pdf |
pdfPresidential Awards for Excellence in
Science, Mathematics, and Engineering
2023–2024 Application Packet
Competition Opens:
August 15, 2023
Nomination Deadline:
January 1, 2024
Application Deadline:
February 1, 2024
Table of Contents
PROGRAM OVERVIEW ........................................................................................ 3
Awardee Recognition ............................................................................................................................ 3
Nomination Process .............................................................................................................................. 3
Program Timeline & Deadlines ............................................................................................................. 4
Eligibility Requirements ....................................................................................................................... 4
Selection Criteria................................................................................................................................... 5
Review Process ...................................................................................................................................... 6
Application Support .............................................................................................................................. 6
THE PAESMEM APPLICATION ............................................................................ 7
Getting Started ...................................................................................................................................... 7
Administrative Components ................................................................................................................. 7
Mentor Information Form ............................................................................................................................... 7
Organizational Representative Confirmation Form ........................................................................................ 7
Letters of Recommendation ............................................................................................................................ 8
Resume ............................................................................................................................................................ 8
Publications ..................................................................................................................................................... 8
Narrative Section .................................................................................................................................. 9
Written Response ............................................................................................................................................ 9
Supplemental Materials .................................................................................................................................. 9
References Cited ............................................................................................................................................ 10
THE FOUR DIMENSIONS OF OUTSTANDING MENTORING ................................. 11
Dimension 1: ........................................................................................................................................11
Dimension 2 .........................................................................................................................................11
Dimension 3 .........................................................................................................................................11
Dimension 4 ........................................................................................................................................ 12
SCORING OF THE APPLICATION ........................................................................ 13
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ..................................................................... 14
ADDITIONAL AGENCY INFORMATION ............................................................... 17
The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy ................................................................ 17
The National Science Foundation ....................................................................................................... 17
Privacy Act and Public Burden Statements ........................................................................................ 18
PAESMEM 2023–2024 Application Packet
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Each year through the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Mentoring
(PAESMEM), the President of the United States recognizes outstanding individuals and organizations who have
made significant contributions to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) mentoring across
the Nation.
PAESMEM was created in 1995 to identify and recognize those who have contributed outstanding efforts in
mentoring and have enhanced the participation of individuals across a wide demographic array, especially
those who might not otherwise have considered or had access to opportunities in STEM disciplines and
Over 330 individuals and organizations have received this distinguished Presidential recognition, serving as
exemplars to their colleagues and leaders in the national effort to develop the nation’s human resources in
STEM fields. PAESMEM awardees’ accomplishments in mentoring help maximize the impact of science and
technology to advance health, prosperity, security, environmental quality, and justice for all Americans. To
succeed, our nation must ensure every American can fully participate in, and contribute to science, technology,
engineering and mathematics.
The PAESMEM program is administered by the National Science Foundation (NSF) on behalf of the White House
Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP).
Awardee Recognition
Each Presidential Awardee receives a certificate signed by the President of the United States, a $10,000 award
from NSF, and an all-expenses paid trip to a recognition event, which includes an award ceremony.. Activities
at the event may also include professional development opportunities and discussions with policy makers on
how to improve STEM mentoring. Awardees also join a national cohort of award-winning mentors, providing
opportunities to impact mentoring on a national scale.
Nomination Process
By completing a nomination form on the PAESMEM website anyone—colleagues, mentees, or other members
of the public—may nominate exceptional individuals and/or organizations that mentor underresourced and
underserved populations in STEM. There is no limit on the number of mentors one may nominate. To submit a
nomination, provide the mentor’s name, employer, and email address. All nominated mentors will receive an
email inviting them to begin the application process. Mentors may also self-nominate by beginning the
application process themselves at
Nominations must be submitted through the PAESMEM website by January 1, 2024, to be eligible for the
2023-2024 application cycle. Mentors should be nominated as soon as possible to give them ample time to
prepare an application.
NOTE: More than one individual, program, or center may apply from the same organization or institution;
however, the same person may not submit applications for both the individual and organization award
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Program Timeline & Deadlines
All application materials must be completed and submitted in the online application portal by February 1,
2024, at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time. After the application deadline, national committees will convene to review
and score applications and make their recommendations to NSF program leadership. Awardees will then be
announced at a date to be determined by the White House, followed by an award ceremony. Results of the
national review committees will be shared at the time that awardees are announced.
Figure 1. Application Timeline
January 1, 2024
Nomination Deadline
February 1, 2024
Application Deadline (11:59 PM Eastern Time)
March/April 2024
National Review Period
Date To-Be-Determined
Awardees Announced & Recognition Event
Eligibility Requirements
Individuals and organizations in all public and private sectors are eligible for PAESMEM, including business,
academia, primary or secondary education, military, government, non-profit organizations, and foundations.
Exceptional STEM or STEM-related mentoring in both formal and informal settings that enhances the
participation of individuals across a wide demographic array, especially for those who might not otherwise
have considered or had access to opportunities in STEM, are eligible for PAESMEM.
Applications are encouraged from all geographical regions in the U.S. including the 50 states, the District of
Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Department of Defense Education Activity schools, and the
U.S. jurisdictions including American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and
the U.S. Virgin Islands. Applications are strongly encouraged from jurisdictions designated by Congress under
NSF's Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR).
Individual Applicants
An Individual applicant must:
work in business, academia, primary or secondary education, military, government, non-profit
organizations, or foundations (Nominees may be federal government employees except for those
identified in the U.S. Code Title 5);
have at least five years of sustained, exceptional mentoring with demonstrated impact on individuals
historically underrepresented in STEM;
be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident;
not be part of a current Organizational application;
not have received the PAESMEM award as an Individual applicant in any prior competition.
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Organizational Applicants
An Organizational applicant must:
be affiliated with a company, U.S. educational institution or agency, military, government, non-profit
organization, or foundation;
have at least five years of sustained, exceptional mentoring with demonstrated impact on individuals
historically underrepresented in STEM;
be a mentoring program or activity within an organization;
not be a current Individual applicant;
not have received the PAESMEM award as an Organizational applicant in the past 10 years.
Mentees from the groups above can be students at any grade level, teachers, or early career STEM
professionals. Early career STEM or STEM-related professionals include those from all public and private
sectors who are: post-associate, post-baccalaureate, post-masters, post-doctoral, new STEM faculty, new
STEM K–12 teachers (both pre- and in-service), as well as new hires in a company, foundation, non-profit
organization, military, or government agency.
Selection Criteria
For the PAESMEM program, mentorship is defined as follows:
Mentorship is a professional, working alliance in which individuals work together over
time to support the personal and professional growth, development, and success of the
relational partners through the provision of career and social support.
After eligibility is confirmed and technical specifications are met, applications will be evaluated based on this
definition of mentoring and the following Dimensions of Outstanding Mentoring (more detailed descriptions of
the mentoring Dimensions are provided later in the application packet). These Dimensions apply for both
Individual and Organizational applications.
Dimension 1: Mentoring Philosophy and Strategies
Dimension 2: Assessment and Outcomes
Dimension 3: Reflective Practice
Dimension 4: Leadership and Sustainability
The application is designed to allow the applicant to provide evidence of deep content knowledge and
exemplary pedagogical skills that result in improved mentee outcomes. The Dimensions were drawn from
contemporary research and practice
Essential to the health and vitality of STEM, the PAESMEM program seeks to broaden opportunities and
expand participation of persons who are underrepresented in STEM including members of racial and ethnic
groups (Black/African American; Hispanic/Latino(a); Asian American; Native American, including American
Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, and Other Pacific Islanders), sexual orientations, gender identities,
persons with disabilities, veterans, mentors serving persons residing in disadvantaged socioeconomic regions,
institutions, and persons who may reside in any geographic region that is underrepresented in STEM
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NSF is committed to expanding the opportunities in STEM to people of all racial, ethnic, geographic and
socioeconomic backgrounds, sexual orientations, gender identities and to persons with disabilities. Mentors
who serve mentees from underserved communities are strongly encouraged to apply.
Review Process
Selection committees will include accomplished STEM professionals, educators, researchers, and
administrators, as well as past PAESMEM awardees and other experts in STEM mentoring. These committees
will review applications and make recommendations to NSF. NSF will consider the advice of reviewers and will
formulate recommendations for both Individual and Organizational awardees. After review and consideration
of appropriate factors, NSF will provide its recommendations to the White Housefor final selection. All
awardees will be subject to a Federal Bureau of Investigation background check.
Applicants who do not win the award are encouraged to reapply. Applicants who reapply should examine
feedback from the review process and update their application accordingly. The PAESMEM applicant portal
includes a “Previous Application” tab which enables applicants to copy different application components from
a previous year into the current cycle. Applicants must review the updated application packet to ensure that
any changes to the application, particularly the narrative section, are addressed in their responses.
Application Support
Many tools and resources are available to prospective applicants and NSF and the PAESMEM team are
available throughout the process to provide guidance and support.
Application Webinars
Virtual webinars are offered throughout the application cycle (September 2023–February 2024) to review all
application requirements, provide advice and guidance, and answer applicants’ questions and concerns during
a Q&A session. Many webinars also include past winners as guest speakers who offer expert advice from their
personal experience going through the PAESMEM application process. A schedule of webinars is updated
throughout the year and can be found online at
Application Coaches
Applicants are highly encouraged to work with an application coach throughout the application process.
Application coaches are past winners with expertise in how to submit a strong PAESMEM application. They are
a valuable resource to guide and assist applicants through the application process and act as another set of
eyes to review application components. Application coaches can be requested and provided access through
the online application portal. For more information, please email [email protected].
The PAESMEM Team is here to support applicants throughout the application process. Any questions,
concerns, or technical issues can be addressed to the PAESMEM Help Desk team by emailing
[email protected] or calling 833-673-3273.
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Getting Started
When an applicant first logs in to the PAESMEM application portal, they will be prompted to complete the
following informational components prior to starting their application. Once the applicant has completed all
sections and has met all eligibility requirements, they will be given access to the rest of the application.
How You Heard About PAESMEM: This section collects information on how applicants learned about the
PAESMEM program. Responses help the PAESMEM team improve outreach and recruitment and will not be
included in the review process.
Demographic Information Form: Submission of the optional Demographic Information Form is voluntary and
is not a precondition to receiving an award. Demographic information is not disclosed to review committee
members and is only used internally for aggregate analysis and reporting.
Eligibility Form: All applicants must complete the required eligibility form prior to starting an application.
Applicants are given a checklist of the eligibility criteria and must select “yes” or “no” to confirm they meet
each of the criteria. Once an applicant has verified that they meet all eligibility criteria, they will be granted
access to the PAESMEM application.
Administrative Components
The administrative component includes a variety of required materials that will be used in evaluating the
application, including a Mentor Information Form, an Organizational Representative Confirmation Form (for
Organizational applicants only), Letters of Recommendation, Resume, and Publications. All these forms are
completed within the online application portal at
Mentor Information Form
Applicants provide information about themselves, their employer, and their mentoring work in the Mentor
Information Form. For Organizational applicants, the information will be entered by the individual who is
completing the application on behalf of the Organization. On this form, applicants:
Provide the disciplines and subjects they mentor
Provide the name of the organization in which they work
Provide the stage of education, primary setting, and disciplinary background(s) of mentees
Provide supervisor information (if applicable)
Provide the name of the head of the applicant’s organization (if applicable)
Organizational Representative Confirmation Form
For Organizational applicants only, enter the name and contact information for the head of the organization,
and the name of the organizational representative who would represent the organization at an awards
ceremony. An email will be sent to the head of the organization with instructions for completing the form. By
completing the form, the head of the organization will confirm that the representative listed is the correct
person to represent the organization at an awards ceremony in the event the organization is selected as an
awardee. If someone other than the applicant will represent the organization at the award ceremony, their
name must be provided, and their resume must be one of the up to three resumes included in the application.
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Letters of Recommendation
Three letters of recommendation are required and can be provided by mentees, colleagues, or anyone else
familiar with the individual's or organization's mentoring work. Applicants provide contact information for
each recommender, who then each receive a system-generated email with instructions about how to submit
the recommendation. This automated email will also advise the recommender to address how the applicants
meet the Dimensions of Outstanding Mentoring within the letter.
There is no required format for letters of recommendation or support. The applicant should review the letter
of recommendation before submitting the final application to assure that the relationship of the recommender
to the applicant is clear. All letters of recommendation must be received in the PAESMEM portal by the
application deadline, or the applicant will not be able to submit their application. Letters of recommendation
are restricted to 5,400 characters (3 pages).
If changes to the letter of recommendation need to be made, the applicant may reopen it through the portal
to allow the recommender to make edits. The applicant can also delete the letter of recommendation and
replace it with a different one.
A resume is required to complete the PAESMEM application. It must outline the applicant’s education,
employment history, mentoring history (showing at least five years of mentoring experience), and, if
applicable, participation in professional development activities. The applicant may elect to include:
Memberships or leadership roles in professional organizations
Memberships or leadership roles in STEM centers, groups, programs, and/or other similar efforts;
Grants that they may have received
Previous honorific awards received
Organizational applicants should include the resume for the individual submitting the application on the
organization’s behalf. They may also include up to two additional resumes for other representatives of the
There are no specific formatting requirements, but the document may not exceed two pages and must have a
legible font size of 11 or larger. Applications with a resume longer than two pages are subject to
The application may include an optional publications document, not exceeding one page, that provides
publications authored or coauthored by the applicant. The publications provided should be those that are
most relevant and supportive of the application. Please be advised that reviewers will not click any links to
publications. Applications with a publication section longer than one page are subject to disqualification.
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Narrative Section
The narrative section consists of a written response that addresses the Four Dimensions of Outstanding
Mentoring and any optional supplemental materials and references that the applicant may wish to provide.
Written Response
The Written Response must include the Application Abstract along with the applicant’s responses to each of
the Dimensions of Outstanding Mentoring. These components allow applicants to showcase how their
mentoring activities go above and beyond to meet the needs and interests of their mentees.
Application Abstract
For both Individual and Organizational applicants, the Application Abstract must include a brief description of
the mentor’s current employment and a brief overview of mentoring activity. Organizational applicants should
briefly describe the organization. The Abstract must not exceed 3,000 characters, including spaces.
Response to the Dimensions of Outstanding Mentoring
Applicants must provide a thoughtful and detailed written response to each of the Four Dimensions of
Outstanding Mentoring, along with the subprompts in each of the dimensions. The response is limited to
22,000 characters in total, including spaces.
Technical Specifications for the Written Response:
• The written response cannot exceed 22,000 characters in total (including spaces).
• Responses can only include plain text. Any special characters or formatting will not display. If special
content such as formulas, diagrams, or charts are needed, they should be included in the supplemental
materials section and referenced in the applicant’s written response.
• Applicants are encouraged to save their narrative outside of the portal to ensure work is not lost.
Responses can then be pasted into the portal for submission.
Supplemental Materials
Supplemental materials provide supporting evidence for the narrative responses to the Four Dimensions. This
section of the application is limited to five pages and may include mentoring assessment items, evaluation
studies or reports, mentoring-related publication excerpts, images, screenshots from websites, news articles,
evidence of awards and accolades, etc. It is highly recommended that all content within the Supplemental
Materials be labeled and numbered (ex: SM1, SM2, etc.) and referenced in the written response.
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Technical Specifications for Supplemental Materials:
• Materials must be combined into a single file that does not exceed five 8.5x11 inch pages (uploaded as
an Adobe PDF file or Microsoft Word document). Applications with supplemental materials exceeding
five pages are subject to disqualification.
• Supplemental materials are intended to be visual in nature and cannot include narrative responses,
additional letters of recommendation, or resume items.
• Testimonials that provide external evidence (Dimension 3c) to support the application can be used.
However, if Testimonials are included, they must not exceed 4 lines of text. Links are not allowed and
will not be clicked by reviewers.
• Text must be font size 11 or larger.
References Cited
External sources cited within the narrative should be captured in a References Cited document not exceeding
one page. References may include books, articles, and/or multimedia that were used to support the applicant’s
While there is no specific format required for the References Cited document, applicants should follow
accepted scholarly practices in providing citations for source materials. In general, each reference should
include the names of all authors (in the same sequence in which they appear in the publication), the article and
journal title, book title, volume number, page numbers, and year of publication. If a website address is readily
available, that information should be included in the citation.
NOTE: The references cited should not be used to list the applicant’s publications unless they relate to
mentoring. Applicant’s publications may be included in the Publications Section.
Technical Specifications for References Cited:
• References must be submitted as one single file that does not exceed one 8.5x11 inch page (uploaded as
an Adobe PDF file or Microsoft Work document). Applications with references cited exceeding one
page are subject to disqualification.
• Include references to any external sources to attribute work to the correct sources.
• The references cited should not be used to list out the applicant’s publications unless they relate to the
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The Four Dimensions of Outstanding Mentoring
The Four Dimensions of Outstanding Mentoring are designed to allow the applicant to provide evidence of
deep content knowledge and exemplary pedagogical skills that result in improved mentee outcomes. Each
dimension also includes three subprompts that must be answered in the narrative.
Dimension 1: Mentoring Philosophy and Strategies
Suggested Length:
7,500 Characters
1a. Provide the mentoring philosophy used and its impact on mentors and mentees. What is your or
your organization’s mentoring philosophy? Discuss any literature, and models that are evidence-based
and have been key in the evolution of your mentoring viewpoints, strategies, and tactics.
1b. Describe the targeted mentee population and the methods by which a supportive community is
created to prepare them for future success.
1c. Describe mentoring strategies and activities used to support underrepresented groups in STEM (see
Review Criteria for list of underrepresented groups).
Dimension 2: Assessment and Outcomes
Suggested Length:
5,500 Characters
2a. What are the outcomes for the mentees of the mentoring activity? For example, what is the impact
of mentoring on mentees’ STEM identity, self-confidence, sense of belonging, and preparation for
potentially marginalizing experiences mentees may face in future careers and/or current
environments? Include quantitative information on the number and general demographics of all
mentees, including those personally mentored.
2b. Describe methods used to measure the impact of mentoring on the mentees. What measurements
are made of STEM academic performance or commitment to STEM education and careers?
2c. Discuss means of advocating for mentees that provide opportunities beyond the mentoring activity.
What connections are made with STEM stakeholders to advocate for mentees?
Dimension 3: Reflective Practice
Suggested Length:
4,500 Characters
3a. Discuss the more successful and less successful aspects of the mentoring activity. What actions
were taken to make improvements that better supported your mentees?
3b. Discuss how the mentoring activities were adapted to serve the needs of underrepresented groups
in STEM. How do you address negative mentoring outcomes for underrepresented groups? What
inclusive approaches have been incorporated to improve cultural responsiveness and avoid negatively
influencing mentoring relationships?
3c. How has your mentoring approach evolved as a result of your reflective practice?
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Dimension 4: Leadership and Sustainability
Suggested Length:
4,500 Characters
4a. Describe mentoring leadership within the mentoring activity or within the institution/organization
where the activity is located. Discuss the influence of the mentoring activity on policies, procedures,
and other infrastructure that support mentoring, and provide opportunities for others to engage in
4b. Describe mentoring leadership beyond the mentoring activity, institution, or organization. How
have you or your organization impacted mentoring on a regional or national level? For example,
highlight collaboration efforts with professional societies, external conference presentations, and
participation in learning communities and online networks. You may also reference mentoring-specific
awards and recognition received.
4c. Discuss the sustainability of the mentoring activity. What resources or support exist to sustain the
mentoring activity in the future?
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Scoring of the Application
National review committee members will use the applicant’s resume, publications, letters of recommendation,
narrative, supplemental materials, and references cited to rate each of the Four Dimensions of Outstanding
Mentoring. Application components are not rated individually (i.e., the written response and supplemental
materials do not receive separate scores), rather all components are holistically used to rate the four
dimensions. The application rating scale is provided below (Figure 2).
After review committees have rated each of the Four Dimensions, the committee will collectively assign an
overall ranking for the application using the ranking scale outlined below (Figure 3).
Figure 2. Application Rating Scale
Very Good
Outstanding application in all respects; deserves
highest priority for support.
High quality application in nearly all respects;
should be supported if at all possible.
A quality application, worthy of support.
Application lacking in one or more critical aspects;
key issues need to be addressed.
Figure 3. Application Ranking Scale
Not Meritorious
Highly Meritorious
The application demonstrated
limited evidence of knowledge,
skills, or performance and there
were significant errors or
The application demonstrated
strong knowledge, skills, or
performance with no significant
errors or limitations.
The application demonstrated
outstanding knowledge, skills, or
performance with no significant
errors or limitations.
All applicants will receive a copy of their ratings and reviewer feedback on the application when awardees are
announced at a future date (to be determined). Non-winning applicants are highly encouraged to use their
feedback to strengthen their application and apply for PAESMEM again in future years.
NOTE: Application scores, rankings, and award recommendations are advisory to NSF. Awards are given at the
discretion of NSF and the White House.
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Frequently Asked Questions
1. How can I learn more about the application process?
Please check the PAESMEM website at for a schedule of webinars offered
throughout the year. Once scheduled, invitations to attend are also emailed to nominees and applicants.
2. I applied during a previous cycle but did not receive the award. Can I resubmit any part of my
We encourage applicants that did not receive the award to consider reapplying. Many of our past awardees
did not win the award when they first applied. In the applicant portal, you will be able to access your prior
application and can reuse some of your Narrative responses. You can use the same letter of
recommendation writers and can even download and share their prior letters with them. We do advise
repeat applicants to take into consideration feedback from national review panels in their resubmission.
3. Is there a past awardee who might be able to help me with the application process?
Yes, past awardees can be provided as application coaches to help you through the PAESMEM process and
provide feedback on your application materials prior to submission. Application coaches may be requested
by emailing [email protected].
4. When will Presidential Awardees be announced and honored?
Applications will be reviewed and scored in March 2024. All applicants will be notified of the results when
the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) announces the awardees. The OSTP is
responsible for setting the dates for recognition activities, which depend on administrative scheduling.
Awardees will be notified at the earliest possible date.
5. When are applications due?
The application deadline is 11:59 p.m. (Eastern Time) on February 1, 2024.
6. If I need technical help, whom can I contact?
Technical assistance is available between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday.
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 833-673-3273
7. Can I submit my application in another language?
Yes. Applications can be submitted in the language you are most comfortable.
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1. I mentor individuals who belong to a group underrepresented in STEM, that was not listed in the
eligibility section. Am I eligible for the PAESMEM award?
Underrepresented groups can include but are not limited to those from racial and ethnic backgrounds
(Black/African American; Hispanic/Latino(a); Asian American; Native American, including American Indian,
Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, and Other Pacific Islanders), sexual orientations, gender identities, persons
with disabilities, veterans, mentors serving persons residing in disadvantaged socioeconomic regions,
institutions, and persons who may reside in any geographic region that is underrepresented in STEM
disciplines. If you mentor a group that is not listed or have any questions, please email [email protected].
2. How do you define five years of sustained mentoring? I have served in both formal and informal
mentoring roles over the past six years and I am not sure if I am eligible
For the PAESMEM program, mentorship is defined as a professional, working alliance in which individuals
work together over time to support the personal and professional growth, development, and success of the
relational partners through the provision of career and social support. As a result, mentoring in formal and
informal settings may be considered toward the five-year requirement.
3. Does teaching experience at the K-12 and/or college level count toward mentoring years of
Formal instruction in K-12 and/or college level classrooms will not be considered towards mentoring years
of service. Formal classroom instructors must describe their mentoring service beyond or outside the
classroom environment to meet this requirement.
4. I am self-employed and work as a STEM coach. Am I eligible?
Yes. Your work as a STEM coach may be considered toward the mentoring eligibility requirement.
1. In the narrative, do I need to respond to each prompt or are the prompts just examples of topics to
address in my response?
Applicants must respond to each Dimension completely, including responding to each of the prompts
within each dimension. Some prompts include multiple questions so be sure that you address all of them in
your response. Past reviewers have noted that some applicants scored lower on certain Dimensions
because they did not answer the prompts completely.
2. How do you recommend that I condense my six-page resume down to two pages?
Your resume should highlight your education, employment history, mentoring history and professional
development that supports your overall application and demonstrates your experiences within STEM
mentoring. The resumes are reviewed to ensure that you have at least five years of mentoring to ensure
that you are eligible.
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3. What is the difference between the References Cited section and the Publications section of the
The References Cited section of the application refers to works and publications that an applicant uses to
complete the Narrative section of the application. All outside work that is used within your application
must be cited. The Publications section of the application refers to works or publications that the applicant
has either authored or coauthored that more broadly support their mentoring claims within the
1. I have elected not to provide my information on the Demographic Information Form. What do I do to
make sure that section of the application is labeled as complete in the application portal?
If you do not wish to provide this information, you may click the checkbox that is labeled “Check here if you
do not wish to provide the below information” and then click on Save. This section will now be marked as
2. My Letters of Recommendation are listed as “pending” on the PAESMEM portal, but my writers told
me they were uploaded. Are my letters complete?
If your letters are shown as pending, they are not complete. “Pending” means that your letter writers have
not yet successfully completed their letters via the PAESMEM portal. They may have forgotten to sign the
letter and/or press the Submit button. Recommenders must click on the original link they received to
complete the recommendation. If a letter of recommendation request was resent, the recommender must
use the most recent link they received.
3. I noticed an issue with the submitted letter of recommendation. How can I fix it?
You can reopen the letter in the portal, which will enable your letter writer to make updates to the letter. If
you have changed your mind and no longer want that letter writer to submit a letter on your behalf, you
are able to remove it and enter new information for a different letter writer.
4. I am having trouble uploading files to my online application. What should I do?
Be sure that your file is in one of the following formats: Adobe Portable Document Format (.pdf) or
Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx). If you are still unable to upload your files, please contact our technical
support staff at [email protected].
5. I do not plan to submit Supplemental Materials, but my Supplemental Materials section still says,
"not started." How do I indicate that this section is complete?
Click on the Supplemental Materials section. Mark the checkbox at the bottom that says, "I do not intend to
include any Supplemental Materials” and then click on Save. This section should now be marked as
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6. Can I upload five files or five pages of supplemental materials?
Supplemental materials must be uploaded as one single file and may not exceed five total pages.
7. Can I include links within my Supplemental Materials section?
Links may not be included in the application. Reviewers will be instructed to not click on any links.
8. My References Cited section still says, "not started." How do I indicate that this section is complete?
Click on the References Cited section. Mark the checkbox at the bottom that says, "I do not intend to
include any Reference Page” and then click on Save. This section should now be marked as complete.
References supporting the Four Dimensions can be accessed through the PAESMEM site.
Additional Agency Information
The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy
The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) was established by the National Science and
Technology Policy, Organization, and Priorities Act of 1976. Today, OSTP works to maximize the benefits of
science and technology to advance health, prosperity, security, environmental quality, and justice for all
Americans. OSTP’s mission includes:
Providing advice to the President and the Executive Office of the President on matters related to
science and technology;
Strengthening and advancing American science and technology;
Working with federal departments and agencies and with Congress to create bold visions, unified
strategies, clear plans, wise policies, and effective, equitable programs for science and technology;
Engaging with external partners, including industry, academia, philanthropic organizations, and civil
society; state, local, Tribal and territorial governments; and other nations; and,
Ensuring equity, inclusion, and integrity in all aspects of science and technology.
The National Science Foundation
The National Science Foundation (NSF or the Foundation) is an independent federal agency created by the
National Science Foundation Act of 1950, as amended (42 USC 1861-75). The Act states the purpose of NSF is
"to promote the progress of science; [and] to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare by
supporting research and education in all fields of science and engineering."
NSF funds research and education in most fields of science and engineering. It does this through grants and
cooperative agreements to more than 2,000 colleges, universities, K-12 school systems, businesses, informal
science organizations, and other research organizations throughout the US. The Foundation accounts for about
one-fourth of federal support to academic institutions for basic research.
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NSF receives approximately 55,000 proposals each year for research, education, and training projects, of which
approximately 11,000 are funded. In addition, the Foundation receives thousands of applications for graduate
and postdoctoral fellowships. NSF operates no laboratories itself but does support National Research Centers,
user facilities, certain oceanographic vessels, and Arctic and Antarctic research stations. The Foundation also
supports cooperative research between universities and industry, U.S. participation in international scientific
and engineering efforts, and educational activities at every academic level.
Privacy Act and Public Burden Statements
The information requested on the application materials is solicited under the authority of the National Science
Foundation Act of 1950, as amended. It will be used in connection with the selection of qualified applicants
and may be disclosed to qualified reviewers and staff assistants as part of the review process; to the institution
the nominee, applicant or fellow is attending or is planning to attend or is employed by for the purpose of
facilitating review or award decisions, or administering fellowships or awards; to government contractors,
experts, volunteers and researchers and educators as necessary to complete assigned work; to other
government agencies needing data regarding applicants or nominees as part of the proposal review process, or
in order to coordinate programs; to congressional officials for the purpose of congratulating awardees; and to
another Federal agency, court or party in a court or Federal administrative proceeding if the government is a
party. Information from this system may be merged with other computer files to carry out statistical studies
the results of which do not identify individuals. Notice of the agency's decision may be given to nominators,
and disclosure may be made of awardees' names, home institutions, and fields of study for public information
purposes. For fellows or awardees receiving stipends directly from the government, information is transmitted
to the Department of the Treasury to make payments. See System of Records, NSF-12, "Fellowships and Other
Awards," 79 Federal Register 245 (December 22, 2014). Submission of the information is voluntary; however,
failure to provide full and complete information may reduce the possibility of your receiving an award.
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 12 hours per response,
including the time for reviewing instructions. Send comments regarding this burden estimate and any other
aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to: Suzanne H.
Plimpton, Reports Clearance Officer; Office of the General Counsel; National Science Foundation; Alexandria,
VA 22314.
The National Science Foundation is committed to making all the information we publish easy to understand. If
you have a suggestion about how to improve the clarity of this document or other NSF-published materials,
please contact us at [email protected].
The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance number for this program is 47.076, Education and Human
OMB 3145-0035
PT 22, FF, II
KW 0502031
PAESMEM 2023–2024 Application Packet
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File Type | application/pdf |
Author | Bondurant, Alisha [USA] |
File Modified | 2024-01-17 |
File Created | 2023-08-15 |