OMB Number: 0915-0298 - Revision
Expiration Date: 8/31/2025
Health Resources and Services Administration
Maternal and Child Health Bureau
Discretionary Grant Information System
OMB No. 0915-0298 - Revision
Expires: 8/31/2025
Attachment D:
Additional Data Elements
OMB Clearance Package
Table of Contents
Faculty and Staff Information |
Instructions |
Provide the following information about all personnel (faculty, staff, and others) contributing to your Division of MCH Workforce Development grant project, including those listed in the budget form and budget narrative and others that your program considers to have a central and ongoing role in the leadership training program whether they are supported or not supported by the grant. Do not list trainees.
A ‘central’ role refers to those that regularly participate in ongoing training activities such as acting as preceptors, teaching core courses, and participating in other core leadership training activities that would be documented in the progress reports.
Definitions: Ethnicity
Year Work Began with MCH Leadership Training Program: Please specify the year the individual began work with the MCH Training Program, not the year they were hired by the organization, if different. For example, if a faculty member began mentoring trainees in 2005 and was then hired in 2007, list 2005 as the year work began.
Personnel (Do not list trainees) |
Name |
Ethnicity (Hispanic or Latino, Not Hispanic or Latino, Unrecorded) |
Race (American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, White, More than One Race, Unrecorded) |
Gender (Cisgender Man, Cisgender Women, Transgender Man, Transgender Woman, A different term (specify), Choose not to disclose/Unrecorded) |
Discipline |
Year Work Began with MCH Leadership Training Program
Former MCHB Trainee? (Yes/No) |
Faculty |
Staff |
Other |
Short-Term Trainees
Short-Term Trainees |
Instructions |
Provide the following information for short-term trainees in your training program.
Definitions: Short-term trainees are trainees with less than 40 contact hours in the reporting period. Continuing Education participants are not counted in this category.
Total number of short term trainees during the past 12-month grant period________
Indicate disciplines (check all that apply)
Applied Behavior Analysis Audiology Community Health Worker Community Member/Person with Lived Experience Dentistry-Pediatric Dentistry – Other Dietetics Disability Studies Doula Education/Special Education Family Member Genetics/Genetic Counseling Health Administration Law Medicine-General Medicine-Adolescent Medicine Medicine-Adult Providers Medicine-Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics Medicine-Neurodevelopmental Disabilities Medicine-Pediatrics Medicine-Pediatric Pulmonology Medicine- Sleep Medicine – Other Nursing-General Nursing-Family/Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Nursing-Midwife Nursing – Other Nutrition Occupational Therapy Pharmacy Physician Assistant Physical Therapy Psychiatry Psychology Public Health Respiratory Therapy School Psychology/School Counseling Self-Advocate/Person with a Disability or Special Health Care Need Social Work Speech-Language Pathology Other (Specify) |
Medium-Term Trainees
Medium-Term Trainees |
Instructions |
Provide the following information for medium-term trainees in your training program. Medium-term trainees are trainees with 40 – 299 contact hours in the reporting period and include the following sub-categories:
Definitions: Ethnicity
Medium-term Trainees with 40-149 contact hours during the reporting period
Total Number ______
Disciplines (check all that apply): Applied Behavior Analysis Audiology Community Health Worker Community Member/Person with Lived Experience Dentistry-Pediatric Dentistry – Other Dietetics Disability Studies Doula Education/Special Education Family Member Genetics/Genetic Counseling Health Administration Law Medicine-General Medicine-Adolescent Medicine Medicine-Adult Providers Medicine-Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics Medicine-Neurodevelopmental Disabilities Medicine-Pediatrics Medicine-Pediatric Pulmonology Medicine-Sleep Medicine – Other Nursing-General Nursing-Family/Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Nursing-Midwife Nursing – Other Nutrition Occupational Therapy Pharmacy Physician Assistant Physical Therapy Psychiatry Psychology Public Health Respiratory Therapy School Psychology/School Counseling Self-Advocate/Person with a Disability or Special Health Care Need Social Work Speech-Language Pathology Other (Specify) |
Medium-Term Trainees with 150-299 contact hours The totals for gender, ethnicity, race and discipline must equal the total number of medium-term trainees with 150-299 contact hours |
Discipline (MTTs with 150-299 contact hours during the reporting period)
Number of Medium-term Trainees (40-299 hours):
Long-Term Trainee Form
Long-Term Trainee Form |
Instructions |
Provide the following information for each long-term trainee (LTT) in your training program. Long-term trainees are those with greater than or equal to 300 contact hours within the training program in the reporting period who benefit from the training grant, including those who received MCH funds and those who did not.
MCH Public Health Catalyst Programs (T1C) Instructions: MCH Public Health Catalyst programs utilize a combination of MCH coursework, practicum, and student interest group participation to define long-term trainee participation and may or may not meet the 300 contact hour threshold for LTT. On this form, Catalyst Programs should report information about Catalyst Program LTTs based on the definition established by each program. The same definition should be used consistently over time and the requirements and definition of LTTs should be included in the Comments section.
Definitions: Ethnicity
First-generation college students are students who are enrolled in postsecondary education and whose parents do not have any postsecondary education experience.
Trainees who are not enrolled in a formal degree program may include non-degree seeking students and post-graduate trainees who are completing a fellowship.
Data Element |
Response Options |
Name: |
_____________________________________ |
Email address: |
_____________________________________ |
Gender: |
Ethnicity: |
Race: |
First-generation college student? |
Zip Code where trainee lives: |
Primary discipline of study (during MCH Training Program): |
Level of training currently being completed through MCHB Training Program: |
Is the trainee currently enrolled in a degree program: |
Did the trainee receive financial support through the MCH Training grant? |
If Yes, amount of financial support received: $_______
If Yes, type of financial support received:
Postdoctoral Fellows and MCH Epidemiology Doctoral Program Fellows, please specify: |
Former Long-Term Trainee Form |
Instructions |
Provide the following information for former long-term trainees in your training program. Former trainees are long-term trainees who completed a long-term (greater than or equal to 300 contact hours) MCH Training Program 2 and 5 years ago, including those who received MCH funds and those who did not.
Former long-term trainees should be tracked based on when they complete their MCH Training Program. For example, if a trainee completes a one-year training experience in 2020, 2-year follow-up should be collected and reported to MCHB in 2022 and 5-year follow-up should be collected and reported in 2025.
SECTION 1: Indicate if the training program has trainees that completed the training program at least 2 and/or 5 years ago. Indicate the number of trainees that completed the program 2 years ago and 5 years ago.
SECTION 2: Complete this section for each long-term trainee who completed the MCHB-funded training program 2 or 5 years ago.
Definitions: Ethnicity
First-generation college students are students who are enrolled in postsecondary education and whose parents do not have any postsecondary education experience.
Leadership activities
Interdisciplinary/Interprofessional: the skills and expertise of team members from different disciplines, including a variety of professionals, MCH populations, and community partners, are acknowledged and seen as essential and synergistic. Input from each team member is elicited and valued in making collaborative, outcome-driven decisions to address individual, community-level, or systems-level problems.
Number of trainees:______ |
Number of trainees:______ |
Complete the following section for each long-term trainee who completed the MCHB-funded Training Program 2 or 5 years prior to the reporting period.
_________ |
_________ |
Proposed Survey Questions
Contact / Background Information
*Name (first, middle, last): |
Previous Name (if used while enrolled in the training program): |
*Address: |
City |
State |
Zip |
If tribal nation, specify: |
Phone: |
Primary Email: |
Permanent Contact Information (someone at a different address who will know how to contact you in the future, e.g., parents)
*Name of Contact: |
Relationship: |
Email address: |
*Address: |
City |
State |
Zip |
Phone: |
Primary discipline while participating in the MCH Training Program:
Applied Behavior Analysis
Community Health Worker
Community Member/Person with Lived Experience
Dentistry – Other
Disability Studies
Education/Special Education
Family Member
Genetics/Genetic Counseling
Health Administration
Medicine-Adolescent Medicine
Medicine-Adult Providers
Medicine-Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics
Medicine-Neurodevelopmental Disabilities
Medicine-Pediatric Pulmonology
Medicine – Other
Nursing-Family/Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
Nursing – Other
Occupational Therapy
Physician Assistant
Physical Therapy
Public Health
Respiratory Therapy
School Psychology/School Counseling
Self-Advocate/Person with a Disability or Special Health Care Need
Social Work
Speech-Language Pathology
Other (Specify)
Gender: (choose one)
__Cisgender Man
__Cisgender Woman
__Transgender Man
__Transgender Woman
__A different term (specify):_______________________________________
__Choose not to disclose
Are you a first-generation college student?
__ Yes
__ No
__ Prefer not to say
Ethnicity: (choose one)
Hispanic is an ethnic category for people whose origins are in the Spanish-speaking countries of Latin America or who identify with a Spanish-speaking culture. Individuals who are Hispanic may be of any race.
__ Hispanic or Latino
__ Not Hispanic or Latino
__ Prefer not to say
Race: (choose one)
__ American Indian or Alaska Native includes all individuals who identify with any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America) and who maintain tribal affiliation or community attachment. It includes people who identify as “American Indian” or “Alaska Native” and includes groups such as Navajo Nation, Blackfeet Tribe, Mayan, Aztec, Native Village of Barrow Inupiat Traditional Government, and Nome Eskimo Community.
__ Asian includes all individuals who identify with one or more nationalities or ethnic groups originating in the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent. Examples of these groups include, but are not limited to, Chinese, Filipino, Asian Indian, Vietnamese, Korean, and Japanese. The category also includes groups such as Pakistani, Cambodian, Hmong, Thai, Bengali, Mien, etc.
__ Black or African American includes all individuals who identify with one or more nationalities or ethnic groups originating in any of the black racial groups of Africa. Examples of these groups include, but are not limited to, African American, Jamaican, Haitian, Nigerian, Ethiopian, and Somali. The category also includes groups such as Ghanaian, South African, Barbadian, Kenyan, Liberian, and Bahamian.
__ Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander includes all individuals who identify with one or more nationalities or ethnic groups originating in Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands. Examples of these groups include, but are not limited to, Native Hawaiian, Samoan, Chamorro, Tongan, Fijian, and Marshallese. The category also includes groups such as Palauan, Tahitian, Chuukese, Pohnpeian, Saipanese, Yapese, etc.
__ White includes all individuals who identify with one or more nationalities or ethnic groups originating in Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa. Examples of these groups include, but are not limited to, German, Irish, English, Italian, Lebanese, Egyptian, Polish, French, Iranian, Slavic, Cajun, and Chaldean.
__ More than One Race includes individuals who identify with more than one racial designation.
__ Prefer not to say.
Please answer all of the following questions to help us understand the impact of the MCH Training Program on your post-training activities. Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. When you have filled out the entire survey, return it to your MCH Training Program Director.
1. What best describes your current employment setting:
__ Student
__ Elementary or secondary school or school system
__ Undergraduate or graduate-level institution
__ State health department, including Title V
__ Other government agency (e.g. Federal, state or local)
__ Clinical health care setting (includes hospitals, health centers and clinics)
__ Community-based organization or non-profit
__ Other private sector organization
__ Not currently working or retired
__ Other (please specify): ____________________________________
2. Does your current work support or serve any of the following Maternal and Child Health (MCH) populations? (select all that apply)
__ Women or people who have given birth
__ Children
__ Adolescents and young adults
__ Fathers or other caregivers
__ Children and youth with special health care needs, including children with autism spectrum disorder or other developmental disabilities
__ None or unknown
3. Does your current work support or serve populations that have been historically underserved or marginalized? (select all that apply)
__ Racially/ethnically diverse populations
__ Indigenous populations
__ LGBTQ+ populations
__ Rural populations
__ Children and youth with special health care needs
__ People with disabilities
__ People living in poverty
__ People experiencing homelessness
__ Military veterans
__ None or unknown
4. Have you done any of the following leadership activities since completing your training program? (select all that apply)
__ Academic leadership activities
Disseminated information on MCH issues (e.g., peer-reviewed publications, key presentations, training manuals, issue briefs, best practices documents, standards of care)
Conducted research or quality improvement on MCH issues
Provided consultation or technical assistance in MCH areas
Taught/mentored in MCH discipline or other MCH related field
Served as a reviewer (e.g., for a journal, conference abstracts, grant, quality assurance process)
Procured grant and other funding in MCH areas
Conducted strategic planning or program evaluation
__ Clinical leadership activities
Participated as a group leader, initiator, key contributor or in a position of influence/authority on any of the following: committees of state, national, or local organizations; task forces; community boards; advocacy groups; research societies; professional societies; etc
Served in a leadership position in a clinical setting (e.g., director, senior therapist, team leader)
Taught/mentored in MCH discipline or other MCH related field
Conducted research or quality improvement on MCH issues
Disseminated information on MCH Issues (e.g., peer-reviewed publications, key presentations, training manuals, issue briefs, best practices documents, standards of care)
Served as a reviewer (e.g., for a journal, conference abstracts, grant, quality assurance process)
__ Public health leadership activities
Provided consultation, technical assistance, or training in MCH areas
Procured grant or other funding in MCH areas
Conducted strategic planning or program evaluation
Conducted research or quality improvement on MCH issues
Served as a reviewer (e.g., for a journal, conference abstracts, grant, quality assurance process)
__ Public policy leadership activities
Participated in public policy development activities at local, state, or national levels (e.g., participated in community engagement or coalition building efforts, written policy or guidelines, influenced MCH related legislation, provided testimony, educated legislators)
Participated on any of the following as a group leader, initiator, or key contributor: committees of state, national, or local organizations; task forces; community boards; research societies; professional societies; etc
Presented or disseminated information on MCH public policy issues to a legislative body, key decision makers, foundations, or the general public (e.g., peer-reviewed publications, key presentations, training manuals, issue briefs, best practices documents, standards of care, commentaries, and chapters)
__ None or unknown
5. Have you participated or led any of the following interdisciplinary/interprofessional activities since completing your training program? (select all that apply)
Sought input or information from other professions, disciplines, people with lived experience, or self-advocates to address a need in their work
Provided input or information to other professions or disciplines
Developed a shared vision, roles and responsibilities across disciplines
Utilized shared vision, roles or responsibilities to develop a coordinated, prioritized plan across disciplines to address a need in their work
Established decision-making procedures in an interdisciplinary group
Collaborated with various disciplines across agencies/entities
Advanced policies and programs that promote collaboration with other disciplines or professions
Engaged in clinical practice working in collaboration across disciplines and with the patient
None or unknown
(end of survey)
Confidentiality Statement
Thank you for agreeing to provide information that will enable your training program to follow up with you after the completion of your training. Your input is critical to our own improvement efforts and our compliance with Federal reporting requirements. Please know that your participation in providing information is entirely voluntary. The information you provide will only be used for monitoring and improvement of the training program. Please also be assured that we take the confidentiality of your personal information very seriously. We very much appreciate your time and assistance in helping to document outcomes of the Training Program. We look forward to learning about your academic and professional development.1
Maternal and Child Health Leadership, Education, and Advancement in Undergraduate Pathways (LEAP) Training Program: Trainee Information Form
LEAP Trainee Information Form |
Instructions |
Provide aggregate data on medium- and long-term LEAP trainees who are participating in the LEAP training program in the reporting period. LEAP programs are expected to collect trainee data annually. Aggregate data are reported on this form based on trainee self-report of data elements.
Definitions: LEAP trainees: Medium-term (40 – 299 program hours) and long-term (300+ program hours) trainees enrolled in the LEAP training program
First-generation college students are students who are enrolled in postsecondary education and whose parents do not have any postsecondary education experience.
Work full time includes LEAP trainees who have worked full-time (>35 hours/week) at any point during the reporting period.
Total Number of LEAP Trainees in the reporting period: _____ Ethnicity: Number of LEAP trainees who identify as:
Race: Number of LEAP trainees who identify as:
Gender: Number of LEAP trainees who identify as:
Number of LEAP trainees who are enrolled in college:
Number of LEAP trainees who:
Healthy Start Site Form |
Instructions |
Section I: Grantee Primary Organization Information The Grantee Primary Organization is the grantee site location that is noted in the grant records as the main address for your grantee organization. It may be considered the headquarters (HQ) and may/may not be a site that also provides Healthy Start (HS) services. For example, an organization may have an administrative HQ site located in Maryland and has locations providing services to areas in the U.S. Virgin Islands. In this example, the grantee would submit the address for the HQ site in Maryland in Section I and enter the addresses for the U.S. Virgin Islands sites in Section II.
Service Area
HS Services – Respond to this section for your HS organization as a whole. For example, if HS Site 1 provides doula services and HS Site 2 provides care to incarcerated persons, indicate that these services are provided by your grantee organization. Note: Only indicate services that are provided through the Healthy Start program.
Section 2: Healthy Start Sites For each HS service delivery site:
Enter the street address, city, state, and 5-digit ZIP code for the primary site in the fields provided
Section 1. Grantee Primary Organization Information Grant #____________________________________________ Grantee Name _______________________________________ Street Address_______________________________________ City_______________________________________ State _________ ZIP Code______________ Are HS services provided at the primary location? ☐ Yes ☐ No
State(s) in this organization’s service area:_______________________________________________ Service area for this organization primarily defined by: County ZIP Code Census Tract Please select all the names of all of the counties covered by this organization’s service area:_________________________________________________________________ Please select all the ZIP codes covered by this organization’s service area:_____________________________________________________________ Please select all Census Tracts covered by this organization’s service area:_____________________________________________________________
Please check all services provided by this grantee organization as a whole:
(Complete section below for each service delivery site) Section 2. Healthy Start Sites Site 1 Project Manager Name_______________________________________________________________ Project Name_______________________________________________________________________ Street Address______________________________________________________________________ City__________________________________ State__________ ZIP Code______________________
Site 2 Project Manager Name_______________________________________________________________ Project Name_______________________________________________________________________ Street Address______________________________________________________________________ City__________________________________ State__________ ZIP Code______________________
Attachment D
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | DGIS OMB_SSA_Attachment D_Additional Data Elements |
Author | Alexandra Joraanstad |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2024-07-20 |