Supporting Statement A
OMB Control Number 2120-0015
We are renaming and updating collection 2120-0015 to consolidate several related processes that use airport and aeronautical data and that are being automated via the same online system—the Airport Data and Information Portal (ADIP).
This change revises the total number of respondents, the number of responses, the burden and cost of the collection to respondents, and the cost to the Federal Government.
1. Explain the circumstances that make the collection of information necessary. Identify any legal or administrative requirements that necessitate the collection.
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) collects airport1 and aeronautical data about the physical airport infrastructure, its operations, and its use through the Airport Data and Information Portal (ADIP)2. ADIP is the agency’s authoritative source for the collection of airport data and information used to process airport actions, studies, and analyses and for use when considering funding requests.
We are revising and renaming Collection 2120-0015 (currently titled FAA Airport Master Record) to reflect our move away from an analog process and toward a predominantly digital one. ADIP will encompass a portfolio of applications through which airports and their consultants will submit airport data for processing. These include the Airports Geographic Information System (AGIS), Airport Master Record (AMR), Modification of Standards (MOS), Runway Airspace Management (RAM), and Runway Safety Area Inventory (RSAI). In the future, we will also move the data and process described in Collection 2120-0036, Notice of Landing Area Proposal, into this system3.
ADIP makes airports more proactive partners in the data collection process by giving them direct access to their own data and the ability to submit changes to it according to defined business rules. This allows for timelier reporting of changes to airport data and more efficient processing of approvals of related airport actions, studies, and analyses by the FAA.
The data collected through ADIP is done under several authorities:
49 USC 329(b) empowers and directs the Secretary of Transportation to collect and disseminate information on civil aeronautics. In addition, Section 47130 of the U.S. Code Title 49, Sub VII, Part B, Chapter 471, mandates the collection of airport safety data. Aeronautical information is required by the FAA in order to carry out agency missions such as those related to aviation flying safety, flight planning, airport engineering, federal grants analysis, production of aeronautical and flight information publications, and the promotion of air commerce as required by Section 44721, Aeronautical charts and related products and services.
49 U.S.C. § 47105 and 14 CFR Part 158 (49 U.S.C. 40117) apply to the collection of Modification of Standards (MOS) data. Airports must comply with FAA standards as a condition of receiving funds under the Airport Improvement Program (AIP) per 49 U.S.C. § 47105 and Grant Assurance #16 or when imposing charges under the Passenger Facility Charge Program (PFC) 14 CFR Part 158 and Assurance #9. When local conditions preclude conformance to these standards for a given project, airport sponsors must submit a request to deviate from FAA standards for design, construction and equipment. FAA approval of a MOS request satisfies the AIP and PFC project requirement when conformance is not practical.
14 CFR part 77, Safe, Efficient Use, and Perseveration of the Navigable Airspace, specifies the requirements for protecting airspace and mitigating airport obstacles (49 U.S.C. Subtitle VII, Part A)
ADIP includes data for nearly 20,000 airports, approximately 5,195 of which are open to the public and 517 of which are certificated under 14 CFR Part 139 to receive scheduled passenger service. We anticipate approximately 150 airports, both public and private, will be added to ADIP each year, while a similar number will be reported as abandoned or deactivated.
The information collected in ADIP is safety critical and directly supports the FAA goals of Safety and Operational Excellence. The processes administered through ADIP reduce dollar loss by preventing aviation incidents in the air and on the ground and help ensure wise investment of Federal aviation grant funds.
This collection supports the DOT strategic goals of Safety, Equity, Transformation, and Organizational Excellence.4
2. Indicate how, by whom, and for what purpose the information is to be used. Except for a new collection, indicate the actual use the agency has made of the information received from the current collection.
ADIP establishes data collection standards and automated processes for the collection and management of airport data and information used to support operations within the National Airspace System (NAS). ADIP is identified as an essential component within the FAA Enterprise Information Management (EIM) initiatives and also serves as the designated authoritative source of airport data and information within the Aeronautical Information Management Modernization (AIMM) effort5 and the Aeronautical Common Service (ACS). ACS is a Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) system developed to ingest aeronautical data from authoritative sources, reconcile data and then distribute data through the FAA System Wide Information Management (SWIM) services in support of On-Demand NAS. SWIM is the digital data-sharing backbone of NextGen and ADIP is a core component.
In addition to meeting the FAA’s data requirements, the information within ADIP is also used extensively by other segments of the civil and military aeronautical communities. Other users of the data are private industry, state agencies (for use in state airport directories, aeronautical publications, and system planning) and other government agencies such as the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA).
Each of the modules within ADIP ensures efficient collection and processing of data.
ADIP Registration
The Registration Module allows ADIP users to register for access to one or more modules as needed and the FAA to approve and manage this access. This registration allows the public access to useful tools, such as the Wind Analysis Tool, but also ensures official airport data is only provided by authorized airport users or consultants identified by airport management. Registration is not needed to view an airport’s published information.
Users include airport managers, staff, and their consultants; state aviation employees; NGS staff; FAA employees and contractors; and the general public. Currently, there are more than 10,000 active users, of which approximately 8,000 are public users.
Airport Master Record (5010)
The primary purpose of the AMR module of ADIP is to identify minimum data and information about the physical infrastructure, characteristics, services, operations, and status of all airports (public and private) comprising the National Airspace System (NAS).
Historically, airport data and information used to populate the FAA’s Airport Master Record (AMR) and databases was collected via four separate instruments known collectively as 5010 Forms. The 5010-1 form was used to collect data for existing public-use airports. The 5010-2 form was used to collect data for existing private-use airports. The 5010-3 form was used to collect data for newly established public-use airports, and the 5010-5 form was used to collect data for newly established private-use airports. ADIP will allow us to discontinue these forms and instead collect and confirm this data through the AMR module on an as needed basis
The FAA uses AMR data in flight information publications and navigation databases and to complete analyses. We provide AMR data and information internally and externally for dissemination to pilots and other interested parties as part our aeronautical information solution and services. If this data were not collected, U.S. government aeronautical and flight information publications such as aeronautical charts, chart supplements, NOTAMs and other information essential to the safety of the NAS could not be produced or maintained.
Data from the AMR module of ADIP also feeds into the FAA Air Traffic Organization’s National Airspace System Resources (NASR) database, where it is made publicly available and used for planning purposes by the FAA, airports, State and local governments, pilots, and other interested stakeholders.
During yearly physical inspections of public-use airports, State inspectors and regional FAA Airport Safety Certification Inspectors confirm currently published facility data is still valid and accurate. When changes to the published data are discovered, they enter those changes through the AMR module of ADIP. Through the AMR module of ADIP, airport sponsors and their proponents may also update their facility’s data. Data from public-use, non-part 139 airports is currently collected every 3 years, with 1/3 of these airports being inspected every year.
Currently, the FAA receives approximately 11,200 AMR submissions annually. With the increased efficiency provided by ADIP, our goal is to eventually obtain a yearly update from every airport on record with the FAA through either a physical inspection or by self-reporting from airport management.
Guidance and policy for the collection of AMR data is provided in FAA Advisory Circular 150/5300-19, Airport Data and Information Program, and Order 5010.4, Airport Data and Information Management.
Airports Geographic Information System (AGIS)
AGIS is a geospatial workflow and data collection tool that allows the FAA to collaborate with airport sponsors and proponents to ensure geospatial airport data and associated attributes are provided to the FAA in the necessary format and in a timely manner for airports included in the National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems (NPIAS)6. Through this workflow, the data is verified. Once verified, airspace and airport safety critical geospatial data can be disseminated in support of flight operations within the National Airspace System (NAS).
This data is reported on an as-needed basis by airports and their proponents. Reporting is mandatory.
The amount and type of data collected via this module depends on the size of the airport and project. We expect approximately 250 survey projects requiring geospatial data to be submitted annually.
Guidance and policy for the collection of AGIS data is provided in FAA AC 150/5300-16, General Guidance and Specifications for Aeronautical Surveys: Establishment of Geodetic Control and Submission to the National Geodetic Survey; FAA AC 150/5300-17, Standards for Using Remote Sensing Technologies in Airport Surveys; and FAA AC 150/5300-18, General Guidance and Specifications for Submission of Aeronautical Surveys to NGS: Field Data Collection and Geographic Information System (GIS) Standards.
Modification of Standards (MOS)
The MOS application allows airport sponsors, managers, and staff to submit requests for modifications of FAA airport design, construction, or equipment standards to the FAA for approval.
Airports must comply with FAA standards as a condition of receiving funds under the Airport Improvement Program (AIP) per 49 U.S.C. § 47105 and Grant Assurance #16 or when imposing charges under the Passenger Facility Charge Program (PFC), 14 CFR Part 158 and Assurance #9. On a project basis, the FAA considers requests from sponsors to deviate from FAA standards for design, construction and equipment when local conditions preclude conformance. FAA approval of a modification satisfies the AIP and PFC project requirement when conformance is not practical.. Sponsors that seek an MOS submit applicable information using the MOS tool within ADIP. FAA reviews the information in the MOS tool to determine acceptability of a proposed modification. Coordination and approval actions occur via the MOS tool.
MOS data is reported on an as-needed basis by airports and their proponents. Reporting is mandatory.
We expect approximately 350 MOS applications annually.
FAA Order 5300.1, Modifications to Agency Airport Design, Construction, and Equipment Standards, sets forth internal policy for administering and processing Modifications of Standards (MOS) requests
Runway Airspace Management (RAM)
The RAM application allows airports to conduct geospatial airspace analysis and prepare and submit Obstacle Action Plans (OAPs) for review. The FAA then uses the collected data to design and evaluate instrument procedures and to ensure vertical separation for visual, non-instrument runways.
OAPs are submitted on an as-needed basis by airports and their proponents and then reviewed and updated annually. Reporting is mandatory.
We expect approximately 19 airports (Those with identified issues that may affect their operations due to obstructions impacting their published Instrument Flight Procedures) to submit OAPs via the RAM module annually.
Guidance and policy for performing Runway Airspace Management is found in FAA Advisory Circular 150/5300-13, Airport Design; 14 CFR part 77, Safe, Efficient Use, and Perseveration of the Navigable Airspace; FAA Order 8260.3, United States Standard for Terminal Instrument Procedures (TERPS); and FAA Order 5190.6, FAA Airport Compliance Manual.
Runway Safety Area Inventory (RSAI) Tool
The RSAI Tool documents the dimensions, conditions, and objects within the Runway Safety Areas (RSAs) of all runways at airports within the NPIAS through forms, listed information, and satellite imagery. This application also allows for documentation of planned, in-progress, and completed mitigations for improvement.
Within ADIP, the FAA prepopulated the RSAI tool with existing airport data to minimize the burden on airports. Airports are now required to review and confirm this data annually. The FAA uses this information when considering requests for federal funding and to ensure compliance with standards and safety requirements. Airports may need to interact with the tool more than once a year if a completed project requires an update to any of the data fields within the inventory.
We expect approximately 790 airports to review and confirm their RSAI data annually. Reporting is mandatory.
Guidance and policy for the collection of AGIS data is provided in FAA Order 5200.8, Runway Safety Area Program; FAA Order 5200.9, Financial Feasibility and Equivalency of Runway Safety Area Improvements and Engineered Material Arresting Systems; FAA Advisory Circular 150/5300-13, Airport Design; FAA Airports Standard Operating Procedure 8.0, Standard Operating Procedure for Runway Safety Area Determination; and Public Law 109-115, Transportation, Treasury, Housing and Urban Development, the Judiciary, the District of Columbia, and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act, 2006.
Additional Tools
ADIP also makes tools available for the convenience of registered users as well as for the FAA to analyze the included data and identify safety issues. Data is not collected via these tools and thus no burden is included for them.
The Obstacle Search Tool. This tool allows registered ADIP users to conduct a geospatial radius search from 1 nautical mile out to 25 nautical miles on the FAA obstacle database.
The Wind Analysis Tool. This tool allows registered ADIP users the ability to determine the optimum runway orientation based on wind data provided by the National Weather Service.
Document Storage. This functionality allows the storage of legacy documents associated with specific airports, including Airport Layout Plans (ALPs), Marking and Signage Plans, and Runways Safety Area (RSA) determinations.
The RIM Application. The FAA uses this tool to manage the national RIM program, which identifies, prioritizes, and develops strategies to help airport sponsors mitigate risk where airfield geometry is a primary contributing factor for runway incursions.7 Through RIM, the FAA focuses on reducing runway incursions by addressing risks at specific locations at the airport with a history of runway incursions.8 The RIM program uses data from collections 2120-0015, Airport Master Record; 2120-0675, Part 139 Airport Certification; and 2120-0569, Airport Improvement Program. Once the Airport Safety Management System regulation9 receives OMB approval and goes into effect, RIM will incorporate Safety Risk Management data from this collection into its analysis as well.
3. Describe whether, and to what extent, the collection of information involves the use of automated, electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or other forms of information technology.
ADIP allows submission, retrieval, and processing of data via an online portal ( This portal makes inputting data and projects more efficient and less burdensome for airports, their consultants, and airport inspectors and allows more timely processing and analysis of data, as well as the identification and correction of data inaccuracies, by the FAA. The tool also allows proponents and the FAA to collaborate on projects as necessary. This system will replace the paper and fillable PDFs that were previously used for collecting and processing data in ADIP.
To access this system, users must complete an online registration. To ensure data integrity, only validated users, via a password-protected section of ADIP, have the ability to submit and update data in those modules to which they have been given access. The system displays a Privacy Act Statement.
The public, without registering, can currently access Airport Master Record data through a Facility Search tool available on the ADIP main page ( The FAA also makes the entire 5010 dataset available to the public through a digital subscription ( Both the FAA and industry use this subscription dataset to populate web applications that make the data available in user-friendly formats to the public.
4. Describe efforts to identify duplication. Show specifically why any similar information already available cannot be used or modified for use for the purposes described in Item 2 above.
ADIP is the FAA’s official means of collecting aeronautical information about airports. This process has been coordinated with other FAA offices. ADIP is identified as an essential component within the FAA Enterprise Information Management (EIM) initiatives and also serves as the designated authoritative source of airport data and information within the Aeronautical Information Management Modernization (AIMM) Aeronautical Common Service (ACS). ACS is a Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) system developed to ingest aeronautical data from authoritative sources, reconcile data and then distribute data through the FAA System Wide Information Management (SWIM) services in support of On-Demand NAS. SWIM is the digital data-sharing backbone of NextGen and ADIP is a core component.
In the future, we will also move the data and process described in Collection 2120-0036, Notice of Landing Area Proposal, into this system. This will further reduce any possibility of duplication. Collection 2120-0036 is currently housed within the FAA’s OE/AAA system, which is managed by the Air Traffic Organization (OMB Collection 2120-0001). Moving it into ADIP, which is managed by the Office of Airports, will ensure better data management by consolidating related airport data within a single system managed by the office responsible for the data.
5. If the collection of information involves small businesses or other small entities, describe the methods used to minimize burden.
For some of the modules (AMR, RSAI, RAM), airports that are small entities are merely confirming existing, prepopulated data, which requires a minimum burden. Further, the FAA only requires reviews and updates to data within ADIP as frequently as safety requires. In most cases, this is no more than once a year or after completion of a project that impacts airport data.
Further, FAA staff in Regional and Airport District Offices work closely with airports, including small entities, to provide any support and assistance needed to help them meet their reporting requirements for this collection.
For more complex collections (AGIS, MOS) that may be most burdensome to small entities, the FAA can work with the airports to help them apply for Federal funding to offset the cost of hiring consultants to collect and submit the required data.
6. Describe the consequence to Federal program or policy activities if the collection is not conducted or is conducted less frequently, as well as any technical or legal obstacles to reducing burden.
Not collecting this data would pose a serious hazard to air navigation. It would interfere with the FAA’s mission related to aviation flying safety, flight planning, airport engineering and federal grants analysis, aeronautical and flight information publications, and the promotion of air commerce as required by statute, and it would reduce safety for pilots and the flying public. Further, not reporting this data could put some facilities in noncompliance with Federal grant assurances and potentially interfere with their ability to receive future Federal funding for airport projects.
Using ADIP to submit and process this data will increase efficiency, allow the more timely identification and correction of data inaccuracies within the authoritative source database, and allow the FAA to process actions and approvals more quickly.
ADIP Registration data is collected when users first interact with the system and is then periodically confirmed to ensure only authorized users have access to update airport data. This periodic confirmation is necessary to ensure the integrity of the data, which is critical for aviation safety.
Airport Master Record data from public-use facilities is currently collected annually; data from private-use facilities is solicited every 3 years. Less frequent collection of data would lead to inaccurate information in aeronautical publications and pilot handbooks, posing a serious hazard to air navigation and increase the time needed for FAA specialists to review and verify records.
AGIS data is collected every 3 years unless a specific project requires more frequent collection. Less frequent collection inaccurate information in aeronautical publications and pilot handbooks, posing a serious hazard to air navigation and increase the time needed for FAA specialists to review and verify records.
MOS data is collected on an as needed basis when conditions at an airport preclude it from conforming to an FAA design, construction or equipment standard. Less frequent collection would make it impossible for the FAA to determine whether the proposed modification to the standard would impede safety.
The Obstacle Action Plans (OAPs) available through the RAM tool are confirmed annually. Less frequent collection would impact the FAA’s ability to design and evaluate instrument procedures and to ensure vertical separation for visual, non-instrument runways.
RSAI data is confirmed annually. Less frequent collection could impact the airports’ ability to apply for federal funding and impede the FAA’s ability to ensure compliance with standards and safety requirements.
7. Explain any special circumstances that would cause an information collection to be conducted in a manner:
requiring respondents to report information to the agency more often than quarterly;
requiring respondents to prepare a written response to a collection of information in fewer than 30 days after receipt of it;
requiring respondents to submit more than an original and two copies of any document; requiring respondents to retain records, other than health, medical, government contract, grant-in-aid, or tax records, for more than three years;
in connection with a statistical survey, that is not designed to produce valid and reliable results that can be generalized to the universe of study;
requiring the use of a statistical data classification that has not been reviewed and approved by OMB;
that includes a pledge of confidentiality that is not supported by authority established in statute or regulation, that is not supported by disclosure and data security policies that are consistent with the pledge, or which unnecessarily impedes sharing of data with other agencies for compatible confidential use; or
requiring respondents to submit proprietary trade secrets, or other confidential information unless the agency can demonstrate that it has instituted procedures to protect the information's confidentiality to the extent permitted by law.
are no special circumstances.
8. Provide information on the PRA Federal Register Notice that solicited public comments on the information collection prior to this submission. Summarize the public comments received in response to that notice and describe the actions taken by the agency in response to those comments. Describe the efforts to consult with persons outside the agency to obtain their views on the availability of data, frequency of collection, the clarity of instructions and recordkeeping, disclosure, or reporting format (if any), and on the data elements to be recorded, disclosed, or reported.
A Federal Register Notice published on September 23, 2022 (87 FR 58178)] solicited public comment. As the original notice included an incorrect comment by day, we published a correction on October 3, 2022 (87 FR 59863) correcting the comment submission date. The only comment we received was about the incorrect date in the initial notice. We addressed this by issuing the correction. No additional comments were received.
In addition, while developing ADIP, we have engaged in significant outreach to the aviation community. This has included multiple presentations to and discussions with the industry groups that represent both airports and consultants and with airport staff and management at periodic FAA Regional Airports Conferences and other meetings. Input from these groups has been incorporated into ADIP. Further, the system provides a means for users to submit feedback about ADIP and its modules and recommendations for improvements.
9. Explain any decisions to provide payments or gifts to respondents, other than remuneration of contractors or grantees.
There are no payments or gifts to respondents.
10. Describe any assurance of confidentiality provided to respondents and the basis for assurance in statute, regulation, or agency policy.
offer no assurance of confidentiality.
11. Provide additional justification for any questions of a sensitive nature, such as sexual behavior and attitudes, religious beliefs, and other matters that are commonly considered private.
There are no sensitive questions.
12. Provide estimates of the hour burden of the collection of information. The statement should:
Indicate the number of respondents, frequency of response, annual hour burden, and an explanation of how the burden was estimated. Unless directed to do so, agencies should not conduct special surveys to obtain information on which to base hour burden estimates. Consultation with a sample (fewer than 10) of potential respondents is desirable. If the hour burden on respondents is expected to vary widely because of differences in activity, size, or complexity, show the range of estimated hour burden, and explain the reasons for the variance. Generally, estimates should not include burden hours for customary and usual business practices. * If this request for approval covers more than one form, provide separate hour burden estimates for each form and aggregate the hour burdens.
Provide estimates of annualized cost to respondents for the hour burdens for collections of information, identifying and using appropriate wage rate categories. The cost of contracting out or paying outside parties for information collection activities should not be included here. Instead, this cost should be included under item 13.
The total burden associated with this collection is 14,219 hours and the total labor cost is $2,100,042.
ADIP Registration
There are approximately 8,000 active public users in ADIP. These include airport staff and management, consultants, and other members of the public who have a need to interact with the system and data. For this approval period, we expect approximately 1,700 new users to register annually.
In addition to basic contact information, users also self-select their role within the system and identify their reason for needing access. Based on this response, users might be asked a few additional questions to identify the specific facilities associated with their accounts and to help the FAA verify users and access rights. On average, we estimate the registration process take no more than 15 minutes for each user.
We estimate a total burden of 425 hours and a total cost of $45,050 for this this IC.
IC 1 (ADIP Registration)
Summary (Annual numbers) |
Reporting |
Recordkeeping |
# of Respondents |
1700 |
0 |
# of Responses per respondent |
1 |
0 |
Time per Response (hours) |
.25 |
0 |
Total burden (hours) |
425 |
0 |
Each registration will take approximately 0.25 hours report to report. Registrants include a wide range of users, from Airport Manager to Engineer to Geoscientists. Airport Managers represent about 40 percent of all registered users and Airport Staff (including Engineers and Geoscientists10) and Other Users (including Inspectors) about 30 percent each. For this reason, we have calculated an average hourly rate for a registrant based on these percentage.
Airport manager/operator: ($65 x 2) x 680 = $44,200
Airport staff (engineer, geoscientist): [($50 + $40)/2] x 510 = $22,950
Other registrants (including inspectors): $45 x 510 = $22,950
Average hourly wage of registrants: ($44,200 + $22,950 + $22,950)/1700 = $53
The cost of the registration process is based on the average hourly wage of $53, multiplied by 2 to account for benefits plus other overhead costs such as rent, utilities, and office equipment11:
[($53 x 2) x 0.25 hours] x 1700 registrants = $45,050
Airport Master Record
ADIP includes airport master record data for nearly 20,000 airports. Public-use airports, of which there are 5,195, must review and confirm their data annually. This is done both by the airports and by State and FAA inspectors. The managers and operators of private-use airports do so on a less frequent schedule and are not inspected. Currently, the FAA receives an average of 11,200 AMR updates each year.
We estimate these updates take approximately 0.75 hours, based on an average of 1 hour of inspection time for the 4,678 airports not inspected by FAA inspectors and 30 minutes of review by 5,195 public-use airport managers/operators and 6,005 private-use airport managers/operators.
We also receive AMR data from approximately 5 new public and 145 new private facilities each year. We anticipate the burden for reporting this data, based on inspection time and data review, to be approximately 2 hours per airport.
We estimate a total burden of 8,700 hours and a total cost of $1,571,672 for the ICs associated with AMR data.
IC 2 (AMR review and updates, Forms 5010-2 and 5010-5)
Summary (Annual numbers) |
Reporting |
Recordkeeping |
# of Respondents |
11,200 |
0 |
# of Responses per respondent |
1 |
0 |
Time per Response (hours) |
0.75 |
0 |
Total burden (hours) |
8,400 |
IC 3 (New AMR submissions, Forms 5010-1 and 5010-3)
Summary (Annual numbers) |
Reporting |
Recordkeeping |
# of Respondents |
150 |
0 |
# of Responses per respondent |
1 |
0 |
Time per Response (hours) |
2 |
0 |
Total burden (hours) |
300 |
For the collection of Airport Master Record data, we estimate the time burden to all respondents to be 8,700 hours.
We estimate that airport managers/owners will spend an average of 0.5 hours reviewing and updating existing AMR data via ADIP or using printed 5010-2 and 5010-5 forms and 2 hours for new AMR entries via ADIP and printed 5010-1 and 5010-3 forms.
The mean hourly wage of a General Operations Manager (airport managers/owners)12 of $65 (rounded), multiplied by 2 to account for benefits plus other overhead costs such as rent, utilities, and office equipment13:
AMR updates: [($65 x 2) x 0.75] x 11,200 submissions = $1,092,000
New airports: [($65 x 2) x 2] x 150 submissions = $39,000
The total mean hourly wage of a Transportation Inspector (support activities for air transportation)14 of $47 (rounded), multiplied by 2 to account for benefits plus other overhead costs such as rent, utilities, and office equipment15 for the 4,678 public-use non-Part 139 airports and 5 new public-use airports:
AMR updates: ($47 x 1) x 4,678 public-use airports = $439,732
New airports: [($47 x 2) x 2 hours] x 5 new airports = $940
For the collection of Airport Master Record data, we estimate the cost to all respondents to be $1,531,732 (IC 2) plus $39,940 (IC 3) or $1,571,672.
Airports Geographic Information System (AGIS)
We anticipate receiving 250 survey projects each year. The survey data required, and the resulting burden, depends on the type of project to be performed. For the purposes of this approval, however, we have calculated an average time of 5 hours per response.
We estimate a total burden of 1,200 hours and a total cost of $100,000 for the IC associated with AGIS data.
Summary (Annual numbers) |
Reporting |
Recordkeeping |
# of Respondents |
250 |
# of Responses per respondent |
1 |
Time per Response (hours) |
5 |
Total burden (hours) |
1,250 |
We estimate the following costs for each type of project:
Each of the estimated projects submitted each year will take a Geoscientist or similar approximately 5 hours to report. The mean hourly wage of a Geoscientist16 is $40 (rounded), multiplied by 2 to account for benefits plus other overhead costs such as rent, utilities, and office equipment17:
[($40 x 2) x 5 hours] x 250 projects = $100,000
Modification of Standards (MOS)
We expect 350 requests for Modifications of Standards each year and airports to spend approximately 8 hours per request.
We estimate a total burden of 2,800 hours and a total cost of $280,000 for the IC associated with MOS data.
IC 5 (MOS)
Summary (Annual numbers) |
Reporting |
Recordkeeping |
# of Respondents |
350 |
0 |
# of Responses per respondent |
1 |
0 |
Time per Response (hours) |
8 |
0 |
Total burden (hours) |
2,800 |
0 |
Each of the estimated 350 MOS submitted each year will take an Airport Engineer or similar approximately 8 hours to report. The mean hourly wage of an Engineer18 is $50 (rounded), multiplied by 2 to account for benefits plus other overhead costs such as rent, utilities, and office equipment19:
[($50 x 2) x 8 hours] x 350 projects = $280,000
Runway Airspace Management (RAM)
We expect 19 airports to submit OAPs through the RAM module each year and estimate the time required for each submission to be 16 hours.
We estimate a total burden of 304 hours and a total cost of $24,320 for the IC associated with RAM data.
IC 6 (RAM)
Summary (Annual numbers) |
Reporting |
Recordkeeping |
# of Respondents |
19 |
0 |
# of Responses per respondent |
1 |
0 |
Time per Response (hours) |
16 |
0 |
Total burden (hours) |
304 |
0 |
Each of the estimated 19 OAPs submitted each year will take a Geoscientist or similar approximately 16 hours to report. The mean hourly wage of a Geoscientist20 is $40 (rounded), multiplied by 2 to account for benefits plus other overhead costs such as rent, utilities, and office equipment21:
[($40 x 2) x 16 hours] x 19 projects = $24,320
Runway Safety Area Inventory (RSAI) Tool
We expect 790 airports to review and confirm RSAI data each year and estimate the time burden per request to be 1 hours.
We estimate a total burden of 790 hours and a total cost of $79,000 for the IC associated with RAM data.
Summary (Annual numbers) |
Reporting |
Recordkeeping |
# of Respondents |
790 |
0 |
# of Responses per respondent |
1 |
0 |
Time per Response (hours) |
1 |
0 |
Total burden (hours) |
790 |
0 |
Each of the estimated 790 annual RSAI reviews will take an Airport Engineer or similar approximately 1 hour to report. The mean hourly wage of an Engineer22 is $50 (rounded), multiplied by 2 to account for benefits plus other overhead costs such as rent, utilities, and office equipment23:
[($50 x 2) x 1 hour] x 790 projects = $79,000
13. Provide an estimate for the total annual cost burden to respondents or record keepers resulting from the collection of information.
Currently, there are no costs to airports other than the labor costs recorded above. Much of the work that results in the collection of this data, particularly with IC 6, is eligible for and covered by airport grants and thus included under OMB collection 2120-0569, Airports Grants Program.
This system will replace the paper and fillable PDFs that were previously used for collecting and processing data in ADIP, so there will no longer be an associated mailing cost.
14. Provide estimates of annualized costs to the Federal government. Also, provide a description of the method used to estimate cost, which should include quantification of hours, operational expenses (such as equipment, overhead, printing, and support staff), and any other expense that would not have been incurred without this collection of information.
The total annualized cost of this information collection to the Federal Government is $4,060,036. This includes the labor cost of FAA staff who process the data ($560,036) and development and maintenance of the ADIP system ($3.5 million).
ADIP Registration
Registrations are processed under a support contract and included in the system costs described under ADIP System below.
Airport Master Record (5010)
The mean hourly wage of a Federal Transportation Inspector24 of $56 (rounded), multiplied by 2 to account for benefits plus other overhead costs such as rent, utilities, and office equipment25 for the 517 Part 139 airports is:
($56 x 2) x 517 = $57,904
Once the data is received, it must be processed by 2 Aeronautical Information Specialists within the FAA, who collectively spend 30 hours per week for approximately 47 weeks (1,410 hours annually) working with submitted AMR data. This job is similar to the Operations Research Analyst26 profession, which has a mean hourly way of $59 (rounded), multiplied by 2 to account for benefits plus other overhead costs such as rent, utilities, and office equipment27:
($59 x 2) x (1,410) = $166,380
Airports Geographic Information System (AGIS)
AGIS data is processed by 1 Aeronautical Information Specialists within the FAA, who spends 20 hours per week for approximately 47 weeks (940 hours annually) working with submitted AGIS data. This job is similar to the Operations Research Analyst28 profession, which has a mean hourly way of $59 (rounded), multiplied by 2 to account for benefits plus other overhead costs such as rent, utilities, and office equipment29:
($59 x 2) x (940) = $110,920
Modification of Standards (MOS)
MOS submissions are processed by Regional Civil Engineers30 within the FAA, who spend on average 4 hours working on each of the 350 submissions. The mean hourly way of $48 (rounded), multiplied by 2 to account for benefits plus other overhead costs such as rent, utilities, and office equipment31:
($48 x 2) x 4 hours x 350 submissions = $134,400
Runway Airspace Management (RAM)
OAP submissions submitted via the RAM module are processed by FAA airspace specialists32, who spend on average 8 hours working on each of the 19 submissions. The mean hourly way of $48 (rounded), multiplied by 2 to account for benefits plus other overhead costs such as rent, utilities, and office equipment33:
($48 x 2) x 8 hours x 19 submissions = $14,592
Runway Safety Area Inventory (RSAI) Tool
RSAI submissions are processed by Regional civil engineers34 within the FAA, who spend on average 1 hour working on each of the 790 submissions. The mean hourly way of $48 (rounded), multiplied by 2 to account for benefits plus other overhead costs such as rent, utilities, and office equipment35:
($48 x 2) x 1 hours x 790 submissions = $75,840
ADIP System
The ADIP system encompasses several modules, described above. The annual cost of development, updates, maintenance, and contract support to ADIP is approximately $3.5 million.
15. Explain the reasons for any program changes or adjustments.
We are revising this collection to encompass all data sets and processes to be housed within ADIP. To make this larger scope clear, we are also changing the name of the collection to “FAA Airport Data and Information”.
This change revises the total number of respondents, the number of responses, the burden and cost of the collection to respondents, and the cost to the Federal Government.
16. For collections of information whose results will be published, outline plans for tabulation and publication. Address any complex analytical techniques that will be used. Provide the time schedule for the entire project, including beginning and ending dates of the collection of information, completion of report, publication dates, and other actions.
Airport Master Record data is made publicly available via several FAA sources. The all pull from the same data set, which is updated every 28 days.
ADIP makes this data available via its facility search.36 An advanced search feature allows users to pull subsets of this data by specific data fields.
The FAA Air Traffic Aeronautical Information Services Directorate also publishes some of the airport master record data in its daily National Flight Data Digest (NFDD).37 The NFDD is the single dissemination source in the U.S. for all civil charts and civil flight publications published by U.S. Government mapmakers and private industry mapmakers. No complex analytical techniques are used.
The FAA’s Aeronautical Information Services also publishes the complete dataset every 28 days and makes it available through a web subscription.38 Other entities both within the FAA and outside use the web subscription to make the data available in a variety of formats.
As mentioned above, some of the data is also made available to registered users via Obstacle Search and Wind Analysis tools. These allow external users and the FAA to analyze the included data and identify safety issues. The Obstacle Search tool allows users to conduct a geospatial radius search from 1 nautical mile out to 25 nautical miles on the FAA obstacle database (RAM data). The Wind Analysis tool allows users to determine the optimum runway orientation based on wind data provided by the National Weather Service.
In addition, RIM data is published in periodic inventories and in annual summary reports.39
17. If seeking approval to not display the expiration date for OMB approval of the information collection, explain the reasons why display would be inappropriate.
Not seeking approval to not display
expiration date.
Explain each exception to the topics of the certification statement
identified in “Certification for Paperwork Reduction Act
are no exceptions to this certification.
1 “Airport” means collectively, Airports, Heliports, Vertiports, Baloonports, Seaplane Bases, Gliderports and Ultralight Flightparks.
3 This collection is currently housed within the FAA’s OE/AAA system, which is managed by the Air Traffic Organization (OMB Collection 2120-0001). Moving it into ADIP, which is managed by the Office of Airports, will ensure better data management by consolidating related airport data within a single system managed by the office responsible for the data.
4 The Fiscal Year 2022-2026 DOT Strategic Goals are available at
5 Aeronautical Information Management Modernization (AIMM) will deliver modern, integrated digital Aeronautical Information (AI) to the National Airspace System (NAS) and enhance the safety and efficiency of the NAS by establishing a single trusted access point of digital AI. See
6 The NPIAS identifies more than 3,000 existing and proposed airports that are included in the national airport system, the roles they currently serve, and the amounts and types of airport development eligible for Federal funding under the Airport Improvement Program (AIP) over the next 5 years. See
7 Runway incursions occur when an aircraft, vehicle, or person enters the protected area of an airport designated for aircraft landings and take offs. Risk factors that contribute to runway incursions include unclear taxiway markings, airport signage, and more complex issues such as the runway or taxiway layout.
8 The inventory is available at
9 This is currently under review. See
10 Occupation 19-2042, Geoscientist, BLS Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics, 2021. See
11 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Guidelines for Regulatory Impact Analysis, Table 4.2, Constructing Default Estimates of the Value of Time, 2016. See
12 Occupation 11-1021, BLS Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics, 2021. See Industry profile for Air Transportation:
13 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Guidelines for Regulatory Impact Analysis, Table 4.2, Constructing Default Estimates of the Value of Time, 2016. See
14 Occupation 53-6051, BLS Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics, 2021. See
15 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Guidelines for Regulatory Impact Analysis, Table 4.2, Constructing Default Estimates of the Value of Time, 2016. See
16 Occupation 19-2042, Geoscientist, BLS Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics, 2021. See
17 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Guidelines for Regulatory Impact Analysis, Table 4.2, Constructing Default Estimates of the Value of Time, 2016. See
18 Occupation 17-2000, Engineer, BLS Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics, 2021. See
19 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Guidelines for Regulatory Impact Analysis, Table 4.2, Constructing Default Estimates of the Value of Time, 2016. See
20 Occupation 19-2042, Geoscientist, BLS Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics, 2021. See
21 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Guidelines for Regulatory Impact Analysis, Table 4.2, Constructing Default Estimates of the Value of Time, 2016. See
22 Occupation 17-2000, Engineer, BLS Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics, 2021. See
23 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Guidelines for Regulatory Impact Analysis, Table 4.2, Constructing Default Estimates of the Value of Time, 2016. See
24 Occupation 53-6051, BLS Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics, 2021. See
25 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Guidelines for Regulatory Impact Analysis, Table 4.2, Constructing Default Estimates of the Value of Time, 2016. See
26 Occupation 15-2031, BLS Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics, 2021. See
27 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Guidelines for Regulatory Impact Analysis, Table 4.2, Constructing Default Estimates of the Value of Time, 2016. See
28 Occupation 15-2031, BLS Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics, 2021. See
29 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Guidelines for Regulatory Impact Analysis, Table 4.2, Constructing Default Estimates of the Value of Time, 2016. See
30 Occupation 17-2051, BLS Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics, 2021. See
31 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Guidelines for Regulatory Impact Analysis, Table 4.2, Constructing Default Estimates of the Value of Time, 2016. See
32 Occupation 13-1111, BLS Occupational Employment Statistics, Federal Executive Branch, May 2021. See
33 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Guidelines for Regulatory Impact Analysis, Table 4.2, Constructing Default Estimates of the Value of Time, 2016. See
34 Occupation 17-2051, BLS Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics, 2021. See
35 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Guidelines for Regulatory Impact Analysis, Table 4.2, Constructing Default Estimates of the Value of Time, 2016. See
39 These are made available on the FAA website at
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Hall, Barbara L (FAA) |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2023-08-31 |