2023 Reserve Health of the Force Survey

Navy Reserve Health of the Force Survey

Final 2023 Reserve HoF Survey

2023 Reserve Health of the Force Survey

OMB: 0703-0093

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2023 Reserve Health of the Force

You are invited to participate in the Navy Reserve Survey. This survey is being conducted by the Navy Survey Office on behalf of Navy Reserve Forces Command and the Chief of Navy Reserve. This is your chance to tell Navy Reserve leaders about your experiences in the Navy, during drill and mobilizations, your views on your work environment, work/life balance, and your current career intentions.





The public reporting burden for this collection of information, XXX, is estimated to average 25 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or burden reduction suggestions to the Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Services, at [email protected]. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number.


Privacy Act Statement

Authority to request this information is granted under 5 U.S.C. 301, Departmental Regulations; 10 U.S.C. 8031 and 8032. License to administer this survey is granted per OPNAVINST 5300.8C.

Responding to this survey is voluntary, you can skip questions you prefer not to answer, and you can stop participating at any time. Maximum participation is encouraged so the data will be complete and representative. Responses to this survey are anonymous. The survey includes demographic questions to assist with the analysis. All results will be presented in the aggregate and no attempt will be made to link responses to individuals.

If you wish to participate in this survey please select the "Next" button, if you prefer not to, please close the survey window.

  1. Please select your grade from the following list.

 E3-E4

 E5-E6

 E7-E9

 W01-W05

 O1-O2

 O3-O4

 O5-O6

 O7 & above

  1. Are you?

 Male

 Female

 Prefer not to answer

  1. Are you Spanish/Hispanic/Latino?

 No, not Spanish/Hispanic/Latino

 Yes, Mexican, Mexican-American, Chicano, Puerto Rican, Cuban, or other Spanish/Hispanic/Latino

  1. What is your race? Mark one or more races to indicate what you consider yourself to be.

 White

 Black or African American

 American Indian or Alaska Native

 Asian (for example, Asian Indian, Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese)

 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (for example, Samoan, Guamanian, or Chamorro)

  1. Which of the following best reflects your current marital status?

 Single

 Married/Long Term Partner

  1. Do you have one or more children, age 18 or under, who live at home at least part time?

 Yes

 No

  1. What is your Reserve status?



  1. (SELRES Only) What is your current status in the SELRES?

 Cross-assigned

 Categorized as local drilling

 On long-term active duty orders

  1. How many years did you serve in the Active Component prior to joining the Navy Reserve?

 N/A, I’ve never served in the AC >>Skip next question

 Less than 5 years

 5 to 10 years

 11 to 15 years

 Over 15 years

  1. What influenced your decision to leave Active Duty? Select all that apply. If we have failed to include one of the reasons you left active duty, please select other and explain in the space provided – do not include any personally identifiable information in the response.

 Work / life balance

 Civilian employment opportunity

 Frequency of deployments

 Frequency of PCS moves

 Specific family obligations

 Education opportunity

 Preference in where to live / take billets

 Command climate in AC units

 Administrative burden

 Active duty was not what I expected

 Only intended to serve one tour

 Other (Please specify) _________________

  1. What factor(s) contributed to your decision to join the Navy Reserve? Select all that apply. If we have failed to include one of the reasons you joined the Reserves, please select other and explain in the space provided – do not include any personally identifiable information in the response.

 Ability to use existing Navy skillsets (If applicable)

 Ability to earn time towards my Navy retirement

 Access to Navy benefits and services

 An additional source of income

 Being part of the Navy community

 Civilian job related to Navy professional development

 Control to choose which billets I fill

 Deployment / MOB opportunities

 Pride in service

 Other (Please specify) _________________

  1. How many years have you served in the Navy Reserve?

 Less than 2 years

 2 to 5 years

 6 to 10 years

 11 to 15 years

 Over 15 years

  1. Which of the following best reflects your Navy career plans?

 I plan to remain in the Navy Reserve until retirement >> Skip next question

 I plan to remain in the Reserve, not sure about until retirement

 I plan to go back on active duty permanently

 I plan to go back on active duty temporarily

 I plan to get out of the Navy Reserve in the next year or two

 I’m not sure

  1. What are or would be your primary reasons for getting out of the Navy Reserve? Please select your top five reasons. If we have failed to include something, please select “Other” and explain in the space provided – do not include any personally identifiable information in the response.

 Civilian career opportunities

 Command climate in RC units

 Command climate in AC units (if applicable)

 Demands of civilian job

 Difficulty with work/life balance

 Distance from residence to drill location

 Don’t feel like I fit in Navy

 Don’t like the work I do in the Navy

 Don’t want to be mobilized

 Education opportunities

 Financial burden associated with attending drill (i.e. lodging, gas, childcare, etc.)

 Health related concerns (physical or mental)

 Issues with leadership at current reserve command (UMUIC)

 Issues with leadership at current reserve command (TRUIC)

 Issues with administrative (NRC/NRA) chain of command

 Lack of childcare during drill

 Limited promotion/advancement opportunities

 Navy Reserve is not what I expected

 No longer need the supplemental income

 Preference in where to live / take billets

 Recent deployment experiences (if applicable)

 Salary/pay

 Schedule changes/lack of predictability

 Specific family obligations

 Too much time away from home

 Trust in Navy senior leaders

 Treated differently/opportunities limited because of race, ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation

 Unhappy in my current rate/designator

 Other (Please specify) _________________

  1. What factors are most likely to influence you to remain in the Navy Reserve? Please select your top 5 reasons for planning to stay in the Navy. If we have failed to include something, please select “Other” and explain in the space provided –do not include any personally identifiable information in the response.

 Ability to balance work & personal life

 Childcare availability

 Command climate

 Healthcare benefits

 I enjoy the work I do

 Navy community/sense of belonging

 Patriotism/desire to serve

 Promotion/advancement opportunities

 Support/benefits for family

 Supplemental income

 Retirement benefits

 Job security

 Opportunity to travel

 Leadership at current command

 Navy senior leaders

 Other (Please specify) ___________

  1. How far do you travel one-way from your home of record to your reserve unit for drill?

 Less than 25 miles

 25 to 50 miles

 51 to 75 miles

 Over 75 miles

  1. What are your out of pocket expenses during a typical drill weekend?

 Less than $50

 $51 to $100

 $101 to $150

 $151 to $200

 Over $200

  1. What is your civilian employment status? Select all that apply

 Employed full-time

 Employed part-time

 Unemployed, seeking work

 Part-time student

 Full-time student

 Not employed or seeking work

  1. How often has your civilian career been significantly impacted by your Navy Reserve obligations?

 Never

 Once or twice

 At least a few times a year


  1. Have you been mobilized in the past year?

 Yes

 No >>Skip to next section

  1. How prepared were you for the mobilization?

 Very prepared

 Somewhat prepared

 Slightly prepared

 Not at all prepared

  1. Did you experience significant delays in pay while mobilized?

 Yes

 No

  1. How satisfied are you with the NRC/NRA support you received while mobilized?

 Very satisfied

 Somewhat satisfied

 Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

 Somewhat dissatisfied

 Very dissatisfied

  1. What can the Navy do to better prepare a Reserve member for mobilization or activation to active duty? Please do not include any information that would constitute PII.

  1. How satisfied are you with the leadership of your drilling unit? Please answer as to UMUIC, e.g. chain of command connected to your MOB billet, Reporting Senior, and AT obligation; if IAP, answer as to local chain of command connected to your Reporting Senior. (Not visible to those who identified as TAR)

 Very satisfied

 Somewhat satisfied

 Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

 Somewhat dissatisfied

 Very dissatisfied

  1. How satisfied are you with the NRC/NRA leadership?

 Very satisfied

 Somewhat satisfied

 Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

 Somewhat dissatisfied

 Very dissatisfied

  1. How has your current Reserve assignment influenced your motivation to remain in the Navy?

 Significantly Increased

 Somewhat Increased

 Neither increased nor decreased

 Somewhat decreased

 Significantly decreased

  1. How supportive is your spouse/partner of your continued career in the Navy Reserve? Only visible to those who are married

 Very supportive

 Somewhat supportive

 Slightly supportive

 Not at all supportive

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  1. I would recommend a career in the Navy Reserve to someone considering enlisting/commissioning.

 Strongly Disagree

 Disagree

 Neither Agree not Disagree

 Agree

 Strongly Agree

  1. How satisfied are you with…

Very Dissatisfied


Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied


Very Satisfied

Your life right now?

Your ability to balance demands of your Navy job with personal life?

  1. Over the past 3 months, how often have you …

Work/Life Balance Metric

Not at all



Most of the Time

All the Time

Neglected personal needs because of Navy work?

Found it hard to focus on Navy work because of personal matters?

Been too tired to be effective at Navy work?

Had to put personal life on hold for Navy work?

  1. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your (drilling) command? SELRES, please answer as to UMUIC, e.g. chain of command connected to your MOB billet, Reporting Senior, and AT obligation; if IAP, answer as to local chain of command connected to your Reporting Senior; TAR, answer as to assigned command.

Trust in Command Integrity & Dependability

Strongly Disagree




Strongly Agree

My CMD acts on sound principles.

My CMD treats people fairly

My CMD does not mistreat people like me

My CMD can be relied upon to follow through with commitments/promises

My CMD takes the concerns of people like me into account when making decisions

I think it is important to watch my CMD closely so that it doesn’t take advantage of people like me

I trust my commanding officer to do the right thing

  1. To what extent do you trust the following people in your chain of command? (Enlisted Only) SELRES, please answer as to UMUIC, e.g. chain of command connected to your MOB billet, Reporting Senior, and AT obligation; if IAP, answer as to local chain of command connected to your Reporting Senior; TAR, answer as to assigned command. If one of these is not relevant to you, please select N/A.

Not at all

A Little

Most of the Time



Leading Petty Officer (Supervisor)

Chief Petty Officer

Senior Enlisted Leader

  1. To what extent do you trust the following people in your chain of command? (All participants) SELRES, please answer as to UMUIC, e.g. chain of command connected to your MOB billet, Reporting Senior, and AT obligation; if IAP, answer as to local chain of command connected to your Reporting Senior; TAR, answer as to assigned command. If one of these is not relevant to you, please select N/A.

Not at all

A Little

Most of the Time



Command Triad

Senior Navy (Reserve) leaders

  1. On average, how many hours did you sleep per night in the past 30 days?

 3 hours or less

 4 to 5 hours

 6 to 7 hours

 8 to 9 hours

 Over 9 hours

  1. How satisfied are you with…

Very Dissatisfied


Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied


Very Satisfied

The amount of sleep you get every night?

Your current level of physical fitness?

  1. How often has lack of energy/tiredness been an issue for you while performing Navy work during the past three months?

 Never

 Rarely (1 to 2 days)

 Sometimes (3 – 5 days)

 Often (a few days every week)

 Regularly (daily or almost daily)

  1. How would you rate the overall morale of personnel in your Reserve unit? For SELRES, please answer for your UMUIC if applicable.

 Very High

 High

 Moderate

 Low

 Very Low

  1. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your (drilling) unit? For SELRES, please answer as to UMUIC, if applicable.

Inclusion Metric

Strongly Disagree




Strongly Agree

I have the same opportunities for professional success as my colleagues

The Navy Reserve is a place where I am able to perform up to my full potential

I feel recognized for my contributions at work

My opinion is valued by my team

I feel like I belong in the Navy Reserve

The people I work in the Navy Reserve treat me with respect

I feel encouraged to bring my whole and authentic self to work

I feel comfortable speaking up when I see intolerance, mistreatment, or bias in action

  1. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? For SELRES, please answer as to UMUIC, if applicable.

Commitment, & Engagement Metrics

Strongly Disagree




Strongly Agree

I feel like I’m part of the Navy family (Commitment)

I would be very happy to spend the rest of my career in the Navy (Commitment)

The Navy has a great deal of personal meaning for me (Commitment)

This last year, I have had the opportunity at work to learn and grow (Engagement)

At work, my opinion seems to count (Engagement)

There is someone at work who encourages my professional development (Engagement)

My supervisor, or someone else in a leadership position, seems to care about me as a person (Engagement)

  1. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? For SELRES, please answer as to UMUIC, if applicable.

Cohesion & Connectedness

Strongly Disagree




Strongly Agree

I am confident that I can trust and depend on the Sailors at my Command. (Cohesion)

The leaders at my Command foster teamwork and cooperation. (Cohesion)

Help is available from my co-workers when I have a problem. (Cohesion)

Sailors at my Command work together to get the job done. (Cohesion)

These days, I feel like I belong (Connectedness)

These days I feel there are people I can turn to in times of need (Connectedness)

  1. If you could change one thing at your command or in the Navy Reserve, what would it be? (Please do not include anything that would constitute PII)

  1. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about diversity, equity and inclusion in the Navy? For SELRES, please answer as to UMUIC, if applicable.

DEI in Navy

Strongly Disagree




Strongly Agree

I believe the Navy's diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts are creating positive changes in Navy culture

Racism is not a problem in the Navy

Retaliation is not a concern for those reporting racial harassment or discrimination

Retaliation is not a concern for those reporting sexual harassment or discrimination

Sexism is not a problem in the Navy

The Navy has an authentic commitment to inclusion

  1. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your command? For SELRES, please answer as to UMUIC, if applicable.

Strongly Disagree




Strongly Agree

My command is committed to diversity and inclusion in the workplace

All personnel are treated equally at my command regardless of race or ethnicity

Hazing and bullying are not tolerated at my command

Men and women are treated equally at my command

My command encourages personnel to utilize all available resources for managing their mental health

I would be comfortable asking for help/support with a mental health issue in my unit

  1. During the past year, while working for the Navy (for SELRES, please answer as to UMUIC, if applicable), how often have you been in a situation where a supervisor or coworkers….

Workplace Incivility Measure

Never (1)


Monthly (3)


Daily (5)

Put you down or were condescending to you?

Paid little attention to your statement or showed little interest in your opinion?

Made demeaning or derogatory remarks about you?

Addressed you in unprofessional terms, either publicly or privately?

Ignored or excluded you from professional camaraderie?

Doubted your judgement on a matter over which you had responsibility?

Made unwanted attempts to draw you into a discussion of personal matters?

  1. How would you rate your level of stress on the job while performing Navy duties over the past 12 months?

 Mild

 Moderate

 Severe

 Extreme

  1. What have been the primary sources of stress for you over the past 12 months? Please select up to 3 of the following. If not one of the options listed below, please select “Other” and explain – do not include any personally identifiable information in the write-in response.

Career setbacks

Health related concerns

Family separation

Financial concerns

Inadequate Reserve manning

Inflexibility of Reserve work schedule

Insufficient training for assigned Reserve billet

Interpersonal relationships at work/in the Navy

Navy (UMUIC) leadership

Navy (TRUIC) leadership

Navy (NRC/NRA) leadership


Personal relationships (outside of work)

Red tape/administrative barriers

Transitioning to new duty station

 Work/life balance issues

 Other (Please specify) _________

  1. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your job? For SELRES, please answer as to UMUIC, if applicable.

Oldenberg Burnout Inventory

Strongly Disagree




Strongly Agree

I continue to find my Navy job interesting and engaging

I can tolerate the pressure of my Navy work very well

Lately, I tend to think less at work and do my Navy job almost mechanically

After Navy work, I tend to need more time than in the past in order to relax and feel better

There are days when I feel tired before I report for duty

It happens more and more often that I talk about my Navy work in a negative way

This is the only type of work that I can imagine myself doing

I usually feel energized when I’m at work

  1. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your Navy job? For SELRES, please answer as to UMUIC, if applicable.

Job/Career Satisfaction

Strongly Disagree




Strongly Agree

I am generally satisfied with the type of work I do in my job

I feel a great sense of personal satisfaction when I do this job well

I have a good understanding of what is expected of me at work

I have a clear set of goals and aims to enable me to do my job

  1. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your Navy Reserve work environment? For SELRES, please answer as to UMUIC, if applicable.

Strongly Disagree




Strongly Agree

My leadership has created an environment where I feel comfortable expressing my ideas and views.

My leadership does not tolerate inappropriate behaviors in the workplace.

I have sufficient time in my work day to conduct my core duties.

My Command is prepared and ready to perform its operational mission.

Collateral duties are not interfering with my ability to perform the requirements of my billet

My leaders encourage personnel to develop and maintain healthy lifestyles

My Command is committed to employee health and well-being

Personnel at my Command are encouraged to speak up when they feel stressed or overwhelmed by their workload

Negative comments or jokes about individuals who get mental health treatment are not tolerated within my unit

  1. How often do you feel isolated and alone performing Navy duties?

 Never

 Rarely

 Sometimes

 Often

 Always

  1. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?


Strongly Disagree




Strongly Agree

My future here seems dark to me

These days I think I make things worse for the people in my life

  1. How often do you feel mentally worn out?

 Never

 Rarely

 Sometimes

 Often

 Always

  1. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your Navy work environment? For SELRES, please answer as to UMUIC, if applicable.


Strongly Disagree




Strongly Agree

I have witnessed teammate(s) repeatedly telling sexual "jokes" or showing or sending sexually explicit pictures or videos

I have witnessed teammates making sexual comments about another teammate's appearance or body or attempting to establish an unwanted sexual relationship with another teammate

I have witnessed my leader(s) failing to recognize and immediately correct problematic behaviors (e.g., sexual harassment, gender discrimination)

I often feel uncomfortable, angry or upset because of the lack of respect I’m shown in the workplace

Reporting sexual harassment or discrimination would likely damage a person’s Navy career

Individuals who report sexual harassment and discrimination are viewed as troublemakers in the Navy

  1. Are you interested in seeing the results of the 2023 Reserve survey?

 Yes

 No >>Skip next question

 Unsure

  1. What is the best way for the Navy Reserve to share results with Sailors? Please select up to 3 of the following. If we have failed to include something, select “Other” and explain in the space provided

My chain of command (CO/CMC/LCPO/LPO)

 MyNavy HR website

 MyNavy HR Fact Sheet

 MyNavy HR Facebook

 MyNavy HR Instagram

 Local base’s social media pages

 YouTube


 Email

Command group chats (Slack, FB Messenger, etc.)

 Other (Please specify) _________

  1. How do you prefer to receive Navy Career, Pay and Personnel Information? Please select up to 3 of the following. If we have failed to include something, select “Other” and explain in the space provided

My chain of command (CO/CMC/LCPO/LPO)

 MyNavy HR website

 MyNavy HR Fact Sheet

 MyNavy HR Facebook

 MyNavy HR Instagram

 MyNavy HR YouTube

 MyNavy HR LinkedIn

 MyNavy HR Twitter

 Local base’s social media pages

 YouTube


 Email

 From my Command Pay and Personnel Administrator (CPPA)

Navy Career Counselor or Command Career Counselor

Command group chats (Slack, FB Messenger, etc.)

 Navy apps

 Other (Please specify) _________

SELRES often balance command relationships with their mobilization unit (UMUIC), their training unit (TRUIC), their administrative command (NRC/NRA), and their gaining unit (active command).

  1. Please use the space provided below if you have any additional thoughts or suggestions pertaining to the relationships not addressed in this survey. (Please do not include anything that would constitute PII)

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorJebo, Jennifer L CIV USN DCNO N1 (USA)
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2023-08-27

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