Narrative of Changes (NOC) Table for Streamline RI Paper Application

Narrative of Changes Table_Streamline RI_Paper Application_7.14.23 Clean.docx

Disaster Assistance Registration

Narrative of Changes (NOC) Table for Streamline RI Paper Application

OMB: 1660-0002

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Narrative of Changes Table

The purpose of the Narrative of Changes Table is to demonstrate changes to a collection since the previous approval.

Collection Title: Application/Registration for Disaster Assistance (Paper Form)

OMB Control No.: 1660-0002

Current Expiration Date: September 30, 2025

Collection Instrument(s): FF-104-FY-21-122 (formerly 009-0-1)


Current version

Proposed Revision


Form Name

Application/Registration for Disaster Assistance

Application for Disaster Assistance

Calibrated Survivor Messaging


Mr. or Mrs.

1. Name of Applicant (last, first, MI)

Change to numbering

Equity adjustment


Name of Applicant (last, first, MI)

2. Preferred name

Equity adjustment



3. Applicant Social Security No.

Change to numbering

The language question is removed, incorporated into question 6 options.

Align with streamline RI

Call Center Legacy updates


Applicant Social Security No.

4. Date Of Birth

Change to numbering


Date of Birth

5. Email

Change to numbering



6. Do you have a disability or language need that requires an accommodation to interact with FEMA staff and/or access FEMA programs?

Yes No

If Yes, what do you need? (select all that apply)

Change to numbering


Do you have a disability or language need that requires an accommodation to interact with FEMA staff and/or access FEMA programs?

Yes No

If Yes, what do you need? (select all that apply)

7. Do you or anyone in your household have a disability that affects your ability to perform activities of daily living or requires an assistive device? (NOTE: An assistive device can include wheelchair, walker, cane, hearing aid, communication device, service animal, personal care attendant, oxygen, dialysis, etc.)

Yes No

If Yes, select all that apply:


Cognitive/Developmental Disabilities

Mental Health


Vision Self-Care

Independent Living


Prefer Not to Answer

Change to numbering

Mental Health is broken out from Cognitive/Developmental Disabilities

Align with streamline RI

Call Center Legacy updates


Do you or anyone in your household have a disability that affects your ability to perform activities of daily living or requires an assistive device? (NOTE: An assistive device can include wheelchair, walker, cane, hearing aid, communication device, service animal, personal care attendant, oxygen, dialysis, etc.)

Yes No

If Yes, select all that apply: Mobility

Cognitive/Developmental Disabilities/Mental Health Hearing/Speech

Vision Self-Care

Independent Living Other

Prefer Not to Answer

8. Did you have any disability-related assistive devices or medically required equipment/supplies/support services damaged, destroyed, lost, or disrupted because of the disaster?

Yes No

If Yes, select all that apply:

Change to numbering


Did you have any disability-related assistive devices or medically required equipment/supplies/support services damaged, destroyed, lost, or disrupted because of the disaster?

Yes No

If Yes, select all that apply:

9. Primary Phone No:

Phone Type:


Change to numbering Align with streamline RI

Call Center Legacy updates


Damaged Dwelling Phone No. Cell Phone No.

10. Alternate Phone No:

Phone Type:


Change to numbering Align with streamline RI

Call Center Legacy updates


Current Phone No.

Alternate Phone No.


11. Damaged: Dwelling Address

Street with No. Apt/Lot City State Zip

Change to numbering Align with streamline RI

Call Center Legacy updates


Damaged: Dwelling Address

No. Street Apt/Lot City, State, Zip County

12. Do You: Own Rent

Change to numbering


Do You: Own Rent

13. Mailing Address

Same as Damaged Address

Street with No. Apt/Lot City State Zip

In Care of:

Change to numbering Align with streamline RI

Call Center Legacy updates


Mailing Address

Same as Damaged Address

No. Street. Apt/Lot City State Zip County

14. Damage address county/parish/municipality ______

New question

Align with streamline RI

Call Center Legacy updates


Damage Type

No Change


Home Damage?

Yes No Unknown

16. Home Damage?

Yes No Unknown

Primary Residency?

Yes No

Primary Residency question moved up from 23 and incorporated into home damage question.

Align with streamline RI

Call Center Legacy updates


Utilities Out 5 days or more?

Yes No

18. Essential Utility Needs?

Yes No

Utilities Out 3 days or more?

Yes No

Utilities out now?

Yes No

New questions added

Change to timeframe for utilities out.

Align with streamline RI

Call Center Legacy updates


New or additional child care costs?

Yes No

19. Access damage?

Yes No

New Assessment Question

Align with streamline RI

Call Center Legacy updates


Level of Damage to Home or Personal Property:

20. Vehicle Damage?

Yes No

New Assessment Question

Align with streamline RI

Call Center Legacy updates


Current Location

21. Need for food, clothing, shelter, gas, medication, or medical equipment?

Yes No

New Assessment Question

Align with streamline RI

Call Center Legacy updates


Type of Home?

22. New or additional childcare costs?

Yes No

Change to numbering

Moved from question 19 to 22

Align with streamline RI

Call Center Legacy updates


Primary Residence?

Yes No

23. Lodging Expenses?

Yes No

Received Assistance with temporary lodging expenses?

Yes No

Lodging Expenses are new questions.

Align with streamline RI

Call Center Legacy updates


Currently able to get to your home?


No, due to mandatory evacuation

No, due to damages to roads or bridges in the area

24 Medical expenses?

Yes No

Dental Expenses? Yes No

Funeral Expenses? Yes No

Medical, Dental, and Funeral (Disaster Related Expenses) moved from question 26 to 24 and became yes or no questions only. Table removed.

Align with streamline RI

Call Center Legacy updates


Home/Personal Property Insurance

Table with Insurance Company

25. Miscellaneous Expenses?

Yes No

New Assessment Question

Align with streamline RI

Call Center Legacy updates


Disaster Related Expenses (uninsured or under-insured)

Table with Insurance Company

26. Level of Damage to Home or Personal Property (Select One):

Change to numbering

Level of damage question moved from 20 to 26

Instruction added for ease of use

Align with streamline RI

Call Center Legacy updates


Disaster Related Vehicle Damage

Table with options

27. Current Location (Select One)?

Change to numbering

Current location question moved from 21 to 27

Instruction added for ease of use

Align with streamline RI

Call Center Legacy updates


Emergency Needs:

Food, Medication, Durable Medical Equipment or Gas



28.Type of Home (Select One)?

Change to numbering

Type of Home question moved from 22 to 28.

Instruction added for ease of use.

Align with streamline RI

Call Center Legacy updates


Persons living in your home at time of disaster


29. Currently able to get to your home (Select One)?

Yes, able to get to and leave home.

No, due to flooding or damages to roads or bridges in the area

No, due to damage of a privately owned road, bridge, or dock.

No, due to my medical or accessibility features are damaged (such as a ramp or elevator, etc.)

No, due to mandatory evacuation

Change to numbering

Currently able to get to your home question moved from 24 to 29.

Instruction added for ease of use.

Increased options

Align with streamline RI

Call Center Legacy updates


Business Damages

Household’s source of income is self-employment?

Yes No

Own a business or rental property affected by the disaster?

Yes No

30. Need for Moving and Storage Expenses after the disaster?

Yes No

New Question

Align with streamline RI

Call Center Legacy updates


No. of Dependents

(including yourself)

31 Home/Personal Property Insurance

Insurance Type

Insurance Company Name

Change to numbering

Insurance moved from question 26 to 31.

Keeps the same table.

Align with streamline RI

Call Center Legacy updates


Family’s pre-disaster income before taxes are deducted


Income not available

32 How many vehicles in your household?

After the disaster, how many are drivable?

Did any damaged vehicles have disability related accessibility features?

Yes No

Are any damaged vehicles covered by comprehensive (full coverage) insurance?

Yes No

New questions

Align with streamline RI

Call Center Legacy updates


Electronic Funds Transfer

Yes No

Bank/Financial Institution Name

Account Type:

Checking Savings

Routing No. (9 digits):

Account No.:

33. Disaster Related Vehicle Damage

Table with Options

Vehicle Information

Year Make Model

Damaged? Drivable?

Yes No Yes No

Comprehensive Insurance?

Yes No

Liability Insurance?

Yes No

Insurance Company Name


Yes No

Change to numbering

Vehicle damage with table moved from question 27 to question 33

Align with streamline RI

Call Center Legacy updates


Correspondence language?

English Spanish

34. Emergency Needs:

Food, Medication, Durable Medical Equipment or Gas



Change to numbering

Emergency Needs question moves from 28 to 34

Align with streamline RI

Call Center Legacy updates


Traditional postal mail or electronic notification?

Postal Mail Email

35. Persons living in your home at time of disaster

Last Name, First Name, MI, Relationship,

Social Security Number (App and Co-App)


Change to numbering

Occupant Table moved from Question 29 to 35.

Align with streamline RI

Call Center Legacy updates


Receive text messaging updates?

Yes No

Mobile Phone No. Agree to text messaging terms? Yes No

36. Financial

Household’s source of income is self-employment?

Yes No

Own a business or rental property affected by the disaster?

Yes No

Change to numbering

Move Business Damage question from 30 to 36 and rename


Align with streamline RI

Call Center Legacy updates

37. No. of Dependents

(including yourself)

Change to numbering

Dependents moved from question 31 to 37

Align with streamline RI

Call Center Legacy updates

38. Family’s pre-disaster income before taxes are deducted


Income not available

Change to numbering

Income moved from question 32 to 38

Align with streamline RI

39. Electronic Funds Transfer

Yes No

Bank/Financial Institution Name:

Account Type:

Checking Savings

Routing No. (9 digits):

Account No.:

Change to numbering

EFT question moved from 33 to 39

Align with streamline RI

Call Center Legacy updates

40. Correspondence language?

English Spanish

Change to numbering

Correspondence question changed from 34 to 40.

Align with streamline RI

Call Center Legacy updates

41. Traditional postal mail or electronic notification?

Postal Mail Email

Change to numbering

Mail question changed from 35 to 41

Align with streamline RI

Call Center Legacy updates

42. Receive text messaging updates?

Yes No

Mobile Phone No.

Agree to text messaging terms?

Yes No

Change to numbering

Text messaging question moved from 36 to 42

Align with streamline RI

Call Center Legacy updates

Application for Disaster Assistance Instructions

Application/Registration for Disaster Assistance

Application for Disaster Assistance

Calibrated Survivor Messaging

Application for Disaster Assistance Instructions

No introduction to instruction

It’s important you understand that your application becomes a legal document. FEMA may use external sources to verify the accuracy of the information you enter.

Legal notice - Align with streamline RI

Application for Disaster Assistance Instructions

No Assessment Section

Assessment Section:

What Help do you Need:

  • Home or Property damage

    • Home Damage,

    • Personal Property Damage

    • Vehicle Damage

  • Other Expenses

    • Funeral or reburial expenses

    • Lodging expenses

    • Medical or dental expenses

    • New or extra childcare expenses

    • Miscellaneous Item expenses

  • Emergency Needs

    • Food, clothing, shelter, gas, medication, or medical equipment

    • Essential utilities

    • Home access

  • Business

  • Unemployment

Align with streamline RI

Additional information to assist with assessment, and need to complete an application

Ease of use.

Application for Disaster Assistance Instructions

No Referral Section


Do NOT complete an application for Business Needs ONLY

You may be able to get assistance from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) for business losses.

Provide referrals to ‘SBA Disaster Assistance’ for Business ONLY.

Do NOT complete an application for Unemployment Needs ONLY.

You may be able to get assistance from your state’s unemployment office.

Provide referrals to the ‘Career One Stop’ Unemployment program for your state.

For other needs outside of FEMA Individuals and Households Program (IHP) Assistance contact 211/United Way referral.

Align with streamline RI

Instructions added for ease of use.

Application for Disaster Assistance Instructions

No Primary/Secondary Information

Is this your primary home or secondary home?

  • Primary – live more than 6 months out of the year

  • Secondary – vacation or second home

Secondary Home – for some assistance FEMA can only provide assistance for your primary home.

You may continue with your application.

Align with streamline RI


Ease of Use

Application for Disaster Assistance Instructions

No Representative PII warning


As a FEMA representative, you must take steps to ensure that you protect what you collect. Physically secure hard copies of documents containing PII in a locked file drawer, cabinet, or safe. Do not leave documents with PII unattended on printers, fax machines, copiers, or desktops. Crossshred paper containing PII; do not recycle or place in garbage containers.

Align with standard privacy standards. At a DRC or field location care must be taken to protect PII/SPII

Application for Disaster Assistance Instructions

No intro to instructions

Instructions for completing the application

Representative: Complete the Record Information ensuring you have the correct disaster number and date of loss.

Complete Personal Information

Improved instructions for ease of use

Application for Disaster Assistance Instructions

Check Mr. or Ms. to properly address correspondence.


Enter the last name, first name, and middle initial of applicant. Enter JR, SR, III, etc. following the last name if applicable. If the application is for Funeral ONLY, enter the name of the person responsible for the funeral expenses.

Change to numbering

Question numbers shift with changes

Remove Mr/Ms

Remove business only wording.

Align with streamline RI, Call Center Legacy updates

Application for Disaster Assistance Instructions

2. Enter the last name, first name, and middle initial of applicant. Enter JR, SR, III, etc. following the last name if applicable. If the registration is for Business ONLY, enter the business owner’s name or representative (not the business name). If the registration is for Funeral ONLY, enter the name of the person responsible for the funeral expenses.

2. Enter the applicant’ preferred name.

Change to numbering

Align with streamline RI, Call Center Legacy updates

Application for Disaster Assistance Instructions

3. Enter the language applicant speaks. If the applicant speaks English, leave blank.

4. Enter applicant's Social Security Number (SSN). If the applicant does not have an SSN but has a dependent child with an SSN, enter the child’s SSN and information in fields 1-5. If the registration is for Business ONLY, enter the responsible party’s SSN, to be used only as an identifier. If the registration is for Funeral ONLY, enter the SSN of the person responsible for the funeral expenses.


Enter applicant's Social Security Number (SSN). If the applicant does not have an SSN but has a dependent child with an SSN, enter the child’s SSN and information in fields 1-5. If the application is for Funeral ONLY, enter the SSN of the person responsible for the funeral expenses.

Change to numbering

Question numbers shift with changes

Remove language.

Remove Business only wording

Align with streamline RI, Call Center Legacy updates

Application for Disaster Assistance Instructions

5. Enter applicant’s date of birth

4. Enter applicant’s date of birth.

Change to numbering

Question numbers shift with changes

Align with streamline RI, Call Center Legacy updates

Application for Disaster Assistance Instructions

6. Enter applicant’s e-mail address, if available.

5. Enter applicant’s e-mail address, if available.

Change to numbering

Question numbers shift with changes

Align with streamline RI, Call Center Legacy updates

Application for Disaster Assistance Instructions

No Section division

7. Accommodation or assistance may include, but is not limited to, sign language interpreter, Braille, large print, accessible electronic format, or materials in a language other than English. FEMA programs may include, but are not limited to, home inspection, town hall meetings, access to a Disaster Recovery Centers, or accessible temporary housing (if eligible). Check Yes or No accordingly.. If Yes, check all needs that apply.

Language Information

6. Accommodation or assistance may include, but is not limited to, sign language interpreter, Braille, large print, accessible electronic format, or materials in a language other than English. FEMA programs may include, but are not limited to, home inspection, town hall meetings, access to a Disaster Recovery Centers, or accessible temporary housing (if eligible). Check Yes or No accordingly.. If Yes, check all needs that apply.

Ease of use

Change to numbering

Question numbers shift with changes

Align with streamline RI, Call Center Legacy updates

Application for Disaster Assistance Instructions

No Section division

8. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) defines disability as "a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities of such individual." 42 USC 12102(2) (A). If the applicant or household member has such a disability, check Yes. If Yes, check all that apply or Prefer Not to Answer.

9. If the applicant or household member had any disability-related assistive devices or medically required equipment/supplies/support services damaged, destroyed, lost or disrupted because of the disaster, check Yes and check all that apply.

Other Needs Information

7. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) defines disability as "a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities of such individual." 42 USC 12102(2) (A). If the applicant or household member has such a disability, check Yes. If Yes, check all that apply or Prefer Not to Answer.

8. If the applicant or household member had any disability-related assistive devices or medically required equipment/supplies/support services damaged, destroyed, lost, or disrupted because of the disaster, check Yes and check all that apply.

Ease of use

Change to numbering

Question numbers shift with changes

Align with streamline RI, Call Center Legacy updates

Application for Disaster Assistance Instructions

No Section division

Phone Numbers

Representative: If the applicant uses a video relay service (VRS), captioned telephone (CTS), or other service, give FEMA the number for that service.

Ease of use

Improved instructions

Application for Disaster Assistance Instructions

10. Damaged Dwelling Phone: Beginning with the area code, enter the phone number used at the damaged dwelling at the time of the disaster, even if the number is not currently working. If there was no home phone at the time of the disaster, enter a cell phone or current phone number. Cell Phone: Enter applicant’s cell phone number if applicable

9. Primary Phone: Beginning with the area code, enter the phone number used at the damaged dwelling at the time of the disaster and enter the type of phone. Use the Note field if specific contact information is needed.

Change to numbering

Question numbers shift with changes

Align with streamline RI, Call Center Legacy updates

Application for Disaster Assistance Instructions

11. Current Phone: Enter the current phone number where the applicant can be reached. Alternate Phone: Enter an alternate phone number where FEMA can reach the applicant or leave a message, if applicable. Use the Note field if specific contact information is needed (i.e. family member’s phone number, neighbor, minister, etc.).

10, Alternate Phone: Enter an alternate phone number and type of phone where FEMA can reach the applicant or leave a message, if applicable. Use the Note field if specific contact information is needed (i.e. family member’s phone number, neighbor, minister, etc.).

Change to numbering

Question numbers shift with changes

Align with streamline RI, Call Center Legacy updates

Application for Disaster Assistance Instructions

Section Division


Ease of use

Application for Disaster Assistance Instructions

12. Enter the full physical street address exactly as it appears on a utility bill. Do not use any abbreviations, do not enter a “#” symbol and do not enter a PO Box or general delivery address.

11. Enter the full physical street address where the damage occurred, including the house, or building number, street name and any apartment or lot number (exactly as it appears on a utility bill). Do not use any abbreviations, do not enter a “#” symbol, and do not enter a PO Box or general delivery address.

Change to numbering

Question numbers shift with changes

Instructions for ease of use.

Align with streamline RI, Call Center Legacy updates

Application for Disaster Assistance Instructions

13. If the applicant is named on the deed, or applicant maintains the home, pays no rent and pays taxes (if applicable) or has lifetime occupancy rights while not holding the legal title to the home, check Own. Check Rent if the applicant does not meet any of the ownership criteria, even if the applicant pays no rent.

12. If the applicant is named on the deed, or applicant maintains the home, pays no rent and pays taxes, or has lifetime occupancy rights while not holding the legal title to the home, check Own.

If the applicant does not meet any of the ownership criteria, even if the applicant pays no rent, check Rent.

Change to numbering

Question numbers shift with changes

Spacing in sentence for ease of use


Align with streamline RI, Call Center Legacy updates

Application for Disaster Assistance Instructions

14. Check Same as Damaged Address, if applicable. If different, enter the address where the applicant is currently receiving mail. A PO Box or general delivery address may be used.

13. Check Same as Damaged Address, if applicable. If different, enter the address where the applicant is currently receiving mail. A PO Box or general delivery address may be used. If mail is received in care of another person, add that person’s name.

Change to numbering

Question numbers shift with changes

Instructions ease of use

Align with streamline RI, Call Center Legacy updates

Application for Disaster Assistance Instructions

No separate county/parish/municipality question before

14. Enter the county/Parish/Municipality where the damage occurred.

Align with streamline RI, Call Center Legacy updates

Application for Disaster Assistance Instructions

No Section Division or instruction to representative


Representative: Only record losses or needs of the applicant in the following section

Ease of use


Align with streamline RI, Call Center Legacy updates

Application for Disaster Assistance Instructions

15. Check all damage types that apply. Other may include explosion, drought, riot, etc

Application for Disaster Assistance Instructions

16. Check Yes if the applicant’s home was damaged by the disaster. Check No if no damage to the applicant’s home or if the applicant is applying for Business, Transportation, or Funeral ONLY. Check Unknown if the applicant is unsure of the damage to the home

23. Check Yes if the affected home is the applicant’s primary residence (where the applicant lives more than 6 months of the year, listed the address on their Federal Tax Return, or files a homestead exemption at the address). Check No if the affected home is a secondary residence or vacation home, or if the registration is Business, Transportation, or Funeral ONLY.

16. Check Yes if the applicant’s home was damaged by the disaster. Check No if no damage to the applicant’s home or if the applicant is applying for Transportation or Funeral ONLY. Check Unknown if the applicant is unsure of the damage to the home.

If Home damage selection is Yes, or Unknown, check Yes if the affected home is the applicant’s primary residence (where the applicant lives more than 6 months of the year, listed the address on their Federal Tax Return, or files a homestead exemption at the address).

Check No if the affected home is a secondary residence or vacation home, or if the application Transportation or Funeral ONLY

Align with streamline RI, Call Center Legacy updates

Question 23 Primary Residence moved up to be incorporated with question 16.

Remove Business only information

Application for Disaster Assistance Instructions

17. Check Yes if the applicant had personal property damage (i.e. appliances, clothing, and/or furniture). Check No if no damage to the applicant’s personal property, or if the applicant is applying for Business, Transportation, or Funeral ONLY. Check Unknown if the applicant is unsure of personal property damage.

17. Check Yes if the applicant had personal property damage (i.e. appliances, clothing, and/or furniture).

Check No if no damage to the applicant’s personal property, or if the applicant is applying for Transportation or Funeral ONLY Check Unknown if the applicant is unsure of personal property damage.

Align with streamline RI, Call Center Legacy updates

Remove Business only information

Application for Disaster Assistance Instructions

18. Check Yes if the applicant has been without essential utilities for at least 5 days. Check No if the applicant has essential utilities or were without them for less than 5 days

18. Check Yes if the applicant has essential utility needs.

Check Yes if the applicant has been without essential utilities for 3 days or more.

Check Yes if the utilities are out now (time of application)

Align with streamline RI, Call Center Legacy updates

Application for Disaster Assistance Instructions

New Question

19. Check Yes if the applicant has trouble accessing the home. (Example: Blocked Entry, or damage to accessibility equipment like a ramp)

Align with streamline RI, Call Center Legacy updates

Application for Disaster Assistance Instructions

New Question

20. Check Yes if the applicant has vehicle damage.

Align with streamline RI, Call Center Legacy updates

Application for Disaster Assistance Instructions

New Question

21. Check Yes if the applicant has a need for food, clothing, shelter, gas, medication, or medical equipment.

Align with streamline RI, Call Center Legacy updates

Application for Disaster Assistance Instructions

19. Check Yes if the applicant has increased financial burden due to new or additional child care costs. Check No if the applicant does not have child care costs or child care costs have not increased.

22. Check Yes if the applicant has any new or additional childcare costs because of the disaster.

Change to numbering

Question numbers shift with changes

Align with streamline RI, Call Center Legacy updates

Application for Disaster Assistance Instructions

New Question

23. Check Yes if the applicant has any lodging expenses (Example: Hotel, Motel, etc.)

If Yes, did the applicant get assistance with temporary lodging expenses from any other source.

Align with streamline RI, Call Center Legacy updates

Application for Disaster Assistance Instructions

26. If the applicant incurred uninsured or under-insured medical, dental, and/or funeral expenses as a direct result of the disaster, check Yes for each applicable expense category. If the applicant had insurance for the expense, list the insurance company name.

24. Check Yes if the applicant has any Medical expenses as a result of the disaster.

Check Yes if the applicant has any Dental expenses as a result of the disaster.

Check Yes if the applicant has any Funeral expenses as a result of the disaster.

Representative: If the applicant has any disaster caused funeral expenses include the deceased in the Occupants tab with the relationship ‘deceased’. The social security and date of birth is needed for the deceased.

Change to numbering

Question numbers shift with changes

Change in question format

Application for Disaster Assistance Instructions

New Question

25. Check Yes if the applicant has any Miscellaneous expenses as a result of the disaster. (Example; Dehumidifier, chainsaw, etc)

Align with streamline RI, Call Center Legacy updates

Application for Disaster Assistance Instructions

20. Check the level of disaster damage to applicant’s home and/or personal property that best applies based on the provided options.

26. If the applicant reports home or personal property damages, check the level of disaster damage to applicant’s home and/or personal property that best applies based on the provided options.

Change to numbering

Question numbers shift with changes

Improved instructions for ease of use

Application for Disaster Assistance Instructions

21. Check the location where the applicant is currently living or staying.

27. Check the location where the applicant is currently living or staying

Change to numbering

Question numbers shift with changes

22. Check the residence type for which the applicant is applying.

28. Check the residence type for which the applicant is applying.

Change to numbering

Question numbers shift with changes

Application for Disaster Assistance Instructions

23. Check Yes if the affected home is the applicant’s primary residence (where the applicant lives more than 6 months of the year, listed the address on their Federal Tax Return, or files a homestead exemption at the address). Check No if the affected home is a secondary residence or vacation home, or if the registration is Business, Transportation, or Funeral ONLY.

Became question 19, aligned with home damage.

Align with streamline RI, Call Center Legacy updates

Application for Disaster Assistance Instructions

24. Check Yes if the residence does not have restricted access, applicant is able to both get to and leave the home, or if the registration is Business, Transportation, or Funeral ONLY. If the applicant is unable to access the home, check the appropriate reason. Check No, due to mandatory evacuation if the residence is inaccessible due to mandatory evacuation. Check No, due to damages to roads or bridges in the area if the residence is inaccessible due to damage caused by the disaster.

29. Check Yes if the applicant is able to both get to and leave the home, or if the application is Transportation, or Funeral ONLY.

If the applicant is unable to access the home, check the reason.

Change to numbering

Question numbers shift with changes

Additional options

Align with streamline RI, Call Center Legacy updates

Plain language

Remove Business only

Application for Disaster Assistance Instructions

New Question

30. Check Yes if the applicant needs help with moving and storage expenses after the disaster.

Align with streamline RI, Call Center Legacy updates

Application for Disaster Assistance Instructions

25. List all insurance types the applicant held at the time of the disaster for the home and/or personal property, including but not limited to sewer backup, earthquake, and/or flood, and the insurance company name. Check I have no insurance for my home or personal property if there was no insurance coverage for the home or personal property losses.

31. List all types of insurance the applicant held at the time of the disaster for the home and/or personal property, including but not limited to sewer backup, earthquake, and/or flood, and the insurance company name.

Check I have no insurance for my home or personal property if there was no insurance coverage for the home or personal property losses.

Change to numbering

Question numbers shift with changes

Plain language

Sentence spacing for ease of use

Application for Disaster Assistance Instructions

New Question

32. If the applicant had vehicle damages, how many vehicles does the household have, only include those that were drivable before the disaster?

How many were drivable after the disaster. Did any of the damaged vehicles have disability related accessibility features (Example: Wheelchair lifts and ramps, pedal or seat belt extenders, hand control and steering devices, etc.)

Did any of the damaged vehicles have disability related accessibility features (Example: Wheelchair lifts and ramps, pedal or seat belt extenders, hand control and steering devices, etc.)

Were any of the damaged vehicles covered by comprehensive (full coverage) insurance?

Align with streamline RI, Call Center Legacy updates

Application for Disaster Assistance Instructions

27. Enter all vehicles owned by the applicant or anyone in the household. Year: Enter the year the vehicle was manufactured. Make: Enter the vehicle make. Model: Enter the vehicle model. Damaged: Check Yes or No to indicate if the vehicle was damaged by the disaster (if unknown, check No). Drivable: Check Yes or No to indicate if the vehicle is currently drivable (if unknown, check No). Comprehensive Insurance: Check Yes or No to indicate if the vehicle is covered by comprehensive insurance. Liability Insurance: Check Yes or No to indicate if the vehicle is covered by liability insurance (if unknown, check No). Enter the insurance company name if the vehicle is covered by comprehensive or liability insurance. Registered: Check Yes or No to indicate if the vehicle is registered.

33. Enter all vehicles owned by the applicant or anyone in the household. Year: Enter the year the vehicle was manufactured. Make: Enter the vehicle make. Model: Enter the vehicle model. Damaged: Check Yes or No to indicate if the vehicle was damaged by the disaster (if unknown, check No). Drivable: Check Yes or No to indicate if the vehicle is currently drivable (if unknown, check No). Comprehensive Insurance: Check Yes or No to indicate if the vehicle is covered by comprehensive insurance. Liability Insurance: Check Yes or No to indicate if the vehicle is covered by liability insurance (if unknown, check No). Enter the insurance company name if the vehicle is covered by comprehensive or liability insurance. Registered: Check Yes or No to indicate if the vehicle is registered.

Change to numbering

Question numbers shift with changes

Align with streamline RI, Call Center Legacy updates

Application for Disaster Assistance Instructions

28. Check each emergency need (essential items for day-to-day existence). Emergency needs do not include stored food.

34. Check each emergency need (essential items for day-to-day existence). Emergency needs do not include stored food.

Change to numbering

Question numbers shift with changes

Align with streamline RI, Call Center Legacy updates

Application for Disaster Assistance Instructions

Section Division


Ease of Use

Application for Disaster Assistance Instructions

29. Enter the information for the applicant and all persons who considered the home to be their primary residence at the time of the disaster, whether or not they are related to the applicant. Include the SSN for only the applicant and co-applicant (if applicable).

35. Enter the information for the applicant and all persons who considered the home to be their primary residence at the time of the disaster, whether or not they are related to the applicant. Include the SSN for only the applicant and co-applicant (if applicable).

Representative: If there are funeral expenses, include the deceased name, SSN, and date of birth.

Change to numbering

Question numbers shift with changes

Align with streamline RI, Call Center Legacy updates

Improved instructions

Application for Disaster Assistance Instructions

30. Check Yes or No to indicate whether the household’s primary source of income is from self-employment. Check Yes or No to indicate whether the applicant owns or represents a business or rental property affected by the disaster.

36. Check Yes or No to indicate whether the household’s primary source of income is from self-employment. Check Yes or No to indicate whether the applicant owns or represents a business or rental property affected by the disaster.

Change to numbering

Question numbers shift with changes

Align with streamline RI, Call Center Legacy updates

Application for Disaster Assistance Instructions

31. Enter the number of dependents, including the applicant and those listed as dependents on their Federal Tax Return.

37. Enter the number of dependents, including the applicant and those listed as dependents on their Federal Tax Return.

Change to numbering

Question numbers shift with changes

Align with streamline RI, Call Center Legacy updates

Application for Disaster Assistance Instructions

32. Enter the pre-disaster household annual gross income (the total household income before any deductions are subtracted, including income from welfare, child support, stocks, interest, and/or annuities. DO NOT include food stamps or HUD Section 8 assistance). If the applicant is "living off savings, family, or friends," enter the approximate amount they receive yearly.

38. Enter the pre-disaster household annual gross income (the total household income before any deductions are subtracted, including income from welfare, child support, stocks, interest, and/or annuities. DO NOT include food stamps or HUD Section 8 assistance). If the applicant is "living off savings, family, or friends," enter the approximate amount they receive yearly. Enter whole dollars only, no symbols or decimal points.

Change to numbering

Question numbers shift with changes

Align with streamline RI, Call Center Legacy updates

Improved instructions

Application for Disaster Assistance Instructions

33. If the applicant is found eligible for FEMA assistance and would like funds directly deposited into their bank account, check Yes. If Yes, enter the name of the applicant's financial institution, their 9-digit routing number (the 9-digit number that appears in the lower left corner of a check), the account type, and the applicant's account number (found at the bottom of a check immediately after the routing number). NOTE: Applicant’s name must be on the account.

39. If the applicant is found eligible for FEMA assistance and would like funds directly deposited into their bank account, check Yes. If Yes, enter the name of the applicant's financial institution, their 9-digit routing number (the 9-digit number that appears in the lower left corner of a check), the account type, and the applicant's account number (found at the bottom of a check immediately after the routing number). NOTE: Applicant’s name must be on the account.

Change to numbering

Question numbers shift with changes

Align with streamline RI, Call Center Legacy updates

Application for Disaster Assistance Instructions

34. Check the language in which the applicant prefers to receive FEMA correspondence.

40. Check the language in which the applicant prefers to receive FEMA correspondence.

Change to numbering

Question numbers shift with changes

Align with streamline RI, Call Center Legacy updates

Application for Disaster Assistance Instructions

Section Division


Ease of Use

Application for Disaster Assistance Instructions

35. Check the form of communication through which the applicant prefers to receive FEMA correspondence.

41. Check the form of communication through which the applicant prefers to receive FEMA correspondence.

Representative: If the applicant chooses to receive email updates, they will not receive any postal mail. They must have a disaster assistance account at to receive email updates. Verify the email address entered in field 6.

Change to numbering

Question numbers shift with changes

Align with streamline RI, Call Center Legacy updates

Improved instructions for ease of use

Application for Disaster Assistance Instructions

36. Text messaging is an optional service. Check Yes if the applicant wants to receive text message status alerts in addition to e-mail or postal mail. If Yes, enter the mobile phone number through which the applicant would like to receive text messages. Check Yes or No to indicate if the applicant agrees to the terms of text messaging (FEMA text messages do not replace postal mail or e-mail; FEMA’s text messaging number is 4FEMA [43362]. Please note you may also receive a text message from a FEMA inspector to schedule an appointment for your inspection; Standard text message rates apply.).

42. Text messaging is an optional service. Check Yes if the applicant wants to receive text message status alerts in addition to e-mail or postal mail. If Yes, enter the mobile phone number through which the applicant would like to receive text messages. Check Yes or No to indicate if the applicant agrees to the terms of text messaging (FEMA text messages do not replace postal mail or e-mail; FEMA’s text messaging number is 4FEMA [43362]. Please note you may also receive a text message from a FEMA inspector to schedule an appointment for your inspection; Standard text message rates apply.).

Application for Disaster Assistance Instructions

No instruction to capture demographic questions

Representative: Capture demographic information on the FEMA Form FF-256-FY-21-100- Equity Demographics Questions.

Improved instructions for ease of use

Application for Disaster Assistance Instructions

37. Enter any comments.

43. Enter any comments.

Application for Disaster Assistance Instructions

38. Enter name of the FEMA representative filling out the form.

44. Enter name of the FEMA representative filling out the form.

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File TitleNarrative of Revisions
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2023-08-01

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