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Full-Service Community Schools Evaluation
Fiscal Year 2023 Baseline Grantee Survey
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and braiding funds: Blending
combines funds into a single pot that has its own requirements.
Funds do not maintain their own identity in this broader pot.
Braiding occurs when districts coordinate funds from different
sources for one purpose, but each of these funds maintains its own
Community school: By community school, we mean a public elementary school or secondary school that— (A) endeavors to coordinate and integrate educational, developmental, family, health, and other comprehensive services through neighborhood organizations and public and private partnerships; and (B) provides access to those services in school to students, families, and the community. This could include access during the school year (including before- and after-school hours and weekends), as well as during the summer.
Community School Coordinator: An individual in a full-time position who serves to plan, integrate, coordinate, and facilitate the delivery of services at each school.
Grantee organization: This refers to an organization supporting multiple community schools and managing the Full-Service Community Schools grant, such as a district or regional education agency or a community-based organization.
Needs and assets assessment: This refers to a systematic process for identifying community assets and community needs based on the gaps that exist between the current and desired community conditions (this is sometimes called a community-based needs and assets assessment, or a collaborative needs and assets assessment). By community assets, we are referring to any available services or programs in your community, including services that community members or local organizations offer inside or outside of the school system.
Partner schools: This refers to the schools that you are directly supporting with your Full-Service Community Schools grant. These schools are typically named in your grant application.
Partners/partnerships: This refers to either individuals or organizations who are embedded at the school (either on site or at a nearby location) and routinely provide a service for students and/or their families. Partners may also be active at the school by attending leadership meetings, being a part of the School Improvement Plan, or serving as members of the school-based leadership team. Partners may or may not receive funding through the Full-Service Community Schools grant.
School-based leadership team: A team that shares responsibility for designing and implementing the school’s strategy. This team is often comprised of teachers, other school staff, families, community partners, and students (when applicable/appropriate).
Technical assistance: This includes resources and support provided to community schools by the grantee organization or a third-party paid for by the grantee organization. Technical assistance can include, but is not limited to, topics such as community building, creating and managing budgets, meeting grant reporting requirements, hiring and onboarding community school coordinators, working with teachers and school staff to help them understand the Community school approach and their role, and conducting and using a needs and assets assessment.
The National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance within the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) at the U.S. Department of Education has contracted with Mathematica to conduct a study of the Full-Service Community Schools grant program.
This survey will gather information about implementation of the needs and assets assessment, funding, challenges faced, partnerships, and supports to partner schools for the services that will be supported by the Full-Service Community Schools grant.
The survey will take about 15 minutes to complete. If others within your organization or district(s) have more knowledge about some survey items, please feel free to reach out to them as necessary for assistance.
Thank you for joining us in our effort to better understand this grant program!
If you have any questions or feel you are not the best person to complete the survey on behalf of your grant, contact:
Ryan Callahan, (XXX) XXX-XXXX
Email: [email protected]
You may refuse to answer any question. By clicking next, you agree to participate in this survey.
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. The obligation to respond to this collection is required to obtain or retain benefit (Education Department General Administrative Regulations, Sections 75.591 and 75.592). Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20210-4537 or email [email protected] and reference the OMB Control Number XXXX-XXXX. Note: Please do not return the completed survey to this address.
Notice of Confidentiality
Information collected for this study comes under the confidentiality and data protection requirements of the Institute of Education Sciences (The Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002, Title I, Part E, Section 183). Responses to this data collection will be used only for statistical purposes. The reports prepared for the study will summarize findings across the sample and will not associate responses with a specific district, grantee, school, or individual. We will not provide information that identifies you or your district, grantee, or school to anyone outside the study team, except as required by law.
Info1. Before you begin the survey, please confirm the following information. We will only contact you if we have questions about your survey answers. If the listed information is not correct or is incomplete, please provide corrected information. Otherwise, you can leave the box blank.
Phone Number
Your position at organization
Organization or School District
How many partner schools [LINK TO DEFINITION] are currently supported by your Fiscal Year 2023 Full-Service Community Schools Grant?
A1. In the five years prior to your Fiscal Year 2023 Full-Service Community Schools grant, did you receive any grants or external funding to plan or implement the Community school [LINK TO DEFINITION] approach?
m Yes 1 A2
m No 0 A3
A1 = 1 |
A2. What were the sources of those grants or external funding to plan or implement the Community school [LINK TO DEFINITION] approach prior to your Fiscal Year 2023 Full-Service Community Schools grant?
Select all that apply
U.S. Department of Education (please specify which U.S. Department of Education funds:) 1
Other federal agency (please specify:) 2
State agency 3
City/county agency 4
Non-profit or foundation 5
Other non-federal agency (please specify:) 6
m None of the above 7
m Don’t know d
A3. Do the school districts (or district) for your partner schools [LINK TO DEFINITION] have dedicated funding in their budget(s) to support the Community school [LINK TO DEFINITION] approach? By dedicated funding, we mean that the current operating budget for the school district(s) has funded amounts dedicated for the Community school [LINK TO DEFINITION] approach.
Yes, all districts have dedicated funding 1 A4
Yes, some districts have dedicated funding 2 A3
No districts have dedicated funding 3 A4
Don’t know d A4
A4. We would like to know whether Fiscal Year 2023 Full-Service Community Schools grant funds will primarily be spent to expand existing services to reach more recipients, improve existing services for current recipients, or provide new services. So far, what is the planned primary purpose of these grant funds?
m Grant funds will be spent primarily to expand existing services to reach more recipients 1
m Grant funds will be spent primarily to improve existing services for current recipients 2
m Grant funds will be spent primarily to provide new services 3
m None of the above 4
m I don’t know how grant funds will be spent d
Next, we have some questions about your community’s needs and assets assessment [LINK TO DEFINITION].
B1. When did, or when will, [ORGANIZATION] or a third party conduct a needs and assets assessment [LINK TO DEFINITION] to plan for implementation of your Fiscal Year 2023 Full-Service Community Schools grant? If multiple needs and assets assessments have already been conducted, choose the date of the most recent one.
m Prior to summer 2023 1
m Summer 2023 2
m During the 2023–24 school year 3
m Summer 2024 4
m During the 2024–25 school year 5
m We did not conduct a needs assessment and do not plan to conduct one 6
m Don’t know d
B1=1, 2, OR 3 |
B2. How did [ORGANIZATION] use information from the completed needs and assets assessment(s) [LINK TO DEFINITION]?
Select all that apply
Used information to identify new programs and services for students or families 1
Used information to identify ways to improve existing programs and services for students or families 2
Used information to identify ways to expand existing programs and services to more students or families 3
Used information to identify ways to engage youth, community, or family members in leadership roles or activities at their school 4
Used information to identify ways to combine or restructure different programs and services with similar goals 5
Used information to identify topics for professional learning for teachers or other school staff 6
Used information to identify ways to improve the collection and analysis of data 7
Used information to develop a strategic plan for the upcoming school year 8
Used information to develop initiatives to improve school climate 9
Used information to develop new curricula or instructional strategies to better meet student interests and needs 10
Used information to determine which groups of students and families to target with supports 11
Used information to connect student or family unmet needs to existing programs 12
Used information to share a summary of needs and assets assessment [LINK TO DEFINITION] with members of the school community 13
Used information to form a workgroup to take action on priorities identified in the needs and asset assessment [LINK TO DEFINITION] 14
Other (please specify:) 15
m Have not used any information from the assessment 16
m Don’t know d
if at least four b2=1 to b2=15 selected only display B3 option if B2 option selected allow up to 3 selections |
B3. Below are the ways [ORGANIZATION] used information from the completed needs and assets assessment(s) [LINK TO DEFINITION], based on your answers to the previous question. Please select the top three most valuable uses of the needs and assets assessment data below.
Select the 3 most valuable uses of the assessment data |
Next, we have some questions about challenges you may have faced.
C1. Since receiving your grant in November 2023, how challenging were each of the following activities when planning or implementing grant-funded services or programs? Please consider the following definitions when answering this question:
Not challenging: This was not a challenge.
Somewhat challenging: This was a challenge that we spent time and resources to address, but it did not affect our ability to plan or implement grant services or programs.
Very challenging: This was a challenge that affected our ability to plan or implement grant services or programs.
Not applicable: This did not apply because we did not conduct this activity.
Level of challenge |
Not challenging |
Somewhat challenging |
Very challenging |
Don’t know |
Not applicable |
1 m |
2 m |
3 m |
d m |
na m |
1 m |
2 m |
3 m |
d m |
na m |
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3 m |
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2 m |
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na m |
1 m |
2 m |
3 m |
d m |
C2. Which of the following strategies did you use, or are you using, to help implement your grant?
Select all that apply
1 |
2 |
d m |
3 |
d m |
4 |
d m |
5 |
d m |
6 |
d m |
7 |
d m |
9 |
d m |
We did not use any of these strategies 10
C3. Of the strategies you used to help implement your grant, which three have been most helpful?
Select up to three
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
Next, we have a few questions about your State steering committee.
[statescalinggrantee]=1 |
D1. Has the State steering committee for your Fiscal Year 2023 Full-Service Community Schools grant held at least one meeting since your grant award?
m Yes 1
m No 0
if [statescalinggrantee]=1
if D1=1 fill “does” and “meet” |
D2. How frequently [will/does] the State steering committee for your Fiscal Year 2023 Full-Service Community Schools grant [plan on meeting/meet]?
More than once a month 1
Once a month 2
Two to four times per year 3
Once every year 4
Less than once a year 5
Other (please specify:) 6
None of the above 7
Not sure yet or don’t know d
[statescalinggrantee]=1 |
D3. Which of the following groups have at least one member on the State steering committee?
Select all that apply
School administrators 1
Teachers 2
Community school coordinators [LINK TO DEFINITION] 3
Other school-based staff (such as school counselors) 4
Community partners (such as service providers) 5
Families 6
Students 7
Higher education professionals/university staff 8
State education agency representatives 9
State social service agency representatives 10
Tribal government/organization representatives 11
Faith-based leaders/organizations 12
Education unions/association representatives 13
Philanthropic representatives 14
Other (please specify:) 15
None of the above 16
Not sure yet or don’t know d
[statescalinggrantee]=1 |
D4. Since receiving your Fiscal Year 2023 Full-Service Community Schools grant, has the State steering committee provided input or offered advising on any of the following activities related to your grant?
Select all that apply
The goals of your Full-Service Community Schools grant 1
Interpreting findings from the needs and assets assessment [LINK TO DEFINITION] 2
Which school districts to serve with grant funds 3
Which schools to serve with grant funds 4
What services to provide with grant funds 5
Which partners [LINK TO DEFINITION] to include in your grant 6
The annual, independent grant evaluation 7
Managing the grant budget 8
Approving expenditures 9
Sustainability of the Community school [LINK TO DEFINITION] approach after your grant ends 10
Other (please specify:) 11
m None of the above 12
m Don’t know d
Next, we ask about grantee-provided technical assistance [LINK TO DEFINITION].
E1. Since receiving your Fiscal Year 2023 Full-Service Community Schools grant, did [ORGANIZATION] pay for or provide technical assistance (TA) [LINK TO DEFINITION] to one or more partner school(s) supported by that grant?
m Yes 1 E2
No 0 END
E1=1 |
E2. On which of the following topics did [ORGANIZATION] pay for or provide technical assistance [LINK TO DEFINITION] to one or more partner school(s)?
Select all that apply
Building relationships with the community 1
Building relationships with partner organizations [LINK TO DEFINITION] 2
Creating a shared understanding among partner schools [LINK TO DEFINITION], community members, and partner organizations [LINK TO DEFINITION] of the Community school [LINK TO DEFINITION] approach [LINK TO DEFINITION] 3
Blending and braiding funds [LINK TO DEFINITION] to support the Community school [LINK TO DEFINITION] approach 4
Managing a budget to support the Community school [LINK TO DEFINITION] approach 5
Conducting a needs and assets assessment [LINK TO DEFINITION] 6
Using needs and assets assessment [LINK TO DEFINITION] results to inform decision-making 7
Developing a system and procedures for providing technical assistance [LINK TO DEFINITION] to schools 8
Meeting federal grant reporting requirements 9
Hiring community school coordinators [LINK TO DEFINITION] 10
Onboarding community school coordinators [LINK TO DEFINITION] (for example, training them for the new role or conducting orientation activities) 11
Working with teachers and other school staff to help them understand how community schools [LINK TO DEFINITION] support academic development 12
Working with teachers to help them understand their role in the development and implementation of a community school [LINK TO DEFINITION] 13
Identifying data sources to monitor and evaluate progress 14
Creating a data system to monitor and evaluate progress 15
Recruiting families in the school community to serve as key partners in decision-making activities (for example, school-based leadership teams [LINK TO DEFINITION]) 16
Recruiting students to serve as key partners in decision-making activities (for example, school-based leadership teams [LINK TO DEFINITION]) 17
Maintaining active involvement of families in the school community as key partners in decision-making activities (for example, school-based leadership teams [LINK TO DEFINITION]) 18
Other (please specify:) 19
m None of the above 20
m Don’t know d
Thank you for your time!
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Daniella |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2024-07-20 |