Form PHMSA F7100.5 PHMSA F7100.5 Large Volume Release Report

Incident Reports for Natural Gas Pipeline Operators

Large Volume Release Report Form and Instructions PHMSA F7100.5

Large Volume Gas Release Report

OMB: 2137-0635

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NOTICE: This report is required by 49 CFR Part 191. Failure to report can result in a civil penalty as provided in 49
USC 60122.

Large Volume Gas Release Report

U.S. Department of Transportation
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials
Safety Administration


Report Date

(DOT Use Only)

A federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure to
comply with a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act unless that collection of information displays a
current valid OMB Control Number. The OMB Control Number for this information collection is 2137-0635. Public reporting for this collection of
information is estimated to be approximately 12 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering the data needed, and
completing and reviewing the collection of information. All responses to this collection of information are mandatory. Send comments regarding this
burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to: Information Collection
Clearance Officer, PHMSA, Office of Pipeline Safety (PHP-30) 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington, D.C. 20590.
Important: Please read the separate instructions for completing this form before you begin. They clarify the information requested and provide specific
examples. If you do not have a copy of the instructions, you can obtain one from the PHMSA Pipeline Safety Community Web Page at
Report Type: (select all that apply)

 Original

 Supplemental

 Final

A1. Operator’s OPS-issued Operator Identification Number (OPID):
A2. Name of Operator: auto-populated based on OPID
A3. Address of Operator

A3a. Street Address: auto-populated based on OPID
A3c. State: auto-populated based on OPID

A3b. City: auto-populated based on OPID
A3d. Zip Code: auto-populated based on OPID

A4. Type of Facility:  Gas Distribution
 Gas Transmission
 Gas Gathering
 Underground Natural Gas Storage Facility
 Liquefied Natural Gas Facility
A5. Type of Release (select all that apply)
 Unintentional release (e.g., leak or rupture), specify single predominant cause:
 Corrosion
 Natural Force Damage
 Excavation Damage
 Other Outside Force Damage
 Material Failure of Pipe or Weld
 Equipment Failure
 Incorrect Operation
 Other (Describe in part D)
 Blowdown, Venting, and Purging , specify single predominant reason:
 Emergency response
 Blowdown for testing other than ILI operation
 Blowdown for repair or maintenance of a pipeline facility
 Construction purging: replacement
 Construction purging: new construction
 Operation of pig launcher or receiver for operation of an inline inspection tool
 Operation of pig launcher or receiver for other O&M pigging (i.e., cleaning).

Other Operational Release (describe in part D)

A6. Earliest local time (24-hr clock) and date operator became aware of release:


A6a. Time Zone for local time (select only one)



 Alaska  Eastern  Central  Hawaii-Aleutian

A6b. Daylight Saving in effect?  Yes  No
A7. GIS Coordinates of Release:

Longitude: -

A8. Commodity released : (select only one, based on predominant volume released)
 Natural Gas
 Propane or other LPG
 Synthetic Gas
 Hydrogen Gas
 Landfill Gas
Reproduction of this form is permitted

 Mountain  Pacific.


Other commodity – name __________________

A9. Estimated volume of gas released unintentionally:

thousand standard cubic feet (mcf)

A10. Estimated volume of intentional and controlled release/blowdown:

thousand standard cubic feet (mcf)

A11. What was the Operator’s initial indication of the release? (select only one)
 SCADA-based information (such as alarm(s), alert(s), event(s), and/or volume or pack calculations)
 Static Shut-in Test or Other Pressure or Leak Test
 Controller
 Local Operating Personnel, including contractors
 Air Patrol
 Ground Patrol by Operator or its contractor
 Notification from Public
 Notification from Emergency Responder
 Notification from Third Party that caused the Release
 Leakage Survey  Gas Detectors  Flame Detectors  Low-temperature sensors  Scheduled Operational Release
 Other:
A12. Operational Status at time Operator became aware of the release (select only one)

 Post-Construction Commissioning
 Post-Maintenance/Repair
 Routine Start-Up
 Routine Shutdown
 Normal Operation, includes pauses during maintenance
 Idle
B1. Is the pipeline or facility
 Interstate
 Intrastate
If Onshore
B2. State: /




B3. Zip Code: /





/ - /





County or Parish

B6. Location of Release: (select only one)
 Operator-controlled property
 Public property

 Private property

 Pipeline Right-of-Way / Easement

B7. If Onshore Gas Gathering, specify Type (select only one)
 A
 B
 C
 R
If Offshore Pipeline

B8. Origin of Release
 In State Waters. Specify State /
Nearest county/parish:
 On the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) (select only one)
 OCS Alaska
 OCS Atlantic
 OCS Gulf of Mexico
 OCS Pacific
Block/Tract#: /

Block/Tract #: /




C1. Release Source
For Gas Distribution (select only one)
 Main
 Main Valve
 Service Line (excluding customer meter or riser)
 Service Line Valve
 District Metering or Regulating Station
 Customer Meter or Service Riser
 Pressure Relief Device
 Other Distribution

Reproduction of this form is permitted




For Gas Transmission or Gas Gathering (select only one)
 Pipeline
 Compressor Station equipment and piping
 Meter or Regulator station equipment and piping
 Pressure Relief Device
 Emergency Shutdown Device
 Vent or Flare
 Gas Treatment Equipment
 Pneumatic Devices
 Other Transmission
For Underground Natural Gas Storage Facility
 Well
 Aboveground Equipment
 Belowground storage
 Other UNGS
For Liquefied Natural Gas Plant
 Plant Piping (including flanges, gaskets, and welds)
Plant Equipment:
 Pump
 Compressor
 Vaporizer
 Cold Box
 Emergency Shut off Valve
 Meter/Regulator/Control Valve
 Pressure Relief Device
 Strainer/Filter
 Other LNG
 Storage Tank
C2. Cause or Relief Activation
If C1 is pressure relief device , specify the single cause:
 Wrong set pressure
 Failure of emergency shutdown device
 Failure of relief device
 Overpressure condition due to regulator failure
 Other overpressure condition
 Contaminant buildup
 Weather Related buildup
 Abnormal Operation
 Other

Reproduction of this form is permitted



Preparer's Name (type or print)
Preparer’s Telephone Number
Preparer's E-mail Address

Authorized Person's Name (type or print)
Authorized Person's Telephone Number
Authorized Person's E-mail Address

Reproduction of this form is permitted

Instructions for Form PHMSA F 7100.5


Each operator of a gas distribution, gas transmission, gas gathering (including Type R facilities)
underground natural gas storage (UNGS) facility, liquefied natural gas (LNG) pipeline facility
shall file Form PHMSA 7100.5 for a large-volume gas release that meets the criteria in 49 CFR
§191.3 within 30 days after detection of a large-volume release. Requirements for submitting
reports are in §§ 191.7 and 191.19.
Form PHMSA F 7100.5 and these instructions can be found on The applicable documents are listed in the section titled
Accident/Incident/Annual Reporting Forms.

Large-volume gas release reports must be submitted online through the PHMSA Portal at, unless an alternate method is approved (see Alternate
Reporting Methods below). You will not be able to submit reports until you have met all of the
Portal registration requirements – see

Completing these registration requirements could take several weeks. Plan ahead and
register well in advance of the report due date.
Use the following procedure for online reporting:
1. Go to the PHMSA Portal at
2. Enter PHMSA Portal Username and Password ; press enter
3. Select OPID; press “continue” button.
4. On the left side menu under “Incident/Accident (2010 to present)” select “ODES 2.0”
5. Under “Create Reports” on the left side of the screen, select the appropriate facility
type and proceed with entering your data.
6. Click “Submit” when finished with your data entry to have your report uploaded to
PHMSA’s database as an official submission of a large volume gas release; or click “Save”
which doesn’t submit the report to PHMSA but stores it in a draft status to allow you to
come back to complete your data entry and report submission at a later time. Note: The
“Save” feature will allow you to start a report and save a draft of it which you can print out
and/or save as a PDF to email to colleagues in order to gather additional information and
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Instructions for Form PHMSA F 7100.5


then come back to accurately complete your data entry before submitting it to PHMSA.
7. Once you click “Submit”, the system will check if all applicable portions of the report
have been completed. If portions are incomplete, a listing of these portions will appear above
the row of Parts. If all applicable portions have been completed, the system will show your
Saved Large Volume Gas Release Reports in the top portion of the screen and your
Submitted Incident/Accident Reports in the bottom portion of the screen. Note: To confirm
that your report was successfully submitted to PHMSA, look for it in the bottom portion of
the screen where you can also view a PDF of what you submitted.
Supplemental Report Filing – Follow Steps 1 through 4 above, and double-click a submitted
report from the Submitted Large Volume Gas Release Reports list. The report will default to a
“Read Only”mode that is pre-populated with the data you submitted previously. To create a
supplemental report, click on “Create Supplemental” found in the upper right corner of the screen.
At this point, you can amend your data and make an official submission of the report to PHMSA
as either a Supplemental Report or as a Supplemental Report plus Final Report (see “Specific
Instructions, PART A, Report Type”), or you can use the “Save” feature to create a draft of your
Supplemental Report to be submitted at some future date.
Alternate Reporting Methods
Operators for whom electronic reporting imposes an undue burden and hardship may submit a
written request for an alternate reporting method. Operators must follow the requirements in
§191.7(d) to request an alternate reporting method and must comply with any conditions imposed
as part of PHMSA’s approval of an alternate reporting method.

An operator who reports a Large Volume Gas Release in accordance with §191.19 and upon
subsequent investigation determines that the event did not meet the criteria in §191.3 may
request that their report be retracted. Requests to retract a 30-day written report are to be emailed
to [email protected]. Requests are to include the following information:

The Report ID (the unique 8-digit identifier assigned by PHMSA)
Operator name
PHMSA-issued OPID number
Date of the event
Location of the event
A brief statement as to why the report should be retracted.

All applicable data fields must be completed before an Original Report will be accepted. Your
Original Report cannot be submitted online until the required information has been provided,
although your partially completed report can be saved online so that you can return at a later time
to provide the missing information.
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Instructions for Form PHMSA F 7100.5


1. An entry should be made in each applicable space or check box, unless otherwise directed by
the section instructions.
2. If the data is unavailable, enter “Unknown” for text fields and leave numeric fields and fields
using check boxes or “radio” buttons blank.
3. Estimate data only if necessary. Provide an estimate in lieu of answering a question with
“Unknown” or leaving the field blank. Estimates should be based on best-available
information and reasonable effort.
4. For unknown or estimated data entries, the operator should file a Supplemental Report when
additional or more accurate information becomes available.
5. If the question is not applicable, enter “N/A” for text fields and leave numeric fields and fields
using check boxes or “radio” buttons blank. Do not enter zero unless this is the actual value
being submitted for the data in question.
6. If OTHER is checked for any answer to a question, include an explanation or description in
the text field provided, making it clear why “Other” was the necessary selection.
7. Pay close attention to each question for the phrase:
a. (select all that apply)
b. (select only one)
If the phrase is not provided for a given question, then “select only one” applies. “Select only
one” means that you should select the single, primary, or most applicable answer. DO NOT
SELECT MORE ANSWERS THAN REQUESTED. “Select all that apply” requires that all
applicable answers (one or more than one) be selected.
8. Date format = mm/dd/yyyy
9. Time format: All times are reported as a 24-hour clock:
Time format Examples:
a. (0000) = midnight =
b. (0800) = 8:00 a.m. =
c. (1200) = Noon
d. (1715) = 5:15 p.m. =
e. (2200) = 10:00 p.m. =


Local time always refers to time at the site of the release. Note that time zones at the
release site may be different than the time zone for the person discovering or reporting
the event. For example, if a release occurs at an gas distribution system facility in
Denver, Colorado at 2:00 pm MST, but a supervisor located in Houston is filing the
report after having been notified at 3:00 pm CST, the time of the release should be
reported as 1400 hours based on the time in Denver, which is the physical site of the
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Instructions for Form PHMSA F 7100.5



Report Type: (select all that apply)
Check the appropriate report box or boxes to indicate the type of report being filed. Depending on
the descriptions below, the following combinations of boxes – and only one of these combinations
- may be selected:

Original Report only
Original Report plus Final Report
Supplemental Report only
Supplemental Report plus Final Report

 Original Report
Select if this is the FIRST report filed for this release and you expect that additional or
updated information will be provided later.
 Original Report


 Final Report

Select both Original Report and Final Report if ALL of the information requested is known and
can be provided at the time the initial report is filed, including final property damage costs and
apparent failure cause information. If new, updated, and/or corrected information becomes
available, you are still able to file a Supplemental Report.
 Supplemental Report
Select only if you have already filed an Original Report AND you are now providing new, updated,
and/or corrected information. Multiple Supplemental Reports are to be submitted, as necessary,
in order to provide new, updated, and/or corrected information when it becomes available and, per
§191.9(b), each Supplemental Report containing new, updated, and/or corrected information is to
be filed as soon as practicable. Submission of new, updated, and/or corrected information is NOT
to be delayed in order to accumulate “enough” to “warrant” a Supplemental Report, or to complete
a Final Report. Supplemental Reports must be filed as soon as practicable following the
Operator’s awareness of new, updated, and/or corrected information. Failure to comply with
these requirements can result in enforcement actions, including the assessment of civil penalties
as provided in 49 USC 60122.
For Supplemental Reports filed online, all data previously submitted will automatically populate
in the form. Page through the form to make edits and additions where needed.
 Supplemental Report plus
 Final Report
If an Original Report has already been filed AND new, updated, and/or corrected information is
now being submitted via a Supplemental Report, AND the operator is reasonably certain that no
further information will be forthcoming, then Final Report is to also be selected along with
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Instructions for Form PHMSA F 7100.5


Supplemental Report. (See also the requirements stated above under “Supplemental Report”.)
A1. Operator’s OPS -Issued Operator Identification Number (OPID)
For online entries, the OPID will automatically populate based on the selection you made when
entering the Portal. If you have log-in credentials for multiple OPID, be sure the report is being created
for the appropriate OPID. Contact PHMSA’s Information Resources Manager at 202-366-8075 if you
need assistance with an OPID. Business hours are 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Time.

A2. Name of Operator
This is the company name associated with the OPID. For online entries, the name will automatically
populate based on the OPID entered in A1. If the name that appears is not correct, you need to submit
an Operator Name Change (Type A) Notification.

A3. Address of Operator
For online entries, the headquarters address will automatically populate based on the OPID entered in
A1. If the address that appears is not correct, you need to change it in the online Contacts module.

A4. Type of Facility
Enter the regulatory classification of the pipeline facility under part 192 or part 193. Please refer
to the definitions in §§ 192.3 and 192.8 for gas pipeline facilities and 193.2007 for LNG facilities.
Transmission means pipelines whose principal purpose is transmission of gas.
Gas Gathering means a pipeline that transports gas from a current production facility to a
transmission line or main.
Distribution means a pipeline other than a gathering or transmission line.
Underground Natural Gas Storage Facility means a gas pipeline facility that stores natural gas
underground incidental to the transportation of natural gas.
Liquefied Natural Gas Facility means a pipeline facility that is used for liquefying natural gas or
synthetic gas or transferring, storing, or vaporizing liquefied natural gas.
A5. Type of Release
Enter whether the release was an unintentional release (e.g., a leak or rupture that is not reportable
as an incident), a “blowdown, venting, and purging” related release, or an “other operational
For an unintentional release, enter the cause that best describes the apparent cause of the release.
Unintentional releases through an intended release pathway should be reported under this category
(e.g., a failure of a relief device would be reported as equipment failure under this section, rather
than as venting-related).
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Instructions for Form PHMSA F 7100.5


Corrosion includes a release or failure caused by galvanic, atmospheric, stray current,
microbiological, or other corrosive action. A corrosion release or failure is not limited to a hole in
the pipe or other piece of equipment. If the bonnet or packing gland on a valve or flange on piping
deteriorates or becomes loose and leaks due to corrosion and failure of bolts, it is classified as
Corrosion. (Note: If the bonnet, packing, or other gasket has deteriorated to failure, whether before
or after the end of its expected life, but not due to corrosive action, report it under a different cause
category, such as G7 Incorrect Operation for improper installation or G6 - Equipment Failure if the
gasket failed.)
Natural Force Damage includes a release or failure resulting from earth movement, earthquakes,
landslides, subsidence, lightning, heavy rains/floods, washouts, flotation, mudslide, scouring,
temperature, frost heave, frozen components, high winds, or similar natural causes.
Excavation Damage includes a release or failure resulting directly from excavation damage by
operator's personnel (oftentimes referred to as “first party” excavation damage) or by the operator’s
contractor (oftentimes referred to as “second party” excavation damage) or by people or contractors
not associated with the operator (oftentimes referred to as “third party” excavation damage). Also,
this section includes a release or failure determined to have resulted from previous damage due to
excavation activity. For damage from outside forces OTHER than excavation which results in a
release, use Natural Force Damage or Other Outside Force, as appropriate.
Other Outside Force Damage includes, but are not limited to, a release or failure resulting from
non-excavation-related outside forces, such as nearby industrial, man-made, or other fire or
explosion; damage by vehicles or other equipment; failures due to mechanical damage; and,
intentional damage including vandalism and terrorism.
Material Failure of Pipe or Weld includes only material failure of pipe (including the body or
seam of the pipe) as well as welds, joints or connections joining pipe. This includes releases in or
failures from defects or anomalies within the material of the pipe body or within the pipe seam or
other weld/join due to manufacturing process, material imperfections, defects resulting from poor
construction, installation, or fabrication practices, and in-service stresses such as vibration, fatigue,
and environmental cracking.
Equipment Failure applies to failures of items other than pipe (including the body or seam of the
pipe) as well as welds, joints or connections joining pipe.
Equipment failure includes a release or failure resulting from: malfunction of control/relief
equipment including valves, regulators, or other instrumentation; failures of compressors, or
compressor-related equipment; failures of various types of connectors, connections, and
appurtenances; failures of the body of equipment, vessel plate, or other material (including those
caused by construction, material, or design defects or anomalies); and, all other equipment-related
Incorrect Operation: includes a release or failure resulting from operating, maintenance, repair, or
other errors by facility personnel, including, but not limited to, improper valve selection or
operation, inadvertent overpressurization, improper selection of procedures, incorrect installation of
equipment, and failure to follow manufacturer instructions.
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Instructions for Form PHMSA F 7100.5


For intentional releases, select “Blowdown, venting, and purging” if any of the sub-causes apply,
otherwise select “Other operational releases” and describe the nature of the release in the narrative
Emergency response includes a blowdown related to responding to an emergency that is not
reportable as an incident as defined in § 191.3. Releases related to reportable incidents should be
accounted for on the incident report submitted in response to the incident.
Blowdown for testing other than ILI operation includes gas released in order to perform a
pressure test or other integrity assessment or leak test other than inspection with an inline inspection
(ILI) tool. A release associated with the operation of an ILI launcher or receiver should be reported
under “Operation of pig launcher or receiver for operation of an inline inspection tool”
Blowdown for repair or maintenance of a pipeline facility includes releases from a pipeline
performed in order to complete a repair or perform other maintenance activities on the pipeline.
Purging associated with pipe replacement should be reported under “Construction purging:
replacement.” Releases associated with the normal operation of a pig launcher or receiver should be
reported under the appropriate category.
Construction purging Select “replacement” or “new construction” depending on whether the
release is associated with purging for the replacement of a pipeline segment or is associated with
new construction.
Operation of a pig launcher or receiver includes releases from the normal operation of a pig
launcher or receiver. Unintentional releases from pig launchers and receivers and intentional
releases associated with maintenance or construction of the pig launcher itself should instead be
reported under the appropriate category.
A6. Earliest local-time (24 hour clock) and date operator became aware of release
Enter the date/time the operator’s initial indication of the release.
A6a. Select the local time zone where the release occurred (select only one).
A6b. Select “Yes” if Daylight Saving was in effect at the time of the release, or “No” if it
was not.
A7. GIS coordinates of Release
The latitude and longitude of the release are to be reported as Decimal Degrees with a minimum of 5
decimal places (e.g. Lat: 38.89664; Long: -77.04327), using the NAD83 or WGS84 datums.
If you have coordinates in degrees/minutes or degrees/minutes/seconds use the formula below to
convert to decimal degrees:
degrees + (minutes/60) + (seconds/3600) = decimal degrees
e.g. 38° 53' 47.904" = 38 + (53/60) + (47.904/3600) = 38.89664°
All locations in the United States will have a negative longitude coordinate, which has already
been included on the data entry form so that operators do not have to enter the negative sign.
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Instructions for Form PHMSA F 7100.5


If you cannot locate the release with a GPS or some other means, there are online tools that may
assist you at Any questions regarding the required format,
conversion, or how to use the tools noted above can be directed to Amy Nelson (202-493-0591 or
[email protected]).
A8. Commodity released
Select the type of gas or LNG released. An example of Synthetic Gas is manufactured gas based on
naphtha. Landfill Gas includes biogas. Report hydrogen blends as Hydrogen.
A9. Estimated volume of gas released unintentionally
Estimate the amount of gas that was released (in thousands of standard cubic feet, mcf) from the
beginning of the release until such time as gas is no longer being released from the system or until
intentional and controlled blowdown has commenced. Estimates are to be based on best-available
information. Important Note: Volumes consumed by fire are to be included in the estimated volume
A10. Estimated volume of intentional and controlled release/blowdown
Estimate the amount of gas that was released (in thousands of standard cubic feet, mcf) during any
intentional release or controlled blowdown conducted as part of responding to or recovering from the
release. Intentional and controlled blowdown implies a level of control of the site and situation by
the operator such that the area and the public are protected during the controlled release. Important
Note: Volumes consumed by fire and/or explosion are to be included in the estimated volume
A11. What was the operator’s initial indication of the release?
Select the best option to describe the manner in which the operator first became aware of a failure
resulting in this reported release.
Controller means a qualified individual whose function within a shift is to remotely monitor
and/or control the operations of entire or multiple sections of pipelines or systems via a SCADA
system from a control room, and who has operational authority and accountability for the daily
remote operational functions of gas pipeline systems.
Local Operating Personnel including contractors means employees or contractors working on
behalf of the operator outside the control room, but excluding personnel performing patrols or
leakage surveys. Releases detected by personnel performing patrols or leakage surveys should
instead be reported under the appropriate section.
Notification from Public includes notification to the operator directly by a member of the public
including emergency responders, or notification from public safety personnel when a member of
the public reports a release (such as by dialing 911).
A12 Operational Status at time Operator Became aware of the release (select only one)
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Instructions for Form PHMSA F 7100.5


Select the best description of the operating status of the pipeline system at the date/time that the
release began.
Post-Construction Commissioning means the introduction of product, testing and
commissioning of the pipeline prior to the start of commercial operations.
Post-Maintenance/Repair means purging and packing of the pipeline when returning it to
service from maintenance or repairs.
Routine Start-Up means the start-up of the pipeline, facility or system in normal operations, or
returning from maintenance or other idle status following a time of no flow, but the where the
pipeline remained liquid full, and the start-up was being conducted under normal start-up
Routine Shutdown means the stoppage of equipment or the system from a normal operation
Normal Operation includes pauses during maintenance means the pipeline is operating
normally, and any of the maintenance that is occurring does not require product to be removed
from the pipeline or system. Product sampling, inhibitor injection, in-line inspection, installation
of repairs, and other activities covered by the operator’s Operation and Maintenance Procedures
are examples of the maintenance included in this category.
Idle means that the pipeline has been removed from service for commercial reasons or to make
repairs. The pipeline may contain product, an inert gas, or be empty. When residual product is
released, Idle is the proper status.

B1 is required for all reports. For onshore pipelines UNGS facilities, and LNG facilities, complete
items B2 through B7. For offshore pipelines, complete B8.
B1. Is the pipeline or facility interstate or intrastate?
The reported jurisdiction should match both the Annual Report and NPMS submittals for the
pipeline, if applicable
Interstate gas pipeline facility means a gas pipeline facility or that part of a gas pipeline facility
that is used to transport gas and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission (FERC) under the Natural Gas Act (15 U.S.C. 717 et seq.).
Intrastate gas pipeline facility means a gas pipeline facility or that part of a gas pipeline facility
that is used to transport gas within a state and is not subject to the jurisdiction of FERC under the
Natural Gas Act (15 U.S.C. 717 et seq.).
B2. State Enter the 2 digit state abbreviation where the release occurred.
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Instructions for Form PHMSA F 7100.5


B3. Zip Code Enter the zip code where the release occurred.
B4. City Provide the name of the city where the release occurred. If the release did not occur
within a municipality, select “Not Within Municipality” in the City field.
B5. County Provide the name of the county or parish where the release occurred.
B6. Location of Release Enter whether the release occurred on operator-controlled property, a
pipeline right-of-way or easement, or public or private property.
Operator-controlled property would normally apply to an operator’s facility, which may or may
not have controlled access, but which is oftentimes fenced or otherwise marked with discernible
boundaries. This “operator-controlled property” does not refer to the pipeline right-ofway/easement, which is a separate choice for this question.
B7. Onshore Gas Gathering Type For onshore gas gathering pipelines only, identify the
regulatory classification of the gathering line under § 192.8.
B8. Origin of Release: for offshore facilities only
Area and Tract/Block numbers are to be provided for either State or OCS waters, whichever is
For Nearest County/Parish, as with the name of an onshore body of water, the data collected is
intended to allow persons familiar with the area in which the release occurred to identify the
location and understand it in its local context. Accordingly, it is not necessary to take measurements
to determine which county/parish is precisely “nearest” in cases where the release location is
approximately equidistant from two (or more). In such cases, the name of one of the nearby
counties/parishes is to be provided
For releases on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS), identify the region where the release occurred by
selecting one of the four options listed.

C1. Release Source:
Identify the part of the system principally involved in the release, from which gas was released
resulting in reportable consequences. If the failure occurred on an item not provided in this
section, select “Other” under the appropriate category and describe in the narrative.
C1. Cause of Relief Device Release
If C1 is Pressure Relief Device, identify the principal cause of the release from the release device.
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Instructions for Form PHMSA F 7100.5


Concisely describe the release, including the facts, circumstances, and conditions that may have
contributed directly or indirectly to causing the release. Include secondary, contributing, or root
causes when possible, or any other factors associated with the cause that are deemed pertinent.
Use this section to clarify or explain unusual conditions and to explain any estimated data

The Preparer is the person who compiled the data and prepared the responses to the report and who
is to be contacted for more information (preferably the person most knowledgeable about the
information in the report or who knows how to contact the person or persons most knowledgeable).
Enter the Preparer’s e-mail address if the Preparer has one, and the phone and fax numbers used
by the Preparer.
The Authorized Person is responsible for assuring the accuracy and completeness of the reported
data. In addition to their title, a phone number and email address are to be provided for the
Authorized Person.

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File Modified2023-09-29
File Created2023-09-29

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