Form FEMA Form FF-207-F FEMA Form FF-207-F RCPGP Instrument All Required Program Specific Doc

Preparedness Grants Portfolio, including Regional Catastrophic Preparedness Grant Program (RCPGP), Grants Reporting Tool (GRT), Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG), Intercity Bus Security Gr

FF-207-FY-23-105_RCPGP_Instrument_All Required Program Specific Docs

Regional Catastrophic Preparedness Grant Program (RCPGP) - Required Additional Documentation

OMB: 1660-0156

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Appendix B: Project Narrative Template
A. Required Format
Applicants must format the application according to the following guidance:



Document Type: The Project Narrative must be submitted in Microsoft Word or Adobe
Spacing: Single
o Narrative: Times New Roman, Arial, Calibri, or Cambria; 12 pt. font size
o Citations (in-text, endnote/footnote): Times New Roman, Arial, Calibri, or
Cambria; 10, 11, or 12 pt. font sizes
o Spreadsheet or Table Data Figures, Notes, and Titles: Times New Roman, Arial,
Calibri, or Cambria; 10, 11, or 12 pt. font sizes
o Graphics (such as pictures, models, charts, and graphs): Times New Roman,
Arial, Calibri, or Cambria; 10, 11, or 12 pt. font sizes
Margins: One inch
Indentation/Tabs: Applicant’s discretion
Page Orientation: Portrait; exception: landscape may be used for spreadsheets and tables
Maximum number of pages, not including cover and indirect cost rate agreement: 13
(see the Project Narrative below for the maximum number of pages for each section)
Graphics (e.g., pictures, models, charts, and graphs) will be accepted but are not required
Primary font color will be black; however, other colors such as red and blue may be used
for emphasis as appropriate
Bold or italicized font may be used but is not required
Spreadsheet or table format is acceptable where appropriate (e.g., timelines and matrices)
but not mandatory

FEMA will not review or consider for funding any application that does not conform to the above
B. Required Application Contents
Applicants must present the contents of the application using the following arrangement.
Applications must not include any classified information and should not include any Law Enforcement
Sensitive information.
FEMA will not consider any letters of endorsement or support submitted separately from an
application. If statements of endorsement or support testimony are provided, they must be included in
the Project Narrative.

Project Narrative




1. Identify the primary applicant applying for the program
and the Points of Contact (POC) for this project,
including the following:
o Name of primary applicant
o Name and title of the lead POC
o POC’s full mailing address
o POC’s telephone number
o POC’s email address
2. Name and title of the single authorizing official, or
AOR, for the organization (e.g., the individual
authorized to sign agrant award)
o Authorizing official’s full mailing address
o Authorizing official’s telephone number
o Authorizing official’s email address
3. Names of any additional entity(ies) participating in the
4. Provide a list of all states and counties that will either be
directly involved in the project or will otherwise be
supported by the project.
1. Select one or more core capability focus area (in
addition to Housing, Community Resilience and LongTerm Vulnerability Reduction) addressed by the
2. Provide or complete a capability assessment for
Housing, Community Resilience, Long-Term
Vulnerability Reduction, and the selected core
capability focus area(s).
3. Describe the applicant’s existing capability levels for
the core capability focus areas.
4. Describe the current capability gap/need identified to
build within the core capability focus areas.
5. Explain the inequities, risk factors, and needs of
disadvantaged communities within the region (relevant
to disaster preparedness) who will benefit from the
1. Describe the proposed activities of the project, including
any planning, organization, training and/or exercises.
2. Describe why/how this project is the best approach to
build upon current capabilities.
3. Describe how the project was selected and designed to
maximize positive impacts to disadvantaged

Does not
toward the
total page




Three (3)


Seven (7)


Project Narrative











List the disadvantaged communities that will be involved
in the project and/or will benefit from the project.
Provide a breakdown of roles and contributions between
each of the project partners. If no additional partners are
participating, please explain why.
Explain how the partnerships will ensure the project
meets regional needs, including the needs of
disadvantaged communities, and explain the anticipated
outcomes of the partnerships.
For States and Territories Only: Provide a written,
signed statement explaining the statewide or multi-state
impact of the proposed investment and attesting to the
advance coordination and support of at least one of the
100 most populous MSAs within the state/territory.
Local Governments Only: Provide a written statement
certifying that the applicant’s chief executive (e.g.,
mayor, city manager, or county executive) and, as
applicable, the chief executive of the first principal city
of the MSA, supports the application as the local
government’s single application.
Describe the overall project plan, timeline and milestones
that are critical to the success of the project and
associated dates.
Complete the performance measures this project is
Three (3)
expected to achieve based on the applicable guidance
included in the Core Capability Development Sheets.
Complete an estimated capability assessment for the
core capability focus areas AFTER completion of the
Describe how core capabilities will be improved/built
after the completion of this project.
Explain how the project will clearly benefit the
identified disadvantaged communities.
Describe the project’s anticipated impact on the affected
communities in both qualitative and quantitative terms.
Provide an estimated percentage of the project’s overall
benefit to disadvantaged communities and explain how
that figure was calculated.

7. Explain how the proposed project will advance the goal of
equity in regional emergency management.

8. Describe how the findings or deliverables from the
proposed project can be scaled, replicated, or otherwise



Project Narrative




benefit national preparedness.


1. Provide a budget narrative and detailed budget
Two (2)
worksheet of the project, including how project dollars
requested will be used in the Planning, Organization,
Training, or Exercises solution area(s).
a. Please include total project dollars in the detailed
budget worksheet, including alternate funding sources,
match, or cost share agreements.


2. Describe the applicant’s plan for sustaining the
capabilities built from this funding, including the
resources the applicant will use to support sustainment
after the grant funds and period of performance expires.
If no other funding sources are necessary, please
3. Describe the applicant’s ability to manage federal grants,
such as (1) financial stability; (2) quality of management
systems and ability to meet management standards; (3)
history of performance in managing federal awards; (4)
reports and findings from audits; and (5) ability to
implement effectively statutory, regulatory, or other

Appendix D: Budget Detail Worksheet and Budget Narrative Template
The Budget Detail Worksheet Template may be used as a guide to assist applicants in the
preparation of their Budget Detail Worksheet and Budget Narrative. Applicants may submit
the Budget Detail Worksheet and Budget Narrative using this template or in the format of
their choosing (plain sheets, spreadsheets, independently created forms, or a variation of
this form). However, applicants must provide all the requested information identified in the
general instructions for the worksheet and budget narrative, as well as the instructions for each
section, and categorize it by activity and allowable cost.

The purpose of the Budget Narrative is to provide a detailed description of the budget found in
the SF-424A and the Budget Detail Worksheet. The budget narrative must include a detailed
discussion of how RCPGP funds will be used. The Budget Narrative should 1) justify the need
for each line item and the cost estimates; 2) explain how costs relate to the programmatic goals
of the project(s); and 3) supplement other budget information provided on the Budget
Worksheet. For the Cost Share, applicants must include a detailed description of the source of
the cost share/matching funds. If funds or services are to be provided by a third party for inkind match, a dated letter of commitment is required to document the donation.
General Instructions
• Populate the tables to identify and itemize the costs to implement the proposed project.
• List and describe all activities and associated costs required to implement the project.
• Funds must be aligned to allowable cost categories in the Application for Federal
Assistance SF-424a form and those cost categories which are allowable in the FY 2023
RCPGP (e.g., personnel, fringe benefits, travel, supplies, contractual, other direct costs
and indirect costs) within each of the four Solution Areas: (1) Planning, (2) Organization,
(3) Training, and (4) Exercises.
• Equipment, construction, renovation, maintenance and sustainment costs are not
allowed for FY 2023 RCPGP funding.
• The Budget Narrative should include a description and justification of costs for each item
and should align with the Budget portion of the Project Narrative. A budget narrative
should be completed for each cost category of the budget.
Cost categories and definitions are listed below:
Personnel: List each position with a brief description of the duties and responsibilities (no
personnel names), as well as the salary computation for staff. If a Cost-of-Living Adjustment
increase and/or merit pay increase in salary will be provided for the position, include those
costs in calculations for personnel and the associated fringe benefits on the applicable Budget
Detail Worksheet and the Budget Narrative.
Fringe Benefits: List the computation for fringe benefits for each of the personnel listed in the
budget worksheet. Estimated rates for fringe are allowable but provide the basis for that
estimation in the budget narrative (e.g., average percent fringe paid for most employees within
the agency). If not using an estimate, list fringe benefit and the associated costs for each
employee that will be paid by RCPGP funding (e.g., Social Security/FICA, Unemployment
Compensation, Medicare, Retirement, Health Insurance, Life Insurance, etc.). Also, in cases
where fringe benefits costs are included in an indirect cost rate agreement, the fringe benefits
cannot also be charged as a direct cost for reimbursement.
Travel: Specify the mileage, per diem, estimated number of trips in-state and out-of-state,
number of travelers, and other costs for each type of travel for staff. Travel may be integral to
the purpose of the proposed project (e.g., management, monitoring and/or oversight of grant
award and/or subrecipients) or related to propose project activities (e.g., attendance at training
or meetings related to management of the RCPGP award). Travel costs identified in this section
are for employees of the applicant/recipient only. For travel costs related to staff training,

include as many details as possible about each proposed training cost, including the name of the
training course(s), training provider, personnel who will attend the training, proposed dates
(estimates are accepted), etc. Travel category costs do not include 1) costs for travel of
consultants, contractors, consortia members, or other partner organizations, which are included
in the “Contractual” category; or 2) travel costs for employees of subrecipient agencies (those
should be included in the Contractual category, if applicable).
Supplies: Include all tangible personal property other than those described in the definition of
“equipment” as defined by 2 C.F.R. § 200.1. Supplies are also defined in 2 C.F.R. § 200.1. The
budget detail should identify categories of supplies to be procured for RCPGP purposes only
(e.g., for gap analysis only) and the calculation of those costs (e.g., based on monthly rates or
based on an average of previous years’ similar costs). Non-tangible goods and services
associated with supplies, such as printing service, photocopy services, and rental costs should
be included in the “Other” category. Provide the basis for calculation of supplies including the
Line-Item Name and list supplies in the Budget Narrative in the same order as listed on the
Budget Detail Worksheet.
Contractual: Identify each proposed contract related to RCPGP purposes only and specify its
purpose and estimated cost. Contractual/consultant services are those services to be carried out
by an individual or organization (do not include company or individual names in budget
narrative), other than the applicant, in the form of a procurement relationship. Leased or rented
goods (equipment or supplies) for RCPGP purposes should be included in the “Other”
category. The applicant should list the proposed contract activities along with a brief
description of the scope of RCPGP work or services to be provided and proposed duration.
Include the basis for the calculation of contractual services costs (e.g., contractor training
instructor speaking fee, contractor travel costs and contractor instructional materials).
Other: This category should include only those types of direct costs that do not fit in any of the
other budget categories and are related to RCPGP purposes only. Include a description of each
cost by Line-Item Name and in the same order as listed on the applicable Detailed Budget.
Include the basis for calculation of the costs. Examples of costs for RCPGP purposes that may
be in this category include the following: insurance, rental/lease of equipment or supplies,
equipment service or maintenance contracts, printing or photocopying rental, etc.
Indirect Costs: If indirect charges are budgeted, indicate the approved rate and base (the cost
categories for which this indirect cost percentage rate will be applied.) Indirect costs are those
incurred by the recipient for a common or joint purpose that benefit more than one cost
objective or project and are not readily assignable to specific cost objectives or projects as a
direct cost. Not all applicants are required to have a current negotiated indirect cost rate
agreement. Those that are required to have a negotiated indirect cost rate (e.g., fixed,
predetermined, final, or provision) must submit their negotiated indirect cost agreement at the
time of application. Applicants that are not required by 2 C.F.R. Part 200 to have a negotiated
indirect cost rate agreement but are required to develop an indirect cost rate proposal must
provide a copy of their proposal at the time of application. Applicants who do not have a
current negotiated indirect cost rate agreement (including a provisional rate) and wish to charge

the de minimis rate must reach out to the Grants Management Specialist or other relevant
FEMA position for further instructions.
Applicants who wish to use a cost allocation plan in lieu of an indirect cost rate must also reach
out to the FEMA Grants Management Specialist for further instructions.
Post-award requests to charge indirect costs will be considered on a case-by-case basis and
based upon the submission of an agreement or proposal as discussed above or based upon the
de minimis rate or cost allocation plan, as applicable.

Budget Detail Worksheet
Planning Activities




Supplies Other

























































Planning Total: $









Organization Activities




Supplies Other
















































Budget Detail Worksheet









Organization Total: $









Training Activities




Supplies Other







































Training Total: $









Exercises Activities




Supplies Other







































Exercises Total: $









Total Project Costs









The following program-specific forms or information for FY 2023 RCPGP applications are
required to be submitted in ND Grants:

For States and Territories Only: A written, signed statement explaining the statewide or
multi-state impact of the proposed investment and attesting to the advance coordination



and support of at least one of the 100 most populous MSAs within the state or territory.
Applications submitted without the required evidence of support from the
applicable MSA will be deemed ineligible.
For Local Governments Only: A written, signed statement certifying that the applicant’s
chief executive (e.g., mayor, city manager, or county executive) and, as applicable, the
chief executive of the first principal city of the MSA, supports the application as the local
government’s single application being submitted for consideration by FEMA. FEMA
reserves the right to exclude multiple applications submitted from the same jurisdiction or
to exclude multiple applications from multiple jurisdictions located within the same
All Applicants:
o Names of all entities partnering on the project, including but not limited to states,
territories, local or tribal governments, nonprofit organizations, and other nongovernment entities, including those partnering as subrecipients. Partner entities can
extend beyond the boundaries of the state/territory or MSA and can be located in
other states/territories or MSAs, for the purposes of regional collaboration.
o Letters of support from partner entities or a written, signed statement certifying the
involvement and support of all partner entities that will participate in the proposed
project and, if applicable, information on the relationship between the applicant and
partnering entities, e.g., existing letters of cooperation/support or administrative
agreements, such as a signed Memorandum of Understanding.

The involvement of regional preparedness partners is critical to the success of this program.
Therefore, DHS/FEMA will take necessary actions to verify the accuracy of written
statements that are submitted to satisfy the requirements outlined above. Applications found
to contain false or inaccurate information will be rejected. In addition, FEMA will conduct
post-award monitoring activities to verify that RCPGP-funded projects are carried out in
accordance with the terms and conditions of the award, to include verifying the involvement
of committed partner entities as indicated in the application. Failure to comply the terms and
conditions of the award is addressed in the Actions to Address Noncompliance section of this
funding notice.

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2023-02-13
File Created2023-02-13

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