HUD 5087 Outline Specification

Public Housing Capital Fund Program

HUD 5087 Outline Specification

OMB: 2577-0157

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Outline Specification

U.S. Department of Housing
and Urban Development
Office of Public and Indian Housing

OMB Approval No. 2577-0157
(Exp. 11/30/2023)

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 3 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gat
hering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. HUD may not conduct or sponsor, and you are not required to respond to a collection of
information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Comments regarding the accuracy of this burden estimate and any suggestions for reducing this burden can be sent to
the Reports Management Officer, Office of Policy Development and Research, REE, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 7th St SW, Room 4176, Washington, DC 204105000. When providing comments, please refer to OMB Approval No. 2577-0157. This information is collected under the authority of Section 6(c) of the U.S. Housing Act of l937. Housing
Agencies (HAs) contract with architects to prepare outline specifications to establish quality and kind of materials and equipment for projects being developed, or proposed to be developed
under the Low-Income Housing Program. HUD and the HA will use the information to determine that specified items comply with code and HUD standards and are appropriate in the project.
The information will also serve as a basis for reaching all major decisions as to materials and methods of construction, finish, equipment, for making the estimated project construction cost.
Responses to the collection of information are required to obtain a benefit. The information requested does not lend itself to confidentiality.

Local Authority or Developer:

Project Number:

Project Name:




Instructions: Describe all materials and equipment to be used; include no alternates or equivalents. Show extent of work and typical details on drawings. Attach additional sheets if necessary to
completely describe the work. The Cost Estimate will recognize quality products and materials in excess of acceptable minimums, when specified. Certain parts of the work cannot be put in their proper
classification until more information about their materials and construction is known; therefore describe, under suitable categories below, the following: main service and other stairs, treads, risers,
handrails, balusters, etc.; sound insulation of partitions and floors separating apartments and between apartments and public spaces, utility conduits and tunnels, waterproofing and draining, utilities, and
related insulation; retaining walls; garages and accessory buildings; and off-site improvements required to serve the project such as roads, curbs, walks, utilities, storm sewers, etc. Site and architectural
design work must meet all applicable federal accessibility requirements, including but not limited to those under section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and HUD's implementing regulation at 24 CFR
part 8, the Fair Housing Act and HUD's implementing regulation at 24 CFR part 100, and the Americans with Disabilities Act and the government-wide regulations at 28 CFR parts 35 and 36.

1. General Requirements

2. Site Work
Type of Soil

Bearing Capacity

Material and thickness of fill and base course.
Demolition: Construction of structures to be demolished and materials to be reused.
Storm Drainage: Culverts, pipes, manholes, catch basins, downspout connection (dry well, splash blocks, storm sewer).
Site Preparation: Tree protection, surgery, wells, walls, topsoil stripping, clearing, grubbing, and rough grading.

Curbs and Gutters: Type and material.

Pavement: Material and thickness of base and wearing surface for drives, parking areas, streets, alleys, courts, walks, drying yards and play areas. Steps, handrails, checkwalls.

Equipment for Special Areas and Enclosures: Play equipment, benches, fences.

Finish Grading: Approximate existing depth and method of improving topsoil. Extent of finish grading.

Lawns and Planting: Type, size, quantity and location of lawn seeded or sodded; ground cover and hedge material, trees, shrubs, etc.

Note: This Outline is based on the “Uniform System” for Construction Specifications, Data Filing, and Cost Accounting developed by AIA, CSI, and AGC.

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form HUD-5087 (01/2014)

3. Concrete
Concrete strength for exterior walls below and above grade, interior walls and partitions, piers, footings, columns and girders. Size, thickness and location on drawings. Note portions
having reinforcing steel on drawings. Location, size and material of footing drains and outlets.

Structural system of concrete floors at basement, other floors and roof. Thickness of slabs and strength of concrete. Attached exterior concrete steps and porches. If more than one
type of construction is used, list separately and state locations.

Slab Perimeter Insulation:

4. Masonry
Material and thickness of exterior walls above and below grade, interior walls and partitions, fire walls, stair, hall and elevator enclosures, chimneys, incinerators, veneer, sills, copings, etc.

5. Metals
Miscellaneous Iron



Access Doors
Area Gratings
Fire Escapes
Foundation Vents

Structural Steel: (Framing or structural system used.)

6. Carpentry
Size, spacing, and grade of lumber to be used for floor, roof, exterior walls above grade and interior partition framing, subfloor, sheathing, underlayment and exterior finish materials
(wood siding, shingles, asbestos siding, etc.).

Grade and species for interior and exterior finish woodwork.

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form HUD-5087 (2/92)

7. Moisture Protection
Materials and method of waterproofing walls and slabs below grade, location, thickness or number of plies. Type of permanent protection of waterproofing (parging) if used. Method of
dampproofing above grade. Flashing materials if other than sheet metal. Spandrel waterproofing.

Thermal Insulation


R-value & Type of Material

Method of Installation

Exterior Walls
Ceiling Below Roof
Roofing: Roof covering materials and method of application, weight of shingles, numbers of felt plies, bitumen, etc.
Sheet Metal: Material and weight or gauge for flashings, copings, gutters and downspouts, roof ventilators, scuppers, etc.

Caulking: (Materials and Locations)

8. Doors, Windows and Glass
Windows and Frames: Type and Material. Special construction features or protective treatment.

Glazing: Thickness, strength and grade of glass and method of glazing.

Metal Curtain Walls:

Doors and Frames:
Exterior: Thickness, material and type at all locations.

Interior: Thickness, material and type for public halls and stairs, apartments (entrance and interior), boiler rooms, fire doors and doors at other locations.

Finish Hardware: Material and finish of exterior and interior locksets, sliding and folding door hardware, window and cabinet hardware, door closers, door knockers, numbers, etc.

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form HUD-5087 (01/2014)

8. Doors, Windows and Glass (Cont.)



Exterior Doors
9. Finishes
Grade, material, and thickness of all finishes.



Number of Coats







Walls & Ceilings


Number of Coats

Kitchen & Bath
Tile & Ceramic Bathroom Accessories:
Floor and Wall Covering:

Material (Thickness, grade, finish and wainscot height)




Bathroom Accessories

Resilient Flooring: Location, type and gauge, for all materials.

10. Specialties: (List Significant Items)
Interior partitions other than concrete, masonry or wood.

Medicine Cabinets: Material, size and type.

Mail Boxes, Package Receivers

Packaged Incinerators

11. Equipment
Refrigerators: Capacity and type for each size of living unit.

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form HUD-5087 (01/2014)

11. Equipment (Cont.)
Kitchen Ranges: Size and type for each size of living unit

Kitchen Cabinets:
(Detail on drawings)



Wall Units
Base Units
Counter Top and Backsplash Material

Other cabinerts and built-in storage units

Equipment: Garbage disposal units, dishwashers, clothes washers and dryers

12. Furnishings Shades: Types of shades , draperies or other devices for privacy and control of natural light.

13. Special Construction:
(incinerator-Job Construction)

14. Conveying Systems

Elevators: Attach letter from manufacturer whose elevator installation is proposed, containing a brief comprehensive specification for the complete elevator
installation, and the manufacturer's statement that the number of elevators proposed and the installation described will provide adequate service, and that
manufacturer maintains an effective service organization in the project locality.
15. Mechanical:
Plumbing and Hot Water Supply:

Fixtures: (Material, size, fittings, trim and color)

Water Closet


Shower Over Tub

Stall Shower

Laundry Trays


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form HUD-5087 (01/2014)

15. Mechanical (Cont.)
Piping: (Material)

Soil Lines

Gas Lines

Waste Lines



Interior Downspouts

Valve Shutoff for Servicing
Domestic Water Heating
Direct fired (Type, capacity and recovery rate.)

Indirect fired (Separate boiler or combined with space heating boiler. Storage and recovery capacity.)

Solar Energy:


System Capacity
Insulation: Type and thickness of insulation on water lines and water heating equipment.

Kind of System: Hot water, steam, forced warm air, gravity warm air, etc.

Fuel Used:

Calculated Load:

Heating Load

Domestic Hot Water Load


Oil (gals.)

Gas (BTUH)

Equipment: (Make & Model)

Input (per hr.): Coal (lbs.)
Output (BTUH)
Distribution System:
Insulation: Type and thickness of insulation on heating equipment and distribution system.

Room Heating Units: Baseboard units, radiators, convectors, registers, etc.

Solar Energy:


System Capacity

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form HUD-5087 (01/2014)

15. Mechanical (Cont.)
Space Heaters: Type, make, model, location and output of heating systems such as wall heaters, floor furnaces and unit heaters.

Temperature Controls: Individual unit, zone, central, etc.
Ventilation: Location, capacity and purpose of ventilating fans.

Air Conditioning
Unitary Equipment (Self Contained or packaged units.)
Calculated Load:
Equipment: Make, model, operating voltage and capacity in BTUH for each size serving individual rooms, apartment units, or zone.

Central System:
Calculated Load:
Equipment (Make, model capacity, etc., of compressor, cooling tower, water chillers, air handling equipment, and other components which make up the complete system.)

Utilities On-Site: Material for distribution system for all piped utilities.
Water Supply: Fire hydrants, yard hydrants, lawn sprinkler systems, exterior drinking fountains.


Sanitary Sewerage: Treatment plants, pumping stations, manholes.

16. Electrical
Electrical Wiring: Type of wiring and load centers, number of circuits per unit, individual unit metering or project metering, spare conduit for future load
requirements, radio or TV antenna systems. Show receptacles, light outlets, switches, power outlets, telephone outlets, door bells, fire alarm systems, etc., on

Electric Fixtures: Type for various locations.

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ref Handbook 7417.1

form HUD-5087 (01/2014)

16. Electrical (Cont.)
Electric light standards for lighting grounds, streets, courts, etc. Underground or overhead service.

All items of construction, equipment and finish, together with all incidentals, which are essential to the completion of the project will be provided whether or not
specifically included in the exhibits and will be of a type, quality and capacity acceptable to HUD and appropriate to the character of the project.
Signed (Local Authority or Developer)

By (Architect) *

Signed (Local Authority or Developer) *
* I certify that the information provided on this form and in any accompanying do
cumentation is true and accurate. I acknowledge that making, presenting, or
submitting a false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement, representation, or
certification may result in criminal, civil, and/or administrative sanctions,
including fines, penalties, and imprisonment.

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File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleMicrosoft Word - HUD 5087.docx
File Modified2023-01-24
File Created2018-08-22

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