Culture of Continuous Learning Project: Landscape Survey

Formative Data Collections for ACF Research

Instrument 6_Pyramid Model Lead Survey.v5.clean

Culture of Continuous Learning Project: Landscape Survey

OMB: 0970-0356

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OMB #: 0970-0356 Expiration Date: 02/29/2024

State Pyramid Model Lead Survey

Instrument 6: State Pyramid Model Lead Survey: Culture of Continuous Learning Landscape Study

Culture of Continuous Learning Landscape Study: State Pyramid Model Lead Survey 

This survey is intended to gather information regarding the ways in which states design, implement, and evaluate their use of the Pyramid Model. For the purpose of this survey, please consider the term “quality improvement” to include a variety of activities like training or professional development, technical assistance, coaching and consultation, and other quality improvement activities. We realize the Pyramid Model can look different across states; we are reaching out to you to help fill in our understanding of the landscape of Pyramid Model implementation across the U.S. Thank you for sharing information on this topic!

This one-time, online survey should take no more than 20 minutes to complete. You can skip any question and you can stop the survey at any time. There are no right or wrong answers to any of our questions. Your name and contact information will not be shared outside our project team, and they will not be identified in any reports of study findings. Your responses will not be shared with your employer or have any impact on your employment status. Your answers will be combined with information from others who complete the survey.

There is no direct benefit to you for completing this survey. We hope that the information you provide will benefit the early child care and education field.


The Paperwork Reduction Act Statement: This collection of information is voluntary and will be used to help fill in our understanding of the landscape of Pyramid Model implementation across the U.S. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 20 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB number and expiration date for this collection are OMB #: 0970-0356, Exp: 02/29/2024. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to Kathryn Tout, [email protected] or Child Trends, 708 N 1st Suite #333, Minneapolis, MN 55401 Attention: Kathryn Tout.

If you would like a copy of this information or have questions, please email our IRB at [email protected] or by phone at 1-855-288-3506.


Please confirm your location and job title below.

  1. Do you work for [STATE]?

    1. IF Yes -> continue to next question

    2. IF No -> end survey text

  1. Are you the [STATE] [JOB TITLE]?

    1. IF Yes -> continue to next question

    2. IF No -> end survey text

END survey text -> Thank you for your response. If you know the contact information for the [STATE] [JOB TITLE] please provide their name and work email address below. If you do not know the contact information for the [STATE] [JOB TITLE] please click “Submit” to end the survey.

Name _______________

Email address _______________

  1. Is this position an interim role or a permanent position?

    1. Interim

    2. Permanent

Quality Improvement Infrastructure 

  1. What information does [STATE] use to assess program’s needs, monitor implementation, and/or evaluate the effectiveness of the Pyramid Model professional development and quality improvement activities? For each option, select if you use it for planning, monitoring or evaluation, or that you do not use that type of information for these purposes.  

 Information source

Use to plan, monitor or evaluate effectiveness of activities

Not applicable/

Do not use 

Data about adherence to federal, state, or local regulations (e.g., licensing regulations) 

Compliance with requirements set by a privately funded initiative 

Data from statewide needs assessments 

Data from local community needs assessments 

Data from tribal needs assessments 

Data from Migrant and Seasonal needs assessments

Data from a quality rating and improvement system (e.g., changes in quality ratings over time) 

Input from teachers/providers (e.g., surveys, interviews, focus groups, listening sessions) 

Input from families (e.g., surveys, interviews, focus groups, listening sessions) 

Input from center directors/program leaders (e.g., surveys, interviews, focus groups, listening sessions) 

Input from community members and leaders (including leaders in local social service agencies, schools, advocacy organizations, etc.)  (e.g., surveys, interviews, focus groups, listening sessions) 

Data about children’s development (e.g., child assessments; teacher/provider surveys about children) 

Data from observations of classrooms and family child care programs 

Training attendance or participation information 

Training or technical assistance evaluations 

Web analytics/Web traffic information 

Something else_______(please describe) 

I don’t know

  1. In what ways, if any, does [STATE] have formal or informal connections between Pyramid Model professional development, technical assistance, quality improvement activities, and other pieces of the ECE system at the state or local level? Select all that apply.

  1. Offering trainings to staff working across multiple types of settings (e.g., Family child care, center-based child care, Head Start, school-based pre-K, home visiting)

  2. Offering higher subsidy reimbursement rates to programs that participate in Pyramid Model activities

  3. Offering continuing education credit(s) to those in programs that participate in Pyramid Model activities

  4. Waving some requirements for participating in Pyramid Model activities

  5. Pyramid Model representation on statewide early childhood advisory groups

  6. Eligibility for wage supplements or bonuses for staff employed in QRIS-participating programs

  7. Something else ________(please describe)

  8. I don’t know

  9. None of these

  1. What features has [STATE] put in place to encourage participation in Pyramid Model activities? Select all that apply. 

    1. Fee reduction as needed/no fee for training itself

    2. Providing food and refreshments during training

    3. Reimbursing or providing upfront funds to people for travel costs, parking fees, etc.

    4. Offering opportunities in multiple languages

    5. Offering opportunities offered at varying times of the day/week (I.e., nights, weekends, etc.)

    6. Offering opportunities in a variety of formats (I.e., in-person, virtual, hybrid)

    7. Offering trainings on-site (e.g., at a child care program) or near work-site

  1. Offering trainings at community sites (e.g., community centers, schools, churches, etc.)

  2. Offering opportunities as part of the workday (i.e., participants are paid as they would for regular work activity)

  3. Offering pay to cover substitute staff

  4. Using multiple forms of outreach and marketing to advertise opportunities

  5. Providing training series or options for participants to progress from entry level to more advanced content

  6. Something else_______(please describe)

  7. I don’t know

  8. None of these

Equity in Quality Improvement

  1. Has [STATE] done any of the following to improve equity its quality improvement activities? By improving equity in quality improvement activities, we mean working towards fair inclusion of all providers, especially those who have historically and persistently been marginalized by systemic inequities from opportunities, and prioritizing input from families and communities about the quality improvement system. Select all that apply. 

  1. Revised the QRIS (or begin a revision process) to update the quality standards

  2. Improved equity of access to financial resources (i.e., grants, quality awards) for providers

  3. Created or continued using established race equity-related goals for quality improvement implementation

  4. Created or continued using established equity-related goals for quality improvement implementation (other than race equity)

  5. Examined ECE program characteristics data to understand patterns of participation in quality improvement and access to quality improvement resources

  6. Collected data from ECE professionals to learn how the QRIS or other quality improvement initiatives have affected them in their programs

  7. Collected data from families to understand their perspective on quality improvement initiatives

  8. Collected data from community partners to understand their perspective on quality improvement initiatives

  9. Collected data related to equity-related goals

  10. Reported disaggregated data by race or ethnicity

  11. Reported disaggregated data by another characteristic (other than race or ethnicity)

  12. Offered equity-related content in training and technical assistance activities

  13. Made efforts to recruit quality improvement staff that are representative of children and families in your area

  14. Increased staff time dedicated to meeting equity-related goals

  15. Something else_________(please describe) 

  16. I don’t know 

  17. None of these

  1. In the past 12 months, has [STATE] implemented any of the following to inform its Pyramid Model activities? Select all that apply. 

  1. Created or continued using established race equity-related goals for Pyramid Model implementation

  2. Created or continued using established equity-related goals for Pyramid Model implementation (other than race equity)

  3. Incorporated educator/provider input into how Pyramid Model activities are delivered

  4. Incorporated families’ input into how Pyramid Model activities are delivered

  5. Incorporated community-level input into how Pyramid Model activities are delivered

  6. Collected data related to equity-related goals

  7. Reported disaggregated data by race or ethnicity

  8. Reported disaggregated data by another characteristic (other than race or ethnicity)

  9. Offered equity-related content in training and technical assistance activities

  10. Made efforts to recruit a Pyramid Model staff that are representative of children and families in your area

  11. Increased staff time dedicated to meeting equity-related goals

  12. Something else_________(please describe) 

  13. I don’t know 

  14. None of these

Types of Quality Improvement Activities 

  1. Various funds in [STATE] support Pyramid Model activities involving training, technical assistance, and quality improvement for programs. For each topic listed below, please indicate which type(s) of training or coaching has been supported in the past 12 months that you are aware of. If it would be helpful, you could review language in contracts with professional development partners or vendors to answer this question. Select all that apply.

Topic area

Training for individuals

Staff register and attend on their own. May or may not attend with anyone else they work with.

Training for organizations

Program staff are trained in a group, and typically attend all together.

Coaching for individuals

Staff receive one-on-one coaching or technical assistance. Goals may be set by the coach or the individual teacher/staff member.

Coaching for organizations

Program staff receive support for their classroom or program. Coaching is directed at multiple staff from the program working on a shared goal.

Something else

Please describe.

I don’t know

None of these offered for this topic

Pyramid Model









IF any response other than “I don’t know” to QX -> Of these types of support, which are the top 2

most funded? Select the top two.

    1. Pipe in responses from QX

    2. Pipe in responses from QX

    3. Pipe in responses from QX

    4. Pipe in responses from QX

    5. Pipe in responses from QX

IF any YES response to “Coaching for Organizations” above à What factors influence whether a

program can participate in organizational coaching?  Select all that apply. 

  1. Program type________(please describe) 

  2. Program location ________(please describe) 

  3. Funding source ________(please describe) 

  4. Part of a pilot initiative ________(please describe) 

  5. Another type ________(please describe) 

  6. I don’t know 

  7. None of these

IF any YES response to “Coaching for Organizations” above -> Are you able to provide a website

where our research team can learn more? Alternatively, you may upload a document that

describes coaching for organizations. [text box with file upload option]

Pyramid Model Implementation

  1. Does [STATE] support child care programs or Head Start grantees’ use of Pyramid Model materials or require use of the Pyramid Model framework for at least some programs? Select all that apply.

    1. Yes, support for child care programs

    2. Yes, support for Head Start grantees

    3. Yes, required for child care programs

    4. Yes, required for Head Start grantees

    5. No

    6. I don’t know

IF Yes to QX -> In what ways do child care programs or Head Start grantees in [STATE] use the Pyramid Model framework?

Child care

Head Start

Use written resources about the Pyramid Model



I don’t know



I don’t know

Use video resources or webinars about the Pyramid Model



I don’t know



I don’t know

Observe teachers on Pyramid Model practices (e.g., with the Teaching Pyramid Observation Tool, TPOT)



I don’t know



I don’t know

Participate in official Leadership Training for program-wide implementation of Pyramid Model



I don’t know



I don’t know

Something else ____(please describe)



I don’t know



I don’t know

  1. In what stage of implementation is the use of the Pyramid Model in [STATE]?

    1. Pilot initiative or project

    2. Initial installation

    3. Well-established sites

    4. Model sites

    5. I don’t know

Recent and Future Changes to Pyramid Model Opportunities

  1. Are there any changes [STATE] will make to its implementation of Pyramid Model activities in the next 1-3 years, in any of the following ways?

Implementation of quality improvement opportunities

Yes, we will make these changes

We have made these recent changes to the QRIS system since 2020


Exploring this idea

I don’t know

About training

Changes in the mode of training delivery (i.e., in-person, virtual, or hybrid options)

Changes to waivers of training requirements

Changes to training costs to participants (i.e., decreased or increased)

Changes in availability of training

Changes to the availability of training in multiple languages

Changes to training topics

Changes in training staff

About coaching

Changes in the mode of coaching delivery (i.e., in-person, virtual, or hybrid options)

Changes to waivers of coaching requirements

Changes to coaching costs to participants (i.e., decreased or increased)

Changes in availability of coaching

Changes to coaching topics

Changes in coaching staff

Other potential changes

Changes in resources on racial justice or culturally responsive care

Changes in the frequency of cross-agency collaboration

Something else ____ (please describe

IF Yes to a QX response option -> What changes will [STATE] make to its implementation of Pyramid Model activities in the next 1-3 years? [PIPE IN RESPONSE OPTIONS]

Implementation of QI opportunities

Availability of trainings or coaches

Fewer options available

More options available

I don’t know

Availability of resources on racial justice or culturally responsive care

Fewer options available

More options available

I don’t know

Variety of training or coaching topics

Fewer options available

More options available

I don’t know

Frequency of collaboration

Less collaboration

More collaboration

I don’t know


  1. How long have you been in your current position?

  1. Drop-down, number of years

  1. What role(s) do you currently have within the Head Start or ECE system in [STATE]? Select all that apply.


Currently have

CCDF administrator

Head Start Collaboration Office director

Head Start Education Manager

Head Start Regional Program Manager

Head Start Regional Manager

State PreK director

Local PreK administrator

Child care licensing staff

QRIS staff

Child care subsidy staff

Part C or Part B of IDEA staff (early childhood special education)

Child Care Resource & Referral staff

Professional development/consultant/trainer

University or community college ECE instructor

Work at a professional association

Work in a school district

Work in an advocacy organization

Work in a child care center or was a home-based care provider

Work in a Head Start program

Other direct service with children and families (e.g., home visitor, nurse, social worker, parent educator)

Other policy work related to children and families (e.g., health care)

Something else ____(please describe)

  1. Which of the following best describes your gender identity?

    1. Female

    2. Male

    3. Non-binary, Gender fluid, or Gender expansive

    4. Transgender

    5. A gender not listed here

    6. I prefer not to answer

  1. Are you of Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish origin?

    1. No, not of Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish origin

    2. Yes, Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano/a

    3. Yes, Puerto Rican

    4. Yes, Cuban

    5. Yes, Another Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish origin

    6. I prefer not to answer

  1. What is your race? (select one or more)

    1. American Indian or Alaska Native

    2. Asian Indian

    3. Chinese

    4. Filipino

    5. Japanese

    6. Korean

    7. Vietnamese

    8. Other Asian

    9. Black or African American

    10. Native Hawaiian

    11. Guamanian or Chamorro

    12. Samoan

    13. Other Pacific Islander (please specify) _________

    14. White

    15. Another race (please specify) _____________

    16. I prefer not to answer

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorAlexandra Verhoye
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2023-10-17

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