FERC-920 Electric Quarterly Report

FERC-920 - Electric Quarterly Report (EQR) (NOPR RM23-9)

EQR Filing Requirements Guide (as of 11-15-2017) (4)

Electric Quarterly Report [including formerly separate IC on time zone info.]

OMB: 1902-0255

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Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Electric Quarterly Report Filing Requirements Guide
(November 15, 2017)

Commission staff prepared this Electric Quarterly Report Filing Requirements Guide (Guide) to assist filers in
submitting their information accurately in the Electric Quarterly Report (EQR). EQRs contain information about
contractual terms and conditions and transaction information for cost-based rate sales, market-based rate sales,
and transmission service. This Guide is divided into six sections: (1) EQR Overview; (2) What to Report; (3)
System Requirements; (4) ID Data; (5) Contract Data; and (6) Transaction Data. A summary at the beginning of
each section outlines the type of information to be found in that section.
Each item covered in this Guide has associated “Filing Guidance” as to what information is required, and how the
EQR filing should be made. The “Reference Documents” section provides excerpts from relevant Commission
orders, rules, and regulations related to the specific items referenced. This Guide is not intended to cover all
applicable Commission requirements or Seller obligations related to filing EQRs. Embedded hyperlinks within the
contents section will take the reader to a specific topic, where additional links have been provided to take the
reader to the supporting reference documents. If you have any additional questions about how to file EQRs,
please email Commission staff at [email protected] and for system issues please contact [email protected].

Electric Quarterly Report Filing Requirements Guide

Published 11/15/2017

1. Authority to Require Public Utilities to file EQRs
2. Authority to Require Non-Public Utilities to file EQRs
3. Disclosure
4. Who Must File – Public Utilities
5. Who Must File - Non-Public Utilities
6. Who Must File – Qualifying Facilities
7. Who Must File – Exempt Wholesale Generators
8. Who Must file – Electric Cooperatives
9. Alaska and Hawaii Sales
10. ERCOT Sales
11. Consequences of Non-Compliance
12. When to File
13. How to File
14. Record Retention
15. Request for Waiver
16. Request for Extension
17. What to Report (Overview)
18. Index Publishers
19. Conforming Service Agreements
20. Unexecuted and Non-conforming Service Agreements
21. Market-Based Rate Service Agreements
22. Sales under the WSPP Agreement
23. Capacity Reassignment
24. Booked Out Power
25. Ancillary Services
26. Financial Transactions
27. Tolling and Barter Transactions
28. Bundled Service for Grandfathered Agreements and
Requirements Service


Renewable Energy Credits
Components of Total Commodity Price
Data Revision, Billing Adjustments, and Refiling
Procedures for Terminating Agreements

34. Company Registration and eRegistration
IV. ID DATA (Page 32)
35. Seller / Agent
36. Customer Company Name (EQR Data Dictionary, Field
No. 17)
37. Contract Affiliate (EQR Data Dictionary, Field No. 18)
38. FERC Tariff Reference (EQR Data Dictionary, Field No. 19)
39. Contract Service Agreement ID (EQR Data Dictionary, Field
No. 20)
40. Contract Execution Date (EQR Data Dictionary, Field
No. 21)
41. Commencement Date of Contract Terms (EQR Data
Dictionary, Field No. 22)
42. Term Name (EQR Data Dictionary, Field No. 27)
43. Increment Name (EQR Data Dictionary, Field No. 28)
44. Product Type Name (EQR Data Dictionary, Field No. 30)
45. Product Name (EQR Data Dictionary, Field No. 31 and
Appendix A)
46. Quantity (EQR Data Dictionary, Field No. 32)
47. Contract Rates
48. Rate Units (EQR Data Dictionary, Field No. 38)
49. Point of Receipt Balancing Authority (PORBA) (EQR Data
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Dictionary, Field No. 39)
50. Point of Receipt Specific Location (PORSL) (EQR Data
Dictionary, Field No. 40)
51. Point of Delivery Balancing Authority (PODBA) (EQR Data
Dictionary, Field No. 41)
52. Point of Delivery Specific Location (PODSL) (EQR Data
Dictionary, Field No. 42)
53. Begin Date and End Date (EQR Data Dictionary, Field Nos.
43 and 44)
54. Transaction Unique ID
55. Transaction Unique Identifier (EQR Data Dictionary, Field
No. 50)
56. Transaction Begin Date (EQR Data Dictionary, Field No. 51)
57. Transaction End Date (EQR Data Dictionary, Field No. 52)
58. Trade Date (EQR Data Dictionary, Field No. 53)
59. Exchange/Brokerage Service (EQR Data Dictionary Field 54)
60. Type of Rate (EQR Data Dictionary, Field No. 55)
61. Time Zone (EQR Data Dictionary, Field No. 56 and
Appendix D)


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62. Point of Delivery Balancing Authority (PODBA) (EQR Data
Dictionary, Field No. 57)
63. Point of Delivery Specific Location (PODSL) (EQR Data
Dictionary, Field No. 58)
64. Class Name (EQR Data Dictionary, Field No. 59)
65. Increment Name (EQR Data Dictionary, Field No. 61)
66. Increment Peaking Name (EQR Data Dictionary, Field
No. 62)
67. Product Name (EQR Data Dictionary, Field No. 63 and
Appendix A)
68. Transaction Quantity (EQR Data Dictionary, Field No. 64)
69. Price (EQR Data Dictionary, Field No. 65)
70. Rate Units (EQR Data Dictionary, Field No. 66)
71. Standardized Quantity (EQR Data Dictionary, Field No. 67)
and Standardized Price (EQR Data Dictionary, Field No. 68)
72. Total Transmission Charge (EQR Data Dictionary, Field
No. 69)
73. Total Transaction Charge (EQR Data Dictionary, Field No. 70

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Electric Quarterly Report Filing Requirements Guide


Published 11/15/2017

This section provides an overview of the EQR, including outlining the Commission’s authority and
purpose for collecting this information, specifying who must file, how to file, and when to file EQRs. The
EQR is the reporting mechanism the Commission has adopted for public utilities to fulfill their
responsibility under section 205(c) of the Federal Power Act (FPA) to have their rates and charges on file
in a convenient form and place. EQRs contain data provided by Sellers summarizing contractual terms
and conditions in agreements for all jurisdictional services. EQRs include information about cost-based
rate sales, market-based rate sales, and transmission service, as well as transaction information for
short-term and long-term market-based power sales and cost-based power sales. Beginning in the third
quarter of 2013, non-public utilities above a de-minimis market presence threshold are required to file
EQRs under section 220 of the FPA. EQRs ensure that this information is available in a standardized and
user-friendly format for the public.


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Electric Quarterly Report Filing Requirements Guide


Authority to
Require Public
Utilities to file
Reports (EQRs)

Filing Guidance
Section 205(c) of the Federal
Power Act authorizes the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission to
require public utilities to file with
the Commission information about
their rates for electric energy sales
or transmission.
The EQR is the Commission’s
method for collecting this
The EQR contains information
about the contractual terms and
conditions in agreements for all
jurisdictional services (including
market-based power sales, costbased power sales, and
transmission service) and
transaction information for shortterm and long-term market based
power sales and cost-based power
sales, as well as transmission
capacity reassignments.


Authority to
Require NonPublic Utilities
to file EQRs

Section 220 of the Federal Power
Act directs the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission to
facilitate price transparency and
authorizes the collection of
information in the EQR from nonpublic utilities.


Published 11/15/2017

“[E]very public utility shall file with the Commission, within such time and in
such form as the Commission may designate, and shall keep open in
convenient form and place for public inspection schedules showing all rates
and charges for any transmission or sale subject to the jurisdiction of the
Commission, and the classification, practices, and regulations affecting such
rates and charges.” (Source: 16 U.S.C § 824d; hereinafter, FPA section 205(c))
“The Commission concludes that the reporting requirements adopted in this
final rule are consistent with public utilities' filing obligations under FPA
section 205(c). These requirements will provide transparency of prices and
other information for both market-based and cost-based transactions.”
(Source: Order No. 2001, Paragraph 44)

“A “non-public utility” is any market participant that is exempted from the
Commission’s jurisdiction under 16 U.S.C. § 824(f).” (See Order No. 768; see
also 18 C.F.R. § 35.10b(a))
FPA section 220 provides, in part: "The Commission is directed to facilitate
price transparency in markets for the sale and transmission of electric energy
in interstate commerce, having due regard for the public interest, the integrity
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Electric Quarterly Report Filing Requirements Guide

Filing Guidance

Published 11/15/2017
of those markets, fair competition, and the protection of consumers.”
(Source: 16 U.S.C. § 824t)
FPA section 201(f) provides: “No provision in this Part shall apply to, or be
deemed to include, the United States, a State or any political subdivision of a
State, an electric cooperative that receives financing under the Rural
Electrification Act of 1936 (7 U.S.C. 901 et seq.) or that sells less than
4,000,000 megawatt hours of electricity per year, or any agency, authority, or
instrumentality of any one or more of the foregoing, or any corporation which
is wholly owned, directly or indirectly, by any one or more of the foregoing, or
any officer, agent, employee of any of the foregoing acting as such in the
course of his official duty, unless such provision makes specific reference
thereto.” (Source: 16 U.S.C. 824(f))
“We conclude that FPA section 201(b)(2), read in conjunction with section
220, grants the Commission authority to collect information about the
availability and prices of wholesale electric energy and transmission service
from non-public utilities notwithstanding section 201(f) . We further
conclude, for the reasons discussed in the NOPR and based on our review of
the record, that it is appropriate to adopt the NOPR proposal to extend EQR
filing requirements to non-public utilities above the de minimis threshold
under FPA section 220 with the following modifications.” (Source: Order No.
768, Paragraph 19))



EQR data are public information
and are not protected from
Any contract must be provided to
members of the public upon
Conforming service agreements


“FPA section 205(c) requires public utilities to disclose their rates and
contracts for all transmission and sales subject to the jurisdiction of the
Commission. As a result, these rate elements as well as the data public
utilities currently file are not protected from disclosure under Exemption 4 of
the FOIA or by the Trade Secrets Act. Although the Commission has discretion
to determine the time and form for disclosure, the underlying decision to
disclose rate and contract information was made by Congress.” (Source: Order
No. 2001, Paragraph 92)

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Electric Quarterly Report Filing Requirements Guide

Filing Guidance
must be filed in EQR, but do not
need to be filed with the

Published 11/15/2017
“Our decision to disclose rate information is consistent with judicial directives
to focus on the needs of the overall market, rather than focusing on
protecting the interests of individual competitors within the market.” (Source:
Order No. 2001, Paragraph 96)
“The FPA section 205(c) requirement that pertinent information on rates and
contracts must be made publicly available does not exclude long-term
market-based rate contracts or spot market sales.” (Source: Order No. 2001A, Paragraph 14)
“[A]ny service agreement that conforms to the form of service agreement
that is part of the public utility's approved tariff pursuant to Sec. 35.10a of this
chapter and any market- based rate service agreement pursuant to a tariff
shall not be filed with the Commission. All agreements must, however, be
retained and be made available for public inspection and copying at the public
utility's business office during regular business hours and provided to the
Commission or members of the public upon request.” (Source: 18 C.F.R. §


Who must file –
Public Utilities

Public utilities as defined in section
201(e) of the Federal Power Act,
16 U.S.C. 824 (e) must file the EQR.
If you have a Commissionjurisdictional contract, tariff or
rate schedule, you must file the
All public utilities, including power
marketers, are required to file


“[T]here should be consistent reporting requirements for both power
marketers and traditional utilities. We will apply equal filing requirements for
both traditional utilities and power marketers. These filing requirements will
provide information consistent with the requirements of FPA section 205(c)
The public interest in the disclosure of the information to be reported is the
same regardless of whether the agreements and power sales at issue are
made by power marketers or traditional utilities.” (Source: Order No. 2001,
Paragraph 134)
“Every utility with a tariff on file with the Commission pursuant to Part 35 of
the Commission's regulations must file the Electric Quarterly Report, even if
there are no contracts under any of a utility's tariffs or rate schedules, or no
sales were made during the quarter.” (Source: Revised Public Utility Filing
Requirements, 101 FERC ¶ 61,067 (2002), Paragraph 3)
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Electric Quarterly Report Filing Requirements Guide


Who must file Non-Public

Filing Guidance
For EQR purposes, market
participants that are not public
utilities under section 201(f) of the
FPA are referred to as “non-public
utilities” (NPU).
Non-public utilities must file the
EQR if they make wholesale sales
above the de minimis market
presence threshold. However,
certain sales made by non-public
utilities above this threshold are
not required to be reported in the

Published 11/15/2017
FPA section 201(f) provides: “No provision in this Part shall apply to, or be
deemed to include, the United States, a State or any political subdivision of a
State, an electric cooperative that receives financing under the Rural
Electrification Act of 1936 (7 U.S.C. 901 et seq.) or that sells less than
4,000,000 megawatt hours of electricity per year, or any agency, authority, or
instrumentality of any one or more of the foregoing, or any corporation which
is wholly owned, directly or indirectly, by any one or more of the foregoing, or
any officer, agent, employee of any of the foregoing acting as such in the
course of his official duty, unless such provision makes specific reference
thereto.” (Source: 16 U.S.C. 824(f))
“[t]he term ‘de minimis market presence’ means any non-public utility that
makes 4,000,000 megawatt hours or less of annual wholesale sales, based on
the average annual sales for resale over the preceding three years as
published by the Energy Information Administration’s Form 861.” (Source: 18
C.F.R. 35.10b(b); see also Order No. 768)
“[t]he following wholesale sales made by a non-public utility with more than a
de minimis market presence are excluded from the EQR filing requirement:
(1) Sales by a non-public utility, such as a cooperative or joint action agency,
to its members; and (2) Sales by a non-public utility under a long-term, costbased agreement requirement to be made to certain customers under Federal
or state statute.” (Source: 18 C.F.R. § 35.10b(c); see also Order No. 768)
“The Commission finds that information about a non-public utility’s sales to its
members, or by a non-public utility under a long-term, cost-based agreement
required to be made to certain customers under statute, will not materially
contribute to additional price transparency. These types of sales do not
significantly impact wholesale price formation in electric markets because
these sales generally take place between a non-public utility and a predetermined customer without arm’s-length negotiations.” (Source: Order
No. 768, Paragraph 22)


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Electric Quarterly Report Filing Requirements Guide


Who must file –

Filing Guidance
Qualifying Facilities (QF) that are
required to file rates under FPA
section 205 must file EQRs, unless
their sales are exempted from FPA
sections 205 and 206, as detailed
A QF that is a cogenerator does
not need to file EQRs if: (1) the QF
is equal to or less than 20 MW; or
(2) the QF is selling pursuant to a
contract executed on or before
3/17/2006; or (3) the QF is selling
pursuant to a state regulatory
authority’s implementation of
PURPA section 210. Otherwise,
exemption from FPA section 205
does not apply and the QF must
file EQRs.

Published 11/15/2017
Ҥ 292.601 Exemption to qualifying facilities from the Federal Power Act.
(a) Applicability. This section applies to qualifying facilities, other than those
described in paragraph (b) of this section. This section also applies to
qualifying facilities that meet the criteria of section 3(17)(E) of the Federal
Power Act (16 U.S.C. 796(17)(E)), notwithstanding paragraph (b).
(b) Exclusion. This section does not apply to a qualifying small power
production facility with a power production capacity which exceeds 30
megawatts, if such facility uses any primary energy source other than
geothermal resources.
(c) General rule. Any qualifying facility described in paragraph (a) of this
section shall be exempt from all sections of the Federal Power Act, except:
(1) Sections 205 and 206; however, sales of energy or capacity made by
qualifying facilities 20 MW or smaller, or made pursuant to a contract
executed on or before March 17, 2006 or made pursuant to a state regulatory
authority’s implementation of section 210 the Public Utility Regulatory
Policies Act of 1978, 16 USC 824a-1, shall be exempt from scrutiny under
sections 205 and 206.” (Source: 18 C.F.R. § 292.601)

A QF that is a geothermal small
power producer does not need to
file EQRs if: (1) the QF is equal to
or less than 20 MW; or (2) the QF
is selling pursuant to a contract
executed on or before 3/17/2006;
or (3) the QF is selling pursuant to
a state regulatory authority’s
implementation of PURPA section
210. Otherwise, exemption from
FPA section 205 does not apply
and the QF must file EQRs.

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Electric Quarterly Report Filing Requirements Guide

Filing Guidance
A QF that is a non-geothermal
small power producer does not
need to file EQRs if the QF is equal
to or less than 20 MW. If the QF is
above 20 MW but equal to or less
than 30 MW capacity, it does not
need to file EQRs if either: (1) it is
selling pursuant to a contract
executed on or before 3/17/2006;
or (2) it is selling pursuant to a
state regulatory authority’s
implementation of PURPA 210. If
the QF is above 30 MW capacity,
exemption from FPA section 205
does not apply and the QF must
file EQRs.

Published 11/15/2017

A QF that is a small power
producer under FPA section
3(17)(e) does not need to file EQRs
if: (1) the QF is equal to or less
than 20 MW; or (2) the QF is
selling pursuant to a contract
executed on or before 3/17/2006;
or (3) the QF is selling pursuant to
a state regulatory authority’s
implementation of PURPA section
210. Otherwise, exemption from
FPA section 205 does not apply
and the QF must file EQRs.

Who must file –

Exempt Wholesale Generators
(EWGs) must file the EQR.


“While the SEC has not treated power marketers as electric utility companies
under PUHCA 1935, the Commission has determined that electric marketers
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Electric Quarterly Report Filing Requirements Guide


Who must file –

Filing Guidance
EWGs are exempt from certain
regulations implementing PUHCA
2005, but they are not exempt
from FPA section 205.

Electric cooperatives selling less
than 4,000,000 MWh of annual
wholesale sales do not need to file
Electric cooperatives that sell
4,000,000 MWh or more of annual
wholesale sales must file EQRs
(unless the Commission has
granted them waiver of the EQR
filing requirement).

Published 11/15/2017
own facilities used for wholesale sales, i.e., ‘paper facilities,‘ and therefore are
public utilities under the FPA.” (Source: Order No. 667, Paragraph 28)
“The term ‘exempt wholesale generator’ means any person engaged directly,
or indirectly through one or more affiliates as defined in this subchapter, and
exclusively in the business of owning or operating, or both owning and
operating, all or part of one or more eligible facilities and selling electric
energy at wholesale. For purposes of establishing or determining whether an
entity qualifies for exempt wholesale generator status, sections 32(a)(2)
through (4), and sections 32(b) through (d) of the Public Utility Holding
Company Act of 1935 (15 U.S.C. 79z-5a(a)(2)-(4), 79z-5a(b)-(d)) shall apply.”
(Source: 18 C.F.R. § 366.1)
"No provision in this subchapter shall apply to, or be deemed to include, the
United States, a State or any political subdivision of a State, an electric
cooperative that receives financing under the Rural Electrification Act of 1936
(7 U.S.C. 901 et seq.) or that sells less than 4,000,000 megawatt hours of
electricity per year, or any agency, authority, or instrumentality of any one or
more of the foregoing, or any corporation which is wholly owned, directly or
indirectly, by any one or more of the foregoing, or any officer, agent, or
employee of any of the foregoing acting as such in the course of his official
duty, unless such provision makes specific reference thereto." (Source: 16
U.S.C. § 824(f))


Alaska and
Hawaii Sales

Utilities located entirely in Alaska
and Hawaii do not need to file



Utilities making sales within ERCOT “In addition, this Final Rule does not apply to a transaction for the purchase or
boundaries are not required to file sale of wholesale electric energy or transmission services within ERCOT as it is


“The Commission adopts the NOPR proposal to exempt utilities located
entirely in Alaska and Hawaii from the EQR filing requirements because they
are electrically isolated from the contiguous United States.” (Source: Order
No. 768, Paragraph 23)

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Electric Quarterly Report Filing Requirements Guide



Published 11/15/2017


Filing Guidance
the EQR.

described in section 212(k)(2)(A) of the FPA.” (Source: Order No. 768,
Paragraph 23)

Consequences of

A non-compliant utility is subject
to Commission enforcement
actions, which include civil
penalties or revocation of a public
utility’s market-based rate

“Any person who violates any provision of subchapter II of this chapter or any
provision of any rule or order thereunder shall be subject to a civil penalty of
not more than $1,000,000 for each day that such violation continues.”
(Source: 16 U.S.C. § 825o-1(b))

When to File

EQRs should be filed within a
month after the end of a calendar
quarter, and are due by 5 p.m. ET
on the Due Date. If the Due Date
falls on a day the Commission is
closed (e.g., a weekend or due to
inclement weather or other
emergency), then the Due Date is
the first day the Commission is
open following the closure.


“Electric Quarterly Reports are intended to satisfy the FPA section 205(c) filing
requirements. If utilities are found to have violated the requirements of the
Commission's regulations, the Commission will not hesitate to impose
remedies, as appropriate. If a public utility has not received approval for a
cost-based rate transaction and neglects to include in its Electric Quarterly
Report relevant contract data, the Commission may determine that the
agreement was not on file and adjust the rate in that agreement as
appropriate. If a public utility fails to file a[n] Electric Quarterly Report
(without an appropriate request for extension), or fails to report an
agreement in a report, that public utility may forfeit its market-based rate
authority and may be required to file a new application for market-based rate
authority if it wishes to resume making sales at market-based rates.” (Source:
Order No. 2001, Paragraph 222)
“Each public utility as well as each non-public utility with more than a de
minimis market presence shall file an updated Electric Quarterly Report with
the Commission covering all services it provides pursuant to this part, for each
of the four calendar quarters of each year, in accordance with the following
schedule: for the period from January 1 through March 31, file by April 30; for
the period from April 1 through June 30, file by July 31; for the period July 1
through September 30, file by October 31; and for the period October 1
through December 31, file by January 31.” (Source: 18 C.F.R. § 35.10b)

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Electric Quarterly Report Filing Requirements Guide



Published 11/15/2017

How to File

Filing Guidance
Information on how to file may be
found at https://www.ferc.gov/docsfiling/eqr.asp.

“Electric Quarterly Reports must be prepared in conformance with the
Commission’s guidance posted on the FERC Web site (http://www.ferc.gov).”
(Source: 18 C.F.R. § 35.10b)


Contracts must be retained and be
available upon request.

“The existing requirements for public utilities to retain copies of their
contracts and other data are unchanged by this rule.” (Source: Order No.
2001, Paragraph 244)

Transaction information related to
market-based sales must be
retained for five years.

“All agreements must, however, be retained and be made available for public
inspection and copying at the public utility's business office during regular
business hours and provided to the Commission or members of the public
upon request.” (Source: 18 C.F.R. §35.1(g))
“A Seller must retain, for a period of five years, all data and information upon
which it billed the prices it charged for the electric energy or electric energy
products it sold pursuant to Seller's market-based rate tariff, and the prices it
reported for use in price indices.” (Source: 18 C.F.R. § 35.41(d))


Request for

Any seller may request a waiver of
the obligation to file the EQR.

“…we will consider granting waivers in appropriate circumstances.” (Source:
Order No. 2001, Paragraph 362; see also Bridger Valley Electric Association,
Inc., 101 FERC ¶ 61,146 (2002))
“Furthermore, we note that companies may request, on an individual basis,
waiver from the EQR reporting requirements.” (Source: Order No. 768,
Paragraph 191; see also Electricity Market Transparency Provisions of Section
220 of the Federal Power Act – KAMO Electric Cooperative, Inc., 147 FERC ¶
61,099 (2014))


Request for

Extensions may be requested by
using eFiling. See


“Except as otherwise provided by law, the time by which any person is
required or allowed to act under any statute, rule, or order may be extended
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Electric Quarterly Report Filing Requirements Guide

Filing Guidance
Guidance for filing extension
requests is available at
aqs/eqr-2013.asp. Extension
requests must be in the form of a
letter and include: the current
date, the docket number, the
name of the company requesting
an extension, a contact name and
telephone number, and the
proposed date by which the
company will submit the EQR. The
request must clearly state the
reason for which the extension is
necessary. It is recommended that
the seller CID be included in the
extension request.
Extension requests should cite the
EQR Docket No. ER02-2001-000 to
facilitate timely consideration.


Published 11/15/2017
by the decisional authority for good cause, upon a motion made before the
expiration of the period prescribed or previously extended.” (Source: 18
C.F.R. § 385.2008(a))
A motion may be filed at any time, unless otherwise provided, and must
contain a clear and concise statement of the facts and law which support the
motion and the specific relief or ruling requested. (Source: 18 C.F.R. §

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Electric Quarterly Report Filing Requirements Guide


Published 11/15/2017

This section of the Guide provides a general overview of what to report in EQRs. These items cover
broad categories, such as market-based rate sales, transmission service, transmission capacity
reassignments, transactions reported to index publishers, booked out power, financial transactions,
bundled service, and renewable energy credits. This section also outlines when a filer must make a
refiling in order to supplement or correct previously filed EQR data.


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Electric Quarterly Report Filing Requirements Guide


What to Report

Filing Guidance
At a minimum, every filer must
report EQR ID Data every quarter
even if they have no contracts or
Contractual terms and conditions
must be summarized for all
jurisdictional services. Contracts
and contract products are
reported when sales under them
begin and must continue to be
reported in the EQR until they are
terminated. Sales of wholesale
electricity and transmission that is
an unbundled part of a power sale
are reported each quarter.
Transmission-only service
transactions are not reported,
except that merchant transmission
companies with a negotiated rate
tariff must report their
Utilities making transmission sales
are responsible for filing their
transmission-related information
in the EQR.
Transmission Capacity
Reassignments are reported in
detail by the transmission provider


Published 11/15/2017

“In this final rule, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Commission) is
amending its filing requirements for public utilities under the Federal Power
Act (FPA) to require public utilities to electronically file Electric Quarterly
Reports summarizing the contractual terms and conditions in their agreement
for all jurisdictional services (including market-based power sales, cost-based
power sales, and transmission service) and transaction information for shortterm and long-term market-based power sales and cost-based power sales
during the most recent calendar quarter.” (Source: Order No. 2001, Summary,
page i)
“[W]e clarify that under this rule, the requirement to file contract data and
transaction data begins with the first Electric Quarterly Report filed after
service commences under an agreement, and continues until the Electric
Quarterly Report filed after the agreement expires or by order of the
Commission. We reject Edison Mission's suggestion that contract data should
be reported only in the quarter when the agreement is entered. Removing
information about agreements that are still in effect does not adequately
comply with the requirements of FPA section 205(c).” (Source: Order No.
2001, Paragraph 216)
“[A]ny contract that terminated before the date on which service under the
contract is due to start need not be reported in Electric Quarterly Reports.”
(Source: Order No. 2001-F, Paragraph 15)
“[a] transmission-owning public utility that makes transmission sales is
responsible for filing its transmission-related information in the EQR,
consistent with FPA section 205(c). As with other public utilities, to the extent
RTOs or ISOs make wholesale power sales or transmission sales, they must
report these sales in their own EQRs.” (Source: Filing Requirements for Electric
Utility Service Agreements, 157 FERC ¶ 61,180 (2016), Paragraph 27)
“To the extent that an RTO makes wholesale power sales or transmission
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Filing Guidance
in the Contract Data section of the
EQR. They are not reported in the
Transaction Data section.

Published 11/15/2017
sales, these sales are subject to the same reporting requirements that would
be applicable to any other public utility. To the extent that an RTO facilitates
transactions by its members but title to the power never passes to or from the
RTO, these transactions would be reported by the parties making the sales
and not by the RTO itself.” (Source: Order No. 2001, Paragraph 335)
“[T]he Commission will continue to require the entities making wholesale
sales, including sales to the RTO/ISO or through the RTO/ISO markets, to
report such sales in their EQRs, rather than requiring the RTO or ISO to report
these sales directly in the EQR. Under FPA section 205(c), every public utility
must file with the Commission schedules showing their rates, terms and
conditions of jurisdictional services in a convenient form and place for public
inspection. In implementing FPA section 205(c), Order No. 2001 required
public utility sellers to file contract and transaction information about their
wholesale sales in the EQR, including sales they make to an RTO/ISO, or
through an RTO’s or ISO’s market.” (Source: Order No. 768-A, Paragraph 18)
“The Commission will continue to require public utility sellers to report their
wholesale sales in the EQR, including sales to an RTO or ISO. RTOs or ISOs
must continue to file their own EQRs to the extent they make wholesale
power or transmission sales.” (Source: Order No. 768-A, Paragraph 18)
“Although we will not require RTOs to make EQR filings to satisfy other public
utilities’ obligations under section 205(c) to have their rates on file, we
reiterate that RTOs and ISOs may file power sales transaction information on
behalf of a member or participant as an agent, if authorized by the member or
participant to do so.” (Source: Order No. 768-A Paragraph 18)
“[W]e likewise will require non-public utilities to report in their EQRs any sales
they make to RTOs or ISOs.” (Source: Order No. 768-A, Paragraph 19)


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Index Publishers

Filing Guidance
Filers that report to Index
Publishers shall note this in the ID
Data Section of their EQR.

Published 11/15/2017
“Therefore, we will require each EQR filer to report in the ID Data section the
particular index publisher to which they report transactions, if applicable, and
specify the types of transactions reported to the index publisher(s), if
applicable. To the extent an EQR filer identifies only the name of an index
publisher(s) in the ID data section of the EQR, the Commission expects the
index publisher(s) reported in the EQR to reflect the entity or entities to which
the market participant is reporting all of its trades.” (Source: Order No. 768,
Paragraph 129)
“[W]e expect filers to notify Commission staff by emailing [email protected] if
they begin reporting to an index publisher that is not listed in the EQR.”
(Source: Order No. 768, Paragraph 130)



All service agreements that
conform to the standard form of
service agreement in the
applicable tariff and are included
in a company’s EQR need not be
filed separately with the
All service agreements and
contracts are required to be
reported in the EQR once service
under them begins. They remain
in the EQR from quarter to
quarter, until they are terminated.

“[P]ublic utilities that have standard forms of agreements in their
transmission, cost-based power sales tariffs, or tariffs for other generally
applicable services will no longer file conforming agreements with the
Commission. The filing requirements of FPA section 205(c) will be satisfied by
the standard forms of agreements and by the electronic filing of Electric
Quarterly Reports. Electric Quarterly Reports will be filed with the
Commission, and the Commission will post them on FERC's Internet web site.”
(Source: Order No. 2001, Paragraph 18)

All contracts must have at least
one product.


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Unexecuted and

Filing Guidance
Unexecuted and non-conforming
service agreements must be
separately filed with the
Commission, in addition to being
reported in the EQR.

Published 11/15/2017
“All Unexecuted and Nonstandard Non-Market-Based Rate Agreements Are
Nonconforming Agreements and must Be Filed with the Commission for
Approval.” (Source: Order No. 2001, Paragraph 188.)
“[I]f an agreement does not precisely match the applicable standard form of
service agreement, or if the agreement is unexecuted, it is necessarily
nonconforming and must be filed individually for Commission approval.”
(Source: Order No. 2001, Paragraph 196)
“There is nothing i[n] this proceeding proposing any change on how the
Commission will process, analyze and review unexecuted and/or
nonconforming agreements. The regulation specifically requires that utilities
must continue to file unexecuted and nonconforming agreements with the
Commission under the existing and otherwise unchanged filing requirements
of Part 35.” (Source: Order No. 2001, Paragraph 198)
“[A]greements for transmission, cost-based power sales, and other generally
applicable services that do not conform to an applicable standard form of
agreement in a public utility’s tariff, including agreements with individualized
terms and conditions or unexecuted agreements for any service, must
continue to be filed with the Commission for approval before going into
effect.” (Source: Order No. 2001, Paragraph 19)
Any individually executed service agreement for transmission, cost-based
power sales, or other generally applicable services that deviates in any
material respect from the applicable form of service agreement contained in
the public utility's tariff and all unexecuted agreements under which service
will commence at the request of the customer, are subject to the filing
requirements of this part.” (Source: 18 C.F.R. 35.1(g))
“To the extent a public utility adopts a standard form of service agreement for
a service other than market-based power sales, the public utility shall include
as part of its applicable tariff(s) an unexecuted standard service agreement
approved by the Commission for each category of generally applicable service
offered by the public utility under its tariff(s).” (Source: 18 C.F.R. § 35.10a (a))


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Published 11/15/2017

Rate Service

Filing Guidance
All market-based rate service
agreements and contracts are
required to be reported in the EQR
but do not necessarily need to be
filed with the Commission. Certain
long-term, firm agreements to
purchase power are reported to
the Commission through the asset
appendix. If a Seller’s output is
fully committed, it may submit
information on its sales in a
market-based rate proceeding in
lieu of submitting screens. For
more information, visit the Electric
Market-Based Rates webpage.

“[T]he standard forms of service agreements are not applicable to marketbased rate agreements. Public utilities will continue to file requests for
market-based rate authority on a case-by-case basis, and agreements under
the umbrella tariffs approved in these cases need not be filed with the
Commission. However, public utilities (both traditional utilities and power
marketers) will include data about their market-based power sales in their
Electric Quarterly Reports.” (Source: Order No. 2001, Paragraph 20)

Sales under the

Cost-based rate sales under the
WSPP Agreement should cite the
WSPP tariff, and market-based
sales made under the WSPP
Agreement should cite the Seller’s
market-based rate tariff. The Seller
(or their designated Agent) will
need to report the WSPP
Agreement separately for each
counterparty. The application of
the WSPP Agreement to a given
counterparty should be reported
once a transaction occurs with the
counterparty and should continue
until the reporting company leaves
the WSPP Agreement or
determines that it is unlikely to do

“In addition, as requested by EEI, we confirm that cost-based sales made
under the WSPP Agreement should cite the WSPP tariff, and market-based
sales made under the WSPP Agreement should cite the Seller’s market-based
rate tariff.” (Source: Order No. 2001-G, Paragraph 17)


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Filing Guidance
a bilateral transaction with the
counterparty under the WSPP. The
Commencement Date of Contract
Terms and Contract Execution
Date should be reported as the
date that the Seller joined WSPP.



Transmission providers are
required to report in the EQR any
capacity reassignment agreements
and transactions that occur under
the transmission provider’s OATT.
While resellers may negotiate the
terms of a reassignment, the
assignee must have an agreement
in place with the transmission
provider prior to the resale taking

“In order to increase our oversight of reassigned capacity, we find that all
reassignments must instead be accomplished by the assignee executing a
service agreement with the transmission provider that will govern the
provision of reassigned service.” (Source: Order No. 890, Paragraph 816)

Information about the special
reporting conventions associated
with reporting capacity
reassignment data in the EQR is
available at: Notice Providing
Guidance on the Filing of
Information on Transmission
Capacity Reassignments in Electric
Quarterly Reports, 124 FERC ¶
61,244 (2008).

Published 11/15/2017

Booked Out

Energy or capacity sales that are
booked out must be reported in
the EQR.


“Although the reseller may negotiate the relevant price with the assignee, the
reassignment itself is governed by the transmission provider’s OATT. The
reseller’s market-based rate tariff is no longer relevant or controlling.”
(Source: Order No. 890-A, Paragraph 431)
“We direct transmission providers to include in their EQRs the identity of the
reseller and indicate whether the reseller is affiliated with the transmission
provider. Each transmission provider also must include the rate that would
have been charged under its OATT had the secondary customer purchased
primary service from the transmission provider for the term of the
reassignment.” (Source: Order No. 890-B, Paragraph 84)
“Transmission providers should not aggregate multiple transactions into
single line items on the EQR. All terms must instead be fully described and
rates provided for each reassignment.” (Source: Order No. 890-B, Paragraph
“(U)nder FPA Section 205(c), we find that the power sales transactions that
make up book out transactions must be reported to us in Electric Quarterly
Reports.” (Source: Order No. 2001, Paragraph 285)
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Published 11/15/2017

Filing Guidance


Booked Out Power should never
be reported in the Contracts Data
Section of the EQR.

“[A] ‘book out’ is the offsetting of opposing buy-sell transactions.” (Source:
Order No. 2001, Paragraph 279)

Offsetting transactions in RTO/ISO
markets must be reported in the
EQR in accordance with the Real
Time/Day Ahead guidance
document available at

“Order No. 2001 requires the reporting of ‘book out’ transactions. Order No.
2001 defines book outs as the offsetting of opposing buy-sell transactions at
the same time and place and gives examples of transactions that must be
reported in Electric Quarterly Reports. For example, if A sells 50MW of power
to B, and for the same time period and location B sells 50MW of power back
to A, the transactions would be booked out in their entirety and no
transmission would be required. Nonetheless, the transactions must both be
reported in Electric Quarterly Reports. Likewise, using the example given in
Order No. 2001, if A sells 50MW to B and, for the same time period and
location B sells 60MW back to A, then all of these separate transactions must
be reported in Electric Quarterly Reports even though only 10MW would be
transmitted to A. A would report a 50MW power sale to B, and B would report
a 60MW power sale to A.” (Source: Order No. 2001-A, Paragraph 22)
“Report Book Outs on a Disaggregated Basis.” (Source: Order No. 2001,
Paragraph 292)



Ancillary services are reported if
they are part of a power sale; they
need not be reported if they are
associated with a transmission
Ancillary services that are sold
under an OATT need to be
reported in the Contract Data
section but not in the Transaction
Data section.


“[A]ncillary service transaction data associated with transmission need not be
reported when the transmission services are provided on an unbundled
basis.” (Source: Order No. 2001, Paragraph 271)
“On the other hand, ancillary service transaction data associated with power
sales are currently required to be filed… and the requirement to file these
data is retained in this rule.” (Source: Order No. 2001, Paragraph 272)

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Published 11/15/2017


Filing Guidance
Ancillary services that are sold
under an OATT need to be
reported in the Contract Data
section under the Product Type
Name “T”.



Financial transactions, including
futures, options, and RTO or ISO
virtual transactions, are not
reported in the EQR.

“[O]ptions to purchase power in the future at specified prices -- would be
purely financial transactions that would not be reported in Electric Quarterly
Reports. In a purely financial transaction, the buyer does not make a power
purchase; the buyer merely acquires the right to make a power purchase at a
future time at a specified price.” (Source: Order No. 2001-A, Paragraph 25)
“Consistent with our prior precedent, contract data and transaction data on
any wholesale power sales contract that provides for physical delivery must
be reported by public utilities in Electric Quarterly Reports, either as delivered
power or as a book out. By contrast, ‘purely financial transactions’ need not
be reported in Electric Quarterly Reports.” (Source: Order No. 2001-F,
Paragraph 15)
“Applying these principles to power sales cleared by a CFTC-approved DCO,
when a power sales contract provides for physical delivery and has not been
terminated prior to the commencement of service under the contract,
transactions under the contract are to be reported in Electric Quarterly
Reports. If such a contract is novated and replaced by a contract that does not
provide for physical delivery of the power, consistent with our precedent on
this issue, the novated contract is purely financial and need not be reported in
Electric Quarterly Reports. If the financial contract is re-novated to a contract
that does provide for physical delivery, then transactions under the renovated contract must be reported in Electric Quarterly Reports. Since a book
out is a means to avoid physical delivery under a contract when a party
appears twice in a delivery chain, see n.2 supra, it differs from a novation
where a forward physical contract is terminated and replaced by a financial
contract.” (Source: Order No. 2001-F, Paragraph 16)


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Filing Guidance

Published 11/15/2017
“[E]lectric power futures contracts that do not contain any delivery terms
need not be reported in Electric Quarterly Reports.” (Source: Order No. 2001F, Paragraph 2)


Tolling and

If the payment for a sale is not
provided in monetary terms, the
value should be converted to a
monetary value in the same
manner used by the Seller in its
SEC and IRS filings and be reported
in the EQR.

“Tolling transactions are energy conversion services (i.e., converting
gas/oil/coal into MW.) Some contracts provide for barter payments (a portion
of the fuel or output.) These are reportable as a sale of electricity under a
utility's MBR tariff. Barter transactions should be converted to a monetary
basis in the same manner used by the utility in its SEC and IRS filings, and
reported on the Electric Quarterly Report.” (Source: Revised Public Utility
Filing Requirements, 101 FERC ¶ 61,067 (2002), Paragraph 23)


Bundled Service
Agreements and

Report the bundled price for
Grandfathered Agreements prior
to the effective date of Order No.
888 and Requirements Service
only if the component prices are
not separately delineated.

“If power is sold at a ‘delivered price’ at a specified point (and transmission
and ancillary services are not separately delineated), only the delivered price
should be reported on the Electric Quarterly Report as the price of power.”
(Source: Revised Public Utility Filing Requirements, 101 FERC ¶ 61,067 (2002),
Paragraph 24a)
“If the power is purchased at one location and, as part of the sale, it is
transmitted to another location, the transmission and any other related
charges should be reported separately for market-based prices.” (Source:
Revised Public Utility Filing Requirements, 101 FERC ¶ 61,067 (2002),
Paragraph 24b)
“For grandfathered cost-based rates bundled with transmission, a product
name will be added (‘grandfathered bundled’) that identifies the transaction
as a grandfathered rate. Grandfathered services are those that provided for
bundled transmission, ancillary and energy prior to the effectiveness of Order
No. 888's OATTs. For Grandfathered transactions, report the Commissionapproved bundled rate without separating the rate into transmission and
energy components.” (Source: Revised Public Utility Filing Requirements, 101
FERC ¶ 61,067 (2002), Paragraph 24b)


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Filing Guidance

Published 11/15/2017
Requirements Service is “Firm, load-following power supply necessary to
serve a specified share of customer’s aggregate load during the term of the
agreement. Requirements service may include some or all of the energy,
capacity and ancillary service products. (If the components of the
requirements service are priced separately, they should be reported
separately in the transactions tab.)” (Source: EQR Data Dictionary, Appendix
A, Requirements Service)


Energy Credits

If a renewable energy credit (REC)
is part of a bundled power sale, it
needs to be reported in EQR as
part of the of the bundled power
sale. Filers with a bundled REC
transaction are instructed to
identify the bundled REC in the
Rate Description, Field No. 37.

“[W]hen an unbundled REC transaction is independent of a wholesale electric
energy transaction, we conclude, based on available information, that the
unbundled REC transaction does not affect wholesale electricity rates, and the
charge for the unbundled RECs is not a charge in connection with a wholesale
sale of electricity. Thus, an unbundled REC transaction that is independent of
a wholesale electric energy transaction does not fall within the Commission’s
jurisdiction under sections 201, 205 and 206 of the FPA. In a bundled REC
transaction, however, where a wholesale energy sale and a REC sale take
place as part of the same transaction, RECs are charges in connection with a
jurisdictional service that affect the rates for wholesale energy. Thus, the
Commission has jurisdiction over the wholesale energy portion of the
transaction as well as the RECs portion of a bundled REC transaction under
FPA sections 205 and 206 (regardless of whether the contract price is
allocated separately between the energy and RECs).” (Source: WSPP Inc., 139
FERC ¶ 61,061 (2012), Paragraph 24)


Components of
Additional services that are sold in
conjunction with a jurisdictional
Commodity Price sale should be reported separately
in the EQR.

“The Electric Quarterly Report has a column for the transmission component
of energy sales. However, many different services in addition to transmission
are associated with energy sales (ancillary services most common). The
Commission needs to understand the derivation of the total commodity price.
To the extent that there are services delineated in the contract that are part
of the total sale, they should be listed on separate lines and priced
separately.” (Source: Revised Public Utility Filing Requirements, 101 FERC ¶
61,067 (2002), Paragraph 24c)


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Filing Guidance
Transaction data may not be
aggregated. If the price changes
even on a sub-hourly basis, a new
line of transaction data must be
reported for each price change;
the prices cannot be averaged.
For Example:
If the price changes hourly, the
data must be reported hourly for
each price point.
If a sale occurs as a single price
over a month, the transaction may
be reported in a single line with all
volumes for the month.
If a sale occurs at a peak and an
off- peak price over a month, it
may be reported in two lines for
the entire month, as long as the
Increment Peaking Name is
properly completed.


Data Errors, and

A Seller must file a revised EQR if
more accurate information is
obtained up to the end of the
following quarter reflecting the
best available data. Such revisions
are typically associated with billing
After the following quarter (noted


Published 11/15/2017
“[A]ggregated data have never been allowed by the Commission for power
marketers’ Quarterly Transactions Reports.” (Source: Order No. 2001,
Paragraph 124)
“The Commission also rejected the use of aggregated data in Commonwealth
Electric Company, 78 FERC ¶ 61,191 (1997). In this order, the Commission
directed the reporting of prices for short-term transactions and the reporting
of separate prices for wholesale generation, transmission and ancillary
services in the quarterly reports. Pursuant to Order Nos. 888 and 888-A, the
Commission stated: [a]ccordingly, we will direct the Applicants to revise their
market-based power sales tariffs to state explicitly separate prices for
generation, transmission and ancillary services.” (Source: Order No. 2001,
Paragraph 127)
“Aggregated data do not provide sufficient disclosure of rates to the public.
Further, market power is possible not just over a market area. It can also be
exercised over individual customers. Aggregated data would prevent
customers from detecting (and filing a complaint with the Commission about)
improper conduct and would be less helpful in promoting competition. We
conclude that section 205(c) does not allow the aggregation of this
information.” (Source: Order No. 2001-A, Paragraph 20)

“The Commission desires to strike a balance between having timely, accurate
data and reducing the burden on filing entities. We recognize that many users
do not have complete, final data for the full quarter by the EQR filing
deadlines. This is particularly true for certain sales to ISOs. This situation has
been discussed at length by FERC staff with the EQR Users Group members.
As a result, the Commission is requiring that any additions or changes to an
EQR filing must be made by the end of the following quarter, at which time,
the public utility is expected to file the best available new data. Thereafter,
the utility shall file only material changes, either as a full refiling or as a
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Electric Quarterly Report Filing Requirements Guide

Filing Guidance
above) only material changes
resulting from a billing adjustment
must be refiled.
Data should be filed in a manner
consistent with the rules in effect
for the respective period. All
filings are subject to review
regarding consistency to thencurrent filing requirements.
For Example:
If a filer discovers in May (prior to
the Q2 filing deadline) that Q1
data needs to be refiled due to a
billing adjustment, those
adjustments must be made to
each contract and transaction
impacted by the adjustment. If
the filer receives a billing
adjustment in October, a refiling is
necessary only if it would result in
a material change.
A Seller must file a revised and
corrected EQR if data errors are
identified. Filers are required to
make corrections going back 12
quarters (3 years). Filers are
required to use the Notes field
within the report to describe the
When making corrections to filings


Published 11/15/2017
transaction with the class name “Billing Adjustment.” The public utility shall
add any billing adjustment transaction to the prior quarter in which the
change is applicable and then, refile for that quarter.” (Source: Order No.
2001-E, Paragraph 9)
“The ‘BA’ [Billing Adjustment] class name is intended to be an option allowing
EQR filers to reflect material price changes long after the settled prices were
considered final. Occidental’s observation that RTO/ISO sales data are likely
to change after the EQR filing deadline strengthens the Commission’s
conviction that the data must be refiled to reflect the actual rates charged and
that simply reflecting these changes as a single ‘BA’ entry is insufficient. Given
our finding on this issue, we believe that it would be helpful to revise the
definition of ‘BA-Billing Adjustment’ proposed in the EQR Notice to clarify the
intended nature of the ‘BA’ class name. Thus, we have revised the definition
for ‘BA-Billing Adjustment’ in the EQR Data Dictionary that we are adopting in
this order to provide this clarification.” (Source: Order 2001-G, Paragraph 34)
“Specifically, in recognition of the fact that public utilities may not have
complete, final data for the full quarter by EQR filing deadlines, the
Commission requires that any additions or changes to an EQR filing must be
made by the end of the following quarter, when the filer is expected to file
the best available new data. Filers are required to file material changes,
either as a full refiling or as a transaction with the class name ‘Billing
Adjustment.’ It is worth emphasizing that refiling EQRs, with a billing
adjustment to reflect the receipt of new information, is only necessary if the
filer considers the change to previous EQR totals to be material. The
Commission has found that this policy balances the need for timely, accurate
EQR data, while reducing the burden on filing entities by identifying price
changes on a transaction-by-transaction basis due to some after-the-fact
billing transaction long after the EQR was due. In the case of budget-based
billing, nonpublic utility cooperatives are not covered by FPA section 205 and
the true-up process will likely have little effect on the market dynamics the
Commission is trying to capture with this Final Rule. For these reasons, the
Commission will exclude true-ups by nonpublic utility cooperatives associated
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Filing Guidance
that occur beyond the 12-quarter
threshold, see Implementation
Guidance of Executive Order
13579 - Entering Notes to
Corrected EQR Filings.

Published 11/15/2017
with budget-based billing from the EQR’s refiling or billing adjustment policy.”
(Source: Order No. 768, Paragraph 84)
“According to the EQR Data Dictionary, a Billing Adjustment (BA) designates
an incremental material change to one or more transactions due to a change
in settlement results. BA may be used in a refiling after the next quarter’s
filing is due to reflect the receipt of new information. It may not be used to
correct an inaccurate filing.” (Source: Order No. 768, Paragraph 84, footnote
148, citing Order No. 2001-G, 120 FERC ¶ 61,270 at 33)
See Implementation Guidance of Executive Order 13579 - Entering Notes to
Corrected EQR Filings. See also Plan for Retrospective Analysis of Existing
Rules, Docket No. AD12-6-000 (2011)


Procedures for

Actual contract termination dates
must be reported in EQR.
The date the agreement
terminated should be listed in the
Actual Termination Date field and
the contract should be omitted
from the EQR in the next quarter.

“When an agreement expires, the actual termination date will be entered into
the contract data.” (Source: Order No. 2001, Paragraph 321)

Notices of cancellation of
conforming service agreements
and market-based rate
agreements do not need to be
filed with the Commission but the
filer should remove the cancelled
agreement from the EQR in the
quarter following the cancellation

“Under this rule, agreements that conform to approved standard forms of
service agreement and market-based rate agreements may terminate by their
own terms without the need for the public utility to file a notice of
cancellation or cancellation tariff sheet with the Commission. The public utility
simply removes the agreement from its Electric Quarterly Report the quarter
after it terminates. For agreements that remain in public utilities'
Commission-maintained tariffs after the implementation date of this rule
(basically non-conforming agreements), public utilities also must comply with
the requirements to file a notice of cancellation and a cancellation tariff
sheet… All proposals to change terms of an agreement without the consent of
the customer must be filed with the Commission. Additionally, if an

Notices of cancellation of nonhttp://www.ferc.gov/docs-filing/eqr.asp

“If an agreement terminates on a date within the reporting quarter, the utility
must enter the actual termination date in the Electric Quarterly Report for
that calendar quarter, and remove the agreement from the subsequent
Electric Quarterly Report.” (Source: Order No. 2001, Paragraph 250)

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Electric Quarterly Report Filing Requirements Guide

Filing Guidance
conforming, nonstandard, or
unexecuted service agreements
need to be cancelled with the
Commission, in addition to being
removed from the EQR in the
quarter following the cancellation

Published 11/15/2017
agreement terminates on a date other than the original agreement
termination date (for instance, due to extension provisions being executed or
termination by mutual agreement), the utility must enter the actual
termination date in the subsequent Electric Quarterly Report, regardless of
whether that agreement is a conforming agreement, a non-conforming
agreement, or a market-based rate agreement.” (Source: Order No. 2001,
Paragraph 249)

The actual termination date
should reflect the date of
cancellation as accepted by the


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Published 11/15/2017

The Commission uses a web-based approach to filing EQRs that allows Sellers to make an EQR filing directly
through the Commission’s website, either through a web interface or by submitting an Extensible Mark-Up
Language-formatted file. This section provides guidance that Sellers must first be registered with the
Commission in the Company Registration and eRegistration systems. Sellers must include a company
identification number as part of their EQR filings.


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Registration and

Published 11/15/2017

Filing Guidance
Initial validation checks will
require that Agents and Sellers be
registered with the Commission in
the Company Registration and
eRegistration systems. An Agent
must be assigned to a seller to be
able to file EQRs on behalf of that
seller. An agent can be assigned
to more than one Seller.

“The Commission adopts the requirement for EQR sellers to identify
themselves using a Company Identifier. . . . Instead of building a new
identification system for submitting EQRs, we will utilize the company
registration system that was created for eTariff. Using the company
registration system to identify EQR sellers allows the Commission to make
filer identification consistent with other Commission filings and is familiar to
public utilities that use eTariff. Under the new EQR filing system, all EQR
sellers will be identified in EQR filings by their Company Identifier.” (Source:
Order No. 770, Paragraph 33)

Account Managers and Agents
must complete the full registration
in the eRegistration system to be
able to submit EQRs.

“The EQR seller will be able to maintain a list of eRegistered EQR agents
whom the EQR seller has authorized to submit EQR filings on its behalf. An
EQR seller can designate multiple individuals as its agents.” (Source: Order
No. 770, Paragraph 34)

The individual associated with the
Seller is called the Account
Manager in the Company
Registration system.

“While a parent company or service company may file EQRs on behalf of EQR
sellers, an individual will need to be eRegistered and designated as an agent
of the EQR sellers. The designated agent may then file an EQR on behalf of the
EQR seller.” (Source: Order No. 770, Paragraph 36)


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Published 11/15/2017

A seller must file EQR ID Data every quarter even if there were no sales during the quarter. The EQR
system will only allow filings to be accepted if the Seller, Agent, Company Name, and Contact Information
match the information on file within the Commission’s eRegistration system. Please refer to the EQR Data
Dictionary posted on the Commission’s website for complete definitions and associated values.


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Filing Guidance
A seller must, at a minimum, file
EQR ID Data every quarter, even if
there were no sales during the
Seller and Agent Company Names
and the Seller and Agent contact
information must match what is in
eRegistration and Company
Registration to enable the EQR to
be submitted.


Published 11/15/2017

“Thus, in this Final Rule, we use the phrase ‘EQR seller’ to mean companies
that are authorized to sell power under Part 35 of the Commission’s
regulations as well as non-public utilities that are required to comply with the
EQR filing requirements pursuant to [Order No. 768]. We use the phrase ‘EQR
agent’ to mean an entity that an EQR seller designates to file on its behalf.”
(Source: Order No. 770, Paragraph 2)

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Published 11/15/2017

This section provides guidance to Sellers for completing the Contract section of the EQR. Contracts must
be reported in the EQR once service under the contract begins, and continue to be reported until they
terminate. The contract fields in EQR capture the terms and conditions including; product type, peak type,
delivery points and the start and end dates of the contract. Contracts must be up to date and accurate.
Please refer to the EQR Data Dictionary posted on the Commission’s website for complete definitions and
associated values.


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(EQR Data
Field No. 17)

Filing Guidance
The Customer Company
Name is the name of the
purchaser of contract
products and services. The
Customer Company Name
must be listed identically in
both the Contract Data and
Transaction Data sections
of the EQR.

Published 11/15/2017
“What the Commission intended is that the contract-related information reported in the
EQR should include the current name of the counterparty, as that name may have
changed due to contract assignments or for other reasons. In instances where the
customer counterparty’s name changes from the customer name included in the original
contract, filers should use the name of the current counterparty as the Customer
Company Name in the contract and transaction sections of the EQR. To further clarify this
point, the Commission will revise the definition of Customer Company Name in the EQR
Data Dictionary to read: ‘The name of the purchaser of contract products and services.’”
(Source: Order No. 768-A, Paragraph 35)

In contracts with multiple
customers, each customer
should be listed on a
separate record. Other
contract identifiers (i.e.
Seller Company Name,
Contract Service
Agreement ID and FERC
Tariff Reference) should be
the same for each customer
under a single contract.

(EQR Data
Field No. 18)

Contract Affiliate should be
“Y” (Yes) if the customer
fits the description of an

“Affiliate of a specified entity means: (1) Another person that controls, is controlled by
or is under common control with, the specified entity. An affiliate includes a division of
the specified entity that operates as a functional unit.” (Source: 18 C.F.R. § 358.3)


FERC Tariff
(EQR Data
Field No. 19)

The FERC Tariff Reference
should be populated using
either the tariff designation
or a truncated version of
the section title of the

“In cases where a FERC Tariff Reference is not applicable [for a non-public utility], the
Commission will require that a filer market ‘NPU’ (to indicate ‘Non-Public Utility’) in those
fields. If a non-public utility has a previously filed reciprocity open access transmission
tariff (OATT), it should refer to that reciprocity OATT in Field Number 19 under FERC Tariff
Reference.” (Source: Order No. 768, Paragraph 75)


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Filing Guidance
Seller’s tariff document.
For example, a section title
using NAESB Business
Names and adopted as
FERC’s Business Names
might include: [Record
Description]+[Tariff Record
Title]+[Record Version
Number]+[Option Code].

Published 11/15/2017
“In addition, as requested by EEI, we confirm that cost-based sales made under the WSPP
Agreement should cite the WSPP tariff, and market-based sales made under the WSPP
Agreement should cite the Seller’s market-based rate tariff...” (Source: Order No. 2001-G,
Paragraph 17)

Each time a revision is
made to the tariff being
referenced, the FERC Tariff
Reference field should be
updated to reflect the
updated tariff.
The FERC Tariff Reference is
not a docket number.
If a contract refers to two
tariffs, it should be
identified as two separate
contracts with two
separate FERC Tariff
For Example:
If reporting using the tariff
FERC Electric Tariff, Original
Volume No. 1 (for original

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Filing Guidance
FERC Electric Tariff, First
Revised Volume No. 1 (for
revised tariff)

Published 11/15/2017

If reporting using the tariff
title in eTariff:
Market Based Rates, FERC
Electric Tariff No. 1, 0.0.0
(for original tariff)
Market Based Rates, FERC
Electric Tariff No. 1, 1.0.0
(for revised tariff)
Cost-based rate sales made
under the WSPP Agreement
should cite the WSPP tariff,
and market-based sales
made under the WSPP
Agreement should cite the
Seller’s market-based rate

(EQR Data
Field No. 20)

Each contract identified in
an EQR should have a
unique Contract Service
Agreement ID.
The Contract Service
Agreement ID is a Filerdesignated number that
can be used for the filer to
readily identify and/or
produce the agreement


“Contract Service Agreement ID is a unique (company) name given to each service
agreement. It may be the number assigned by FERC for those service agreements that
have been filed and approved by the Commission, or it can be an internal numbering
system. The filer must be able to readily identify and produce a contract based on the
Contract Service Agreement ID.” (Source: Revised Public Utility Filing Requirements, 101
FERC ¶ 61,067 (2002), Paragraph 12)
“The Contract Service Agreement ID serves the dual purpose of being a unique method
for identifying a particular contract when it is requested and a means of tracking a
contract and the activity under a contract from quarter to quarter.” (Source: Order No.

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Published 11/15/2017


Filing Guidance
when asked to do so.
2001-G, Paragraph 21)
The Contract Service
Agreement ID number
should remain constant, to
the extent practicable, from
quarter to quarter.


(EQR Data
Field No. 21)

The Contract Execution
Date should reflect the date
the contract was signed. If
the contract was signed on
multiple dates, the most
recent date should be used.

“The Commission recognizes the benefits of classifying a contractual relationship based
on when it originated and will revise the definition of Contract Execution Date as EEI
suggests to require companies to report the original date the contract was executed,
without regard to any subsequent revisions to the contract.” (Source: Order No. 2001-H,
Paragraph 10)


ent Date of
(EQR Data
Field No. 22)

The Contract
Commencement Date is the
date the terms of the
contract reported in the
EQR were effective.

“In order to alert EQR users that a contract has been revised, the Commission will revise
the definition of Contract Commencement Date to refer to the date that service
commenced under the current terms and conditions of the contract. The Commission will
further clarify that the terms deemed relevant for determining or changing the Contract
Commencement Date are those that are reported in the Contract Data section of the
EQR. Any amendment that would cause a change in these required data elements would
require a change in the Contract Commencement Date.” (Source: Order No. 2001-H,
Paragraph 11)

If a contract amendment
changes how the contract is
reported in the EQR, "the
terms of the contract
reported in the EQR" have
changed, so the
commencement date
changes to the date those
terms "were effective."
If there is more than one
amendment to the contract
reflected in the terms


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Filing Guidance
reported, then the date of
the most recent
amendment would be
reported as the
commencement date.

Published 11/15/2017

For example:
If the contract was
executed on March 1, the
increment name changed
on June 1 and the
maximum rate changed
October 1, October 1 would
be the Contract
Commencement Date.
For the purposes of
determining "the date the
terms of the contract
reported in the EQR were
effective,” the date service
began may be used if the
contract or amendment
does not have an effective
date. Similarly for this field,
the effective date may be
used as the date service
If the terms of a contract
change during a quarter,
sales under the contract
and the amended contract
should be reported

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Term Name
(EQR Data
Field No. 27)

Filing Guidance
The Term Name should
reflect the duration of the
contract and the terms
thereof and not individual
deals that are transacted
under it. The term of
individual deals will be
provided in the Transaction
Data section of the EQR.

Published 11/15/2017

An evergreen contract
would be considered a long
term contract because the
contract can and usually is
extended beyond one year.

(EQR Data
Field No. 28)

In the Contract Data section
of the EQR, the Increment
Name is intended to define
the intended duration of
the contract being
described. The contract’s
duration should be
determined by period
under which the provisions
of the contract being
summarized remain
The hours in the definition
refer to the underlying
contract not the services
provided under the


“The Increment Name field is intended to provide information regarding the duration of
the terms agreed upon in the contract or transaction. If completed correctly, this field
provides information about whether a sale at a given price for a full day was the result of
a daily sale or, possibly, a monthly sale with a daily index.” (Source: Order 2001-G,
Paragraph 39)
“In Order No. 2001-G, the Commission explained that the “Increment Name” fields are
“intended to provide information regarding the duration of the terms agreed upon in the
contract or transaction” and that the definitions do not refer to the characteristics of the
sales themselves. The Commission provided, as an example, a monthly peak-only sale
priced on a daily index and stated that, because the “quantity sold, the hours of flow, and
the pricing method” are set for the entire month, it should be designated as “Monthly” in
the “Increment Name” field in the Transaction Data section (current Field Number 61).”
(Source: Filing Requirements for Electric Utility Service Agreements, 157 FERC ¶ 61,180
(2016), Paragraph 11)

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Filing Guidance
contract, i.e. transactions. If
a contract for peak power
lasts a year, the contract
will have an increment
name of “Y” even though
the power does not flow
every hour.

Published 11/15/2017

Where the contract is a
Master Agreement
providing no specific terms
for any transactions
reported in the EQR, the
filer may use “N/A.” The
duration of the individual
deals should be provided in
the description of
If the contract provides the
specific terms of the
agreement (as opposed to a
Master Agreement), the
increment name for the
contract products is likely
to be the same as the
increment name for
transactions under that
contract—i.e., the
underlying deal behind the
transactions is the contract

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Product Type
(EQR Data
Field No. 30)

Filing Guidance
A long-term contract will
have an increment name of
“Y,” even if the pricing
terms under the contract
are calculated based on an
index or some pre-defined
formula. The increment
name will not be “Y” if the
parties to the contract can
renegotiate price and/or
quantity more frequently
than annually.
The Product Type Name is
determined by the nature
of the FERC tariff under
which it is sold.
Product Names under a
single contract must have
the same Product Type

Published 11/15/2017

Information on reporting Transmission Capacity Reassignments in the EQR can be found
at: Notice Providing Guidance on the Filing of Information on Transmission Capacity
Reassignments in Electric Quarterly Reports, 124 FERC ¶ 61,244 (2008)

There should be no costbased products under a
market-based rate
contract. Even if the pricing
of the product is based on
the cost of inputs (e.g., an
energy price based on the
price of natural gas), the
Product Type Name is
Market-Based if it is sold
under a market-based

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(EQR Data
Field No. 31
Appendix A)

Filing Guidance
Capacity Reassignments are
identified with the Product
Type Name “CR” in Field
No. 30, using the
appropriate Product Name
(e.g., Point-to-Point
Agreement) and all relevant
price, quantity and, where
relevant, receipt/delivery
point information.
The list of available Product
Names is provided in
Appendix A of the EQR
Data Dictionary.
If a contract includes
multiple products, each has
to be reported separately.

Published 11/15/2017

“To simplify the compilation of EQR data and to facilitate data analysis, the lists of valid
data entries for the ‘Product Name’ [ ] are being streamlined. The resulting streamlined
lists are provided in Appendix [A Staff has worked collaboratively with EQR User Group
members to define Product Names and to determine which entries best capture the
desired data.”(Source: Order No. 2001-E, Paragraph 11)

Under a Master Agreement
that provides a menu of
products that may be
offered, only those
products that are offered
need to be reported. If
during a quarter, a new
product is offered, that
product must be identified
under the contract
beginning that quarter. If a
product is identified as sold
under a contract in the

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Filing Guidance
Transaction Data section of
the EQR, it must be
identified as a product in
the Contract Data section.

Published 11/15/2017

Booked out power is not
reported as a product in
the Contracts portion of
the EQR.

(EQR Data
Field No. 32)

If sales quantities are
defined in the contract they
must be provided in EQR.
Each change in sales
quantity over the life of the
contract (e.g., 100 MWh
during the summer and 50
MWh during the winter)
must be provided in a
separate record.


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Published 11/15/2017


Filing Guidance
At least one of four rate
fields (34, 35, 36, or 37)
must be included for each
contract. However if the
contract specifies the rate,
rate minimum, or a rate
maximum, all of the
specified fields must be
reported to the EQR. If
more than one rate is
specified in the contract
(e.g., $50/MWh in 2016
and $52/MWh in 2017),
each of those rates must be
included as separate
contract record.


Rate Units
(EQR Data
Field No. 38)

The Rate Unit reported
should be appropriate to
the corresponding product
name. The Rate Unit should
reflect what is in the
contract. See Appendix F
of the EQR Data Dictionary
for a list of valid values.


Point of
(EQR Data

Receipt balancing authority “We are also updating the list of Balancing Authority names and abbreviations . . . to
and specific location applies reflect recent changes made by the new official source of such data, the Open Access
to transmission and
Technology, Inc. (OATI) webRegistry.” (Source: Order No. 768-A, Paragraph 55)


“At least one of the four rate fields (rate, rate minimum, rate maximum, rate description)
must be filled out. For example, most market-based rates should state "Market-Based
Rate" in the Rate Description Field.” (Source: Revised Public Utility Filing Requirements,
101 FERC ¶ 61,067 (2002), Paragraph 15 See also EQR Data Dictionary Field Nos. 34
through 37(Source: Revised Public Utility Filing Requirements, 101 FERC ¶ 61,067 (2002),
Paragraph 15 See also EQR Data Dictionary Field Numbers 34 through 37)

See the EQR page at


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Published 11/15/2017

Field No. 39)

Filing Guidance
https://www.ferc.gov/docsfiling/eqr.asp for a list of
allowable entries.

Point of
(EQR Data
Field No. 40)

Receipt balancing authority
and specific location applies
to transmission and
Report specific locations as
they are listed in the
contract. If no specific
locations are listed in the
contract, this field may be
left blank.

“POR and POD should be reported the way it is written in the agreement. If, for example,
the agreement lists the information at the Control Area level, then the use of the POR or
POD control area data element will be accepted. If the agreement specifies a specific
location, then respondents should use the POR or POD specific location data element.
(Source: Order No. 2001, Paragraph 314)

If the contract lists several
specific receipt/delivery
points, the points may be
descriptively summarized
(e.g., all points east of a
specific interconnect).
“Various” may only be used
if “various” appears in the

Point of
(EQR Data

Sales delivered at the
interconnection between
two balancing authorities
should use the receiving


“For purposes of EQR reporting, we can categorize sales from the United States heading
towards Canada into three categories: (1) sales originating in the United States that are
delivered in the United States; (2) sales originating in the United States where title
changes on the United States’ side of the United States-Canada border; and (3) sales
originating in the United States where title changes in Canada. In the first instance, the
sale is reported in the EQR with the PODBA being a balancing authority within the United
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Field No. 41)

Filing Guidance
If the term HUB is used in
the PODBA, use a valid
value in the PODSL field.
Only jurisdictional sales
should be reported in the
EQR. Sales delivered within
Canada, Mexico, or ERCOT
are not jurisdictional.
Sales delivered at the
United States’ side of the
border with Canada or
Mexico should be reported
using the U.S. PODBA.

Published 11/15/2017
States. In the second instance, the sale is reported in the EQR with a PODBA on the United
States’ side of the United States-Canada border. In the third instance, the sale, which is
not jurisdictional, would not be reported in the EQR.” (Source: Order No. 2001-G,
Paragraph 64)
“In the case of sales from Canada, for purposes of EQR reporting we can likewise divide
these sales into three categories: (1) sales originating in Canada that are delivered within
Canada; (2) sales originating in Canada where title changes on the Canadian side of the
United States-Canada border; and (3) sales originating in Canada where title changes in
the United States. In the first instance, the sale, which is not jurisdictional, would not be
reported in the EQR. Likewise, sales in the second instance would not be jurisdictional and
would not be reported in the EQR; however, if there is a subsequent resale that takes that
power from the border into the United States, that resale would be reported with a
PODBA within the United States. In the third instance, the sale would be reported using a
United States’ PODBA.” (Source: Order No. 2001-G, Paragraph 65)

See the EQR page at
-filing/eqr.asp for a list of
allowable entries.

“We are also updating the list of Balancing Authority names and abbreviations . . . to
reflect recent changes made by the new official source of such data, the Open Access
Technology, Inc. (OATI) webRegistry.” (Source: Order No. 768-A, Paragraph 55)
“POR and POD should be reported the way it is written in the agreement. If, for example,
the agreement lists the information at the Control Area level, then the use of the POR or
POD control area data element will be accepted. If the agreement specifies a specific
location, then respondents should use the POR or POD specific location data element.
(Source: Order No. 2001, Paragraph 314)


Point of
(EQR Data
Field No. 42)

Report specific locations as
they are listed in the
contract. If no specific
locations are listed in the
contract, this field may be
left blank.


Begin Date
and End Date
(EQR Data

The Begin and End dates
“Begin and End Dates apply to contract products, rather than the whole contract, and are
are not simply a duplication to be used when there are multiple time frames addressed in the contract. If all products
of the Contract
listed in the contract begin and end on the same dates as the contract does, there is no


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Field Nos. 43
and 44)

Filing Guidance
Commencement, Execution
or Termination dates. If, for
example, the contract
states a price for a product
in each of three calendar
years (e.g., $48/MWh in
2018, $50/MWh in 2019
and $52/MWh in 2020),
each year’s price would be
specified on a separate line
using the appropriate begin
and end dates.

Published 11/15/2017
need to list dates in these Begin and End Date fields. Therefore, in most cases, these fields
will be left blank. An example of when and how these fields should be used is this: in a
five-year power sales contract with a different quantity and price specified for each year,
the product (power) would be listed on five lines. Each listing would have a unique begin
and end date and the price assigned for each year would be listed on the appropriate line.
Another example is a transmission contract with several ancillary services. The
transmission service and each of the ancillary services could have different begin and end
dates.” (Source: Revised Public Utility Filing Requirements, 101 FERC ¶ 61,067 (2002),
Paragraph 14e)

The “Begin Date” and “End
Date should reflect what is
in the contract. If not
specified in the contract,
field should remain blank.
The “Begin Date” is the first
date and time for the sale
of the product at the rate
specified. The “End Date” is
the last date and time for
the sale of the product at
the rate specified.


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Published 11/15/2017

This section provides guidance to Sellers for completing the Transaction section of the EQR. Transaction
data provides information about the power sales a Seller makes during the reporting period. Transaction
data reporting begins with the first Electric Quarterly Report filed after service commences under an
agreement, and continues until the Electric Quarterly Report filed after the agreement expires or by order
of the Commission. Each transaction must be associated with a specific contract. There can be multiple
transactions associated with the same contract. Please refer to the EQR Data Dictionary posted on the
FERC website for complete definitions and associated values.


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Unique ID

Filing Guidance
An integer proceeded by the
letter “T” is needed by the system
to incorporate the data into the

Published 11/15/2017

(This is a necessary technical field for EQR submissions.)

There are 4 key fields in both the
Contract Data and the Transaction
Data sections of the EQR that
must match. This is necessary so
that every individual transaction
can be associated with a specific
The four fields that must match
1) Seller Company Name (Field
No. 16 in the Contract Data
section and Field No. 46 in the
Transaction Data section)
2) Customer Company Name
(Field No. 17 in the Contract
Data section and Field No. 47
in the Transaction Data
3) FERC Tariff Reference (Field
No. 19 in the Contract Data
section and Field No. 48 in the
Transaction Data section)

Contract Service Agreement
ID (Field No. 20 in the
Contract Data section and


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Filing Guidance
Field No. 49 in the Transaction
Data section)

Published 11/15/2017

The system requires a distinctive
number for each Transaction
Unique ID.

Unique Identifier
(EQR Data
Dictionary, Field
No. 50)

The Transaction Unique Identifier is (This is a necessary technical field for EQR submissions.)
a filer-selected designation that
relates multiple records of data to a
single transaction. For example, if a
sale includes capacity and energy,
the Transaction Unique Identifier
would be the same for both
records of data.


Begin Date
(EQR Data
Dictionary, Field
No. 51)

The Transaction Begin Date and
time must be no earlier than the
beginning of the reporting quarter
and must occur before the
Transaction End Date.

“(The) Transaction Begin Date must be prior to the end of the reporting
quarter and no earlier than the beginning of the reporting quarter.” (Source:
Order No. 2001-A, Paragraph 9)


Transaction End
(EQR Data
Dictionary, Field
No. 52)

The Transaction End Date and time
must be after the beginning of the
reporting quarter and no later than
the end of the reporting quarter.
The Transaction End Date and time
must be later than the Transaction
Begin Date and time.
It is valid to use the beginning of
the next hour as the hour in the
Transaction End Date. For example,
a transaction that begin at 8:00
A.M. on June 9 and lasts one hour

“(The) Transaction end date and time must be after the beginning of the
reporting quarter and no later than the end of the reporting quarter.”
(Source: Order No. 2001-A, Paragraph 9)


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Filing Guidance
may be reported with a Transaction
End Date of June 9, 9:00 A.M.

Published 11/15/2017

A transaction that ends at or runs
beyond the end of a quarter may
report midnight of the first day of
the next quarter as the Transaction
End Date.

Trade Date
(EQR Data
Dictionary, Field
No. 53)

Trade date is required for
transactions entered into on or
after July 1, 2013.
The correct Trade Date for a dayahead energy sale to an RTO or ISO
is the day before the power flowed;
the proper Trade Date for a realtime energy sale is the day the
power flowed.
If the pricing detail is provided in
the contract, then the Contract
Execution Date should be reported
as Trade Date.
Uplift is reported in the EQR. The
trade date for uplift depends on
whether the uplift is associated
with the day-ahead or real-time


“The Commission concludes that requiring market participants to report the
date on which parties to a reported transaction agreed upon a price (trade
date) is necessary to improve market transparency.” (Source: Order No. 768,
Paragraph 91)
“[I]n cases where pricing detail is provided in the contract description, the
Contract Execution Date should be considered the trade date.” (Source:
Order No. 768, Paragraph 92)
“With respect to the appropriate Trade Date in instances where the price is
amended subsequent to the initial contract execution date, we clarify that the
parties should report the Trade Date as the date they agreed to the
subsequent price change. The intent of this field is to enable the Commission
to better characterize market conditions under which the pricing terms
reported were determined. If a contract amendment changes the pricing
terms, that change should be reflected in the Trade Date.” (Source: Order
No. 768-A, Paragraph 43)
“With respect to the proper Trade Date for a sale to an RTO or ISO, the
Commission clarifies that the Trade Date is when the markets clear.
Accordingly, the correct Trade Date for a day-ahead energy sale to an RTO or
ISO is the day before the power flowed; the proper Trade Date for a real-time
energy sale is the day the power flowed. Similarly, the day the markets clear
should also be used as the Trade Date for uplift. For example, if an uplift
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credit is related to a day-ahead energy sale to an RTO or ISO, the correct
Trade Date for the uplift credit is the day before the power flowed. If an
uplift credit is related to a real-time energy sale to an RTO or ISO, the correct
Trade Date for the uplift credit is the day the power flowed.
“[W]e note that the Trade Date requirement will be applied prospectively so
that only the Trade Date for transactions entered into on or after July 1, 2013
and reported in the third quarter of 2013 EQR must be reported.” (Source:
Order No. 768-A, Paragraph 44)


age Service (EQR
Data Dictionary,
Field 54)

Filers shall report whether a
brokerage or exchange was used to
consummate a transaction using
the conventions of Appendix H.

“For purposes of this rulemaking, we clarify that the term ‘use’ of an
exchange or broker encompasses instances where the exchange’s or broker’s
services were used to consummate or effectuate a transaction. The term
‘use’ does not cover instances where an index developed by an exchange or
broker is used to identify or set the price for a transaction. We also clarify
that ‘exchanges‘ refer to trading platforms like ICE or NYMEX.” (Source:
Order No. 768, Paragraph 138)
“The Commission will not require the names of the brokers to be disclosed.”
(Source: Order No. 768, Paragraph 140)


Type of Rate
(EQR Data
Dictionary, Field
No. 55)

The Types of Rate are:
(1) Fixed
(2) Formula
(3) Electric Index
The Type of Rate is required for
transactions entered into on or
after July 1, 2013.


“If the price is the result of an RTO/ISO market and the sale is made to the
RTO/ISO, its rate type is ‘RTO/ISO.’ If no variables are used to determine the
rate, it should be marked as ‘fixed.’ This would include transactions where
the specific price is stated or a specific price with a predetermined escalator is
provided (e.g., $35.00/MWh, increasing by 2 percent each year). Under a
transaction classified with the rate type ‘fixed,’ both parties would know on
the trade date the exact price of the product(s) in that transaction.” (Source:
Order No. 768, Paragraph 107)
“We clarify that the rate type ‘RTO/ISO’ in Order No. 768 is ‘the result of an
RTO/ISO market or the sale is made to the RTO/ISO.’ We will modify the EQR
Data Dictionary definition of rate type ‘Electric Index’ to state: ‘A calculation
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of a rate based upon an index or formula that contains an electric index
component.’ We also clarify that, for purposes of Rate Type, ‘Electric Index’ is
an index published by an index publisher such as those required to be listed in
Field Number 73 or a price published by an RTO/ISO (e.g., PJM West or Illinois
Hub). Thus, where a price is based on an electric index that references an
RTO/ISO pricing point (e.g., PJM West or Illinois Hub) the Type of Rate should
be reported as ‘Electric Index.’” (Source: Order 768-A, Paragraph 47)
“Consistent with the clarified definition of ‘Electric Index’ Type of Rate as a ‘A
calculation of a rate based upon an index or formula that contains an electric
index component,’ in a situation where a formula is tied to an RTO/ISO price,
such as the greater of the RTO/ISO price or the contract price, the Type of
Rate should be listed as ‘Electric Index.’ It is not a ‘Formula’ Type of Rate
because it contains an electric index component, the RTO/ISO price. It is not
an ‘RTO/ISO’ Type of Rate because it is not the ‘result of an RTO/ISO market
or [a] sale [] made to the RTO/ISO.’”(Source: Order 768-A, Paragraph 47)
“If the transaction uses an electric-based index in any way, either as a base
price or as a means to determine a basis, it should be identified as an ’electric
index.’” (Source: Order No. 768, Paragraph 108)
“If the price in the transaction is otherwise determined by a formula,
including a formula that uses indices that do not describe specific electric
prices, such as a cost of living index or coal or natural gas prices, it should be
designated as rate type ‘formula.’” (Source: Order No. 768, Paragraph 108)


Time Zone
(EQR Data
Dictionary, Field
No. 56 and
Appendix D)

The Time Zone reported is relative
to the area in which the transaction
took place, not necessarily the
location of the trading parties or
the Seller’s trade capture system.
See Time Zone Table, Appendix D
of the Data Dictionary for


“The Commission will, however, continue to require EQR filers to report the
time zone where the transaction took place in the transaction section (i.e.,
new Field Number 56).” (Source: Order No. 768, Paragraph 121)

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Filing Guidance
acceptable values.


Point of Delivery
(EQR Data
Dictionary, Field
No. 57)

Sales delivered at the
interconnection between two
balancing authorities should use
the receiving PODBA.

“For purposes of EQR reporting, we can categorize sales from the United
States heading toward Canada into three categories: (1) sales originating in
the United States that are delivered in the United States; (2) sales originating
in the United States where title changes on the United States’ side of the
United States-Canada border; and (3) sales originating in the United States
where title changes in Canada. In the first instance, the sale is reported in the
EQR with the PODBA being a balancing authority within the United States. In
the second instance, the sale is reported in the EQR with a PODBA on the
United States’ side of the United States-Canada border. In the third instance,
the sale, which is not jurisdictional, would not be reported in the EQR.”
(Source: Order No. 2001-G, Paragraph 64)

If the term HUB is used in the
PODBA, use a valid value in the
PODSL field.
Only jurisdictional sales should be
reported in the EQR. Sales
delivered within Canada, Mexico,
or ERCOT are not jurisdictional.
Sales delivered at the United
States’ side of the border with
Canada or Mexico should be
reported using the U.S. PODBA.
If an allowable Balancing Authority
entry was used in the PODBA, the
PODSL is a free-form text field.
A hub transaction that goes to
delivery should be reported using
the specific location of the delivery.
This would entail identifying the
Point of Delivery Balancing
Authority (PODBA) and Point of
Delivery Specific Location (PODSL)
in the EQR.
See the EQR page at


“In the case of sales from Canada, for purposes of EQR reporting we can
likewise divide these sales into three categories: (1) sales originating in
Canada that are delivered within Canada; (2) sales originating in Canada
where title changes on the Canadian side of the United States-Canada border;
and (3) sales originating in Canada where title changes in the United States.
In the first instance, the sale, which is no jurisdictional, would not be reported
in the EQR. Likewise, sales in the second instance would not be jurisdictional
and would not be reported in the EQR; however, if there is a subsequent
resale that takes that power from the border into the United States, that
resale would be reported with a PODBA within the United States. In the third
instance, the sale would be reported using a United States’ PODBA.” (Source:
Order No. 2001-G, Paragraph 65)
“We are also updating the list of Balancing Authority names and
abbreviations . . . to reflect recent changes made by the new official source
of such data, the Open Access Technology, Inc. (OATI) webRegistry.” (Source:
Order No. 768-A, Paragraph 55)

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Filing Guidance
https://www.ferc.gov/docsfiling/eqr.asp for a list of allowable



Point of Delivery
Specific Location
(EQR Data
Dictionary, Field
No. 58)

Either a standardized hub name or
a specific location where the
product was actually delivered
should be listed. If “HUB” is
selected for PODBA, see the EQR
website at
https://www.ferc.gov/docsfiling/eqr.asp for the list of
allowable HUBS.

“Where there is specific delivery point information available, that
information should be entered into the PODSL field.” (Order No. 2001-E,
Paragraph 6)


Class Name
(EQR Data
Dictionary, Field
No. 59)

Unit Power Sale is a Class Name,
not a Product Name. The products
being sold as a Unit Power Sale are
detailed in Appendix A of the Data

“The ‘BA’ class name is intended to be an option allowing EQR filers to reflect
material price changes long after the settled prices were considered final.
Occidental’s observation that RTO/ISO sales data are likely to change after
the EQR filing deadline strengthens the Commission’s conviction that the data
must be refiled to reflect the actual rates charged and that simply reflecting
these changes as a single ‘BA’ entry is insufficient.” (Source: Order No. 2001G, Paragraph 34)

The Billing Adjustment class name
must be reported in the quarter in
which the transaction originally
occurred. By making adjustments
to the applicable quarter, the EQR
database will more accurately
reflect power sales amounts and
prices during the proper period.
A summarized Billing Adjustment
cannot be used until after the next
quarter’s filings are due with one
exception: if the invoice for the
billing adjustment is in summary

“The Commission desires to strike a balance between having timely, accurate
data and reducing the burden on filing entities. We recognize that many
users do not have complete, final data for the full quarter by the EQR filing
deadlines. This is particularly true for certain sales to ISOs. This situation has
been discussed at length by FERC staff with the EQR Users Group members.
As a result, the Commission is requiring that any additions or changes to an
EQR filing must be made by the end of the following quarter, at which time,
the public utility is expected to file the best available new data. Thereafter,
the utility shall file only material changes, either as a full refiling or as a
transaction with the class name ‘Billing Adjustment.’ The public utility shall
add any billing adjustment transaction to the prior quarter in which the
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Filing Guidance
change is applicable and then, refile for that quarter.” (Order No. 2001-E,
For example, a billing adjustment
Paragraph 9)
for Q1 2017 for which the invoice
gives the periods in which the price
has been adjusted may not be
summarized in a single record until
after the filing deadline for Q2
2017. A billing adjustment wherein
all the effects of all hourly price
differentials in January of 2017 are
provided in a single line in the
invoice marked “Billing
Adjustments – January 2017”
without supporting documentation,
may be entered in the Q1 2017
EQR at any time.

Increment Name
(EQR Data
Dictionary, Field
No. 61)

Increment Name should reflect the
duration of the underlying
commitment for which the
transaction occurs and not
necessarily the specific transaction
If the contract sets the particular
terms of the sale, the increment
name for each transaction record
under the contract should match
the increment name for the
For example, If the contract
provides for an Indexed price over


The Increment Name field is intended to provide information regarding the
duration of the terms agreed upon in the contract or transaction. If
completed correctly, this field provides information about whether a sale at a
given price for a full day was the result of a daily sale or, possibly, a monthly
sale with a daily index. (Source: Order 2001-G, Paragraph 39)
In Order No. 2001-G, the Commission explained that the “Increment Name”
fields are “intended to provide information regarding the duration of the
terms agreed upon in the contract or transaction” and that the definitions do
not refer to the characteristics of the sales themselves. The Commission
provided, as an example, a monthly peak-only sale priced on a daily index and
stated that, because the “quantity sold, the hours of flow, and the pricing
method” are set for the entire month, it should be designated as “Monthly”
in the “Increment Name” field in the Transaction Data section (current Field
Number 61). (Source: Filing Requirements for Electric Utility Service
Agreements, 157 FERC ¶ 61,180 (2016), Paragraph 11)
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the course of five years, the
Increment Name would be “Y”
because the terms were fixed for
over one year even though the
price would float with the index.
If the Seller can choose which hour
to sell power, the Increment Name
will be “H.” If the Seller has
committed to sell power over a
number of hours for a coming day,
the Increment Name is “D.”
Examples (not intended to be

Published 11/15/2017
“[I]n reporting the ‘Increment Name’ for transactions, we clarify that, if the
duration of the terms agreed upon in the transaction (the quantity sold, the
hours of flow, and the pricing method) do not change on an hourly basis (i.e.,
for six hours or less), then that transaction should not be listed as ‘Hourly.’
Moreover, unless the contract provides the specific terms of the particular
sale, if the duration of the terms agreed upon in the transaction (i.e., the
quantity sold, the hours of flow, and the pricing method) change on an hourly
basis (i.e., for six hours or less), then the ‘Increment Name’ for that
transaction should be listed as ‘Hourly’ in Field Number 61. (Source: Filing
Requirements for Electric Utility Service Agreements, 157 FERC ¶ 61,180
(2016), Paragraph 12)

“[F]or transactions with formula-based prices that change hourly, we clarify
that, if a transaction lasts for four hours and the price does not change, then
Sales where the price and quantity the transaction should be reported with an ‘Increment Name’ of ‘Hourly,’
are determined for each hour or for consistent with the definition in Field Number 61, which states in relevant
a number of hours less than the full part: ‘[t]erms of the particular sale set for up to 6 hours.’ We also clarify that,
peak or off-peak period (such as a
for transactions lasting longer than six hours in which the price changes
four-hour block) should be
hourly because the price is tied to a formula or price index which changes
identified with an "H."
hourly, the appropriate ‘Increment Name’ should be tied to the duration of
the terms agreed upon in the transaction and should not be listed as ‘Hourly’
Next day spot sales (peak, off-peak, merely because the price changes hourly.” (Source: Filing Requirements for
or full period) or sales for more
Electric Utility Service Agreements, 157 FERC ¶ 61,180 (2016), Paragraph 13)
than one day but less than a full
weekly block (sales for three days)
should use "D."
Sales of a weekly block (5X16,
7X24) or a series of weekly blocks
should use "W."
Balance-of-the-month sales, sales
for a full month, sales for a series of

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months, and sales for a season
should use "M."

Published 11/15/2017

Sales for a number of seasons,
sales for certain seasons over a
series of years and sales for a single
year or longer (≥ 1 year) should use
For transactions, if the terms of the
particular sale are set on a subhourly basis, such as in five-minute
or fifteen-minute increment they
should be reported with the (5) Five-Minute and (15) - FifteenMinute increment name.

Peaking Name
(EQR Data
Dictionary, Field
No. 62)

Increment Peaking Names are
defined regionally. Use the
definition of Peak/Off-peak periods
appropriate to the region where
the product is sold.
The Increment Peaking name is
intended to represent the period
over which the underlying deal
occurs and not of the individual
transaction. If, for example, sales
under the underlying contract
occur over a full week (7X24), the
correct Increment Peaking Name
would be “FP - Full Period” even if a
specific entry refers to deliveries


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Filing Guidance
during a single peak hour. Further,
a Peak sale may occur during only a
few peak hours; it need not occur
during the full peak period.


Product Name
(EQR Data
Dictionary, Field
No. 63 and
Appendix A)

Product Names reported in the
Transaction data section must also
be present in the Contract Data
section, except for the following
contract products that do not have
a corresponding transaction
product: Direct Assignment
Facilities Charge, Emergency
Energy, Interconnection
Agreement, Membership
Agreement, Must Run Agreement,
Network, Network Operating
Agreement, Point-To-Point
Agreement, Reassignment
Agreement, System Operating
Agreements, and Transmission
Owners Agreement.
See the EQR Data Dictionary,
Appendix A, for a list of valid

“To simplify the compilation of EQR data and to facilitate data analysis, the
lists of valid data entries for the ‘Product Name’ [ ] are being streamlined. The
resulting streamlined lists are provided in Appendix [A]. Staff has worked
collaboratively with EQR User Group members to define Product Names and
to determine which entries best capture the desired data.”(Source: Order
No. 2001-E, Paragraph 11)


Booked Out Power is reported as a
product only in the Transaction
Data section and does not have a
corresponding Product Name in the
Contract Data section.
Transaction Quantity should be
reported up to four digits to the


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(EQR Data
Dictionary, Field
No. 64)

Filing Guidance
right of the decimal point.

(EQR Data
Dictionary, Field
No. 65)

Transaction prices are actual and
are not averaged.

Published 11/15/2017

If transaction quantity equals zero
then no transaction should be
reported for that interval.

Prices should be reported up to six
digits to the right of the decimal

“Rate design: Many services do not have one-part commodity rates/prices for
energy sales. Utilities should use different lines for listing the different
components of the rate/price (such as reservation fee, commodity price, etc.)
in the Contract and Transaction Templates.” (Source: Revised Public Utility
Filing Requirements, 101 FERC ¶ 61,067 (2002), Paragraph 25)

When a transaction price changes
during a sale, a new row of data
reflecting that change must be
reported in the EQR.
Exchange transactions may be
reported with a zero price.

Rate Units
(EQR Data
Dictionary, Field
No. 66)

The Rate Unit reported for a
transaction should be appropriate
to the corresponding Product
Name. See the EQR Data
Dictionary, Appendix F, for a list of
valid values.


Quantity (EQR
Data Dictionary,
Field No. 67) and

These are required fields for the
following three products: Energy,
Capacity and Book out power.
Booked out power can be for either
energy or capacity.


“[T]he Commission will include two new fields to the EQR transaction section
and will require filers to standardize the units for reporting both prices and
quantities for energy, capacity, and booked out power transactions within the
EQR. Accordingly, filers must specify the quantity for energy in MWh and the
price for energy in $/MWh. Filers must specify the quantity for capacity as
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(EQR Data
Dictionary, Field
No. 68)


(EQR Data
Dictionary, Field
No. 69)

Filing Guidance
Energy Prices = $/MWh
Energy Quantities = MWh
Capacity Prices = $/MW-month
Capacity Quantities = MW-month

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MW-month and the price for capacity in $/MW-month. For booked out
power transactions, filers must use the same quantity and price conventions
associated with energy or capacity, as appropriate.” (Source: Order No. 768,
Paragraph 116)
“[A] capacity rate based on a MW-year basis can be divided by 12 to get an
appropriate MW-month rate, regardless of the number of days in the month.
Alternatively, filers may also calculate a MW-month rate by accounting for
the number of days in a month. The requirement to standardize units in the
EQR will apply prospectively (i.e., to transactions entered into on or after July
1, 2013 and reported in EQRs filed for periods beginning with the third
quarter of 2013).” (Source: Order No. 768-A, Paragraph 50)

Report any transmission charge
related to the sale of power. If, for
example, the price of energy in the
contract is quoted as “$/MWh
delivered to Node #1 plus the
transmission cost from Node
#1 to Node #2,” then the
transmission cost from Node #1 to
Node #2 should be included in this
When power is sold at a delivered
price, there will be no Transmission
Charge reported.
Transmission-related transactions
are not reported in the Transaction
Data section of the EQR except for
merchant transmission sales.


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Total Transaction
(EQR Data
Dictionary, Field
No. 70)

Published 11/15/2017

Filing Guidance
The dollars and cents total of a
transaction record. The Total
Transaction Charge is calculated by
multiplying the price and the
transaction quantity and adding the
Total Transmission Charge.
Every record of a transaction must
result in a total transaction charge.
If a sale includes multiple
transaction records, the total
transaction charge should be
calculated for each record.
For example, if a sale includes both
energy and capacity, a distinct total
transaction charge will be
calculated for the energy
transaction and the capacity


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1. Revised Public Utility Filing Requirements, Order No. 2001, FERC Stats. & Regs. ¶ 31,127, 99 FERC ¶ 61,107 (2002).
2. Revised Public Utility Filing Requirements, Order No. 2001-A (Order Denying Requests for Rehearing, Requests for Stay, and Request
for Extension, and Providing Clarification), 100 FERC ¶ 61,074 (2002).
3. Revised Public Utility Filing Requirements, 101 FERC ¶ 61,067 (2002).
4. Bridger Valley Electric Association, Inc. (Order Granting Requests for Waiver of Order No. 2001 Filing Requirements), 101 FERC ¶
61,146 (2002).
5. Revised Public Utility Filing Requirements, Order No. 2001-E (Order Refining Electric Quarterly Report Filing Requirements), 105 FERC ¶
61,352 (2003).
6. Revised Public Utility Filing Requirements, Order No. 2001-F (Order Granting and Denying in Part Request for Clarification of Order No.
2001), 106 FERC ¶ 61,060 (2004).
7. Repeal of the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935 and Enactment of the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 2005, Order No.
667, 113 FERC ¶ 61,248 (2005).
8. Preventing Undue Discrimination and Preference in Transmission Service, Order No. 890, FERC Stats. & Regs. ¶ 31,241, 118 FERC ¶
61,119 (2007).
9. Revised Public Utility Filing Requirements, Order No. 2001-G (Order Adopting Electric Quarterly Report Data Dictionary), 120 FERC ¶
61,270 (2007).
10. Revised Public Utility Filing Requirements, Order No. 2001-H (Order on Rehearing and Clarification), 121 FERC ¶ 61,289 (2007).
11. Preventing Undue Discrimination and Preference in Transmission Service, Order No. 890-A, (Order on Rehearing and Clarification), 121
FERC ¶ 61,297 (2007).
12. Preventing Undue Discrimination and Preference in Transmission Service, Order No. 890-B, (Order on Rehearing and Clarification), 123
FERC ¶ 61,299 (2008).
13. Revised Public Utility Filing Requirements (Notice Providing Guidance on the Filing of Information on Transmission Capacity
Reassignments in Electric Quarterly Reports), 124 FERC ¶ 61,244 (2008).
14. Plan for Retrospective Analysis of Existing Rules, Docket No. AD12-6-000 (2011).
15. Implementation Guidance of Executive Order 13579 - Entering Notes to Corrected EQR Filings
16. WSPP Inc. (Order Conditionally Accepting Service Schedule R), 139 FERC ¶ 61,061 (2012).
17. Electricity Market Transparency Provisions of Section 220 of the Federal Power Act, Order No. 768, FERC Stats. & Regs. ¶ 31,336, 140
FERC ¶ 61, 232 (2012).
18. Revisions to Electric Quarterly Report Filing Process, Order No. 770, FERC Stats. & Regs. ¶ 31,338, 141 FERC ¶ 61,120 (2012).
19. Electricity Market Transparency Provisions of Section 220 of the Federal Power Act, Order No. 768-A, 143 FERC ¶61, 954 (2013).
20. Electricity Market Transparency Provisions of Section 220 of the Federal Power Act – KAMO Electric Cooperative, Inc. (Order on Request
for Waiver of Electric Quarterly Report Reporting Requirements), 147 FERC ¶ 61,099 (2014).

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21. Electricity Market Transparency Provisions of Section 220 of the Federal Power Act, Order No. 768-B, 150 FERC ¶ 61,075 (2015).
22. Filing Requirements for Electric Utility Service Agreements, (Order on Rehearing and Clarification), 157 FERC ¶ 61,180 (2016).
23. The current version of the Electric Quarterly Report Data Dictionary V3.4
Additional EQR reference material may be accessed at https://www.ferc.gov/docs-filing/eqr.asp, a listing of Commission EQR Orders and Notices
may be accessed at https://www.ferc.gov/docs-filing/eqr/com-order.asp.


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File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleElectric Quarterly Report: Filing Requirements Guide
SubjectElectric Quarterly Report: Filing Requirements Guide
File Modified2017-11-15
File Created2017-11-15

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