mcnaprinstructions22-23 7.18.23

Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program Annual Performance Report

mcnaprinstructions22-23 7.18.23

OMB: 1840-0640

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Ronald E McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement (McNair) Program

Instructions for Completing the 2022-23 Annual Performance Report (APR)

Background Information on the McNair APR

The Department of Education (Department) uses the information provided in the McNair Annual Performance report to assess a grantee’s progress in meeting its approved goals and objectives and to determine a grantee’s prior experience points in accordance with the program regulations (34 CFR 647). The following outline is provided to answer questions you may have about the APR submission.


  • All grantees funded under the McNair Program must submit an annual performance report as a condition of the grant award.


  • The APR consists of two sections: Section I gathers project information and Section II gathers detailed information on individual McNair participants as defined in 34 CFR 647.3.

  • The project and individual participant information provided in the report must cover the 12-month academic year of the grantee institution instead of the 12-month budget/project year for the grant. For example, the 2022-23 academic year is roughly August/September 2022 through July/August 2023 while the budget/project year for most McNair grants is October 1, 2022, through September 30, 2023.

  • The reporting requirements are as follows:

    • Projects must retain participant records for a period of ten (10) years after the attainment of a bachelor’s degree.

    • Projects must retain all of the participant records that were in the 2021-22 APR data file for a period of ten (10) years (excluding records with cohort years prior to 2012-13). These records include participants who were served in 2021-22 as well as participants who were not served and have not yet attained a bachelor’s degree except as noted below. Therefore, if you included a participant record on your 2021-22 APR data file (excluding records with cohort years prior to 2012-13), you must include the record on your 2022-23 APR data file.

    • For each participant who you reported in your APR last year and who you will report in your APR this year, you must include the valid case number for this student in Field #3 of the student record file that you submit. The valid case number can be found in the prior year match file (the “download file”).

The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 11.15 hours per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather required data, and complete and review the information collection.


  • The annual report is submitted within 90 days after the end of the 12-month budget period.


  • Because the APR requests personal and confidential information on project participants, the secured website meets the Department of Education’s data security standards for sensitive data, including password and site access procedures. Further, to ensure that the data is accessible only to authorized individuals and protected from unauthorized uses, a grantee must submit the participant level data via the Web application; under no circumstances should a grantee transmit the data to the Department or the APR Help Desk via e-mail. The Department of Education’s disclosure policies for data collected, such as personal identifiable information, adhere to the provisions of the Privacy Act - PL 95-379, 5 USC 552a; however, there is no guarantee of confidentiality given for grant required reports.

  • The link to the actual Web application will be available on _________, through ________ at the following Web address: https://trioedgov/.

  • Web application registration and features are provided below.


  • Title IV, Section 402E, of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (Public Law 102-325), the program regulations in 34 CFR Part 647; and sections 75590, and 75720 of the Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) requires the collection of this information.


  • By constructing a comma delimited (csv) or Excel (xls or xlsx) file that contains all of the individual participant information requested in Section II of the APR which is the Record Structure for Participants. The file must mirror the order of the field name and the content of the database column name.

    • Section I, Part 1—Project Identification/Characteristics Certification and Warning Statements

    • Section I, Part 2—Project Services

    • Section IIA Project Identifiers (pre-populated)

    • Section IIB Participant’s Personal Information

    • Section IIC Participant’s Demographic Information

    • Section IID Participant’s Eligibility Status Information

    • Section IIE Participant’s Enrollment Status Information

    • Section IIF Participant’s Academic and Degree Status Information

    • Section IIG Participant’s Research or Other Scholarly Activities Information

    • Section IIH Participant’s Graduate School Status Information

    • Section III Additional Participant Information

  • In the constructing your data file, all date fields must be formatted as follows: 2 digits for month; 2 digits for day; 4 digits for year. Also, slashes must be used between the month, day and year (e.g., 09/01/2022).

Web Registration:

  • Go to https://trioedgov/.

  • Click on "Login and Registration” button or the image for the McNair program.

  • You will be directed to a “Warning” page which will caution you that you are accessing a government network for authorized users only. After reading the warning, click the “Continue” button.

  • Enter the project's PR award number (found on the Grant Award Notification)

  • Enter project director’s e-mail address.

  • Enter project director's first and last names.

  • Enter desired password, then re-type the password to confirm Password requirements are:

    • at least eight characters, and include combinations of the following,

    • at least one English uppercase character (A-Z),

    • at least one English lowercase character (a-z),

    • at least one numeric number (0-9), and

    • at least one non-alphanumeric special character (e.g., :, !, @, #, $, &, *, %, /, +, -).

  • Select and answer two security questions.

  • If the project director’s information matches the data that the Department currently has on file, you will proceed with the login by re-entering the password. If the project director’s information does not match the data that the Department currently has on file, you will be directed to a "Registration Failed" page. You will be asked to complete a form. Your program specialist and the Help Desk will be sent an e-mail message requesting verification of project director.

  • Verification will occur within 2 business days if the program specialist can readily confirm a change in project director or e-mail address. Once the Help Desk has received verification from the program specialist, you will be notified to continue with registration following the steps above.

  • Once registered, if you forget your password, a "Forgot Password" link is available on the PR Number Validation page. The link will route you to a screen that will allow you to retrieve your password by answering the two security questions you provided at initial registration. Once you answer the two security questions, you can reset your password.

  • After three failed attempts to access the website, you will be required to reset your password using the security questions established at registration.

Web Features:

  • A Web form for completing Sections I and II online.

  • Access to your 2021-22 McNair APR data file. You can use this file to construct your 2022-23 APR data file and/or use it as a reference to ensure that all participants that should be on the 2022-23 APR data file are included. You will need to use this file to obtain the valid case number for participant records.

  • Functionality to upload a file with the individual participant records (Section II) to the Web application using a comma delimited (csv) or EXCEL (xls, xlsx) file format.

  • Functionality to download a file of the individual participant records (Section II).

  • Functionality to transfer last year’s data.

  • Functionality to view/delete/add participant data online.

  • Functionality to upload a scanned signed copy of Section I using the online Web application.

  • Online data field validations and error checks. For a grantee to be able to submit the APR successfully, all the sections of the APR must pass data field validations. Additionally, student case numbers will be validated through comparison with records from the prior year submission.

  • A print button to generate a hard copy of the information entered online for Sections I and II (does not include the actual student record).

  • A submit button to send the entire report to the Department.

  • An e-mail confirmation that notifies projects that the report has been submitted (a valid e-mail address must be provided in Section I).

Contact the Help Desk or your program specialist if you:

  • have technical problems accessing the website or using the Web application,

  • do not receive an e-mail confirmation,

  • need to revise your performance report data after it has been submitted but prior to the deadline date (_________), and/or

  • have questions regarding the performance report requirements.

Contact Information:

Ronald E McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement (McNair) Program

Specific Instructions for Completing the Performance Report

for 2022-23

SECTION I, Part 1—Project Identification/Reporting Periods/Contact Information/ Certification and Warning Statements

A Project Identification

1 Pre-populated

2 Pre-populated

3 Pre-populated

4 Pre-populated

5 Pre-populated

APR and Academic Year Reporting Periods

6a Pre-populated

6b Enter the date for the first day of classes, that is, the official date when courses first began for the 2022-23 academic year.

B Project Director and Data Entry Contact Information

7a Pre-populated

7b Pre-populated

7c Pre-populated

7d Pre-populated

8a Enter the data entry contact first and last name.

8b Enter the data entry contact telephone number.

8c Enter the data entry contact email address.

C Certification

Signatures for the both the project director and the certifying official are required in this section. You must upload a scanned signed copy of Section I using the online Web application. If you are not able to upload Section I, please contact the Help Desk at (703) 885-8008 or via e-mail at TrioHelpdesk@thetactilegroupcom. When contacting the Help Desk via email, please do not send any attachments.

With the exception of Section I of the report, please do not send a paper copy of the performance report.


Before you begin, please familiarize yourself with the participant data fields and the “Definitions

That Apply.” The McNair participant record structure contains forty-eight (48) data fields.

The first two fields are project identifiers. The remaining 46 fields are student data fields and may or

may not require or allow updates as noted with an “X below.



Field Name

You cannot update

You should not have to update

You may



PR/Award Number



Batch Year



Student Case Number



Student’s Last Name



Student’s First Name



Student’s Middle Initial



Student’s Date of Birth









Race—American Indian/Alaskan Native






Race—Black or African American






Race—Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander









Under-represented Group



First Postsecondary Education Enrollment Date



Attendance at Community College/2-year Institution



Project Entry Date



Grade Level at Project Entry



Participant Status (during academic year being reported)



Enrollment Status

(during academic year being reported)



Project Participation (during academic year being reported)



Funding Source (during academic year being reported)



STEM Discipline



Bachelor’s Degree (or equivalent)



Date of Bachelor’s Degree (or equivalent)



Graduating Cohort Year of Bachelor’s Degree



Main field of Study (Bachelor’s Degree Earned)



Cumulative GPA (upon graduation with a bachelor’s degree)



Research Activity (2021-22 academic year)



Other Scholarly Activity (2021-22 academic year)



McNair Research Internship (2021-22 academic year)



Graduate School Admissions Test



Date of First Graduate School Enrollment



Graduate Institution First Attended



Graduate School Enrollment Status

(at the beginning of the 2022-23 academic year)



First-Year Graduate Student Persistence Status

(at the beginning of the 2022-23 academic year)



Current Year of Graduate Study (during academic

year being reported)



Graduate Student’s Main Field of Study

(at time of entrance)



Graduate Assistantships

(for 1st year graduate students only)



Reason Left Graduate School



Highest Graduate Degree Earned

(as of the end of the academic year)



Date Highest Graduate Degree Earned



Institution Where Doctorate Degree was Earned



Doctorate Recipient’s Employment Activity



Student’s Name Change—Optional (Full Name)


You cannot update means you cannot change the response you provided in the previous reporting period.

You should not have to update means that once you provide a response, you should not need to update the field unless the response was incorrect or the response in a previous reporting period was “Unknown,” but you now have new information.

You may update means that you may have to update the information if the status of the participant has changed. For example, if in a previous reporting period you indicated the participant was “Enrolled” (i.e., field 23, option 1) but in this reporting period the participant is no longer enrolled, you need to update the response from “Enrolled” to “Not Enrolled.”

Definitions That Apply

Bachelor’s Degree:

  • Equivalent of a bachelor’s degree means any McNair participant who completed their undergraduate studies but did not earn a baccalaureate degree because their institution does not confer baccalaureate degrees until the student is enrolled in a graduate program or has completed their graduate studies.

  • Graduating Cohort Year of Bachelor’s Degree means the year in which the participant earned their bachelor’s degree.

Benchmark means a standard, or a set of standards, used as a point of reference for evaluating performance or level of quality.

Current Participant means a participant who was served by the project in the reporting period (Note: The sum of new and continuing participants should equal the total number of participants served during the 2022-23 reporting period).

Eligibility Status:

  • Low-income individual means: an individual whose family’s taxable income did not exceed 150 percent of the poverty level amount in the calendar year preceding the year in which the individual initially participated in the project. The poverty level amount is determined using criteria of poverty established by the Bureau of the Census of the US Department of Commerce.

  • First-generation college student means: (1) an individual neither of whose natural or adoptive parents received a baccalaureate degree; or (2) an individual who, prior to the age of 18, regularly resided with and received support from only one parent and whose supporting parent did not receive a baccalaureate degree; or (3) an individual who, prior to the age of 18, did not regularly reside with or receive support from a natural or adoptive parent.

  • Underrepresented group in graduate education means: (1) an individual who is a member of one (or more) of the following ethnic and racial groups: Black, Hispanic, American Indian, Alaskan Native, Native Hawaiians and Native American Pacific Islanders; (2) an individual is a member of a group that is underrepresented in certain academic disciplines as documented by standard statistical references or other national survey data submitted to and accepted by the Secretary on a case-by-case basis.

Enrollment Status:

  • Enrolled is defined as a student who was enrolled in postsecondary education at least one term in the academic year being reported.

  • Not enrolled is defined as a student who did not complete any of the terms in the academic year being reported.

Ethnicity: determines whether a person is of Hispanic origin or not. For this reason, ethnicity is broken out in two categories, Hispanic or Latino and Not Hispanic or Latino. When grantees report an individual as “Hispanic or Latino,” they should also, in separate fields, report a racial classification for the same individual.

  • Hispanic or Latino – means a person of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central or South American or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race.

Graduate education is defined as “studies beyond the bachelor's degree leading to a postbaccalaureate degree.”

Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) is the primary source for data on colleges, universities, and technical and vocational postsecondary institutions in the United States.

Participant Status:

  • A new participant is an eligible individual who was served by the project for the first time in the reporting period.

  • A continuing participant is an individual who was served by the project for the first time in any prior reporting period and also received services in this reporting period.

  • A prior year is an individual served by the project in any prior reporting period but did not receive services in this reporting period.

  • A prior-year participant who is deceased is an individual served by the project in any prior reporting period but is now deceased.

Project Services

  • Research or Other Scholarly Activities means an educational activity that meets all of the following criteria:

    • is more rigorous than is typically available to undergraduates in a classroom setting;

    • is definitive in its start and end dates;

    • contains appropriate benchmarks for completion of various components; and

    • is conducted under the guidance of an appropriate faculty member with experience in the relevant discipline.

  • Summer Internships that are research-based means an educational activity that: (1) is more rigorous than is typically available to undergraduates in a classroom setting; (2) is definitive in its start and end dates; (3) contains appropriate benchmarks for completion of various components; and (4) is conducted under the guidance of an appropriate faculty member with experience in the relevant discipline. Summer Internships that are not research-based means an educational experience in which participants, under the guidance and direction of experienced faculty researchers, are provided an opportunity to engage in research or other scholarly activities.

  • Seminars and Other Educational Activities means group activities that provide participants with the opportunity to receive information or practice methodology in one or more areas necessary for the successful navigation of the educational system relative to the attainment/completion of their doctoral studies.

  • Tutoring means academic assistance provided by an advanced undergraduate or graduate student or a professional staff.

  • Academic counseling means assisting students in making educational plans, selecting appropriate courses, meeting academic requirements, and planning for graduation and graduate education.

  • Admission assistance to graduate school means assisting students in choosing graduate or professional programs and applying for admission to those programs.

  • Financial aid assistance to graduate school means assisting students individually or in small groups in completing financial aid applications and securing fellowships and other forms of financial assistance for graduate study.

  • Education or Counseling to Improve Financial and Economic Literacy means knowledge about personal financial decision-making, which may include but is not limited to knowledge related to:

    • Personal and family budget planning;

    • Understanding credit-building principles to meet long-term and short-term goals (e.g., loan to debt ratio, credit scoring, negative impacts on credit scores, etc.);

    • Cost planning for postsecondary or post-baccalaureate education (e.g., spending, saving, personal budgeting, etc.);

    • College cost of attendance (e.g., public vs private, tuition vs fees, personal costs, etc.);

    • Financial assistance (e.g., searches, application processes, and differences between private and government loans, assistantships, etc.); and

    • Assistance in completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

  • Mentoring means professionals, other than project staff, working with project students to expose them to careers that require doctoral degrees.

  • Exposure to Cultural Events and Academic Programs means any project sponsored activities, such as field trips, special lectures, and symposiums that have, as their purpose, the improvement of the project participants’ academic progress and personal development.

  • Other means additional activities not listed above that are designed to meet the purpose of the McNair Program.

National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) is the primary federal entity for collecting and analyzing data related to education in the United States and other nations NCES is located within the U.S. Department of Education and the Institute of Education Sciences.

NCES IPEDS ID is the unique identification number assigned to postsecondary institutions surveyed through the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) and is also referred to as the UNITID.

Race: refers to a person’s identification with one or more social groups. A grantee can report an individual as White, Black or African American, Asian, American Indian and Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander, or multiple races. A grantee should indicate a person’s race in addition to reporting a person’s ethnicity. For example, an individual whose ethnicity is reported as “Hispanic” should also be reported in one or more racial classification.

    • American Indian or Alaska Native - American Indian/Alaskan Native refers to a person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America), and who maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment.

    • Asian - A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, and the Indian subcontinent This area includes, for example, China, India, Japan, Korea, and the Philippine Islands.

    • Black or African American - A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa.

    • White - A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, North Africa, or the Middle East.

    • Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii or other Pacific islands such as Samoa and Guam.

Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics (STEM) means a program of study in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (i.e., “hard sciences”) and includes disciplines such as:

  • Computer and Information Sciences,

  • Engineering,

  • Life Sciences, including agricultural sciences/natural resources, biological/biomedical sciences, and health sciences,

  • Mathematics, and

  • Physical Sciences, including astronomy, atmospheric science and meteorology, chemistry, geological and earth sciences, ocean/marine sciences, and physics.

Instructions for Participant Data File

IIA Project Identifiers

Field 1—Use the PR/Award Number that corresponds to the reporting year even if you have been awarded a new grant and PR/Award Number for the next reporting year.

Field 2—Enter 2022.

IIB Participant’s Personal Information

Field 3—Enter Student Case Number Enter the valid Case Number for each student record that appears on the 2021-22 download file. Valid Case Numbers match precisely to the information that appears in the 2021-22 download file. You cannot change nor update Case Numbers in subsequent reporting years.

Field 4—Enter Student’s Last Name. Once you provide the student’s last name, you cannot change nor update it in subsequent reporting years. If you need to report a change to the student’s last name, please use field 48.

Field 5—Enter Student’s First Name. Once you provide the student’s first name, you cannot change nor update it in subsequent reporting years. If you need to report a change to the student’s first name, please use field 48.

Field 6—Enter Student’s Middle Initial.

Field 7—Enter Student’s Date of Birth. Once you provide the student’s date of birth, you cannot change nor update it in subsequent reporting years.

IIC Participant’s Demographic Information

Field 8—Select the student’s Gender.

Field 9—Select whether or not the participant is identified/self-identifies as Hispanic/Latino.

Field 10—Select whether or not the participant is identified/self-identifies as American Indian/Alaskan Native.

Field 11—Select whether or not the participant is identified/self-identifies as Asian.

Field 12—Select whether or not the participant is identified/self-identifies as Black or African American.

Field 13—Select whether or not the participant is identified/self-identifies as White.

Field 14—Select whether or not the participant is identified/self-identifies as Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander.

IID Participant’s Eligibility Status Information

Field 15—Select whether or not the participant is low-income.

Field 16—Select whether or not the participant is first-generation college.

Field 17—Select whether or not the participant is from an underrepresented racial/ethnic group in graduate education which includes: Black (non-Hispanic), Hispanic, American Indian, Alaskan Native, Native Hawaiians and Native American Pacific Islanders. The participant may also be reported as eligible based on underrepresented group status if the participant is a member of a group that is underrepresented in certain academic disciplines as documented by standard statistical references or other national survey data submitted to and accepted by the Secretary on a case-by-case basis.

Note: A student is eligible to be served if they meet both low-income and first-generation criteria. A student does not establish eligibility on the basis of low-income status without also meeting first-generation status; likewise, a student does not establish eligibility on the basis of first-generation status without also meeting low-income status

IIE Participant’s Enrollment Status Information

Field 18—Enter participant’s date of first enrollment in postsecondary education. The first postsecondary enrollment date is the first date a participant enrolled in a program of postsecondary education; however, this date does not include the date a participant enrolled in a high school bridge-to-college program/dual enrollment program nor the first enrollment date a participant took college courses while enrolled in high school. For participants who stopped-out for a period of time and subsequently re-enrolled, enter the date the participant first enrolled in postsecondary education.

Field 19—Select option 1 (Yes) only if the participant—following high school graduation or having earned their GED –first attended a 2-year institution, then transferred to a 4-year institution. If the participant first attended a 4-year institution, then transferred to a 2-year institution, select option 2 (No)

Field 20—Enter the participant’s date of first project service.

Field 21—Select the participant’s college grade level at the time of project entry. Use your institution’s classification grade level criteria when determining the participant’s college grade level.

Field 22—Select the participant’s status.

Field 23—Select the participant’s enrollment status. Select “Yes” if the participant was enrolled for a full term in undergraduate or graduate studies at any time during the reporting period; otherwise, select “No”.

Field 24—Select the participant’s length of project participation in this reporting period.

Field 25—Select the type of funds used in this reporting period to serve the participant.

IIF Participant’s Academic and Degree Status Information

Field 26For participants who were served in this reporting period, select the participant’s main field of study at the time of project entry. For prior year participants, select option 9. Generally, the social and behavioral sciences include disciplines such as economics, econometrics, psychology, sociology, anthropology, political science, etc. For assistance and guidance, refer to the “Definitions That Apply” as well as the Main Field of Study list at the conclusion of this document.

Field 27—Select whether or not the participant has earned a bachelor’s degree or equivalent of a bachelor’s degree. If the participant earned a bachelor’s degree in the 2022-23 academic year, select “Yes.” If the participant is on your 2021-22 McNair APR data file as having earned a bachelor’s degree, you must select “Yes.”

Field 28—Enter the date the participant earned their bachelor’s degree or equivalent of a bachelor’s degree.

Field 29—Select the applicable graduating cohort year the participant earned their bachelor’s degree. Select option 22 (2022-23) if the participant earned a bachelor’s degree in this reporting period. If the participant was assigned a cohort in your 2021-22 APR data file, you must select the cohort year as it appears on the file. Hint: If you select “Yes” in field 27, then you must select a cohort year in field 29. Once the cohort year is established, it cannot be changed in subsequent reporting periods.

In the 2022-23 reporting period, students from “out-of-range” cohorts will not be included in the 2021-22 download file. An ‘out-of-range cohort’ is defined as a cohort that has already been evaluated for the doctoral degree attainment objective. Cohorts from the 2011-12 academic year or earlier (Cohort ‘11’ or earlier) are out-of-range and should not be included in the student record file that is submitted as part of the 2022-23 APR data collection.

Field 30—Use the Main Field of Study list located at the end of this document to enter the two-digit code for participants who have EARNED a bachelor’s degree. If the participant is a graduate student or has earned a doctorate degree (including first professional degree), enter the two-digit code at the time the participant attained their bachelor’s degree. For participants who are double majors, you may use your discretion.

Field 31—Enter the cumulative GPA upon graduation with a bachelor’s degree.

IIG Participant’s Research or Other Scholarly Activities Information

IMPORTANT: Per regulatory definition of what constitutes research or other scholarly activities, in order to determine whether the student participated in research or other scholarly activities (including McNair research internships), you must answer “Yes” to all of the four (4) questions (i.e., criteria) listed below. For example, if the activity does not have a definitive start and end date, then the activity is not considered research or other scholarly activities (including McNair research internships).

  1. Was the educational activity more rigorous than is typically available to undergraduates in a classroom setting?

  2. Was the educational activity definitive in its start and end dates?

  3. Did the educational activity contain appropriate benchmarks for completion of various components? AND

  4. Was the educational activity conducted under the guidance of an appropriate faculty member with experience in the relevant discipline?

Field 32—Select the participant’s research activity completion status in this reporting period.

Field 33—Select the participant’s other scholarly activity completion status in this reporting period.

Field 34—Select the participant’s McNair research internship activity completion status in this reporting period. (NOTE: The regulations under §64711(b) requires that each participant given a summer research internship (i.e., McNair stipend) will have completed his or her sophomore year of study.)

IIH Participant’s Graduate School Status Information

Field 35—Select whether or not the bachelor’s degree recipient completed a graduate school admissions test.

Field 36—Enter the date of first graduate school enrollmen.t

  • Typically, the date of first graduate school enrollment is between August 1 through July 31 of the next academic year.

  • Do not enter the date the participant was accepted for enrollment unless both dates are the same. For example, if the participant was accepted for enrollment on June 1, 2023, but they first enrolled in graduate school on August 26, 2023, enter 8/26/2023.

  • If you do not know the exact date, use 15 for the day and use your best estimate for the month and year.

  • Once you report the first enrollment date in graduate school, do not update it in subsequent reporting periods.

IMPORTANT: If you reported the participant as a first-year graduate student in a previous reporting year (including 2021-22), then the participant cannot be a first-year graduate student in this [2022-23] or any subsequent reporting year.

Field 37—Enter the six or eight-digit postsecondary institution NCES IPEDS ID for graduate institution first attended. You can obtain the IPEDS ID from the following website:  https://ncesedgov/collegenavigator/.

Field 38—Select the participant’s graduate school enrollment status by the fall term of the 2023-24 academic year (i.e., fall) for participants who earned a bachelor’s degree in this [2022-23] reporting period.

Field 39—Select the participant’s graduate school persistence status at the beginning of the 2023-24 academic year (i.e., fall) for participants who were first-year graduate students in this [2022-23] reporting period. Hint: Typically, in order for the participant to be a first-year graduate in 2022-23, the participant should have first enrolled in graduate school between August 1, 2022, and July 31, 2023.

Field 40—Select the participant’s graduate year of study for participants who are enrolled in graduate school in this [2022-23] reporting period. Please refer to the APR form for additional instructions.

Field 41—Using the Main Field of Study list located at the end of this document; enter the two-digit code for the main field of study at the time of entry into graduate school. For students who are no longer enrolled in graduate school or for students who completed their graduate studies, the project should provide, to the extent possible, the main field of study at the time the participant first entered graduate school.

Field 42—Select the type of assistantship the first-year graduate participant received in this reporting period.

Field 43—Select the reason the participant left graduate school. Please refer to the APR form for additional instructions.

Field 44—Select the highest degree earned by the end of the academic year. Once reported, do not change the degree unless a more advanced degree was earned. Select option 4 only if the “other” doctorate degree was in a research-intensive program. Select option 5 if the doctorate degree was in a non-research-intensive program. If a participant earned a professional degree but subsequently earns a research-intensive doctorate, select the type of doctorate earned (e.g., PhD). Once the research-intensive doctorate degree has been provided (i.e., option 2, 3, or 4), do not change the response in subsequent reporting periods.

Field 45—Enter the date of the highest degree earned. Once the research-intensive doctorate degree date has been provided (i.e., option 2, 3, or 4); do not change the date in subsequent reporting periods.

Field 46—If you selected option 2, 3, 4, or 5 in field 44, enter the six or eight digit postsecondary institution NCES IPEDS ID. If you selected option 1 or 6, in field 44, enter 999999.

Field 47—Select the primary employment activity for participants who have earned a research-intensive doctorate degree (i.e., field 44, option 2, 3, or 4). In addition to a university setting, the primary employment can occur at organizations such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), private industry, etc.,. Once you report the doctorate recipient’s employment activity, do not update in subsequent reporting periods.

III Additional Participant Information

Field 48—This field is optional. If the participant changed their name and you need this information to assist you in further tracking the participant, please enter the participant’s full name (i.e., first and last name). If the participant’s name is the same as provided in fields 4 and 5, you may leave this field blank. The information in this field can be changed in subsequent reporting periods.

Major Field of Study List

Field of Study

Subdivision of Field of Study



Agricultural and Domestic Animal Services

Agricultural and Food Products Processing

Agricultural Business and Management

Agricultural Mechanization

Agricultural Production Operations

Agricultural Public Services

Agricultural and Domestic Animal Services

Agricultural and Food Products Processing

Agricultural Business and Management

Agricultural Mechanization

Agricultural Production Operations

Agricultural Public Services



Architectural History and Criticism

Architectural Technology/Technician

Architecture and Related Services

City/Urban, Community and Regional Planning

Architectural History and Criticism

Architectural Technology/Technician

Architecture and Related Services

City/Urban, Community and Regional Planning



African Studies

African American/Black Studies

American Indian/Native American Studies

American/United States Studies/Civilization

Area Studies, Other

Asian Studies/Civilization

Asian-American Studies

Balkans Studies

Baltic Studies

Canadian Studies

Caribbean Studies

Central/Middle and Eastern European Studies

Chinese Studies

Commonwealth Studies

Deaf Studies

Disability Studies

East Asian Studies

Ethnic Studies

Ethnic, Cultural Minority, and Gender Studies, Other

European Studies/Civilization

Folklore Studies

French Studies

Gay/Lesbian Studies

German Studies

Hispanic-American, Puerto Rican, and Mexican-

American/Chicano Studies

Irish Studies

Italian Studies

Japanese Studies

Korean Studies

Latin American and Caribbean Studies

Latin American Studies

Near and Middle Eastern Studies

Pacific Area/Pacific Rim Studies

Polish Studies

Regional Studies (US, Canadian, Foreign)

Russian Studies

Scandinavian Studies

Slavic Studies

South Asian Studies

Southeast Asian Studies

Spanish and Iberian Studies

Tibetan Studies

Ukraine Studies

Ural-Altaic and Central Asian Studies

Western European Studies

Women's Studies




Animal Behavior and Ethology

Animal Genetics

Animal Physiology

Aquatic Biology/Limnology

Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology

Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Other

Biology, General

Biomathematics and Bioinformatics





Botany/Plant Biology

Cardiovascular Science

Computational Biology

Conservation Biology

Cell/Cellular Biology and Anatomical Sciences

Ecology, Evolution, Systematics, and Population Biology



Environmental Biology

Environmental Toxicology


Evolutionary Biology

Exercise Physiology


Genome Sciences/Genomics

Human/Medical Genetics


Marine Biology and Biological Oceanography

Microbiological Sciences and Immunology

Molecular Biochemistry

Molecular Biology

Molecular Biophysics

Molecular Genetics

Molecular Medicine


Neurobiology and Neurosciences

Oncology and Cancer Biology


Pharmacology and Toxicology


Physiology, Pathology and Related Sciences

Zoology/Animal Biology



Accounting and Related Services

Business Administration, Management and Operations

Business Operations Support and Assistant Services

Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other

Business/Commerce, General

Business/Corporate Communications

Business/Managerial Economics

Construction Management

Finance and Financial Management Services

General Sales, Merchandising and Related Marketing


Hospitality Administration/Management

Human Resources Management and Services


International Business

Management Information Systems and Services

Management Sciences and Quantitative Methods


Real Estate

Specialized Sales, Merchandising and Marketing



Telecommunications Management




Broadcast Journalism

Communication and Media Studies, Other

Communication Studies/Speech Communication and


Communication, Journalism, and Related Programs,

Digital Communication and Media/Multimedia

Health Communication

International and Intercultural Communication

Mass Communication/Media Studies

Organizational Communication, General


Political Communication

Public Relations, Advertising, and Applied Communication

Public Relations/Image Management


Radio and Television

Sports Communication

Technical and Scientific Communication



Animation, Interactive Technology, Video Graphics and

Special Effects

Audiovisual Communications Technologies/Technicians,


Communications Technology/Technician

Computer Typography and Composition Equipment


Graphic and Printing Equipment Operator, General Production

Graphic Communications, Other

Photographic and Film/Video Technology/Technician and



Prepress/Desktop Publishing and Digital Imaging Design

Printing Management

Printing Press Operator

Radio and Television Broadcasting Technology/Technician

Recording Arts Technology/Technician



Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services, Other

Computer and Information Sciences

Computer and Information Systems Security

Computer Graphics

Computer Programming, Other

Computer Programming, Specific Applications

Computer Programming, Vendor/Product Certification

Computer Programming/Programmer, General

Computer Science

Computer Software and Media Applications, Other

Computer Support Specialist

Computer Systems Analysis/Analyst

Computer Systems Networking and Telecommunications

Computer/Information Technology Services

Administration and Management, Other

Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services,


Computer and Information Sciences, General

Computer Programming

Computer Science

Computer Software and Media Applications

Computer Systems Analysis

Computer Systems Networking and Telecommunications

Computer/Information Technology Administration and Management

Data Entry/Microcomputer Applications

Data Processing

Information Science/Studies



Building/Construction Finishing, Management, and Inspection


Construction Trades

Electrical and Power Transmission Installers


Plumbing and Related Water Supply Services



Administration of Special Education

Adult and Continuing Education Administration

Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education

Curriculum and Instruction


Educational Administration and Supervision

Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research

Educational/Instructional Media Design

International and Comparative Education

Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education

Special Education and Teaching

Student Counseling and Personnel Services

Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific

Levels and Methods

Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific

Subject Areas

Teaching Assistants/Aides

Teaching English or French as a Second or Foreign




Aeronautical/Aerospace Engineering


Architectural Engineering Technologies/Technicians

Civil Engineering Technologies/Technicians

Computer Engineering Technologies/Technicians

Construction Engineering Technologies

Drafting/Design Engineering Technologies/Technicians

Electrical Engineering Technologies/Technicians

Electromechanical Instrumentation and Maintenance


Engineering Technologies/Technicians, Other

Engineering-Related Fields

Engineering-Related Technologies

Environmental Control Technologies/Technicians

Industrial Production Technologies/Technicians

Manufacturing Technology/Technician

Biomedical Technology/Technician

CAD/CADD Drafting and/or Design Technology/Technician

Mechanical Engineering Related Technologies/Technicians

Mining and Petroleum Technologies/Technicians


Nuclear Engineering Technologies/Technicians

Occupational Safety and Health Technology/Technician

Packaging Science

Petroleum Technology/Technician

Plastics Engineering Technology/Technician

Quality Control and Safety Technologies/Technicians

Robotics Technology/Technician

Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology

Solar Energy Technology/Technician

Surveying Technology/Surveying

Telecommunications Technology/Technician

Water Quality and Wastewater Treatment Management and Recycling Technology/Technician

Welding Engineering Technology/Technician



Aerospace, Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering

Agricultural/Biological Engineering and Bioengineering

Architectural Engineering

Biochemical Engineering

Biological/Biosystems Engineering

Biomedical/Medical Engineering

Ceramic Sciences and Engineering

Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Chemical Engineering

Civil Engineering

Computer Engineering

Computer Hardware Engineering

Computer Software Engineering

Construction Engineering

Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering,


Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering

Electromechanical Engineering

Engineering Chemistry

Engineering Mechanics

Engineering Physics

Engineering Science

Engineering, Other

Environmental/Environmental Health Engineering

Textile Sciences and Engineering

Transportation and Highway Engineering

Forest Engineering

Geological/Geophysical Engineering

Geotechnical Engineering

Industrial Engineering

Laser and Optical Engineering

Manufacturing Engineering

Materials Engineering

Materials Science

Mechanical Engineering

Mechatronics, Robotics, and Automation Engineering

Metallurgical Engineering

Mining and Mineral Engineering

Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering

Nuclear Engineering

Ocean Engineering

Operations Research

Paper Science and Engineering

Petroleum Engineering

Polymer/Plastics Engineering


Structural Engineering

Surveying Engineering

Systems Engineering

Telecommunications Engineering

Water Resources Engineering



English Language and Literature, General

English Language and Literature/Letters, Other


Rhetoric and Composition/Writing Studies



Adult Development and Aging

Apparel and Textile Manufacture

Apparel and Textile Marketing Management

Apparel and Textiles, General

Apparel and Textiles, Other

Business Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences

Child Care and Support Services Management

Child Care Provider/Assistant

Child Development

Consumer Economics

Consumer Merchandising/Retailing Management

Consumer Services and Advocacy

Developmental Services Worker

Facilities Planning and Management

Family and Community Services

Family and Consumer Economics and Related Services,


Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences Business

Services, Other

Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences


Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences, General

Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences, Other

Family Resource Management Studies, General

Family Systems

Fashion and Fabric Consultant

Foods, Nutrition, and Related Services, Other

Foods, Nutrition, and Wellness Studies, General

Foodservice Systems Administration/Management

Home Furnishings and Equipment Installers

Housing and Human Environments, General

Housing and Human Environments, Other

Human Development and Family Studies, General

Human Development, Family Studies, and Related Services,


Human Nutrition

Textile Science

Work and Family Studies



African Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics

American Indian/Native American Languages, Literatures,

and Linguistics

American Sign Language

Celtic Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics

Classics and Classical Languages, Literatures, and


East Asian Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics

Foreign Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, Other

Germanic Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics

Iranian/Persian Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics

Linguistic, Comparative, and Related Language Studies

and Services

Middle/Near Eastern and Semitic Languages, Literatures,

and Linguistics

Modern Greek Language and Literature

Romance Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics

Slavic, Baltic and Albanian Languages, Literatures, and


South Asian Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics

Southeast Asian and Australasian/Pacific Languages,

Literatures, and Linguistics

Turkic, Ural-Altaic, Caucasian, and Central Asian

Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics



Advanced/Graduate Dentistry and Oral Sciences (Cert,

MS, PhD)

Allied Health and Medical Assisting Services

Allied Health Diagnostic, Intervention, and Treatment


Alternative and Complementary Medical Support Services

Alternative and Complementary Medicine and Medical


Bioethics/Medical Ethics

Chiropractic (DC)

Clinical/Medical Laboratory Science and Allied Professions

Communication Disorders Sciences and Services

Dental Support Services and Allied Professions

Dentistry (DDS, DMD)

Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition Services

Energy and Biologically Based Therapies

Health Aides/Attendants/Orderlies

Health and Medical Administrative Services

Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences, Other

Health Services/Allied Health/Health Sciences, General

Health/Medical Preparatory Programs

Medical Clinical Sciences/Graduate Medical Studies

Medical Illustration and Informatics

Medicine (MD)

Mental and Social Health Services and Allied Professions

Movement and Mind-Body Therapies and Education

Ophthalmic and Optometric Support Services and Allied


Optometry (OD)

Osteopathic Medicine/Osteopathy (DO)

Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Administration

Podiatric Medicine/Podiatry (DPM)

Practical Nursing, Vocational Nursing and Nursing


Public Health

Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing

Research and Clinical Nursing

Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Professions

Somatic Bodywork and Related Therapeutic Services

Veterinary Biomedical and Clinical Sciences (Cert, MS,


Veterinary Medicine (DVM)



American History (United States)

Asian History

Canadian History

European History

History and Philosophy of Science and Technology

History, General

History, Other

Military History

Public/Applied History and Archival Administration



Advanced Legal Research/Studies, General (LLM, MCL,


American/US Law/Legal Studies/Jurisprudence (LLM,


Banking, Corporate, Finance, and Securities Law (LLM,


Comparative Law (LLM, MCL, JSD/SJD)

Court Reporting/Court Reporter

Energy, Environment, and Natural Resources Law (LLM,


Health Law (LLM, MJ, JSD/SJD)

Intellectual Property Law

International Business, Trade, and Tax Law (LLM,


International Law and Legal Studies (LLM, JSD/SJD)

Law (LLB, JD)

Legal Administrative Assistant/Secretary

Legal Assistant/Paralegal

Legal Professions and Studies, Other

Legal Research and Advanced Professional Studies, Other

Legal Studies, General

Legal Support Services, Other

Pre-Law Studies

Programs for Foreign Lawyers (LLM, MCL)

Tax Law/Taxation (LLM, JSD/SJD)



General Studies

Humanities/Humanistic Studies

Liberal Arts and Sciences/Liberal Studies



Archives/Archival Administration

Children and Youth Library Services

Library Assistant/Technician

Library Science and Administration, Other

Library Science, Other

Library Science/Librarianship



Algebra and Number Theory

Analysis and Functional Analysis

Applied Mathematics, Other

Applied Mathematics

Computational and Applied Mathematics

Computational Mathematics

Financial Mathematics

Geometry/Geometric Analysis

Mathematical Biology

Mathematical Statistics and Probability

Mathematics and Statistics, Other

Mathematics and Statistics

Mathematics, General

Mathematics, Other

Statistics, General

Statistics, Other

Topology and Foundations



Electrical/Electronic Maintenance and Repair Technology

Heating, Air Conditioning, Ventilation and Refrigeration Maintenance Technology/Technician (HAC, HACR, HVAC,


Heavy/Industrial Equipment Maintenance Technologies

Mechanic and Repair Technologies/Technicians

Precision Systems Maintenance and Repair Technologies

Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Technologies



Aerospace Ground Equipment Technology

Air and Space Operations Technology

Aircraft Armament Systems Technology

Combat Systems Engineering

Command & Control (C3, C4I) Systems and Operations

Cyber/Electronic Operations and Warfare

Directed Energy Systems

Engineering Acoustics

Explosive Ordinance/Bomb Disposal

Information Operations/Joint Information Operations

Information/Psychological Warfare and Military Media


Intelligence, Command Control and Information


Joint Command/Task Force (C3, C4I) Systems

Low-Observables and Stealth Technology

Military Applied Sciences, Other

Military Information Systems Technology

Military Systems and Maintenance Technology, Other

Military Technologies and Applied Sciences, Other

Missile and Space Systems Technology

Munitions Systems/Ordinance Technology

Operational Oceanography

Radar Communications and Systems Technology

Signal/Geospatial Intelligence

Space Systems Operations

Strategic Intelligence

Undersea Warfare



Accounting and Computer Science

Behavioral Sciences

Biological and Physical Sciences


Classical and Ancient Studies

Cognitive Science

Computational Science

Cultural Studies/Critical Theory and Analysis

Dispute Resolution


Historic Preservation and Conservation

Holocaust and Related Studies

Human Biology

Human Computer Interaction

Intercultural/Multicultural and Diversity Studies

International/Global Studies

Marine Sciences

Maritime Studies

Mathematics and Computer Science

Medieval and Renaissance Studies

Multi-/Interdisciplinary Studies, General

Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies, Other

Museology/Museum Studies

Natural Sciences

Nutrition Sciences

Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution

Science, Technology and Society

Sustainability Studies

Systems Science and Theory



Environmental Science

Environmental Studies

Fishing and Fisheries Sciences and Management

Forest Management/Forest Resources Management

Forest Resources Production and Management

Forest Sciences and Biology

Forest Technology/Technician


Land Use Planning and Management/Development

Natural Resource Economics

Natural Resource Recreation and Tourism

Natural Resources and Conservation, Other

Natural Resources Conservation and Research, Other

Natural Resources Law Enforcement and Protective


Natural Resources Management and Policy

Natural Resources/Conservation, General

Urban Forestry

Water, Wetlands, and Marine Resources Management

Wildlife and Wildlands Science and Management

Wood Science and Wood Products/Pulp and Paper




Golf Course Operation and Grounds Management

Health and Physical Education, General

Health and Physical Education/Fitness, Other

Kinesiology and Exercise Science

Outdoor Education

Parks, Recreation and Leisure Facilities Management,


Parks, Recreation and Leisure Facilities Management

Parks, Recreation and Leisure Studies

Parks, Recreation, Leisure, and Fitness Studies, Other

Physical Fitness Technician

Sport and Fitness Administration/Management

Sports Studies



Cosmetology and Related Personal Grooming Services

Culinary Arts and Related Services

Funeral Service and Mortuary Science

Personal and Culinary Services, Other



Applied and Professional Ethics

Buddhist Studies

Christian Studies


Hindu Studies

Islamic Studies

Jewish/Judaic Studies


Philosophy and Religious Studies, General

Philosophy and Religious Studies, Other

Philosophy, Other


Religion/Religious Studies, Other

Religion/Religious Studies




Analytical Chemistry

Astronomy and Astrophysics, Other



Atmospheric Chemistry and Climatology

Atmospheric Physics and Dynamics

Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, General

Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, Other

Atomic/Molecular Physics

Chemical Physics

Chemistry, General

Chemistry, Other

Elementary Particle Physics

Environmental Chemistry

Forensic Chemistry

Geochemistry and Petrology


Geological and Earth Sciences/Geosciences

Geophysics and Seismology

Hydrology and Water Resources Science

Inorganic Chemistry

Materials Chemistry

Materials Sciences, Other


Nuclear Physics

Oceanography, Chemical and Physical

Optics/Optical Sciences

Organic Chemistry


Physical and Theoretical Chemistry

Physical Sciences


Planetary Astronomy and Science

Plasma and High-Temperature Physics

Polymer Chemistry

Solid State and Low-Temperature Physics

Theoretical and Mathematical Physics

Theoretical Chemistry



Boiler making/Boilermaker

Leatherworking and Upholstery

Precision Metal Working

Precision Production Trades, General

Precision Production, Other




Applied Behavior Analysis

Applied Psychology

Clinical Child Psychology

Clinical Psychology

Clinical, Counseling and Applied Psychology, Other

Cognitive Psychology and Psycholinguistics

Community Psychology

Comparative Psychology

Counseling Psychology

Developmental and Child Psychology

Educational Psychology

Environmental Psychology

Experimental Psychology

Family Psychology

Forensic Psychology


Health/Medical Psychology

Industrial and Organizational Psychology

Personality Psychology

Physiological Psychology/Psychobiology


Psychometrics and Quantitative Psychology


Research and Experimental Psychology, Other

School Psychology

Social Psychology



Community Organization and Advocacy

Education Policy Analysis

Health Policy Analysis

Human Services, General

International Policy Analysis

Public Administration and Social Service Professions,


Public Administration

Public Policy Analysis, Other

Public Policy Analysis

Social Work, Other

Social Work

Youth Services/Administration



Biology Technician/Biotechnology Laboratory Technician

Chemical Process Technology

Chemical Technology/Technician

Industrial Radiologic Technology/Technician

Nuclear and Industrial Radiologic

Technologies/Technicians, Other

Nuclear/Nuclear Power Technology/Technician

Physical Science Technologies/Technicians, Other

Science Technologies/Technicians, General

Science Technologies/Technicians, Other



Corrections Administration

Corrections and Criminal Justice, Other

Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement Administration

Criminal Justice/Police Science

Criminal Justice/Safety Studies

Criminalistics and Criminal Science

Crisis/Emergency/Disaster Management

Critical Incident Response/Special Police Operations

Critical Infrastructure Protection

Cultural/Archaeological Resources Protection

Cyber/Computer Forensics and Counterterrorism

Financial Forensics and Fraud Investigation

Fire Protection and Safety Technology/Technician

Fire Science/Firefighting

Fire Services Administration

Fire Systems Technology

Fire/Arson Investigation and Prevention

Forensic Science and Technology

Homeland Security, Other

Homeland Security

Juvenile Corrections

Law Enforcement Intelligence Analysis

Law Enforcement Investigation and Interviewing

Law Enforcement Record-Keeping and Evidence


Maritime Law Enforcement

Protective Services Operations

Securities Services Administration/Management

Security and Loss Prevention Services

Security and Protective Services, Other

Suspension and Debarment Investigation

Terrorism and Counterterrorism Operations

Wildland/Forest Firefighting and Investigation



American Government and Politics (United States)


Applied Economics




Cultural Anthropology

Demography and Population Studies

Development Economics and International Development

Econometrics and Quantitative Economics



International Economics

International Relations and Affairs

International Relations and National Security Studies,


Medical Anthropology

National Security Policy Studies

Physical Anthropology

Political Economy

Political Science and Government

Research Methodology and Quantitative Methods

Rural Sociology

Social Sciences

Sociology and Anthropology


Urban Studies/Affairs



Bible/Biblical Studies

Divinity/Ministry (BD, MDiv)

Lay Ministry

Missions/Missionary Studies and Missiology

Pastoral Counseling and Specialized Ministries, Other

Pastoral Studies/Counseling

Pre-Theology/Pre-Ministerial Studies

Rabbinical Studies (MHL/Rav)

Religious Education

Religious/Sacred Music

Talmudic Studies

Theological and Ministerial Studies, Other

Theology and Religious Vocations, Other

Theology/Theological Studies

Urban Ministry

Women's Ministry

Youth Ministry



Aeronautics/Aviation/Aerospace Science and Technology,


Air Traffic Controller

Air Transportation, Other

Airline Flight Attendant

Airline/Commercial/Professional Pilot and Flight Crew

Aviation/Airway Management and Operations

Commercial Fishing

Construction/Heavy Equipment/Earthmoving Equipment


Diver, Professional and Instructor

Flagging and Traffic Control

Flight Instructor

Ground Transportation, Other

Marine Science/Merchant Marine Officer

Marine Transportation, Other

Mobil Crane Operation/Operator

Railroad and Railway Transportation



Arts, Entertainment, and Media Management

Crafts/Craft Design, Folk Art and Artisanry


Design and Applied Arts

Drama/Theatre Arts and Stagecraft

Film/Video and Photographic Arts

Fine and Studio Art


Visual and Performing Arts, General

Visual and Performing Arts, Other



File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File Title2014-2015 Annual Performance Report Instructions for the Ronald McNair Program (MS Word)
AuthorOffice of Postsecondary Education
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2024-07-19

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