60-Day FRN Published


Chemical Security Assessment Tool (CSAT)

60-Day FRN Published

OMB: 1670-0007

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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 247 / Tuesday, December 27, 2022 / Notices
and distribution and dissemination of
flood insurance rate maps and risk data;
and (b) performance metrics and
milestones required to effectively and
efficiently map flood risk areas in the
United States; (2) mapping standards
and guidelines for (a) flood insurance
rate maps, and (b) data accuracy, data
quality, data currency, and data
eligibility; (3) how to maintain, on an
ongoing basis, flood insurance rate maps
and flood risk identification; (4)
procedures for delegating mapping
activities to State and local mapping
partners; and (5) (a) methods for
improving interagency and
intergovernmental coordination on
flood mapping and flood risk
determination, and (b) a funding
strategy to leverage and coordinate
budgets and expenditures across Federal
agencies. Furthermore, the TMAC is
required to submit an annual report to
the FEMA Administrator that contains:
(1) a description of the activities of the
Council; (2) an evaluation of the status
and performance of flood insurance rate
maps and mapping activities to revise
and update Flood Insurance Rate Maps;
and (3) a summary of recommendations
made by the Council to the FEMA
Agenda: The purpose of this meeting
is for the TMAC members to discuss and
vote on the content of the 2023 TMAC
Annual Report Outline. Any related
materials will be available upon request
prior to the meeting to provide the
public an opportunity to review the
materials. The full agenda and related
meeting materials will be available upon
request by Tuesday, January 17, 2023.
To receive a copy of any relevant
materials, please send the request to:
[email protected] (Attn:
Brian Koper).
Michael M. Grimm,
Assistant Administrator for Risk
Management, Federal Emergency
Management Agency.
[FR Doc. 2022–28140 Filed 12–23–22; 8:45 am]



[Docket No. CISA–2022–0018]

Request To Revise and Extend the
Chemical Security Assessment Tool
(CSAT) Information Collection Under
the Paperwork Reduction Act
Cybersecurity and
Infrastructure Security Agency, DHS.
ACTION: 60-Day notice and request for

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The Infrastructure Security
Division (ISD) within the Cybersecurity
and Infrastructure Security Agency
(CISA) will submit the following
Information Collection Request (ICR) to
the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) for review and clearance in
accordance with the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995. This notice
solicits comments on the information
collection during a 60-day public
comment period prior to the submission
of this ICR to OMB. The submission
proposes to revise the information
collection for an additional three years
and update the burden estimates
associated with collecting information
in the Chemical Security Assessment
Tool (CSAT) for the Chemical Facility
Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS)
DATES: Comments are due by February
27, 2023.
ADDRESSES: You may send comments,
identified by docket number through the
Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://
www.regulations.gov. Follow the
instructions for sending comments.
Instructions: All submissions received
must include the agency name ‘‘CISA’’
and docket number CISA–2022–0018.
All comments received will be posted
without change to http://
www.regulations.gov, including any
personal information provided.
Comments that include protected
information such as trade secrets,
confidential commercial or financial
information, Chemical-terrorism
Vulnerability Information (CVI),1
Sensitive Security Information (SSI),2 or
Protected Critical Infrastructure
Information (PCII) 3 should not be
submitted to the public docket.
Comments containing protected
information should be appropriately
marked and packaged in accordance
with all applicable requirements and
submission must be coordinated with
the point of contact for this notice
CONTACT section.
Ryan Donaghy, 703–603–5000,
[email protected].
CFATS Program identifies chemical
facilities of interest and regulates the
security of high-risk chemical facilities

1 For more information about CVI see 6 CFR
27.400 and the CVI Procedural Manual at
2 For more information about SSI see 49 CFR part
1520 and the SSI Program web page at www.tsa.gov/
3 For more information about PCII see 6 CFR part
29 and the PCII Program web page at www.dhs.gov/

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through a risk-based approach. The
CFATS Program is authorized under the
Protecting and Securing Chemical
Facilities from Terrorist Attacks Act of
2014 or ‘‘CFATS Act of 2014.4
CISA collects the core regulatory data
necessary to implement CFATS through
the Chemical Security Assessment Tool
(CSAT) covered under this collection.
For more information about CFATS and
CSAT, please visit www.dhs.gov/
chemicalsecurity. This information
collection (OMB Control No. 1670–
0007) will expire on July 31, 2023.5
Below, CISA estimates the burden to
respondents for the: (1) Top-Screen, (2)
Security Vulnerability Assessment
(SVA) and Alternative Security Program
(ASP) submitted in lieu of an SVA, (3)
Site Security Plan (SSP) and ASP
submitted in lieu of an SSP, (4) CFATS
Help Desk, (5) CSAT User Registration,
and (6) Identification of Facilities and
Assets at Risk.6
1. CISA’S Methodology in Estimating
the Burden for the Top–Screen
Number of Respondents: The current
information collection estimated that
2,332 respondents will submit a TopScreen annually. For this ICR, CISA
estimates the annual number of
respondents will be 3,817.
The estimate of 3,817 is the sum of
the average number of 887 first-time
Top-Screen submissions and the average
number of 2,930 Top-Screen
resubmissions received per year
between Calendar Year (calendar
year)19 and CY21 (887 first time
submissions + 2,930 resubmissions =
Estimated Time per Respondent: In
the current information collection, the
estimated time per respondent to
prepare and submit a Top-Screen is 1.09
hours. For this ICR, CISA estimates the
time per respondent to prepare and
submit a Top-Screen will be 2.04 hours.
Using the data collected between
CY19 and CY21, CISA obtained the
estimate of 2.04 hours by first
determining the average amount of time
respondents were logged into the TopScreen application (0.408 hours or 24.5
minutes). CISA calculated this figure by
4 The CFATS Act of 2014 codified the CFATS
program into the Homeland Security Act of 2002.
See 6 U.S.C. 621 et seq., as amended by Public Law
116–135, Sec. 16007 (2020).
5 The currently approved version of this
information collection (OMB Control No. 1670–
0007) can be viewed athttps://www.reginfo.gov/
6 Throughout this analysis, CISA presents
rounded hourly time burden estimates and hourly
compensation rates to assist in reproducing the
results. However, CISA’s actual calculations use
unrounded figures; consequently, some reproduced
results may not exactly match the reported results.




Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 247 / Tuesday, December 27, 2022 / Notices


using the time logged in the application
for initial Top-Screens (.50 hours) and
Top-Screen resubmission (.38 hours)
weighted by the number of respondents
that submitted first-time Top-Screens
and Top-Screen resubmissions [(887
first-time submissions × 0.50 hours per
first time submission) + (2,930
resubmissions × 0.38 hours per
resubmission) ÷ 3,817 total submissions
= 0.408 hours].
CISA maintains its assumption, based
on previous public comments on this
information collection, that for every
hour a respondent is logged into the
Top-Screen application, the respondent
spends an average of 4 hours in
preparation.7 Therefore, based on the
0.408 hours average log in time for the
Top-Screen application and the 4 hours
of average preparation time, CISA
calculates that between CY19 and CY21,
the burden per respondent to submit a
Top-Screen was 2.04 hours [0.408 hours
logged into CSAT + (0.408 hours × 4) for
preparation = 2.04 hours].
Annual Burden Hours: The annual
burden hours for the Top-Screen is
7,785 hours (3,817 respondents × 1
response per respondent × 2.04 hours
per response = 7,785 hours).
Total Annual Burden Cost: CISA
assumes that Site Security Officers
(SSOs) are responsible for submitting
Top-Screens. For this ICR, CISA
maintains this assumption.
To estimate the total annual burden,
CISA multiplied the annual burden of
7,785 hours by the average hourly total
compensation rate of SSOs of $90.41 8
per hour. Therefore, the total annual
burden cost for the Top-Screen is
$703,829 (i.e., 7,785 hours multiplied by
$90.41 per hour).
Total Burden Cost (Capital/Startup):
CISA provides access to CSAT free of
charge and CISA assumes that each
respondent already has access to the
internet for basic business needs.
Therefore, CISA estimates that no
7 CISA’s adoption of the assumption that for every
hour a respondent is logged into the Top-Screen
application, SVA/ASP application, and SSP/ASP
application, the respondent spends an average of 4
hours in preparation is described in the 30-day
notice the Department published for this
information collection in March 2013 at 78 FR
16694, which may be viewed at https://
8 Mean hourly wage was obtained from U.S.
Department of Labor, BLS; May 2021 Occupational
Employment and Wage Statistics, OES Managers,
All Other. (Occupational Code 11–9199). Retrieved
from https://www.bls.gov/oes/2021/may/oes_
nat.htm. of $62.36 times the wage rate benefit
multiplier of 1.4499 (to account for fringe benefits)
equaling $90.4141. The benefits multiplier is
estimated by dividing total compensation of $40.35
by salaries and wages of $27.83, based on Employer
Cost for Employee Compensation, December 2021,
released March 18, 2022 (https://www.bls.gov/

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capital/startup costs are associated with
this instrument.
Total Recordkeeping Burden A
respondent that has submitted a TopScreen may or may not be determined
by CISA to present a high level of
security risk. Only respondents that
present a high level of security risk are
required to keep records mandated by
CFATS (i.e., facilities that tier into the
CFATS program).
For respondents that are determined
to present a high level of security risk,
the Top-Screen recordkeeping burden is
accounted for within the recordkeeping
burden estimate for the ‘‘Site Security
Plan (SSP) and Alternative Security
Program (ASP) submitted in lieu of an
SSP’’ instrument discussed later in this
notice in subsection 3, hereafter,
referred to as the ‘‘SSP/ASP.’’ The
recordkeeping burden estimate for the
SSP/ASP instrument accounts for all
records respondents are required to
maintain under CFATS because CISA
assumes that respondents maintain their
Top-Screen records in the same
manners, formats, and locations as they
maintain their other required records.
Therefore, CISA estimates that no
recordkeeping burden is associated with
this instrument.
2. CISA’S Methodology in Estimating
the Burden for the Security
Vulnerability Assessment (SVA) &
Alternative Security Program (ASP)
Submitted in Lieu of an SVA
Number of Respondents: The current
information collection estimated that
each year 1,683 respondents would
complete an SVA or ASP in lieu of an
SVA, hereafter, referred to as an ‘‘SVA/
ASP.’’ For this ICR, CISA estimates that
the annual number of respondents will
be 2,328, which is based on sum of the
average number of SVA/ASP
submissions and resubmissions between
CY19 and CY21. This consists of an
average of 209 first-time SVA/ASPs and
2,119 resubmitted SVA/ASPs per year.
Estimated Time per Respondent: The
current information collection estimated
the time per respondent for preparing
and submitting an SVA/ASP to be 1.24
hours. For this ICR, CISA estimates the
time per respondent for preparing and
submitting an SVA/ASP will be 1.4136
Using the data collected between
CY19 and CY 21, CISA obtained the
estimate of 1.4136 hours by first
determining the median amount of time
respondents were logged into the SVA/
ASP application (0.28 hours or 17
minutes). CISA calculated the average
amount of time respondents were logged
into the SVA/ASP application by using
the median duration respondents were

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logged into the CSAT SVA/ASP
application for an initial SVA/ASP
(0.783 hours or 47 minutes) and an
SVA/ASP resubmission (0.233 hours or
14 minutes) weighted by the number of
respondents that submitted first-time
resubmissions between CY19 and CY21
which was 0.28 hours 9 [(209 first-time
submissions × 0.783 hours) + (2,119
resubmissions × 0.233 hours) ÷ 2,328
total submissions = 0.28 hours].
CISA maintains its assumption, based
on previous public comments on this
information collection, that for every
hour a respondent is logged into the
SVA/ASP application, the respondent
spends an average of 4 hours in
preparation. Therefore, based on the
0.28 hours average log in time for the
CSAT SVA/ASP application and the 4
hours of average preparation time, CISA
calculates that between CY19 and CY21,
the burden per respondent to prepare
and submit an SVA/ASP was 1.4136
hours 10 [ 0.28 hours logged into CSAT
+ (0.28 hours × 4) for preparation].
Annual Burden Hours: The annual
burden hours for an SVA/ASP is 3,291
hours 11 (2,328 respondents × 1 response
per respondent × 1.4136 hours per
response = 3,291 hours).
Total Annual Burden Cost: CISA
assumes that SSOs will be responsible
for submitting SVAs/ASPs. For this ICR,
CISA maintains this assumption.
Therefore, to estimate the total annual
burden, CISA multiplied the annual
burden of 3,291 hours by the average
hourly total compensation rate of SSOs
of $90.41 per hour.12 Therefore, the total
annual burden cost for the SVA/ASP is
$297,530 (i.e., 3,291 hours multiplied by
$90.41 per hour).
Total Burden Cost (Capital/Startup):
CISA provides access to CSAT free of
charge and CISA assumes that each
respondent already has access to the
internet for basic business needs.
Therefore, CISA estimates that there are
no capital/startup costs for this
Total Recordkeeping Burden: For
respondents that are determined by
CISA to present a high level of security
risk, the SVA/ASP recordkeeping
burden is accounted for within the
recordkeeping burden estimate for the
SSP/ASP discussed below in Subsection
3 of this section. Therefore, CISA
estimates that no recordkeeping burden
is associated with this instrument.
9 0.28271

hours = 0.2827 hours + 1.1308 hours.
11 3,290.75 hours.
12 $90.4142 is the hourly labor costs, including
wages and benefits.
10 1.4136



Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 247 / Tuesday, December 27, 2022 / Notices


3. CISA’S Methodology in Estimating
the Burden for the Site Security Plan
(SSP) & Alternative Security Program
(ASP) Submitted in Lieu of an SSP
Number of Respondents: The current
information collection estimated 1,683
SSP/ASP respondents. For this ICR, the
Department maintains the assumption
that all respondents to the SVA/ASP
will be a respondent of the SSP/ASP.
Therefore, CISA estimates that the
annual number of respondents will be
2,328, which is based on the average
number of all respondents to the SVA/
ASP. This number breaks down to, on
average, 209 initial submissions and
2,119 resubmissions per year.
Estimated Time per Respondent: The
current information collection estimated
the time per respondent for preparing
and submitting an SSP/ASP to be 2.72
hours. For this ICR, CISA estimates the
time per respondent for preparing and
submitting an SSP/ASP will be 7.845
CISA intends to make a revision to the
SSP/ASP instrument to collect facility
internet Protocol (IP) address(es) and
Domain Name System (DNS)
information. The collection of IP
address(es) and DNS information
supports the development of a facility’s
SSP in accordance with 6 U.S.C. 622
(a)(2)(D)(ii) and 6 CFR 27.225(a)(4). In
addition, CISA may potentially use this
information to integrate with other data
within the U.S. Government, conduct
related analysis, and provide warnings
about cyber threats affecting chemical
facilities. CISA expects that answering
these questions will not meaningfully
increase the estimated SSP/ASP
completion time.
Using the data collected between CY
19 and CY 21, CISA obtained the
estimate of 7.845 hours by first
determining the average amount of time
respondent were logged into the SSP/
ASP application (1.5689 hours or 94
minutes). CISA calculated the average
amount of time respondents were logged
into the SSP/ASP application by using
the median duration respondents were
logged into the SSP/ASP application for
an initial SSP/ASP (4.63 hours or 278
minutes) and an SSP/ASP resubmission
(1.27 hours or 76 minutes) weighted by
the number of respondents that
submitted first-time SSPs/ASPs and
SSP/ASP resubmissions between CY19
and CY21, which was 1.5689 hours (94
minutes) [ (209 first-time submissions ×
4.6333 hours) + (2,119 resubmissions ×
1.2666 hours) ÷ 2,328 total submissions
= 1.5689 hours].
CISA maintains its assumption, based
on previous public comments on this
information collection, that for every

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hour a respondent is logged into the
SSP/ASP application, the respondent
spends an average of 4 hours in
preparation. Therefore, based on the
1.57 hours average log in time for the
CSAT SSA/ASP application and the 4
hours of average preparation time, CISA
calculates that between CY19 and CY21,
the burden per respondent to prepare
and submit an SSP/ASP was 7.845
hours [1.5689 hours logged into CSAT +
(1.5689 hours × 4) for preparation].
Annual Burden Hours: The annual
burden hours for SSPs/ASPs is 18,262
hours (2,328 respondents × 1 response
per respondent × 7.845 hours per
Total Annual Burden Cost: CISA
assumes that SSOs will be responsible
for submitting SSPs/ASPs. For this ICR,
CISA maintains this assumption.
Therefore, to estimate the total annual
burden, CISA multiplied the annual
burden of 18,262 hours by the average
hourly total compensation rate of SSOs
of $90.41 per hour 13. Therefore, the
total annual burden cost for the SVA/
ASP is $ 1,651,158 (i.e., 18,262 hours
multiplied by $90.41 per hour).
Total Burden Cost (Capital/Startup):
CISA provides access to CSAT free of
charge and CISA assumes that each
respondent already has access to the
internet for basic business needs.
Therefore, CISA estimates that there are
no capital/startup costs.
Total Recordkeeping Burden: The
current information collection estimated
a recordkeeping burden of
approximately $516,825. For this
information collection, CISA estimates a
recordkeeping burden of $556,040. CISA
maintained the methodology and
assumptions described in the current
information collection but increased the
current estimate to account for updating
the hourly compensation rates 14 to
$44.18 and inflating the 2017 ICR
renewal capital/startup costs by an
inflation factor 15 of 1.09.
For this ICR, CISA maintains its
approach of accounting for the entire
13 $90.4142 is the hourly labor costs, including
wages and benefits.
14 Mean hourly wage was obtained from U.S.
Department of Labor, BLS; May 2021 Occupational
Employment and Wage Statistics, OES First-Line
Supervisors of Office and Administrative Support
Workers, (Occupational Code 43–1011). Retrieved
from https://www.bls.gov/oes/2021/may/oes_
nat.htm. of $30.47 times the wage rate benefit
multiplier of 1.4499 (to account for fringe benefits)
equaling $44.177. The benefits multiplier is
estimated by dividing total compensation of $40.35
by salaries and wages of $27.83, based on Employer
Cost for Employee Compensation, December 2021,
released March 18, 2022 (https://www.bls.gov/
15 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, Federal
Reserve Economic Data, GDP factor from 2017 to
2021 dollars was 1.0975 = 113.0664÷103.02 https://

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recordkeeping burden imposed on
covered chemical facilities under
CFATS within the SSP/ASP instrument,
because: (1) only covered chemical
facilities are required to maintain
records; (2) no changes to the
recordkeeping requirements have
occurred since the approval of the
current information collection; and (3)
CISA’s historical assumption that
respondents maintain any other
required records in the same manners,
formats, and locations as they maintain
their SSP/ASP records.
4. CISA’S Methodology in Estimating
the Burden for the CFATS Help Desk
Number of Respondents The current
information collection estimated that
CISA receives 15,000 requests annually
for CFATS Help Desk support (i.e.,
15,000 respondents via phone calls,
emails, and web-based help request
forms). CISA is proposing to lower this
estimate to 12,000 respondents.
CISA evaluated historical data to
determine if the estimated number of
CFATS Help Desk requests (i.e., 15,000)
was still appropriate. Between CY19
and CY21, the average annual number of
CFATS Help Desk requests was 11,819.
Therefore, CISA believes that lowering
the existing estimate of 15,000
respondents to 12,000 is appropriate.
Estimated Time per Respondent: The
current estimated time per respondent
for the CFATS Help Desk is 0.17 hours
(10 minutes). CISA is proposing to
lower this estimate to 0.1167 hours (7
CISA evaluated historical data to
determine if the estimated time per
respondent of 0.17 hours (10 minutes)
was still appropriate. Between CY19
and CY21, the average duration for a
CFATS Help Desk call was
approximately 7 minutes (6 minutes and
46 seconds), which is a slight decrease
from the average duration for a CFATS
Help Desk call reported by CISA in
previous years. CISA does not have any
information on the average amount of
time it took respondents to type and
send emails to the CFATS Help Desk.
Because the average duration for a
CFATS Help Desk call remains below
the current estimate of 0.17 hours, CISA
believes that it is appropriate to lower
the estimate for this information
collection to 0.1167 hours.
Annual Burden Hours: The average
annual burden hours for the CFATS
Help Desk will be 1,400 hours [12,000
respondents × 0.1167 hours per
respondent = 1,400 hours].
Total Annual Burden Cost: CISA
assumes that SSOs will be responsible
for contacting the CFATS Help Desk.
For this ICR, CISA maintains this




Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 247 / Tuesday, December 27, 2022 / Notices


assumption. Therefore, to estimate the
total annual burden, CISA multiplied
the annual burden of 1,400 hours by the
average hourly total compensation rate
of SSOs of $90.41 per hour.16 Therefore,
the total annual burden cost for the
CFATS Help Desk is $126,580 (i.e.,
1,400 hours multiplied by $90.41 per
Total Burden Cost (Capital/Startup):
Contacting the CFATS Help Desk is free
and CISA assumes that each respondent
already has a phone or access to the
internet for basic business needs.
Therefore, CISA estimates that there are
no capital/startup costs.
Total Recordkeeping Burden: There is
no recordkeeping burden for this
5. CISA’s Methodology in Estimating
the Burden for the CSAT User
Number of Respondents: The current
information collection estimated 1,000
respondents would complete the user
registration process annually. For this
ICR, CISA maintains this estimate.
Historically, CISA’s estimate in the
current information collection was
primarily based on the number of
individuals expected to register as a
CSAT Authorizer, Submitter, and/or
Preparer. However, the scope of the
CSAT User Registration instrument in
the current information collection was
intended to allow for the creation of
additional CSAT user roles such as the
Administrator and Personnel Surety
(PS) Submitter user roles. Because the
estimate has always been very
conservative, for example, between
CY19 and CY21 the average annual
number of individuals registered was
540. Thus, CISA believes that
maintaining the current estimate of
1,000 respondents annually is a
reasonable estimate that reflects the user
registration activity for all types of
CSAT users.
Estimated Time per Respondent: In
the current information collection, the
estimated time per respondent is 2.5
hours. CISA proposes to maintain the
current estimate.
This estimate is based on two factors:
(1) the actual time needed to complete
the CSAT User Registration process
continues to be approximately 0.5 hours
(30 minutes); and (2) CISA expects that
CSAT Authorizers need additional time
to manage the CSAT user accounts for
which they are responsible.
The ongoing management of the
CSAT user accounts includes activities
such as, but not limited to: (1) assigning
16 $90.4142 is the hourly labor costs, including
wages and benefits.

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Submitters and Preparers to facilities;
(2) updating the facilities with which a
Submitter or Preparer is associated as
his or her duties change; (3) creating
groups 17 to support the CFATS
Personnel Surety (PS) Program; (4)
assigning PS Submitters to groups; and
(5) updating the PS Submitters’ access
to groups as their duties change.
CISA intends to revise the user
registration instrument to collect facility
Employer Identification Numbers (EIN).
The collection of EIN information will
allow CISA to identify chemical
facilities of interest, in accordance with
6 U.S.C. 622(a)(2)(A)(i), within datasets
that are in the possession of the Federal
Government. CISA expects that
answering these questions will not
meaningfully increase the estimated
time per respondent.
For this ICR, CISA is applying the
assumption based on previous public
comments on this information
collection (i.e., OMB Control No. 1670–
0007) that for every hour a respondent
is logged into the CSAT application, the
respondent spends an average of 4 hours
in preparation (e.g., coordinating with
CFATS-facility stakeholders, including
Human Resources, Procurement, or
Contract Administration to explain the
PS Program requirements and determine
how best to gather the data from
different populations). Therefore,
CISA’s estimated time per respondent is
2.5 hours [ 0.50 hours logged into CSAT
+ (0.50 hours × 4) for preparation = 2.5
Annual Burden Hours: The annual
burden estimate for CSAT User
Registration is 2,500 hours [ 1,000
respondents × 1 response per
respondent × 2.5 hours per respondent
= 2,500 hours].
Total Annual Burden Cost: CISA
assumes that SSOs will be responsible
for CSAT User Registration. For this
ICR, CISA maintains this assumption.
Therefore, to estimate the total annual
burden, CISA multiplied the annual
burden of 2,500 hours by the average
hourly total compensation rate of SSOs
of $90.41 per hour.18 Therefore, the total
annual burden cost for the CSAT User
Registration is $226,035 (i.e., 2,500
hours multiplied by $90.41 per hour).
17 ‘‘Groups’’ is a technical term used by CISA to
describe how a covered chemical facility may
manage the access to records about affected
individuals in the CSAT Personnel Surety
application. CISA describes the term ‘‘groups’’ and
provides additional information about how to create
and manage groups in section 9.5 of the CSAT User
Manual, which may be viewed at https://
18 $90.4142 is the total compensation per hour,
including wages and benefits.

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Total Burden Cost (Capital/Startup):
CISA provides access to CSAT free of
charge and CISA assumes that each
respondent already has access to the
internet for basic business needs.
Therefore, for this ICR CISA estimates
that there are no capital/startup costs for
this instrument.
Total Recordkeeping Burden: There is
no recordkeeping burden for this
6. CISA’S Methodology in Estimating
the Burden for Identification of
Additional Facilities and Assets at Risk
Number of Respondents. The current
information collection estimated that
each year 3,426 respondents would
respond to this instrument. For this ICR,
CISA estimates the number of
respondents will be 2,252.
This instrument is composed of two
sections titled ‘‘Identification of
Facilities’’ and a second section titled
‘‘Assets at Risk.’’ The first section
collects information on a voluntary
basis when a facility ships and/or
receives Chemicals of Interest (COI).
The second section collects information
on a voluntary basis when the facility
identifies a cyber system. The estimate
of 2,252 respondents is based upon the
sum of 439 respondents for the first
section of this instrument and 1,813
respondents for the second section of
this instrument.
CISA estimated 439 respondents for
the first section of the instrument by
using data on the number of compliance
inspection conducted between CY 2019
and CY 2021. Between CY19 and CY21,
CISA completed an average of 1,021
compliance inspections per year. Of
these inspections, approximately 43
percent of the covered chemical
facilities inspected ship COI. Therefore,
because CISA only requests this
information from covered chemical
facilities that undergo compliance
inspections and ship COI, CISA
estimates 439 respondents for the first
section of the instrument [ 1,021
facilities inspected × 43 percent of
facilities ship COI = 439].
With respect to the second section of
the instrument (‘‘Assets at Risk’’), if a
covered chemical facility has identified
a cyber-related system in their SVA or
SSP, CISA may request the information
covered under this section of the
instrument during interactions that
occur during: (1) Compliance Assistance
Visits, (2) Authorization Inspections,
and (3) Compliance Inspections.19
19 This information is not covered under the SSP
because the information is not subsequently
submitted through the CSAT SSP but rather
documented by an inspector or other appropriate
employee of CISA.




Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 247 / Tuesday, December 27, 2022 / Notices
Between CY 2019 and CY 2021, CISA
has performed 5,438 of these
interactions at facilities and asked
questions about assets at risk. Therefore,
CISA estimates 1,813 respondents 20 for
the second section of the instrument by
annualizing the number of interactions
described above (i.e., 1,813 = [5438
respondents divided by a 3-year timeperiod]).
Estimated Time per Respondent: In
the current information collection, the
estimated time per respondent is 0.17
hours (10 minutes). In this ICR, CISA
maintains this estimate.
Annual Burden Hours: The annual
burden estimate is 375 hours [ 2,252
respondents × 1 response per
respondent × 0.17 hours per
Total Annual Burden Cost: CISA
assumes that SSOs will be responsible
for providing this information.
Therefore, to estimate the total annual
burden, CISA multiplied the annual
burden of 375 hours by the average
hourly total compensation rate of SSOs
of $90.41 21 per hour. Therefore, the
total annual burden cost for this
instrument is $33,931 (375 hours
multiplied by $90.41 per hour).
Total Burden Cost (Capital/Startup):
CISA estimates that there are no capital/
startup costs for this instrument.
Total Recordkeeping Burden: There is
no recordkeeping burden for this
Public Participation: OMB is
particularly interested in comments
1. Evaluate whether the proposed
collection of information is necessary
for the proper performance of the
functions of the agency, including
whether the information will have
practical utility;
2. Evaluate the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information,
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used;
3. Enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and
4. Minimize the burden of the
collection of information on those who
are to respond, including through the
use of appropriate automated,
electronic, mechanical, or other
technological collection techniques, or
other forms of information technology
(e.g., permitting electronic submissions
of responses).
= (5438 ÷ 3).
is the total compensation per hour,
including wages and benefits.
20 1,812.67

21 $90.4142

VerDate Sep<11>2014

22:43 Dec 23, 2022

Jkt 259001

Title of Collection: Chemical Security
Assessment Tool
OMB Control Number: 1670–0007
Instrument: Top-Screen
Frequency: ‘‘On occasion’’ and
Affected Public: Business or other forprofit
Number of Respondents: 3,817
respondents (estimate)
Estimated Time per Respondent: 2.04
Total Annual Burden Hours: 7,785
Total Annual Burden Cost: $703,829
Total Annual Burden Cost (capital/
startup): $0
Total Recordkeeping Burden: $0
Instrument: Security Vulnerability
Assessment and Alternative Security
Program submitted in lieu of a Security
Vulnerability Assessment
Frequency: ‘‘On occasion’’ and
Affected Public: Business or other forprofit
Number of Respondents: 2,328
respondents (estimate)
Estimated Time per Respondent:
1.4136 hours
Total Annual Burden Hours: 3,291
Total Annual Burden Cost: $297,530
Total Annual Burden Cost (capital/
startup): $0
Total Recordkeeping Burden: $0
Instrument: Site Security Plan and
Alternative Security Program submitted
in lieu of a Site Security Plan.
Frequency: ‘‘On occasion’’ and
Affected Public: Business or other forprofit.
Number of Respondents: 2,328
Estimated Time per Respondent:
7.845 hours.
Total Annual Burden Hours: 18,262
Total Annual Burden Cost:
Total Annual Burden Cost (capital/
startup): $0.
Total Recordkeeping Burden:
Instrument: CFATS Help Desk
Frequency: ‘‘On occasion’’ and
Affected Public: Business or other forprofit.
Number of Respondents: 12,000
respondents (estimate).
Estimated Time per Respondent:
0.1167 hours.
Total Annual Burden Hours: 1,400

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Total Annual Burden Cost: $126,580.
Total Annual Burden Cost (capital/
startup): $0.
Total Recordkeeping Burden: $0.
Instrument: User Registration.
Frequency: ‘‘On occasion’’ and
Affected Public: Business or other forprofit.
Number of Respondents: 1,000
respondents (estimate).
Estimated Time per Respondent: 2.5
Total Annual Burden Hours: 2,500
Total Annual Burden Cost: $226,035.
Total Annual Burden Cost (capital/
startup): $0.
Total Recordkeeping Burden: $0.
Instrument: Identification of Facilities
and Assets at Risk.
Frequency: ‘‘On occasion’’ and
Affected Public: Business or other forprofit.
Number of Respondents: 2,252
respondents (estimate).
Estimated Time per Respondent: 0.17
Total Annual Burden Hours: 375
Total Annual Burden Cost: $33,931.
Total Annual Burden Cost (capital/
startup): $0.
Total Recordkeeping Burden: $0.
Robert Costello,
Chief Information Officer, Department of
Homeland Security, Cybersecurity and
Infrastructure Security Agency.
[FR Doc. 2022–28076 Filed 12–23–22; 8:45 am]

[Docket No. CISA–2022–0011]

Agency Information Collection
Activities: Nationwide Cyber Security
Review (NCSR) Assessment
Cybersecurity and
Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA),
Department of Homeland Security
ACTION: 30-Day notice and request for
comments; Reinstatement Without
Change, OMB Control Number: DHS–

The Joint Cyber Defense
Collaborative (JCDC) within
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure
Security Agency (CISA) will submit the
following information collection request
(ICR) to the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) for review and clearance
in accordance with the Paperwork




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File Modified2022-12-24
File Created2022-12-24

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