Alignment with Information Collection Package: (Check one)
[X] One-Time Pilot Program.
[ ] One-Time Funding Announcement of New Program.
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) anticipates providing up to $65,000,000 to be allocated to the Farm Service Agency (FSA) for a pilot program targeted at driving U.S. economic recovery and safeguarding domestic food security by addressing current labor shortages in agriculture; reducing irregular migration through the expansion of legal pathways; and improving labor protections for farmworkers.
As part of the pilot, FSA will conduct a competitive grant process to select qualifying employers. Selected awardees will be offered incentives to (1) support their ability to uphold robust worker protections, as defined by the grant agreement, for both their U.S. and H-2A workforce and (2) support the recruitment, travel, and application process for qualifying employers to hire seasonal H-2A visa farmworkers from Northern Central American countries. The designated worker protections and employer incentives will be informed by agricultural associations and employers, as well as Federal partners (Department of Labor, Department of Homeland Security, and others) and labor organizations to support safe and fair labor conditions across the agri-food supply chain and ensure that any visa programs, such as H-2A, have fair and adequate protections and pay for workers.
To start, FSA received applications for the grants, using the following forms in the Request for Advance or Reimbursement (OMB #4040-0012), SF-270, Application for Federal Assistance (OMB #4040-0020), SF-424, Budget Information for Non-Construction (OMB #4040-0006), Federal Financial Report (OMB # 4040-0014) SF-425/SF425A, and Certificate Regarding Lobby (OMB #4040-0013) and Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (OMB # 4040-0013), SF-LLL.
USDA will submit the Request for Common Forms (RCFs) in ROCIS for the additional information collection for the applications.
Announcement Dates: May 15, 2023. The acceptance of applications is anticipated to close by July 15, 2023. FSA anticipates making selections by fall 2023 and expects to execute awards by fall 2023.
Type of Collection: (Check one)
[ ] Cooperative agreement.
[ ] Other: ____________________________________________
[X ] Yes. [ ] No.
[ ] Yes. [X ] No.
If yes, additional info:
I certify this grant or cooperative agreement to be true:
[X ] Yes. [ ] No.
This Gen IC is requesting approval for the Notification of Award (Signature Only) issues to the applicants to grant the award.
Brief description of information being collected (project summary, NOA, etc.) |
Forms number |
Number of Respondents |
Number of Responses per respondent |
Total Annual Responses |
Burden hours per responses |
Total Burden hours |
Notification of Award (Signature Only) |
FSA-093 |
200 |
1 |
200 |
0.08 |
16 |
Total Burden hours |
200 |
16 |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | 558022 |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2023-08-28 |