Application for Advance Processing of an Orphan Petition

Petition to Classify Orphan as an Immediate Relative and Application for Advance Processing of Orphan Petition


Application for Advance Processing of an Orphan Petition

OMB: 1615-0028

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Instructions for Application for Advance Processing
of an Orphan Petition
Department of Homeland Security
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services

Form I-600A

OMB No. 1615-0028
Expires 12/31/2021

What Is the Purpose of Form I-600A?
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) uses the information provided on Form I-600A, Application for
Advance Processing of an Orphan Petition, to determine whether you (and your spouse, if married) are suitable and
eligible to adopt a foreign-born child (or orphan) from a country that is not a party to the Hague Convention on Protection
of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption (Hague Adoption Convention or Hague Convention).

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Form I-600A is not a petition to classify an orphan as an immediate relative. Form I-600, Petition to Classify Orphan as
an Immediate Relative, is used for that purpose.

Who May File Form I-600A?

You may file Form I-600A if you are a U.S. citizen who plans to adopt or has adopted a child from a country that is not
party to the Hague Adoption Convention. You may file Form I-600A even if you do not have a specific child identified for

Who May Not File Form I-600A?

If you seek to adopt a child who is habitually resident in a country that is a party to the Hague Adoption Convention, you
cannot file Form I-600A and must instead use Form I-800A, Application for Determination of Suitability to Adopt a Child
from a Convention Country.
There are exceptions. You may be able to file Form I-600A if:

1.	 You (and your spouse, if married) were not yet U.S. citizens when you adopted the child from a Hague Adoption
Convention country, but the applicant is a U.S. citizen at the time of filing Form I-600A; or
2.	 The child’s adoption is not governed by the Hague Adoption Convention. For example, the adoption took
place before the Hague Adoption Convention entered into force for the child’s country of origin. For additional
information, see the adoption-related pages on the USCIS website at and the Department of
State’s website at
NOTE: If you are filing under one of these exceptions, you should include evidence that you qualify for the exception
with your Form I-600A.
For a list of Hague Adoption Convention countries and the dates the Hague Adoption Convention became effective for
each country, see the Status Table on the website of The Hague Conference on Private International Law at

What Are the Eligibility Requirements?
You must be a U.S. citizen to file Form I-600A.
If you are married, your spouse does not need to be a U.S. citizen. However, if your spouse lives in the United States,
you must submit proof that your spouse is living in the United States lawfully as a U.S. citizen, U.S. national, lawful
permanent resident, or in another lawful immigration status.
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If you are unmarried, you must be at least 24 years of age to file Form I-600A and at least 25 years of age to file Form
NOTE: Some children may not be eligible for adoption, even if you are eligible to file Form I-600A and your application
is approved. For more information, refer to the What Should You Do After Locating or Identifying a Child or
Children section of these Instructions.

General Instructions
USCIS provides forms free of charge through the USCIS website. In order to view, print, or fill out our forms, you should
use the latest version of Adobe Reader, which you can download for free at If you do not
have internet access, you may order USCIS forms by calling the USCIS Contact Center at 1-800-375-5283. The USCIS
Contact Center provides information in English and Spanish. For TTY (deaf or hard of hearing) call: 1-800-767-1833.

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Signature. Each application must be properly signed and filed. For all signatures on this application, USCIS will not
accept a stamped or typewritten name in place of a signature. A power of attorney is also not sufficient for USCIS
purposes. A legal guardian may sign for a mentally incompetent person.
Validity of Signatures. USCIS will consider a photocopied, faxed, or scanned copy of the original, handwritten signature
valid for filing purposes. The photocopy, fax, or scan must be of the original document containing the handwritten, ink
Filing Fee. See USCIS Form G-1055, Fee Schedule, available at, for all information on filing
Evidence. At the time of filing, you must submit all evidence and supporting documents listed in the Initial Evidence
section of these Instructions.
Biometric Services Appointment. USCIS requires that you, your spouse (if married), and/or any adult member of your
household appear for an interview or provide biometrics (for example, fingerprints, photograph, and/or signature) at any
time to verify identity, obtain additional information, and conduct background and security checks, including a check
of criminal history records maintained by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), before making a decision on your
1.	 Applicants Residing in the United States. After you file your application, USCIS will notify each person in writing
of the date, time, and local or designated USCIS Application Support Center (ASC) where he or she must go to
provide biometrics. USCIS may deny your application if anyone fails to go to his or her appointment.
2.	 Applicants Residing Abroad. Each individual who must provide biometrics must go to a USCIS international office,
U.S. Embassy, U.S. Consulate, or U.S. military installation abroad to submit a completed Form FD-258, Applicant
Fingerprint Card, or provide biometrics electronically where available. For additional information on obtaining
biometric services when residing outside the United States, consult the nearest USCIS international office, U.S.
Embassy, or U.S. Consulate.
Copies. You should submit legible photocopies of documents requested unless the Instructions specifically state that you
must submit an original document. USCIS may request an original document at the time of filing or at any time during
processing of an application or petition. If USCIS requests an original document from you, it will be returned to you after
USCIS determines it no longer needs your original.
NOTE: If you submit original documents when not required or requested by USCIS, your original documents may be
immediately destroyed after we receive them.

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Translations. If you submit a document with information in a foreign language, you must also submit a full English
translation. The translator must sign a certification that the English language translation is complete and accurate, and
that he or she is competent to translate from the foreign language into English. The certification must also include the
translator’s signature, printed name, the signature date, and the translator’s contact information.
Affidavits. If you cannot obtain a required document, you must:
1.	 Submit an original typed or written statement verifying that the record does not exist from the governmental agency
that should have the record;
2.	 Submit a citation to the U.S. Department of State Foreign Affairs Manual indicating that the records are generally not
available; or

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3.	 Otherwise demonstrate that both the primary and secondary evidence are unavailable. Only then may you submit
two or more written affidavits sworn to or affirmed by persons who are not parties to the application and have direct
personal knowledge of the event and circumstances. Affidavits should contain the following information about each
person making the affidavit: his or her full name, address, date and place of birth, relationship to you, full information
concerning the event, and complete details on how he or she acquired knowledge of the event.
How To Fill Out Form I-600A

1.	 Type or print legibly in black ink.

2.	 If you need extra space to complete any item within this application, use the space provided in Part 9. Additional
Information or attach a separate sheet of paper. If you attach a separate sheet of paper, type or print your name and
Alien Registration Number (A-Number) (if any) at the top of each sheet; indicate the Page Number, Part Number,
and Item Number to which your answer refers; and sign and date each sheet.
3.	 Answer all questions fully and accurately. If a question does not apply to you (for example, if you have never been
married and the question asks, “Provide the name of your current spouse”), type or print “N/A” unless otherwise
directed. If your answer to a question which requires a numeric response is zero or none (for example, “How many
children do you have” or “How many times have you departed the United States”), type or print “None” unless
otherwise directed.
4.	 Part 2. Information About Your Home Study Preparer and/or Primary Adoption Service Provider. Provide the
information requested in Item Numbers 1. - 5.
Indicate in Item Number 1. whether your home study is or is not attached to your Form I-600A. If your home study
is attached, select Item A. If your home study is not attached, select Item B. Your home study must be submitted
within one year from the date you file Form I-600A, or USCIS will deny your Form I-600A under
8 CFR parts 204.3(c)(2) and (h)(5).
If the individual who prepared your home study meets the definition of an exempted or supervised provider in
22 CFR 96, you will need to identify an accredited agency that has reviewed and approved or will review and approve
your home study in Item Number 3.
5.	 Part 4. Accommodations for Individuals With Disabilities and/or Impairments. USCIS is committed to
providing reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities and/or impairments that will help
them fully participate in USCIS programs and benefits.
Reasonable accommodations vary with each disability and/or impairment. They may involve modifications to
practices or procedures. There are various types of reasonable accommodations that we may offer. Examples include,
but are not limited to:
A.	 If you are deaf or hard of hearing, USCIS may provide you with a sign-language interpreter at an interview or
other immigration benefit-related appointment; or
B.	 If you are unable to travel to a designated USCIS location for an interview, USCIS may visit you at your home or
a hospital.

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If you believe that you need USCIS to accommodate your, your spouse’s (if married), or other household member’s
disability and/or impairment, select “Yes” in Item Number 1. and then all applicable boxes in Items A. - C. in Item
Number 3. that describe the nature of the disabilities and/or impairments. Also, describe the types of requested
accommodations on the lines provided. If requesting a sign-language interpreter, indicate for which language. If you
need extra space to complete this section, use the space provided in Part 9. Additional Information.
6.	 Part 5. Applicant’s Statement, Certification, Duty of Disclosure, and Signature. Select the appropriate box to
indicate whether you read this application yourself or whether you had an interpreter assist you. Also, if someone
assisted you in completing the application, select the box indicating that you used a preparer. Under
8 CFR section 204.311(d), you, your spouse (if married), and any adult member of your household have an ongoing
duty of disclosure throughout the intercountry adoption process. See the Duty of Disclosure section of these
Instructions below for more information. Read the Duty of Disclosure certification, then sign and date this section of
the application. Every application MUST contain the signature of the applicant. A stamped or typewritten name in
place of a signature is not acceptable.

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7.	 Part 6. Your Spouse’s Statement, Certification, Duty of Disclosure, and Signature. Your spouse should select the
appropriate box to indicate whether he or she read this application themselves or whether he or she had an interpreter
assist them. If someone assisted your spouse in completing the application, select the box indicating that he or she
used a preparer. Additionally, if you are married, your spouse has an ongoing duty of disclosure throughout the
intercountry adoption process. See the Duty of Disclosure section of these Instructions below for more information.
Your spouse must read the Duty of Disclosure certification, then sign and date this section of the application. Every
application MUST contain the signature of your spouse. A stamped or typewritten name in place of a signature is not
8.	 Part 7. Interpreter’s Contact Information, Certification, and Signature. If you and/or your spouse (if married)
used anyone as an interpreter to read the Instructions and questions on this application to you in a language in which
you are fluent, the interpreter must fill out this section, provide his or her name, the name and address of his or her
business or organization (if any), his or her daytime telephone number, his or her mobile telephone number (if any),
and his or her email address (if any). The interpreter must sign and date the application.
9.	 Part 8. Contact Information, Declaration, and Signature of the Person Preparing this Application, If Other
Than the Applicant and/or Spouse. This section must contain the signature of the person who completed your
application, if other than you, the applicant. If the same individual acted as an interpreter and preparer for you and
your spouse (if married), that person should complete both Part 7. and Part 8. If the person who completed this
application is associated with a business or organization, that person should complete the business or organization
name and address information. Anyone who helped you and/or your spouse complete this application MUST sign
and date the application. A stamped or typewritten name in place of a signature is not acceptable. If the person who
helped you and/or your spouse prepare your application is an attorney or accredited representative, he or she may also
need to submit a completed Form G-28, Notice of Entry of Appearance as Attorney or Accredited Representative, or
Form G-28I, Notice of Entry of Appearance as Attorney In Matters Outside the Geographical Confines of the United
States, along with your application.
Only an individual who is licensed in the United States as an attorney (or who is otherwise permitted under
8 CFR parts 1.2, 292.1, and 292.2 to practice before USCIS) may give you legal advice or provide any other legal
services concerning your application. You should ask anyone providing you with legal advice if he or she is licensed
to practice law or is otherwise permitted by U.S. law to provide you with legal advice about immigration processes.
An “accredited representative” means an individual accredited under 8 CFR 292.2(d) to practice before USCIS and/or
the Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR). This type of accreditation to provide legal services is separate
and distinct from accreditation to provide adoption services under the Department of State regulations at 22 CFR 96.
10.	 Part 9. Additional Information. If you need extra space to provide any additional information within this
application, use the space provided in Part 9. Additional Information. If you need more space than what is provided
in Part 9., you may make copies of Part 9. to complete and file with your application, or attach a separate sheet of
paper. If you attach a separate sheet of paper, type or print your name and A-Number (if any) at the top of each sheet;
indicate the Page Number, Part Number, and Item Number to which your answer refers; and sign and date each
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We recommend that you print or save a copy of your completed application to review in the future and for your
records. We recommend that you review your copy of your completed application before you go to your
biometric services appointment at a USCIS ASC. At your appointment, USCIS will permit you to complete the
application process only if you are able to confirm, under penalty of perjury, that all of the information in your
application is complete, true, and correct. If you are not able to make that attestation in good faith at that time, USCIS
will require you to return for another appointment.

Form I-600A/I-600 Supplements

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Form I-600A/I-600, Supplement 1, Listing of Adult Member of the Household

You must submit Form I-600A/I-600, Supplement 1, Listing of Adult Member of the Household, for each adult member of
your household. For this supplement, an adult member of the household is any individual other than you and your spouse
(if married) who has the same residence as you and is 18 years of age or older on or before the date that you file Form
I-600A or Form I-600. An adult member of the household is considered to have the same residence as you if they actually
live with you. It does not matter if they intend to reside with you for a short term or long term.
USCIS may request that you submit Supplement 1 for any household member who has not yet turned 18 years of age
before you file Form I-600A or Form I-600, or who does not actually live with you, but whose presence USCIS deems
relevant to whether you and your spouse (if married) are suitable to adopt.
Form I-600A/I-600, Supplement 2, Consent to Disclose Information

If you want to give consent for USCIS to disclose information about your case to your primary adoption service provider,
home study preparer, or any other individual or entity (other than your attorney or accredited representative), you should
complete Form I-600A/I-600 Supplement 2, Consent to Disclose Information. You are not required to give this consent in
order to file Form I-600A.
Form I-600A/I-600, Supplement 3, Request for Action on Approved Form I-600A/I-600

You must file Form I-600A/I-600, Supplement 3 if you would like to request action, such as:

• An extension or updated suitability determination, on your approved and valid Form I-600A; or


• An updated suitability determination on your approved Form I-600 (combination filing).

Once you file Form I-600, you are not required to keep any underlying Form I-600A approval valid, but you may do so if
you wish.
If your Form I-600A approval is still valid, you must use Form I-600A/I-600, Supplement 3, regardless of whether
you have filed Form I-600, to request any of the following:
A.	 A first extension of your Form I-600A;
B.	 A second or subsequent extension of your Form I-600A;
C.	 A new approval notice based on a significant change or change in the number of children or characteristics (such
as age, gender, and/or special needs) of the child or children you intend to adopt after your Form I-600A or Form
I-600 was approved;
D.	 A first change to a new non-Hague Adoption Convention country;
E.	 A second or subsequent change to a new non-Hague Adoption Convention country; or
F.	 A duplicate approval notice.
You must submit an updated home study if there are any changes or if you are requesting an extension.

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Your Form I-600A approval notice indicates the date your approval expires. If you are filing Supplement 3 to obtain an
extension of your approved Form I-600A, you must do so before your approval expires, but no more than 90 days before
its expiration.
NOTE: You may not use Supplement 3 to extend eligibility to process your case as a Hague Adoption Convention
transition case beyond your first extension. Generally, you may not use Supplement 3 to increase the number of children
you wish to adopt from a transition country. However, unless prohibited by the new Convention country, USCIS will
permit prospective adoptive parent(s) to request an updated Form I-600A approval notice to increase the number of
children they are approved to adopt as a transition case only to pursue the adoption of a birth sibling, provided the birth
sibling(s) is (are) identified and the Form I-600 petition is filed before the Form I-600A approval expires. You may not
use Supplement 3 to change to a transition country if you have already designated a country. See the adoption-related
pages on the USCIS website at for information on filing limitations in transition cases.

Initial Evidence

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Unless otherwise stated, you must submit the following supporting documentation with your Form I-600A.
1.	 Proof of Applicant’s U.S. Citizenship

A.	 If you were born in the United States, submit a copy of your birth certificate issued by a civil registrar, vital
statistics office, or other civil authority. If your birth certificate is not available, submit a statement from the
appropriate civil authority certifying that your birth certificate is not available and secondary evidence, such as:
(1)	 Religious records bearing the seal of the organization showing the baptism, dedication, or comparable rite
occurred within two months after your birth and showing the date and place of your birth, date of the religious
ceremony, and the names of your parents;
(2)	 School records issued by the authority (preferably the first school you attended) showing the date of your
admission to the school, your age at the time, and your parents’ names and places of birth;
(3)	 Census records (state or Federal) showing your name, place of birth, and date of birth or age;
(4)	 Affidavits sworn to or affirmed by persons who were living at the time of your birth and who have personal
knowledge of your date and place of birth in the United States. Affidavits should contain the following
information about each person making the affidavit: his or her full name, address, date and place of birth,
relationship to you, full information concerning the event, and complete details on how he or she acquired
knowledge of your birth; or
(5)	 An unexpired U.S. passport issued with 10 years of validity.
B.	 If you were born outside the United States, submit a copy of one of the following:
(1)	 Certificate of Naturalization or Certificate of Citizenship issued by USCIS or the former Immigration and
Naturalization Service (INS);
(2)	 Form FS-240, Report of Birth Abroad of a Citizen of the United States, issued by a U.S. Embassy or U.S.
(3)	 An unexpired U.S. passport issued with 10 years of validity; or
(4)	 An original statement from a U.S. consular officer verifying your U.S. citizenship with an unexpired passport.
NOTE: If you are married and your spouse lives in the United States, you must submit proof that your spouse is
living in the United States lawfully. If your spouse is a U.S. citizen or non-citizen U.S. national, you must submit
the evidence listed above as proof of your spouse’s U.S. citizenship or non-citizen U.S. national status. If your
spouse is a foreign national who is residing in the United States, submit proof of your spouse’s lawful immigration
status, such as a Permanent Resident Card (Green Card); Form I-94, Arrival-Departure Record; a copy of the
biographic pages of your spouse’s passport and his or her nonimmigrant visa pages showing an admission stamp;
or any other Department of Homeland Security (DHS)-issued document.
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2.	 Proof of Marriage of Applicant and Spouse (if applicable)
If you are married, you must submit a copy of your marriage certificate. If you or your spouse were previously
married, you must also submit proof of termination of any prior marriages.
If any change occurs in your marital status while your application is pending, immediately notify the USCIS office
that has jurisdiction over your case. See the Home Study Updates section of these Instructions below for more
details on changes in marital status.
3.	 Proof of Compliance with Pre-adoption Requirements (if any)
If the child will be coming to the United States for adoption, you must provide evidence that any pre-adoption
requirements of the state where the child will live have been met. If you cannot submit this evidence when you
initially file your application due to state law requirements, you may submit this evidence later. However, USCIS will
not approve your Form I-600 for a specific child without this evidence.
4.	 Home Study

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You have one year from the filing date of your application to submit your home study. If you live in a state
where an appropriate state authority must review, approve, and submit your home study directly to USCIS, it must
be submitted within the same timeframe. If your home study is not received within one year, USCIS will deny your
Form I-600A under 8 CFR parts 204.3(c)(2) and (h)(5). In all cases, your home study must not be more than six
months old when it is submitted to USCIS. If it is more than six months old, you must include an update to the home
study that is not more than six months old.
You must submit a home study prepared according to the requirements specified in 8 CFR 204.311 by a person who is
authorized under 22 CFR 96 to prepare the home study.
A home study preparer is an individual or agency authorized to conduct home studies as a public domestic authority,
a public foreign authority, an accredited agency, approved person, supervised provider, or exempted provider (see
8 CFR 204.301). The home study preparer (other than a public domestic authority or a public foreign authority)
must hold any license or other authorization that is required to conduct adoption home studies under the law of the
jurisdiction where the home study is prepared. The home study preparer (or, if the home study is prepared by an
entity, the officer or employee who has authority to sign the home study for the entity) must also personally sign your
home study and any updated home study under penalty of perjury under U.S. law.
If your case meets certain criteria, your home study may be required to meet some different requirements than those
described above. For more information, see the information on the Intercountry Adoption Universal Accreditation Act
of 2012 on the USCIS website at
If your home study was not conducted by an accredited agency, an accredited agency must review and approve your
home study before you submit it to USCIS. This requirement does not apply to a home study that was conducted by
a public domestic authority or a public foreign authority. A public domestic authority means an authority operated by
a state, local, or tribal government within the United States. A public foreign authority means an authority operated
by a national or subnational government of a foreign country. Although a reviewer is not required, a home study
conducted by a public foreign authority or public domestic authority must still comply with the requirements specified
in 8 CFR 204.311.

Home Study Requirements
For a complete description of the requirements for a home study, see 8 CFR 204.311 and 22 CFR 96. If your case meets
certain criteria, your home study may not be required to meet the requirements of 8 CFR 204.311 and 22 CFR 96. For
more information, see the information on the Intercountry Adoption Universal Accreditation Act of 2012 on the USCIS
website at

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Home Study Updates
There may be times during the adoption process when you will be required to obtain and provide an update of your home
The following are some examples of circumstances that require a home study update:
1.	 If your Form I-600A is approved, you must submit an updated home study to USCIS when you request an extension
of your Form I-600A approval.
2.	 Change to a different non-Hague Convention country.
3.	 Change in marital status. If your change in marital status occurs:

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If your marital status changes before you complete the intercountry adoption process, you must submit a new Form
I-600A or Form I-600 combination filing with an updated home study. You may not use Form I-600A/I-600, Supplement
4.	 Change of residence, including a change in the child’s proposed residence. If you move to a new state in the
United States, you must meet any pre-adoption requirements of that new state if a child is coming to the United States
for adoption.
5.	 Significant decrease in availability of financial resources, such as loss of employment, garnishment of wages,
6.	 Any change in history of arrest or criminal history of the applicants or any household member regardless of
7.	 Any change in history of child abuse or neglect, substance abuse, family violence, and/or sexual abuse as an
offender, for the applicants or any household member, regardless of age.
8.	 Change in the number of and/or identity of children in your household, whether through adoption, foster care,
birth, or any other means.
9.	 Change in the number of and/or identity of adult members of your household. A Form I-600A/Form I-600,
Supplement 1 is required for any new adult member of the household.
10.	 Lapse of more than six months between the date your home study is completed and the date you submit it to
11.	 Change in the number of children or characteristics (such as age, gender, and/or special needs) of the child or
children you intend to adopt.
12.	 A development of a serious health condition for any household member, including but not limited to: heart
attacks, cancer, strokes, conditions requiring extensive therapy, dementia, severe injuries, etc.
Your adoption service provider can advise you on other changes that may require an updated home study.
How to File Updates to Your Home Study
The location for filing an update to your home study and the items you must include will depend on where you are in the
adoption process.
You must submit a Form I-600A/I-600 Supplement 3 with your updated home study unless your Form I-600A or Form
I-600 combination filing is pending. If your Form I-600A or Form I-600 combination filing is pending, submit your
updated home study to the office reviewing your case; no Form I-600A/I-600 Supplement 3 is required.
USCIS will review your updated home study to determine your suitability and eligibility.

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Duty of Disclosure
Under 8 CFR 204.311(d), you, your spouse (if married), and any adult member of your household have an ongoing
duty of disclosure throughout the intercountry adoption process. This duty requires you, your spouse, and any adult
member of your household to:
1.	 Provide true and complete information to your home study preparer;
2.	 Disclose other relevant information, such as physical, mental, or emotional health problems or behavioral issues;
3.	 Disclose any arrest, conviction, or other criminal history, whether in the United States or abroad, even if the record
of the arrest, conviction, or other criminal history was expunged, sealed, pardoned, or the subject of any other

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4.	 Disclose any history of substance abuse, sexual abuse, child abuse or neglect, and/or family violence as an offender
under 8 CFR 204.309(a)(1), even if closed or unsubstantiated; and
5.	 Notify your home study preparer and USCIS of any new event or information that might require you to submit an
updated home study.
With respect to child abuse or neglect, this duty of disclosure requires you to disclose any past or pending investigation
by any child welfare agency, court, or other official authority in any state or foreign country concerning the abuse or
neglect of any child even if closed or unsubstantiated.
This duty of disclosure is an ongoing duty that continues throughout the intercountry adoption process. This timeframe
includes periods while any Form I-600A is pending, after any Form I-600A is approved, while any Form I-600 is
pending, and until there is a final decision admitting the child to the United States with a visa.
See the adoption-related pages on the USCIS website at for information on duty of disclosure
notification periods.


Under 8 CFR 204.309(a), USCIS will deny this application if you, your spouse (if married), or any adult member of your
1.	 Conceal, misrepresent, or fail to disclose any facts to the home study preparer or USCIS about any arrest, conviction,
or history of substance abuse, sexual abuse, child abuse, and/or family violence, or any other criminal history as an
offender. The fact that an arrest or conviction or other criminal history was expunged, sealed, pardoned, or the subject
of any other amelioration does not relieve you, your spouse, or any additional adult member of your household of the
obligation to disclose it;
2.	 Fail to cooperate in having available child abuse registries checked in accordance with 8 CFR 204.311;
3.	 Fail to disclose, as required by 8 CFR 204.311, each and every prior adoption home study, whether completed or
not, including those that did not favorably recommend you, your spouse, or any adult member of your household for
adoption or custodial care.

Where To File?
Please see our website at or visit the USCIS Contact Center at to
connect with a USCIS representative for the most current information about where to file this application. The USCIS
Contact Center provides information in English and Spanish. For TTY (deaf or hard of hearing call: 1-800-767-1833.

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Address Change
If your address changes, you must notify the USCIS office with jurisdiction over your case. If you filed your application
with the USCIS Lockbox, the National Benefits Center (NBC) has jurisdiction over your case. If you filed at a USCIS
international office, that office has jurisdiction over your case. Due to your change in residence, USCIS may also require
you to submit an updated home study for a significant change. If you move to a different state, you may also have to
provide updated information regarding any pre-adoption requirements.
See the adoption-related pages on the USCIS website at for information on significant changes
due to a change in residence and current mailing addresses for the NBC and USCIS international offices.

Not for

NOTE: Do not submit a change of address request to the USCIS Lockbox facilities because the Lockbox does not
process change of address requests.

Processing Information

Certification. You must fill out and sign Part 5. of Form I-600A. Your spouse (if married) must fill out and sign Part 6.
USCIS will reject any Form I-600A that is not signed or accompanied by the correct fees, if any, and issue a notice
stating that your Form I-600A is deficient. You may correct the deficiency and resubmit Form I-600A. An application
is not considered properly filed until USCIS accepts it.
Initial Processing. Once USCIS accepts your application, we will check it for completeness. If you do not completely
fill out this application, you will not establish a basis for eligibility and USCIS may reject or deny your application.
Requests for More Information. USCIS may request that you provide more information or evidence to support your
application. We may also request that you provide the originals of any copies you submit. If we request an original
document from you, it will be returned to you after USCIS determines it no longer needs your original.
Requests for Interview. We may request that you appear at a USCIS office for an interview based on your application.
At the time of any interview or other appearance at a USCIS office, we may require that you provide your biometrics to
verify your identity and/or update background and security checks.
Decision. A decision on Form I-600A involves a determination of whether you have established that you are suitable and
eligible to adopt an orphan. USCIS will notify you of the decision in writing.

What Should You Do After Locating Or Identifying a Child or Children?
Once approved, Form I-600A is valid for 15 months. When you have located and/or identified a child for adoption, you
must also file a Form I-600 for the child. You generally must file Form I-600 before the child turns 16 years of age, unless
an exception applies. See the Form I-600 Instructions for more information on child eligibility.

USCIS Forms and Information
To ensure you are using the latest version of this application, visit the USCIS website at where you can
obtain the latest USCIS forms and immigration-related information. If you do not have internet access, you may order
USCIS forms by calling the USCIS Contact Center at 1-800-375-5283. The USCIS Contact Center provides information
in English and Spanish. For TTY (deaf or hard of hearing) call: 1-800-767-1833.

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Instead of waiting in line for assistance at your local domestic USCIS office, you may schedule an appointment online at Select “Tools,” then under “Self Service Tools,” select “Make An Appointment” and follow the screen
prompts to set up your appointment. Once you finish scheduling an appointment, the system will generate an appointment
notice for you.

If you knowingly and willfully falsify or conceal a material fact or submit a false document with your Form I-600A, we
will deny your Form I-600A and may deny any other USCIS benefit. In addition, you will face severe penalties provided
by law and may be subject to criminal prosecution.

Not for

DHS Privacy Notice

AUTHORITIES: The information requested on this application, and the associated evidence, is collected under INA
sections 101(b)(1)(F), 201, and 204, 8 CFR 204.3, 8 CFR 204.301, and 8 CFR 204.311.
PURPOSE: The primary purpose for providing the requested information on this application is to determine if you are
suitable and eligible to adopt an orphan. Filing this application allows USCIS to make an initial determination on your
suitability and eligibility before you file Form I-600. DHS will use the information you provide to grant or deny your
DISCLOSURE: The information you provide is voluntary. However, failure to provide the requested information, and
any requested evidence, may delay a final decision in your case or result in denial of your application.
ROUTINE USES: DHS may share the information you provide on this application with other Federal, state, local,
and foreign government agencies and authorized organizations. DHS follows approved routine uses described in
the associated published system of records notices [DHS/USCIS-005 - Inter-Country Adoptions Security and DHS/
USCIS-001 - Alien File, Index, and National File Tracking System of Records] and published privacy impact assessments
[DHS/USCIS/PIA-007(b) Domestically Filed Intercountry Adoptions Applications and Petitions and DHS/USCIS/PIA051 Case and Activity Management for International Operations] which you can find at]. DHS
may also share the information, as appropriate, for law enforcement purposes or in the interest of national security.
PRIVACY ACT WAIVER: Except as permitted by the Privacy Act, 5 USC 552a, applicable routine uses, and
information related to adult members of your household as noted in Form I-600A/I-600, Supplement 1, USCIS may not
disclose or give access to any information or record relating to any applicant, spouse (if married), or adult member of your
household to any individual or entity other than that person, including but not limited to an accredited agency, approved
person, exempted provider, supervised provider, or other adoption service provider, unless you give written consent. If
you want to give consent for USCIS to disclose information about your case to an individual or entity, you must complete
Form I-600A/I-600, Supplement 2, Consent to Disclose Information. You are not required to give this consent to file
Form I-600A or Form I-600.

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Paperwork Reduction Act
An agency may not conduct or sponsor an information collection, and a person is not required to respond to a collection
of information, unless it displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number. The
public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated at 49 minutes per response, including the time for
reviewing instructions, gathering the required documentation and information, completing the application, preparing
statements, attaching necessary documentation, and submitting the application. The collection of biometrics is estimated
to require 1 hour and 10 minutes. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection
of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, Office of
Policy and Strategy, Regulatory Coordination Division, 5900 Capital Gateway Drive, Mail Stop #2140, Camp Springs,
MD 20588-0009; OMB No. 1615-0028. Do not mail your completed Form I-600A to this address.

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File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleForm Instructions v4
File Modified2022-09-06
File Created2022-09-06

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