Form I-907 Request for Premium Processing Service

Request for Premium Processing Service

I-907-021 Initial 83C Copy Deck Logic and copy changes (3)

Request for Premium Processing Service (Electronic Filed)

OMB: 1615-0048

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Fee waiver: If you are requesting a fee waiver, you cannot file online. You must file a paper version
of both the Form I-912, Request for Fee Waiver and the form for the specific benefit you are
requesting. You can review the fee waiver guidance at

Select the form you want to file online.
I-907, Request for Premium Processing Service


Use Form I-907 to request Premium Processing Service on certain petitions or applications where this
service is available.
Premium Processing Service guarantees that USCIS will take one of several possible actions (issue an
approval notice, a denial notice, a notice of intent to deny, or a request for evidence) on the petition or
application within a certain processing timeframe. The length of the processing timeframe is based on
the classification or category requested.
Learn more about requesting Premium Processing Service.

 Note: You may only file online requests for Premium Processing Service if you are:

Filing (or you have filed) Form I-765, Application for Employment Authorization; and


Are applying as eligibility category (c)(3)(A), (c)(3)(B), or (c)(3)(C).

Note: You cannot add Premium Processing Service unless you have a receipt number from
submitting another form that is eligible for premium processing. If you do not know your
receipt number, you can find it by viewing the case on your home page.
All other requests for Premium Processing Service must be filed using a paper Form I-907.

 Concurrent filing available
You can file Form I-907, a Request for Premium Processing Service (Form I-907) a er you
begin one of the eligible forms.

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I-907: Request for Premium Processing
Use Form I-907 to request Premium Processing Service on certain petitions or applications where this
service is available.
You may file your request for Premium Processing Service with the applicable petition or application.
You may also file the request for Premium Processing Service a er you file the applicable petition or
application, as long as USCIS has not made a final decision on the applicable petition or application.
You cannot request Premium Processing Service for a petition or application that is reopened a er an
initial decision was made on the petition or application.
Premium Processing Service guarantees that USCIS will take one of several possible actions (issue an
approval notice, a denial notice, a notice of intent to deny, or a request for evidence) on the petition or
application within a certain processing timeframe. The length of the processing timeframe is based
on the classification or category requested.
Processing times and fees vary. Learn more about requesting Premium Processing Service.


Before You Start Your Application
 Eligibility
Online requests for Premium Processing Service are only available if you are:
• Filing (or you have filed) Form I-765, Application for Employment Authorization; and
• Are applying as eligibility category (c)(3)(A), (c)(3)(B), or (c)(3)(C).
All other requests for Premium Processing Service must be filed using a paper Form I-907.
You, or your attorney or accredited representative, may request Premium Processing
Service only if you filed the corresponding petition or application. Any attorney or
accredited representative who makes the request must also file a properly completed
Form G-28, Notice of Entry of Appearance as Attorney or Accredited Representative.

 Fee
We will automatically calculate the cost for you before you submit your request. Find
more information about the specific fees applicable to your forms.
The Premium Processing Service fee is in addition to all other applicable filing fees.
Note: We will only refund the Premium Processing Service fee if we do not take action on
the related case within the applicable processing timeframe. Otherwise, the filing fee is
not refundable, regardless of any action USCIS takes on the related case.
Please refer to the instructions for the form(s) you are filing for additional information or
you may call the USCIS Contact Center at 800-375-5283. For TTY (deaf or hard of hearing)

 Documents you may need
We will automatically determine which documents you should provide us as you fill out
your application. At the time of filing, you must submit all evidence and supporting
documentation listed.


A er You Submit Your Application
 Track your case online
A er you submit your form, you can track its status through your USCIS account. Sign in
to your account o en to check your case status and read any important messages from

 Respond to requests for information
If we need more information from you, we will send you a Request for Evidence (RFE) or
Request for Information (RFI). You can respond to our request and upload your
documents through your USCIS account.
In the event USCIS issues a notice of intent to deny or a Request for Evidence, the
premium processing timeframe will stop and will re-commence with a new applicable
timeframe on the date that we receive a response to the notice of intent to deny or the
Request for Evidence.


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Completing Your Form Online
 Filing online
Submitting your form online is the same as mailing in a completed paper form. They both
gather the same information and cost the same.

 Complete the Getting Started section first
You should answer all questions in the Getting Started section first so we can best
customize the rest of your online form experience.

 Provide as many responses as you can
You should provide as many responses as you can. Incomplete or missing information
may slow down the processing of your case a er you submit the form.

 We will automatically save your responses
We will automatically save your information when you select next to go to a new page or
navigate to another section of the form. We will save your information for 30 days from
today, or from the last time you worked on the form.

 How to continue filling out your form
A er you start your form, you can sign in to your account to continue filling out your form.

DHS Privacy Notice
AUTHORITIES: The information requested on this form, and the associated evidence, is
collected under the Immigration and Nationality Act section 286(u).

PURPOSE: The primary purpose for providing the requested information on this form is to

request Premium Processing Service on certain petitions or applications designated as eligible
for premium processing. DHS uses the information you provide to grant or deny the
immigration benefit you are seeking.

DISCLOSURE: The information you provide is voluntary. However, failure to provide the
requested information, including your Social Security number (if applicable), and any
requested evidence, may delay a final decision or result in denial of your form.

ROUTINE USES: DHS may share the information you provide on this form and any additional

requested evidence with other federal, state, local, and foreign government agencies and
authorized organizations. DHS follows approved routine uses described in the associated
published system of records notices [DHS/USCIS/ICE/CBP-001 Alien File and National File
Tracking System, DHS/USCIS-007 Benefits Information System, and DHS/USCIS-018
Immigration Biometric and Background Check], and the published privacy impact assessment
[DHS/USCIS/PIA-016(a) Computer Linked Application Information Management System and
Associated Systems], which you can find at DHS may also share the
information, as appropriate, for law enforcement purposes or in the interest of national

Paperwork Reduction Act
An agency may not conduct or sponsor an information collection, and a person is not required
to respond to a collection of information, unless it displays a currently valid Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) control number. The public reporting burden for this
collection of information is estimated at 28 minutes per response, including the time for
reviewing instructions, gathering the required documentation and information, completing
the request, preparing statements, attaching necessary documentation, and submitting the
request. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection
of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to:
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Office of Policy and Strategy, Regulatory Coordination Division
5900 Capital Gateway Drive, Mail Stop #2140
Camp Springs, MD 20588-0009
Do not mail your completed Form I-907 to this address.
OMB No. 1615-0048
Expires: 11/30/2025

 Security Reminder
If you do not work on your application for more than 30 days, we will delete your
data in order to prevent storing personal information indefinitely.


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I-907: Getting Started - Preparer and
interpreter information
You must complete all fields with an asterisk (*) to submit this form.

Getting Started


Is someone assisting you with completing this

Reason for request
Preparer and interpreter


About You


Your Request


Additional Information


Review and Submit





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I-907, Request for
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I-907: Getting Started - Preparer
You must complete all fields with an asterisk (*) to submit this form.

Getting Started


What is your preparerʼs full name?

Reason for request

Given name (first name)

Preparer and interpreter

Family name (last name)

Preparer information
Interpreter information
About You


Your Request


Additional Information


Review and Submit


What is your preparerʼs business or organization
My preparer is not part of a business or organization.

What is your preparerʼs mailing address?

Address line 1

Street number and name

Address line 2

Apartment, suite, unit, or floor

City or town


ZIP code
Provide a 5 or 9-digit
ZIP code.

What is your preparerʼs contact information?
Daytime telephone number

Provide a 10-digit phone number.

Mobile telephone number
My preparer does not have a mobile telephone number.

Provide a 10-digit phone number.

Email address
My preparer does not have an email address.

Example: [email protected]



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I-907: Getting Started - Interpreter
You must complete all fields with an asterisk (*) to submit this form.

Getting Started


What is your interpreterʼs full name?

Reason for request

Given name (first name)

Preparer and interpreter

Family name (last name)

Preparer information

Interpreter information
About You


Your Request


Additional Information


Review and Submit


What is your interpreterʼs business or organization
My interpreter is not part of a business or organization.

What is your interpreterʼs mailing address?

Address line 1

Street number and name

Address line 2

Apartment, suite, unit, or floor

City or town


ZIP code
Provide a 5 or 9-digit
ZIP code.

What is your interpreterʼs contact information?
Daytime telephone number

Provide a 10-digit phone number.

Mobile telephone number
My interpreter does not have a mobile telephone number.

Provide a 10-digit phone number.

Email address
My preparer does not have an email address.

Example: [email protected]

What language is your interpreter using to
interpret this application for you?



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I-907: About you - Your name
What is your current legal name?
Your current legal name is the name on your birth certificate, unless it
changed a er birth by a legal action such as marriage or court order. Do not
provide any nicknames here.


Getting Started


About You
Your name

Given name (first name)

Middle name

Your contact information
Other information

Family name (last name)

Your Request


Additional Information


Review and Submit


What is the name of the company or organization
in the related case?
If filed on behalf of a company, enter the name of the company or
organization named in the related case.



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I-907, Request for
Premium Processing

You must complete all fields with an asterisk (*) to submit this form.

How may we contact you?
Daytime telephone number


About You

Sign Out

I-907: About you - Your contact information


Getting Started

Resources 

Your name
Your contact information

Provide a 10-digit phone number.

Other information

Mobile telephone number

Your Request


Additional Information


Review and Submit


This is the same as my daytime telephone number.

Provide a 10-digit phone number.

Fax number (if any)

Provide a 10-digit phone number.

Email address

Example: [email protected]

What is your current U.S. mailing address?
We will use your current mailing address to contact you throughout the
application process. We may not be able to contact you if you do not
provide a complete and valid address.

In care of name (if any)

Country *

Address line 1 *

Street number and name

Address line 2

Apartment, suite, unit, or floor

City or town *

State *

ZIP code *
Provide a 5 or 9-digit
ZIP code.

Is your current mailing address the same as your
physical address?



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I-907, Request for
Premium Processing

You must complete all fields with an asterisk (*) to submit this form.

What is your A-Number?


About You

Sign Out

I-907: About you - Other information


Getting Started

Resources 

I do not have or know my A-Number.

Your name


Your contact information

Provide a 7, 8, or 9-digit number. If your A-Number is fewer than 9 digits,
the system will automatically add zero(s) a er the “A” and before the first
digit so there is a total of 9 digits, for example: A-001234567.

Other information
Your Request


Additional Information


Review and Submit


What is your USCIS Online Account Number?
You will only have an Online Account Number, or OAN, if you previously
filed a form that has a receipt number that begins with IOE. If you filed the
form online, you can find your OAN in your account profile. If you mailed us
the form, you can find your OAN at the top of the Account Access Notice we
sent you.
If you do not have a receipt number that begins with IOE, you do not have
an OAN.
(The OAN is not the same as an A-Number)
I do not have or know my USCIS Online Account Number.

Provide a 12-digit Online Account Number.



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I-907, Request for
Premium Processing

Sign Out

I-907: Your Request - Related Cases

Getting Started


About You


Your Request


Related Cases

Resources 

What is the form number of the related petition or


Additional Information


Review and Submit


What is the receipt number of the related petition
or application?
The receipt number is a unique 13-character identifier that USCIS provides
for each application or petition it receives. Your answer must include
capitalized letters.

Provide a 13-character receipt number, beginning with 3 capitalized letters
followed by 10 digits.

What is the classification or eligibility requested?

What is the full name of the petitioner or
applicant in the related case?
Given name (first name)

Middle name

Family name (last name)



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I-907: Your Request - Related Cases page 2

Getting Started


About You


Your Request


Related Cases

Resources 

What is the company or organization IRS EIN (if


Related Cases page 2
Additional Information


Review and Submit


What is the name of the point of contact for the
company or organization?
Given name (first name)

Middle name (if applicable)

Family name (last name)

What is their position title?

What is the address of the petitioner, applicant,
company, or organization named in the related

Address line 1

Street number and name

Address line 2

Apartment, suite, unit, or floor

City or town


Zip code/Postal code

Provide a 5 or 9-digit
ZIP code.



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I-907: Additional Information - Additional
You must complete all fields with an asterisk (*) to submit this form.

Getting Started


About You


Your Request


Additional Information


You may provide additional information for your
f you need to provide any additional information for any of your answers to
the questions in this form, enter it into the space below. You should include
the questions that you are referencing.

Additional information
Review and Submit

If you do not need to provide any additional information, you may leave
this section blank.



Add a response



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I-907: Review and Submit - Review and

Getting Started


About You


Your Request


Additional Information


Review and Submit


Please review your request and check it for accuracy and completeness
before you submit it.
We encourage you to provide as many complete responses as you can
throughout the request, to the best of your knowledge. Missing information
can slow down the review process a er you submit your request.
You can return to this page to review your request as many times as you
want before you submit it.

Review and Submit

Your fee

Your request summary
Preparer statement


Preparer signature
Interpreter certification

Your form filing fee is: [XXX]

The Premium Processing fee is in addition to all other applicable filing fees.

Interpreter signature

Note: We will only refund the Premium Processing Service fee if we do not
take action on the related case within the applicable processing timeframe.
Otherwise, the filing fee is not refundable, regardless of any action USCIS
takes on this request.

Your statement
Your signature
Pay and submit

Please refer to the instructions for the form(s) you are filing for additional
information or you may call the USCIS Contact Center at 800-375-5283. For
TTY (deaf or hard of hearing) 800-767-1833.

Alerts and warnings
You have one or more alerts and warnings based on the information you
provided in your request.
A red alert means you have incomplete responses or inconsistent data. You
cannot submit your request with any red alerts.
A green alert means you have completed all required fields and responses.

 Error in Secondary Body Text.



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I-907: Review and Submit - Your request

Getting Started


Review the I-907 form information

About You


Here is a summary of all the information you provided in your request.

Your Request


Additional Information


Make sure you have provided responses for everything that applies to you before you submit your
request. You can edit your responses by going to each request section using the site navigation.

Review and Submit


We also prepared a dra case snapshot with your responses, which you can download below.

 View dra snapshot

Review and Submit

Your request summary



Getting Started

Preparer statement

Preparer or interpreter information

Preparer signature
Interpreter certification

Is someone assisting you with completing
this application?

Interpreter signature
Your statement
Your signature
Pay and submit


Is a preparer assisting you with
completing this application?


Is an interpreter assisting you
with completing this application?


Preparer information
Is someone assisting you with completing
this application?


Is a preparer assisting you with
completing this application?


Is an interpreter assisting you
with completing this application?


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I-907: Review and Submit - Preparer
You must complete all fields with an asterisk (*) to submit this form.

Getting Started


About You


Your Request


Additional Information


Review and Submit


Preparerʼs statement
Your preparer must read the statements below and select the statement
that applies to him or her.
If your preparer is an attorney or accredited representative whose
representation extends beyond preparation of this request, he or she may
be obliged to submit a completed Notice of Entry of Appearance as
Attorney or Accredited Representative (G-28) with your request.

Review and Submit
Your request summary

I am not an attorney or accredited representative but
have prepared this request on behalf of the requestor and
with the requestorʼs consent.

Preparer statement
Preparer signature
Interpreter certification

I am an attorney or accredited representative and my
representation of the requestor in this case does not
extend beyond the preparation of this request.

Interpreter signature
Your statement
Your signature

I am an attorney or accredited representative and my
representation of the requestor in this case extends
beyond the preparation of this request.

Pay and submit

Preparerʼs certification and signature
Your preparer must read and agree to the certification below.

By my signature, I certify, under penalty of perjury, that I
prepared this request at the request of the requestor. The
requestor then reviewed this completed request and
informed me that he or she understands all of the
information contained in, and submitted with, his or her
request, including the Requestorʼs Declaration and
Certification, and that all of this information is complete,
true and correct. I completed this request based only on
information that the requestor provided to me or
authorized me to obtain or use.

As the requestorʼs preparer, you must sign on paper and
provide your signature page to the requestor. Follow these


1. Download the Preparer Signature page


2. Print the Preparer Signature page


3. Read and sign the Preparer Signature page


4. Give the signed Preparer Signature page to
the requestor

The requestor will need to scan and upload your
completed signature page on the next screen.



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Sign Out

I-907: Review and Submit - Preparer

Getting Started


About You


Your Request


Additional Information


Review and Submit


Preparerʼs signature upload
Scan and upload your preparerʼs completed signature page below.

File requirements

Clear and readable
Accepted file formats: JPG, JPEG, or PDF
No encrypted or password-protected files
If your documents are in a foreign language, upload a full
English translation and the translatorʼs certification with each
original document.
• Accepted file name characters: English letters, numbers, spaces,
periods, hyphens, underscores, and parentheses
• Maximum size: 6MB per file
• Upload no more than five documents at a time

Review and Submit
Your request summary
Preparer statement

Preparer signature
Interpreter certification
Interpreter signature
Your statement

Choose or drop files here to upload

Your signature
Pay and submit



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Sign Out

I-907: Review and Submit - Interpreter

Getting Started


About You


Your Request


Additional Information


Review and Submit


Interpreterʼs certification and signature
Your interpreter must read and agree to the certification below.

I certify, under penalty of perjury, that: I am fluent in
English and the language provided in the Getting Started
section of this request, and I have read to this requestor in
the identified language every question and instruction on
this request and his or her answer to every question. The
requestor informed me that he or she understands every
instruction, question, and answer on the request,
including the Requestorʼs Declaration and Certification,
and has verified the accuracy of every answer.

Review and Submit
Your request summary
Preparer statement
Preparer signature

Interpreter certification
Interpreter signature
Your statement

As the requestorʼs interpreter, you must sign on paper and
provide your signature page to the requestor. Follow these

Your signature
Pay and submit


1. Download the Interpreter Signature page


2. Print the Interpreter Signature page


3. Read and sign the Interpreter Signature page


4. Give the signed Interpreter Signature page to
the requestor

The requestor will need to scan and upload your
completed signature page on the next screen.



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I-907: Review and Submit - Interpreter

Getting Started


About You


Your Request


Additional Information


Review and Submit


Interpreterʼs signature upload
Scan and upload your interpreterʼs completed signature page below.

File requirements

Clear and readable
Accepted file formats: JPG, JPEG, or PDF
No encrypted or password-protected files
If your documents are in a foreign language, upload a full
English translation and the translatorʼs certification with each
original document.
• Accepted file name characters: English letters, numbers, spaces,
periods, hyphens, underscores, and parentheses
• Maximum size: 6MB per file
• Upload no more than five documents at a time

Review and Submit
Your request summary
Preparer statement
Preparer signature
Interpreter certification

Interpreter signature
Your statement

Choose or drop files here to upload

Your signature
Pay and submit



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I-907: Review and Submit - Your statement
You must complete all fields with an asterisk (*) to submit this form.

Getting Started


About You


Your Request


Additional Information


Review and Submit


Requestorʼs statement
You must read and agree to the statement below.
 I can read and understand English, and have read and understand

every question and instruction on this request, as well as my answer
to every question. *

Review and Submit
Your request summary
Preparer statement



Preparer signature
Interpreter certification
Interpreter signature

Your statement
Your signature
Pay and submit

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Getting Started

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Sign Out

I-907: Review and Submit - Your signature
You must complete all fields with an asterisk (*) to submit this form.

Requestorʼs Declaration and Certification


About You


Your Request


Additional Information


Review and Submit


You must read and agree to the certification below. If you knowingly and
willfully falsify or conceal a material fact or submit a false document with
your request, we will reject your request without refunding the filing fee
and may deny any other immigration benefit. In addition, you will face
severe penalties provided by law and may be subject to criminal

Review and Submit
Your request summary
Preparer statement

Copies of any documents I have submitted are exact
photocopies of unaltered, original documents, and I
understand that USCIS may require that I submit original
documents to USCIS at a later date. Furthermore, I
authorize the release of any information from any of my
records that USCIS may need to determine my eligibility
for the immigration benefit I seek.

Preparer signature
Interpreter certification
Interpreter signature
Your statement

Your signature
Pay and submit

I furthermore authorize release of information contained
in this request, in supporting documents, and in my USCIS
records to other entities and persons where necessary for
the administration and enforcement of U.S. immigration

I certify, under penalty of perjury, that all of the
information in my request and any document submitted
with it were provided or authorized by me, that I reviewed
and understand all of the information contained in, and
submitted with, my request and that all of this information
is complete, true, and correct.


I have read and agree to the requestorʼs
statement *

Your signature
You must provide your digital signature below by typing
your full legal name. If you do not completely fill out this
request, or if you do not submit the required documents
listed in the Instructions, we may deny your request. We
will record the date of your signature with your request.



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I-907: Review and Submit - Pay and submit

Getting Started


Pay for and submit your request

About You


Your Request


The final step to submit your Form I-907, Request for Premium Processing
Service is to pay the required fee.

Additional Information


Review and Submit

Sign Out

Your request fee is: [$XXX]
The Premium Processing fee is in addition to all other applicable filing fees.


Note: We will only refund the Premium Processing Service fee if we do not
take action on the related case within the applicable processing timeframe.
Otherwise, the filing fee is not refundable.

Review and Submit
Your request summary

Please refer to the instructions for the form(s) you are filing for additional
information or you may call the USCIS Contact Center at 800-375-5283. For
TTY (deaf or hard of hearing) 800-767-1833.

Preparer statement
Preparer signature
Interpreter certification
Interpreter signature
Your statement
Your signature

We will send you to — our safe, secure payment
website — to pay your fees and submit your request online.

Pay and submit

Here are the steps in the payment and submission
1. Provide your billing information on
2. Provide your credit card or U.S. bank account
3. Submit your payment

When you have paid your fee, your request will be
submitted. will redirect you to a confirmation
screen, which will include your receipt number. Please
keep a copy of your receipt number for your records. You
can track the status of your request through your USCIS
online account.

Pay and submit

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Sign Out

I-907: You have successfully submitted your Request for
Premium Processing Service
We will contact you if we have any questions or need additional information. You can track the status
of your request through your USCIS online account.

Go to my cases

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I-907, Request for
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Sign Out

Pay for and submit your request

Getting Started


About You


Your Request


Additional Information


Review and Submit


The final step to submit your I-765, Application for Employment
Authorization and your I-907, Request for Premium Processing Service is to
pay the required fee.
Refund policy: By continuing this transaction, you agree that you are
paying for a government service and that the filing fee, biometric services
fee and all related financial transactions are final and not refundable,
regardless of any action USCIS takes on an application, petition or request,
or how long USCIS takes to reach a decision. You must submit all fees in the
exact amounts.
Note: We will only refund the Form I-907 filing fee if we do not take action
on the related case within the applicable processing timeframe. Otherwise,
the filing fee is not refundable, regardless of any action USCIS takes on this

Review your request
Your request summary
Preparer statement

Please refer to the instructions for the form(s) you are filing for additional
information or you may call the USCIS Contact Center at 800-375-5283. For
TTY (deaf or hard of hearing) 800-767-1833.

Preparer signature
Interpreter certification
Interpreter signature
Your statement
Your signature

Pay and submit



Form I-765


Form I-907




Your total application fee is:


We will send you to — our safe, secure payment
website — to pay your fees and submit your request online.

Here are the steps in the payment and submission
1. Provide your billing information on
2. Provide your credit card or U.S. bank account
3. Submit your payment

When you have paid your fee, your request will be
submitted. will redirect you to a confirmation
screen, which will include your receipt number. Please
keep a copy of your receipt number for your records. You
can track the status of your request through your USCIS
online account.

Pay and submit

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I-907, Request for
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Sign Out

I-907: Getting Started - Preparer and
interpreter information
You must complete all fields with an asterisk (*) to submit this form.

Getting Started


Is someone assisting you with completing this

Reason for request
Preparer and interpreter


Preparer information


Interpreter information
About You


Your Request


Additional Information


Review and Submit


Is a preparer assisting you with completing this
A preparer is anyone who completes or helps you complete all or part of
your application using information and answers that you provide.


Is an interpreter assisting you with completing
this application?
An interpreter is anyone who translates or helps you translate all or part of
your application using information and answers that you provide.




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I-907, Request for
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Sign Out

I-907: Additional Information - Additional
You must complete all fields with an asterisk (*) to submit this form.

Getting Started


About You


Your Request


Additional Information


You may provide additional information for your
f you need to provide any additional information for any of your answers to
the questions in this form, enter it into the space below. You should include
the questions that you are referencing.

Additional information
Review and Submit

If you do not need to provide any additional information, you may leave
this section blank.





Additional information

0 / 500

Save response


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I-907, Request for
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Sign Out

I-907: Review and Submit - Interpreter
You must complete all fields with an asterisk (*) to submit this form.

Getting Started


About You


Your Request


Additional Information


Review and Submit

Requestorʼs statement regarding the preparer
You must read and agree to the statement below.
 At my request, the preparer named in the Getting Started section of

this request prepared this request for me based only upon the
information I provided or authorized. *


Review and Submit
Your request summary
Preparer statement

Requestorʼs statement regarding the interpreter

Preparer signature

You must read and agree to the statement below.

Interpreter certification

Interpreter signature

 The interpreter named in the Getting Started section of this request

read to me every question and instruction on this request and my
answer to every question in the language I specified in the Getting
Started section, a language in which I am fluent, and I understood
everything. *

Your statement
Your signature
Pay and submit



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