60 Day Federal Register Notice

Aviation Consumer Online Complaint Form FR 60-day notice 11 29 2021.pdf

On-Line Complaint Form for Service-Related Issues in Air Transportation

60 Day Federal Register Notice

OMB: 2105-0568

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Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 226 / Monday, November 29, 2021 / Notices
FHWA also requests comments to
inform the implementation of the
Charging and Fueling Infrastructure
Program to provide discretionary grants
for corridor and community charging.
10. Please provide examples of best
practices relating to project
development of EV charging
infrastructure and hydrogen, propane,
and natural gas fueling infrastructure at
the State, Tribal, and local levels.
11. What topics do you suggest that
we address in guidance on project
development of EV charging
infrastructure and hydrogen, propane,
and natural gas fueling infrastructure at
the State, Tribal, and local levels to
allow for the predictable deployment of
that infrastructure?
12. Please provide any suggestions to
inform the administration of
competitive grants under the Charging
and Fueling Infrastructure Program for
corridor and community charging.
Authority: Public Law 117–58; 49 CFR
Signed in Washington, DC.
Stephanie Pollack,
Deputy Administrator, Federal Highway
[FR Doc. 2021–25868 Filed 11–26–21; 8:45 am]

Office of the Secretary

notice announces the Department of
Transportation’s intention to reinstate
an OMB control number for an online
complaint form by which a consumer
can electronically submit a servicerelated complaint against an airline and
other sellers of air transportation.
DATES: Comments on this notice must be
received by January 28, 2022.
ADDRESSES: To ensure that you do not
duplicate your docket submissions,
please submit them by only one of the
following means:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to
http://www.regulations.gov and follow
the online instructions for submitting
• Mail: Docket Management Facility,
U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200
New Jersey Ave. SE, West Building
Ground Floor, Room W–12/140,
Washington, DC 20590–0001; or
• Hand Delivery: West Building
Ground Floor, Room W–12/140, 1200
New Jersey Ave. SE, between 9 a.m. and
5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except
Federal holidays. The telephone number
is 202–366–9329.
Daeleen Chesley, Office of the Secretary,
Office of Aviation Consumer Protection
(C–70), U.S. Department of
Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Ave.
SE, Washington, DC 20590, 202 366–
6792 (voice) or at Daeleen.Chesley@

[OST Docket No. DOT–OST–2011–0022]

Notice of Submission of Proposed
Information Collection to OMB Agency
Request for Reinstatement of a
Previously Approved Collection:
Online Complaint Form for ServiceRelated Issues in Air Transportation
Office of the Secretary,
Department of Transportation.
ACTION: Notice and request for
comments; reinstatement of an OMB
control number.

In accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 this


OMB Control Number: 2105–0568.
Title: Reinstatement of Office of
Aviation Consumer Protection Online
Complaint Form.
Abstract: The Department of
Transportation’s (Department) Office of
Aviation Consumer Protection (OACP,
formerly the Office of Aviation
Enforcement and Proceedings) has
broad authority under 49 U.S.C., subtitle
VII, to investigate and enforce consumer
protection and civil rights laws and
regulations related to air transportation.
OACP monitors compliance with and
investigates violations of the
Department of Transportation’s aviation

Total number
of complaints

Calendar year

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economic, consumer protection, and
civil rights requirements.
Among other things, the office is
responsible for receiving and
investigating service-related consumer
complaints filed against airlines and
other sellers of air transportation. Once
received, the complaints are reviewed
by the office to determine the extent to
which these entities comply with
federal aviation consumer protection
and civil rights laws and what, if any,
action should be taken.
This request is to enable consumers to
continue to submit comments, including
complaints, to the Department using an
online form, whether via their personal
computer or on a mobile/electronic
device. If the online comment form is
not available, the Department may
receive fewer complaints/comments
from consumers. The lack of consumerdriven information could inhibit the
office’s ability to effectively investigate
both individual complaints against
airlines and other sellers of air
transportation. It would also impact
OACP’s ability to become aware of
patterns and practices that may develop
in violation of our rules. The
information collection continues to
further the objectives of 49 U.S.C.
41712, 40101, 40127, 41702, and 41705
to protect consumers from unfair or
deceptive practices, to protect the civil
rights of air travelers, and to ensure safe
and adequate service in air
Filing a complaint using a web-based
form is voluntary and minimizes the
burden on respondents when compared
with other methods of submitting
complaints. In recent years, consumers
have submitted the vast majority of
complaints online versus contacting the
Department using regular mail or
telephone. Approximately ninety
percent of the submissions received by
OACP during calendar years (CYs) 2017
through 2019 were filed using the webbased form as shown in the table
Total number
of complaints
filed online

Percentage of
filed online

2017 .............................................................................................................................................
2018 .............................................................................................................................................
2019 .............................................................................................................................................




Average Total per Year (above) ...........................................................................................




1 In 2020, the Department received an unusually
high number (100,613) of online submissions to our
office, primarily complaints, largely due to flight

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cancellations and refund issues that resulted from
the Covid–19 pandemic. Using the average number
of submissions from the three previous CYs more

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accurately reflects the annual number of
submissions received by our office historically.




Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 226 / Monday, November 29, 2021 / Notices

khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES

The type of information requested on
the form includes complainant’s name,
address, phone number (including area
code), email address, and name of the
airline or company about which she/he
is complaining, as well as the flight date
and flight itinerary (where applicable) of
a complainant’s trip. A consumer may
also use the form to give a description
of a specific air-travel related problem
or to ask for air-travel related
information from the OACP. The
Department has limited its
informational request to that necessary
to meet its program and administrative
monitoring and enforcement activities.
Respondents: Consumers that Choose
to File an Online Complaint/Comment
with the Office of Aviation Consumer
Estimated Number of Respondents:
14,713 (based on averaging data from
CYs 2017–19).
Estimated Total Burden on
Respondents: 3,678.25 hours (220,695
minutes). The estimate was calculated
by multiplying the average number of
cases filed using the online form in
CYs17–19 (14,713) by the time needed
to fill out the online form (15 minutes).
The information collection is
available for inspection in
regulations.gov, as noted in the
ADDRESSES section of this document.
Comments are Invited on: (a) Whether
the collection of information is
necessary for the proper performance of
the functions of the Department,
including whether the information will
have practical utility; (b) the accuracy of
the Department’s estimate of the burden
of the proposed information collection;
(c) ways to enhance the quality, utility
and clarity of the information to be
collected; and (d) ways to minimize the
burden of the collection of information
on respondents.
All responses to this notice will be
summarized and included in the request
for OMB approval. All comments will
also become a matter of public record on
the docket.
Authority: The Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995; 44 U.S.C. chapter 35, as
amended; and 49 CFR 1.48.
Issued in Washington, DC, on November
23, 2021.
Kimberly Graber,
Deputy Assistant General Counsel, Office of
Aviation Consumer Protection.
[FR Doc. 2021–25891 Filed 11–26–21; 8:45 am]

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Office of the Secretary
[Docket ID Number: DOT–OST–2014–0031]

Notice of Submission of Proposed
Information Collection to OMB Agency
Request for Renewal of a Previously
Approved Collection: Airline Service
Quality Performance—Part 234
Office of the Assistant
Secretary for Research and Technology
(OST–R), Bureau of Transportation
Statistics (BTS), Department of
Transportation (DOT).
ACTION: Notice and request for

In accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44
U.S.C. chapter 35, as amended) this
notice announces that DOT is
submitting a request to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) for
renewal of OMB Control Number 2138–
0041 covering Airline Service Quality
Performance, On-time Performance, and
Mishandled Baggage reports that the
largest U.S. air carriers file with DOT
under part 234 of title 14, Code of
Federal Regulations (CFR). On August
11, 2021, the Director, Office of Airline
Information (OAI), published a Federal
Register notice announcing DOT’s
intent to renew the information
collections and providing a 60-day
comment period regarding the
information collections. See 86 FR
44137. DOT did not receive any
comments in response to the August 11,
2021 notice. This notice announces an
additional 30 days of public comment.
DATES: Comments on this notice must be
received by December 29, 2021.
Interested persons are invited to submit
comments regarding this proposal.
ADDRESSES: Send comments regarding
the burden estimate, including
suggestions for reducing the burden, to
the Office of Management and Budget,
Attention: Desk Officer for the Office of
the Secretary of Transportation, 725
17th Street NW, Washington, DC 20503.
Comments may also be sent via email to
OMB at the following address: oira_
[email protected].
Cecelia Robinson, Office of Airline
Information, RTS–42, Room E34–410,
OST–R, BTS, 1200 New Jersey Avenue
SE, Washington, DC 20590–0001,
Telephone Number (202) 366–4405
(voice), Fax Number (202) 366–3383 or
Email [email protected].
collects information regarding flight
performance and mishandled baggage,

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wheelchairs, and scooters from the
largest U.S. air carriers under 14 CFR
part 234. The air carriers required to
provide this information to DOT consist
of the U.S. air carriers that accounted for
at least 0.5 percent of domestic
scheduled-passenger revenues
(Reporting Carriers) as most recently
determined by OAI. An air carrier that
is not a Reporting Carrier may
voluntarily submit the flight
performance and mishandled baggage,
wheelchairs, and scooters information
to the Department pursuant to 14 CFR
Specifically, Reporting Carriers must
submit Part 234 On-time Performance
reports to DOT with information on
domestic flight operations and
performance as described in 14 CFR
234.4.1 In addition, under 14 CFR 234.6,
Reporting Carriers must submit Part 234
Mishandled Baggage reports to DOT that
include the following information for
covered domestic flights: (1) The
number of bags mishandled in its
custody, (2) the number of bags
enplaned into the aircraft cargo
compartment, (3) the number of
mishandled wheelchairs and scooters
mishandled in its custody, and (4) the
number of wheelchairs and scooters
enplaned into the aircraft cargo
compartment.2 Each Reporting Carrier is
required to report the flight performance
and mishandled baggage, wheelchair,
and scooter information to DOT on a
monthly basis for the covered flights it
operates and for any covered flights
held out under the Reporting Carrier’s
code (as the only U.S. carrier code) and
operated by a codeshare partner of the
Reporting Carrier that is a U.S. air
carrier. These codeshare partners
generally adopt the marketing carrier’s
branding and, thus, are referred to as
branded codeshare partners.
DOT uses the information reported by
airlines to provide airline performance
information and statistics on the BTS
website and in the Air Travel Consumer
Report (ATCR), a monthly publication
of DOT’s Office of Aviation Consumer
Protection (OACP). Air transportation
1 The format and instructions for reporting this
information are in Technical Reporting Directive
#27—On-Time Performance, effective January 1,
2018, available at: https://cms7.bts.dot.gov/sites/
2 The format and instructions for reporting
mishandled baggage and wheelchair and scooter
information to DOT are in Technical Reporting
Directive #30A—Mishandled Baggage and
Wheelchairs and Scooters (Amended), effective
January 1, 2019, available at: https://



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File Modified2021-11-26
File Created2021-11-27

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