Version 1.0 ISD Data Entry Form

Industry Safety Data Program

Copy of DataEntryTemplate.xlsm

OMB: 2138-0048

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Sheet 1: Instructions

How to Use this Document
Click 'Enable Macros' in the yellow bar at the top of the screen if present
Select the 'Form' sheet and enter your data there, one row per incident
Some columns will provide dropdowns - please fill these columns by selecting a value from the dropdown. If the tooltip indicates "Select all that apply", you may reopen the dropdown and select an additional value to append it to the column. This may be done as many times as necessary. To remove a selected value, simply delete the relevant text from the cell.

Field Reference
Column Name Column Description
Event Type An event type is defined by whether it has consequences. Alternatively, it may be a safety observation.
Event Category General category of event.
Event Category Desc Event category description.
Event Date and Time Date and time that the event occurred.
Event Description Text description of what occurred.
Actual Consequences Actual consequences category (e.g., injury, damage, etc.).
Potential Consequences Description of actual consequences (e.g., injury, damage, etc.).
Actual Consequences Desc Potential consequences category (e.g., injury, damage, etc.).
Potential Consequences Desc Description of potential consequences (e.g., injury, damage, etc.).
Process Safety Event Unplanned or uncontrolled loss of primary containment (LOPC) from a process, or an undesired event or condition that could have resulted in LOPC.
PSE Tier Level of severity as defined by IOGP 456.
Other PSE Data Other source data fields that contain process safety event data.
Location Information Category of general geographic area where event occurred.
Location Information Desc Description of the general geographic area where event occurred.
Physical Location Category of water depth where event occurred (deepwater, shelf, or onshore).
Water Depth Water depth where event occurred (ft).
Other Location Data Other source data fields that contain location information.
Asset Type Category of asset or facility where the event occurred (e.g., production, rig, marine vessel, aviation, other).
Asset Subtype Subcategory of asset or facility where the event occurred (e.g., production, rig, marine vessel, aviation, other).
Asset Type Desc The description of the asset or facility where the event occurred (e.g., production, rig, marine vessel, aviation, other).
Asset Subtype Desc The description of the asset or facility where the event occurred (e.g., production, rig, marine vessel, aviation, other).
Operation Type Category of operation that was occurring at the time of the event.
Operation Type Desc Description of the operation that was occurring at the time of the event.
Other Asset and Activity Information Other source data fields that contain asset or activity data.
Location on Asset Category of description of specifically where on the asset or facility that the event occurred.
Location on Asset Desc Description of specifically where on the asset or facility that the event occurred.
Activity Category of the description of activity being performed at the time of the event.
Activity Category Is this activity being performed at the time of the event the primary activity, a secondary activity, or unknown?
Activity Desc Description of the activity being performed at the time of the event.
Is the Number of Injured Persons Known? Whether the number of injured parties is known from the source data.
Injury/Illness Classification Injury or illness classification.
Injury/Illness Classification Desc Description of the injury or illness classification.
Injured Party Type Category of injured party (employee, contractor, or other).
Injured Party Type Desc Description of injured party type.
Injured Body Part The specific body part affected.
Injured Body Subpart The specific body subpart affected.
Body Part Desc Description of the specific body part and subpart affected.
Body Subpart Desc Description of the specific body subpart affected.
Injury Type The specific type of injury.
Injury Subtype The specific subtype of injury.
Injury Type Desc Description of the specific type of injury.
Injury Subtype Desc Description of the specific subtype of injury.
Injured Body Part Position Description of the position of the injured party's body part or subpart at the time of the incident.
Injured Job Title Job title of the injured party.
Injured Job Category Job category of the injured party (supervisor or worker).
Injured Short Service Employee Injured party classified as a short service worker.
Injured Years of Experience Injured party's experience with the company in years.
Injured Day of Hitch The injured party's day of hitch (1 = first day of hitch, 2 = second day, etc.).
Injured Evacuated Injured party evacuated from the facility.
Other Injury Data Other source data fields that contain injury event data.
Fire Fuel Type Category Category of fuel that resulted in fire or explosion.
Fuel Type Category Desc Description of fuel that resulted in fire or explosion.
Source of Ignition Category Category of ignition source that resulted in fire or explosion.
Source of Ignition Desc Description of ignition source that resulted in fire or explosion.
Duration of Fire How long did the fire last (in minutes) before being extinguished?
Duration of Fire Desc Description of how long fire lasted before being extinguished.
Fire Method of Extinguishment Description of how fire was extinguished.
Hazard Area Classification Hazard area classification for the area where the fire occurred.
Fire Temporary Equipment Fire occurred in the area where temporary equipment was installed and/or in use.
Other Fire Data Other source data fields that contain fire event data.
LOPC Release To What was the impact of the LOPC release on the surrounding area?
LOPC Material Released Category of material released in an LOPC event.
Material Released Desc Description of the material released in an LOPC event.
LOPC Containment Area Did the LOPC release occur onsite?
LOPC Volume How much material was released in the LOPC event?
LOPC Volume Units Units for reported volume released in LOPC event.
LOPC Secured Material release secured (yes) or continuous (no).
LOPC Contained Was the material release contained (yes/no/partial)?
LOPC Description Description of the Loss of Primary Containment (LOPC) event.
Property Damage Description Description of the property or equipment that was damaged.
Dropped Object Description Description of the object that was dropped.
Extent of Damage Description that clarifies that extent of the damage.
Property Damage Cost Cost estimate of the damage incurred in dollars.
Material Overboard Object dropped overboard.
Material Overboard Recovered Object dropped overboard recovered.
DROPS Classification Description of severity of potential consequence per industry chart that plots weight of object vs. distance dropped. DROPS stands for Dropped Objects Prevention Scheme,
Causal Factor Category Category of causal factor attributed to this event.
Causal Factor Subcategory Subcategory of causal factor attributed to this event.
Causal Factor Category Description Description of causal factor category attributed to this event.
Causal Factor Subcategory Description Description of causal factor subcategory attributed to this event.
Causal Factor Narrative Description of the causal factors.
Corrective Actions Description of corrective actions taken.
Other Investigation Data Other source data fields that contain investigation or causation data.
Stop Work? Action by worker to halt all work when unsafe condition is observed.
Other Stop Work Data Other source data fields that contain stop work event data.
Weather Factor Determination on if weather was a contributing factor to the event.
Wave Height Wave height at the time the event occurred.
Wave Height Units Wave height unit at the time the event occurred.
Current Speed Current speed at the time the event occurred.
Current Speed Units Current speed unit at the time the event occurred.
Current Direction Ocean current direction at the time the event occurred.
Wind Speed Wind speed at the time the event occurred.
Wind Speed Units Wind speed unit at the time the event occurred.
Wind Direction Wind direction at the time the event occurred.
Water Temperature Water temperature at the time the event occurred.
Water Temperature Units Water temperature unit at the time the event occurred.
Air Temperature Ambient air temperature at the time the event occurred.
Air Temperature Units Ambient air temperature units at the time the event occurred.
Other Weather Data Other source data fields that contain weather data.
Other Data Source data fields that were not otherwise mapped.

Sheet 2: Form

Event ID Event Type Event Category Event Category Desc Event Date and Time Event Description Actual Consequences Potential Consequences Actual Consequences Desc Potential Consequences Desc Process Safety Event PSE Tier Other PSE Data Location Information Location Information Desc Physical Location Water Depth Other Location Data Asset Type Asset Subtype Asset Type Desc Asset Subtype Desc Operation Type Operation Type Desc Other Asset and Activity Information Location on Asset Location on Asset Desc Activity Activity Category Activity Desc Is the Number of Injured Persons Known? Injury/Illness Classification Injury/Illness Classification Desc Injured Party Type Injured Party Type Desc Injured Body Part Injured Body Subpart Body Part Desc Body Subpart Desc Injury Type Injury Subtype Injury Type Desc Injury Subtype Desc Injured Body Part Position Injured Job Title Injured Job Category Injured Short Service Employee Injured Years of Experience Injured Day of Hitch Injured Evacuated Other Injury Data Fire Fuel Type Category Fuel Type Category Desc Source of Ignition Category Source of Ignition Desc Duration of Fire Duration of Fire Desc Fire Method of Extinguishment Hazard Area Classification Fire Temporary Equipment Other Fire Data LOPC Release To LOPC Material Released Material Released Desc LOPC Containment Area LOPC Volume LOPC Volume Units LOPC Secured LOPC Contained LOPC Description Property Damage Description Dropped Object Description Extent of Damage Property Damage Cost Material Overboard Material Overboard Recovered DROPS Classification Causal Factor Category Causal Factor Subcategory Causal Factor Category Description Causal Factor Subcategory Description Causal Factor Narrative Corrective Actions Other Investigation Data Stop Work? Other Stop Work Data Weather Factor Wave Height Wave Height Units Current Speed Current Speed Units Current Direction Wind Speed Wind Speed Units Wind Direction Water Temperature Water Temperature Units Air Temperature Air Temperature Units Other Weather Data Other Data
Column Description An event type is defined by whether it has consequences. Alternatively, it may be a safety observation. General category of event. Event category description. Date and time that the event occurred. Text description of what occurred. Actual consequences category (e.g., injury, damage, etc.). Description of actual consequences (e.g., injury, damage, etc.). Potential consequences category (e.g., injury, damage, etc.). Description of potential consequences (e.g., injury, damage, etc.). Unplanned or uncontrolled loss of primary containment (LOPC) from a process, or an undesired event or condition that could have resulted in LOPC. Level of severity as defined by IOGP 456. Other source data fields that contain process safety event data. Category of general geographic area where event occurred. Description of the general geographic area where event occurred. Category of water depth where event occurred (deepwater, shelf, or onshore). Water depth where event occurred (ft). Other source data fields that contain location information. Category of asset or facility where the event occurred (e.g., production, rig, marine vessel, aviation, other). Subcategory of asset or facility where the event occurred (e.g., production, rig, marine vessel, aviation, other). The description of the asset or facility where the event occurred (e.g., production, rig, marine vessel, aviation, other). The description of the asset or facility where the event occurred (e.g., production, rig, marine vessel, aviation, other). Category of operation that was occurring at the time of the event. Description of the operation that was occurring at the time of the event. Other source data fields that contain asset or activity data. Category of description of specifically where on the asset or facility that the event occurred. Description of specifically where on the asset or facility that the event occurred. Category of the description of activity being performed at the time of the event. Is this activity being performed at the time of the event the primary activity, a secondary activity, or unknown? Description of the activity being performed at the time of the event. Whether the number of injured parties is known from the source data. Injury or illness classification. Description of the injury or illness classification. Category of injured party (employee, contractor, or other). Description of injured party type. The specific body part affected. The specific body subpart affected. Description of the specific body part and subpart affected. Description of the specific body subpart affected. The specific type of injury. The specific subtype of injury. Description of the specific type of injury. Description of the specific subtype of injury. Description of the position of the injured party's body part or subpart at the time of the incident. Job title of the injured party. Job category of the injured party (supervisor or worker). Injured party classified as a short service worker. Injured party's experience with the company in years. The injured party's day of hitch (1 = first day of hitch, 2 = second day, etc.). Injured party evacuated from the facility. Other source data fields that contain injury event data. Category of fuel that resulted in fire or explosion. Description of fuel that resulted in fire or explosion. Category of ignition source that resulted in fire or explosion. Description of ignition source that resulted in fire or explosion. How long did the fire last (in minutes) before being extinguished? Description of how long fire lasted before being extinguished. Description of how fire was extinguished. Hazard area classification for the area where the fire occurred. Fire occurred in the area where temporary equipment was installed and/or in use. Other source data fields that contain fire event data. What was the impact of the LOPC release on the surrounding area? Category of material released in an LOPC event. Description of the material released in an LOPC event. Did the LOPC release occur onsite? How much material was released in the LOPC event? Units for reported volume released in LOPC event. Material release secured (yes) or continuous (no). Was the material release contained (yes/no/partial)? Description of the Loss of Primary Containment (LOPC) event. Description of the property or equipment that was damaged. Description of the object that was dropped. Description that clarifies that extent of the damage. Cost estimate of the damage incurred in dollars. Object dropped overboard. Object dropped overboard recovered. Description of severity of potential consequence per industry chart that plots weight of object vs. distance dropped. DROPS stands for Dropped Objects Prevention Scheme, Category of causal factor attributed to this event. Subcategory of causal factor attributed to this event. Description of causal factor category attributed to this event. Description of causal factor subcategory attributed to this event. Description of the causal factors. Description of corrective actions taken. Other source data fields that contain investigation or causation data. Action by worker to halt all work when unsafe condition is observed. Other source data fields that contain stop work event data. Determination on if weather was a contributing factor to the event. Wave height at the time the event occurred. Wave height unit at the time the event occurred. Current speed at the time the event occurred. Current speed unit at the time the event occurred. Ocean current direction at the time the event occurred. Wind speed at the time the event occurred. Wind speed unit at the time the event occurred. Wind direction at the time the event occurred. Water temperature at the time the event occurred. Water temperature unit at the time the event occurred. Ambient air temperature at the time the event occurred. Ambient air temperature units at the time the event occurred. Other source data fields that contain weather data. Source data fields that were not otherwise mapped.
EXAMPLE with consequences personal safety, dropped object Additional Information 05/18/2021 1:00PM Description of Event property damage
Additional Info

tier 1
gulf of mexico
offshore shelf (<1000 ft.) 500
production floating production storage and offloading vessel Additional Info Additional Info production

tanks/vessels area
confined space entry primary
no first_aid
upper extremities arm- elbow

burn thermal burn

worker no

hydrocarbon gas

water hydrocarbon gas
inside 500m zone 100 Gallons yes yes

Describe the dropped object

yes yes
physical facility, equip. and process process/equip. reliability

Sheet 3: Values

ev_type ev_cat cons_act cons_pot pse pse_tier loc_reg loc_phys asset_type asset_subtype op_type activity activity_cat loc_asset num_inj_parties_known inj_class inj_party_type inj_body_part inj_body_subpart inj_type inj_subtype fire_fuel_cat fire_ign_cat lopc_material_cat lopc_release_to lopc_cont_area cf_cat cf_subcat weather_fctr current_dir wind_dir inj_job_cat inj_evacuation lopc_contained stop_work inj_sse lopc_secured mat_overboard mat_overboard_recovered
with consequences personal safety injury or illness injury or illness yes tier 1 gulf of mexico offshore deepwater (>=1000 ft.) production fixed platform production confined space entry primary moonpool/well bay yes fatality employee head cranial region fracture fracture hydrocarbon liquid- crude oil mechanical hydrocarbon liquid- crude oil air inside 500m zone physical facility, equip. and process process/equip. design or layout yes East East supervisor yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
without consequences dropped object environmental environmental no tier 2 offshore pacific offshore shelf (<1000 ft.) rig floating production storage and offloading vessel drilling diving unknown tanks/vessels area no lost work/days away from work contractor neck ear dislocation dislocation- other hydrocarbon liquid- lubricating oil electrical hydrocarbon liquid- lubricating oil water outside 500m zone administrative processes process/equip. material spec., fabr., constr. no East-North-East East-North-East worker no no no no no no no
unsafe action or observation material overboard property damage property damage
tier 3 offshore alaska onshore marine vessel tension leg platform workover domestic activities secondary production processing area
restricted work/job transfer other trunk face- eye sprain, strain, or tear dislocation- unspecified hydrocarbon liquid- diesel thermal hydrocarbon liquid- diesel land
people process/equip. reliability not relevant North-East North-East


well control other other
tier 4 elsewhere
aviation spar completion emergency response- drill
mud/cement equipment area
upper extremities face- nose open wound tear hydrocarbon liquid- other chemical hydrocarbon liquid- other contained on facility
other instrument, analyzer and controls reliability
North-North-East North-North-East


shorebase subsea infrastructure well operations- unspecified emergency response- actual
well control equipment area
lower extremities face- jaw surface wound sprain hydrocarbon gas other hydrocarbon gas

physical facility, equip. and process- other
North North


other production semi-submersible commissioning energy isolation (LOTO)
engine/generator room/MCC
body systems face- mouth burn strain hydrocarbon- unspecified
hydrocarbon- unspecified

risk assessment and management
North-North-West North-North-West

process safety

unspecified pipeline decommissioning helicopter flight
bridge / control room

other face- other intracranial injury sprain/strain unspecified chemical liquid
chemical liquid

operating proc. or safe work practices
North-West North-West


production- other helicopter helicopter landing or take-off
life boat/fast rescue craft (FRC) area

face- unspecified effects of environmental conditions hernia chemical gas
chemical gas

management of change
West-North-West West-North-West

vessel collision

production- unspecified motor vessel hot work
temporary scaffolding/work platforms

head- other crushing injury whiplash chemical solid
chemical solid

work direction of management
West West

equipment collision

platform rig seismic lifting- unspecified
crane area

head- unspecified illness sprain, strain, or tear- other chemical- unspecified
chemical- unspecified

emergency response
West-South-West West-South-West

station keeping

rig semi-submersible pipeline maintenance, inspection, and testing
welding / hot work area

neck- other other sprain, strain, or tear- unspecified wood
produced water

administrative processes- other
South-West South-West


jackup construction marine vessel- in transit
+10 deck

neck- unspecified
amputation metal
waste water

personnel skills or knowledge
South-South-West South-South-West

hydrogen sulfide

drillship other marine vessel- station keeping

laceration building material

quality of task planning and preparation
South South

not work-related

material handling- manual
rig floor/derrick

puncture wound other

individual or group decision-making
South-South-East South-South-East


intervention vessel
material transfer or displacement
deck- other

open wound- other

quality of task execution
South-East South-East


rig- other
non-manual lifting
shorebase facilities

pelvic region
open wound- unspecified

quality of hazard mitigation
East-South-East East-South-East

rig- unspecified
normal/routine activities

trunk- other


remotely operated vehicle

trunk- unspecified

human factors

offshore support/supply/service vessel
simultaneous operations


human performance

construction/installation vessel
startup or shutdown operations

arm- upper
surface wound- other


working at heights

arm- elbow
surface wound- unspecified

people- other

crew boat

arm- forearm
chemical burn


frac boat

arm- other
thermal burn

dive vessel

arm- unspecified
electrical burn

marine vessel- other

burn- other

marine vessel- unspecified

burn- unspecified


intracranial hemorrhage

aviation other

upper extremities- other

aviation unspecified

upper extremities- unspecified
intracranial- other


leg- thigh
intracranial- unspecified


leg- knee


leg- lower

leg- other
heat illness

leg- unspecified
pressure related effects

effects of environmental conditions- other

effects of environmental conditions- unspecified

crushing injury

illness- other

lower extremities- other
illness- unspecified

lower extremities- unspecified

body systems- other

body systems- unspecified


File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
File Modified0000-00-00
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