Master Survey Document

0648-NERR Appendix A Master Survey.docx

Assessing Public Preferences and Values to Support Coastal and Marine Management

Master Survey Document


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OMB Control Number: 0648-XXXX

Expiration Date: XX/XX/20XX


[Introduction text that explains purpose of survey]

  1. Have you ever visited a coastal or marine area for outdoor recreation?

  • Yes


  1. How important to you are the following reasons for participating in outdoor recreation in a coastal and marine area? [CBNERR-VA ONLY]

Not at all








Spending time with friends or family

Learning something new


Experiencing solitude

Experiencing nature


Experiencing excitement or adventure

Doing competitive events

  1. How important to you are the following features when visiting a coastal or marine area for outdoor recreation?

Not at all








Designated walking/hiking trails

Designated blueways/kayak trails

Access to water (for example, boat ramps)

Available parking

Internet or cell service

Nature programs

Interpretive signs

Directional maps

Access to level ground

(less than 5% grade)

Access to moderate to steep slopes

(more than 10% grade)

We are interested in understanding technology use during outdoor recreation in marine and coastal areas.

  1. When participating in land-based outdoor recreation in coastal or marine areas, do you typically bring a mobile device, such as a smartphone, tablet, or smartwatch, with you?

    • Yes

    • No

    • I don’t participate in land-based outdoor recreation in coastal or marine areas

  1. When participating in water-based outdoor recreation in coastal or marine areas, do you typically bring a mobile device, such as a smartphone, tablet, or smartwatch, with you?

      • Yes

      • No

      • I don’t participate in water-based outdoor recreation in coastal or marine areas

  2. If you typically bring a mobile device with you when participating in either land-based or water-based outdoor recreation, do you typically leave it on or off?

  • Typically on

  • Typically off

  • I don’t normally bring a mobile device with me

We would like to learn more about your outdoor recreation experiences in and around [study area] (see map below).

  1. Have you visited [study area] for outdoor recreation in the last 12 months?

  • Yes

  • No → SKIP to PAGE X

  1. How many trips have you taken to [study area] for outdoor recreation in the last 12 months?


  1. When was the last time you took a trip to [study area] for outdoor recreation? __/___ (month/year)


Please only consider the last time you took a trip to [study area] for outdoor recreation when answering the following questions.


  1. Including yourself, how many people were in your personal group? _____ people 

  1. How many of these people, including yourself, were at least 18 years old? ___ people

  1. Was visiting [study area] the sole purpose of this trip?

    • Yes → SKIP to Q14

    • No

  2. How important was visiting [study area] when deciding to take this trip?

    • Not at all important

    • Somewhat important

    • Very important

    • Extremely important

  3. Approximately how long was this trip? Please include total travel time and time spent within [study area] as well as other places you may have visited.

_____ If a day trip, number of hours

_____ If greater than 1 day, number of days

  1. Approximately, how much time did you spend within [study area]?

_____ If a day trip, number of hours

_____ If greater than 1 day, number of days


Please only consider the last time you took a trip to [study area] for outdoor recreation when answering the following questions.


  1. Did you or your personal group use any of the following forms of transportation on this trip?



Automobile (for example, car, van, or truck)

Personal watercraft




Public transportation (for example, bus, rail, or ferry)

  1. How much did you spend on the following items on this trip, and how many people did these expenses cover?


Number of People





Rental car fees


Taxi or rideshare (for example, Uber or Lyft) fares


Public transportation (for example, bus, rail, or ferry) fares


Entrance fees


Parking fees


Equipment rental fees


Lodging (for example, hotel or campground) fees



Please only consider the last time you took a trip to [study area] for outdoor recreation when answering the following questions.


  1. Did you or your personal group participate in the following activities? [CBNERR-VA ONLY]




Scenic viewing

Wildlife watching

Hiking, walking, or jogging

Bicycling - all types

Horseback riding


Visiting playgrounds

Visiting historical areas


Driving or motorcycling for pleasure

Off-road driving or motorcycling

Camping in developed sites

Primitive camping

Fishing - all types

Hunting - all types

Beach activities


Paddle sports (for example, canoeing and kayaking)

Motorized water-based activities (for example, power boating and water skiing)


Non-motorized snow activities (for example, skiing and snowboarding)

Please only consider the last time you took a trip to [study area] for outdoor recreation when answering the following questions.


  1. How satisfied were you with each of the following features in [study area]? 

Not at all








Not applicable

Designated walking/hiking trails

Designated blueways/kayak trails

Access to water (for example, boat ramps)

Available parking

Internet or cell service

Nature programs

Interpretive signs

Directional maps

Access to level ground

(less than 5% grade)

Access to moderate to steep slopes

(more than 10% grade)


Please only consider the last time you took a trip to [study area] for outdoor recreation when answering the following questions.


  1. Looking at the map on the opposite page, did you visit any of the following areas in and around the [study area]? [CBNERR-VA ONLY] {Available options will be specific to study area}




Upper York River

Middle York River

Lower York River

York River State Park

Capt John Smith Historic Trail

New Quarter Park

Middle Peninsula State Park

Machicomoco State Park

Gloucester Point

Mobjack Bay


  1. Do you intend to visit [study area] for outdoor recreation in the future?

  • Yes, within the next 12 months

  • Yes, but not within the next 12 months

  • No

  • Unsure

  1. Which of the following are reasons why you may not visit [study area] for outdoor recreation in the next 12 months?

    Not a reason

    Minor reason

    Major reason

    Concerns about safety or security

    Discrimination/do not feel welcome

    Too crowded

    Facilities are not well-maintained

    Limited/no desired facilities

    Limited/no desired activities

    Too expensive

    Too far to travel

    Limited/no public transportation

    Not enough time

    Limited/no access for people with disabilities

    Limited/no information on available facilities and activities

    Not interested in outdoor recreation

    No one to go with

    Limited/no equipment/gear

    Information (such as staff, signs, and programs) was often not in my preferred language

    Limited/no internet or cell service

  2. Coastal and marine environments offer various benefits to people. Please rate the extent to which you believe [study area] provides the following benefits to nearby communities?

Not at all provided

Provided to a limited extent

Provided moderately

Provided to a great extent


Seafood production

Protection from storms and flooding

Erosion control

Water purification

Climate change mitigation


Environmental education

Mental health

Aesthetic value

Cultural and spiritual values

This next section will ask questions about prescribed fires in and around [Weeks Bay/Grand Bay]. Prescribed fires refer to the controlled application of low-intensity fires to a forest stand. [WBNERR/GBNERR only]

  1. Before today, had you heard about prescribed fires in and around [Weeks Bay/Grand Bay]?

  • Yes

  • Yes, but not in and around [Weeks Bay/Grand Bay]

  • No, I have never heard about prescribed fires → SKIP to Q27

  1. How have you heard about prescribed fires? (select all that apply)

  • From the media

  • From other members of my community

  • From visiting [Weeks Bay/Grand Bay]

  • I have personally seen prescribed burning

  1. How knowledgeable do you feel about prescribed fires?

  • Not at all knowledgeable

  • Somewhat knowledgeable

  • Very knowledgeable

  • Extremely knowledgeable

  1. Given what you currently know about prescribed fires, have you formed an opinion about prescribed fires in and around [Weeks Bay/Grand Bay]?

      • I support prescribed fires in and around [Weeks Bay/Grand Bay]

      • I oppose prescribed fires in and around [Weeks Bay/Grand Bay]

      • I have not made up my mind

  2. Even if you have not made up your mind, which way are you leaning?

      • To support prescribed fires in and around [Weeks Bay/Grand Bay]

      • To oppose prescribed fires in and around [Weeks Bay/Grand Bay]

  1. There are different management goals for prescribed fires. How important to you are the following management goals?

Not at all important

Somewhat important

Very important

Extremely important

Reduce the risk of severe wildfires

Improve forest health

Improve wildlife habitat

Reduce invasive species

Reduce pests

Improve forest appearance

  1. Looking at the same list and given what you currently know about prescribed fires, how effective do you think is it at meeting these management goals?

Not at all effective

Somewhat effective

Very effective

Extremely effective


Reduce the risk of severe wildfires

Improve forest health

Improve wildlife habitat

Reduce invasive species

Reduce pests

Improve forest appearance

  1. There are also potential risks associated with prescribed fires. How concerned are you about the following risks?

Not at all concerned

Somewhat concerned

Very concerned

Extremely concerned

Damage to nearby property

Safety of nearby residents

Safety of wildlife

Reduced air quality

Reduced access to outdoor recreation

Reduced forest appearance

Please answer a few more questions so we can better understand who is coming to the parks. You are almost finished! All answers are confidential.

  1. Are you (select all that apply)

    • Male

    • Female

    • Transgender, non-binary, or another gender

  2. In what year were you born? _____

  3. Are you Hispanic or Latino?

    • Yes

    • No

  4. What is your race? Select all that apply.

  • American Indian or Alaska Native

  • Asian

  • Black or African American

  • Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander

  • White or Caucasian

  • Other (please specify) _____

  1. Do you speak a language other than English at home?

    • Yes

    • No → SKIP to Q39

  2. What is that language? (select all that apply)

    • Spanish

    • Chinese (Mandarin or Cantonese)

    • Korean

    • Vietnamese

    • Japanese

    • Filipino

    • German

    • French (including Cajun)

    • Arabic

    • Other, please specify_______

  3. How well do you speak English?

    • Not at all

    • Not well

    • Well

    • Very well

  1. What is the highest degree or level of school you have completed?

    • Some high school, no diploma

    • High school graduate/GED

    • Vocational/trade school certificate

    • Some college, no diploma

    • Two-year college degree

    • Four-year college degree

    • Graduate or professional degree

  2. Do you own or rent this residence (where this survey was mailed to)?

  • Own

  • Rent

  • Other

  1. Is this your primary residence?

    • Yes

    • No

  2. How many people, including yourself, live in your household? __________

  3. How many of these people are at least 18 years old? __________

  4. How long have you been a resident of your current town? _____ years

  5. How long have you been a resident of your current state? _____ years

  6. Which best describes your current employment status? (select all that apply)

  • Unemployed

  • Employed full-time

  • Employed part-time

  • Retired

  • Student

  • Homemaker

  1. Which category best represents your annual household income (before taxes) in 20XX

  • Less than $25,000

  • $25,000 to $49,999

  • $50,000 to $74,999

  • $75,000 to $99,999

  • $100,000 to $149,999

  • $150,000 to $199,999

  • $200,000 or more

Thank you for your participation in this important survey! Please use the space on this page for additional comments.


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