The Evaluation of Equity in The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Nutrition Education (SNAP-Ed) Service Delivery Project State and Implementing Agencies' Listening Sessions (S,L,T))

FNS Fast Track Clearance for the Collection of Routine Customer Feedback

Appendix A. SNAP-Ed Equity Project Listening Sessions Protocols_final

The Evaluation of Equity in The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Nutrition Education (SNAP-Ed) Service Delivery Project State and Implementing Agencies' Listening Sessions (S,L,T))

OMB: 0584-0611

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Appendix A. SNAP-Ed Equity Project Listening Sessions Protocol

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OMB Control Number: 0584-0611

Expiration Date: 11/30/2025


This information is being collected to assist the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) in obtaining feedback related to the evaluation of equity in Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Nutrition Education (SNAP-Ed) service delivery. This is a voluntary collection and FNS will use the information for service improvement, training and technical assistance development, and program management purposes. The collection does request personally identifiable information, but the information collected will not be included in records that are subject to the Privacy Act of 1974. Responses will be kept private to the extent provided by law. According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0584-0611. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 90 minutes per listening session and no more than 2 hours total, including the time for scheduling listening sessions, introductions and instructions, and questions and answers. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service, Office of Policy Support, 1320 Braddock Place, 5th Floor, Alexandria, VA 22314. ATTN: PRA (0584-0611).

  1. Listening Sessions Priority Areas

The USDA Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) will host listening sessions with State SNAP agencies (SA) and their implementing agencies (IA) to inform our understanding of current practices, and challenges and best practices in notification, program planning processes, and equitable SNAP-Ed service delivery.

    1. End-to-End SNAP-Ed Service Delivery

These listening sessions will inform FNS’s understanding of end-to-end practices SAs and IAs use to develop and implement their SNAP-Ed service delivery. FNS will seek to understand the following:

  1. Practices used to notify and promote nutrition education programs, including direct notification and/or marketing strategies they employ (e.g., direct mail, text, phone calls, emails, social media, flyers, apps etc.)

  2. Information agencies use to inform program planning, including any needs assessments or data sources leveraged to understand the population health-related nutrition and physical activity needs of underserved communities and populations

  3. Practices or strategies used to develop inclusive SNAP-Ed programming, and maximize program reach, including leveraging partnerships with agencies and organizations that serve the underserved population

  4. Challenges, if any, with conducting outreach to, service planning for, and developing and delivering inclusive services to historically underserved populations

  5. Guidance or technical assistance States and/or implementing agencies received and requested to inform their service delivery practices

    1. SNAP-Ed Notification Processes in SNAP-Ed

These listening sessions will inform FNS’s understanding of practices SAs and IAs use to communicate with and notify eligible SNAP-Ed participants, specifically eligible individuals or populations from historically underserved populations or communities, including any promotion or marketing practices. FNS will seek to understand the following:

  1. Agencies’ current notification practices

  2. Actions agencies take in promoting nutrition education programs, including direct notification and/or marketing strategies they employ (e.g., direct mail, text, phone calls, emails, social media, flyers, etc.).

  3. Extent to which practices incorporate strategies to engage underserved population demographics, including conducting outreach to populations who apply for SNAP benefits and those who currently receive SNAP or other nutrition assistance case management services

  4. Challenges, if any, with conducting outreach to eligible people or populations, particularly across racial and ethnic groups, and indigenous communities, individuals with disabilities, and rural and urban geographic locations

  5. Extent to which SNAP-Ed’s promotion practices foster inclusivity, related to culture, language, and abilities, among others

  6. Guidance or technical assistance SAs and/or IAs requested and received to inform notification practices.

    1. SNAP-Ed Program Planning Processes

These listening sessions will inform FNS’s understanding of how State and implementing agencies identify the needs and gaps of historically underserved populations, and the extent to which their program planning practices are targeted to address identified gaps. FNS will seek to understand the following:

  1. Information agencies use to inform program planning, including any needs assessments or data sources leveraged to understand the population health-related nutrition and physical activity needs of underserved communities and populations

  2. Challenges, if any, in service planning, particularly for historically underserved populations

  3. Extent to which States and implementing agencies anticipate or forecast future demand for services

  4. How funding decisions are made, including the extent to which the inclusion of underserved populations and geographic locations are prioritized

  5. Guidance SA and/or IAs requested and received to inform program planning

    1. SNAP-Ed Service Delivery

These listening sessions will inform the FNS’s understanding on State and implementing agencies’ experience in developing and delivering inclusive and accessible SNAP-Ed programs and services to underserved populations. FNS will seek to understand the following:

  1. Practices or strategies used to maximize program reach, including leveraging partnerships with agencies and organizations that serve the underserved population

  2. Practices or strategies used to develop inclusive SNAP-Ed programming

  3. Challenges, if any, in delivering services to underserved populations

  4. Guidance States and/or implementing agencies requested and received to inform service delivery

  1. Listening Sessions Protocol by Stakeholder Group

2.1 State Agencies

      1. State Agencies General Talking Points: Introduction

Hello! Thank you for taking time to speak with us today, we really appreciate it. I’ll provide a brief introduction to our project and walk you through the structure of the interview.

The USDA Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) has contracted with Accenture and Abt Associates to review States’ SNAP-Ed programs to identify challenges and best practices in equitable SNAP-Ed program access and service delivery, and to recommend strategies that support equitable SNAP-Ed service delivery to diverse racial and ethnic groups, individuals with disabilities, and underserved rural and urban geographic locations and indigenous communities.

The purpose of this call is to better understand current notification and promotion practices, any challenges you may experience when conducting outreach or promoting SNAP-Ed services, and guidance requested or received to effectively deliver SNAP-Ed programs and services to underserved populations or communities.

We’d also like to hear how FNS can better assist State agencies to ensure equitable service delivery of SNAP-Ed programs and services. One note, this call will only be attended by Accenture and Abt Associates.

For the purposes of this project, our team defines equity as fair and equal access to and allocation of State SNAP-Ed funding and service delivery across historically underserved populations, including diverse racial and ethnic groups; individuals living with disabilities; and urban and rural geographic locations, including indigenous communities.

This discussion will last approximately 90 minutes. During this time, we will cover three sections of questions [or will tailor to one of three sections based on the listening session focus area]:

  • Direct Outreach and Promotion Strategies for Eligible People or Populations

  • Challenges with Direct Outreach and SNAP-Ed Promotion

  • Guidance or Technical Assistance

Your participation in this listening session is voluntary. We will take notes during the conversation so that we can remember the information we collect. We will use this information in our report for FNS, describing the range of responses expressed by staff. The report will include the names of State Agencies that contributed information, but we will not quote you or anyone by name or title. Further, FNS is not running this project with an eye towards auditing or sanctioning States, so please feel comfortable to speak freely and without concern.

We’re hoping to cover a lot today, so we’ll aim to move through these questions efficiently. However, if you have any questions during today’s discussion, please don’t hesitate to let us know.

Do you have any questions before we begin?

      1. State Agencies: Protocol for End-to-End SNAP-Ed Service Delivery

Notification Practices

  • Please walk us through how your agency generally notifies or informs eligible people or populations of SNAP-Ed programs and services?

    • To what extent is your agency reaching out to or notifying those who currently receive SNAP case management?

    • What about reaching out to or notifying populations who apply to SNAP benefits?

  • To what extent are you leveraging the following marketing mediums:

    • direct mail

    • phone calling

    • text messaging

    • emails

    • social media

    • mobile apps

    • posting information in places frequented by eligible people or populations

      • Specifically, where is this information posted?

  • To what extent is your office tailoring its SNAP-Ed promotion efforts based on the underserved population or demographic group(s)?

      • Rural and urban geographic locations;

      • Racial and ethnic groups;

      • Indigenous communities; and

      • Individuals living with disabilities

    • How, if at all, does this change from fiscal year to fiscal year?

  • To what extent does your agency rely on implementing agencies or other partners to notify or inform eligible people or populations of SNAP-Ed programs and services?

    • (If they rely on partners) specifically, what types of partners or organizations does your agency rely on to notify or inform eligible people or populations of SNAP-Ed programs and services?

  • What challenges, if any, has your agency experienced in promoting or notifying eligible populations of SNAP-Ed programs and services?

    • What about challenges specific to promoting to or notifying underserved populations, such as:

      • Rural and urban geographic locations;

      • Racial and ethnic groups;

      • Indigenous communities;

      • Individuals living with disabilities

  • To what extent have you requested and received guidance or technical assistance from the FNS National or Regional Office on SNAP-Ed marketing or promotion practices?

    • Please describe the guidance or technical assistance you received from the National Office.

    • Please describe the guidance or technical assistance you received from the Regional Office.

    • How helpful have you found this guidance or technical assistance?

Program Planning Process

  • Please walk us through how your agency generally plans your SNAP-Ed program for eligible people or populations in your state. To the extent that is possible, please reflect on planning processes used during FY 2019-2021

    • How, if at all, do your planning processes reflect the needs of underserved populations in your states, such as:

      • People with disabilities;

      • Diverse racial or ethnic groups, including people who speak little to no English;

      • Urban and rural locations for service delivery; and

      • Indigenous communities.

  • What information sources or needs assessments does your State use to understand the needs of underserved communities and populations in your state?

    • How do you leverage this information to inform your SNAP-Ed program planning process?

  • How, if at all, does your State incorporate equity into its planning processes?

    • What organizations or partners, if any, does your State collaborate with as part of your planning processes? Please describe the nature of this collaboration.

  • What factors does your agency take into consideration when determining your budget allocation?

    • To what extent are you leveraging the information from your needs assessment to inform how you prioritize SNAP-Ed funding?

    • To what extent do funding decisions reflect priorities for underserved communities such as:

      • People with disabilities;

      • Diverse racial or ethnic groups, including people who speak little to no English;

      • Urban and rural locations for service delivery; and

      • Indigenous communities?

  • Generally, what challenges has your agency experienced in your SNAP-Ed program planning efforts?

    • Any challenges related to planning specifically for underserved populations?

  • What challenges, if any, has your state experienced related to collecting information or conducting needs assessments to understand the needs of underserved communities and populations in your state?

    • Are there any population-related data that is difficult to collect, but would be helpful in your program planning efforts?

  • To what extent has your State agency requested or received guidance or technical assistance from FNS National or Regional Office on SNAP-Ed program planning, particularly, for underserved populations?

    • Please describe the guidance or technical assistance received from the National Office?

    • Please describe the guidance or technical assistance received from the Regional Office?

    • How helpful have you found this guidance or technical assistance?

  • We understand that FNS recently released a Needs Assessment Toolkit in December 2022. How, if at all, has your agency changed your program planning or needs assessment process in response to this new tool?

    • (If nothing has changed yet) How does your agency anticipate it will change its program planning or needs assessment process?

Service Delivery

  • Please walk us through the strategies your state uses to ensure that your SNAP-Ed programs and services are inclusive and reflect the populations in your state.

    • What about strategies to ensure programming is reflective of underserved communities?

      • People with disabilities;

      • Diverse racial or ethnic groups, including people who speak little to no English;

      • Urban and rural locations for service delivery; and

      • Indigenous communities.

  • How, if at all, does your agency ensure that its programs and services reach underserved communities or priorities populations?

    • Specifically, how does your agency ensure that its programs and services are reaching

      • People with disabilities;

      • Diverse racial or ethnic groups, including people who speak little to no English;

      • Urban and rural locations for service delivery; and

      • Indigenous communities?

  • To what extent does your agency leverage partnerships as a strategy to maximize its SNAP-Ed program reach?

  • What factors does your agency consider when determining which organizations or agencies to develop partnerships to deliver SNAP-Ed services and increase program reach?

    • To what extent do these partnerships involve Minority-Serving Institutions (MSIs) including Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs), Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs), and Asian American and Pacific Islander Serving Institutions (AAPISIs)?

  • Generally, what challenges exist in delivering SNAP-Ed services to populations within your state?

    • Specifically, are there any challenges with reaching underserved populations such as:

      • People with disabilities;

      • Diverse racial or ethnic groups, including people who speak little to no English;

      • Urban and rural locations for service delivery; and

      • Indigenous communities.

  • What about challenges around developing diverse and inclusive SNAP-Ed programs and services for underserved populations in your state?

  • To what extent has your State SNAP-Ed agency used guidance or technical assistance from FNS National or Regional Office on SNAP-Ed service delivery, particularly as it relates to delivering inclusive services and reaching underserved populations?

    • Please describe the guidance or technical assistance received from the National Office?

    • Please describe the guidance or technical assistance received from the Regional Office?

    • How helpful have you found this guidance or technical assistance?


  • In general, please describe how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted your SNAP-Ed service delivery model?

  • Is there anything else you would like to add that we did not have an opportunity to discuss related to equity in the SNAP-Ed program?

      1. State Agencies: Protocol for SNAP-Ed Notification Processes

Direct Outreach and Promotion Strategies for Eligible People or Populations

  • Please walk us through how your agency generally conducts outreach to eligible people or populations to inform them of SNAP-Ed programs and services?

    • To what extent is your agency reaching out to or notifying those who currently receive SNAP case management?

    • What about reaching out to or notifying populations who apply to SNAP benefits?

  • What other populations, outside of SNAP recipients or those who apply for SNAP benefits, may your SNAP office reach out to or notify to inform them of SNAP-Ed programs and services?

    • To what extent are you reaching out to families who receive benefits from other nutrition assistance programs?

  • To what extent are you leveraging the following marketing mediums:

    • direct mail

    • phone calling

    • text messaging

    • emails

    • social media

    • mobile apps

    • posting information in places frequented by eligible people or populations

      • Specifically, where is this information generally posted?

  • How has your office tried to be inclusive in its SNAP-Ed promotion practices, related to culture, language, and abilities?

    • What resources (e.g., advocacy groups), if any, has helped increase inclusivity in your outreach practices?

  • To what extent is your office tailoring its SNAP-Ed promotion efforts based on the underserved population or demographic group(s)?

      • Rural and urban geographic locations;

      • Racial and ethnic groups;

      • Indigenous communities; and

      • Individuals living with disabilities.

    • How, if at all, does this change from fiscal year to fiscal year?

  • To what extent does your agency rely on implementing agencies or other partners to notify or promote SNAP-Ed to eligible people or populations?

    • Specifically, what partners does your agency generally rely on to conduct SNAP-Ed outreach to eligible people or populations?

  • How, if at all, has the COVID-19 pandemic changed your SNAP-Ed promotion efforts?

Challenges with Direct Outreach and SNAP-Ed Promotion

  • What challenges, if any, has your agency experienced in promoting or notifying people of SNAP-Ed programs and services?

    • What about challenges specific to promoting to or notifying underserved populations, such as:

      • Rural and urban geographic locations;

      • Racial and ethnic groups;

      • Indigenous communities; and

      • Individuals living with disabilities.

  • How, if at all, has the COVID-19 pandemic challenged your direct outreach or marketing efforts?

  • Are there any other challenges that you’d like to share regarding notifying or promoting SNAP-Ed programs and services to eligible populations?

Guidance or Technical Assistance

  • To what extent has your agency requested guidance or technical assistance from FNS National or Regional Office on promoting or marketing SNAP-Ed programs and services to eligible populations?

    • Please describe the general nature of these requests?

  • To what extent have you received guidance or technical assistance from the FNS National or Regional Office on SNAP-Ed marketing or promotion practices?

    • Please describe the guidance or technical assistance received from the National Office?

    • Please describe the guidance or technical assistance received from the Regional Office?

    • How helpful have you found this guidance or technical assistance?

  • What other guidance or technical assistance, if any, would you find helpful, particularly as it relates to promoting or marketing for SNAP-Ed programs and services?

  • To what extent have Implementing Agencies requested guidance or technical assistance from your agency on SNAP-Ed promoting or marketing SNAP-Ed programs and services to eligible populations?

    • What has been the general nature of these requests?

    • How has your State generally responded?

  • What promising practices has your State encountered or leverages in marketing or promoting SNAP-Ed services to eligible populations?


  • Is there anything else you would like to add that we did not have an opportunity to discuss related to notification practices in the SNAP-Ed program?

      1. State Agencies: Protocol for SNAP-Ed Program Planning Processes

Program Planning Process

  • Please walk us through how your agency generally plans your SNAP-Ed program for eligible people or populations in your state. To the extent that is possible, please reflect on planning processes used during FY 2018-2021

    • How, if at all, does your planning processes reflect the needs of underserved populations in your states, such as:

      • People with disabilities;

      • Diverse racial or ethnic groups, including people who speak little to no English;

      • Urban and rural locations for service delivery; and

      • Indigenous communities?

  • How, if at all, does your State incorporate equity into its planning processes?

    • What organizations or partners, if any, does your State collaborate with as part of your planning processes?

  • What information sources or needs assessments does your state use to understand the needs of underserved communities and populations in your state?

    • How does this information help your SNAP-Ed program planning process?

  • Please walk us through any primary data collection efforts your agency conduct to understand the needs of underserved populations in your state.

    • What about secondary data sources?

  • We understand that FNS recently released a Needs Assessment Toolkit in December 2022. How, if at all, has your agency changed your program planning or needs assessment process in response to this new tool?

    • (If nothing has changed yet) How does your agency anticipate it will change its program planning or needs assessment process?

  • To what extent is future demand for services considered during SNAP-Ed program planning processes and needs assessments?

  • How, if at all, has the COVID-19 pandemic affected your program planning process?

Budget Allocation

  • Please describe your State’s procurement process.

    • Does your State use an RFP or Request for Proposal process to procure services or resources for SNAP-Ed programming?

    • What other processes may your State use to procure services or resources for SNAP-Ed programming?

    • How often does this procurement process occur?

  • What factors may your agency take into consideration when determining how to spend or allocate your SNAP-Ed funding?

    • To what extent are you leveraging the information from your needs assessment to inform how you prioritize SNAP-Ed funding?

    • To what extent do funding decisions reflect priorities for underserved communities such as:

      • People with disabilities;

      • Diverse racial or ethnic groups, including people who speak little to no English;

      • Urban and rural locations for service delivery; and

      • Indigenous communities?

  • To what extent is future demand for services considered when funding decisions are being made?

  • How, if at all, has the COVID-19 pandemic affected how your state allocates its SNAP-Ed funding?

Challenges in Program Planning

  • Generally, what challenges has your agency experienced in your SNAP-Ed program planning efforts?

    • Any challenges related to planning specifically for underserved populations?

  • What challenges, if any, has your state experienced related to collecting information or conducting needs assessments to understand the needs of underserved communities and populations in your state?

    • Are there any population-related data that is difficult to collect, but would be helpful in your program planning efforts?

  • Has your agency experienced challenges in prioritizing SNAP-Ed funding towards needs affecting underserved communities?

  • How, if at all, has the COVID-19 pandemic challenged your program planning efforts?

    • To what extent has it affected your data collection or needs assessment practices?

    • What about how you allocate your budget?

Guidance or Technical Assistance

  • To what extent has your State agency requested guidance or technical assistance from FNS National or Regional Office on SNAP-Ed program planning, particularly, for underserved populations?

    • Please describe the general nature of these requests.

  • What guidance, if any, have you received from FNS National or Regional Office to inform your State’s SNAP-Ed program planning process?

    • Please describe the guidance or technical assistance received from the National Office?

    • Please describe the guidance or technical assistance received from the Regional Office?

    • How helpful have you found this guidance or technical assistance?

    • FNS generally creates guidance around SNAP-Ed planning, for example the FY23 SNAP-Ed Plan Guidance or webinars around conducting needs assessment. To what extent have you found this type of guidance helpful?

  • What other guidance or technical assistance, if any, has your agency used to inform your planning?

    • For example, guidance or best practices from community partners/advocacy groups.

    • Please describe how this guidance has been helpful?

  • What other guidance or technical assistance, if any, would you find helpful, particularly as it relates to program planning for underserved populations in your state?

  • What promising practices has your State encountered or leverages to plan for SNAP-Ed service delivery that you think would be helpful to other States?


  • Is there anything else you would like to add that we did not have an opportunity to discuss related to program planning practices in the SNAP-Ed program?

      1. State Agencies: Protocol for SNAP-Ed Service Delivery

Inclusive Service Delivery

  • Please walk us through the strategies your state leverages to ensure that your SNAP-Ed programs and services are inclusive and reflect the populations in your state.

    • What about strategies to ensure programming is reflective of underserved communities?

      • People with disabilities;

      • Diverse racial or ethnic groups, including people who speak little to no English;

      • Urban and rural locations for service delivery; and

      • Indigenous communities.

  • How, if at all, does your agency ensure that its programs and services reach underserved communities or priority populations?

    • Specifically, how does your agency ensure that its programs and services are reaching:

      • People with disabilities;

      • Diverse racial or ethnic groups, including people who speak little to no English;

      • Urban and rural locations for service delivery; and

      • Indigenous communities?

  • To what extent does your agency leverage partnerships as a strategy to maximize its SNAP-Ed program reach?

  • What factors does your agency consider when determining which organizations or agencies to develop partnerships with to deliver SNAP-Ed services and increase program reach?

    • To what extent do these partnerships involve Minority-Serving Institutions MSIs including Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs), Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs), and Asian American and Pacific Islander Serving Institutions (AAPISIs)?

  • How, if at all, has the COVID-19 pandemic changed your states’ SNAP-Ed service delivery model?

    • To what extent has the pandemic changed how you deliver services to underserved populations?

    • Please describe any pandemic-related changes to the delivery of SNAP-Ed services that increased SNAP-Ed participation (e.g., virtual vs in-person service delivery).

Challenges in SNAP-Ed Service Delivery

  • Generally, what challenges exist in delivering SNAP-Ed services to populations within your state?

    • Specifically, what challenges, if any, exist when delivering services to underserved populations such as:

      • People with disabilities;

      • Diverse racial or ethnic groups, including people who speak little to no English;

      • Urban and rural locations for service delivery; and

      • Indigenous communities.

  • What about challenges around developing diverse and inclusive SNAP-Ed programs and services for underserved populations in your state?

  • To what extent has your agency experienced challenges in developing partnerships with organizations that directly serve underserved populations?

  • What challenges, if any, has your state experienced with coordinating service delivery through Implementing Agencies?

  • How, if at all, has the COVID-19 pandemic further challenged your state’s SNAP-Ed service delivery?

    • What about how the pandemic challenged delivery services to and reaching underserved communities?


  • To what extent has your State SNAP-Ed agency requested guidance or technical assistance from FNS National or Regional Office on SNAP-Ed service delivery, particularly as it relates to delivering services and reaching underserved populations?

    • Please describe the general nature of these requests.

  • To what extent has your State SNAP-Ed agency requested guidance or technical assistance from FNS National or Regional Office on SNAP-Ed service delivery, particularly as it relates to developing diverse and inclusive SNAP-Ed programming to reflect underserved populations?

    • Please describe the general nature of these requests.

  • What guidance, if any, have you received from FNS National or Regional Office to inform your State’s SNAP-Ed service delivery?

    • Please describe the guidance or technical assistance received from the National Office?

    • Please describe the guidance or technical assistance received from the Regional Office?

    • How helpful have you found this guidance, particularly as it relates to reaching and delivering services to underserved populations in your state?

  • What other guidance or technical assistance, if any, has your agency used to inform your service delivery model?

    • For example, guidance or best practices from community partners/advocacy groups.

  • What other guidance or technical assistance, if any, would you find helpful, particularly as it relates to reaching and delivering services to underserved populations in your state?

  • To what extent have Implementing Agencies requested guidance or technical assistance from your agency on SNAP-Ed service delivery, particularly as it relates to reaching and delivering services to underserved populations in your state?

    • What has been the general nature of these requests?

  • How has your State generally responded?


  • Is there anything else you would like to add that we did not have an opportunity to discuss related to service delivery practices in the SNAP-Ed program?

Closing Remarks

Thank you for participating in today’s discussion! Your responses will be an asset to our evaluation and final report product.

If you have any questions following this interview, please contact Doris Chin, Contracting Officer Representative at SNAP Nutrition Education Branch or Ada Nwadugbo, the Project Manager for this study.

    1. Implementing Agencies

2.2.1 Implementing Agencies General Talking Points: Introduction

Hello! Thank you for taking time to speak with us today, we really appreciate it. I’ll provide a brief introduction to our project and walk you through the structure of the interview.

The USDA Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) has contracted with Accenture and Abt Associates to review States’ SNAP-Ed programs to identify challenges and best practices in equitable SNAP-Ed program access and service delivery, and to recommend strategies that support equitable SNAP-Ed service delivery to diverse racial and ethnic groups, individuals with disabilities, and underserved rural and urban geographic locations and indigenous communities.

The purpose of this call is to better understand current notification and promotion practices, any challenges experienced when outreaching or promoting SNAP-Ed services and guidance requested or received to effectively deliver SNAP-Ed programs and services to underserved populations or communities.

We’d also like to hear how FNS can better assist State agencies to ensure equitable service delivery of SNAP-Ed programs and services. One note, this call will only be attended by Accenture and Abt Associates.

For the purposes of this project, our team defines equity as fair and equal access to and allocation of State SNAP-Ed funding and service delivery across historically underserved populations, including diverse racial and ethnic groups; individuals living with disabilities; and urban and rural geographic locations, including indigenous communities.

This discussion will last approximately 60-90 minutes. During this time, we will cover three sections of questions [or will tailor based on the listening session focus area to one of three sections]:

  • Direct Outreach and Promotion Strategies for Eligible People or Populations

  • Challenges with Direct Outreach and SNAP-Ed Promotion

  • Guidance or Technical Assistance

Your participation in this listening session is voluntary. We will take notes during the conversation so that we can remember the information we collect. We will use this information in our report for FNS, describing the range of responses expressed by staff. The report will include the names of implementing agencies that contributed information, but we will not quote you or anyone by name or title. However, FNS is not running this project with an eye towards auditing or sanctioning States or Implementing Agencies, so please feel comfortable to speak freely and without concern.

We’re hoping to cover a lot today, so we’ll aim to move through these questions efficiently. However, if you have any questions during today’s discussion, please don’t hesitate to let us know.

Do you have any questions before we begin?

2.2.2 Implementing Agencies: Protocol for End-to-End SNAP-Ed Service Delivery

Notification Practices

  • Please walk us through how your agency generally conducts outreach to eligible people or populations to inform them of SNAP-Ed programs and services?

    • To what extent is your agency reaching out to or notifying those who currently receive SNAP case management?

    • What about reaching out to or notifying populations who apply to SNAP benefits?

  • To what extent are you leveraging the following marketing mediums:

    • direct mail

    • phone calling

    • text messaging

    • emails

    • social media

    • mobile apps

    • posting information in places frequented by eligible people or populations

      • Specifically, where is this information posted?

  • To what extent is your office tailoring its SNAP-Ed promotion efforts based on the underserved population or demographic group(s)?

      • Rural and urban geographic locations;

      • Racial and ethnic groups;

      • Indigenous communities; and

      • Individuals living with disabilities

    • How, if at all, does this change from fiscal year to fiscal year?

  • To what extent does your agency rely on partners or community-based organizations to notify or inform eligible people or populations of SNAP-Ed programs and services?

    • (If they rely on partners) specifically, what types of partners or organizations does your agency rely on to notify or inform eligible people or populations of SNAP-Ed programs and services?

  • What challenges, if any, has your agency experienced in promoting or notifying eligible populations of SNAP-Ed programs and services?

    • What about challenges specific to promoting to or notifying underserved populations, such as:

      • Rural and urban geographic locations;

      • Racial and ethnic groups;

      • Indigenous communities;

      • Individuals living with disabilities

  • To what extent have you received guidance or technical assistance from your State SNAP-Ed Agency on SNAP-Ed marketing or promotion practices?

    • How helpful have you found this guidance or technical assistance?

Program Planning Process

  • Please walk us through how your agency generally works with your State SNAP agency to plan SNAP-Ed service delivery for eligible people or populations in your purview or jurisdiction?

    • How, if at all, does your planning processes reflect the needs of underserved populations in your purview, such as:

      • People with disabilities;

      • Diverse racial or ethnic groups, including people who speak little to no English;

      • Urban and rural locations for service delivery; and

      • Indigenous communities?

  • How, if at all, does your agency incorporate equity into its planning processes?

    • What organizations or partners, if any, does your agency collaborate with as part of your planning processes?

  • To what extent is your agency involved in any data collection efforts or needs assessments conducted by the State or your agency to understand needs of underserved communities and populations in your purview or jurisdiction?

    • How do you leverage this information to inform your SNAP-Ed program planning process?

  • Generally, what challenges has your agency experienced in your SNAP-Ed program planning efforts?

    • Any challenges related to planning for underserved populations?

  • What guidance, if any, have you received from your State SNAP-Ed agency to inform your SNAP-Ed program planning process?

    • FNS’s National Office generally creates guidance around SNAP-Ed planning, for example webinars on conducting needs assessment. To what extent have you found this type of guidance helpful?

Service Delivery

  • Please walk us through the strategies your agency leverages to ensure that your SNAP-Ed programs and services are inclusive and reflect the populations in your state.

    • What about strategies to ensure programming is reflective of underserved communities?

      • People with disabilities;

      • Diverse racial or ethnic groups, including people who speak little to no English;

      • Urban and rural locations for service delivery; and

      • Indigenous communities.

  • How, if at all, does your agency ensure that its programs and services reach underserved communities or priorities populations?

    • Specifically, how does your agency ensure that its programs and services are reaching:

      • People with disabilities;

      • Diverse racial or ethnic groups, including people who speak little to no English;

      • Urban and rural locations for service delivery; and

      • Indigenous communities?

  • To what extent does your agency leverage partnerships as a strategy to maximize its SNAP-Ed program reach?

  • What factors does your agency consider when determining which organizations or agencies to develop partnerships with to deliver SNAP-Ed services and increase program reach?

    • To what extent do these partnerships involve Minority-Serving Institutions MSIs including Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs), Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs), and Asian American and Pacific Islander Serving Institutions (AAPISIs)?

  • Generally, what challenges exist in delivering SNAP-Ed services to populations within your state?

    • Specifically, are there any challenges with reaching underserved populations such as:

      • People with disabilities;

      • Diverse racial or ethnic groups, including people who speak little to no English;

      • Urban and rural locations for service delivery; and

      • Indigenous communities?

  • What about challenges around developing diverse and inclusive SNAP-Ed programs and services for underserved populations in your purview or jurisdiction?

  • To what extent has your agency experienced challenges in developing partnerships with organizations that directly serve underserved populations?

  • To what extent has your agency received guidance or technical assistance from your State SNAP-Ed Agency on SNAP-Ed service delivery, particularly as it relates to delivering inclusive services and reaching underserved populations?

    • How helpful have you found this guidance or technical assistance?


  • In general, please describe how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted your SNAP-Ed service delivery model?

  • Is there anything else you would like to add that we did not have an opportunity to discuss related to equity in the SNAP-Ed program?

      1. Implementing Agencies: Protocol for SNAP-Ed Notification Processes

Direct Outreach and Promotion Strategies for Eligible People or Populations

  • Please walk us through how your agency generally conducts outreach to eligible people or populations to inform them of SNAP-Ed programs and services?

    • To what extent is your agency reaching out to or notifying those who currently receive SNAP case management?

    • What about reaching out to or notifying populations who apply to SNAP benefits?

  • What other populations, outside of SNAP recipients or those who apply for SNAP benefits, may your agency reach out to or notify to inform them of SNAP-Ed programs and services?

    • To what extent are you reaching out to or notifying families who receive benefits from other nutrition assistance programs?

      • (If relevant) Please specify which nutrition assistance programs.

  • To what extent are you leveraging the following marketing mediums:

    • Direct mail

    • phone calling

    • text messaging

    • emails

    • social media

    • mobile apps

    • posting information in places frequented by eligible people or populations?

      • Specifically, where is this information generally posted?

  • How has your agency incorporated inclusivity (related to culture, language, abilities) in its SNAP-Ed promotion practices?

    • What resources (e.g., advocacy groups), if any, helped increase inclusivity in your outreach practices?

  • To what extent is your agency tailoring its SNAP-Ed promotion efforts based on the specific population or demographic group(s) outlined by your State’s SNAP-Ed agency?

      • Rural and urban geographic locations;

      • Racial and ethnic groups;

      • Indigenous communities; and

      • Individuals living with disabilities.

  • To what extent does your agency rely on partners to notify or promote SNAP-Ed to eligible people or populations?

    • To what extent do you work with your State SNAP-Ed agency to notify or promote SNAP-Ed to eligible people or populations?

  • How, if at all, has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted your SNAP-Ed promotion efforts?

Challenges with Direct Outreach and SNAP-Ed Promotion

  • What challenges, if any, has your agency experienced in promoting or notifying people of SNAP-Ed programs and services?

    • What about challenges specific to promoting or notifying underserved populations, such as:

      • Rural and urban geographic locations;

      • Racial and ethnic groups;

      • Indigenous communities; and

      • Individuals living with disabilities.

  • What about challenges your agency experiences in marketing or promoting SNAP-Ed services and programs to eligible people or populations?

    • What about challenges specific to marketing to underserved populations, such as:

      • Rural and urban geographic locations;

      • Racial and ethnic groups;

      • Indigenous communities; and

      • Individuals living with disabilities.

  • How, if at all, has the COVID-19 pandemic challenged your direct outreach or marketing efforts?

  • Are there any other challenges that you’d like to share regarding outreaching for, or promoting, SNAP-Ed programs and services?


  • To what extent has your agency requested guidance or technical assistance from your State SNAP-Ed Agency on promoting or marketing SNAP-Ed programs and services to eligible populations?

    • Please describe the general nature of these requests?

  • To what extent have you received guidance or technical assistance from your State SNAP-Ed Agency on SNAP-Ed marketing or promotion practices?

    • How helpful have you found this guidance or technical assistance?

  • What other guidance or technical assistance, if any, would you find helpful, particularly as it relates to promoting or marketing for SNAP-Ed programs and services?

  • To what extent have local partners that you contract with to deliver SNAP-Ed programs and services requested guidance or technical assistance from your agency on promotion or marketing practices?

    • What has been the general nature of these requests?

    • How has your agency generally responded?


  • Is there anything else you would like to add that we did not have an opportunity to discuss related to notification practices in the SNAP-Ed program?

      1. Implementing Agencies: Protocol for SNAP-Ed Program Planning Processes

Program Planning Process

  • Please walk us through how your agency generally works with your State SNAP agency to plan SNAP-Ed service delivery for eligible people or populations in your purview or jurisdiction?

    • How, if at all, does your planning processes reflect the needs of underserved populations in your purview, such as:

      • People with disabilities;

      • Diverse racial or ethnic groups, including people who speak little to no English;

      • Urban and rural locations for service delivery; and

      • Indigenous communities?

  • How, if at all, does your agency incorporate equity into its planning processes?

    • What organizations or partners, if any, does your agency collaborate with as part of your planning processes?

  • To what extent is your agency involved in any data collection efforts or needs assessments conducted by the State or your agency to understand the needs of underserved communities and populations in your purview or jurisdiction?

    • How do you leverage this information to inform your SNAP-Ed program planning process?

  • Please walk us through any primary data collection efforts your agency conducts or leverages to understand the needs of underserved populations in your purview or jurisdiction.

    • What about secondary data sources?

  • To what extent is future demand for services considered during SNAP-Ed program planning processes and needs assessments?

  • How, if at all, has the COVID-19 pandemic affected your program planning process?


  • Generally, what challenges has your agency experienced in your SNAP-Ed program planning efforts?

    • Any challenges related to planning specifically for underserved populations?

  • What challenges, if any, has your agency experienced or is aware of related to collecting information or conducting needs assessments to understand the needs of underserved communities and populations in your state?

    • Are there any population-related data that is difficult to collect, but would be helpful in your program planning efforts?

  • How, if at all, has the COVID-19 pandemic challenged your program planning efforts?

    • To what extent has it affected your data collection or needs assessment practices?


  • To what extent has your agency requested guidance or technical assistance from your State SNAP-Ed agency on SNAP-Ed program planning, particularly, for underserved populations?

    • Please describe the general nature of these requests.

  • What guidance, if any, have you received from your State SNAP-Ed agency to inform your SNAP-Ed program planning process?

    • FNS’s National Office generally creates guidance around SNAP-Ed planning, for example webinars on conducting needs assessment. To what extent have you found this type of guidance helpful?

  • What other guidance or technical assistance, if any, has your agency used to inform your planning?

    • For example, guidance or best practices from community partners/advocacy groups.

  • Please describe how this guidance has been helpful?

  • What other guidance or technical assistance, if any, would you find helpful, particularly as it relates to program planning for underserved populations in your purview or jurisdiction?

  • What promising practices has your agency encountered or leverages to plan for SNAP-Ed service delivery that you think would be helpful to other Implementing agencies in other states?


  • Is there anything else you would like to add that we did not have an opportunity to discuss related to program planning practices in the SNAP-Ed program?

      1. Implementing Agencies: Protocol for SNAP-Ed Service Delivery

Inclusive Service Delivery

  • Please walk us through the strategies your State leverages to ensure that your SNAP-Ed programs and services are inclusive and reflect the populations in your purview or jurisdiction?

    • What about strategies to ensure programming is reflective of underserved communities?

      • People with disabilities;

      • Diverse racial or ethnic groups, including people who speak little to no English;

      • Urban and rural locations for service delivery; and

      • Indigenous communities.

  • How, if at all, does your agency ensure that its programs and services are reaching underserved communities or priorities populations?

    • Specifically, how does your agency ensure that its programs and services are reaching

      • People with disabilities;

      • Diverse racial or ethnic groups, including people who speak little to no English;

      • Urban and rural locations for service delivery; and

      • Indigenous communities?

  • To what extent does your agency leverage partnerships with other agencies and community-based organizations as a strategy to maximize its SNAP-Ed program reach?

  • What factors does your agency consider when determining which organizations or agencies to develop partnerships with to deliver SNAP-Ed services and increase program reach?

    • To what extent do these partnerships involve Minority-Serving Institutions MSIs including Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs), Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs), and Asian American and Pacific Islander Serving Institutions (AAPISIs)?

  • How, if at all, has the COVID-19 pandemic changed your state’s SNAP-Ed service delivery model?

    • To what extent has the pandemic changed how you deliver services to underserved populations?

    • Please describe any pandemic-related changes to the delivery of SNAP-Ed services that increased SNAP-Ed participation (e.g., virtual vs in-person service delivery).

Challenges SNAP-Ed Service Delivery

  • Generally, what challenges exist in delivering SNAP-Ed services to populations within your purview or jurisdiction?

    • Specifically, are there any challenges with reaching underserved populations such as:

      • People with disabilities;

      • Diverse racial or ethnic groups, including people who speak little to no English;

      • Urban and rural locations for service delivery; and

      • Indigenous communities.

  • What about challenges around developing diverse and inclusive SNAP-Ed programs and services for underserved populations in your purview or jurisdiction?

  • To what extent has your agency experienced challenges in developing partnerships with organizations that directly serve underserved populations?

  • How, if at all, has the COVID-19 pandemic further challenged your agency’s SNAP-Ed service delivery?

    • What about how the pandemic challenged delivery services to and reaching underserved communities?


  • To what extent has your agency requested guidance or technical assistance from your State SNAP-Ed Agency on SNAP-Ed service delivery, particularly as it relates to delivering services and reaching underserved populations?

    • Please describe the general nature of these requests.

  • To what extent has your agency requested guidance or technical assistance from your State SNAP-Ed Agency on SNAP-Ed service delivery, particularly as it relates to developing diverse and inclusive SNAP-Ed programming to reflect underserved populations?

    • Please describe the general nature of these requests.

  • What guidance, if any, have you received from your State SNAP-Ed Agency to inform your agency’s service delivery?

    • How helpful have you found this guidance, particularly as it relates to reaching and delivering services to underserved populations in your purview or jurisdiction?

  • What other guidance or technical assistance, if any, has your agency used to inform your service delivery model?

    • For example, guidance or best practices from community partners/advocacy groups.

  • What other guidance or technical assistance, if any, would you find helpful, particularly as it relates to reaching and delivering services to underserved populations in your purview or jurisdiction?


  • Is there anything else you would like to add that we did not have an opportunity to discuss related to service delivery practices in the SNAP-Ed program

Closing Remarks

Thank you for participating in today’s discussion! Your responses will be an asset to our evaluation and final report product.

If you have any questions following this interview, please contact Doris Chin, Contracting Officer Representative at SNAP Nutrition Education Branch or Ada Nwadugbo, the Project Manager for this study.

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File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File TitleProject Management Plan
AuthorChin, Doris - FNS
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2023-12-11

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