1 Screenshots and Instructions for Use

AHRQ Research Reporting System (ARRS)

Attachment B - Screenshots and Instructions for Use

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Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)

AHRQ Research Reporting System (ARRS)

Attachment B
Screenshots and Instructions for Use

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857
Prepared by AHRQ DIT
February 2023


Instructions for Use

Table of Contents

Overview .................................................................................................................................................................................. 3 
Automatic Report Notification Processes ................................................................................................................................. 4 
2.1  Initial Notification ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 
2.1.1  Non ARRA Report Notification.................................................................................................................................. 5 
2.1.2  ARRA Report Notification ......................................................................................................................................... 5 
2.2  Reminder Notice ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 
2.3  Report Submission Notification............................................................................................................................................................... 6 
2.4  Report Approved\Disapproved Notification ............................................................................................................................................ 7 
3  Application Overview................................................................................................................................................................ 8 
3.1  Inbox ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 
3.2  Project Tab .............................................................................................................................................................................................11 
3.2.1  Non ARRA Reports................................................................................................................................................. 11 
3.2.2  ARRA Reports ........................................................................................................................................................ 11 
3.3  Milestones Tab.......................................................................................................................................................................................13 
3.4  Progress Tab .........................................................................................................................................................................................15 
3.5  Issues and Changes Tab ......................................................................................................................................................................17 
3.6  Findings Tab ..........................................................................................................................................................................................19 
3.7  Outputs Tab ...........................................................................................................................................................................................21 
3.8  Collaborations Tab.................................................................................................................................................................................23 
3.9  Notes Tab...............................................................................................................................................................................................25 
Attachments Tab ..............................................................................................................................................................................26 
4  Submit a Report ..................................................................................................................................................................... 28 
5  Change/Forgot Password ...................................................................................................................................................... 29 

Table of Figures
Figure 1: ARRS Initial Email Notification........................................................................................................................................... 4 
Figure 2: ARRS Username and Password Notification..................................................................................................................... 5 
Figure 3: ARRS Reminder Email ...................................................................................................................................................... 6 
Figure 4: ARRS Report Submission Email Notification..................................................................................................................... 6 
Figure 5: ARRS Report Approval Email Notification ......................................................................................................................... 7 
Figure 6: ARRS Report Disapproval Email Notification .................................................................................................................... 7 
Figure 7: Inbox .................................................................................................................................................................................. 8 
Figure 8: Detailed Inbox .................................................................................................................................................................. 10 
Figure 9: Project Tab ...................................................................................................................................................................... 11 
Figure 10: ARRA Information Tab................................................................................................................................................... 12 
Figure 11: Milestone Tab ................................................................................................................................................................ 13 
Figure 12: Milestone Page .............................................................................................................................................................. 15 
Figure 13: Progress Page ............................................................................................................................................................... 16 
Figure 14: Issues and Changes Tab ............................................................................................................................................... 17 
Figure 15: Issues and Changes Page............................................................................................................................................. 18 
Figure 16: Findings Tab .................................................................................................................................................................. 19 
Figure 17: Findings Page ................................................................................................................................................................ 20 
Figure 18: Outputs Tab ................................................................................................................................................................... 21 
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Instructions for Use

Figure 19: Output Page................................................................................................................................................................... 22 
Figure 20: Collaborations Tab......................................................................................................................................................... 23 
Figure 21: Collaborations Page ...................................................................................................................................................... 24 
Figure 22: Notes Tab ...................................................................................................................................................................... 25 
Figure 23: Add File Attachment Page ............................................................................................................................................. 26 
Figure 24: Attachments Tab............................................................................................................................................................ 27 
Figure 25: Review/Submit Report Page........................................................................................................................................... 28 
Figure 26: Change Password Page ................................................................................................................................................ 30 

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Instructions for Use

1 Overview
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) has identified the need to establish a systematic method for reporting
the progress and important preliminary findings of projects funded by the Agency. ARRS was developed to establish a
comprehensive project progress reporting solution for AHRQ. ARRS facilitates the distribution and receipt of status reports for
the entire Agency from Grantees and Contractors.
ARRS contains the following key functions:

Automatic report notifications.


Preformatted Status Report Templates.


Ability to add additional document and file attachments.


Search and filter results for Project Officer Reporting.


Print-Friendly Version.

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February 2023


Instructions for Use

2 Automatic Report Notification Processes
ARRS distributes report notifications via e-mail to Principal Investigators (PI) and Project Officers (PO). The notifications serve
as reminders that a report for a specific Grant or Contract is due for submission.


Initial Notification

The PI or Contractor for specific ARRS reports is determined from the Point of Contact (POC) information entered into FDSS by
the PO. ARRS sends an e-mail notification to the PI/Contractor and PO when a report is due for a Grant or Contract. If the PI or
POC is reporting in ARRS for the first time, ARRS will also distribute an email that contains the ARRS Account Username and
temporary password.

From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]  
Sent: Friday, July 22, 2011 10:41 AM 
To: [PI\POC Name] 
Subject: AHRQ Progress Report – [Grant\Contract Number], [Grant\Contract 
Dear AHRQ ARRS user, 
The AHRQ GRS system has been updated to the AHRQ Research Reporting System 
(ARRS).  ARRS is a  web based system developed to provide an online mechanism for 
report submission and approval.  Each awardee has an inbox that can be used to 
save, submit, and review progress reports for future reference. 
You will continue to be notified via e‐mail of your progress report due dates.  
The notification e‐mail will include a hyper link to the new form. Selecting the 
hyperlink will allow you to open the form.   Please feel free to contact 
[email protected] if you have any questions or comments.  Online HELP is available 
after you log into ARRS. 
You will need to login to ARRS to find your Progress Report for AHRQ ID number 
R18 HS19989‐01, Reporting Period 2011‐03‐31 to 2011‐06‐29. Please follow the link 
https://arrs.ahrq.gov/, log in, and enter your report information. 
If this is your first time completing the AHRQ Progress Report please review the 
instructions on the web site. They will assist you in completing this form. 
Please complete this form and submit it to AHRQ by dd‐mm‐yy. 
Figure 1: ARRS Initial Email Notification

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Instructions for Use

From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]  
Sent: Friday, July 01, 2011 6:00 AM 
To: [PI\POC Name] 
Dear AHRQ ARRS user, 
Enclosed are your user name and temporary password to be used to access the 
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Agency Research Reporting 
System.  Please follow the link https://arrs.ahrq.gov/, and then log in with the 
user name and temporary password below. Once you are logged into the system, you 
will then be asked to enter a permanent password. 
User Name: FNNNNNNN 
Temporary Password: KRFJHpt 

Figure 2: ARRS Username and Password Notification

2.1.1 Non ARRA Report Notification
Notifications are sent by ARRS when a report has been created and is ready to for completion by the PI. The notification is
released the day the report is available in the PIs inbox. The release date is based on the specific project’s start and end dates
and is usually the day the after the end of the previous reporting period. For example, if a Grant is due to report every quarter
and the previous reporting period was for the period of March 1, 2011 through may 31, 2011, then ARRS will prepare and
generate the next report on June1 , 2011.

2.1.2 ARRA Report Notification
Contracts and Grants subject to ARRA reporting receive a notification from ARRS two weeks prior to the end of the calendar
quarter regardless of the specific project’s start and end dates.

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Instructions for Use

Reminder Notice

ARRS sends a reminder e-mail notification to the PI \POC two weeks after the initial notification, if the report has not been
completed and submitted:

From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] 
Sent: Friday, July 15, 2011 5:05 AM 
To: [PI\POC Name]  
Subject: ** REMINDER ** AHRQ Progress Report – [Grant\Contract Number], 
[Grant\Contract Title]. 
Dear AHRQ ARRS user, 
Enclosed you will find your Progress Report for AHRQ ID number R18 HS18646‐01A1, 
Reporting Period 31‐MAR‐11 to 29‐JUN‐11.  Please follow the link 
https://arrs.ahrq.gov/, log in, and enter your report information. 
If this is your first time completing the AHRQ Progress Report please review the 
instructions on the web site.  They will assist you in completing this form. 
Please complete this form and submit it to AHRQ by dd—mm‐yy 
Figure 3: ARRS Reminder Email


Report Submission Notification

ARRS sends an e-mail to the PO when a report is submitted by a PI/POC. Once a report has been submitted, the PO can log on
and review the report.

ID number R18 HS19587‐01, Awardee Davis, Stanley, Reporting Period 2011‐01‐01 to 
2011‐03‐31 received. 
To access this report, log into AHRQ Research Reporting System (ARRS) 

Figure 4: ARRS Report Submission Email Notification

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Instructions for Use

Report Approved\Disapproved Notification

ARRS sends a notification to the PI\POC when a report has been reviewed and approved or disapproved. The following figures
are examples of these types of notifications.

Dear AHRQ ARRS user, 
Your  AHRQ  Progress  Report  submission  of  ID  number  T32  HS19488‐01,  Reporting  Period 
2011‐01‐01 to 2011‐03‐31 has been approved. 
Figure 5: ARRS Report Approval Email Notification 

Dear AHRQ ARRS user, 
Your  AHRQ  Progress  Report  submission  of  ID  number  T32  HS19488‐01,  Reporting  Period 
2011‐04‐01 to 2011‐06‐30 has been disapproved. 

Figure 6: ARRS Report Disapproval Email Notification 

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Instructions for Use

3 Application Overview
The following sections provide instructions for using the ARRS application.



Log into the application and access the lnbox : The lnbox lists all of the Grants associated with Contracts for which the
PI/POC has reporting responsibilities. Figure 7 provides an example of the lnbox. The inbox contains the following

ID Number - Displays the Grant or Contract ID.


AHRQ Officer - Displays the name of the AHRQ Project Officer for a Grant or Contract.


Project Title - Displays the title for a Grant or Contract.


ARRA Report Indicator - Indicates whether the report is an ARRA Report


Start Date - Displays the Start date of the Grant or Contract.


End Date - Displays the End date of the Grant or Contract.


Locked - Indicates whether a Grant or Contract report has been locked.

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Figure 7: Inbox
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February 2023


Instructions for Use
Select a Grant or Contract to access the Detailed Inbox containing the reports for the selected project: The detailed
Inbox displays the individual reports for a Grant or Contract. . The column label “Report Status” displays the current
state of each report to date. This column is used to determine the report that is currently “Pending”, and is ready for
submission. An example of the Detailed Inbox is provided in Figure 8. The Detailed Inbox contains the following

Current Grantee/Vendor– Displays the name of the current POC for a Grant or Contract.


Original Grantee/Vendor – Displays the name of the original POC for a Grant or Contract, if the POC was


Current AHRQ Officer – Displays the name of the current AHRQ Project Officer responsible for the Grant or


Original AHRQ Officer – Displays the name of the original AHRQ Project Officer, if the Grant or Contract was


Start Date – Displays the Start Date of the Project.


End Date – Displays the End Date of the Project.


Report Status: Displays the following report “states”:
i. Pending Submission– The report is waiting to be completed and submitted by the Primary
Contact or Prinicple Investigator.
ii. Submitted – The report has been completed and is awaiting review by the PO.
iii. Approved – The report has been reviewed and approved by the PO.

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Disapproved – The report has been reviewed and disapproved by the PO.


Attachments – Displays the number of attachments submitted with a report.


Manage: Contains the link to view and edit the report.


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Instructions for Use

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Figure 8: Detailed Inbox

Click the View/Edit link to open the current Pending report.


The application opens the report.

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Instructions for Use

Project Tab

The Project Tab contains demographic information. The information displayed on this page is "read only". This page is
populated by data contained in another application. Figure 9 provides an example of the Project Tab.


Non ARRA Reports


Form Approved• 0MB No. 0935-0122 •Exp.Date 08/31/2023

AHRQ Research Reporting System



DEcIDE 290-05-00161-9 (Approved) ARRA: Comparing Effectiveness of Initial Management Strategies for DCIS - 04/0l/2013-06/30/2013 - ARRA Funded"'












< Return to Inbox Detail


Demographic Information,._
_ _ _ _
Address: 75 Francis Street
Boston, MA 02115
Telephone Number:
Fax Number:
E-Mail Address: [email protected]
Curr-ent AHRQ Officer Name: LAWRENCE, WILLIAM
Original AHRQ Officer Name: Lawrence, William

Alternate Contact Name:
Alternate Contact E-Mail:

This survey is authorized under 42 U.S.C. 299a. The confidentiality of your responses to this survey is protected by Sections 944{c) and 308(d) of the Public Health
Service Act [42 U.S.C. 299c-3(c) and 42 U.S.C. 242m(d)]. Information that could identify you will not be disclosed unless you have consented to that disclosure. Public
reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average XX minutes per response, the estimated time required to complete the survey. An agency
may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid 0MB control number. Send
comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to: AHRQ Reports
Clearance Officer Attention: PRA, Paperwork Reduction Project {0935-XXXX) AHRQ, 5600 Fishers Lane, Room tl-07W42, Rockville, MD 20857.




I Contact AHRQ I

Site Map


I Accessibility I Privacy Policy I Freedom of lnfonnation Act I Disclaimers
I USA.gov: The U.S. Government's Official Web Portal

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services The White House

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality - 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857 -Telephone: (301) 427-1364
This warning banner provides privacy and security notices consistent with applicable federal laws, directives, and other federal guidance for
accessing this Government system, which indudes all devices/storage media attached to this system. This system is provided for Government­
authorized use only. Unauthorized or improper use of this system is prohibited and may result in disciplinary action and/or civil and criminal
penalties. At any time, and for any lawful Government purpose, the government may monitor, record, and audit your system usage and/or
intercept, search and seize any communication or data transiting or stored o n this system. Therefore, you have n o reasonable expectation of
privacy. Any communication or data transiting or stored on this system may be disclosed or used for any lawful Government purpose.

Figure 9: Project Tab

3.2.2 ARRA Reports
If a report needs to be included under the ARRA reporting requirements, an ARRA Information Tab will appear with the other
report tabs. The application displays the Congressional District (CD) of the Pl/Contractor for the Grant or Contract with
Pl/Contractor address. The application also displays the Congressional District for the place of performance.. In most cases,
these CD's will be the same. The CD is associated with the Pl address from IMPACII or the Vendor location entered by the
AHRQ Contracting Officers at time of award. With the exception of the Place of Performance CD, the information contained on
the Project tab is static and not editable in the ARRS application. Figure 10 provides an example of the ARRA Information Tab.
1. Select the ARRA Information Tab.
Version 4.0


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Instructions for Use


The ARRA information page is displayed with editable Congressional District Fields.


Enter the Congressional District information and the New Jobs created information.


Click Save.


The application saves the information.

rJ_ Jiiiim

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AHRQ Research Reporting System



DECIDE 290-05-00161-9 (Approved) ARRA: Comparing Effectiveness of Initial Management Strategies for DCIS - 04/0l/2013-06/30/2013 - ARRA Funded•













< Return to Inbox Detail


The number of jobs reported in ARRS should be consistent with that reported in Federalreporting.gov. For# of Jobs Reporting Guideline click here.

ARRA Information.,_
Congressional District:
MA- 8
* Congressional District (Place of Performance):

New jobs created/retained this reporting period:

This suivey is authorized under 42 U.S.C. 299a. The confidentiality of your responses to this suivey is protected by Sections 944(c) and 308(d) of the Public Health
Seivice Act [42 U.S.C. 299c-3(c) and 42 U.S.C. 242m(d)]. Information that could identify you will not be disclosed unless you have consented to that disclosure. Public
reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average XX minutes per response, the estimated time required to complete the suivey. An agency
may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid 0MB control number. Send
comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to: AHRQ Reports
Clearance Officer Attention: PRA, Paperwork Reduction Project (0935-XXXX) AHRQ, 5600 Fishers Lane, Room #07W42, Rockville, MD 20857.


I Questions? I Contact AHRQ I

I Accessibility I Privacy Policy I Freedom of Information Act I Disdaimers
I The White House I USA.gov: The U.S. Government's Official Web Portal

Site Map

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality - 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857 -Telephone: (301) 427-1364
This warning banner provides privacy and security notices consistent with applicable federal laws, directives, and other federal guidance for accessing
this Government system, which indudes all devices/storage media attached to this system. This system is provided for Government-authorized use
only. Unauthorized or improper use of this system is prohibited and may result in disciplinary action and/or civil and criminal penalties. At any time,
and for any lawful Government purpose, the government may monitor, record, and audit your system usage and/or intercept, search and seize any
communication or data transiting or stored on this system. Therefore, you have no reasonable expectation of privacy. Any communication or data
transiting or stored on this system may be disclosed or used for any lawful Government purpose.

Figure 10: ARRA Information Tab

Version 4.0


February 2023


Instructions for Use

Milestones Tab


The Milestones tab displays the goals and objectives of the project for which the report is being submitted. This tab may contain
multiple project objectives, the descriptions of which can be viewed by clicking the specific milestone to be viewed. Figure 11
provides an example of the Milestones Tab.


AHRQ Research Reporting System

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DECIDE 290-05-00161-9 (Approved) ARRA: Comparing Effectiveness of Initial Management Strategies for DCIS - 04/0l/2013-06/30/2013 - ARRA Funded












< Return to Inbox Detail






ARRA DCIS TO - Update 07/18/2013



ARRA DCIS TO - Update 04/17/2013

On Track

ARRA DCIS TO - Updated 01/20/2011

On Track

ARRA DCIS TO - Updated 10/28/2010

On Track

ARRA DCIS TO - Updated 01/14/2013

On Track

ARRA DCIS TO - Updated 10/11/2012

On Track

ARRA DCIS TO - Updated 07/15/2012

on Track

ARRA DCIS TO - Updated 04/13/2012

On Track

ARRA DCIS TO - Updated 10/12/2011

On Track

ARRA DCIS TO - Updated 07/12/2011

On Track

ARRA DCIS TO - Updated 04/12/2011

On Track



Related Findings

Audit Log




This survey is authorized under 42 U.S.C. 299a. The confidentiality of your responses to this survey is protected by Sections 944{c) and 308(d) of the Public Health
Service Act [42 U.S.C. 299c-3(c) and 42 U.S.C. 242m(d)]. Information that could identify you will not be disclosed unless you have consented to that disclosure. Public
reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average XX minutes per response, the estimated time required to complete the survey. An agency
may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid 0MB control number. Send
comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to: AHRQ Reports
Clearance Officer Attention: PRA, Paperwork Reduction Project {0935-XXXX) AHRQ, 5600 Fishers Lane, Room tl-07W42, Rockville, MD 20857.




I Contact AHRQ I

I Accessibility I Privacy Policy I Freedom of Infonnation Act I Disclaimers
I The White House I USA.gov: The U.S. Government's Official Web Portal

Site Map

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality - 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857 - Telephone: (301) 427-1364
This warning banner provides privacy and security notices consistent with applicable federal laws, directives, and other federal guidance for
accessing this Government system, which indudes all devices/storage media attached to this system. This system is provided for Government­
authorized use only. Unauthorized or improper use of this system is prohibited and may result in disciplinary action and/or civil and criminal
penalties. At any time, and for any lawful Government purpose, the government may monitor, record, and audit your system usage and/or
intercept, search and seize any communication or data transiting or stored on this system. Therefore, you have no reasonable expectation of
privacy. Any communication or data transitinq o r stored on this system may be disclosed o r used for any lawful Government purpose.

Figure 11: Milestone Tab
To Add a New Milestone:

1. Click the Add button.
2. A new Project Milestone is displayed.
3. Enter the title for the new Milestone.
4. Select a status for the new Milestone.
5. Enter the text to describe the new Milestone in the "Description & Progress Since Last Progress Report" text box.

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Instructions for Use

6. Click the Save button, to save the newly entered information.

To Update an Existing Milestone:
1. Locate the Title of the Milestone to update.
2. Click the selected Milestone.
3. The Milestone is opened.
4. Make the changes.
5. Click the Save button, to save the updates.
To Delete a Milestone:
1. Locate the Title of the Milestone to Delete.
2. Click the selected Milestone.
3. The Milestone Page is opened. Figure 12 provides an example of the Milestone Page.
4. Click the Delete button.
5. A verification notice is displayed.
6. Click “Yes”. The selected Milestone is deleted.

Version 4.0


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Instructions for Use


AHRQ Research Reporting System

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Add/Edit Milestone
Related Finding(s):
Please describe the specific project aims and the progress towards them for this Progress Report. All fields marked with an asterisk( "') are required.
Project Aim/Milestone tr-

- --------------------------------


* Title ( max. 255)
* status
e) Upcoming

O Ad1ieved e On Track 0 Not on Track 0 Will Need Assistance G Unlikely to Achieve O Retired


Font Family

• Font Size

Path: p


This survey is authorized under 42 U.S.C. 299a. The confidentiality of your responses to this survey is protected by Sections 944{c) and 308(d) of the Public Health
Service Act [42 U.S.C. 299c-3(c) and 42 U.S.C. 242m(d)]. Information that could identify you will not be disclosed unless you have consented to that disclosure. Public
reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average XX minutes per response, the estimated time required to complete the survey. An agency
may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid 0MB control number. Send
comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to: AHRQ Reports
Clearance Officer Attention: PRA, Paperwork Reduction Project {0935-XXXX) AHRQ, 5600 Fishers Lane, Room tl-07W42, Rockville, MD 20857.




I Contact AHRQ I

Site Map


I Accessibility I

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services The White House


Privacy Policy ] Freedom of Information Act

I Disclaimers

USA.gov: The U.S. Government's Official Web Portal

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality - 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857 -Telephone: (301) 427-1364
This warning banner provides privacy and security notices consistent with applicable federal laws, directives, and other federal guidance for
accessing this Government system, which indudes all devices/storage media attached to this system. This system is provided for Government­
authorized use only. Unauthorized or improper use of this system is prohibited and may result in disciplinary action and/or civil and criminal
penalties. At any time, and for any lawful Government purpose, the government may monitor, record, and audit your system usage and/or
intercept, search and seize any communication or data transiting or stored on this system. Therefore, you have no reasonable expectation of
privacy. Any communication or data transiting or stored on this system may be disclosed or used for any lawful Government purpose.

Figure 12: Milestone Page


Progress Tab

The Progress tab displays a summary view of the project's overall progress and budget status. If a project is reported to have
delays or overspending, the Pl may enter additional information in select text boxes to convey this information. Figure 13
provides an example of the Progress Page.

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Instructions for Use

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Figure 13: Progress Page
To Edit Progress:

Click the Overall Progress drop Down Field and select a progress value.


Click the Project Spending to date Field and select a spending value.


Click the Save button, to save the changes

The page will open additional text areas, if the following Overall Progress Definitions are selected:
 Progress is on track in some respects but not others.
 Progress in meeting many milestones is stalled.
 Progress across the project is stalled.
Enter detailed progress information to describe issues associated with Project Progress.

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Instructions for Use

Issues and Changes Tab

The Issues and Changes tab displays any significant problems, issues or changes that have occurred since the last reporting
cycle. This tab may contain multiple issues and problems, the descriptions of which can be viewed by selecting a record on the
page. Figure 14 provides an example of the Issues and Changes Tab.

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Figure 14: Issues and Changes Tab
To Add a New Issue/Change:
1. Click the Add button.
2. A new Issue/Change is displayed.
3. Select the Issue Type from the drop down box.
4. Enter the text to describe the new Issue/Change in the text box areas.
5. Click the Save button, to save the newly entered information.
To Update and Issue/Change:
1. Locate the Title of Issue/Change to update.
2. Click the selected Issue/Change.
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Instructions for Use

3. The Issue/Change is opened.
4. Make the changes.
5. Click the Save button, to save the updates.
To Delete an Issue/Change:
1. Locate the Title of the Issue/Change to delete.
2. Click the selected Issue/Change.
3. The Issue/Change is opened.
4. Click the Delete button.
5. A verification notice is displayed.
6. Click “Yes”. The selected Issue/Change is deleted.
Figure 15 provides an example of the Issues and Changes Page.

Figure 15: Issues and Changes Page

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Instructions for Use

Findings Tab

The Findings tab displays an area to document discoveries or conclusions that should be reported for the project. This tab may
contain multiple findings associates with different Milestones, the descriptions of which can be viewed by selecting a record on
the page. Figure 16 provides an example of the Findings Tab.

Figure 16: Findings Tab
To Add New Findings:
1. Click the Add button.
2. A new Findings page is displayed.
3. Select the related milestone from the drop down box.
4. Enter the text to describe the findings in the text box areas.

Click the Save button, to save the newly entered information.

To Update Findings:

Version 4.0


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Instructions for Use

1. Locate the Title of Finding to update.
2. Click the selected Finding.
3. The Findings page is opened.
4. Make the changes.
5. Click the Save button, to save the
To Delete Findings:
1. Locate the Title of the Findings record to delete.
2. Click the selected Findings record.
3. The Findings Page is opened. Figure 17 provides an example of the Findings Page.
4. Click the Delete button.
5. A verification notice is displayed.
6. Click “Yes”. The selected Findings record is deleted.

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Figure 17: Findings Page
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Instructions for Use

Outputs Tab

The Outputs tab describes any significant products that have been produced since the last reporting cycle. This tab may contain
multiple output products, the descriptions of which can be viewed by clicking the Collapse and Expand buttons located on the top
right hand portion of the page. Figure 18 provides an example of the Outputs Tab.

Figure 18: Outputs Tab

To Add a New Output:
1. Click the Add button.
2. A new Output is displayed.
3. Select the Output Type from the drop down box.
4. Enter the text to describe the Output in the text box areas.
5. Click the Save button, to save the newly entered information.
To Update an Output:
1. Locate the Output to update.
2. Click the selected Output.
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Instructions for Use

3. The Output is opened.
4. Make the changes.
5. Click the Save button, to save the updates.
To Delete an Output:
7. Locate the Output to delete.
8. Click the selected Output.
9. The Output Page is opened. Figure 19 provides an example of the Output Page.
10. Click the Delete button.
11. A verification notice is displayed.
12. Click “Yes”. The selected Output is deleted.

Figure 19: Output Page

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Instructions for Use

Collaborations Tab

The Collaborations tab describes any partnerships with project collaborators that may have been formed, or meetings with
collaborating partners since the last reporting cycle. This data can be viewed by clicking the Collapse and Expand buttons
located on the top right hand portion of the page. Figure 20 provides an example of the Collaborations Tab.

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Figure 20: Collaborations Tab
To Add a New Collaboration:
1. Click the Add button.
2. A new Collaboration is displayed.
3. Enter the text to describe the Collaboration in the text box areas.
4. Click the Save button, to save the newly entered information.
To Update a Collaboration:
1. Locate the Collaboration to update.
2. Click the selected Collaboration.
3. The Collaboration Page is opened. Figure 21 provides an example of the Collaboration Page.
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Instructions for Use

4. Make the changes.
5. Click the Save button, to save the updates.
To Delete a Collaboration:
1. Locate the Collaboration to delete.
2. Click the selected Collaboration.
3. The Collaboration Page is opened.
4. Click the Delete button.
5. A verification notice is displayed.
6. Click “Yes”. The selected Collaboration is deleted.

Figure 21: Collaborations Page

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Instructions for Use

Notes Tab

The Notes tab contains an area that enables the PI/Contractor to add any additional comments or text that pertain to a specific
report. Figure 22 provides an example of the Notes Tab.
To Edit Notes:

Click the Notes Tab. The page becomes editable


Update the information on the page.


Click the Save button, to save the changes.

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Figure 22: Notes Tab

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Instructions for Use

3.10 Attachments Tab
The Attachments tab, as shown in Figure 24, enables users to attach other documents to specific reports. Attachments can be
viewed by clicking on the file name. Figure 23 provides an example of the Add File Attachments Page.
To Add an Attachment:
1. Click the Attachment Tab.
2. Click the Add Attachment button.
3. The Add File Attachment page displays.
4. Enter the Name and Description Fields.
5. Find the document to attach, using the Browse button.
6. Select the File to Attach.
7. Click the Open button displayed in the “Choose File to Upload” Window.
8. Click the Add icon.
9. The Attachment is added to the report.

Figure 23: Add File Attachment Page

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Instructions for Use

To Delete an Attachment:
1. Select the Attachment(s) to Delete (this can be a multiple selection).
2. Click the Delete button associated with the attachment(s).
3. The attachment(s) is removed from the report.

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Figure 24: Attachments Tab

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Instructions for Use

4 Submit a Report
PIs and POCs submit the completed reports to AHRQ for review. The report is submitted directly from the ARRS application.
Once a report has been submitted, the status of the report changes from “Pending” to “Submitted”. The status is viewed in both
the PI’s and the Pos inbox.
To Submit a Report
1. Click the Review/Submit Report Tab.
2. The Review/Submit Report Page opens. Figure 25 provides an example of the Review/Submit Reports Page.
3. Review the information to be submitted.
4. Click the Submit button.
5. The report is submitted.
6. The ARRS application generates an email notification to both the PI\POC and AHRQ Project Officer.

Figure 25: Review/Submit Report Page

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Instructions for Use

5 Change/Forgot Password
A password can be changed from the login page or from within the application. A new password can be requested from the login
page or from within the application.
Change Password - From the Login Page

Click the Change Password Tab.


The Change Password Page is displayed. Figure 26 provides an example of the Change Password Page.


Enter the User Name.


Enter the Old Password.


Enter the New Password.


Re-enter the New Password.


Click Submit.


The password is changed.

Receive New Password – From Login Page

Click the Forgot Password Tab.


The Forgot Password Page is displayed.


Enter your ARRS user name OR


Enter your email address.


Click Submit.

6. The ARRS system will email you a new password.

Change Password –From Inbox
Login to ARRS and follow the steps for Change Password – From Login Page (above).

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Instructions for Use

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Figure 26: Change Password Page

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February 2023

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleMicrosoft Word - ARRS_PI_Use_Instruc_Ver3 0jd
File Modified2023-03-01
File Created2011-10-25

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