1c NAS Measures

Rural Communities Opioid Response Program (RCORP) Grantee Data

NAS Measures to Share 63023

OMB: 0906-0044

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RCORP-Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome

Measure Instructions
Identify the number and types of medical
organizations and agencies in your

• Hospital - Critical Access Hospital (CAH)
Hospital - Small Rural (49 beds or less,
Hospital - Other (e.g., Sole Community,
Rural Referral Center, etc.)
Emergency medical services entity
Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC)
FQHC Look-alike
Local or state health department
Mental and behavioral health
organization, practice, or provider
Primary care practice or provider
Rural Health Clinic
Ryan White HIV/AIDS clinic
Substance abuse treatment provider –
Methadone clinic
Substance abuse treatment provider –
Opioid treatment program (OTP)
Substance abuse treatment provider –
Other medical agency or organization,
Type 1- Specify:
Other medical agency or organization,
Type 2- Specify
Other medical agency or organization,
Type 3- Specify


Identify the number and types of social
service and non-medical organizations and
agencies in the consortium


Community-based organization
Cooperative extension system office
Criminal justice entity – Law enforcement
Criminal justice entity – Court system
Criminal justice entity - Prison
Criminal justice entity – Probation and
Faith-based organization
Healthy Start site
HIV and HCV prevention organization

RCORP-Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood
Home Visiting Program local
implementation agency
• Poison Control Center
• Primary Care Association (PCA)
• Primary Care Organization (PCO)
• Recovery Community Organization(RCO)
• Research / Academic Organization
• School system
• Single State Agency (SSA)
• State Office of Rural Health (SORH)
• Tribe/Tribal organization
• Other social service and non-medical
agency or organization, Type 1Specify
• Other social service and non-medical
agency or organization, Type 2Specify
• Other social service and non-medical
agency or organization, Type 3specify
• Single County
• Multiple Counties
• State
• Multiple States
• National
Total population in the project’s rural service
Total number of consortium meetings
conducted in the current reporting period


Select the option that best describes your
project’s service area


Please report the total number of people
that live in the project’s rural service area.
Please report the total number of
consortium meetings conducted in the
current reporting period in which the
majority (>75%) of members participated.
Please report the total unduplicated number
of service delivery sites within the
Consortium in the target rural service area
offering at least one prevention, treatment
and/or recovery service within the current
reporting period.
For each of the following services, please
report the total number of service delivery
sites within the consortium in the target
rural service area that offered that service
within the current reporting period. If no
service delivery sites offered the service,
please input 0.




Total number of unduplicated service delivery
sites offering at least one prevention,
treatment and/or recovery service


Prevention services(not including
Screening and/or assessment services
Medication-Assisted Treatment (with
or without psychosocial)
SUD/OUD treatment other than MAT
Infectious disease testing (i.e., HIV or HCV)
Recovery support services
Mental health treatment

RCORP-Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome






Report the total unduplicated number of
service delivery sites within the consortium
in the target rural service area offering at
least one harm reduction service within the
current reporting period.
For each of the following harm reduction
services, please report the total number of
service delivery sites within the consortium
in the target rural service area that offered
that service within the current reporting
period. If no service delivery sites offered
the service, please input 0.
For each service listed, select whether it was
newly established with or without RCORPNAS funds, expanded with or without
RCORP-NAS funds, remained the same, or
did not exist in the current reporting period

NOTE: Sustainability measures only
reported in final reporting period of the
grant (Sept. 2024)
Will the consortium as a unit and/or at least
one key consortium activity be sustained
after the RCORP grant ends?
If you selected yes in previous sub-section,
what will sustain? (check all that apply)
If you selected“At least one key consortium
activity” in the previous sub-section how will
the activity or activities be sustained?
(check all that apply)

• Other - specify
Total number of unduplicated service delivery
sites offering at least one harm reduction

Naloxone access
Syringe services
Fentanyl test strips
Safe smoking kits
Sex worker services
Other - specify


Prevention service (any except naloxone)
Screening and/or assessment service
MAT (with or without psychosocial therapy)
SUD/OUD treatment other than MAT
Mental health treatment
Infectious disease testing (i.e., HIV or HCV)
Recovery support services (any)
Harm reduction services (any)
Other – please specify


Consortium as a unit
At least one key consortium activity
Absorption of services or other means of inkind support
Reimbursement by third party payers
RCORP grant funding
HRSA grant funding (not including RCORP
Other grant funding (not including HRSA
and RCORP grant funding)
Applying for an 11-15 waiver
Changing Medicaid formularies
Increasing insurance reimbursement (both
costs covered and new insurance payers)


RCORP-Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome

Becoming a line item in a state or local
Creating certification/licensing programs
to facilitate workforce payments (e.g.,
peer recovery specialists)
Other: please describe (text box)

These tables collect demographic information for all individuals who have received direct services for
SUD/OUD use disorder, within the current reporting period in the project’s rural service area. The total
number of each sub-section should equal the total number of individuals who have received direct
services within the current reporting period. Each sub-section should total to the same amount. Please
do not leave any sections blank or use N/A (not applicable) since the measures are applicable to all
RCORP grantees providing direct services. If the number for a particular category is zero (0), please put
zero in the appropriate section (e.g., if the total number that is Hispanic or Latino is zero (0), enter zero
in that section). If data are incomplete or have other limitations, please enter the data you have,
indicate the data have limitations, and explain those limitations in the comments box below.

Measure Instructions
Please report the number of individuals
served, by ethnicity, during the current
reporting period.


Please report the number of individuals
served, by race, during the current reporting


Please report the number of individuals
served, by age, during the current reporting


Please report the number of individuals
served, by insurance status, during the
current reporting period.

• Hispanic or Latino
• Not Hispanic or Latino
• Unknown
• Total
• American Indian or Alaska Native
• Asian
• Black or African American
• Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
• White
• More than one race
• Unknown
• Total
• 0-12
• 13-17
• 18-24
• 25-34
• 35-44
• 45-54
• 55-64
• 65 and over
• Total
• Self-pay
• None/Uninsured

RCORP-Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome

Dual Eligible (covered by both Medicaid and
Medicaid/CHIP only
Medicare only
Medicare plus supplemental
Other third party (e.g., privately insured)



Measure Instructions
Please report the total number of individuals
who have been screened for substance use
disorder (SUD) in the current reporting
Please report the total number of individuals
who screened positive for SUD, or at risk for
overuse/misuse, in the current reporting
period. If known, please specify the number
of individuals who screened positive for
specific substances. While individuals could
screen positive for multiple substances, each
subcategory should not exceed the total.

Number of individuals screened for SUD






Please report the total number of individuals
diagnosed with substance use disorder
(SUD) in the current reporting period. If
known, please specify the number of
individuals who were diagnosed for specific
SUDs. While individuals could be diagnosed
with multiple SUDs, each subcategory
should not exceed the total.


Total number of individuals who screened
positive for alcohol or substance use
Number of individuals who screened
positive for alcohol overuse/misuse (or at
risk for this)
Number of individuals who screened
positive for opioid overuse/misuse (or at
risk of this)
Number of individuals who screened
positive for psychostimulant
overuse/misuse (or at risk of this)
Number of individuals who screened
positive for other substance
overuse/misuse (or at risk of this) (specify)
Total number of individuals diagnosed with
an SUD
Number of individuals diagnosed with
alcohol use disorder
Number of individuals diagnosed with
opioid use disorder
Number of individuals diagnosed with
psychostimulant use disorder
Number of individuals diagnosed with other
SUD (specify)

RCORP-Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome


Please report the total number of patients
diagnosed with SUD who were also screened
for clinical depression using an age
appropriate standardized tool
Please report the total number of patients
diagnosed with SUD who were tested for
Please report the total number of patients
diagnosed with SUD who were tested for
Please report the total number of patients
diagnosed with SUD who were referred to
SUD treatment
Please report the total number of individuals
who received recovery support services in
the current reporting period.
Please report the number of patients
diagnosed with SUD who were referred to
support services.


Please report the total number of patients
who have received MAT only or MAT with
psychosocial therapy


Please report the total number of patients
who have received MAT (including
medication AND psychosocial therapy) for a
period of three months or more without
Please report the percentage of MAT service
costs (including medication, psychosocial
therapy, and wrap-around services) covered
through reimbursement (e.g. by Medicaid,
Medicare, private insurance) or other nongrant funding sources during the past 6months:
• Numerator: all costs associated with
MAT services that were reimbursed
or paid for by other non-grant
funding sources.


Patients with an SUD diagnosis who were
screened for depression
Patients with an SUD diagnosis who were
tested for HIV/AIDS
Patients with an SUD diagnosis who were
tested for HCV
Patients with an SUD diagnosis who were
referred to treatment
Number of individuals who received recovery
support services
Number of patients with a diagnosis of SUD
who were referred to support services:
• Childcare
• Employment services
• Prenatal/postpartum care services
• Recovery housing
• Transportation to treatment
• Other - specify
• Number of patients who received MAT AND
psychosocial therapy
• Number of patients who received MAT
Number of patients who have received MAT for
three months or more without interruption

Percentage of MAT services currently covered
through reimbursement or other non-grant
funding sources

RCORP-Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome

Denominator: total costs associated
with MAT services.






Measure Instructions
Please report the total number of
unduplicated providers within the
consortium who provided SUD/OUD
treatment services, mental/behavioral
health services, and/or recovery support
services in the target rural service area in
the current reporting period. Of the total
number of providers, please also report how
many were newly hired with grant funds
(e.g., their salary was paid for in full or in
part with RCORP-NAS grant funds) during
the current reporting period.
Please report the total number of providers
(i.e., individuals) within the consortium who
have a DATA waiver to prescribe
buprenorphine-containing products for
medication-assisted treatment (MAT) within
the target rural service area
Please report the total number of providers
(i.e. individuals) within the consortium who
have prescribed medications used to treat
OUD during the current reporting period.
Please report the total number of providers
(i.e., individuals) within the consortium who
have provided SUD/OUD treatment services,
including MAT, during the current reporting
period in the target rural service area. Of
those providers, please specify how many
were medical providers, non-medical
counseling staff, peer recovery support
specialists, or other (specify).
Please report the total number of providers,
paraprofessional staff, and community
members (non-providers) who participated

• Total number of unduplicated providers
(i.e., individuals) within the consortium who
provided SUD/OUD treatment services,
mental/behavioral health services, and/or
recovery support services in the target
rural service area
• Total number of providers newly hired with
RCORP-NAS grant funds

Total number of providers (i.e., individuals)
who have a DATA waiver (note: no FTE

Total number of providers (i.e., individuals)
who have prescribed medications used to treat
OUD (note: no FTE required)


Total Number of Providers
Number of Medical Providers
Number of Non-Medical Counseling Staff
Number of Peer Recovery Support
Other – specify


Mental health first aid trainings
Naloxone trainings
Opioid prescribing guidelines trainings


RCORP-Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
in direct substance use disorder education
and training activities as a result of RCORP


Stigma reduction trainings
Other - specify

PREVALENCE---OPTIONAL SECTION (previously required)

Measure Instructions
Please report the total number of non-fatal
overdoses from opioid poisoning in your
project’s service area.
Please report the total number of fatal
overdoses from opioid poisoning in your
project’s service area.
Please report the total number of infants
born with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
(NAS)/Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal (NOW)
Syndrome-related symptoms in the project
service area.

Number of non-fatal opioid overdoses in the
project’s service area.
Number of fatal opioid overdoses in the
project’s service area.
Number of NAS/NOW-related births in the
project’s service area.

Public Burden Statement: The purpose of this data collection is to provide data on each Rural Communities Opioid Response
Program initiative to enable HRSA to provide aggregate program data required by Congress under the Government
Performance and Results Act of 1993. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a
collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this project is
0906-0044 and it is valid until XX/XX/202X. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average
1.63 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, and completing and
reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection
of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to HRSA Reports Clearance Officer, 5600 Fishers Lane, Room
14N136B, Rockville, Maryland, 20857 or [email protected].

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2023-06-30
File Created2023-06-30

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