Opnavinst 5726.8c


Navy CHINFO Quarterly Brand Opinion Survey


OMB: 0703-0090

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WASHINGTON DC 20350-2000

16 Dec 2019
From: Chief of Naval Operations


DoD Instruction 5410.19 of 13 November 2001

1. Purpose
a. To establish policy and assign responsibilities for the Navy's Community Outreach Plan,
hereafter referred to as "Outreach: America's Navy." "Outreach: America's Navy" will enhance
public awareness of the Navy’s missions, personnel, and recruiting in a coordinated, targeted
manner with special emphasis on non-fleet concentration areas. These efforts will be measurable
to ensure the most effective use of the Navy’s resources.
b. This revision provides updated direction to Commander, U.S. Fleet Forces Command
(COMUSFLTFORCOM) and Commander, U.S. Pacific Fleet (COMPACFLT) regarding the
execution of the Navy’s “Leaders to Sea” underway embark programs, and funding and
implementation of a legacy flight program for public airshows and open house events. This
instruction is a complete revision and should be reviewed in its entirety.
2. Cancellation. OPNAVINST 5726.8B.
3. Background. Per references (a) through (d), educating the American public about the
capability, importance, and value of today's Navy is an essential responsibility of those who
serve. Because naval forces and personnel are based primarily on the coasts, the Navy is
challenged to communicate its mission away from fleet concentration areas. Using the full menu
of community outreach programs, the goal of Navy outreach is to increase Americans’
awareness, knowledge, and favorability of the Navy, and inspire them to support or serve in the
Navy. This will be achieved through a coordinated and focused demonstration of equipment
capabilities, public speaking events, music performances, local media outreach, and one-on-one
engagement of media and civilian influencers by Navy personnel at every level of leadership.
While a wide range of individual community outreach programs take place each year, this

16 Dec 2019
a. establishes community outreach as a program of record;
b. establishes Chief of Information (CHINFO) (CNO N09C) as the single process owner
responsible for community outreach;
c. synchronizes efforts across multiple agencies so they support and enhance each other;
d. sets outreach requirements;
e. formally tasks commanders with budgeting for and executing these requirements;
f. establishes the requirement to assess the effectiveness and cost of outreach events; and
g. ensures Navy's outreach efforts are coordinated, targeted, and properly funded.
4. Applicability. Community outreach requires a Navywide approach, involving and
integrating all echelons of command. CHINFO is the single process owner responsible for
Navy's long-range engagement planning process and for the coordination and publication of an
annual community outreach plan, per this instruction. The commands listed below in
subparagraphs 4a through 4m are stakeholders in the process.
c. Commander, Navy Installations Command (CNIC)
d. Chief of Naval Personnel (CHNAVPERS)
e. Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (COMNAVCRUITCOM)
f. Commander, Navy Reserve Forces Command (COMNAVRESFORCOM)
g. Director, Navy History and Heritage Command (NAVHISTHERITAGECOM)
h. Chief, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (BUMED)
i. Office of Naval Research (ONR)
j. Commander, Naval Special Warfare Command (COMNAVSPECWARCOM)
k. United States Naval Academy (USNA)


16 Dec 2019
l. Chief of Naval Air Training (CNATRA)
m. United States Navy Band
5. Policy. Navy outreach will leverage existing civilian community events where possible to
capitalize engagement opportunities with media and civilian influencers. Participation should
include, but is not limited to: surface, air, submarine, medical, Navy installation and naval
special warfare equipment, the Blue Angels, legacy flights, Leap Frogs, recruiting command
assets, Navy museums, and Navy bands. Recruiting goals are a significant, but not an exclusive,
aspect of Navy outreach and should be integrated to the maximum extent possible. Diversity
should be a key consideration in determining which events to commit Navy outreach elements;
however, commands should holistically consider market opportunities. Media outreach will
leverage Sailors’ local connections to communities across America as well as the relationships
that exist between Navy units and their namesake cities and states. The primary focus of media
outreach will be sharing Sailors’ stories with media across the country in markets that generally
do not receive Navy news and information. All media products for public release should include
local connections for any Sailors identified in stories and photos. Local connections may include
hometown, location of high school or college attended, etc.
a. Planning, management, funding, and execution of outreach events are the responsibility
of COMUSFLTFORCOM; COMPACFLT; Commander, Naval Air Forces
(COMNAVAIRFOR); Commander, Naval Air Force Atlantic, (COMNAVAIRLANT); CNIC;
COMNAVSPECWARCOM; CNATRA; Naval Sea Systems Command; and Director,
NAVHISTHERITAGECOM. Funding of outreach events must come from within existing
programmed and budgeted resources. Supported commanders, as designated herein, are the lead
organization responsible for the planning of resources, operational commitments, and overall
theme of the events.
b. All participants of Navy outreach events will have thorough knowledge of current Navy
outreach messages, which are available to all public affairs professionals on the CHINFO Portal
(NOTAL) (https://portal.secnav.navy.mil/orgs/CHINFO/).
6. Responsibilities and Action
(1) Direct Policy. Serve as the single-process owner for this instruction.
(a) Host an outreach support meeting annually. The meeting will be attended by
COMNAVSPECWARCOM, CNATRA, and ONR to establish the Navy's outreach plan, review


16 Dec 2019
current public opinion trends regarding the Navy, identify annual outreach requirements, and
serve as the coordination forum for execution across stakeholders.
(b) Create and issue an annual community outreach plan based on guidance received
from the office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs in reference (a).
(c) Continue to contract for an assessment capability that measures the impact of
community outreach events. Ensure this data is shared with all key stakeholders and is used to
inform decisions on future events.
(d) Maintain the Navy Community Outreach Web site, http://outreach.navy.mil, to
include updated information about aviation support, bands, executive engagement, media
outreach, Navy Weeks, and a speakers resource library.
(2) Navy Weeks. Coordinate and execute approximately 15 Navy Weeks annually. The
location of approximately 25 percent of the yearly Navy Weeks will be determined in
conjunction with the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations, Manpower, Personnel, Training, and
Education (CNO (N1)), Diversity Directorate's (OPNAV N1D) prioritized cities. The Navy
Week Program will inform the public about their Navy and include:
(a) flag officer or senior executive service (SES) civilian hosts;
(b) contracted professional event planners from the private sector via a Navy Week
support contract;
(c) high-level engagement across all market sectors, to include corporate, civic,
education, government, veterans, media, general public, community service, and diversity
(d) targeted shipboard embarks prior to and following Navy Weeks;
(e) statistically significant assessments of awareness and understanding; and
(f) as many outreach assets and supporting units as possible from across the Navy, to
include: ship visits where feasible; the Blue Angels; Leap Frogs; Navy bands; aviation assets;
USS CONSTITUTION Sailors and exhibits; Navy medicine; explosive ordnance disposal units;
Seabees; Navy divers; Navy environmental experts and displays; Navy history experts and
displays; Navy science technology engineering and mathematics (STEM) programs; Sailors from
namesake ships and submarines; Sailors with local connections and local Navy assets; Navy
recruiting districts; Navy operational support centers (NOSC); and Navy Reserve Officer
Training Corps units.


16 Dec 2019
(3) Navy Band. Facilitate Navy Band outreach across America, to include policy support
and developing material to facilitate key message delivery during performances.
(4) Aerial Performances and Flyovers
(a) Oversee policy, process requests submitted on DD Form 2535 Request for Aerial
Support of Performances, and render eligibility rulings for naval aviation outreach support
(b) Chair the Aviation Outreach Working Group, comprised of representatives from
CHINFO; Navy Office of Community Outreach (NAVCO); Commander, Naval Air Force U.S.
(c) Assist the Blue Angels, Leap Frogs, tactical demonstration squadrons assigned to
COMNAVAIRFOR, and participants in the COMNAVAIRFOR Legacy Flight Program, with
schedule coordination to maximize participation in outreach events.
(5) Executive Engagement Visit. Execute the Navy’s Executive Engagement Visit
Outreach Program. Annually develop and execute a program that brings flag officers and SES
civilians to at least 25 cities around the country. Additionally, manage the Navy’s national
Speakers Bureau and organization liaison programs, staffing outside requests for Navy speakers
utilizing DD Form 2536 Request for Military Support in Public Events (non-aviation).
(6) Speakers Resource Library. Maintain a speakers resource library with appropriate
communication content and products for outreach events, accessible via the CHINFO Portal and
(7) Friends of the Navy. Continue management of the Navy’s centralized distinguished
visitor (DV) database, providing quarterly Navy updates to the “Friends of the Navy” in the
(8) Media Outreach. Establish and maintain a media outreach program to share the Navy
story in media across the country serving markets that generally do not receive Navy news and
information. Leverage Sailors’ local connections to communities across America - hometown,
location of high school or college attended, etc. - as well as the relationships that exist between
Navy units and their namesake cities and states, to ensure Americans throughout the country
better understand their Navy, its mission, and its contribution to national security.
(1) DV Embark Programs. Execute centralized DV Embark Programs underway aboard
aircraft carriers, submarines, and surface ships to the greatest extent operational schedules will
allow. All Leaders To Sea opportunities should maintain the spirit and purpose of community


16 Dec 2019
outreach as defined in this instruction and avoid expending resources on those who are already
familiar with today’s Navy. These programs will include the fundamentals contained in the
following subparagraphs 6b(1)(a) through 6b(1)(f).
(a) Using OPNAV 5720/11 Distinguished Visitor (DV)/Friends of the Navy (FON)
Embark Request and OPNAV 5720/12 Distinguished Visitor (DV)/Friends of the Navy (FON)
Embark Medical Assessment, embark at least 1,000 individuals per year per fleet aboard aircraft
carriers, surface ships, and submarines.
(b) Ensure at least 40 percent of all underway embark opportunities are reserved for
educators and local civic and community leaders.
(c) The parameters listed below in subparagraphs 6b(1)(c)1 through 6b(1)(c)8 will
guide the distribution of embark opportunities and seats within the Navy.
1. Ten percent for CHINFO and NAVCO.
2. Ten percent for COMNAVCRUITCOM.
3. Ten percent for the Office of Legislative Affairs, Secretary of the Navy
(SECNAV) and Chief of Naval Operations (CNO).
4. Ten percent for COMUSFLTFORCOM for COMNAVAIRLANT embarks.
5. Ten percent for COMPACFLT for Pacific Fleet embarks.
6. Ten percent for CNIC.
7. Five percent for Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Environment.
8. Five percent for COMNAVRESFORCOM.
(d) Ensure underway embarks reflect a whole of Navy approach, highlighting the
Navy’s contributions to the Nation’s security and the dedicated service of Navy Sailors.
(e) Ensure a backup plan is in place to show “leaders” other Navy platforms,
missions, and capabilities in the event their at-sea embark is suddenly delayed or canceled.
(f) All participants in DV embark programs will be entered in the Navy’s Friends of
the Navy database so the Navy may continue to communicate with them.
(2) Continental United States (CONUS) Port Visits. Host an annual CONUS port visit
scheduling meeting in the spring, alternating between COMPACFLT and


16 Dec 2019
COMUSFLTFORCOM annually to develop a CONUS port visit plan for the coming year.
Attendees will include COMUSFLTFORCOM, COMPACFLT, CHINFO, and NAVCO. Ensure
Navy ships visit at least 20 non-naval ports in CONUS per year. CONUS port visits should
include the following activities in subparagraphs 6b(2)(a) through 6b(2)(e), wherever possible.
(a) Media day (pier-side press availability and a shipboard tour) and additional media
outreach opportunities can be coordinated with NAVCO by e-mailing [email protected].
(b) DV reception.
(c) DV tours for local civic and community leaders.
(d) The maximum amount of public visitation possible to the extent that time and
force protection restrictions permit.
(e) Two community service projects, such as beach clean-ups, Habitat for Humanity,
school visits, etc., with appropriate media coverage.
(3) Fleet Weeks. Serve as the supporting command for all fleet weeks with ship visits
and appropriate activities and events that demonstrate the capability, importance, and value of
today's United States Navy.
(4) Tactical Air Demonstrations. Provide assets to at least 40 tactical air demonstrations
or static displays per fleet outside of fleet concentration areas.
(5) Namesake Visits. Ensure commanding officers of ships with geographical namesakes
maintain active engagement with namesake cities to include:
(a) relationship with elected leadership (mayors, governors, Members of Congress,
etc.) and other influencers;
(b) at least four crewmembers from each ship make a namesake crew visit each year
as respective budgets support; and
(c) local media outreach in coordination with NAVCO.
(6) Commissioning Ceremonies. Coordinate outreach for ship commissioning
ceremonies to ensure maximum impact.
(7) Navy Weeks. Ensure fleet support is provided to CHINFO's Navy Week Program.
Typical support will include Navy divers, explosive ordnance disposal teams, Seabees, aviation
squadrons, Navy medicine ambassadors, fleet hometown Sailors, namesake crew Sailors, and,
when possible, ship visits.


16 Dec 2019
(1) Public Visitation Events. Conduct significant outreach events that include inviting
the public to activities on each installation. A significant outreach event is defined as any event
in which a command engages 150 or more civilians during the course of a single event.
(2) Executive Outreach. Ensure Navy shore leadership conducts annual public speaking
events in the surrounding community of each installation.
(3) Leaders to Sea. Submit Leaders To Sea nominations for several community leaders
to the appropriate aviation, surface, or submarine type command public affairs office.
(4) Fleet Weeks. Serve as the supported command for the fleet weeks listed below in
subparagraphs 6c(4)(a) through 6c(4)(i) with ship visits and appropriate activities and events that
demonstrate the capability, importance, and value of today's United States Navy.
(a) Fleet Week, New York
(b) Fleet Week, Hampton Roads
(c) Fleet Week, Fort Lauderdale
(d) Fleet Week, Baltimore, Boston, or New Orleans (on a rotational basis)
(e) Fleet Week, San Francisco
(f) Seattle SeaFair
(g) Portland Rose Festival
(h) Fleet Week, San Diego
(i) Fleet Week, Los Angeles
(5) Air Shows. Serve as the supported command for 10 Navy air shows onboard naval
(6) Events. Serve as the supporting command for all other outreach events where
(7) Policy. Publish the CNIC outreach instruction detailing the above tasks in
subparagraphs 6c(1) through 6c(6).


16 Dec 2019
(1) Planning. Oversee diversity outreach activities and work with CHINFO to ensure
those activities are included in the Navy’s annual community outreach plan. Disseminate
priority target areas, communities, and groups to all key community outreach stakeholders.
(2) Messaging. Develop diversity talking points for internal and external audiences.
(3) Relationship Building. Be the lead in building relationships with affinity and
mentoring groups at the national level, and assist COMNAVRESFORCOM,
COMUSFLTFORCOM, COMPACFLT, and CNIC with local and regional relationship
(4) Navy Involvement. Manage Navy participation with national affinity and mentoring
groups across the diversity continuum.
(5) Executive Engagement. Facilitate flag and senior civilian participation in diversity
outreach activities.
(1) Outreach Event Staffing. Provide support for national and regional outreach events
where feasible. Recruiting booths, interactive displays, and other recruiting assets will be
provided to best support Navy awareness and recruiting efforts.
(2) Giveaways. Allocate promotional items to support community outreach events when
(3) Points of Contact. Provide local recruiting points of contact to CHINFO,
COMUSFLTFORCOM, COMPACFLT, OPNAV (N1D), and CNIC to assist with outreach
(4) Leaders To Sea. Synchronize the COMNAVCRUITCOM Educators to Sea Program
with the CHINFO Leaders to Sea Program to accommodate the maximum opportunity for
educators to participate in underway embarks, based on asset availability.
(5) Army-Navy Game. Provide recruiting assets for the annual Army-Navy football
game, including interactive displays, recruiting booths, and other assets to best support Navy
awareness and recruiting efforts.
(6) Assessment. Survey new recruits to identify what most influenced them to consider
serving in the Navy.


16 Dec 2019
(7) Speaking Engagements. As Navy recruiting districts often serve as the only Navy
presence in inland markets, Navy Recruiting District leadership should actively seek out
speaking opportunities in their cities, and fulfill speaker requests via the Navy Speakers Bureau
in cities near their district.
(1) Navy Weeks. Provide local NOSC support for significant outreach activities,
including all Navy Weeks.
(2) Event Support Staff. Ensure reserve resources are coordinated in support of the
Navy’s annual community outreach plan.
(3) Speaking Engagements. As NOSCs often serve as the only Navy presence in inland
markets, NOSC leadership should actively seek out speaking opportunities in their cities, and
fulfill speaker requests via the Navy Speakers Bureau in cities near their NOSC.
(1) Planning. Produce a long-term listing of historically significant events worthy of
national, regional, or local commemoration that key stakeholders should consider highlighting in
Navy community outreach events throughout the year. Include recommendations on specific
commemorative events for supported commands to execute.
(2) Commemorative Event Toolbox. Produce process guidance for use by supported
commands in celebrating historical events, to include sample event scripts, digital and
multimedia products, and plan of the day notes. Produce guidance for annual commemorations
of the Battle of Midway and the Navy’s Birthday for use by commanding officers in performing
annual “history standdowns” on or near the anniversary of these seminal events.
(3) Event Advice. Provide CNO, Vice Chief of Naval Operations, and Director, Navy
Staff, and supported commands specific advice on the ongoing conduct of commemorative
activities through the cycle of this instruction.
(4) Ship Naming. Coordinate with SECNAV, CNO, and CHINFO offices with ship
naming recommendations.
(1) Event Support. Provide medical assets, including medical personnel participation,
flag officer participation, and medical demonstrations, for significant outreach activities. To the
greatest extent possible, support the Navy Week Program.


16 Dec 2019
(2) Medical Outreach Engagements. Conduct significant outreach events year round,
defined as medical engagements, consisting of workshops, presentations, conferences, speaking
opportunities, and community engagements.
i. ONR. Conduct annual, nationwide STEM and other science related outreach events.
Provide STEM booths, displays, and statics to outreach events, and provide STEM talking points
and presentation materials for use in outreach engagements.
(1) Support community service events for Army-Navy football game week, both locally
and in host city.
(2) Administer USNA community outreach programs in the greater local area.
(3) Support STEM, reading, and physical fitness outreach by USNA to local schools and
community centers. Support local outreach programs for veterans. Conduct USNA tours to
educate publics on the USNA mission to develop midshipmen mentally, morally, and physically.
(4) Expand reach and impact of the USNA Speakers Bureau. Liaise with the USNA
admissions office on outreach events supporting recruiting efforts.
(5) Incorporate diversity themes for affinity months into community events throughout
local schools, community centers, and events with local officials and other key influencers.
(1) Blue Angels. Ensure Blue Angels maximize engagement in non-fleet concentration
areas, prioritizing show performance venues per CHINFO and recruiting priorities, to include
performances at Navy Week.
(2) Key Influencer Orientation Flights. Coordinate with CHINFO and all key Navy
community outreach stakeholders to ensure key influencer orientation flights are maximized.
(3) Legacy Flight Program. Establish, implement, and fund a legacy flight program for
Navy and Marine Corps aircrew and vintage aircraft pilots to train and safely fly in formation at
public airshows and open house events. Coordinate with CHINFO and COMNAVCRUITCOM
to maximize engagement in non-fleet concentration areas that have not been scheduled for a
Department of Defense (DoD) jet demonstration team.


16 Dec 2019
l. Navy Flag Officer and SES Community
(1) Navy Weeks. Participate in all Navy Weeks to include, at a minimum, public
speaking engagements and media interviews. Specific Navy Week assignments will be on a
volunteer basis.
(2) Executive Engagement Visit Program. Participate in CHINFO’s Executive
Engagement Visit Program. Specific city assignments will be on a volunteer basis with attention
to specific geographical ties.
(3) Public Speaking. Seek at least one speaking opportunity at their alma mater,
hometown, or other venue where personal connections exist.
m. Commanding Officer
(1) Seek at least one speaking opportunity at his or her alma mater, hometown, or other
venue where personal connections exist.
(2) Support and facilitate travel of command members to participate in community
outreach and other representational events that demonstrably help achieve the Navy's outreach
(3) Ensure all command members are afforded the opportunity to participate in the
Navy’s Media Outreach Program located at http://outreach.navy.mil/Media-Outreach.
(4) Ensure all internally produced media products for public release include local
connections for any Sailors identified in stories and photos. Local connections may include
hometown, location of high school or college attended, etc. Although NAVCO reviews photos
and stories shared with navy.mil, Defense Video and Imagery Distribution System, and many
other sources, commands are also encouraged to send photos and stories via e-mail directly to
[email protected].
(5) Support media production visits from NAVCO. These small production teams
produce feature stories and accompanying photos on assigned Sailors, which are provided to
media where those Sailors have local ties. NAVCO provides each participating command with
detailed media feedback reports with links to all coverage, and conducts training with command
public affairs teams on how to produce and share their own stories. All content is also posted to
NAVCO’s media outreach blog, allowing Sailors to share their stories via their social media
networks. The blog is available at http://navyoutreach.blogspot.com.
(6) Encourage participation in NAVCO’s radio shout-out service. A toll-free telephone
service (1-855-OUR-NAVY or 1-855-687-6289) is available that allows Sailors to record a 15second greeting, which is shared with local radio stations where Sailors have local connections.


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Greetings can be submitted in conjunction with a holiday or observance, such as Thanksgiving,
Veterans Day, etc. Greetings can also be sent from Sailors, or namesake units, to offer support
to their home teams participating in major sporting events. The shout-outs are based on a script
that NAVCO sends out prior to each event. Units wishing to be notified of future radio shout-out
opportunities can e-mail [email protected].
(7) Support additional requirements as delineated in the Navy’s annual community
outreach plan.
7. Records Management
a. Records created as a result of this instruction, regardless of format or media, must be
maintained and dispositioned per the records disposition schedules located on the Department of
the Navy/Assistant for Administration, Directives and Records Management Division portal
page at https://portal.secnav.navy.mil/orgs/DUSNM/DONAA/DRM/Records-and-InformationManagement/Approved%20Record%20Schedules/Forms/AllItems.aspx.
b. For questions concerning the management of records related to this instruction or the
records disposition schedules, please contact the local records manager or the Department of the
Navy/Assistant for Administration, Directives and Records Management Division program
8. Review and Effective Date. Per OPNAVINST 5215.17A, CNO N09C will review this
instruction annually on the anniversary of its issuance date to ensure applicability, currency, and
consistency with Federal, DoD, SECNAV, and Navy policy and statutory authority using
OPNAV 5215/40 Review of Instruction. This instruction will be in effect for 10 years, unless
revised or cancelled in the interim, and will be reissued by the 10-year anniversary date if it is
still required, unless it meets one of the exceptions in OPNAVINST 5215.17A, paragraph 9.
Otherwise, if the instruction is no longer required, it will be processed for cancellation as soon as
the need for cancellation is known following the guidance in OPNAV Manual 5215.1 of May
9. Forms and Information Management Control
a. DoD (DD) Forms. The following DD forms listed in subparagraphs 9a(1) and 9a(2) are
available for download from the DoD Forms Management Program Web site
(https://www.esd.whs.mil/Directives/forms/) or the NAVCO Web site
(1) DD Form 2535 Request for Aerial Support of Performances.
(2) DD Form 2536 Request for Military Support in Public Events (non-aviation).


16 Dec 2019
b. Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (OPNAV) Forms
(1) OPNAV Form 5720/11 Distinguished Visitor (DV)/Friends of the Navy (FON)
Embark Request is available for download from the Naval Forms Web site
(2) OPNAV Form 5720/12 Distinguished Visitor (DV)/Friends of the Navy (FON)
Embark Medical Assessment will be provided to the requestor by the command coordinating the
c. Information Management Control
(1) The data collection contained in subparagraph 6a(7) has been assigned OMB RCS
0703-0060, renewal pending.
(2) The data collection contained in subparagraph 6k has been assigned OMB 0703XXXX, OMB approval pending.

Director, Navy Staff
Releasability and distribution:
This instruction is cleared for public release and is available electronically only via Department
of the Navy Issuances Web site, https://www.secnav.navy.mil/doni


File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2019-12-17
File Created2019-12-17

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