School Pulse Panel
(SPP 2023-24)
OMB# 1850-0975 v.2
Supporting Statement
Appendix C
Monthly Surveys
National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)
U.S. Department of Education
June 2023
School Pulse Modules by Month 3
Staffing (Summer Hiring Cycle & Challenges) 4
Suggestions for Future Items 11
Suggestions for Future Items 35
Staffing (Current Vacancies & Challenges) 36
Suggestions for Future Items 55
Monthly Collection |
Modules |
2023 |
August |
Staffing (Summer Hiring Cycle & Challenges) |
Internet & Technology |
Community Collaboration |
September |
After-School Programs |
Summer Programs |
October |
Staffing (Current Vacancies & Challenges) |
Tutoring |
November |
School Improvement |
Food Services |
December |
Facilities |
Learning Recovery (Planning Time + Parent Engagement) |
2024 |
January |
College and Career |
World Language Programs |
February |
Crime and Safety (Perceptions and trainings) |
March |
Mental Health |
Concerns |
Staffing (Upcoming Hiring Cycle) |
April |
Transportation |
School Preparedness |
Crime & Safety (Procedures) |
May |
Tutoring (Repeat of October – reduced set of items) |
Student Behavior |
June |
Learning Recovery (Strategies) |
Absenteeism |
Learning Modes |
Italicized modules are planned but subject to change; changes will appear in subsequent 30-day packages. |
Counts and Suggestions for Future Items are also asked each month |
HP1. How easy or difficult was it for you to fill each of the following teaching positions with a fully certified teacher for the 2023-24 school year?
We did not have vacancies in this area |
Very Easy |
Somewhat easy |
Somewhat difficult |
Very difficult |
Our school does not offer this position |
Don’t Know |
General Elementary |
Special Education |
English or language arts |
Social Studies |
Computer science |
Mathematics |
Biology or life sciences |
Physical sciences (e.g., chemistry, physics) |
English as a Second Language (ESL) or bilingual education |
Foreign languages |
Music or arts |
Career or technical education |
Physical education or health |
Other, please specify: ________ |
HP2. What, if any, challenges did you experience filling vacant teaching positions for the 2023-24 school year? Select all that apply.
Too few candidates applying for open teaching positions
A lack of qualified candidates applying for open teaching positions
Candidates felt the salary and benefits for teaching positions were not enough
Applicants turned down teaching positions once offered for reasons other than salary and benefits
Other, please specify: ______________
We did not experience any challenges filling teacher vacancies
We did not have any teacher vacancies to fill
Don’t know
HP3. How easy or difficult was it for you to fill each of the following non-teaching staff positions with a fully certified staff member for the 2023-24 school year?
We did not have vacancies in this area |
Very Easy |
Somewhat easy |
Somewhat difficult |
Very difficult |
Our school does not offer this position |
Don’t Know |
Mental health professional (e.g., psychologist, social worker) |
Medical professional (e.g., nurse, nurse’s aide) |
Administrative staff |
Technology specialist |
Transportation staff |
Custodial staff |
Nutrition staff (e.g., food preparation, cafeteria worker) |
Academic counselor |
Academic interventionist |
Tutor |
Instructional coach |
Classroom aide |
Other, please specify: ________ |
HP4. What, if any, challenges did you experience filling vacant non-teaching staff positions for the 2023-24 school year? Select all that apply.
Too few candidates applying for open staff positions
A lack of qualified candidates applying for open staff positions
Candidates felt the salary and benefits for staff positions were not enough
Applicants turned down staff positions once offered for reasons other than salary and benefits
Other, please specify: ______________
We did not experience any challenges filling staff vacancies
We did not have any staff vacancies to fill
Don’t know
HP5. Entering the 2023-24 school year, do you feel your school is understaffed?
Don’t Know
HP6. In which of the following areas do you feel that your school is understaffed? {Display if HP5 = Yes}
Yes, we are understaffed in this area |
No, we are not understaffed in this area |
Not applicable – our school does not offer this position |
General Elementary |
Special Education |
English or Language Arts |
Social Studies |
Computer Science |
Mathematics |
Biology or life sciences |
Physical sciences (e.g., chemistry, physics) |
English as a Second Language (ESL) or bilingual education |
Foreign languages |
Music or arts |
Career or technical education |
Physical education or health |
Mental health (e.g., psychologist, social worker) |
Medical (e.g., nurse, nurse’s aide) |
Administrative staff |
Technology |
Transportation |
Custodial |
Nutrition (e.g., food preparation, cafeteria worker) |
Academic counseling |
Academic interventionist |
Tutor |
Instructional coach |
Classroom aide |
Other, please specify: ____________ |
HP9. We’d like to learn more about how schools’ experiences filling teacher and staff vacancies for the 2023-24 school year. In the space below, please share any other information you like us to know on this topic.
This item is optional.
INTERNET1. For the 2023-24 school year, are students who need internet access provided internet access at home?
Don’t Know
INTERNET2. For the 2023-24 school year, are students who need internet access provided internet access at a location other than their home (e.g., library, parking lot, or other location)?
Don’t Know
INTERNET3. For the 2023-24 school year, are students who need them provided with digital devices (e.g., laptops, tables, Chromebooks, etc.)?
Don’t Know
INTERNET4. For the 2023-24 school year, are students provided IT or technical support for problems with their internet or computers?
Include formal support or staff who are dedicated to help with IT. Do not include teachers who may help during lessons.
Don’t Know
INTERNET5. For the 2023-24 school year, are teachers or non-teaching staff provided IT or technical support for problems with their internet or computers?
Include formal support or staff who are dedicated to help with IT. Do not include teachers who may help during lessons.
Don’t Know
DL1. Does your school offer training on digital literacy for your students?
Don’t Know
DL2. Does your school provide additional training for any of the following subgroups beyond what all students are offered? Select all that apply. {Display if DL1 = YES}
Migrant students
English Learner (EL) or English as a Second Language (ESL) students
Students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) or 504 plans
Economically disadvantaged students (such as those that qualify for free or reduced-price lunch)
Students experiencing homelessness
Other, please specify: _____________
None of the Above
DL3. Does your school offer training on digital literacy for your students’ families?
Don’t Know
INTERNET6. We’d like to learn more about how schools’ experiences ensuring internet access for students and developing their digital literacy. In the space below, please share any other information you like us to know on this topic.
This item is optional.
CSP1. Does your school use a “community school” or “wraparound services” model?
A community school or wraparound services model is when a school partners with other government agencies and/or local nonprofits to support and engage with the local community (e.g., providing mental and physical health care, nutrition, housing assistance, etc.)
Don’t Know
CSP2a. For the 2023-24 school year, which of the following services, if any, are available to the community through your school’s existing partnerships? Select all that apply.
Physical health care
Mental health care
Dental care
Vision care
Housing assistance
Nutrition/food assistance
Employment assistance
Social work
Adult education classes
Parenting and family support
Mentoring and tutoring programs
Migrant and refugee support
Volunteering opportunities
Community resource fairs
Other, please specify: ____________
None of the above
Don’t Know
CSP2c. To the best of your knowledge, what percentage of your students and their families will participate in these programs during the 2023-24 school year?
{Answers populate based on selections to CSP2a} |
Percentage of students and their families in 2023-24 |
Don’t Know |
Physical health care |
% |
Mental health care |
% |
Dental care |
% |
Vision care |
% |
Housing assistance |
% |
Nutrition/food assistance |
% |
Employment assistance |
% |
Childcare |
% |
Social work |
% |
Adult education classes |
% |
Family support and parenting |
% |
Mentoring and tutoring programs |
% |
Migrant and refugee support |
% |
Volunteering opportunities |
% |
Community resource fairs |
% |
CS3. For the 2023-24 school year, does your school have, or conduct, any of the following collaborative decision-making and continuous improvement practices, either directly or through a partnership? Select all that apply.
An advisory board or local-decision-making committee that includes parents, teachers, students, and/or community members
Assessment of student academic and non-academic needs and assets and family needs and assets
Data system that monitors which students receive which services (e.g., after-school programs, counseling services, health care)
Data system that monitors student progress (e.g., academic progress, classroom engagement, social and emotional skills)
None of the above
Don’t know
CSP4. For the 2023-24 school year, does your school use any of the following strategies to improve coordination of service delivery? Select all that apply.
Employment of a community school coordinator, director, or manager
Partnerships with community organizations to provide services
Case management to connect students and families with services
Service directory or other centralized list of family services
None of the above
Don’t know
CSP5. How important was each of the following factors in determining your school’s priorities for the 2023-24 school year?
Not important |
Slightly important |
Important |
Very important |
N/A |
Results from school’s comprehensive needs assessment |
Input from parents |
Input from students |
Input from school administrators |
Input from school staff |
Input from community-based organizations, local government, or businesses |
Input from tribes or tribal organizations |
CSP3. We’d like to learn more about how schools’ experiences collaborating with the community surrounding your school at your school. In the space below, please share any other information you like us to know on this topic. {Display if CSP1 = YES}
This item is optional.
TEACHER0. Please enter an approximate total teacher count for your school as of today.
Please enter the number of teachers, including full-time and part-time teachers.
________ teachers
STAFF0. Please enter an approximate total non-teacher staff count for your school as of today.
Please enter the number of non-teaching staff, including full-time and part-time non-teachers.
________ non-teaching staff
ENROLLMENT. As of today, please enter your total student enrollment count.
Please enter the number of students.
________ students
FutCont. We want to ensure we are continuing to collect information on topics that are relevant to the day-to-day functioning of U.S. public schools during the 2023-24 school year and beyond. In the space below, please share any other topics you believe are important for us to know as we continue this monthly survey collection.
This item is optional.
SP_gate. Which of the following summer programs did your school offer during summer 2023?
Summer school program: classes offered during the summer that students take for remedial or credit recovery purposes; students are often required to attend summer school because of their performance during the school year {Display SP_ss items if selected}
Summer learning and enrichment programs: classes or programs offered during the summer that students may participate in that provide additional learning opportunities, or course credit, in a variety of subject areas; students’ participation in these programs is voluntary {Display SP_le items if selected}
Summer recreation programs: programs offered during the summer that students may participate in that may include recreation, sports, games and activities, youth development, etc.; these programs typically do not have an academic focus and students’ participation is voluntary {Display SP_r items if selected}
Summer bridge programs: programs offered during the summer that support transitions to new grade or school levels (e.g., the transition from elementary to middle school or from middle school to high school) {Display SP_bp items if selected}
Service-learning program: program where students learn in a classroom-type setting and apply what they’ve learned by providing meaningful service to their community {Display SP_sl items if selected}
Work-based learning program: program that provides students with a continuum of career-related experiences that support their career goals and prepares them for education and employment beyond school {Display SP_wb items if selected}
Summer internship program: program where students are connected to businesses or non-profit organizations and gain real-world work experiences {Display SP_int items if selected}
Other summer programs, please specify: _______________
We did not offer any summer programs during summer 2023
SP_acad. To the best of your knowledge, what percentage of your student body participated in academically focused summer program(s) offered by your school during summer 2023? {Display if SP_gate = summer school OR L&E programs OR bridge programs OR other programs}
Academically focused summer programs include summer school, learning and enrichment programs, bridge programs, or other summer programs. If a student participated in more than one of these programs, only count them once.
________ %
The following questions are about your school’s summer school offered during summer 2023:
SP_ss1. To the best of your knowledge, what percentage of your student body participated in summer school during summer 2023?
Don’t know
SP_ss2. During a typical week, approximately how many days per week did your school offer summer school during summer 2023?
1 day per week
2 days per week
3 days per week
4 days per week
5 days per week
More than 5 days per week
Don’t know
SP_ss3. During a typical day, how many hours per day did summer school run?
________ hours
Don’t know
SP_s4. Approximately how many weeks did your school offer summer school during summer 2023?
________ weeks
Don’t know
SP_ss5. Which of the following best describes your school’s ability to provide summer school to those who needed it?
We were able to provide summer school to ALL students who needed it
We were able to provide summer school to MOST students who needed it
We were able to provide summer school to SOME students who needed it
We were able to provide summer school to ONLY A FEW students who needed it
Don’t know
SP_ss6. Did you partner, or have a contract, with any of the following types of organizations or groups to run your school’s summer school program? Select all that apply.
Other local K-12 schools
Local colleges or universities
Local libraries
Academically focused groups (e.g., local museums, tutoring programs)
Community businesses
Community non-profit organizations
Community health organizations
City departments or agencies (e.g., parks department, mayor’s office, youth agencies, etc.)
Other, please specify: ________________
None of the above
Don’t know
SP_ss7. Which of the following personnel worked in your school’s summer school program during summer 2022? Select all that apply.
Full-time teachers from your school
Part-time teachers from your school
Administrative staff from your school
Tutors from your school
Intervention specialists from your school
Dedicated staff whose only job at your school is to work in your school’s summer school program
Staff from an outside organization you partner or contract with {Display if SP_ss6 ≠ “None of the above” or “Don’t Know”}
Volunteers (e.g., parents, other community members)
Other, please specify: ______________
Don’t know
SP_ss8. What sources of funding were used to support your school’s summer school program during summer 2022? Select all that apply.
COVID relief funds (ESSER I or ESSER II)
American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief funds (ARP ESSER)
Federal grants or programs
State grants or programs
Local grants or programs
District or school financial funding
Philanthropic support
Partnerships or sponsorships with other organizations
Other, please specify: ____________
None of the above
Don’t know
SP_ss9. Which of the following best describes your school’s use of COVID-relief funds for your summer school program during summer 2022? {Display if SP_ss8 = “COVID relief funds” OR “ARP ESSER”}
This was a new program funded by COVID-relief funds
This program was expanded or enhanced with funding from COVID-relief funds
Don’t know
SP_ss10. What was the cost, per student, to run your school’s summer school program?
$__________ per student
Don’t know
SP_ss11a. Did families have to pay a fee for their child(ren) to participate in your school’s summer school program?
Please only consider money paid directly for participation; do NOT include associated costs with participating in this program, such as program add-ons, transportation costs, or purchasing materials necessary for participation.
Don’t know
SP_ss11b. How much did it cost, per student, for a family to send a child to your school’s summer school program during summer 2022? {Display if SP_ss11a = Yes}
Please only consider money paid directly for participation; do NOT include associated costs with participating in this program, such as program add-ons, transportation costs, or purchasing materials necessary for participation.
If families could pay different fees based on certain factors (e.g., free- and reduced-price meal eligibility), report the highest cost a family could pay.
$__________ per student
Don’t know
The following questions are about your school’s summer learning and enrichment program(s) offered during summer 2023:
SP_le1. To the best of your knowledge, what percentage of your student body participated in your school’s summer learning and enrichment program(s) during summer 2023?
Don’t know
SP_le2. During a typical week, approximately how many days per week did your school offer summer learning and enrichment program(s) during summer 2023?
1 day per week
2 days per week
3 days per week
4 days per week
5 days per week
More than 5 days per week
Don’t know
SP_le3. During a typical day, how many hours per day did your school’s summer learning and enrichment program(s) run?
________ hours
Don’t know
SP_le4. Approximately how many weeks did your school offer summer learning and enrichment program(s) during summer 2023?
________ weeks
Don’t know
SP_le5. Which of the following best describes your school’s ability to provide its summer learning and enrichment program(s) to those who wanted to participate?
We were able to provide our summer learning and enrichment program(s) to ALL students who wanted to participate
We were able to provide our summer learning and enrichment program(s) to MOST students who wanted to participate
We were able to provide our summer learning and enrichment program(s) to SOME students who wanted to participate
We were able to provide our summer learning and enrichment program(s) to ONLY A FEW students who wanted to participate
Don’t Know
SP_le6. Did you partner, or have a contract, with any of the following types of organizations or groups to run your school’s summer learning and enrichment program(s)? Select all that apply.
Other local K-12 schools
Local colleges or universities
Local libraries
Academically focused groups (e.g., local museums, tutoring programs)
Community businesses
Community non-profit organizations
Community health organizations
City departments or agencies (e.g., parks department, mayor’s office, youth agencies, etc.)
Other, please specify: ________________
None of the above
Don’t know
SP_le7. Which of the following personnel worked in your school’s summer learning and enrichment program(s) during summer 2022? Select all that apply.
Full-time teachers from your school
Part-time teachers from your school
Administrative staff from your school
Tutors from your school
Intervention specialists from your school
Dedicated staff whose only job at your school is to work in your school’s summer learning and enrichment program(s)
Staff from an outside organization you partner or contract with {Display if SP_le6 ≠ “None of the above” or “Don’t Know”}
Volunteers (e.g., parents, other community members)
Other, please specify: ______________
Don’t know
SP_le8. What sources of funding were used to support your school’s summer learning and enrichment program(s) summer 2022? Select all that apply.
COVID relief funds (ESSER I or ESSER II)
American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief funds (ARP ESSER)
Federal grants or programs
State grants or programs
Local grants or programs
District or school financial funding
Philanthropic support
Partnerships or sponsorships with other organizations
Other, please specify: ____________
None of the above
SP_le9. Which of the following best describes your school’s use of COVID-relief funds for your school’s summer learning and enrichment program(s) summer 2022? {Display if SP_le8 = “COVID relief funds” OR “ARP ESSER”}
This was a new program funded by COVID-relief funds
This program was expanded or enhanced with funding from COVID-relief funds
Don’t know
SP_le10. What was the cost, per student, to run your school’s summer learning and enrichment program(s)?
$__________ per student
Don’t know
SP_le11a. Did families have to pay a fee for their child(ren) to participate in your school’s summer learning and enrichment program(s)?
Please only consider money paid directly for participation; do NOT include associated costs with participating in this program, such as program add-ons, transportation costs, or purchasing materials necessary for participation.
Don’t know
SP_le11b. How much did it cost, per student, for a family to send a child to your school’s summer learning and enrichment program(s) during summer 2022? {Display if SP_le11a = Yes}
Please only consider money paid directly for participation; do NOT include associated costs with participating in this program, such as program add-ons, transportation costs, or purchasing materials necessary for participation.
If families could pay different fees based on certain factors (e.g., free- and reduced-price meal eligibility), report the highest cost a family could pay.
$__________ per student
Don’t know
The following questions are about your school’s summer recreation programs offered during summer 2023:
SP_r1. To the best of your knowledge, what percentage of your student body participated in summer recreation program(s) during summer 2023?
Don’t know
SP_r2. During a typical week, approximately how many days per week did your school offer its summer recreation program(s) during summer 2023?
1 day per week
2 days per week
3 days per week
4 days per week
5 days per week
More than 5 days per week
Don’t know
SP_r3. During a typical day, how many hours per day did summer recreation program(s) run?
________ hours
Don’t know
SP_r4. Approximately how many weeks did your school offer summer recreation program(s) during summer 2023?
________ weeks
Don’t know
SP_r5. Which of the following best describes your school’s ability to provide its summer recreation program(s) to those who wanted to participate?
We were able to provide our summer recreation program(s) to ALL students who wanted to participate
We were able to provide our summer recreation program(s) to MOST students who wanted to participate
We were able to provide our summer recreation program(s) to SOME students who wanted to participate
We were able to provide our summer recreation program(s) to ONLY A FEW students who wanted to participate
Don’t Know
SP_r6. Did you partner, or have a contract, with any of the following types of organizations or groups to run your school’s summer recreation program(s)? Select all that apply.
Other local K-12 schools
Local colleges or universities
Local libraries
Academically focused groups (e.g., local museums, tutoring programs)
Community businesses
Community non-profit organizations
Community health organizations
City departments or agencies (e.g., parks department, mayor’s office, youth agencies, etc.)
Other, please specify: ________________
None of the above
Don’t know
SP_r7. Which of the following personnel worked in your school’s summer recreation program(s) during summer 2022? Select all that apply.
Full-time teachers from your school
Part-time teachers from your school
Administrative staff from your school
Tutors from your school
Intervention specialists from your school
Dedicated staff whose only job at your school is to work in your school’s summer recreation program(s)
Staff from an outside organization you partner or contract with {Display if SP_r6 ≠ “None of the above” or “Don’t Know”}
Volunteers (e.g., parents, other community members)
Other, please specify: ______________
Don’t know
SP_r8. What sources of funding were used to support your school’s summer recreation program(s) summer 2022? Select all that apply.
COVID relief funds (ESSER I or ESSER II)
American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief funds (ARP ESSER)
Federal grants or programs
State grants or programs
Local grants or programs
District or school financial funding
Philanthropic support
Partnerships or sponsorships with other organizations
Other, please specify: ____________
None of the above
SP_r9. Which of the following best describes your school’s use of COVID-relief funds for your school’s summer recreation program(s) summer 2022? {Display if SP_r8 = “COVID relief funds” OR “ARP ESSER”}
This was a new program funded by COVID-relief funds
This program was expanded or enhanced with funding from COVID-relief funds
Don’t know
SP_r10. What was the cost, per student, to run your school’s summer recreation program(s)?
$__________ per student
Don’t know
SP_r11a. Did families have to pay a fee for their child(ren) to participate in your school’s summer recreation program(s)?
Please only consider money paid directly for participation; do NOT include associated costs with participating in this program, such as program add-ons, transportation costs, or purchasing materials necessary for participation.
Don’t know
SP_r11b. How much did it cost, per student, for a family to send a child to your school’s summer recreation program(s) during summer 2022? {Display if SP_r11a = Yes}
Please only consider money paid directly for participation; do NOT include associated costs with participating in this program, such as program add-ons, transportation costs, or purchasing materials necessary for participation.
If families could pay different fees based on certain factors (e.g., free- and reduced-price meal eligibility), report the highest cost a family could pay.
$__________ per student
Don’t know
The following questions are about your school’s summer bridge program(s) during summer 2023:
SP_bp1. To the best of your knowledge, what percentage of your student body participated in your school’s summer bridge program(s) during summer 2023?
Don’t know
SP_bp2. During a typical week, approximately how many days per week did your school offer summer bridge program(s) during summer 2023?
1 day per week
2 days per week
3 days per week
4 days per week
5 days per week
More than 5 days per week
Don’t know
SP_bp3. During a typical day, how many hours per day did your school’s summer bridge program(s) run?
________ hours
Don’t know
SP_bp4. Approximately how many weeks did your school offer summer bridge program(s) during summer 2023?
________ weeks
Don’t know
SP_bp5. Which of the following best describes your school’s ability to provide its summer bridge program(s) to those who wanted to participate?
We were able to provide our summer learning and enrichment program(s) to ALL students who wanted to participate
We were able to provide our summer learning and enrichment program(s) to MOST students who wanted to participate
We were able to provide our summer learning and enrichment program(s) to SOME students who wanted to participate
We were able to provide our summer learning and enrichment program(s) to ONLY A FEW students who wanted to participate
Don’t Know
SP_bp6. Did you partner, or have a contract, with any of the following types of organizations or groups to run your school’s summer bridge program(s)? Select all that apply.
Other local K-12 schools
Local colleges or universities
Local libraries
Academically focused groups (e.g., local museums, tutoring programs)
Community businesses
Community non-profit organizations
Community health organizations
City departments or agencies (e.g., parks department, mayor’s office, youth agencies, etc.)
Other, please specify: ________________
None of the above
Don’t know
SP_bp7. Which of the following personnel worked in your school’s summer bridge program(s) during summer 2022? Select all that apply.
Full-time teachers from your school
Part-time teachers from your school
Administrative staff from your school
Tutors from your school
Intervention specialists from your school
Dedicated staff whose only job at your school is to work in your school’s summer bridge program
Staff from an outside organization you partner or contract with {Display if SP_bp6 ≠ “None of the above” or “Don’t Know”}
Volunteers (e.g., parents, other community members)
Other, please specify: ______________
Don’t know
SP_bp8. What sources of funding were used to support your school’s summer bridge program(s) summer 2022? Select all that apply.
COVID relief funds (ESSER I or ESSER II)
American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief funds (ARP ESSER)
Federal grants or programs
State grants or programs
Local grants or programs
District or school financial funding
Philanthropic support
Partnerships or sponsorships with other organizations
Other, please specify: ____________
None of the above
SP_bp9. Which of the following best describes your school’s use of COVID-relief funds for your school’s summer bridge program(s) summer 2022? {Display if SP_bp8 = “COVID relief funds” OR “ARP ESSER”}
This was a new program funded by COVID-relief funds
This program was expanded or enhanced with funding from COVID-relief funds
Don’t know
SP_bp10. What was the cost, per student, to run your school’s summer bridge program(s)?
$__________ per student
Don’t know
SP_bp11a. Did families have to pay a fee for their child(ren) to participate in your school’s summer bridge program(s)?
Please only consider money paid directly for participation; do NOT include associated costs with participating in this program, such as program add-ons, transportation costs, or purchasing materials necessary for participation.
Don’t know
SP_bp11b. How much did it cost, per student, for a family to send a child to your school’s summer bridge program(s) during summer 2022? {Display if SP_bp11a = Yes}
Please only consider money paid directly for participation; do NOT include associated costs with participating in this program, such as program add-ons, transportation costs, or purchasing materials necessary for participation.
If families could pay different fees based on certain factors (e.g., free- and reduced-price meal eligibility), report the highest cost a family could pay.
$__________ per student
Don’t know
The following questions are about your school’s service-learning program(s) offered during summer 2023:
SP_sl1. To the best of your knowledge, what percentage of your student body participated in your school’s service-learning program(s) during summer 2023?
Don’t know
SP_sl2. Which of the following best describes your school’s ability to provide its summer service-learning program(s) to those who wanted to participate?
We were able to provide our summer service-learning program(s) to ALL students who wanted to participate
We were able to provide our summer service-learning program(s) to MOST students who wanted to participate
We were able to provide our summer service-learning program(s) to SOME students who wanted to participate
We were able to provide our summer service-learning program(s) to ONLY A FEW students who wanted to participate
Don’t Know
SP_sl3. Did you partner, or have a contract, with any of the following types of organizations or groups to run your school’s summer service-learning program(s)? Select all that apply.
Other local K-12 schools
Local colleges or universities
Local libraries
Academically focused groups (e.g., local museums, tutoring programs)
Community businesses
Community non-profit organizations
Community health organizations
City departments or agencies (e.g., parks department, mayor’s office, youth agencies, etc.)
Other, please specify: ________________
None of the above
Don’t know
SP_sl4. What was the cost, per student, to run your school’s summer service-learning program(s)?
$__________ per student
Don’t know
SP_sl5a. Did families have to pay a fee for their child(ren) to participate in your school’s summer service-learning program(s)?
Please only consider money paid directly for participation; do NOT include associated costs with participating in this program, such as program add-ons, transportation costs, or purchasing materials necessary for participation.
Don’t know
SP_sl5b. How much did it cost, per student, for a family to send a child to your school’s summer service-learning program(s) during summer 2022? {Display if SP_sl5a = Yes}
Please only consider money paid directly for participation; do NOT include associated costs with participating in this program, such as program add-ons, transportation costs, or purchasing materials necessary for participation.
If families could pay different fees based on certain factors (e.g., free- and reduced-price meal eligibility), report the highest cost a family could pay.
$__________ per student
Don’t know
The following questions are about your school’s work-based learning program(s) offered during summer 2023:
SP_wb1. To the best of your knowledge, what percentage of your student body participated in your school’s work-based learning program(s) during summer 2023?
Don’t know
SP_wb2. Which of the following best describes your school’s ability to provide its summer work-based learning program(s) to those who wanted to participate?
We were able to provide our summer work-based learning program(s) to ALL students who wanted to participate
We were able to provide our summer work-based learning program(s) to MOST students who wanted to participate
We were able to provide our summer work-based learning program(s) to SOME students who wanted to participate
We were able to provide our summer work-based learning program(s) to ONLY A FEW students who wanted to participate
Don’t Know
SP_wb3. Did you partner, or have a contract, with any of the following types of organizations or groups to run your school’s summer work-based learning program(s)? Select all that apply.
Other local K-12 schools
Local colleges or universities
Local libraries
Academically focused groups (e.g., local museums, tutoring programs)
Community businesses
Community non-profit organizations
Community health organizations
City departments or agencies (e.g., parks department, mayor’s office, youth agencies, etc.)
Other, please specify: ________________
None of the above
Don’t know
SP_wb4. What was the cost, per student, to run your school’s summer work-based program(s)?
$__________ per student
Don’t know
SP_wb5a. Did families have to pay a fee for their child(ren) to participate in your school’s summer work-based learning program(s)?
Please only consider money paid directly for participation; do NOT include associated costs with participating in this program, such as program add-ons, transportation costs, or purchasing materials necessary for participation.
Don’t know
SP_wb5b. How much did it cost, per student, for a family to send a child to your school’s summer work-based learning program(s) during summer 2022? {Display if SP_wbl5a = Yes}
Please only consider money paid directly for participation; do NOT include associated costs with participating in this program, such as program add-ons, transportation costs, or purchasing materials necessary for participation.
If families could pay different fees based on certain factors (e.g., free- and reduced-price meal eligibility), report the highest cost a family could pay.
$__________ per student
Don’t know
The following questions are about your school’s summer internship program(s) offered during summer 2023:
SP_int1. To the best of your knowledge, what percentage of your student body participated in your school’s summer internship program(s) during summer 2023?
Don’t know
SP_int2. Which of the following best describes your school’s ability to provide its summer internship program(s) to those who wanted to participate?
We were able to provide our summer internship program(s) to ALL students who wanted to participate
We were able to provide our summer internship program(s) to MOST students who wanted to participate
We were able to provide our summer internship program(s) to SOME students who wanted to participate
We were able to provide our summer internship program(s) to ONLY A FEW students who wanted to participate
Don’t Know
SP_int3. Did you partner, or have a contract, with any of the following types of organizations or groups to run your school’s summer internship program(s)? Select all that apply.
Other local K-12 schools
Local colleges or universities
Local libraries
Academically focused groups (e.g., local museums, tutoring programs)
Community businesses
Community non-profit organizations
Community health organizations
City departments or agencies (e.g., parks department, mayor’s office, youth agencies, etc.)
Other, please specify: ________________
None of the above
Don’t know
SP_int4. What was the cost, per student, to run your school’s summer internship program(s)?
$__________ per student
Don’t know
SP_int5a. Did families have to pay a fee for their child(ren) to participate in your school’s summer internship program(s)?
Please only consider money paid directly for participation; do NOT include associated costs with participating in this program, such as program add-ons, transportation costs, or purchasing materials necessary for participation.
Don’t know
SP_int5b. How much did it cost, per student, for a family to send a child to your school’s summer internship program(s) during summer 2022? {Display if SP_intl5a = Yes}
Please only consider money paid directly for participation; do NOT include associated costs with participating in this program, such as program add-ons, transportation costs, or purchasing materials necessary for participation.
If families could pay different fees based on certain factors (e.g., free- and reduced-price meal eligibility), report the highest cost a family could pay.
$__________ per student
Don’t know
SP_more. We’d like to learn more about your school’s experiences operating summer programs during the summer 2023. In the space below please share any other information you would like us to know on this topic.
This item is optional.
ASP_gate. Which of the following after-school programs is your school offering during this school year? Select all that apply.
Academic assistance program: After-school programs or services whose primary purpose is to provide instruction to students who need academic assistance {Display ASP_aa items if selected}
Academic enrichment program: After-school programs or services whose primary purpose is to provide instruction to students who seek academic enrichment {Display ASP_ae items if selected}
Extended-day care {Display ASP_dc items if selected}
School-related activities and clubs (e.g., athletics, student government, yearbook club, etc). {Display ASP_ac items if selected}
Other, please specify: _____________
We are not offering any after-school programming during this school year.
ASP_acad. To the best of your knowledge, what percentage of your student body will participate in academically focused after-school program(s) offered by your school during the 2023-24 school year? {Display if ASP_gate = assistance program OR enrichment program OR other}
Academically focused after-school programs include assistance programs, enrichment programs, or other after-school programs. If a student participated in more than one of these programs, only count them once.
________ %
The following questions ask about your school’s after-school academic assistance program:
ASP_aa1. To the best of your knowledge, what percentage of your student body will participate in your school’s academic assistance program during the 2023-24 school year?
ASP_aa2. During a typical school week, how many days is the academic assistance program offered?
ASP_aa3. On a typical school day, how long do students spend in the academic assistance program?
Up to 1 hour
1 – 2 hours
2 – 3 hours
More than 3 hours
Don’t know
ASP_aa4. Which of the following best describes your school’s ability to provide its after-school academic assistance program to those who want to participate?
We are able to provide our academic assistance program to ALL students who want to participate
We are able to provide our academic assistance program to MOST students who want to participate
We are able to provide our academic assistance program to SOME students who want to participate
We are able to provide our academic assistance program to ONLY A FEW students who want to participate
Don’t Know
ASP_aa5. Do you partner, or have a contract, with any of the following types of organizations or groups to run your school’s after-school academic assistance program? Select all that apply.
Other local K-12 schools
Local colleges or universities
Local libraries
Academically focused groups (e.g., local museums, tutoring programs)
Community businesses
Community non-profit organizations
Community health organizations
City departments or agencies (e.g., parks department, mayor’s office, youth agencies, etc.)
Other, please specify: ________________
None of the above
Don’t know
ASP_aa6. Which of the following personnel work in your school’s after-school academic assistance program? Select all that apply.
Full-time teachers from your school
Part-time teachers from your school
Administrative staff from your school
Tutors from your school
Intervention specialists from your school
Dedicated staff whose only job at your school is to work in your school’s after-school academic assistance program
Staff from an outside organization you partner or contract with {Display if ASP_aa6 ≠ “None of the above” or “Don’t Know”}
Volunteers (e.g., parents, other community members)
Other, please specify: ______________
Don’t know
ASP_aa7. What sources of funding have been used to support your school’s after-school academic assistance program during this school year? Select all that apply.
COVID relief funds (ESSER I or ESSER II)
American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief funds (ARP ESSER)
Other federal grants or programs
State grants or programs
Local grants or programs
District or school financial funding
Philanthropic support
Partnerships or sponsorships with other organizations
Other, please specify: ____________
None of the above
ASP_aa8. Which of the following best describes your school’s use of COVID-relief funds for your after-school academic assistance program? {Display if ASP_aa7 = ESSER and/or ARP ESSER}
This is a new program funded by COVID-relief funds
This program has been expanded or enhanced with funding from COVID-relief funds
ASP_aa9. What is the cost for the entire school year, per student, to run your school’s after-school academic assistance program?
$__________ per student
Don’t know
ASP_aa10a. Do families have to pay a fee for their child(ren) to participate in your school’s after-school academic assistance program(s)?
Please only consider money paid directly for participation; do NOT include associated costs with participating in this program, such as program add-ons, transportation costs, or purchasing materials necessary for participation.
Don’t know
ASP_aa10b. How much does it cost for the entire school year, per student, for a family to send a child to your school’s after-school academic assistance program? {Display if ASP_aa10a = Yes}
Please only consider money paid directly for participation; do NOT include associated costs with participating in this program, such as program add-ons, transportation costs or purchasing materials necessary for participation.
If families could pay different fees based on certain factors (e.g., free- and reduced-price meal eligibility), report the highest cost a family could pay.
$__________ per student
Don’t know
The following questions ask about your school’s after-school academic enrichment program:
ASP_ae1. To the best of your knowledge, what percentage of your student body will participate in your school’s academic enrichment program during the 2023-24 school year?
Don’t know
ASP_ae2. During a typical school week, how many days is the academic enrichment program offered?
1 day per week
2 days per week
3 days per week
4 days per week
5 days per week
Don’t know
ASP_ae3. On a typical school day, how long do students spend in the academic enrichment program?
Up to 1 hour
1 – 2 hours
2 – 3 hours
More than 3 hours
Don’t know
ASP_ae4. Which of the following best describes your school’s ability to provide its after-school academic enrichment program to those who want to participate?
We are able to provide our academic enrichment program to ALL students who want to participate
We are able to provide our academic enrichment program to MOST students who want to participate
We are able to provide our academic enrichment program to SOME students who want to participate
We are able to provide our academic enrichment program to ONLY A FEW students who want to participate
Don’t Know
ASP_ae5. Do you partner, or have a contract, with any of the following types of organizations or groups to run your school’s after-school academic enrichment program? Select all that apply.
Other local K-12 schools
Local colleges or universities
Local libraries
Academically focused groups (e.g., local museums, tutoring programs)
Community businesses
Community non-profit organizations
Community health organizations
City departments or agencies (e.g., parks department, mayor’s office, youth agencies, etc.)
Other, please specify: ________________
None of the above
Don’t know
ASP_ae6. Which of the following personnel work in your school’s after-school academic enrichment program? Select all that apply.
Full-time teachers from your school
Part-time teachers from your school
Administrative staff from your school
Tutors from your school
Intervention specialists from your school
Dedicated staff whose only job at your school is to work in your school’s after-school academic enrichment program
Staff from an outside organization you partner or contract with {Display if ASP_ae6 ≠ “None of the above” or “Don’t Know”}
Volunteers (e.g., parents, other community members)
Other, please specify: ______________
Don’t know
ASP_ae7. What sources of funding have been used to support your school’s after-school academic enrichment program during this school year? Select all that apply.
COVID relief funds (ESSER I or ESSER II)
American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief funds (ARP ESSER)
Other federal grants or programs
State grants or programs
Local grants or programs
District or school financial funding
Philanthropic support
Partnerships or sponsorships with other organizations
Other, please specify: ____________
None of the above
Don’t know
ASP_ae8. Which of the following best describes your school’s use of COVID-relief funds for your after-school academic enrichment program? {Display if ASP_ae7 = ESSER and/or ARP ESSER}
This is a new program funded by COVID-relief funds
This program has been expanded or enhanced with funding from COVID-relief funds
Don’t know
ASP_ae9. What is the cost for the entire school year, per student, to run your school’s after-school academic enrichment program?
$__________ per student
Don’t know
ASP_ae10a. Do families have to pay a fee for their child(ren) to participate in your school’s after-school academic enrichment program(s)?
Please only consider money paid directly for participation; do NOT include associated costs with participating in this program, such as program add-ons, transportation costs, or purchasing materials necessary for participation.
Don’t know
ASP_ae10b. How much does it cost for the entire school year, per student, for a family to send a child to your school’s after-school academic enrichment program? {Display if ASP_ae10a = Yes}
Please only consider money paid directly for participation; do NOT include associated costs with participating in this program, such as program add-ons, transportation costs or purchasing materials necessary for participation.
If families could pay different fees based on certain factors (e.g., free- and reduced-price meal eligibility), report the highest cost a family could pay.
$__________ per student
Don’t know
The following questions are about your school’s after-school extended-day care:
ASP_dc1. To the best of your knowledge, what percentage of your student body will participate in your school’s extended-day care during the 2023-24 school year?
Don’t know
ASP_dc2. During a typical school week, how many days is extended-day care offered?
1 day per week
2 days per week
3 days per week
4 days per week
5 days per week
Don’t know
ASP_dc3. On a typical school day, how long do students spend in extended-day care?
Up to 1 hour
1 – 2 hours
2 – 3 hours
More than 3 hours
Don’t know
ASP_dc4. Which of the following best describes your school’s ability to provide its after-school extended-day care program to those who want to participate?
We are able to provide our extended-day care program to ALL students who want to participate
We are able to provide our extended-day care program to MOST students who want to participate
We are able to provide our extended-day care program to SOME students who want to participate
We are able to provide our extended-day care program to ONLY A FEW students who want to participate
Don’t Know
ASP_dc5. Do you partner, or have a contract, with any of the following types of organizations or groups to run your school’s after-school extended-day program? Select all that apply.
Other local K-12 schools
Local colleges or universities
Local libraries
Academically focused groups (e.g., local museums, tutoring programs)
Community businesses
Community non-profit organizations
Community health organizations
City departments or agencies (e.g., parks department, mayor’s office, youth agencies, etc.)
Other, please specify: ________________
None of the above
Don’t know
ASP_dc6. Which of the following personnel work in your school’s after-school extended-day care program? Select all that apply.
Full-time teachers from your school
Part-time teachers from your school
Administrative staff from your school
Tutors from your school
Intervention specialists from your school
Dedicated staff whose only job at your school is to work in your school’s after-school extended-day care program
Staff from an outside organization you partner or contract with {Display if ASP_dc6 ≠ “None of the above” or “Don’t Know”}
Volunteers (e.g., parents, other community members)
Other, please specify: ______________
Don’t know
ASP_dc7. What sources of funding have been used to support your school’s after-school extended-day care program during this school year? Select all that apply.
COVID relief funds (ESSER I or ESSER II)
American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief funds (ARP ESSER)
Other federal grants or programs
State grants or programs
Local grants or programs
District or school financial funding
Philanthropic support
Partnerships or sponsorships with other organizations
Other, please specify: ____________
None of the above
Don’t know
ASP_dc8. Which of the following best describes your school’s use of COVID-relief funds for your after-school extended-day care program? {Display if ASP_dc7 = ESSER and/or ARP ESSER}
This is a new program funded by COVID-relief funds
This program has been expanded or enhanced with funding from COVID-relief funds
Don’t know
ASP_dc9. What is the cost for the entire school year, per student, to run your school’s after-school extended-day care program?
$__________ per student
Don’t know
ASP_dc10a. Do families have to pay a fee for their child(ren) to participate in your school’s after-school extended-day care program?
Please only consider money paid directly for participation; do NOT include associated costs with participating in this program, such as program add-ons, transportation costs, or purchasing materials necessary for participation.
Don’t know
ASP_dc10b. How much does it cost for the entire school year, per student, for a family to send a child to your school’s after-school extended-day care program? {Display if ASP_dc10a = Yes}
Please only consider money paid directly for participation; do NOT include associated costs with participating in this program, such as program add-ons, transportation costs or purchasing materials necessary for participation.
If families could pay different fees based on certain factors (e.g., free- and reduced-price meal eligibility), report the highest cost a family could pay.
$__________ per student
Don’t know
The following questions are about your school’s after-school activities and clubs:
ASP_ac1. Which of the following activities and clubs are offered at your school? Select all that apply.
Academic clubs (e.g., Debate Team, Honor Society, Spanish Club, Math Club, or Computer Club)
Athletic teams or clubs (e.g., basketball or soccer team; martial arts or yoga club)
Class council or student government
Performing arts (e.g., Band, Choir, Orchestra, or Drama)
Spirit groups (e.g., Cheerleading, Dance Team, or Pep Club)
Volunteer or community service clubs sponsored by the school (e.g., Peer Mediators, Environmental Club, Key Club, Interact, or Recycling Club)
Inclusion clubs (e.g., Gay-Straight Alliance, Best Buddies, Cultural Awareness Club)
Other school clubs or activities, please specify: _________________
ASP_ac2. To the best of your knowledge, what percentage of your student body will participate in ANY your school’s activities and clubs during the 2023-24 school year?
Don’t know
ASP_ac3. Which of the following best describes your school’s ability to provide its after-school activities and clubs to those who want to participate?
We are able to provide our activities and clubs to ALL students who want to participate
We are able to provide our activities and clubs to MOST students who want to participate
We are able to provide our activities and clubs to SOME students who want to participate
We are able to provide our activities and clubs to ONLY A FEW students who want to participate
Don’t know
ASP_more. We’d like to learn more about your school’s experiences operating after-school programs during the 2023-24 school year. In the space below please share any other information you would like us to know on this topic.
This item is optional.
TEACHER0. Please enter an approximate total teacher count for your school as of today.
Please enter the number of teachers, including full-time and part-time teachers.
________ Total number of teachers
STAFF0. Please enter an approximate total non-teacher staff count for your school as of today.
Please enter the number of non-teaching staff, including full-time and part-time non-teachers.
________ Total number of non-teaching staff
ENROLLMENT0. As of today, please enter your total student enrollment count.
Please enter the number of students.
________ Total number of students
FutCont. We want to ensure we are continuing to collect information on topics that are relevant to the day-to-day functioning of U.S. public schools during the 2023-24 school year and beyond. In the space below, please share any other topics you believe are important for us to know as we continue this monthly survey collection.
This item is optional.
StaffVac1. Please enter the following information on staffing at your school.
Please only enter numbers in first two columns. For “total number of positions”, include positions that are filled and that are currently vacant. For “number of vacancies”, enter ‘0’ if your school offers the position and is fully staffed.
Total number of positions at my school (filled + vacant) |
Number of vacancies |
This position is not offered at my school |
Don’t Know |
General Elementary |
Special Education |
English or language arts |
Social studies |
Computer science |
Mathematics |
Biology or life sciences |
Physical sciences (e.g., chemistry, physics, earth sciences) |
English as a Second Language (ESL) or bilingual education |
Foreign languages |
Music or arts |
Career or technical education |
Physical education or health |
Other teachers not listed |
StaffVac2. Please enter the following information on staffing at your school.
Please only enter numbers in first two columns. For “total number of positions”, include positions that are filled and that are currently vacant. For “number of vacancies”, enter ‘0’ if your school offers the position and is fully staffed.
Total number of positions at my school (filled + vacant) |
Number of vacancies |
This position is not offered at my school |
Don’t Know |
Mental health professional (e.g., psychologist, social worker) |
Medical professional (e.g., nurse, nurse’s aide) |
Administrative staff |
Technology specialist |
Transportation staff |
Custodial staff |
Nutrition staff (e.g., food preparation, cafeteria workers) |
Academic Counselor |
Academic Interventionist |
Tutor |
Instructional Coaches |
Classroom aide |
Other staff not listed |
StaffVac5. How have teacher and staff vacancies impacted your school? Select all that apply.
Forced change in learning modes (e.g., switching from in-person to hybrid learning)
Disruptions in student transportation
Disruptions in administration of school meals
Disruptions in administration of medical care or response
Offering fewer extra-curricular opportunities (e.g., athletics, clubs)
Offering fewer student services (e.g., counseling, guidance)
Increased class sizes
Sharing of teachers and/or staff with other schools
Increased need to use teachers outside of their intended duties (i.e., needing teachers to cover duties they were not hired to do)
Increased need to use non-teaching staff outside of their intended duties (i.e., needing staff to cover duties they were not hired to do)
None of the above
Don’t know
We do not have any teacher or staff vacancies
Staffing17a. Has your school added any full- or part-time positions since the 2019-20 school year? Select all that apply.
Yes, we have added teaching position(s)
Yes, we have added non-teaching staff position(s)
We are a new school that did not exist during the 2019-20 school year
Don’t know
Staffing17b. Why has your school added full- or part-time positions? Select all that apply.
Enrollment has increased
We were able to fund new positions
Our school/district went through a reorganization/restructuring of staffing
We were previously understaffed
We added new classes/courses
Other, please specify: ____________
Don’t know
Staffing17c. How many full- or part-time positions have you added since the 2019-20 school year?
Number of positions added |
Don’t know |
Full-time teachers {Display if Staffing17a = teaching} |
Part-time teachers {Display if Staffing17a = teaching} |
Full-time non-teaching staff {Display if Staffing17a = non-teaching} |
Part-time non-teaching staff {Display if Staffing17a = non-teaching} |
Staffing17d. How many of these positions were added using federal funds?
Number of positions added |
Don’t know |
Full-time teachers {Display if Staffing17b teaching > 0} |
Part-time teachers {Display if Staffing17b teaching > 0} |
Full-time non-teaching staff {Display if Staffing17b non-teaching > 0} |
Part-time non-teaching staff {Display if Staffing17b non-teaching > 0} |
Staffing18a. Has your school lost any full- or part-time positions since the 2019-20 school year? Select all that apply.
Yes, we have lost teaching position(s)
Yes, we have lost non-teaching staff position(s)
We are a new school that did not exist during the 2019-20 school year
Don’t know
Staffing18b. Why has your school lost full- or part-time positions? Select all that apply.
Enrollment has decreased
We lost funding/budget cuts
Our school/district went through a reorganization/restructuring of staffing
We reduced the number of classes/courses we offer
Other, please specify: ____________
Don’t know
Staffing18c. How many full- or part-time positions have you lost since the 2019-20 school year?
Number of positions lost |
Don’t know |
Full-time teachers {Display if Staffing18a = teaching} |
Part-time teachers {Display if Staffing18a = teaching} |
Full-time non-teaching staff {Display if Staffing18a = non-teaching} |
Part-time non-teaching staff {Display if Staffing18a = non-teaching} |
Staffing_co1. Of the instructional coaches at your school, how many are focused on the following subject areas? {Display if StaffVac2: Instructional Coaches total number > 0}
_______ literacy coaches
_______ math coaches
_______ other coaches
Staffing_co2. How has the number of instructional coach positions at your school changed since the 2019-20 school year? {Display if ANY of STAFFING_co1 > 0}
We have added instructional coaches
_______number of instructional coaches added {display if answer above is selected}
We have lost instructional coach positions
_______number of instructional coaches lost {display if answer above is selected}
The number of instructional coach positions has remained the same
We are a new school that did not exist during the 2019-20 school year
Don’t know
StaffVac_more. We’d like to learn more about how schools’ experiences with staffing for the 2023-24 school year. In the space below, please share any other information you like us to know on this topic.
This item is optional.
Tutoring_gate. During this school year, which of the following types of tutoring, if any, are students at your school provided? Select all that apply.
High-dosage tutoring (also known as evidence-based or high-quality tutoring): A method of tutoring in which the same student(s) receive(s) tutoring
three or more times per week
for at least 30 minutes per session,
in sessions that are one-on-one or with small groups,
that is provided by educators or well-trained tutors who have received specific training in tutoring practices, AND
that aligns with evidence-based core curriculum or programs {display HDT items if selected}
Standard tutoring: A less intensive method of tutoring in which in which the same student(s) receive(s) tutoring
any number of times per week OR on an as-needed (drop-in) basis
in sessions with no minimum length of time
in sessions that may be one-on-one or involve any number of other students, and
that is provided by educators who may or may not have received specific training in tutoring practices {display SDT items if selected}
Self-paced tutoring: A method of tutoring in which a student work on their own, typically online, where they are provided guided instruction that allows them to move onto new material after displaying mastery of content. {display SPT items if selected}
On-demand online tutoring: A method of tutoring in which a school partners with or contracts out services to an external online tutoring program or company that offers 24/7 support, is led by qualified tutors (e.g., certified teachers, subject-matter experts), and is available on-demand for students to access. {display ODT items if selected}
Other method(s) of tutoring, please specify: _________________
No tutoring is provided to students by our school
The following items ask about high-dosage tutoring at your school during the 2023-24 school year
HDT1. Who administers high-dosage tutoring at your school? Select all that apply.
Tutors whose primary or only role is to provide tutoring
Teachers who have received training or professional development in tutoring
Teacher’s/classroom aides who have received training or professional development in tutoring
Teachers who have NOT received training or professional development in tutoring
Teacher’s/classroom aides who have NOT received training or professional development in tutoring
Subject-area specialists (e.g., reading or math specialists)
Other, please specify: _________________
Don’t know
HDT2. As of today, what percentage of students at your school have received high-dosage tutoring during the 2022-23 school year?
_________% of students
Don’t know
HDT13a. Are any students required to participate in your school’s high-dosage tutoring program?
Don’t Know
HDT13b. For which of the following reasons are students required to participate in your school’s high-dosage tutoring program? Select all that apply. {Display if HDT13a = YES}
Results from diagnostic or other assessment results
Referral from teacher or staff
Request from parent or caregiver
Other, please specify: ________________
HDT3. To the best of your knowledge, how does the percentage of students who receive high-dosage tutoring compare to last school year (2022-23)?
More students are receiving high-dosage tutoring
Fewer students are receiving high-dosage tutoring
About the same percentage of students are receiving high-dosage tutoring
No students participated in high-dosage tutoring in the 2022-23 school year
Don’t Know
HDT4a. To the best of your knowledge, have any of the following subgroups of students received high-dosage tutoring more than others during the 2023-24 school year? Select all that apply.
Students from particular racial/ethnic backgrounds (indicate in next item)
English Learner (EL) or English as a Second Language (ESL) students
Students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) or 504 plans
Economically disadvantaged students (such as those that qualify for free or reduced-price lunch)
Students experiencing homelessness
Migrant students
Students who are not receiving full-time in-person instruction
Other, please specify: _____________
No subgroups have received more high-dosage tutoring than others
Don’t Know
HDT4b. Which of the following racial/ethnic student groups have received high-dosage tutoring more than others? Select all that apply. {Display if HDT4a = “…particular racial/ethnic backgrounds”}
American Indian or Alaska Native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Two or more races
HDT12. Does your school use its student information system (or equivalent) to track students’ participation in high-dosage tutoring?
HDT5. When do students at your school receive high-dosage tutoring? Select all that apply.
Before school
After school
During regular instruction periods through pull-out services
During regular instruction periods in the classroom
During “free periods” for students (e.g., portions of the day students do not have class, lunch/recess)
Outside of the regular school week (e.g., Saturdays or Sundays)
Other, please specify: ____________
Don’t know
HDT6. For students who receive high-dosage tutoring, approximately how many days per week do they receive this type of tutoring?
1 day per week
2 days per week
3 days per week
4 days per week
5 days per week
More than 5 days
Don’t Know
HDT7. For students who receive high-dosage tutoring, approximately how long does the typical tutoring session last?
Less than 30 minutes
30 to 45 minutes
46 minutes to 1 hour
More than 1 hour
Don’t Know
HDT8. In which of the following subject areas do students in your school receive high-dosage tutoring?
English/Language Arts (including Reading)
Sciences (e.g., general science, biology, chemistry)
Computer Science
Social Studies/History
Foreign Language(s)
HDT9. To what extent do you agree with the following statement: “My school is able to effectively provide high-dosage tutoring to all students in need.”
Strongly disagree
Moderately disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Moderately agree
Strongly agree
Don’t know
HDT10. Which of the following factors, if any, limit your school’s efforts to effectively provide high-dosage tutoring to all students in need? Select all that apply.
Cannot find staff to support high-dosage tutoring
Lack of funding to hire staff to support high-dosage tutoring
Time limitations (i.e., cannot find enough time to support high-dosage tutoring)
Space limitations (i.e., do not have the physical space to support high-dosage tutoring)
Lack of educational materials to support high-dosage tutoring
Other, please specify: ________________
We have not experienced any barriers to implementing high-dosage tutoring
Don’t know
HDT11. Which of the following sources of funding have been used to support high-dosage tutoring during the 2023-24 school year? Select all that apply.
COVID relief funds (ESSER I or ESSER II)
American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief funds (ARP ESSER)
Other federal grants or programs
State grants or other state programs
District or school financial funding
Philanthropic support
Partnerships or sponsorships with organizations
Other, please specify: _____________
None of the above
Don’t know
The following items ask about standard tutoring at your school during the 2023-24 school year
SDT1. Who administers standard tutoring at your school? Select all that apply.
Tutors whose primary or only role is to provide tutoring
Teachers who have received training or professional development in tutoring
Teacher’s/classroom aides who have received training or professional development in tutoring
Teachers who have NOT received training or professional development in tutoring
Teacher’s/classroom aides who have NOT received training or professional development in tutoring
Subject-area specialists (e.g., reading or math specialists)
Other, please specify: _________________
Don’t know
SDT2. As of today, what percentage of students at your school have received standard tutoring during the 2023-24 school year?
_________% of students
Don’t know
SDT13a. Are any students required to participate in your school’s standard tutoring program?
Don’t Know
SDT13b. For which of the following reasons are students required to participate in your school’s standard tutoring program? Select all that apply. {Display if SDT13a = YES}
Results from diagnostic or other assessment results
Referral from teacher or staff
Request from parent or caregiver
Other, please specify: ________________
Don’t know
SDT3. To the best of your knowledge, how does the percentage of students who receive standard tutoring compare to last school year (2022-23)?
More students are receiving standard tutoring
Fewer students are receiving standard tutoring
About the same percentage of students are receiving standard tutoring
No students participated in standard tutoring in the 2022-23 school year
Don’t Know
SDT4a. To the best of your knowledge, have any of the following subgroups of students received standard tutoring more than others during the 2023-24 school year? Select all that apply.
Students from particular racial/ethnic backgrounds (indicate in next item)
English Learner (EL) or English as a Second Language (ESL) students
Students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) or 504 plans
Economically disadvantaged students (such as those that qualify for free or reduced-price lunch)
Students experiencing homelessness
Migrant students
Students who are not receiving full-time in-person instruction
Other, please specify: _____________
No subgroups have received more standard tutoring than others
Don’t Know
SDT4b. Which of the following racial/ethnic student groups have received standard tutoring more than others? Select all that apply. {Display if SDT4a = “…particular racial/ethnic backgrounds”}
American Indian or Alaska Native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Two or more races
SDT12. Does your school use its student information system (or equivalent) to track students’ participation in standard tutoring?
Don’t Know
SDT5. When do students at your school receive standard tutoring? Select all that apply.
Before school
After school
During regular instruction periods, through pull-out services
During regular instruction periods, in the classroom
During “free periods” for students (e.g., portions of the day students do not have class, lunch/recess)
Outside of the regular school week (e.g., Saturdays or Sundays)
Other, please specify: ____________
Don’t know
SDT6. For students who receive standard tutoring, approximately how many days per week do they receive this type of tutoring?
1 day per week
2 days per week
3 days per week
4 days per week
5 days per week
More than 5 days
Don’t Know
SDT7. For students who receive standard tutoring, approximately how long does the typical tutoring session last?
Less than 30 minutes
30 to 45 minutes
46 minutes to 1 hour
More than 1 hour
Don’t Know
SDT8. In which of the following subject areas do students in your school receive standard tutoring?
English/Language Arts (including Reading)
Sciences (e.g., general science, biology, chemistry)
Computer Science
Social Studies/History
Foreign Language(s)
SDT9. To what extent do you agree with the following statement: “My school is able to effectively provide standard tutoring to all students in need.”
Strongly disagree
Moderately disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Moderately agree
Strongly agree
Don’t know
SDT10. Which of the following factors, if any, limit your school’s efforts to effectively provide standard tutoring to all students in need? Select all that apply.
Cannot find staff to support standard tutoring
Lack of funding to hire staff to support standard tutoring
Time limitations (i.e., cannot find enough time to support standard tutoring)
Space limitations (i.e., do not have the physical space to support standard tutoring)
Lack of educational materials to support standard tutoring
Other, please specify: ________________
We have not experienced any barriers to implementing standard tutoring
Don’t know
SDT11. Which of the following sources of funding have been used to support standard tutoring during the 2023-24 school year? Select all that apply.
COVID relief funds (ESSER I or ESSER II)
American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief funds (ARP ESSER)
Other federal grants or programs
State grants or other state programs
District or school financial funding
Philanthropic support
Partnerships or sponsorships with organizations
Other, please specify: _____________
None of the above
Don’t know
The following items ask about self-paced tutoring at your school during the 2023-24 school year
SPT2. As of today, what percentage of students at your school have received self-paced tutoring during the 2023-24 school year?
_________% of students
Don’t know
SPT13a. Are any students required to participate in your school’s self-paced tutoring program?
Don’t Know
SPT13b. For which of the following reasons are students required to participate in your school’s self-paced tutoring program? Select all that apply. {Display if SPT13a = YES}
Results from diagnostic or other assessment results
Referral from teacher or staff
Request from parent or caregiver
Other, please specify: ________________
Don’t know
SPT3. To the best of your knowledge, how does the percentage of students who receive self-paced tutoring compare to last school year (2022-23)?
More students are receiving self-paced tutoring
Fewer students are receiving self-paced tutoring
About the same percentage of students are receiving self-paced tutoring
No students participated in self-paced tutoring in the 2022-23 school year
Don’t Know
SPT4a. To the best of your knowledge, have any of the following subgroups of students received self-paced tutoring more than others during the 2023-24 school year? Select all that apply.
Students from particular racial/ethnic backgrounds (indicate in next item)
English Learner (EL) or English as a Second Language (ESL) students
Students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) or 504 plans
Economically disadvantaged students (such as those that qualify for free or reduced-price lunch)
Students experiencing homelessness
Migrant students
Students who are not receiving full-time in-person instruction
Other, please specify: _____________
No subgroups have received more standard tutoring than others
Don’t Know
SPT4b. Which of the following racial/ethnic student groups have received self-paced tutoring more than others? Select all that apply. {Display if SPT4a = “…particular racial/ethnic backgrounds”}
American Indian or Alaska Native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Two or more races
SPT12. Does your school use its student information system (or equivalent) to track students’ participation in self-paced tutoring?
Don’t Know
SPT5. When do students at your school receive self-paced tutoring? Select all that apply.
Before school
After school
During regular instruction periods, through pull-out services
During regular instruction periods, in the classroom
During “free periods” for students (e.g., portions of the day students do not have class, lunch/recess)
Outside of the regular school week (e.g., Saturdays or Sundays)
Other, please specify: ____________
Don’t know
SPT6. For students who receive self-paced tutoring, approximately how many days per week do they receive this type of tutoring?
1 day per week
2 days per week
3 days per week
4 days per week
5 days per week
More than 5 days
Don’t Know
SPT7. For students who receive self-paced tutoring, approximately how long does the typical tutoring session last?
Less than 30 minutes
30 to 45 minutes
46 minutes to 1 hour
More than 1 hour
Don’t Know
SPT8. In which of the following subject areas do students in your school receive self-paced tutoring?
English/Language Arts (including Reading)
Sciences (e.g., general science, biology, chemistry)
Computer Science
Social Studies/History
Foreign Language(s)
SPT9. To what extent do you agree with the following statement: “My school is able to effectively provide self-paced tutoring to all students in need.”
Strongly disagree
Moderately disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Moderately agree
Strongly agree
Don’t know
SPT10. Which of the following factors, if any, limit your school’s efforts to effectively provide self-paced tutoring to all students in need? Select all that apply.
Cannot find materials or resources to support self-paced tutoring
Lack of funding to obtain materials or resources to support self-paced tutoring
Time limitations (i.e., cannot find enough time to support self-paced tutoring)
Technology limitations (i.e., do not have the technological capability to support self-paced tutoring)
Other, please specify: ________________
We have not experienced any barriers to implementing self-paced tutoring
Don’t know
SPT11. Which of the following sources of funding have been used to support self-paced tutoring during the 2023-24 school year? Select all that apply.
COVID relief funds (ESSER I or ESSER II)
American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief funds (ARP ESSER)
Other federal grants or programs
State grants or other state programs
District or school financial funding
Partnerships or sponsorships with organizations
Philanthropic support
Other, please specify: _____________
None of the above
Don’t know
The following items ask about on-demand online tutoring at your school during the 2023-24 school year
ODT2. As of today, what percentage of students at your school have accessed on-demand online tutoring during the 2023-24 school year?
_________% of students
Don’t know
ODT13a. Are any students required to participate in your on-demand online tutoring program(s)?
Don’t Know
ODT13b. For which of the following reasons are students required to participate in on-demand online tutoring program(s)? Select all that apply. {Display if OD13a = YES}
Results from diagnostic or other assessment results
Referral from teacher or staff
Request from parent or caregiver
Other, please specify: ________________
Don’t know
ODT3. To the best of your knowledge, how does the percentage of students who access on-demand online tutoring compare to last school year (2022-23)?
More students are receiving on-demand online tutoring
Fewer students are receiving on-demand online tutoring
About the same percentage of students are receiving on-demand online tutoring
No students accessed on-demand online tutoring in the 2022-23 school year
Don’t Know
ODT4a. To the best of your knowledge, have any of the following subgroups of students accessed on-demand online tutoring more than others during the 2023-24 school year? Select all that apply.
Students from particular racial/ethnic backgrounds (indicate in next item)
English Learner (EL) or English as a Second Language (ESL) students
Students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) or 504 plans
Economically disadvantaged students (such as those that qualify for free or reduced-price lunch)
Students experiencing homelessness
Migrant students
Students who are not receiving full-time in-person instruction
Other, please specify: _____________
No subgroups have received more standard tutoring than others
Don’t Know
ODT4b. Which of the following racial/ethnic student groups have accessed on-demand online tutoring more than others? Select all that apply. {Display if ODT4a = “…particular racial/ethnic backgrounds”}
American Indian or Alaska Native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Two or more races
ODT12. Does your school use its student information system (or equivalent) to track students’ participation in on-demand online tutoring?
Don’t Know
ODT5. When do students at your school access on-demand online tutoring? Select all that apply.
Before school
After school
During regular instruction periods, through pull-out services
During regular instruction periods, in the classroom
During “free periods” for students (e.g., portions of the day students do not have class, lunch/recess)
Outside of the regular school week (e.g., Saturdays or Sundays)
Other, please specify: ____________
Don’t know
ODT6. For students who access on-demand online tutoring, approximately how many days per week do they access this type of tutoring?
1 day per week
2 days per week
3 days per week
4 days per week
5 days per week
More than 5 days
Don’t Know
ODT7. For students who access on-demand online tutoring, approximately how long does the typical tutoring session last?
Less than 30 minutes
30 to 45 minutes
46 minutes to 1 hour
More than 1 hour
Don’t Know
ODT8. In which of the following subject areas do students in your school utilize on-demand online tutoring?
English/Language Arts (including Reading)
Sciences (e.g., general science, biology, chemistry)
Computer Science
Social Studies/History
Foreign Language(s)
ODT9. To what extent do you agree with the following statement: “My school is able to effectively provide access to on-demand online tutoring to all students in need.”
Strongly disagree
Moderately disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Moderately agree
Strongly agree
Don’t know
ODT10. Which of the following factors, if any, limit your school’s efforts to effectively provide access to on-demand online tutoring to all students in need? Select all that apply.
Cannot find materials or resources to support on-demand online tutoring
Lack of funding to obtain materials or resources to support on-demand online tutoring
Time limitations (i.e., cannot find enough time to support on-demand online tutoring)
Technology limitations (i.e., do not have the technological capability to support on-demand online tutoring)
Other, please specify: ________________
We have not experienced any barriers to providing access to on-demand online tutoring
Don’t know
ODT11. Which of the following sources of funding have been used to support on-demand online tutoring during the 2023-24 school year? Select all that apply.
COVID relief funds (ESSER I or ESSER II)
American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief funds (ARP ESSER)
Other federal grants or programs
State grants or other state programs
District or school financial funding
Partnerships or sponsorships with organizations
Philanthropic support
Other, please specify: _____________
None of the above
Don’t know
Tutoring2. Do you provide training or professional development for those who provide the following types of tutoring provided at your school?
{Display if Tutoring_gate = “High-Dosage Tutoring” “Standard Tutoring” or “Other methods of tutoring”} |
Yes |
No |
Don’t Know |
High-dosage tutoring |
Standard tutoring |
Other methods of tutoring |
Tutoring3. Does your school have plans to evaluate the effectiveness of your tutoring programs on improving student outcomes?
{Display based on Tutoring_gate responses} |
Yes, we are developing a plan |
Yes, we have implemented a plan we developed |
No |
Don’t Know |
High-dosage tutoring |
Standard tutoring |
Self-paced tutoring |
On-demand online tutoring |
Other methods of tutoring |
Tutoring4. How effective has each tutoring program been in improving student outcomes during this school year?
{Display based on Tutoring_gate responses} |
Not at all effective |
Slightly effective |
Moderately Effective |
Very Effective |
Extremely Effective |
High-dosage tutoring |
Standard tutoring |
Self-paced tutoring |
On-demand online tutoring |
Other methods of tutoring |
Tutoring6. What criteria have you utilized to assess the effectiveness of your tutoring programs? Select all that apply.
{Display based on Tutoring_gate responses} |
Changes in student report card grades |
Changes in student standardized test scores |
Teacher evaluations of student learning progress |
Parent evaluations of student learning progress |
Student evaluations of their own learning progress |
Don’t Know |
Other |
No criteria were used to evaluate the effectiveness of this program |
High-dosage tutoring |
Standard tutoring |
Self-paced tutoring |
On-demand online tutoring |
Other methods of tutoring |
Tutoring_more. We’d like to learn more about your school’s experiences offering tutoring programs during the 2023-24 school year. In the space below please share any other information you would like us to know on this topic.
This item is optional.
TEACHER0. Please enter an approximate total teacher count for your school as of today.
Please enter the number of teachers, including full-time and part-time teachers.
________ Total number of teachers
STAFF0. Please enter an approximate total non-teacher staff count for your school as of today.
Please enter the number of non-teaching staff, including full-time and part-time non-teachers.
________ Total number of non-teaching staff
ENROLLMENT0. As of today, please enter your total student enrollment count.
Please enter the number of students.
________ Total number of students
FutCont. We want to ensure we are continuing to collect information on topics that are relevant to the day-to-day functioning of U.S. public schools during the 2023-24 school year and beyond. In the space below, please share any other topics you believe are important for us to know as we continue this monthly survey collection.
This item is optional.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Iaconelli, Ryan |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2023-10-30 |