1625-0031 Stat/Authority


Plan Approval and Records for Electrical Engineering Regulations Title 46 CFR Subchapter J.

1625-0031 Stat/Authority

OMB: 1625-0031

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Subpart 110.01—Applicability
110.01–1 General.
110.01–2 OMB control numbers assigned pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act.
110.01–3 Repairs and alterations.
110.01–4 Right of appeal.

Subpart 110.10—Reference Specifications,
Standards, and Codes

Incorporation by reference.

Subpart 110.15—Terms Used in This


Subpart 110.20—Equivalents

the applicable requirements in this
subchapter in effect on the date the installation was contracted for and
which are maintained in good and serviceable condition to the satisfaction of
the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, may be continued in use until replacement is ordered by the Officer in
Charge, Marine Inspection, or as specified in the regulations.
(d) [Reserved]
(e) Electrical systems internal to a
pressure vessel for human occupancy
(PVHO) need not meet the requirements of this subchapter, but must
meet the requirements of Subpart B
(Commercial Diving Operations) of
part 197 of this chapter.
[CGD 74–125A, 47 FR 15232, Apr. 8, 1982, as
amended by CGD 94–108, 61 FR 28271, June 4,


Subpart 110.25—Plan Submittal
110.25–1 Plans and information required for
new construction.
110.25–3 Procedure for submitting plans.

Subpart 110.30—Testing and Inspection

Initial inspection.
Inspection for certification.
Repairs or alterations.

AUTHORITY: 33 U.S.C. 1509; 43 U.S.C 1333; 46
U.S.C. 3306, 3307, 3703; E.O. 12234, 45 FR 58801,
3 CFR, 1980 Comp., p. 277; Department of
Homeland Security Delegation No. 0170.1;
§ 110.01–2 also issued under 44 U.S.C. 3507.
SOURCE: CGD 74–125A, 47 FR 15232, Apr. 8,
1982, unless otherwise noted.

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

Subpart 110.01—Applicability
§ 110.01–1 General.
(a) This subchapter applies to all
electrical installations on vessels subject to subchapters D, H, I, I-A, K, L, O,
Q, R, T, U, and W of this chapter whenever those subchapters require an electrical installation to be in accordance
with this subchapter.
(b) This subchapter applies only to
electrical installations contracted for
after September 30, 1996.
(c) Installations and equipment accepted by the Coast Guard as meeting

§ 110.01–2 OMB control numbers assigned pursuant to the Paperwork
Reduction Act.
(a) Purpose. This section collects and
displays the control numbers assigned
to information collection and recordkeeping requirements in this subchapter by the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980 (44
U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). The Coast Guard intends that this section comply with the
requirements of 44 U.S.C. 3507(f) which
requires that agencies display a current control number assigned by the
Director of the OMB for each approved
agency information collection requirement.
(b) Display.
46 CFR part or section where identified or
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[49 FR 38121, Sept. 27, 1984, as amended by
USCG–2004–18884, 69 FR 58348, Sept. 30, 2004]

§ 110.01–3

Repairs and alterations.

(a) Repairs and replacements in kind
must comply with either the regulations in this subchapter or those in effect when the vessel was built.


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 110.10–1

(b) Alterations and modifications,
such as re-engining, re-powering, upgrading of the main propulsion control
system, or replacing extensive amounts
of cabling, must comply with the regulations in this subchapter.
(c) Conversions specified in 46 U.S.C.
2101(14a), such as the addition of a
midbody or a change in the service of
the vessel, are handled on a case-bycase basis by the Commanding Officer,
Marine Safety Center.
[CGD 94–108, 61 FR 28271, June 4, 1996, as
amended at 62 FR 23906, May 1, 1997]

§ 110.01–4 Right of appeal.
Any person directly affected by a decision or action taken under this subchapter, by or on behalf of the Coast
Guard, may appeal therefrom in accordance with subpart 1.03 of this chapter.
[CGD 88–033, 54 FR 50380, Dec. 6, 1989]

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

Subpart 110.10—Reference Specifications,
§ 110.10–1 Incorporation by reference.
(a) Certain material is incorporated
by reference into this subchapter with
the approval of the Director of the Federal Register under 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and
1 CFR part 51. To enforce any edition
other than that specified in this section, the Coast Guard must publish notice of change in the FEDERAL REGISTER and the material must be available to the public. The word ‘‘should,’’
when used in material incorporated by
reference, is to be construed the same
as the words ‘‘must’’ or ‘‘shall’’ for the
purposes of this subchapter. All approved material is available for inspection at the National Archives and
Records Administration (NARA). For
information on the availability of this
material at NARA, call 202–741–6030 or
ibrllocations.html. The material is also
available for inspection at the U.S.
Coast Guard, Office of Design and Engineering Standards (CG–521), 2100 2nd St.
SW., Stop 7126, Washington, DC 20593–
7126, and is available from the sources
listed below.

(b) American Bureau of Shipping
(ABS), ABS Plaza, 16855 Northchase
Drive, Houston, TX 77060:
(1) Rules for Building and Classing
Steel Vessels, Part 4 Vessel Systems
and Machinery (2003) (‘‘ABS Steel Vessel Rules’’), 110.15–1; 111.01–9; 111.12–3;
111.12–5; 111.12–7; 111.33–11; 111.35–1;
111.70–1; 111.105–31; 111.105–39; 111.105–40;
113.05–7; and
(2) Rules for Building and Classing
Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, Part 4
Machinery and Systems (2001) (‘‘ABS
MODU Rules’’), 111.12–1; 111.12–3; 111.12–
5; 111.12–7; 111.33–11; 111.35–1; 111.70–1.
(c) American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 West 43rd Street, New
York, NY 10036:
(1) ANSI/IEEE C37.12–1991, American
National Standard for AC High-Voltage
Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical
Guide (1991) (‘‘ANSI/IEEE C37.12’’),
111.54–1; and
(2) ANSI/IEEE C37.27–1987 (IEEE Std
331) Application Guide for Low-Voltage
(1987) (‘‘ANSI/IEEE C37.27’’), 111.54–1;
(d) American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) International, Three
Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016–5990:
(1) ASME A17.1–2000 Part 2 Electric
111.91–1; and
(2) [Reserved]
(e) ASTM International (formerly American Society for Testing and Materials)
(ASTM), 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West
Conshohocken, PA 19428–2959:
(1) ASTM B 117–97, Standard Practice
for Operating Salt Spray (Fog) Apparatus (‘‘ASTM B 117’’), 110.15–1; and
(2) [Reserved]
(f) Institute of Electrical and Electronic
Engineers IEEE), IEEE Service Center,
445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854:
(1) IEEE Std C37.04–1999, IEEE Standard Rating Structure for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers (1999) (‘‘IEEE
C37.04’’), 111.54–1;
(2) IEEE Std C37.010–1999 IEEE Application Guide for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical
Current Basis (1999) (‘‘IEEE C37.010’’),
(3) IEEE Std C37.13–1990 IEEE Standard for Low-Voltage AC Power Circuit


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wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 110.10–1

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

Breakers Used in Enclosures (Oct. 22,
1990) (‘‘IEEE C37.13’’), 111.54–1;
(4) IEEE Std C37.14–2002 IEEE Standard for Low-Voltage DC Power Circuit
Breakers Used in Enclosures (Apr. 25,
2003) (‘‘IEEE C37.14’’), 111.54–1;
(5) IEEE Std 45–1998 IEEE Recommended Practice for Electric Installations on Shipboard—1998 (Oct. 19,
1998) (‘‘IEEE 45–1998’’), 111.30–19; 111.105–
3; 111.105–31; 111.105–41;
(6) IEEE Std 45–2002 IEEE Recommended Practice for Electrical Installations On Shipboard—2002 (Oct. 11,
2002) (‘‘IEEE 45–2002’’), 111.05–7; 111.15–2;
111.30–1; 111.30–5; 111.33–3; 111.33–5;
111.40–1; 111.60–1; 111.60–3; 111.60–5;
111.60–11; 111.60–13; 111.60–19; 111.60–21;
111.60–23; 111.75–5; 113.65–5;
(7) IEEE 100, The Authoritative Dictionary of IEEE Standards Terms, Seventh Edition (2000) (‘‘IEEE 100’’), 110.15–
(8) [Reserved]
(9) IEEE Std 1202–1991, IEEE Standard for Flame Testing of Cables for Use
in Cable Tray in Industrial and Commercial Occupancies (May 29, 1991)
(‘‘IEEE 1202’’), 111.60–6; 111.107–1; and
(10) IEEE Std 1580–2001, IEEE Recommended Practice for Marine Cable
for Use on Shipboard and Fixed or
Floating Platforms (Dec. 17, 2001)
(‘‘IEEE 1580’’), 111.60–1; 111.60–2; 111.60–
(g) International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), 3 Rue de Varembe, Geneva, Switzerland:
(1) IEC 68–2–52, Environmental Testing Part 2: Tests—Test Kb: Salt Mist,
Cyclic (Sodium Chloride Solution),
Second Edition (1996) (‘‘IEC 68–2–52’’),
(2) IEC 60331–11 Tests for electric cables under fire conditions—Circuit integrity—Part
alone at a flame temperature of at
least 750 °C, First Edition (1999) (‘‘IEC
60331–11’’), 113.30–25;
(3) IEC 60331–21 Tests for Electric Cables Under Fire Conditions—Circuit Integrity—Part 21: Procedures and Requirements—Cables of Rated Voltage
up to and Including 0.6/1.0kV, First Edition (1999) (‘‘IEC 60331–21’’), 113.30–25;
(4) IEC 332–1 Tests on Electric Cables
Under Fire Conditions, Part 1: Test on
a Single Vertical Insulated Wire or

Cable, Third Edition (1993) (‘‘IEC 332–
1’’), 111.30–19;
(5) IEC 60332–3–22 Tests on Electric
Cables Under Fire Conditions—Part 3–
22: Test for Vertical Flame Spread of
Vertically-Mounted Bunched Wires or
Cables—Category A, First Edition
111.60–2; 111.60–6; 111.107–1;
(6) IEC 60079–0 Electrical apparatus
for Explosive Gas Atmospheres—Part 0:
General Requirements (Edition 3.1)
(2000) (‘‘IEC 60079–0’’), 111.105–1; 111.105–
3; 111.105–5; 111.105–7; 111.105–17;
(7) IEC 60079–1 Electrical Apparatus
for Explosive Gas Atmospheres—Part 1:
Flameproof Enclosures ‘‘d’’ including
corr.1, Fourth Edition (June 2001)
(‘‘IEC 60079–1’’), 111.105–1; 111.105–3;
111.105–5; 111.105–7; 111.105–9; 111.105–17;
(8) IEC 60079–2 Electrical Apparatus
for Explosive Gas Atmospheres—Part 2:
Pressurized Enclosures ‘‘p’’, Fourth
Edition (2001) (‘‘IEC 60079–2’’), 111.105–1;
111.105–3; 111.105–5; 111.105–7; 111.105–17;
(9) IEC 60079–5 Electrical Apparatus
for Explosive Gas Atmospheres—Part 5:
Powder Filling ‘‘q’’, Second Edition
(1997) (‘‘IEC 60079–5’’), 111.105–1; 111.105–
3; 111.105–5; 111.105–7; 111.105–15; 111.105–
(10) IEC 79–6 Electrical Apparatus for
Explosive Gas Atmospheres—Part 6:
Oil Immersion ‘‘o’’, Second Edition
(1995) (‘‘IEC 79–6’’), 111.105–1; 111.105–3;
111.105–5; 111.105–7; 111.105–15; 111.105–17;
(11) IEC 60079–7 Electrical Apparatus
for Explosive Gas Atmospheres—Part 7:
Increased Safety ‘‘e’’, Third Edition
(2001) (‘‘IEC 60079–7’’), 111.105–1; 111.105–
3; 111.105–5; 111.105–7; 111.105–15; 111.105–
(12) IEC 60079–11 Electrical Apparatus
for Explosive Gas Atmospheres—Part
11: Intrinsic Safety ‘‘i’’, Fourth Edition
111.105–3; 111.105–5; 111.105–7; 111.105–11;
(13) IEC 60079–15 Electrical Apparatus
for Explosive Gas Atmospheres—Part
15: Type of Protection ‘‘n’’, Second Edition (2001) (‘‘IEC 60079–15’’), 111.105–1;
111.105–3; 111.105–5; 111.105–7; 111.105–15;
(14) IEC 79–18 Electrical Apparatus
for Explosive Gas Atmospheres—Part
18: Encapsulation ‘‘m’’, First Edition
(1992) (‘‘IEC 79–18’’), 111.105–1; 111.105–3;
111.105–5; 111.105–7; 111.105–15; 111.105–17;


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 110.10–1

(15) IEC 60092–101 Electrical Installation in Ships, Part 101: Definitions and
General Requirements, Edition 4.1
(2002) (‘‘IEC 60092–101’’), 110.15–1; 111.81–
(16) IEC 92–201 Electrical Installation
in Ships, Part 201: System Design-General, Fourth Edition (1994) (‘‘IEC 92–
201’’), 111.70–3; 111.81–1;
(17) IEC 92–202 Amendment 1 Electrical Installation in Ships, Part 202:
System Design-Protection (1996) (‘‘IEC
92–202’’), 111.12–7; 111.50–3; 111.53–1;
(18) IEC 92–301 Amendment 2 Electrical Installation in Ships, Part 301:
Equipment-Generators and Motors,
(1995) (‘‘IEC 92–301’’), 111.12–7; 111.25–5;
(19) IEC 60092–302 Electrical Installation in Ships, Part 302: Low-Voltage
Switchgear and Control Gear Assemblies, Fourth Edition (1997) (‘‘IEC 60092–
302’’), 111.30–1; 111.30–5; 111.30–19;
(20) IEC 92–303 Electrical Installation
in Ships, Part 303: Equipment-Transformers for Power and Lighting, Third
Edition (1980) (‘‘IEC 92–303’’), 111.20–15;
(21) IEC 92–304 Amendment 1 Electrical Installation in Ships, Part 304:
Equipment-Semiconductor Convertors
(1995) (‘‘IEC 92–304’’), 111.33–3; 111.33–5;
(22) IEC 92–306 Electrical Installation
in Ships, Part 306: Equipment-Luminaries and accessories, Third Edition
(1980) (‘‘IEC 92–306’’), 111.75–20; 111.81–1;
(23) IEC 60092–352 Electrical Installation in Ships—Choice and Installation
of Cables for Low-Voltage Power Systems, Second Edition (1997) (‘‘IEC
60092–352’’), 111.60–3; 111.60–5; 111.81–1;
(24) IEC 92–353 Electrical Installations in Ships—Part 353: Single and
Multicore Non-Radial Field Power Cables with Extruded Solid Insulation for
Rated Voltages 1kV and 3kV, Second
Edition (1995) (‘‘IEC 92–353’’), 111.60–1;
111.60–3; 111.60–5;
(25) IEC 92–401 Electrical Installations in Ships, Part 401: Installation
and Test of completed Installation
with amendment 1 (1987) and amendment 2 (1997), Third Edition (1980)
(‘‘IEC 92–401’’), 111.05–9; 111.81–1;
(26) IEC 60092–502 Electrical Installation in Ships, Part 502: Tankers—Special Features (1999) (‘‘IEC 60092–502’’),
111.81–1; 111.105–31;

(27) IEC 92–503 Electrical installations in ships, Part 503: Special features: A.C. supply systems with
voltages in the range of above 1kV up
to and including 11kV, First Edition
(1975) (‘‘IEC 92–503’’), 111.30–5;
(28) IEC 60529 Degrees of Protection
Provided by Enclosures (IP Code), Edition 2.1 (2001) (‘‘IEC 60529’’), 110.15–1;
111.01–9; 113.10–7; 113.20–3; 113.25–11;
113.30–25; 113.37–10; 113.40–10; 113.50–5;
(29) IEC 60533 Electrical and Electronic Installations in Ships—Electromagnetic Compatibility, Second Edition (1999) (‘‘IEC 60533’’), 113.05–7;
Switchgear and Controlgear Part 2:
Circuit-Breakers, Third Edition (2003)
(‘‘IEC 60947–2’’), 111.54–1;
(31) IEC 61363–1 Electrical Installations of Ships and Mobile and Fixed
Offshore Units—Part 1: Procedures for
Calculating Short-Circuit Currents in
Three-Phase a.c., First Edition (1998)
(‘‘IEC 61363–1’’), 111.52–5; and
switchgear and controlgear—part 100:
circuitbreakers, Edition 1.1 (2003) (‘‘IEC
62271–100’’), 111.54–1.
(h) International Maritime Organization (IMO), Publications Section, 4 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7SR,
United Kingdom:
(1) International Convention for the
Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), Consolidated Text of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea,
1974, and its Protocol of 1988: Article,
(Incorporating all Amendments in Effect
from January 2001) (2001) (‘‘IMO SOLAS
74’’), 111.99–5; 111.105–31; 112.15–1; 113.25–
(i) International Society for Measurement and Control (ISA), 67 Alexander
Drive, P.O. Box 12277, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709:
(1) RP 12.6, Wiring Practices for Hazardous (Classified) Locations Instrumentation Part I: Intrinsic Safety, 1995
(‘‘ISA RP 12.6’’), 111.105–11; and
(2) [Reserved]
(j) Lloyd’s Register, 71 Fenchurch
Street, London EC3M 4BS, Type Approval System-Test Specification Number 1 (2002), 113.05–7.


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§ 110.10–1

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

(k) National Electrical Manufacturers
Association (NEMA), 1300 North 17th
Street, Arlington, VA 22209:
(1) NEMA Standards Publication ICS
2–2000, Industrial Control and Systems
Controllers, Contactors, and Overload
Relays, Rated 600 Volts (2000) (‘‘NEMA
ICS 2’’), 111.70–3;
(2) NEMA Standards Publication ICS
2.3–1995, Instructions for the Handling,
Installation, Operation, and Maintenance of Motor Control Centers Rated
not More Than 600 Volts (1995) (‘‘NEMA
ICS 2.3’’), 111.70–3;
(3) NEMA Standards Publication No.
ICS 2.4–2003, NEMA and IEC Devices for
Motor Service—a Guide for Understanding the Differences (2003) (‘‘NEMA
ICS 2.4’’), 111.70–3;
(4) NEMA Standards Publication No.
ANSI/NEMA 250–1997, Enclosures for
Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum) (Aug. 30, 2001) (‘‘NEMA 250’’),
110.15–1; 111.01–9; 110.15–1; 113.10–7;
113.20–3; 113.25–11; 113.30–25; 113.37–10;
113.40–10; 113.50–5;
(5) NEMA Standards Publication No.
WC–3–1992, Rubber Insulated Wire and
Cable for the Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Energy, Revision 1, February 1994 (‘‘NEMA WC–3’’),
111.60–13; and
(6) NEMA WC–70/ICEA S–95–658–1999
Standard for Non-Shielded Power
Rated Cable 2000V or Less for the Distribution of Electrical Energy (1999)
(‘‘NEMA WC–70’’), 111.60–13.
(l) National Fire Protection Association
(NFPA), 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy,
MA 02169:
(1) NEC 2002 (NFPA 70), National
Electrical Code Handbook, Ninth Edition (2002) (‘‘NFPA NEC 2002’’), 111.05–
33; 111.20–15; 111.25–5; 111.50–3; 111.50–7;
111.50–9; 111.53–1; 111.54–1; 111.55–1;
111.59–1; 111.60–7; 111.60–13; 111.60–23;
111.81–1; 111.105–1; 111.105–3; 111.105–5;
111.105–7; 111.105–9; 111.105–15; 111.105–17;
(2) NFPA 77, Recommended Practice
on Static Electricity (2000) (‘‘NFPA
77’’), 111.105–27;
(3) NFPA 99, Standard for Health
Care Facilities (2005) (‘‘NFPA 99’’),
111.105–37; and
(4) NFPA 496, Standard for Purged
and Pressurized Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (2003) (‘‘NFPA 496’’),

(m) Naval Publications and Forms Center (NPFC), Department of Defense,
Single Stock Point, 700 Robins Avenue,
Philadelphia, PA 19111:
(1) MIL–C–24640A, Military Specification Cables, Light Weight, Electric,
Low Smoke, for Shipboard Use, General Specification for (1995) Supplement 1 (June 26, 1995) (‘‘NPFC MIL–C–
24640A’’), 111.60–1; 111.60–3;
(2) MIL–C–24643A, Military Specification Cables and Cords, Electric, Low
Smoke, for Shipboard Use, General
Specification for (1996) Amendment 2
(Mar. 13, 1996) (‘‘NPFC MIL–C–24643A’’),
111.60–1; 111.60–3; and
(3) MIL–W–76D, Military Specification Wire and Cable, Hook-Up, Electrical, Insulated, General Specification
for (2003) (Revision of MIL–W–76D–1992)
Amendment 1–2003 (Feb. 6, 2003)
(‘‘NPFC MIL–W–76D’’), 111.60–11.
(n) Naval Sea Systems Command
(NAVSEA), Code 55Z, Department of the
Navy, Washington, DC 20362:
(1) DDS 300–2, A.C. Fault Current Calculations, 1988 (‘‘NAVSEA DDS 300–2’’),
111.52–5; and
Handbook Cable Comparison Handbook
Data Pertaining to Electric Shipboard
Cable Notice 1–1991 (Revision of MIL–
HDBK–299(SH) (1989)) (Oct. 15, 1991)
111.60–3; and
(3) [Reserved]
(o) Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
(UL), 12 Laboratory Drive, Research
Triangle Park, NC 27709–3995:
(1) UL 44, Standard for Thermoset-Insulated Wire and Cable, Fifteenth Edition, Mar. 22, 1999 (Revisions through
and including May 13, 2002) (‘‘UL 44’’),
(2) UL 50, Standard for Safety Enclosures for Electrical Equipment, Eleventh Edition (Oct. 19, 1995) (‘‘UL 50’’),
(3) UL 62, Standard for Flexible Cord
and Fixture Wire, Sixteenth Edition
(Oct. 15, 1997) (‘‘UL 62’’), 111.60–13;
(4) UL 83, Standard for Thermoplastic-Insulated Wires and Cables,
Twelfth Edition (Sep. 29, 1998) (‘‘UL
83’’), 111.60–11;
(5) UL 484, Standard for Room Air
Conditioners, Seventh Edition, Apr. 27,
1993 (Revisions through and including
Sep. 3, 2002) (‘‘UL 484’’), 111.87–3;


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§ 110.15–1

(6) UL 489, Molded-Case Circuit
Breakers, Molded-Case Switches, and
Circuit-Breaker Enclosures, Ninth Edition, Oct. 31, 1996 (Revisions through
and including Mar. 22, 2000) (‘‘UL 489’’),
111.01–15; 111.54–1;
(7) UL 514A, Metallic Outlet Boxes,
Ninth Edition (Dec. 27, 1996) (‘‘UL
514A’’), 111.81–1;
(8) UL 514B, Conduit, Tubing, and
Cable Fittings, Fourth Edition (Nov. 3,
1997) (‘‘UL 514B’’), 111.81–1;
(9) UL 514C, Standard for Nonmetallic Outlet Boxes, Flush-Device
Boxes, and Covers, Second Edition
(Oct. 31, 1988) (‘‘UL 514C’’), 111.81–1;
(10) UL 913, Standard for Intrinsically
Safe Apparatus and Associated Apparatus for Use in Class i, ii, and iii, Division 1, Hazardous (Classified) Locations, Sixth Edition, Aug. 8, 2002 (Revisions through and including Dec. 15,
2003) (‘‘UL 913’’), 111.105–11;
(11) UL 1042, Standard for Electric
Baseboard Heating Equipment (Apr. 11,
1994) (‘‘UL 1042’’), 111.87–3;
(12) UL 1072, Standard for MediumVoltage Power Cables, Third Edition,
Dec. 28, 2001 (Revisions through and including Apr. 14, 2003) (‘‘UL 1072’’),
(13) UL 1104, Standard for Marine
Navigation Lights, 1998 (‘‘UL 1104’’),
(14) UL 1203, Standard for ExplosionProof and Dust-Ignition-Proof Electrical Equipment for Use in Hazardous
(Classified) Locations, Third Edition,
Sep. 7, 2000 (Revisions through and including Apr. 30, 2004) (‘‘UL 1203’’),
(15) UL 1309, Marine Shipboard Cables, First Edition (July 14, 1995) (‘‘UL
1309’’), 111.60–1; 111.60–3;
(16) UL 1581 (May 6, 2003) (‘‘UL 1581’’),
111.30–19; 111.60–2; 111.60–6;
(17) UL 1598, Luminaires, First Edition (Jan. 31, 2000) (‘‘UL 1598’’): 111.75–
20; and
(18) UL 1598A, Standard for Supplemental Requirements for Luminaires
for Installation on Marine Vessels,
First Edition (Dec. 4, 2000) (‘‘UL
1598A’’), 111.75–20.
[USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR 65193, Oct. 31, 2008,
as amended by USCG–2009–0702, 74 FR 49234,
Sept. 25, 2009]

Subpart 110.15—Terms Used in This
§ 110.15–1 Definitions.
As used in this subchapter—
(a) The electrical and electronic
terms are defined in IEEE 100 or IEC
60092–101 (both incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 110.10–1).
(b) In addition to the definitions in
paragraph (a) of this section—
Coastwise Vessel means a vessel that
normally navigates the waters of any
ocean or the Gulf of Mexico 20 nautical
miles or less offshore and is certificated for coastwise navigation by the
Coast Guard.
Commandant means the Commandant
of the Coast Guard.
Corrosion resistant material or finish
means any material or finish that
meets the testing requirements of
ASTM B 117 (incorporated by reference;
see 46 CFR 110.10–1) or test Kb in IEC
68–2–52 (incorporated by reference, see
46 CFR 110.10–1) for 200 hours and does
not show pitting, cracking, or other deterioration more severe than that resulting from a similar test on
passivated AISI Type 304 stainless
Corrosive location means a location
exposed to the weather on vessels operating in salt water or a location on
board which may be exposed to the corrosive effects of the cargo carried or of
the vessel’s systems.
Dead ship condition is the condition in
which the main propulsion plant, boilers and auxiliaries are not in operation
due to the absence of power.
Dripproof means enclosed so that
equipment meets at least a NEMA 250
(incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR
110.10–1) Type 1 with dripshield, Type 2,
or Type 12; or IEC 60529 (incorporated
by reference; see 46 CFR 110.10–1) IP 22
Embarkation station means a location
from which persons embark into survival craft or are assembled before embarking into survival craft.
Emergency squad means the crew designated on the station bill as the nucleus of a damage control party.
Flashpoint means the minimum temperature at which a liquid gives off a
vapor in sufficient concentration to
form an ignitable mixture with air


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wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 110.20–1

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

near the surface of the liquid, as specified by the appropriate test procedure
and apparatus.
Great Lakes vessel means a vessel that
navigates exclusively on the Great
Lakes and their connecting and tributary waters.
Independent laboratory means a laboratory that is accepted by the Commandant under part 159 of this chapter
for the testing and listing or certification of electrical equipment.
Location not requiring an exceptional
degree of protection means a location
which is not exposed to the environmental conditions outlined in the definition for locations requiring exceptional degrees of protection. This location requires the degree of protection
of § 111.01–9 (c) or (d) of this chapter.
These locations include—
(1) An accommodation space;
(2) A dry store room;
(3) A passageway adjacent to quarters;
(4) A water closet without a shower
or bath;
(5) A radio, gyro and chart room; and
(6) A location with similar environmental conditions.
Location requiring an exceptional degree of protection means a location exposed to weather, seas, splashing, pressure-directed liquids, or similar moisture conditions. These locations include—
(1) On deck;
(2) A machinery space;
(3) A cargo space;
(4) A location within a galley or pantry area, laundry, or water closet
which contains a shower or bath; and
(5) Other spaces with similar environmental conditions.
Marine inspector or inspector means a
civilian employee or military member
of the Coast Guard assigned by an Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, or
the Commandant to perform duties
with respect to the inspection, enforcement, and administration of vessel
safety and navigation laws and regulations.
Nonsparking fan means nonsparking
fan as defined in ABS Steel Vessel
Rules (incorporated by reference; see 46
CFR 110.10–1), section 4–8–3/11.
Ocean vessel means a vessel that navigates the waters of any ocean or the

Gulf of Mexico more than 20 nautical
miles offshore and is certificated by
the Coast Guard for ocean navigation.
Qualified person means a person who
by virtue of that person’s knowledge,
ability, experience, specialized training, or licensing can competently and
safely perform required electrical duties or functions.
Waterproof means watertight; except
that, moisture within or leakage into
the enclosure is allowed if it does not
interfere with the operation of the
equipment enclosed. In the case of a
generator or motor enclosure, waterproof means watertight; except that,
leakage around the shaft may occur if
the leakage is prevented from entering
the oil reservoir and the enclosure provides for automatic drainage.
Watertight means enclosed so that
equipment meets at least a NEMA 250
Type 4 or 4X or an IEC 60529 IP 56 rating.
[CGD 94–108, 61 FR 28274, June 4, 1996, as
amended at 62 FR 23907, May 1, 1997; 62 FR
27659, May 20, 1997; USCG–2000–7790, 65 FR
58462, Sept. 29, 2000; USCG–2003–16630, 73 FR
65195, Oct. 31, 2008]

Subpart 110.20—Equivalents
§ 110.20–1


The Commanding Officer, Marine
Safety Center (MSC), may approve any
arrangement, fitting, appliance, apparatus, equipment, calculation, information, or test that provides a level of
safety equivalent to that established
by specific provisions of this subchapter. Requests for approval must be
submitted to the Marine Safety Center.
If necessary, the Marine Safety Center
may require engineering evaluations
and tests to demonstrate the equivalence of the substitute.
[CGD 94–108, 61 FR 28275, June 4, 1996]

Subpart 110.25—Plan Submittal
§ 110.25–1 Plans and information required for new construction.
The following plans, if applicable to
the particular vessel, must be submitted for Coast Guard review in accordance with § 110.25–3:


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 110.25–1

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

NOTE: A Navigation and Vessel Inspection
Circular on the Subject of ‘‘Coast Guard Review of Merchant Vessel Plans and Specifications’’ is available from the offices listed in
§ 110.25–3. The Circular recommends practices
and procedures for plan submittals.

(a) Elementary one-line wiring diagram of the power system, supported,
by cable lists, panelboard summaries,
and other information including—
(1) Type and size of generators and
prime movers;
(2) Type and size of generator cables,
bus-tie cables, feeders, and branch circuit cables;
(3) Power, lighting, and interior communication panelboards with number
of circuits and rating of energy consuming devices;
(4) Type and capacity of storage batteries;
(5) Rating of circuit breakers and
switches, interrupting capacity of circuit breakers, and rating or setting of
overcurrent devices;
(6) Computations of short circuit currents in accordance with Subpart
111.52; and
(7) Overcurrent protective device coordination analysis for each generator
distribution system of 1500 kilowatts or
above that includes selectivity and
shows that each overcurrent device has
an interrupting capacity sufficient to
interrupt the maximum asymmetrical
short-circuit current available at the
point of application.
(b) Electrical plant load analysis including connected loads and computed
operating loads for each condition of
(c) Elementary and isometric or deck
wiring plans, including the location of
each cable splice, a list of symbols, and
the manufacturer’s name and identification of each item of electrical
equipment, of each—
(1) Steering gear circuit and steering
motor controller;
(2) General emergency alarm system;
(3) Sound-powered telephone or other
fixed communication system;
(4) Power-operated boat winch;
(5) Fire detecting and alarm system;
(6) Smoke detecting system;
(7) Electric watertight door system;
(8) Fire door holding systems;
(9) Public address system;
(10) Manual alarm system; and
(11) Supervised patrol system.

(d) Deck wiring or schematic plans of
power systems and lighting systems,
including symbol lists, with manufacturer’s name and identification of each
item of electric equipment, and showing:
(1) Locations of cables;
(2) Cable sizes and types;
(3) Locations of each item of electric
(4) Locations of cable splices.
(e) Switchboard wiring diagram.
(f) Switchboard material and nameplate list.
(g) Elementary wiring diagram of
metering and automatic switchgear.
(h) Description of operation of propulsion control and bus transfer
(i) For vessels with hazardous locations for which part 111, subpart
111.105, is applicable, plans showing the
extent and classification of all hazardous locations, including information on—
(1) Equipment identification by manufacturer’s name and model number;
(2) Equipment use within the system;
(3) Cable parameters;
(4) Equipment locations;
(5) Installation details; and
(6) A certificate of testing, and listing or certification, by an independent
laboratory, where required by the respective standard.
(j) Plans and installation instructions for each approved component of
an intrinsically safe system listed or
certified by an independent laboratory
(see § 111.105–11 of this chapter).
(k) Motor starter elementary wiring
diagram, enclosure drawing, and starter application.
(l) Plans and information sufficient
to evaluate equipment to be considered
for equivalency under § 110.20–1.
(m) Plans and information sufficient
to evaluate equipment or systems required to meet the specifications of
this Subchapter but not to be approved
by the Commandant.
NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (m): This equipment
evaluation is generally performed by the
Commanding Officer, Marine Safety Center
and includes items such as cable splices, signalling lights, shore connection boxes, submersible pumps, engine order telegraph systems, shaft speed and thrust indicator systems, and steering gear failure alarm systems.


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§ 110.25–3

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

(n) Plans and information sufficient
to evaluate equipment required by this
subchapter to meet a reference standard or military specification.
NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (n): This equipment
evaluation is generally performed by the
Commanding Officer, Marine Safety Center,
and includes items such as circuit breakers,
switches, lighting fixtures, air heating equipment, busways, outlet boxes, and junction
boxes. Items required to meet an IEEE, IEC,
NEMA, UL, ANSI, or other industry standard
or a military specification are considered acceptable if manufacturer’s certification of
compliance is indicated on a material list or
plan. However, if the standards require thirdparty testing and listing or certification,
proof of listing or certification by an independent laboratory must also be submitted.

(o) Detailed analysis showing compliance with the MC cable requirements
in § 111.60–23(b) of this chapter.
[CGD 74–125A, 47 FR 15232, Apr. 8, 1982, as
amended by CGD 81–030, 53 FR 17846, May 18,
1988; CGD 94–108, 61 FR 28275, June 4, 1996; 62
FR 23907, May 1, 1997]

§ 110.25–3 Procedure



wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(a) The plans required by § 110.25–1
must be submitted to one of the following Coast Guard offices:
(1) By visitors to the Commanding
Officer, U.S. Coast Guard Marine Safety Center, 1900 Half Street, SW., Suite
1000, Room 525, Washington, DC 20024,
or by mail to: Commanding Officer,
U.S. Coast Guard Marine Safety Center, 2100 2nd St. SW., Stop 7102, Washington, DC 20593–7102, in a written or
electronic format. Information for submitting the VSP electronically can be
found at http://www.uscg.mil/HQ/MSC.
(2) The Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection at or nearest the place where
the vessel is to be built.
(b) [Reserved]
(c) Three copies of each plan are required so that one can be returned to
the submitter. If the submitter desires
additional copies of approved plans, he
should submit enough for the necessary
NOTE: The Coast Guard and the American
Bureau of Shipping (ABS) coordinate plan
review for vessels classed by the ABS in
order to eliminate duplication of effort. An
applicant for plan review of a vessel that is
classed by the ABS should consult Commanding Officer, Marine Safety Center, to

determine applicable procedures for submitting plans.
[CGD 74–125A, 47 FR 15232, Apr. 8, 1982]
EDITORIAL NOTE: For FEDERAL REGISTER citations affecting § 110.25–3, see the List of
CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the
Finding Aids section of the printed volume
and at www.fdsys.gov.
50730, Sept. 27, 1996, paragraph (a)(1) of
§ 110.25–3 was amended by removing the word
‘‘(G-MSC)’’. However, by CGD 94–108, 61 FR
28275, June 4, 1996, the word ‘‘(G-MSC)’’ was
removed and the word ‘‘(MSC)’’ was added in
its place.

Subpart 110.30—Testing and
§ 110.30–1


(a) This section supplements the general requirements for testing and inspecting vessels in other parts of this
(b) In the inspection of electric
equipment and installations, the rules
of the American Bureau of Shipping for
materials and construction, and the
certificate of classification that refers
to them, except as otherwise provided
by this subchapter, are accepted as
(c) This subpart must not be construed to imply that shop tests or factory inspections of electric apparatus
or equipment of the types conducted by
the American Bureau of Shipping are
conducted by the Coast Guard. Shop
tests of electric apparatus or equipment are conducted by the Coast Guard
only when required by this chapter or
when requested, either by the manufacturer, shipbuilder, owner, or the Coast
Guard, and agreed to by all.
[CGD 74–125A, 47 FR 15232, Apr. 8, 1982, as
amended by CGD 94–108, 61 FR 28275, June 4,

§ 110.30–3

Initial inspection.

The initial inspection, which may be
a series of inspections during the construction of the vessel, includes a complete inspection of the electric installation and electric equipment or apparatus. The inspection is to determine
that the arrangement, materials, and
their installations meet this chapter
and the approved plans. The inspection


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Coast Guard, DHS

Pt. 111

also is to determine that the workmanship of all equipment and apparatus
and the installation is satisfactory.

111.05–19 Tank vessels; grounded distribution systems.

§ 110.30–5 Inspection for certification.
Electric installations and electric
equipment must be inspected at the inspection for certification and periodic
inspection to determine mechanical
and electrical condition and performance. Particular note must be made of
circuits added or modified after the
original issuance of the Certificate of

111.05–21 Ground detection.
111.05–23 Location of ground indicators.
111.05–25 Ungrounded systems.
111.05–27 Grounded neutral alternating current systems.
111.05–29 Dual voltage direct current systems.

[USCG 1999–4976, 65 FR 6504, Feb. 9, 2000]

§ 110.30–7 Repairs or alterations.
The Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection must be notified before—
(a) Alterations or modifications that
deviate from approved plans; or
(b) Repairs, alterations, or modifications that affect the safety of the vessel.
[CGD 94–108, 61 FR 28275, June 4, 1996]


111.05–31 Grounding conductors for systems.
111.05–33 Equipment
(bonding) conductors.
111.05–37 Overcurrent devices.

Subpart 111.10—Power Supply
111.10–1 Definitions.
111.10–3 Two generating sources.
111.10–4 Power requirements, generating
111.10–5 Multiple energy sources.
111.10–7 Dead ship.
111.10–9 Ship’s service supply transformers;
two required.

Subpart 111.12—Generator Construction
and Circuits


111.12–1 Prime movers.
111.12–3 Excitation.
111.12–5 Construction and testing of generators.
111.12–7 Voltage regulation and parallel operation.
111.12–9 Generator cables.
111.12–11 Generator protection.
111.12–13 Propulsion generator protection.

Subpart 111.01—General

Placement of equipment.
Protection from bilge water.
Accessibility and spacing.
Degrees of protection.
Corrosion-resistant parts.
Limitations on porcelain use.
Temperature ratings.
Voltage and frequency variations.
Inclination of the vessel.

Subpart 111.15—Storage Batteries and Battery Chargers: Contruction and Installation

Subpart 111.05—Equipment Ground,
Ground Detection, and Grounded Systems


wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

111.05–3 Design, construction, and installation; general.
111.05–7 Armored
111.05–9 Masts.

111.15–1 General.
111.15–2 Battery construction.
111.15–3 Battery categories.
111.15–5 Battery installation.
111.15–10 Ventilation.
111.15–20 Conductors.
111.15–25 Overload and reverse current protection.
111.15–30 Battery chargers.


Subpart 111.20—Transformer Construction,
Installation, and Protection

111.05–11 Hull return.
111.05–13 Grounding connection.
111.05–15 Neutral grounding.
111.05–17 Generation and distribution system grounding.

111.20–1 General requirements.
111.20–5 Temperature rise.
111.20–10 Autotransformers.
111.20–15 Protection of transformers against


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