Gear Characterization Guide and Forms

National Sea Turtle Stranding & Salvage Network Stranding and Gear Interaction Data Collection

3 Gear Characterization Guide and Forms

OMB: 0648-0496

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Photo credit: Center for Coastal Studies image, taken under 50 CFR 222.310

Table of Contents

Introduction......................................................................................................................................................... 1

Instructions ................................................................................................................................................ 1

Gear Types................................................................................................................................................... 2

Hook and Fishing Line Gear Instructions ................................................................................................ 3
Hook .............................................................................................................................................................. 3

Line ................................................................................................................................................................ 5

Leader ........................................................................................................................................................... 6
Gear Submission ....................................................................................................................................... 8

Trap/Pot Gear Instructions ........................................................................................................................... 9
Trap/Pot ...................................................................................................................................................... 9
Line/Rope ................................................................................................................................................. 11

Buoy............................................................................................................................................................. 13
Gear Submission ..................................................................................................................................... 14

Net Gear Instructions ..................................................................................................................................... 15
Netting ........................................................................................................................................................ 15
Net Components ..................................................................................................................................... 17
Line .............................................................................................................................................................. 18

Buoy............................................................................................................................................................. 18
Gear Submission..................................................................................................................................... 19

Nautical Rope Instructions .......................................................................................................................... 20
Line/Rope ................................................................................................................................................. 20

Buoy............................................................................................................................................................. 22
Gear Submission..................................................................................................................................... 23

Gear Characterization and Submission Reference Guide............................................................... 24

Sea Turtle Stranding and Salvage Network – Hook and Fishing Line Gear Form ........... 25
Sea Turtle Stranding and Salvage Network – Trap/Pot Gear Form ..................................... 27

Sea Turtle Stranding and Salvage Network - Net Gear Form ................................................. 30

Sea Turtle Stranding and Salvage Network – Nautical Rope Form ...................................... 32
Appendix A. Complete Gear Photo Series .............................................................................................. 34

U.S. Department of Commerce | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | National Marine Fisheries Service

The Gear Characterization Guide is a component of the Sea Turtle Stranding and
Salvage Network (STSSN). The purpose of this guide is to describe the
characterization process for fishing gear recovered from sea turtles documented by
the STSSN. ​ The objective is consistent and informative characterization of fishing
materials that informs threat identification and monitoring. The guide includes data
collection forms that should be used in coordination with the guide.

1. Based on the gear in hand, select the gear section on page 2 that best describes the
material. Multiple sections may be used if necessary.
2. Use the gear forms at the end of this guide to document the fishing gear, as
instructed in this guide.
3. Take photographs of the gear, as directed in this guide. Please see the appendix for
examples of a complete photo series.
4. Upload the completed gear form to the STSSN database ( as
a miscellaneous form under the stranding report. Additionally, upload all photos of
gear to the stranding report.
Gear submission. If fishing gear meets the submission criteria outlined in this guide,
it should be sent to a NOAA gear specialist for evaluation. Any gear configuration that
is suspected of coming from a commercial fishery, or if you are unsure, should be
photographed and sent to a NOAA gear specialist.
 Depending on the region and gear type, all or parts of the gear may be requested
to be shipped, or photographs with internal scales may be requested. Please
include a copy of the gear form with the gear shipment.
 Follow the gear submission instructions below based on the stranding region.
Southeast Region (SER; Gulf of Mexico US states and Atlantic coast states NC to FL)
 In addition to uploading forms and photos to the STSSN database, please email
the form and photos to Lyndsey Howell([email protected]).
 Send all gear that meets submission criteria to:
NOAA Fisheries
Attn: Lyndsey Howell
3209 Frederic St.
Pascagoula, MS 39567
Greater Atlantic Region (GAR; Atlantic coast states ME to VA)
 Contact the GAR Sea Turtle Stranding and Disentanglement Coordinator: Kate
Sampson ([email protected], 978-282-8470) for any gear submissions.
• For gear that does not meet submission criteria, document and photograph as
described in this guide, and dispose of gear according to your state stranding or
disentanglement coordinator guidelines.
• A quick reference guide of the necessary gear characterization steps, including
photo documentation and submission for each gear type, is also provided.
Unknown gear. Any unknown origin gear should be thoroughly photographed and
retained until a gear specialist can examine photographs or requests for the gear to be
sent to them. Contact the state or regional contact as soon as possible.

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Hook and Fishing Line Gear

• Hooks
• Fishing line (≤ 0.5 cm)
• Leaders

Go to page 3.

Trap/Pot Gear

• Trap/Pot & fragments
• Nautical rope
• Trap/Pot buoys

Go to page 9.

Net Gear

• Whole nets
• Net pieces
• Gear attached to net material

Go to page 15.

Nautical Rope

A nautical rope is defined as a multifilament or braided line of any material, ≥ 0.5 cm
in diameter, used for marine applications, such as a buoy, mooring, or anchor lines.

Braided rope
Nylon rope
Polypropylene rope
Buoy rope (Miscellaneous, unknown origin)

Go to page 20.

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Hook and Fishing Line Gear Instructions
Start with Step 1 below to determine what information, material, and photographs
should be collected. Use the Hook and Fishing Line Gear Form (see p. 25 - 26)
provided to record the data requested in this guide. Please send all photographs,
requested information, and gear according to the regional submission instructions
located at the end of this section.

Any gear configuration that is suspected to be commercial should be sent to a
NOAA gear specialist for further analysis.


1. Take photographs of the entire gear with
a scale bar. Record if a hook(s) is present
(Yes/No), and if yes, record the total
number of hooks present. If >3 unique
hooks present, complete an additional
hook gear form to characterize all hooks
present. See Appendix A – example 1 for
a complete photo series of hook and line
2. For each unique type of hook, determine the shape of the hook and record it as
either Circle, Treble, J, Kahle or, undetermined. A hook is considered unique if any
physical characteristics (e.g., shape, color, condition, or size) are dissimilar from
any other hook present. On a Circle hook, the tip is curved back towards the shank
at a 90° angle. On a Non-circle hook, the tip is not curved back towards the shank
at a 90° angle.





3. For each unique type of hook, record whether the hook
is offset (Yes/No/Unknown). On an offset hook, the tip
of the hook is not in line with the eye.


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Hook (Continued)

4. For each unique type of hook, record the hook's color as either silver (metallic or
shiny appearance), red, grey (matte or non-shimmer), black, unknown, or other. If
the color is not listed, use the other box to record the color. Hooks embedded in
turtles for long periods may appear black due to a layer of oxidization. This layer
can be rubbed off to reveal if the hook is silver or painted.

Example: common fishing hook colors (left to right: red, black, and grey)

5. For each unique type of hook, record whether the hook is
rusted or discolored.

6. For each unique type of hook, record whether the hook is
barbless (Yes/No/Undetermined). Barbless hooks are hooks
that do not have the small v-shaped metal piece at the hook's
pointed end.
7. For each unique type of hook,
measure and record the Total
Length (mm) measurement. A
metric vernier caliper is
recommended for recording
each hook measurement.
Total Length


Shank Length



Example: Rusted hook


8. For each unique type of hook, measure and
record the Shank Length (mm) measurement.
The shank is the hook section from the eye's
base to where the hook bend starts.
9. For each unique type of hook, measure and
record the Gape (mm) measurement. See
diagram for gape measurement illustrations.

10. For each unique type of hook, record whether the
hook is magnetic (Yes/No/Undetermined). Iron is magnetic, so any metal with iron in it will
be attracted to a magnet. In most cases, stainless steel hooks do not have iron in their
composition and are not magnetic.

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Line (≤0.5 cm)

11. Using a scale, photograph and record the number of any small diameter fishing
lines (≤0.5 cm) present. Answer all subsequent line questions for each unique type
of line present. A line is considered unique if any physical characteristics (e.g.,
material, color, condition, or diameter) are dissimilar from any other line present.
Record information consistently for each unique line type and any hook type
recorded (e.g., Hook type #1 connected to line type #1). If the material consists of
a tangle of many types of line (> 3), only describe the most abundant line or line
directly entangled to the turtle and photo-document the rest of the line.

12. For each line type, record the line material, either monofilament or multifilament.
A monofilament line is a single piece of plastic, usually nylon. A multifilament line
(e.g., braided) consists of multiple synthetic materials woven into a line.

13. For each line type, record the diameter of the line (mm). A metric vernier caliper is
recommended for recording this measurement.
14. Examine the line for attachments, such as a crimp, swivel, snap, or weight.
Photograph all sides of each attachment and record what attachment type is
present. If a weight is present, record the shape of the weight (e.g., pyramid, egg,
diamond, bar, bullet, etc.) and the weight (g).





Examples of common weight shapes



Split Shot





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15. Using a scale, photograph, and record the number
and presence of all leaders. A fishing leader is a
length of fishing line (e.g., monofilament or wire)
placed in between the mainline and the hook/lure.
Answer all subsequent leader questions for each
type of unique leader present. Record information
consistently for each unique leader type and
leader type and hook type recorded (e.g., Hook type #1 connected to leader type
#1). If the material consists of a tangle of many types of leaders (> 3), only
describe the leader that is most abundant or directly entangled to the turtle, and
photo-document the remaining leaders.

16. Record the material the leader is made of; either plastic coated wire,
monofilament, non-coated single strand wire, or non-coated multistrand wire.

Plastic coated wire


Non-coated single strand wire

Non-coated multistrand wire

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Leader (Continued)

17. Examine the leader for any attachments, such as a crimp, swivel, snap, or weight.
Photograph all sides of each attachment and record what attachment type is
present. If a weight is present, record the shape of the weight (e.g., pyramid, egg,
diamond, bar, bullet, etc.) and the weight (g).





Examples of common weight shapes



Split Shot





U.S. Department of Commerce | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | National Marine Fisheries Service


Gear Submission

For Greater Atlantic and Southeast regions:
1. If a hook and the attached line/leader meets one (or more) of the following criteria,
collect and submit the gear for additional analyses. If there is no hook present,
it is not required to submit the line/leader to a Gear specialist.
Circle Hook
If only a circle hook is present, submit if :
1. Silver or grey color, or rusted

If circle hook and line/leader
are present, submit all gear if *:
1. Non-coated wire leader, or

J Hook
If a J hook is present, submit hook and
any attached gear if:

1. Total hook length measurement is
≥7.0 cm

2. Monofilament line ≥ 0.74 mm

*Submission is not necessary for silver/
grey circle hooks attached to leaders or
line that do not meet the criteria listed

2. Send the gear, data collection form, and all photographs according to your regional
instructions provided in the guide introduction.

U.S. Department of Commerce | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | National Marine Fisheries Service


Trap/Pot Gear Instructions
Start with Step 1 below to determine what information, material, and photographs
should be collected. Use the Trap/Pot Gear Form (see p. 27 - 29) to record the data
requested in this guide. Please send all photographs, requested information, and gear
according to the regional submission instructions located at the end of this section.
Examples of common traps/pots
(Left to right: Whelk pot, Lobster pot, Blue crab trap, Finfish trap)


1. Take photographs of the entire
trap/pot, including the bait box,
cage, bag, and any associated
gear, such as the surface
system, rope, line and buoys. If
possible, open the trap/pot
door and take photographs of
the internal structure, including
the funnel.
Record all materials that the
trap/pot is constructed of,
including plastic coated wire,
galvanized wire, and rebar
frame. Use the other field to
record any trap/pot
construction materials not
listed, such as wood or plastic.

See Appendix A –example 2
for a complete photo series of
Trap/Pot gear.

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Trap/Pot (Continued)

2. Inspect the trap/pot overall body condition and record it as either intact,
collapsed/dented, or only a fragment/piece of the original trap/pot.

3. Record the trap/pot frame shape as either Rectangle, Square, Circular, or use the
other field to describe a unique shape (e.g., Hexagon, Octagon, Pyramid, H, etc.) from
the three common shapes provided.




4. Measure and record the trap/pot length (cm) as indicated in the diagram. For
circular-based traps/pots, record the diameter as the length measurement
and leave the width measurement blank.
5. Measure and record the
trap/pot width (cm).

6. Measure and record the
trap/pot height (cm).
7. Count and record the number of escape
rings present. If no rings are present,
record zero.
8. Measure and record the inside diameter
measurement (cm) of the escape rings.
Take a photograph of this

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Trap/Pot (Continued)

9. Record and photograph any Turtle
Excluder Devices. These bycatch
reduction devices are generally
rectangular inserts, constructed of
either plastic or metal, attached to the
throat or funnel entrance into a

10. Record whether there is catch or
bycatch present in the trap/pot. If present,
describe the general contents of the items.

11. Inspect the trap/pot for a permanent identification
tag. If a tag is present, photograph and record all
information on the tag.

ID 123456
Jane Smith
12345 Smith Rd
TEXAS 77777

Line/Rope – Trap/Pot (≥0.5 cm)

12. Photograph and record the number of unique lines or
ropes present, including photographs of the point of
attachment of the line to the trap/pot and each unique
line. Answer all subsequent questions for each unique type
of line present. A line is considered unique if any physical
characteristics (e.g., material, color, condition, markings,
or diameter) are dissimilar from any other line present.

If the material consists of a tangle of many types of line (>
3), only describe the most abundant line or line directly
entangled to the turtle and photo-document the rest of
the line.
13. For each unique line type, record the line material, either
monofilament or multifilament. If a line varies (markings,
material, or color) down the length of the line, each
section is considered a unique line type.
14. For each line type, record the diameter of the
line (mm). A vernier caliper is recommended
for recording this measurement.
15. For each line type, record the length of the
16. For each line type, describe the line color(s).

Example: Line marking

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Line/Rope – Trap/Pot (≥0.5 cm) (Continued)
17. Examine the line for knots.
Record whether there are any
knots present (Yes/No). If
present, photograph and record
the number of knots present.
Include photographs of any
connections (e.g., knots, splices,
etc.) between two ropes or a
rope and a buoy.

18. Examine the line for loops.
Record whether there are any
loops present (Yes/No). If
present, photograph and record
the number of loops present. The
image to the right is an example
of a line formed into a loop with
the ends overlapped and hog
ringed together to form a weak

19. Examine the line for breakaway/weak
links. Weak links are made in various styles
and configurations (e.g., plastic pieces, hog
rings, etc.). Record whether there is a
breakaway/weak link present (Y/N). If
present, photograph the breakaway/weak

Examples: off the shelf weak links

20. Examine the line for weights. Record whether
there are any weights present (Yes/No) on the
line. If present, photograph the weighted section
of rope.
21. Examine the line for any additional attachments
not previously described. If present, photograph
these attachments and describe them. Use the
next section to document any buoys attached to
the line.

Example: Weighted line

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Buoy – Trap/Pot

22. Photograph each buoy present and record the
total number of buoys present.

23. Record if multiple buoys are stacked on the
same line (e.g., double bullet, double acorn, or 1
bullet on top of 1 acorn).

24. For each unique buoy, record the buoy's shape
as either round, acorn, bullet, or poly ball. If the
buoy is not one of these shapes, record as other
and describe the shape. A buoy is considered unique if the shape, color, pattern,
marking, or condition is dissimilar.




Poly Ball

25. For each unique buoy, record the color and describe any patterns.
26. For each unique buoy, record the condition of the buoy. The condition of each
buoy can be described as good (no deterioration), fair (slight to moderate
deterioration), poor (significant deterioration), or other (describe the
27. For each unique buoy, if identification
numbers are present, record whether they are
illegible or legible. Photograph and record all
legible numbers/alphabet letters, including
old and new permit numbers.


y ID


U.S. Department of Commerce | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | National Marine Fisheries Service


Gear Submission

If the turtle is in the marine environment and the gear is still actively fishing,
document the gear and leave the gear in place. For gear that is derelict, either
displaced, lost or on a stranded beached turtle, follow the submission steps

For Greater Atlantic Region:
1. Collect all pot/trap gear (besides the pot/trap) for submission.

2. Send the gear requested, data collection form, and all photographs according to
your regional instructions provided in the guide introduction.

For Southeast Region:

1. Cut a 12" section of each unique rope, include any
special attachments, such as weights or breakaway
2. Send the gear requested, data collection form, and
all photographs according to your regional
instructions provided in the guide introduction.

U.S. Department of Commerce | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | National Marine Fisheries Service


Net Gear Instructions
Start with Step 1 below to determine what information, material, and photographs
should be collected. Use the Net Gear Form (see p. 30 – 31) to record the data
requested in this guide. Please send all photographs, requested information, and gear
according to the regional submission instructions located at the end of this section.
Examples of nets (Left to right: Cast Net, Shrimp Trawl, Fish Aggregation Device)


1. Take multiple photographs of the
entire net or net piece stretched out.
Include a scale in the photographs.
See Appendix A – example 3 for a
complete photo series of net gear.
Photograph and record whether the
net is constructed of monofilament
(e.g., cast net) or multifilament (e.g.,
shrimp trawl) material, or both.
Answer this question and all
subsequent questions for each
unique type of net present. A net is
considered different if any of the
physical characteristics (e.g.,
material, color, mesh length) are

U.S. Department of Commerce | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | National Marine Fisheries Service


Netting (Continued)

2. Measure and record the stretched length of mesh for each netting type present.

For knotted netting, this is the distance between
the centers of two opposite knots in the same
mesh when the net is fully stretched. To obtain
this measurement, stretch the net until the sides
come together and the opening is completely


For knotless netting, this is the distance
between the centers of two opposite joints
along its long axis when the net is fully
stretched. To obtain this measurement, stretch
the net until the sides come together and the
opening is completely collapsed.


Take a photograph of the netting close-up
with scale; include photographs of all sizes or
types of netting.

3. Examine the netting for any identifying marks or text and record whether any such
marks are present (Yes/No). If present, photograph and document the identifying
marks or text located on the netting.
4. Examine the net for the presence of rollers. Record whether there are any rollers
present (Y/N). If present, photograph all unique rollerson the net.

U.S. Department of Commerce | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | National Marine Fisheries Service


Net Components

5. Examine the net for the presence of a chain.
Record whether there is a chain present (Y/N). If
present, photograph any chain present on the
6. Examine the net
for the presence
of any weights,
including a lead
line. Record
whether there are
weights present
(Y/N). If present,
photograph each unique weight type.
7. Photograph and record any
other components on the
net (e.g., TED, BRD,
shackles, bag rings, floats,
pingers), and include the
overall net location.

Examples of Net Components (L:R): Pinger, BRD, TED

8. Photograph and record the presence of any weak links along the floatline or net
panels. The graphic below depicts a anchored gillnet gear configuration with the
circle-backslash symbols depicting weak link locations in the lines and panels. The
images below are examples of weak links in the float lines of the net panels.

Example: Anchored gillnet gear configuration with weak links (circle-backslash)

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Line – Net Gear

Photograph and record the number of unique line
or ropes present with the net. Answer all
subsequent questions for each unique type of line
present. A line is considered unique if any physical
characteristics (e.g., material, color, condition,
markings, or diameter) are dissimilar from any
other line present. If a line varies (markings,
material, or color), each section is also considered a
unique line type.

If the material consists of a tangle of many types of line
(> 3), only describe the most abundant line or line
directly entangled to the turtle and photo-document the
rest of the line.

10. For each unique line type, record the line
material, either monofilament or multifilament.

Example: Line marking

11. For each line type, record the diameter of the line
(mm). The use of a caliper is recommended for this

12. For each line type, record the length of the line (m).
13. For each line type, describe and record all line colors.

Buoy –Net Gear

14. Photograph each buoy present and record the total
number of buoys present.
15. Record if there are multiple buoys stacked upon
each other on the same line (e.g., double acorn,
double bullet, or 1 bullet on top of 1 acorn).
16. For each unique buoy, record the buoy's shape as
either round, acorn, bullet, or poly ball. If the buoy is
not one of these shapes, record as other, and describe
the shape. A buoy is considered unique if the shape,
color, pattern, marking, or condition is dissimilar.




Poly Ball

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Buoy – Net Gear (Continued)

17. For each unique buoy, record the color and describe any patterns.

18. For each unique buoy, record the condition of the buoy. The condition of each
buoy can be described as good (no deterioration), fair (moderate
deterioration),poor (significant deterioration), or other (describe the

19. For each unique buoy, if identification numbers are
present, record whether they are illegible or legible.
Photograph and record all legible


ID #

Gear Submission

For Greater Atlantic Region:
1. Collect all net gear for submission.

2. Send the gear requested, data collection form, and all photographs according to
your regional instructions provided in the guide introduction.

For Southeast Region:

1. Cut a section of each mesh type, measuring approximately 12" x 12". If the mesh
stretched length is >12", send a cut section that is 4' x 4'.
2. Cut a 12" section of each unique rope, include any special attachments, such as
weights or breakaway links on the rope.
3. Send the gear requested, data collection form, and all photographs according
to your regional instructions provided in the guide introduction.

U.S. Department of Commerce | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | National Marine Fisheries Service


Nautical Rope Instructions
The nautical rope section encompasses miscellaneous lines, buoys, and attachments of
uncertain origin. Start with Step 1 below to determine what information, material,
and photographs should be collected. Use the Nautical Rope Form (see p. 32 – 33) to
record the data requested in this guide. Please send all photographs, requested
information, and gear according to the regional submission instructions located at the
end of this section.

Line/Rope – Nautical Rope


Photograph and record the number of unique line or
ropes present, including photographs of the point of
attachment of the line to any non-rope material and each
unique line. Answer all subsequent questions for each
unique type of line present. A line is considered unique if
any physical characteristics (e.g., material, color,
condition, markings, or diameter) are dissimilar from
any other line present.
If the material consists of a tangle of many types of line
(> 3), only describe the most abundant line or line
directly entangled to the turtle and photo-document
the rest of the line.

For each unique line type, record the line material,
either monofilament or multifilament.

Example: Line marking

For each line type, record the diameter of the line
(mm). A caliper is recommended for recording this

4. For each line type, record the length of the line (m).
5. For each line type, describe the color(s)of the line.

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Line/Rope – Nautical Rope (Continued)




Examine the line for knots. Record
whether there are any knots present
(Yes/No). If present, photograph
and record the number of knots
present. Include photographs of any
connections (e.g., knots, splices, etc.)
between two ropes or a rope and a

Examine the line for loops. Record
whether there are any loops
present (Yes/No). If present,
photograph andrecord the number
of loops present. The image to the right
is an example of a line formed into a
loop with the ends overlapped and hog
ringed together to form a weak link.

Examine the line for breakaway/weak
links. Weaklinks are made in various
styles and configurations (e.g., plastic
pieces, hog rings, etc.). Record whether
there is a breakaway or weak link
present (Y/N). If present, photograph
the breakaway/weak links.

Examples: off the shelf weak links

Examine the line for weights. Record whether there
areany weights present (Yes/No) on the line. If
present, photograph the weighted section of rope.

10. Examine the line for any additional attachments not
previously described. If present, photograph these attachments and describe
them. Use the next section to document any buoys attached to the line.

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Buoy – Nautical Rope

11. Photograph any buoy present, including any unique
markings or text, and record the total number of
buoys present.
12. Record if multiple buoys are stacked on the same
line (e.g., double acorn, double bullet, or 1 bullet on
top of 1 acorn).

13. For each unique buoy, record the buoy's shape as either round, acorn, bullet, or
poly ball. If the buoy is not one of these shapes, record as other and describe the
shape. A buoy is considered unique if the shape, color, pattern, marking, or
condition is dissimilar.




14. For each unique buoy, record the color and describe any patterns.

Poly Ball

15. For each unique buoy, record the condition of the buoy. The condition of each buoy
can be described as good (no deterioration), fair (slight to moderate
deterioration), poor (significant deterioration), or other (describe the condition).
16. For each unique buoy, if identification numbers are
present, record whether they are illegible or legible.
Photograph and record all legible numbers/alphabet

U.S. Department of Commerce | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | National Marine Fisheries Service


Gear Submission

For Greater Atlantic Region:
1. Collect all gear for submission.

2. Send the gear requested, data collection form, and all photographs according to
your regional instructions provided in the guide introduction.

For Southeast Region:

1. Cut a 12" section of each unique rope, include any
special attachments, such as weights or breakaway
2. Send the gear requested, data collection form, and
all photographs according to your regional
instructions provided in the guide introduction.

U.S. Department of Commerce | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | National Marine Fisheries Service


Gear Characterization and Submission Reference Guide








Record and
• Shape
• Offset
• Color
• Rusted/discolored
• Barbless

• Total length (cm)
• Shank length (cm)
• Gape (cm)


Record and
• Material
• Attachments
•Weight Shape

• Line diameter (mm)


Record and
• Material
• Attachments
•Weight Shape
•Weight (g)

SER & GAR: If a hook
and the attached
line/ leaders meets
one or more of the
submit the gear:
If a Circle Hook:
• Silver or grey, or
rusted appearance
• Non-coated wire
• Monofilament
line ≥0.74mm
• If a J Hook:

• Total length ≥ 7.0cm

Record and
• Material
• Condition
• Shape
• Escape ring
• Catch/bycatch
• Tag information
• Length (cm)
• Width (cm)
• Height (cm)
• Ring diameter (cm)


Record and
• Material
• Color(s)
• Knots
• Loops
• Weak links
• Weight
• Attachments

• Diameter (mm)
• Length (m)

Record and
• Shape
• Color/pattern
• Condition
• Identification marks

GAR: Send all gear
(minus the pot)
SER: If a line/rope is
present, send a 12"
length of each unique
rope, include special

Record and
• Material
• Identifying marks
• Weak links

• Stretched mesh

length (cm)


Record and
• Rollers
• Chain
• Weights
• Other compoments


Record and
• Material
• Color(s)
• Weak links

• Diameter (mm)
• Length (m)


Record and
• Shape
• Color/pattern
• Condition
• Identification marks

Record and
• Material
• Color(s)
• Knots
• Loops
• Weak links
• Weight
• Attachments

• Diameter (mm)
• Length (m)


Record and
• Shape
• Color/pattern
• Condition
• Identification marks

GAR: Send all gear
SER: Send a 12"
length of each
unique rope,
include special

GAR: Send all gear
SER: Send 12 x 12"
cut section of each
mesh type. If straight
mesh length >12”
send 4’ x 4’ piece. If a
line/rope is present,
send a 12" length of
each unique rope,
include special

U.S. Department of Commerce | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | National Marine Fisheries Service


OMB #0648-0496 Exp Date: XX/XX/20XX
Sea Turtle Stranding and Salvage Network – Hook and Fishing Line Gear Form
All fishing gear removed from a sea turtle by the Sea Turtle Stranding and Salvage Network should be
documented using this form. Depending on the gear type, all or specific parts of the gear may be
requested to be shipped to a NOAA or state gear specialist. Please include this form with gear submission.
Stranding ID Number

Shipping Date





Last Name


Phone Number



1. Is there a hook(s) present?
If yes, answer the following
questions for each unique
hook present.
2. What shape is the

3. Is the hook offset?

4. What color is the hook?


Yes, # present:

Type #1
☐ Circle

☐ J

☐ Treble

☐ Kahle

☐ Undetermined

Type #2
☐ Circle
☐ J


☐ Treble

Type #3
☐ Circle
☐ J

☐ Treble



☐ Undetermined

☐ Undetermined

☐ Unknown

☐ Unknown

☐ Unknown

☐ Grey

☐ Grey

☐ Grey

☐ No

☐ Yes

☐ Silver

☐ Red

☐ Black

☐ No

☐ Yes

☐ Silver

☐ Red

☐ Black

☐ No

☐ Yes

☐ Silver

☐ Red

☐ Black

☐ Unknown

☐ Unknown

☐ Unknown

☐ No

☐ Yes

☐ No

☐ Yes



☐ Yes

☐ No

☐ Yes

☐ No

☐ Yes



☐ Yes

☐ Other:
5. Is the hook rusted or
6. Is the hook barbless?


☐ Undetermined

☐ Other:

☐ Undetermined

☐ Other:




☐ Yes

7. What is the Total Length
8. What is the Shank
Length (mm)?
9. What is the Gape

10. Was the hook magnetic? ☐

☐ Yes


☐ Yes

Reset Form
U.S. Department of Commerce | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | National Marine Fisheries Service


☐Yes, # present:
11. Is there a line present?
If yes, answer the following questions for each unique line:
Type #1
12. What material is the ☐ Monofilament
☐ Multifilament

Type #2
☐ Monofilament

Type #3
☐ Monofilament

☐ Snap

☐ Snap

☐ Multifilament

13. What is the line
diameter (mm)?

☐ Snap
☐ Crimp
14. Select if present
(select all that apply). If ☐ Swivel ☐ Weight:
weight(s) present,
provide shape and
Weight (g):
weight (g).
weight (g).

☐ Crimp

☐ Swivel

☐ Multifilament

☐ Weight: ☐ Swivel



Weight (g):

Weight (g):

☐ Crimp

☐ Weight:


☐ No ☐ Yes, # present:
15. Is there a leader present?
If yes, answer the following questions for each unique leader:

16. What material is the
leader made of?

Type #1

Type #2

Type #3

☐ Plastic Coated Wire
☐ Monofilament
☐ Non-coated Single
Strand Wire
☐ Non-coated
Multistrand Wire
☐ Swivel
☐ Crimp

☐ Plastic Coated Wire
☐ Monofilament
☐ Non-coated Single
Strand Wire
☐ Non-coated
Multistrand Wire
☐ Crimp
☐ Swivel

☐ Plastic Coated Wire
☐ Monofilament
☐ Non-coated Single
Strand Wire
☐ Non-coated
Multistrand Wire
☐ Crimp
☐ Swivel

17. Select if present
(select all that apply).
If weight(s) present, ☐ Snap
provide shape and
weight (g).
Weight (g):

☐ Weight: ☐ Snap

☐ Weight:

Weight (g):

☐ Snap

☐ Weight:

Weight (g):

For Gear Specialist Only – please attach any additional notes related to the gear evaluation
Gear examined by:
The gear is determined to be:
Can the gear be attributed to a fishery?
If a crimp is present, how was it applied?
If leader present, is it premanufactured?
If a hook is present, is it:

☐ Commercial

☐ Recreational

☐ No



☐ No



☐ Mechanical

☐ Hand-crimp

☐ Undetermined
☐ Undetermined

☐ Non-stainless steel ☐ Stainless steel ☐ Undetermined


Reset Form


Sea Turtle Stranding and Salvage Network – Trap/Pot Gear Form
All fishing gear removed from a sea turtle by the Sea Turtle Stranding and Salvage Network should be
documented using this form. Depending on the gear type, all or specific parts of the gear may be
requested to be shipped to a NOAA or state gear specialist. Please include this form with gear submission.
Stranding ID Number

Shipping Date





Last Name


Phone Number


1. What is the trap/pot constructed of?☐
(Select all that apply):
2. What is the trap/pot condition?


3. What is the trap/pot frame shape? ☐

Plastic Coated Wire
Galvanized Wire


☐ Other:

Rebar Frame

☐ Collapsed/Dented


☐ Square

☐ Fragment

☐ Circular


4. What is the trap/pot length (cm)?
5. What is the trap/pot width (cm)?
6. What is the trap/pot height (cm)?
7. How many escape rings?
8. What is the inside diameter of the rings (cm)?
9. Is there a Turtle Excluder Device?
10. Is there catch/bycatch present?

☐ No

☐ No


Yes, describe:

11. If tag present, record information:

Reset Form

U.S. Department of Commerce | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | National Marine Fisheries Service


Line/Rope - Trap/Pot Gear
12. Is there a line present?


No ☐ Yes, # present:

If yes, answer the following questions for each line type present.
Type #1

Type #2

Type #3

☐ Monofilament

☐ Monofilament

☐ Monofilament

☐ No

☐ No

☐ No

18. Are there loops present?

☐ No

☐ No

☐ No

19. Are there breakaway/weak links?

☐ No

13. What material is the line?

☐ Multifilament

☐ Multifilament

☐ Multifilament

14. What is the line diameter (mm)?
15. What is the line length (m)?
16. What is the color of the line?
17. Are there knots present?

20. Are there any weights present?
21. Are there any attachments?

☐ Yes, number:

☐ Yes, number:

☐ No
☐ No

☐ Yes

☐ Yes

☐ Yes, describe:

☐ Yes, number:

☐ Yes, number:
☐ No
☐ No

☐ No



☐ Yes, describe:

☐ Yes, number:

☐ Yes, number:
☐ No
☐ No
☐ No

☐ Yes
☐ Yes

☐ Yes, describe:

Reset Form

A Federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure
to comply with an information collection subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 unless the information
collection has a currently valid OMB Control Number. The approved OMB Control Number for this information collection is 0648-0496.
Without this approval, we could not conduct this information collection. Public reporting for this information collection is estimated to be
approximately 10 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and
maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the information collection. All responses to this information collection
28 are
voluntary. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this information collection, including suggestions for
reducing this burden to the NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service, Office of Protected Resources, Attn: Stacy Hargrove
([email protected]).

Buoy- Trap/Pot Gear
22. Is there a buoy?

☐ No

☐ Yes, # present:

If yes, answer the next questions for each buoy type present.
23. Are the buoys

☐ No


Yes, order of stacking:

Type #1
24. What is the shape
of the buoy?

☐ Round
☐ Bullet

Type #2

☐ Acorn
☐ Poly

☐ Other:
25. Describe the buoy
color and pattern:
26. What is the
condition of the buoy?

☐ Good
☐ Poor


☐ Bullet




☐ Other:
☐ Fair

☐ Other:
27. What is the
condition of ID

☐ Round

Type #3


☐ Illegible

☐ Legible, record:

☐ Fair


☐ Good
☐ Poor




☐ Acorn


☐ Other:



☐ Round

☐ Fair

☐ Other:


☐ Illegible

☐ Illegible

☐ Legible, record:

☐ Legible, record:

For Gear Specialist Only – please attach any additional notes related to the gear evaluation
Gear examined by:
The gear is determined to be:
Can the gear be attributed to a fishery?

☐ Commercial
☐ No


☐ Recreational


☐ Braided

☐ Nylon

What is the bait door/well type?

☐ Inverted


Was the bait door/well open?

☐ No


What material is the line/rope?

☐ Other:

☐ Undetermined

☐ Polypropylene

Panel Lid

☐ Missing

☐ Lidless



Reset Form
U.S. Department of Commerce | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | National Marine Fisheries Service


Sea Turtle Stranding and Salvage Network - Net Gear Form
All fishing gear removed from a sea turtle by the Sea Turtle Stranding and Salvage Network should be
documented using this form. Depending on the gear type, all or specific parts of the gear may be
requested to be shipped to a NOAA or state gear specialist. Please include this form with gear submission.
Stranding ID Number

Shipping Date





Last Name


Phone Number



What type of net material?


What is the stretched mesh length
(cm) for each netting type?


Were there identifying marks/text?


Type #1
Monofilament ☐
Multifilament ☐

Type #2


Type #3

☐ No ☐ Yes, describe: ☐ No ☐ Yes, describe: ☐ No ☐ Yes, describe:

Net Components
4. Are there rollers present?
5. Is there a chain present?
6. Are there weights present?

Type #2

Type #3

Type #1
☐ No ☐ Yes

☐No ☐ Yes

☐No ☐ Yes

☐ No ☐ Yes

☐No ☐ Yes

☐No ☐ Yes

☐ No ☐ Yes

☐No ☐ Yes

☐No ☐ Yes

7. Are there other components?

☐ No ☐ Yes͕ĚĞƐĐƌŝďĞ͗ ☐No ☐ Yes͕ĚĞƐĐƌŝďĞ͗ ☐No ☐ Yes͕ĚĞƐĐƌŝďĞ͗

8. Are there weak links present?

☐No ☐ Yes

☐No ☐ Yes

☐No ☐ Yes

9. Is there a line present?
If yes, answer the following questions
for each line type present.
10. What material is the line?


No ☐ Yes, # present:
Type #1

Type #2

Type #3

☐ Monofilament

☐ Monofilament

☐ Monofilament

☐ Multifilament

☐ Multifilament

☐ Multifilament

11. What is the line diameter (mm)?
12. What is the line length (m)?
13. What is the color of the line?

Reset Form


Buoy - Net Gear
14. Is there a buoy?

☐ No


Yes, # present:

If yes, answer the next questions for each buoy type present.
15. Are the buoys

☐ No


Yes, order
of stacking:

Type #1
16. What is the shape
of the buoy?

☐ Round
☐ Bullet

Type #2

☐ Acorn

☐ Round

☐ Poly


☐ Bullet

☐ Other:

Type #3
☐ Round





☐ Other:


☐ Acorn


☐ Other:

17. Describe the buoy
color and pattern:
18. What is the
condition of the

☐ Good
☐ Poor

☐ Fair

☐ Good

☐ Fair

☐ Poor

☐ Other:

☐ Good ☐ Fair
☐ Poor

☐ Other:

19. What is the condition
☐ Illegible
of ID number(s)/
☐ Legible record:

☐ Other:
☐ Illegible

☐ Illegible

☐ Legible, record:

☐ Legible, record:

For Gear Specialist Only – please attach any additional notes related to the gear evaluation
Gear examined by:
The gear is determined to be:
Can the gear be attributed to a fishery?
Was the netting (select all that apply):

☐ Commercial
☐ No


☐ Recreational








☐ Gillnet ☐ Other, describe:
Was the netting material:

☐ Undetermined

☐ Elephant Ear

☐ Nylon



Where there any gill net tie-downs present?:

Reset Form
U.S. Department of Commerce | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | National Marine Fisheries Service


Sea Turtle Stranding and Salvage Network – Nautical Rope Form
All fishing gear removed from a sea turtle by the Sea Turtle Stranding and Salvage Network should be
documented using this form. Depending on the gear type, all or specific parts of the gear may be
requested to be shipped to a NOAA or state gear specialist. Please include this form with gear submission.
Stranding ID Number

Shipping Date





Last Name


Phone Number


1. Is there a line present?


No ☐ Yes, # present:

If yes, answer the following questions for each line type present.

2. What material is the line?

Type #1

Type #2

Type #3

☐ Monofilament

☐ Monofilament

☐ Monofilament

☐ No

☐ No

☐ No

☐ No

☐ No

☐ No

☐ Multifilament

☐ Multifilament

☐ Multifilament

3. What is the line diameter (mm)?
4. What is the line length (m)?
5. What is the color of the line?
6. Are there knots present?

☐ Yes, number:
7. Are there loops present?

☐ Yes, number:
8. Are there breakaway/weak links?
9. Are there any weights present?
10. Are there any attachments?

☐ No
☐ No
☐ No

☐ Yes
☐ Yes

☐ Yes, describe:

☐ Yes, number:

☐ Yes, number:
☐ No
☐ No

☐ No



☐ Yes, describe:

☐ Yes, number:

☐ Yes, number:
☐ No
☐ No
☐ No

☐ Yes
☐ Yes

☐ Yes, describe:

Reset Form

Buoy - Nautical Rope Gear
11. Is there a buoy?

☐ No


Yes, # present:

If yes, answer the next questions for each buoy type present.
12. Are the buoys


☐ Yes, order of stacking:


Type #1
13. What is the shape
of the buoy?

☐ Round
☐ Bullet

Type #2

☐ Acorn
☐ Poly

☐ Other:
14. Describe the buoy
color and pattern:
15. What is the
condition of the

☐ Good
☐ Poor

☐ Round


☐ Bullet

Type #3



☐ Other:
☐ Fair


☐ Other:

16. What is the condition ☐ Illegible
of ID number(s)/
☐ Legible, record:

☐ Fair





☐ Acorn


☐ Other:



☐ Round

☐ Good
☐ Poor

☐ Fair

☐ Other:


☐ Illegible

☐ Legible, record:

☐ Illegible

☐ Legible, record:

For Gear Specialist Only – please attach any additional notes related to the gear evaluation
Gear examined by:
The gear is determined to be:
Can the gear be attributed to a fishery?
What material is the line/rope?

☐ Commercial
☐ No


☐ Braided
☐ Other:

☐ Recreational

☐ Undetermined

☐ Nylon

☐ Polypropylene


Reset Form
U.S. Department of Commerce | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | National Marine Fisheries Service


Appendix A. Complete Gear Photo Series
Example 1: Hook and Line Gear

Example: Green turtle with embedded hook attached
to a leader and multiple accessories.

Complete photo: Take a photo that shows all of the

gear/tackle with a ruler or scale. Use a dark background
for light colored or transparent line. Please do not use

objects (e.g., coins, instruments), in lieu of a numeric scale.

Configuration photos: Take closer images of all aspects of the material to clearly show how they are attached or arranged.
Always include an internal ruler or scale.


Example 2: Trap/Pot Gear

Photo credit: Florida FWC

Example: Loggerhead turtle entangled in
trap/pot gear.

Complete photo: Take a photo that shows all the gear as intact as possible

with a ruler or scale. Include any lines, weights, or floats. Please do not use
objects (e.g., coins, instruments), in lieu of a numeric scale.

Trap photos: Take photos of multiple sides of the pot/ trap to clearly show its size and shape and any features, such as
openings, escape rings and bait holders.

Trap component close-ups: Take closer images of any

tags, identifiers/numbers, openings, other trap

Buoy and line: Take photos of buoys and line. Include

close-ups of any knots, loops, weak links,

numbers/identifiers, or other components.


Example 3: Net Gear

Example: Green turtle entangled in monofilament gillnet.

Complete photo series: Take a photo that shows all the
netting as intact as possible with a ruler or scale. Spread
out the netting as much as possible. Use a dark
background for transparent netting. Include any lines,
including unique lines tied together, markings, weights,
buoys, or floats. Please do not use objects (e.g., coins,
instruments) instead of a numeric scale.

Measure stretched length of mesh: Continue pulling the mesh
until fully stretched and the sides have come together. Measure
the distance between the centers of the two opposite knots.

Component photos: Take closer images of any floats, weights, and
attachments and the associated mesh and line. Always include an
internal ruler or scale.


File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorJames Durham
File Modified2023-06-05
File Created2021-07-08

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