Social Security number, if you have one.
Item Number 4. Your Full Name. Provide your full legal name in the spaces provided.

Item Numbers 5. - 6. Other Names Used (if any). Provide all the names you have used, including maiden name,
married names, and nicknames, in the space provided.
Item Number 7. Date of Birth. Provide your date of birth in a month/day/year format.
Item Number 8. Gender. Indicate whether you are male or female.

Item Numbers 9. - 11. Place of Birth. Provide the city or town, state or province, and country where you were born in
the spaces provided.
Item Number 12. - 13. Country(ies) of Citizenship or Nationality. Provide the name of the country where you are a
citizen and/or national. If you are a citizen of more than one country, you have had more than one citizenship, or your
nationality differs from your citizenship, provide the information in Part 12. Additional Information. Indicate whether
you are a citizen or national of each country you list. This is not necessarily the country where you were born. If you do
not have citizenship in any country, write “stateless” and provide an explanation in Part 12. Additional Information.
Item Number 14. Country of Last Foreign Residence. Provide the name of the country where you had your last
foreign residence.
Item Numbers 15. - 16. Mailing Address. Provide the address where you would like to receive written correspondence
regarding your petition. Indicate whether your current mailing address is the same as your physical address.
Item Numbers 17. - 19. Physical Address. Provide your current physical (residential) address and all prior residential
addresses for the past five years. Indicate the dates of residence at each address.

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Item Numbers 20. - 23. Employment History. Provide your current employment information and prior employment
information for the prior 20 years of your employment history. If you are currently unemployed or retired, you must
provide the last 20 years of your employment history. Additionally, you must also provide any positions held with
government or military at any time, not just within this 20 year timeframe. Indicate the full legal name of the employer
and address of employment, job title, and dates of employment for each position.
Your Entry Into The United States
If you are currently in the United States, provide the following information:
Item Number 24. Date of Arrival. Provide the date you arrived in the United States in a month/day/year format.

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Item Numbers 25. - 26. Place of Arrival or Port-of-Entry. Provide the city/town and state where you arrived in the
United States.
Item Numbers 27. - 28. Form I-94 Arrival-Departure Record. If U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) or
USCIS issued you a Form I-94, Arrival-Departure Record, provide your I-94 admission number and date that your
authorized period of stay expires or expired (as shown on the Form I-94). The I-94 admission number also is known as
the Departure Number on some versions of Form I-94.
NOTE: If you were admitted to the United States by CBP at an airport or seaport after April 30, 2013, CBP may have
issued you an electronic Form I-94 instead of a paper Form I-94. You may visit the CBP website at www.cbp.gov/i94 to
obtain a paper version of an electronic Form I-94. CBP does not charge a fee for this service. Some travelers admitted to
the United States at a land border, airport, or seaport, after April 30, 2013 with a passport or travel document, who were
issued a paper Form I-94 by CBP, may also be able to obtain a replacement Form I-94 from the CBP website without
charge. If you cannot obtain the Form I-94 from the CBP website, you may do so by filing Form I-102, Application for
Replacement/Initial Nonimmigrant Arrival-Departure Document, with USCIS. USCIS does charge a fee for this service.
Item Numbers 29. - 30. Passport or Travel Document Numbers. If you used a passport or travel document to request
admission to the United States, enter either the passport or travel document information in the appropriate space on the
form, even if the passport or travel document is currently expired. Also, provide the name of the country that issued the
passport or travel document.
Item Number 31. Passport or Travel Document Expiration. Provide the date your passport or travel document expires
or expired in a month/day/year format.
Item Number 32. Current Nonimmigrant Status. Provide your current nonimmigrant status (if applicable).
Item Number 33. Date Current Nonimmigrant Status Expires. Provide the date your current nonimmigrant status
expires in a month/day/year format (if applicable).
Part 3. Information About Your Spouse and Children
Item Number 1. Full Name. Provide the full legal name of your spouse in the spaces provided. If you do not have a
spouse, provide the full legal name of your child, if you have one.
Item Number 2. Date of Birth. Provide the date of birth for the person in a month/day/year format.
Item Number 3. Country of Birth. Provide the country where the person was born.
Item Number 4. - 5. Country(ies) of Citizenship. Provide the name of the country where your spouse is a citizen and/
or national. If your spouse is a citizen of more than one country, has had more than one citizenship, or the nationality
differs from your spouse’s citizenship, provide the information in Part 12. Additional Information. Indicate whether
your spouse is a citizen or national of each country you list. This is not necessarily the country where your spouse was
born. If you do not have citizenship in any country, write “stateless” and provide an explanation in Part 12. Additional
Item Number 6. Relationship. Indicate the relationship the person has with you (spouse or child).

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Item Numbers 7. - 8. Permanent Residence. Indicate whether the person will seek lawful permanent resident status by
selecting the appropriate boxes to indicate whether the person will apply for adjustment of status or for an immigrant visa
NOTE: An annotation of a dependent’s intention to either apply for adjustment of status or an immigrant visa abroad in
Part 3. of the Form I-526E is not binding, but should reflect the dependent’s intent at the time you file the Form I-526E
Item Numbers 9. - 38. These data collections are provided for you to fill out for all of your children. They collect the
same information as Item Numbers 1. - 8.
Part 4. Information About Your Regional Center and Project Application

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Submission of Required Initial Evidence

You must select one of these options for the submission of required initial evidence. If you select to submit evidence
through a myUSCIS account, you will receive instructions with your receipt notice. We strongly encourage you to submit
the evidence as soon as practicable after receiving the instructions.
Item Numbers 1. – 3. Regional Center Association. Provide the receipt number for the approved regional center
application and the receipt number for the Form I-956F, Application for Approval of an Investment in a Commercial
Enterprise, upon which your petition is based. Also, provide the NCE identification number (NCEID) associated with the
NCE into which you have invested or are actively in the process of investing, if available. USCIS assigns an NCEID to an
NCE at the time of issuing the receipt notice for a Form I-956F application for an NCE. Petitioners can obtain the NCEID
from the regional center. NOTE: If the regional center has not yet received a receipt notice for its Form I-956F, USCIS
may reject your application.
Item Number 4. Indicate the areas where you have invested or are in the process of investing. If your investment meets
more than one of these categories, select all that apply.
Rural Area. A rural area is an area outside a metropolitan statistical area (MSA) (as designated by the Director of the
Office of Management and Budget) and outside the outer boundary of a city or town with a population of 20,000 or more
(based on the most recent decennial census of the United States).
High Unemployment Area. A high unemployment area is an area comprised of the census tract or contiguous census
tracts where the NCE is principally doing business and may include any directly adjacent census tracts if the weighted
unemployment average of the area identified is at least 150% of national average rate.
Infrastructure Project. An infrastructure project is a capital investment project in a filed or approved business plan,
which is administered by a governmental entity (such as a Federal, State, or local agency or authority) that is the jobcreating entity contracting with a regional center or new commercial enterprise to receive capital investment under the
Regional Center Program as financing for maintaining, improving, or constructing a public works project.
High Employment Area. A high employment area is an area experiencing unemployment significantly below the
national average unemployment rate. The investment amount required in a high employment area is the same as the
standard investment amount.
Part 5. Information About Your Investment
Item Number 1. Dates and Amounts of Your Investment. Provide the date(s) and amount(s) of your investment in the
NCE in a month/day/year format. If you are actively in the process of investing capital, provide the date(s) and amount(s)
you anticipate making the investment.
Item Number 2. U.S. Bank Account. Indicate the total amount of money you have deposited or committed to deposit
in U.S. business account(s) for the NCE, including money placed into escrow with a U.S. or foreign bank. If you have
not transferred any funds to a U.S. business account for an NCE, please provide an explanation in Part 12. Additional
Item Number 3. Total Value of Assets Purchased. Indicate the total value of all assets purchased for use in the NCE.
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Item Number 4. Total Value of All Property. Indicate the total value of all property transferred from abroad for use in
the NCE.
Item Number 5. Total of All Debt Financing. Indicate the total of all debt financing for which the investor is personally
and primarily liable and which is secured by assets owned by the investor provided to the NCE. Any indebtedness must
be documented with evidence of the investor’s ownership of the assets used to secure the indebtedness, as well as the fair
market value of the investor’s ownership interest in such assets.
Item Number 6. Total Stock or Other Equity. Indicate the total value of all stock or other equity purchased in the
Item Number 7. Other Capital. Indicate any other capital invested or in the process of being invested in the NCE.
Provide an explanation for such capital in Part 12. Additional Information.

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Item Number 8. Administrative Costs and Fees. Provide the date(s) and amount(s) of any administrative fees you paid
associated with your investment in the NCE in a month/day/year format.
Item Number 9. Disclosure of Fees. Confirm that your regional center provided you a disclosure of all fees, ongoing
interest, and other compensation paid to any promoter by virtue of your investment.
Your Sources of Investment Capital

Item Number 11. Sources of the Capital You Have Invested. Identify the sources of the capital you have invested
or are actively in the process of investing into the NCE, as well as any funds used to pay administrative costs and fees
associated with your investment identified in Item Number 8. Select all that apply. Provide details in the space provided.
If you need additional space, use the space provided in Part 12. Additional Information.
Item Number 13. If the capital used for your investment was a gift or loan, identify the donor or lender and describe the
documentation provided with the petition to demonstrate the lawful source of funds. Any gifted or loaned funds invested
in the NCE must have been gifted or loaned in good faith to the investor and were not gifted or loaned to circumvent
limitations on permissible sources of capital, including proceeds from illegal activity.
Item Number 14. Provide the identity of any third-party you used to transfer capital into the United States on your
behalf. This may include any money-service business or third-party exchanger, such as a hawala. For businesses, you
should include the name and address of the entity, a copy of the business license or registration information, and any other
information that confirms the identity of the business. For individuals, you should include the person’s full name, date of
birth, country of birth, country of citizenship, and a copy of the person’s state-issued identification document, passport,
birth certificate, or other documents to confirm the identity of the person.
Part 6. Visa Processing and Immigration Proceedings
Item Numbers 1. - 4. Permanent Residence. Indicate how you will seek lawful permanent resident status by selecting
the appropriate box for either immigrant visa processing abroad or an application for adjustment of status. If you intend to
seek an immigrant visa abroad, indicate your country of citizenship or nationality and country of current residence. If you
are currently in the United States and intend to apply for adjustment of status, indicate the country of your last permanent
residence abroad and provide the address and telephone number of your last permanent residence abroad. If your native
alphabet is other than Roman letters, write your foreign address in your native alphabet.
Item Number 5. Indicate if you are submitting any additional forms with your petition, including an application to
adjust status, obtain employment authorization, or obtain a travel document. You may file an application to adjust status
concurrently with or subsequent to this Form I-526E if approval of your Form I-526E petition would make an immigrant
visa immediately available to you. Consult the U.S. Department of State Visa Bulletin and the USCIS website to
determine if an EB-5 immigrant visa is immediately available to you.

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Item Numbers 6. - 9. Immigration Proceedings. Indicate whether you are or have you ever been in removal, exclusion
or deportation proceedings before the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) or the Department of Justice’s Executive
Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) Immigration Court or the Board of Immigration Appeals, and, if so, the location
of the proceedings. Indicate whether you ever been unlawfully present or overstayed a visa and if you ever been denied
a visa or deported. Provide an explanation for why you are in proceedings in Part 12. Additional Information and
under what grounds you were denied a visa or deported. Also indicate whether you are currently subject to a final order of
exclusion, deportation, or removal, or subject to reinstatement of such an order.
Item Numbers 10. - 11. Employment in the United States. Indicate whether you have ever worked without proper
work authorization while in the United States. Also, provide an explanation for why you worked without proper work
authorization in the space provided and, if necessary, in Part 12. Additional Information.

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Part 7. Bona Fides of Persons Involved With Regional Center Program

Item Numbers 1. – 13. Bona Fides of Persons Involved With Regional Center Program. For Item Numbers 1. - 13.,
you should answer “Yes” to any question that applies, even if the records were sealed or otherwise cleared, or if anyone,
including a judge, law enforcement officer, or attorney, told you that you no longer have a record. You should also
answer “Yes” to the following questions whether it occurred here in the United States or anywhere else in the world. If
you answer “Yes” to Item Numbers 1. - 13., use the space provided in Part 12. Additional Information to provide an
explanation and include all relevant documentation that includes why you were arrested, cited, detained, or charged; and
the outcome or disposition (for example, no charges filed, charges dismissed, jail, probation, community service).
Part 8. Foreign Involvement in Regional Center Program

Item Numbers 1. – 3. Foreign Involvement in Regional Center Program. For Item Numbers 1. - 3., you should
answer “Yes” to any question that applies. If you answer “Yes” to any Item Numbers 1. - 3., use the space provided in
Part 12. Additional Information to provide an explanation.
Part 12. Additional Information

If you need extra space to provide any additional information within this petition, use the space provided in Part 12.
Additional Information. If you need more space than what is provided in Part 12., you may make copies of Part 12. to
complete and file with your petition, or attach a separate sheet of paper. Type or print your name and A-Number (if any)
at the top of each sheet; indicate the Page Number, Part Number, and Item Number to which your answer refers, and
sign and date each sheet.
We recommend that you print or save a copy of your completed petition to review in the future and for your
records. We recommend that you review your copy of your completed petition before you come to your
biometric services appointment at a USCIS ASC. At your appointment, USCIS will permit you to complete the
petition process only if you are able to confirm, under penalty of perjury, that all of the information in your petition is
complete, true, and correct. If you are not able to make that attestation in good faith at that time, USCIS will require
you to return for another appointment.

What Evidence Must You Submit?
You must submit all evidence requested in these instructions with your petition or through your myUSCIS account shortly
after submitting your petition. If you select to submit evidence through a myUSCIS account, you will receive instructions
with your receipt notice. If you fail to submit required evidence, USCIS may reject or deny your petition for failure to
submit requested evidence or supporting documents in accordance with 8 CFR 103.2(b)(1) and these Instructions.

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Evidence to Accompany Petition
The following evidence must, when applicable, be filed with your petition or through your myUSCIS account shortly after
submitting your petition:
1.	 Investment in a USCIS-designated Regional Center. You should submit a copy of the receipt notice from the
regional center’s Application for Approval of an Investment in a Commercial Enterprise (Form I-956F). The regional
center must have submitted Form I-956F before you can file this form.
2.	 Investment. Evidence that you have invested or are actively in the process of investing the required amount of
Such evidence may include, but need not be limited to, copies of bank statements showing amounts deposited into
the U.S. business accounts for the NCE, evidence of assets that have been purchased for use in the NCE, evidence of
property transferred from abroad for use in the NCE, evidence of monies transferred or committed to be transferred
to the NCE in exchange for shares of stock that cannot be redeemed at the holder’s request, or any loan or mortgage
agreement, promissory note, security agreement, or other evidence of borrowing that is secured by assets owned by
the petitioner (other than those of the NCE) and for which the petitioner is personally and primarily liable.

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3.	 Lawful Capital. Evidence that the capital you invested or are actively in the process of investing, as well as any
funds used to pay administrative costs and fees, were obtained through lawful means. You must include the
following documents, as applicable, with your petition: foreign business registration records, tax returns of any
kind filed by you or on your behalf within the last seven years in or outside the United States, evidence of other
sources of capital, or certified copies of any judgments, or evidence of all pending governmental administrative,
civil or criminal actions, any private civil actions (pending or otherwise) involving monetary judgments against the
petitioner from any court in or outside the United States within the past 15 years, and the identity of any person who
transferred capital used for your investment into the United States on your behalf. If your investment funds were
gifted or borrowed, submit evidence from the donor or, if other than a bank, the lender demonstrating that such funds
were obtained through lawful means and that the funds were gifted or loaned in good faith and were not gifted or
loaned to circumvent any limitations imposed on permissible sources of capital, including, but not limited to proceeds
from illegal activity. Capital does not include:

Assets directly or indirectly acquired by unlawful means;


Any capital invested in exchange for a note, bond, convertible debt, obligation, or any other debt
arrangement between you and the NCE;


Any capital invested with a guaranteed rate of return; or


Any capital invested that is subject to an agreement between you and the NCE that provides you with a
contractual right to repayment, such as a mandatory redemption or sell-back option held by you.

4.	 Identification. Submit a photocopy of government-issued identification, which may include a copy of your passport.

What Is the Filing Fee?
The filing fee for Form I-526E is $3,675. If you file a regional center-related Form I-526E on or after October 1, 2022,
you must include a separate check for $1,000 as required by the EB-5 Reform and Integrity Act of 2022. This additional
amount does not apply to an amendment request.
NOTE: The filing fee is not refundable, regardless of any action USCIS takes on this petition. DO NOT MAIL CASH.
You must submit all fees in the exact amount.

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Payments by Checks or Money Orders
Use the following guidelines when you prepare your check or money order for the Form I-526 filing fee:
1.	 The check or money order must be drawn on a bank or other financial institution located in the United States and must
be payable in U.S. currency; and
2.	 Make the check or money order payable to U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
NOTE: Spell out U.S. Department of Homeland Security; do not use the initials “USDHS” or “DHS.”
3.	 If you live outside the United States, contact the nearest U.S. Embassy or U.S. Consulate for instructions on the
method of payment.

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Notice to Those Making Payment by Check. If you send us a check, USCIS will convert it into an electronic funds
transfer (EFT). This means we will copy your check and use the account information on it to electronically debit your
account for the amount of the check. The debit from your account will usually take 24 hours and your bank will show it
on your regular account statement.
You will not receive your original check back. We will destroy your original check, but we will keep a copy of it. If
USCIS cannot process the EFT for technical reasons, you authorize us to process the copy in place of your original check.
If your check is returned as unpayable, USCIS will re-submit the payment to the financial institution one time. If the
check is returned as unpayable a second time, we will reject your petition and charge you a returned check fee.
Payments by Credit Card

If you are filing your petition at a USCIS Lockbox facility, you can pay your filing fee using a credit card. Please see
Form G-1450, Authorization for Credit Card Transactions, at www.uscis.gov/G-1450 for more information.
NOTE: By completing this transaction, you agree that you have paid for a government service and that the filing fee
and all related financial transactions are final and not refundable, regardless of any action USCIS takes on an application,
petition or request, or how long USCIS takes to reach a decision. DO NOT MAIL CASH. You must submit all fees in
the exact amounts.
NOTE: The filing fee is not refundable, regardless of any action USCIS takes on this petition. DO NOT MAIL CASH.
You must submit all fees in the exact amounts.
How To Check If the Fees Are Correct

Form I-526E’s filing fee is current as of the edition date in the lower left corner of this page. However, because USCIS
fees change periodically, you can verify that the fees are correct by following one of the steps below.
1.	 Visit the USCIS website at www.uscis.gov, select “FORMS,” and check the appropriate fee; or
2.	 Visit the USCIS Contact Center at www.uscis.gov/contactcenter to get answers to your questions and connect with a
live USCIS representative. If you do not have internet access, you may call the USCIS Contact Center at
1-800-375-5283 (TTY 1-800-767-1833). The USCIS Contact Center provides information in English and Spanish.

Where To File?
Please see our website at www.uscis.gov/i-526E or visit the USCIS Contact Center at www.uscis.gov/contactcenter to
connect with a USCIS representative for the most current information about where to file this petition. If you do not have
internet access, you may call the USCIS Contact Center at 1-800-375-5283 (TTY 1-800-767-1833). The USCIS Contact
Center provides information in English and Spanish.

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Address Change
A petitioner who is not a U.S. citizen must notify USCIS of his or her new address within 10 days of moving from his or
her previous residence. For information on filing a change of address go to the USCIS website at
www.uscis.gov/addresschange or reach out to the USCIS Contact Center at www.uscis.gov/contactcenter for help. If
you do not have internet access, you may call the USCIS Contact Center at 1-800-375-5283 (TTY 1-800-767-1833). The
USCIS Contact Center provides information in English and Spanish.
NOTE: Do not submit a change of address request to USCIS Lockbox facilities because these facilities do not process
change of address requests.

Not for

Processing Information

Initial Processing. Once USCIS accepts your petition, we will check it for completeness. If you do not completely fill
out this petition, you will not establish a basis for your eligibility and USCIS may reject or deny your petition.
Requests for More Information. We may request that you provide more information or evidence to support your
petition. We may also request that you provide the originals of any copies you submit. If we request an original document
from you, it will be returned to you after USCIS determines it no longer needs your original.
Requests for Interview. We may request that you appear at a USCIS office for an interview based on your petition. At
the time of any interview or other appearance at a USCIS office, we may require that you provide your biometrics to
verify your identity and/or update background and security checks.
Decision. The decision on Form I-526E involves a determination of whether you have established eligibility for the
immigration benefit you are seeking. USCIS will notify you of the decision in writing.

USCIS Forms and Information

To ensure you are using the latest version of this petition, visit the USCIS website at www.uscis.gov where you can obtain
the latest USCIS forms and immigration-related information. If you do not have internet access, you may call the USCIS
Contact Center at 1-800-375-5283 (TTY 1-800-767-1833) and ask that we mail a form to you. The USCIS Contact Center
provides information in English and Spanish.
Please visit us at www.uscis.gov/contactcenter to get basic information about immigration services and ask questions
about a pending case. Through our digital self-help tools and live assistance, the USCIS Contact Center provides a
pathway for you to get consistent, accurate information and answers to immigration case questions.

If you knowingly and willfully falsify or conceal a material fact or submit a false document with your Form I-526E, we
will deny your Form I-526E and may deny any other immigration benefit. In addition, you will face severe penalties
provided by law and may be subject to criminal prosecution.

Form I-526E Instructions 06/01/22 

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DHS Privacy Notice
AUTHORITIES: The information requested on this petition, and the associated evidence, is collected under Immigration
and Nationality Act (INA) sections 101, 103, 203, 204, 216A and 245 (as amended), the EB-5 Reform and Integrity Act
of 2022, Div. BB of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022 (Pub. L. No. 117-103), and 8 CFR parts 103 and 204.6.
PURPOSE: The primary purpose for providing the requested information on this petition, and the associated evidence,
is to demonstrate that you have invested, or are actively in the process of investing, lawfully obtained capital in a new
commercial enterprise in the United States that will create full-time jobs for not fewer than ten qualifying employees.
DHS will use the information you provide to grant or deny the immigration benefit you are seeking.

Not for

DISCLOSURE: The information you provide is voluntary. However, failure to provide the requested information,
including your Social Security number (if applicable), and any requested evidence, may delay a final decision or result in
denial of your petition.
ROUTINE USES: DHS may share the information you provide on this petition and any additional requested evidence
with other Federal, state, local, and foreign government agencies and authorized organizations. DHS follows approved
routine uses described in the associated published system of records notices [DHS/USCIS-001 - Alien File, Index, and
National File Tracking System of Records and DHS/USCIS-007 - Benefits Information System] and the published privacy
impact assessments [DHS/USCIS/PIA-003 Integrated Digitization Document Management Program and DHS/USCIS/
PIA-016(a) Computer Linked Application Information Management System and Associated Systems], which you can find
at www.dhs.gov/privacy. DHS may also share the information, as appropriate, for law enforcement purposes or in the
interest of national security.

Paperwork Reduction Act

An agency may not conduct or sponsor an information collection, and a person is not required to respond to a collection
of information, unless it displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number. The public
reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated at 1 hour and 50 minutes per response, including the time
for reviewing instructions, gathering the required documentation and information, completing the petition, preparing
statements, attaching necessary documentation, and submitting the petition. Send comments regarding this burden
estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to: U.S.
Citizenship and Immigration Services, Office of Policy and Strategy, Regulatory Coordination Division, 5900 Capital
Gateway Drive, Mail Stop #2140, Camp Springs, MD 20588-0009; OMB No. 1615-0026. Do not mail your completed
Form I-526E to this address.

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File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleForm I-526E, Immigrant Petition by Regional Center Investor
File Modified2023-02-09
File Created2023-02-09

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