Phlf Icr_ssb_09192023

PHLF ICR_SSB_09192023.docx

[PHIC] Public Health Law Fellowship Program

OMB: 0920-1426

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Public Health Law Fellowship (PHL Fellowship) Program: Assessment of Quality and Value

NCSTLTPHIW New Information Collection Request

Supporting Statement – Section B

Submitted: 9/19/2023

Program Official/Project Officer

Name: Abigail Ferrell, JD, MPA

Title: Public Health Analyst

CIO: National Center for STLT Public Health Infrastructure and Workforce (NCSTLTPHIW)

Division: Division of Partnership Support (DPS)

Branch: Office of Public Health Law Services (OPHLS)

Address: 11 Corporate Square Blvd, Atlanta GA, 30329

Phone: 404.498.0309

Email: [email protected]

Table of Contents


Att.A-1_Public Health Service Act

Att.A-2_American Rescue Plan

Att.B_60 Day Federal Register Notice

Att.B-1_Public Comment

Att.C_Privacy Impact Assessment

Att.D_Non-research Determination

Att.E-1_PHL Fellowship Application (Word)

Att.E-2_PHL Fellowship Application (Screenshot)

Att.F-1_PHL Fellowship Welcome Survey (Word)

Att.F-2_PHL Fellowship Welcome Survey (Screenshot) 

Att.F-3_PHL Fellowship Welcome Survey Invitation Email

Att.G-1_PHL Fellowship Focus Group

Att.G-2_PHL Fellowship Focus Group Invitation Email

Att.H-1_PHL Fellowship End of Program Survey (Word)

Att.H-2_PHL Fellowship End of Program Survey (Screenshot)

Att.H-3_PHL Fellowship End of Program Survey Invitation Email

Att.I-1_PHLF Alumni Follow-up Survey (Word)

Att.I-2_PHLF Alumni Follow-up Survey (Screenshot)

Att.I-3_PHLF Alumni Follow-up Survey Invitation Email

Att.J-1_PHLF Host Site Application (Word)

Att.J-2_PHLF Host Site Application (Screenshot)

Att.K-1_PHLF Host Site Welcome Survey (Word)

Att.K-2_PHLF Host Site Welcome Survey (Screenshot)

Att.K-3_PHLF Host Site Welcome Survey Invitation Email

Att.L-1_PHLF Host Site End of Program Survey (Word)

Att.L-2_PHLF Host Site End of Program Survey (Screenshot)

Att.L-3_PHLF Host Site End of Program Invitation Email

Att.M-1_PHLF Host Site Supervisor Interview

Att.M-2_PHLF Host Site Supervisor Interview Invitation Email

Section B – Data Collection Procedures

  1. Respondent Universe and Sampling Methods

Data will be collected via nine distinct data collection instruments from the following five distinct respondent groups:

Public Health Law Fellowship Prospective Fellows: The Public Health Law Fellowship (PHL Fellowship) program expects to receive 200 applications annually from prospective fellows. The application will be available electronically only and the link will be posted on the PHL Fellowship’s webpage.

Public Health Law Fellowship Participants: Individuals who are fellows currently participating in the PHL Fellowship will be invited to participate in 2 surveys (Public Health Law Fellowship Welcome Survey and Public Health Law Fellowship End-of-Program Survey) and 1 focus group. The fellowship has 3 cohorts per year, consisting of approximately 25 fellows in each cohort up to 70 individuals per year. The entire cohort of approximately 25 fellows will be invited to participate each time surveys are deployed, for a maximum of 70 respondents per year. In each of the 3 cohorts, all fellows will be invited to participate in the focus group. The focus group will be scheduled for the date and time for which the largest number of fellows is available. If more than 10 fellows volunteer for that day and time, 10 participants will be selected at random, not to exceed 30 focus group participants per year.

Public Health Law Fellowship Alumni: Individuals who have completed the PHL Fellowship will be invited to participate in the alumni survey. The survey will be sent to all fellows 6 months after graduating their current degree program or 6 months after completing the fellowship, whichever is later. The maximum number of potential respondents during a given year will not exceed 70 respondents.

Public Health Law Fellowship Host Site Applicants: Each year, the PHL Fellowship program expects to receive 50 applications from prospective host sites. The application will be available electronically only and the link will be posted on the PHL Fellowship’s webpage.

Public Health Law Fellowship Host Site Supervisors: Individuals who serve as host site supervisors of fellows currently participating in the PHL Fellowship will be invited to participate. Respondents will be employees of state, tribal, local, or territorial government agencies or non-governmental organizations. Official titles will vary; examples of respondent titles include (but are not limited to): health department general counsel, policy director, and public health analyst. Surveys will be deployed to align with the 3 cohorts per year, and all host sites will be invited to participate each time surveys are deployed, not to exceed 40 respondents per year. All host sites will be invited to be interviewed at the close of each cohort, not to exceed 40 respondents per year.

The data collection efforts for fellowship participants, fellowship alumni, and host site supervisors comprise the entire universe of potential respondents. As collecting data from the entire population of these groups of respondents is feasible, a sampling strategy will not be employed. To adhere to best practices for focus groups, if more fellows volunteer than is feasible to have in a single focus group, random sampling will be used. The fellow and host applicant group respondents will not be sampled; we have no way of knowing the quantity of the universe of potential respondents and participation is based on their personal preferences so no sampling methods would be appropriate to use.

  1. Procedures for the Collection of Information

Data collection procedures by instrument are described below:

Public Health Law Fellowship Application: Data will be collected through an online data collection instrument (see attachments E-1 and E-2). The application will be available electronically and the link will be posted on the PHL Fellowship’s webpage. Prospective fellows will access the link to the application on their own accord. No email invitation will be sent to potential respondents.

Public Health Law Fellowship — Welcome Survey: The Public Health Law Fellowship — Welcome Survey (see attachments F-1 and F-2) will be administered at the start of each of the three cohorts per year to the entire respondent universe. Surveys will be administered electronically; a link to the survey will be provided in an email invitation. For each deployment of the survey, the following steps will be followed:

  • An introductory email notification (see attachment F-3) will be sent to all potential respondents informing of the planned data collection, announcing the dates the data collection will remain open, and providing a link to the online instrument.

  • Respondents will have 14 business days to complete the instrument survey.

  • Two reminder emails which are identical to the initial invitation email will be sent to non-responders 1 week following survey distribution and 1 day prior to the close of the data collection window.

  • The PHL Fellowship evaluation team will close the survey on or prior to the start date of the fellowship, no more than 14 business days after initial administration.

Public Health Law Fellowship Focus Group: Volunteers for focus groups (see attachment G-1) will be solicited once per cohort, up to 3 cohorts per year. Focus groups will be conducted virtually via MS Teams. An invitation to participate in the focus group will be sent via email at the end of the fellowship. Participation in the focus group is voluntary. For each focus group, the following steps will be followed:

  • An email invitation (see attachment G-2) to participate in the focus group will be sent to fellowship participants near the completion of their fellowship cohort. The email will direct them to access a doodle poll to select which day(s)/time(s) they are available to participate in the focus group.

  • If more than 10 individuals volunteer for the most frequently available timeslot, participants will be randomly selected from those available.

  • Selected participants will receive a Teams meeting invitation to participate in one focus group.

Public Health Law Fellowship — End of Program Survey: The Public Health Law Fellowship — End of Program Survey (see attachments H-1 and H-2) will be administered at the conclusion of each of the three cohorts per year to the entire respondent universe. Surveys will be administered electronically; a link to the survey web site will be sent via email at the end of the fellowship. For each deployment of the survey, the following steps will be followed:

  • An introductory email notification (see attachment H-3) will be sent to all potential respondents informing of the planned data collection, announcing the dates the data collection will remain open, and providing a link to the online instrument.

  • Current fellows will have 20 days to complete the web-based instruments.

  • Two reminder emails which are identical to the initial invitation email will be sent to non-responders 1 week following survey distribution and 1 day prior to the close of the data collection window.

  • The PHL Fellowship evaluation team will close the survey no more than 20 days after initial administration.

Public Health Law Fellowship – Follow-up Survey: The Public Health Law Fellowship – Follow-up Survey (see attachments I-1 and I-2) will be administered once to each fellow that has completed the program at pre-determined data collection administration points to the entire respondent universe: 6 months after graduating their current degree program or 6 months after completing the fellowship, whichever is later. Surveys will be administered electronically; a link to the survey web site will be provided in the email invitation. Respondents will include PHL Fellowship alumni for whom the PHL Fellowship evaluation team has valid, personal email addresses. For each deployment of the survey, the following steps will be followed:

  • An introductory email notification (see attachment I-3) will be sent to all potential respondents informing them of the planned data collection, announcing the dates the data collection will remain open, and providing a link to the online instrument.

  • Respondents will have a period of 20 days to complete the instrument.

  • Two reminder emails which are identical to the initial invitation email will be sent to non-responders 1 week following survey distribution and 1 day prior to the close of the data collection window.

  • The PHL Fellowship evaluation team will close the survey no more than 20 business days after initial administration.

Public Health Law Fellowship — Host Site Application: Data will be collected through an online data collection instrument (see attachments J-1 and J-2). The application link will be available on the Fellowship’s webpage. Prospective host site supervisors will access the link to the application on their own accord. No email invitation will be sent to potential respondents.

Public Health Law Fellowship — Host Site Welcome Survey: The Public Health Law Fellowship — Host Site Welcome Survey (see attachments K-1 and K-2) will be administered once per cohort for each host site at the beginning of the fellowship. Surveys will be administered electronically; a link to the survey web site will be sent via email at the start of the fellowship. For each deployment of the survey, the following steps will be followed:

  • An introductory email notification (see attachment K-3) will be sent to all potential respondents, announcing the dates the data collection will remain open, and providing a link to the online instrument.

  • Host site supervisors will have 14 business days to complete the web-based survey.

  • The PHL Fellowship evaluation team will close the survey on or prior to the start date of the fellowship, but no more than 14 business days after initial administration.

Public Health Law Fellowship — Host Site End-of-Program Survey: The Public Health Law Fellowship — Host Site End-of-Program Survey (see attachments L-1 and L-2) will be administered to the universe of respondents at the conclusion of each cohort. Surveys will be administered electronically; a link to the survey web site will be sent via email at the end of the fellowship. For each deployment of the survey, the following steps will be followed:

  • An introductory email notification (see attachment L-3) will be sent to all potential respondents, announcing the dates the data collection will remain open, and providing a link to the online instrument.

  • Host site supervisors will have 20 business days to complete the web-based survey.

  • The PHL Fellowship evaluation team will close the survey no more than 20 days after initial administration.

Public Health Law Fellowship — Host Site Supervisor Interview: All participating hosts will be invited to participate in an interview (see attachment M-1) at the conclusion of each cohort, up to 3 cohorts per year. Interviews will be conducted virtually via MS Teams. An invitation to participate in the interview will be sent via email at the end of the fellowship. Participation in the interview is voluntary. For each interview, the following steps will be followed:

  • An email invitation (see attachment M-2) to participate in one interview will be sent to all hosts, directing them to access a doodle poll to select which day(s)/time(s) they are available to participate in the interview.

  • After collecting information from the doodle poll, participants will receive a Teams meeting invitation to participate in their interview.

Responses will be kept in REDCap Main which requires Secure Access Management System (SAMS) authentication and credentials to enter or access data. Only evaluation staff will have access to view or download personally identifiable information, however all fellowship staff will have access to de-identified data. PII from the application may be disclosed to all persons who need access to interview, place, and extend offers to fellows, as is customary and expected for information submitted in applications.

  1. Methods to Maximize Response Rates Deal with Nonresponse

Advance notification via the email invitation to the survey instruments, focus group, and interview will be utilized to maximize response rates. The email invitation introductions will contain the purpose of the information collections and directions for completing the web-based data collection instruments. The introduction will emphasize the importance of input. The web-based format is expected to increase the response rate because it will ease administration of the assessment. The applications will be electronically available to maximize response rate.

Specifically concerning the PHL Fellowship Alumni Survey, prior to fellows’ departure from the fellowship, the PHL Fellowship evaluation team will notify associates of plans to contact alumni to track career progression for the purposes of demonstrating evidence of program outcomes. PHL Fellows will have the option of providing personal email addresses to the evaluation team for the purpose of follow-up contact which will be collected and stored as described in Section 2. As the respondent pool will consist of those willing to provide personal contact information for the purpose of continued follow-up, it is expected that the respondent pool will be open to responding to the data collection instrument when it is distributed.

  1. Test of Procedures or Methods to be Undertaken

Data from surveys will be downloaded as a deidentified Microsoft Excel file for analysis. Data from focus groups and interviews will be transcribed, downloaded as a Microsoft Word file, and deidentified.

All instruments were pilot tested:

PHL Fellow Application (see attachment E-1): The estimate for burden hours is based on pilot response completed by program staff. Pilot responses took 5–7 minutes to complete. For the purposes of estimating burden, the upper limit of 7 minutes was used.

PHL Fellow Welcome Survey (see attachment F-1): The estimate for burden hours is based on pilot response completed by program staff. Pilot responses took 3–6 minutes to complete. For the purposes of estimating burden, the upper limit of 6 minutes was used.

PHL Fellow Focus Group (see attachment G-1): The estimate for burden hours is based on time allocated to complete the focus group. Focus groups will be scheduled for one-hour increments. A subpopulation of 30 fellows will be randomly selected to participate.

PHL Fellow End-of-Program Survey (see attachment H-1): The estimate for burden hours is based on pilot responses by staff. Pilot responses took 4–7 minutes to complete. For the purposes of estimating burden, the upper limit of 7 minutes was used.

PHL Fellowship Alumni Survey (see attachment I-1): The estimate for burden hours is based on pilot responses by staff. Pilot responses took 2–10 minutes to complete. For the purposes of estimating burden, the upper limit of 10 minutes was used.

PHL Fellowship Host Site Application (see attachment J-1): The estimate for burden hours is based on pilot response completed by program staff. Pilot responses took 9–21 minutes to complete. For the purposes of estimating burden, the upper limit of 21 minutes was used.

PHL Fellowship Host Site Welcome Survey (see attachment K-1): The estimate for burden hours is based on pilot responses completed by program staff. Pilot responses took 2–5 minutes to complete. For purposes of estimating burden, the upper limit of 5 minutes was used.

PHL Fellowship Host Site End-of-Program Survey (see attachment L-1) The estimate for burden hours is based on pilot response completed by program staff. Pilot responses took 7–12 minutes to complete. For the purposes of estimating burden, the upper limit of 12 minutes is used.

PHL Fellowship Host Site Supervisor Interview (see attachment M-1): The estimate for burden hours is based on time allocated to complete the interview. Interviews will be scheduled for one-hour increments.

  1. Individuals Consulted on Statistical Aspects and Individuals Collecting and/or Analyzing Data

The plans for statistical analyses for this assessment were developed by CDC staff in NCSTLTPHIW/Division of Partnership Support (DPS)/Office of Public Health Law Services (OPHLS). Data collection will be supported by CDC/NCSTLTPHIW/DPS/OPHLS staff. The following individual supports this effort. Other PHL Fellowship program staff may assist as needed.

Abigail Ferrell, JD, MPA (she/her)

Public Health Analyst

Office of Public Health Law Services

Division of Partnership Support

National Center for STLT Public Health Infrastructure and Workforce

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

11 Corporate Blvd NE

Atlanta, GA 30329

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