5900-679 Clean Ports Supplemental Application Template

Transportation and Climate Division (TCD) Grant Program Reporting Templates: Supplemental Project Application Template and Project Reporting Templates for DERA, CSB, CHD, and CP (New)

EPA Form Number 5900-679_Clean Ports Supplemental Application Template.xlsx

OMB: 2060-0754

Document [xlsx]
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1. Instructions
2. CAQP Supplemental App.
3. Cover Sheet for App_ZE
4a. New Fleet Description
4b. Scrappage Information
5. Infrastructure
6. Data Dictionary

Sheet 1: 1. Instructions

U. S. Environmental Protection Agency
Clean Ports Program
Supplemental Application Template
Burden Statement for EPA Form 5900-679
This collection of information is approved by OMB under the Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq. (OMB Control No. 2060-NEW). Responses to this collection of information are voluntary (2 CFR 200 at 2 CFR 1500). An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The public reporting and recordkeeping burden for this collection of information is estimated to range from 2.2-6.1 hours per response. Send comments on the Agency’s need for this information, the accuracy of the provided burden estimates and any suggested methods for minimizing respondent burden to the Regulatory Support Division Director, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2821T), 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, D.C. 20460. Include the OMB control number in any correspondence. Do not send the completed form to this address.
This optional supplemental application template may be submitted at the time of award application to summarize the overview of the proposed project. Please work with relevant parties (i.e., transportation contractor, port authority, etc.) to ensure information submitted is accurate if available. To complete this template, applicants may fill out shaded cells highlighted blue with a diagonal pattern (///). Cells highlighted yellow are simply for informative purposes and/or automated from other tabs in this spreadsheet. Additional fields may autopopulate with bold diagonal patterns (///), indicating that a response to those fields is not necessary, based on prior responses entered. Please complete tabs in this workbook according to the instructions below.

Applicants applying to the Climate and Air Quality Planning Competition are invited to complete Tab 2. Applicants applying to the Zero-Emission Technology Deployment Competition are invited to complete Tabs 3, 4a., 4b. (if scrapping vehicles or equipment), and Tab 5.

Excel Workbook Tab Definition
1. Instructions Basic instructions for all worksheets in this reporting workbook.
2. CAQP Supplemental Application For applicants of the Clean Ports Program Climate and Air Quality Planning (CAQP) Competition, this is the only tab that should be completed. This tab provides an overview of the Participant Details, list of Project Partners, Project Location Information, and Proposed Climate and Air Quality Planning Project Activities. Please refer to the definitions on Tab 6 (Data Dictionary) for additional guidance on each field in this tab.
3. Cover Sheet for Application_ZE For applicants of the Clean Ports Program Zero-Emission Technology Deployment Competition, this tab serves as a cover sheet, with space to provide an overview of the Participant Details, list of Project Partners, Project Location Information, and other key project details. Several fields and Table 4 of this tab will auto-populate based on responses entered into subsequent tabs. Please refer to the Cover Sheet for Application_ZE data definitions on Tab 6 (Data Dictionary) for additional guidance on each field.
4a. New Fleet Description For applicants of the Clean Ports Program Zero-Emission Technology Deployment Competition, the New Fleet Description tab captures all new vehicles and mobile source equipment proposed under the project. Please only fill out shaded cells highlighted blue with a diagonal pattern (///). The sheet has capacity for 100 vehicles. Please refer to the New Fleet Description data definitions on Tab 6 (Data Dictionary) for additional guidance on each field.
4b. Scrappage Information For applicants of the Clean Ports Program Zero-Emission Technology Deployment Competition, the Scrappage Information provides space for applicants whose proposed project includes plans to scrap vehicles and/or equipment. This data sheet is linked to the 'New Fleet Description' data table (Tab 4a.) to autopopulate the corresponding 'new' vehicle or equipment that is to be replaced. The sheet has capacity for 100 vehicles. Please refer to the Scrappage Information data definitions on Tab 6 (Data Dictionary) for additional guidance on each field.
5. Infrastructure For applicants of the Clean Ports Program Zero-Emission Technology Deployment Competition, the Infrastructure Description should detail all electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE), shore power, and other eligible zero emission supporting infrastructure proposed in the project. Please only fill out shaded cells highlighted blue with a diagonal pattern (///). Each table on this sheet has capacity for 50 units of infrastructure, however many of these additional rows have been hidden; to access these additional rows, right-click the left hand column and select 'Unhide'. Additional rows may also be added as needed to capture all supporting infrastructure. Please refer to the Infrastructure data definitions on Tab 6 (Data Dictionary) for data field definitions.

Key Reminders:
►All Level 2 EVSEs and DC Fast Chargers must be ENERGY STAR certified.
►All zero emission supporting infrastructure must comply with Build America, Buy America (BABA) requirements.
6. Data Dictionary Please refer to the dictionary on this tab for support in completing the following tabs: CAQP Supplemental App. (Tab 2), Cover Sheet for Application_ZE (Tab 3), New Fleet Description (Tab 4a), Scrappage Information (Tab 4b), and Infrastructure (Tab 5).

Sheet 2: 2. CAQP Supplemental App.

U. S. Environmental Protection Agency

Clean Ports Program | Climate and Air Quality Planning Competition

Supplemental Application


For applicants of the Climate and Air Quality Planning Competition: Complete this supplemental project application by entering in the requested information in the blue shaded cells for Tables 1, 2, 3a, 3b, and 4. This sheet details an overview of the Applicant and Project Details, the complete list of Project Partners, Project Location Information, and Climate and Air Quality Planning Project Details. Please refer to the definitions on Tab 6 (Data Dictionary) for additional guidance on each field in this tab.

Table 1: Applicant & Project Details

Applicant Name/Organization

Proposed Project Title One descriptive sentence only

Applicant Address Street

Project Period
For Climate & Air Quality Planning projects, project periods may be up to three years.
Project Start Date


Project End Date

(Select from dropdown)

Short Project Description
Briefly describe your project in one to three sentences only, especially noting the expected outputs and outcomes.

Zip Code

Primary Contact Information Name


Project includes planning activities related to emissions inventory and accounting exercises? Select Yes or No from Dropdown


Total EPA Funding Requested
Use the definitions provided in Section IV.C., Section 7 “Budget” to fill out this budget summary. The amount listed in this summary should match the amounts listed in the budget table in Section 7. As noted in Section II.B. of the NOFO, each application can request between $200,000 and $3,000,000.


Other Federal Funding Sources If the applicant has applied or plans to apply for funding for this project (or portions of this project) from another federal funding source, the applicant should list the potential funding source(s). Otherwise, enter N/A

Applicant Type
(See NOFO Section III.A for details)
Select from Dropdown

Affiliate Port Authority
(if applicable)

SAM.gov Unique Entity ID (UEI)

Small Water Port Project?
(See NOFO Section II.B for specifications)
Select Yes or No from Dropdown

Dry Port Project?
(See NOFO Section I.B. for specifications)
Select Yes or No from Dropdown

Does the applicant use LOGINK or any other prohibited logistics platform as described in NOFO Section III.D.? Select Yes or No from Dropdown

Table 2: Project Partners

Project Partner Organization Name Primary Contact Information for Project Partner(s) Type of Organization Nature of Partnership with Applicant Role in Project

Name Title/Role Email Phone Select from Dropdown If Other, describe Select from Dropdown Select from Dropdown If Other, describe

Example Partner Organization Ali Raymond Director of Advancement

Other Non-governmental Organization Collaborating Entity (non-statutory) Other Site Manager

Table 3: Project Location(s)

Table 3a: Port/Port Facility Location(s)

Port/Port Facility Name
If a port or port facility spans more than 1 county, please enter a new line for each unique county.
Project Site ID Port Authority Name (if applicable) State
(Select from dropdown)
(Select from dropdown)
City Description of Project Activity at Port/Port Facility
(if known)
Estimate of the Share of Overall Project Activity at this site
(Enter a value between 0-1, where 1 is 100%)
County FIPS Code EPA Region Does this county contains a PM2.5 or Ozone Nonattainment Area? Does this county contains a Severe or Extreme Ozone Nonattainment Area?  Does this county contains a PM2.5 or Ozone Maintenance Area? Does this county contain an area with High Ambient Diesel PM Concentration? Does this county meet the Disadvantaged Community Definition in Section IV.C.2 of the NOFO?
Port of Miami Example Project ID
FL Miami-Dade County Miami Mobile Source Emissions Inventory 100% 12086 #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME?

Primary Place of Performance

please provide state first


please provide state first


please provide state first


please provide state first


please provide state first


please provide state first


please provide state first


please provide state first


please provide state first


please provide state first

Table 3b: Additional Project Locations
Use this table to identify additional project locations found outside of the ports and port facilities listed in Table 3a above.

Site Name
If an Additional Site spans more than 1 county, please enter a new line for each unique county.
Project Site ID Port(s)/Port Facilities Served by Location
(separate additional ports by semicolon)
(Select from dropdown)
(Select from dropdown)
City Description of Project Activity at Site
(if known)
Estimate of the Share of Project Activity at this site
(Enter a value between 0-1, where 1 is 100%)
County FIPS Code EPA Region Does this county contains a PM2.5 or Ozone Nonattainment Area? Does this county contains a Severe or Extreme Ozone Nonattainment Area?  Does this county contains a PM2.5 or Ozone Maintenance Area? Does this county contain an area with High Ambient Diesel PM Concentration? Does this county meet the Disadvantaged Community Definition in Section IV.C.2 of the NOFO?
Hialeah Fueling Depot Example Additional Site A Port of Miami; Port Everglades FL Miami-Dade County Miami EV Infrastructure Planning 100% 12086 #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME?

Additional Site 1

please provide state first

Additional Site 2

please provide state first

Additional Site 3

please provide state first

Additional Site 4

please provide state first

Additional Site 5

please provide state first

Additional Site 6

please provide state first

Additional Site 7

please provide state first

Additional Site 8

please provide state first

Additional Site 9

please provide state first

Additional Site 10

please provide state first

Table 4: Climate and Air Quality Planning Project Overview

Planning Activity Type Project includes this activity
Select from Dropdown
Requested EPA Funds for this Activity Is it the intent that this Activity will be fully funded by EPA? (select from dropdown)

Emissions Inventory and/or Accounting Practice

Emissions Reduction Strategy Analysis

Development of Emissions Reduction Target

Plan for Reducing Future Port Emissions

Port Resiliency Assessment

Plan to Increase Resilience of Port

Formal Stakeholder Engagement

Workforce Planning Analysis

Other Activities
If project features other Planning Activities not listed, please provide here; additional rows hidden if needed.

Sheet 3: 3. Cover Sheet for App_ZE

U. S. Environmental Protection Agency

Clean Ports Program | Zero-Emission Technology Deployment Competition

Supplemental Application Cover Sheet


For applicants of the Clean Ports Program Zero-Emission Technology Deployment Competition: Please complete this cover sheet by entering in the requested information in the blue shaded cells for Tables 1, 2, 3a, and 3b. This sheet details an overview of the Applicant and Project Details, the complete list of Project Partners, Project Location Information, and will autopopulate key project details based on information supplied in other tabs.

Table 1: Applicant & Project Details

Applicant Name/Organization

Proposed Project Title One descriptive sentence only

Applicant Address Street

Project Period
For Zero Emissions Technology projects, project periods may be up to 4 years.
Project Start Date


Project End Date

(Select from dropdown)

Short Project Description
Briefly describe your project in one to three sentences only, especially noting the expected outputs and outcomes.

Zip Code

Primary Contact Information Name



Total EPA Funding Requested
Use the definitions provided in Section IV.C., Section 7 “Budget” to fill out this budget summary. The amount listed in this summary should match the amounts listed in the budget table in Section 7. As noted in Section II.B. of the NOFO, each application can request between $200,000 and $3,000,000.


Total Applicant Costs Use the definition provided in Section IV.C., Section 8 “Budget” to fill out this field. The amount listed in this summary should match the amounts listed in the budget table in Section

Applicant Type Select from Dropdown

Total Project Costs Sum of the EPA Funding Requested and Total Applicant Costs $-

Affiliate Port Authority
(if applicable)

Other Federal Funding Sources If the applicant has applied or plans to apply for funding for this project (or portions of this project) from another federal funding source, the applicant should list the potential funding source(s). Otherwise, enter N/A

SAM.gov Unique Entity ID (UEI)

Total Funding for ZE Equipment
This field will auto-populate upon completing 'Fleet Description' tab.

Small Water Port Project?
(See NOFO Section II.B for specifications)
Select from Dropdown

Total Funding for Charging and/or Fueling Infrastructure
This field will auto-populate upon completing 'Infrastructure' tab

Dry Port Project?
(See NOFO section I.B. for specifications)
Select from Dropdown

Does the applicant use LOGINK or any other prohibited logistics platform as described in NOFO Section III.D.? Select from Dropdown

Table 2: Project Partners

Project Partner Organization Name Primary Contact Information for Project Partner(s) Type of Organization Nature of Partnership with Applicant Role in Project

Name Title/Role Email Phone Select from Dropdown If Other, describe Select from Dropdown Select from Dropdown If Other, describe

Example Partner Organization Ali Raymond Director of Advancement

Other Non-governmental Organization Collaborating Entity (non-statutory) Other Site Manager

Table 3: Project Location(s)

Table 3a: Port/ Port Facility Location(s)

Port/ Port Facility Name
If a port or port facility spans more than 1 county, please enter a new line for each unique county.
Project Site ID Port Authority Name (if applicable) State
(Select from dropdown)
(Select from dropdown)
City Description of Project Activity at Port/ Port Facility
(if known)
Estimate of the Share of Project Activity at this site
(Enter a value between 0-1, where 1 is 100%)
County FIPS Code EPA Region County Contains PM2.5 or Ozone Nonattainment Area? County Contains Severe or Extreme Ozone Nonattainment Area?  County Contains PM2.5 or Ozone Maintenance Area? County Contains High Ambient Diesel PM Concentration? County Meets Disadvantaged Community Definition in Section IV.C.2, Section 4 in the NOFO?
Port of Miami 1
FL Miami-Dade County Miami Mobile Source Emissions Inventory 100% 12086 #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME?

Primary Place of Performance

please provide state first


please provide state first


please provide state first


please provide state first


please provide state first


please provide state first


please provide state first


please provide state first


please provide state first


please provide state first

Table 3b: Additional Project Locations
Use this table to identify additional project locations found outside of the ports listed in Table 3a above.

Site Name
If an Additional Site spans more than 1 county, please enter a new line for each unique county.
Project Site ID Port(s)/Port Facilities Served by Location
(separate additional ports by semicolon)
(Select from dropdown)
(Select from dropdown)
City Description of Project Activity at Site
(if known)
Estimate of the Share of Project Activity at this site
(Enter a value between 0-1, where 1 is 100%)
County FIPS Code EPA Region County Contains PM2.5 or Ozone Nonattainment Area? County Contains Severe or Extreme Ozone Nonattainment Area?  County Contains PM2.5 or Ozone Maintenance Area? County Contains High Ambient Diesel PM Concentration? County Meets Disadvantaged Community Definition in Section IV.C.2, Section 4 in the NOFO?
Hialeah Fueling Depot Example Site 1 Port of Miami; Port Everglades FL Miami-Dade County Miami EV Infrastructure Planning 100% 12086 #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME?

Additional Site 1

please provide state first

Additional Site 2

please provide state first

Additional Site 3

please provide state first

Additional Site 4

please provide state first

Additional Site 5

please provide state first

Additional Site 6

please provide state first

Additional Site 7

please provide state first

Additional Site 8

please provide state first

Additional Site 9

please provide state first

Additional Site 10

please provide state first

Table 4: Zero-Emission Technology Deployment Project Overview

Port Sectors Affected
These fields will auto-populate with ✔ upon completing 'Fleet Description' tab.

Onroad Vehicles

Cargo Handling Equipment & Other Nonroad



Project Features Scrappage of Equivalent Equipment? This field will auto-populate with ✔ upon completing 'Scrappage Information' tab.

Fueling Infrastructure Affected
These fields will auto-populate with ✔ upon completing 'Infrastructure' tab.

Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE)

Shore Power Infrastructure

Hydrogen Fueling Infrastructure

Solar and Wind Power Generation

Battery Energy Storage System

Other Infrastructure

Sheet 4: 4a. New Fleet Description

U. S. Environmental Protection Agency

Clean Ports Program | Zero-Emission Technology Deployment Competition

New Fleet Description


The Fleet Description should detail all vehicles, vessels, and other mobile source equipment that will be purchased as part of the project. Please only fill out shaded cells highlighted blue with a diagonal pattern (///); field in yellow will be autopopulated, and some fields will be hashed out if they are not applicable based on the information entered. Please list ALL port and other locations where the project will take place in this worksheet. This Fleet Description is connected to the Scrappage Information table (Tab 4b). The sheet has capacity for 100 vehicles or equipment. Please refer to the Fleet Description data definitions on Tab 6 (Data Dictionary) for additional guidance on each field.

Table 5. New Vehicle, Equipment, or Engine Information

Table 5a: Vehicle/Equipment Overview

Table 5b: Place(s) of Performance

Table 5c: Details of New Vehicle, Vessel, and/or Equipment

Table 5d. Engine Replacement Details (only to be completed if 'Technology Type' selected is "New Engine")

Primary Place of Performance

Secondary Place of Performance (if applicable)

Additional Location Details (if applicable)

Vehicle or Equipment Vehicle or Equipment Type
(select from dropdown)
Vehicle or Equipment Subtype
(select from dropdown; must select a 'Vehicle or Equipment Type' first)
(select from dropdown; onroad & vessels only)
If 'Other' Subtype or Vocation selected, please describe
(Onroad, Cargo Handling Equipment, and Vessels only)
Technology Type
(select from dropdown)
If 'Other' selected for Technology Type, please describe Vehicle or Equipment Total Battery Capacity, (kWh) Fuel Cell Capacity (kW) Fleet Owner Vehicle or Equipment Operates in Multiple Performance Locations Within this project? (Yes/No) Primary Port or Port Facility
(select options from dropdown, based on Table 3a of this template)
If Primary location of vehicle/equipment is not at a port or port facility listed in Table 3a, provide the Name of the Additional Project Location as listed in Table 3b (select from dropdown, based on Table 3b of this template) Project Site ID State County Percentage of Time operated in County
(enter value 0-1, where 1= 100%)
City Zip Code Secondary Port or Port Facility
(select from dropdown, if applicable)_2
If Secondary location of vehicle/equipment is not at a port or port facility, provide the Name of the Additional Project Location (select from dropdown)_2 Project Site ID_2 State_2 County_2 Percentage of Time operated in County
(enter value 0-1, where 1= 100%)_2
City_2 Zip Code_2 Additional Counties where Vehicle Operates % of time operated in each Additional County Vehicle Class
(Onroad vehicles only)
Vehicle GVWR
(Onroad Vehicle Only)
Vehicle or Equipment Manufacturer Vehicle or Equipment Model Vehicle or Equipment Model Year Acquisition Cost per Vehicle or Equipment
($ of Cost per Unit)
Total EPA Funds Requested Per Vehicle or Equipment for Acquisition
($ of Total Cost per Unit)
New Engine Make New Engine Model New Engine Model Year New Engine Horsepower Number of New Propulsion Engines
(Vessels Only)
Number of New Auxiliary Engines
(Vessels Only)
Total Estimated Acquisition Cost per New Engine
($ of Cost per Unit)
EPA Funds Requested for New Engine Acquisition
($ of Cost per Unit)
Total Estimated Cost for Labor related to Engine Replacement EPA Funds Requested for Labor Cost related to Engine Replacement Total Combined Costs for New Engine Acquisition and Labor of Engine Replacement Total EPA Funds Requested for New Engine Acquisition and Labor of Engine Replacement
Example New Vehicle Onroad Short Haul - Combination Drayage
New Vehicle - Battery Electric
250 NA Sarah Smith Yes Port of Miami Hialeah Fueling Depot Example Site FL Miami-Dade County 50% Miami 33032


Broward County, FL; Monroe County, FL 4% in Broward County; 1% in Monroe County Class 7 12000 Manufacturer Name Model Name or # 2023 $150,000.00 $112,000.00 ZE Engine Co. ZE 1000 2023 750 2 2 $375,000.00 $300,000.00 $50,000.00 $25,000.00 $425,000.00 $325,000.00
Vehicle/ Equipment 1

Vehicle/ Equipment 2

Vehicle/ Equipment 3

Vehicle/ Equipment 4

Vehicle/ Equipment 5

Vehicle/ Equipment 6

Vehicle/ Equipment 7

Vehicle/ Equipment 8

Vehicle/ Equipment 9

Vehicle/ Equipment 10

Vehicle/ Equipment 11

Vehicle/ Equipment 12

Vehicle/ Equipment 13

Vehicle/ Equipment 14

Vehicle/ Equipment 15

Vehicle/ Equipment 16

Vehicle/ Equipment 17

Vehicle/ Equipment 18

Vehicle/ Equipment 19

Vehicle/ Equipment 20

Vehicle/ Equipment 21

Vehicle/ Equipment 22

Vehicle/ Equipment 23

Vehicle/ Equipment 24

Vehicle/ Equipment 25

Vehicle/ Equipment 26

Vehicle/ Equipment 27

Vehicle/ Equipment 28

Vehicle/ Equipment 29

Vehicle/ Equipment 30

Vehicle/ Equipment 31

Vehicle/ Equipment 32

Vehicle/ Equipment 33

Vehicle/ Equipment 34

Vehicle/ Equipment 35

Vehicle/ Equipment 36

Vehicle/ Equipment 37

Vehicle/ Equipment 38

Vehicle/ Equipment 39

Vehicle/ Equipment 40

Vehicle/ Equipment 41

Vehicle/ Equipment 42

Vehicle/ Equipment 43

Vehicle/ Equipment 44

Vehicle/ Equipment 45

Vehicle/ Equipment 46

Vehicle/ Equipment 47

Vehicle/ Equipment 48

Vehicle/ Equipment 49

Vehicle/ Equipment 50

Vehicle/ Equipment 51

Vehicle/ Equipment 52

Vehicle/ Equipment 53

Vehicle/ Equipment 54

Vehicle/ Equipment 55

Vehicle/ Equipment 56

Vehicle/ Equipment 57

Vehicle/ Equipment 58

Vehicle/ Equipment 59

Vehicle/ Equipment 60

Vehicle/ Equipment 61

Vehicle/ Equipment 62

Vehicle/ Equipment 63

Vehicle/ Equipment 64

Vehicle/ Equipment 65

Vehicle/ Equipment 66

Vehicle/ Equipment 67

Vehicle/ Equipment 68

Vehicle/ Equipment 69

Vehicle/ Equipment 70

Vehicle/ Equipment 71

Vehicle/ Equipment 72

Vehicle/ Equipment 73

Vehicle/ Equipment 74

Vehicle/ Equipment 75

Vehicle/ Equipment 76

Vehicle/ Equipment 77

Vehicle/ Equipment 78

Vehicle/ Equipment 79

Vehicle/ Equipment 80

Vehicle/ Equipment 81

Vehicle/ Equipment 82

Vehicle/ Equipment 83

Vehicle/ Equipment 84

Vehicle/ Equipment 85

Vehicle/ Equipment 86

Vehicle/ Equipment 87

Vehicle/ Equipment 88

Vehicle/ Equipment 89

Vehicle/ Equipment 90

Vehicle/ Equipment 91

Vehicle/ Equipment 92

Vehicle/ Equipment 93

Vehicle/ Equipment 94

Vehicle/ Equipment 95

Vehicle/ Equipment 96

Vehicle/ Equipment 97

Vehicle/ Equipment 98

Vehicle/ Equipment 99

Vehicle/ Equipment 100

Sheet 5: 4b. Scrappage Information

U. S. Environmental Protection Agency

Clean Ports Program | Zero-Emission Technology Deployment Competition

Scrappage Information


The Scrappage Information table should detail all vehicles and pieces of equipment that will be scrapped or otherwise replaced under the project. Please only fill out shaded cells highlighted blue with a diagonal pattern (///). This Scrappage and/or Disposal Information table is connected to the New Fleet Description table (Tab 4a), and fields in yellow will autopopulate with corresponding entries on previous page. The sheet has capacity for 100 vehicles or equipment. Please refer to the Data Dictionary (Tab 6) for additional guidance on each field.

Table 6. Current Vehicle or Equipment Committed for Scrappage Information

Table 6a. Basic Vehicle Information and Place(s) of Performance | Note: Yellow fields for the Basic Fleet Information will Automatically Populate upon selecting the corresponding new equipment.

Table 6b. Current Vehicle or Equipment Specifications

Table 6c. Current Engine Information (Only to be completed for engine replacement projects)

Primary Place of Performance

Secondary Place of Performance (if applicable)

Additional Location Details (if applicable)

Current Vehicle or Equipment Corresponding New Vehicle, Equipment, or Engine
(select from dropdown)
Vehicle or Equipment Type Vehicle or Equipment Subtype Vocation If 'Other' Vocation selected, please describe Technology Type If 'Other' selected for Technology Type, please describe Vehicle or Equipment Total Battery Capacity, (kWh) Fuel Cell Capacity (kW) Fleet Owner Vehicle or Equipment Operates in Multiple Performance Locations Within this project? (Yes/No) Primary Port or Port Facility If Primary location of vehicle/equipment is not at a port or port facility listed in Table 3a, provide the Name of the Additional Project Location as listed in Table 3b Project Site ID State County Percentage of Time operated in County City Zip Code Secondary Port or Port Facility
(select from dropdown, if applicable)_2
If Secondary location of vehicle/equipment is not at a port or port facility, provide the Name of the Additional Project Location_2 Project Site ID_2 State_2 County_2 Percentage of Time operated in County
(enter value 0-1, where 1= 100%)_2
City_2 Zip Code_2 Additional Counties where Vehicle Operates % of time operated in each Additional County Current Vehicle Class
(Onroad Current Vehicles only)
Current Vehicle GVWR
(Onroad Current Vehicle Only)
Current Vehicle or Equipment Manufacturer Current Vehicle or Equipment Model Current Vehicle or Equipment Model Year Current Fuel Type
(Select from Dropdown)
Estimated Remaining Life of Current Vehicle or Equipment (years): Current Engine Make Current Engine Model Current Engine Model Year Current Engine Tier (nonroad, locomotive, and marine only) If Current Engine Tier is Tier 4, Provide Tier 4 Standards (Tier 4 only) Current Engine After-Treatment Technology
(Tier 4 nonroad only)
Current Engine Horsepower Current Engine Cylinder Displacement
(liters/cylinder; marine only)
Total # of Propulsion Engines (per vessel; marine only) Total # of Auxiliary Engines (per vessel; marine only)
Example Old Vehicle Example New Vehicle Onroad Short Haul - Combination Drayage 0 New Vehicle - Battery Electric 0 250 NA Sarah Smith Yes Port of Miami Hialeah Fueling Depot Example Site FL Miami-Dade County 50% Miami 33032 0 0 0 0 0 45% 0 0 Broward County, FL; Monroe County, FL 4% in Broward County; 1% in Monroe County Class 7 12000 Manufacturer Name Taurus 1995 ULSD (diesel) 3 ABC ABC1000 1995 Tier 2 N/A No DPF, Yes SCR 660 5.0 <= size <15.0 N/A N/A
Current Vehicle or Equipment 1

Current Vehicle or Equipment 2

Current Vehicle or Equipment 3

Current Vehicle or Equipment 4

Current Vehicle or Equipment 5

Current Vehicle or Equipment 6

Current Vehicle or Equipment 7

Current Vehicle or Equipment 8

Current Vehicle or Equipment 9

Current Vehicle or Equipment 10

Current Vehicle or Equipment 11

Current Vehicle or Equipment 12

Current Vehicle or Equipment 13

Current Vehicle or Equipment 14

Current Vehicle or Equipment 15

Current Vehicle or Equipment 16

Current Vehicle or Equipment 17

Current Vehicle or Equipment 18

Current Vehicle or Equipment 19

Current Vehicle or Equipment 20

Current Vehicle or Equipment 21

Current Vehicle or Equipment 22

Current Vehicle or Equipment 23

Current Vehicle or Equipment 24

Current Vehicle or Equipment 25

Current Vehicle or Equipment 26

Current Vehicle or Equipment 27

Current Vehicle or Equipment 28

Current Vehicle or Equipment 29

Current Vehicle or Equipment 30

Current Vehicle or Equipment 31

Current Vehicle or Equipment 32

Current Vehicle or Equipment 33

Current Vehicle or Equipment 34

Current Vehicle or Equipment 35

Current Vehicle or Equipment 36

Current Vehicle or Equipment 37

Current Vehicle or Equipment 38

Current Vehicle or Equipment 39

Current Vehicle or Equipment 40

Current Vehicle or Equipment 41

Current Vehicle or Equipment 42

Current Vehicle or Equipment 43

Current Vehicle or Equipment 44

Current Vehicle or Equipment 45

Current Vehicle or Equipment 46

Current Vehicle or Equipment 47

Current Vehicle or Equipment 48

Current Vehicle or Equipment 49

Current Vehicle or Equipment 50

Current Vehicle or Equipment 51

Current Vehicle or Equipment 52

Current Vehicle or Equipment 53

Current Vehicle or Equipment 54

Current Vehicle or Equipment 55

Current Vehicle or Equipment 56

Current Vehicle or Equipment 57

Current Vehicle or Equipment 58

Current Vehicle or Equipment 59

Current Vehicle or Equipment 60

Current Vehicle or Equipment 61

Current Vehicle or Equipment 62

Current Vehicle or Equipment 63

Current Vehicle or Equipment 64

Current Vehicle or Equipment 65

Current Vehicle or Equipment 66

Current Vehicle or Equipment 67

Current Vehicle or Equipment 68

Current Vehicle or Equipment 69

Current Vehicle or Equipment 70

Current Vehicle or Equipment 71

Current Vehicle or Equipment 72

Current Vehicle or Equipment 73

Current Vehicle or Equipment 74

Current Vehicle or Equipment 75

Current Vehicle or Equipment 76

Current Vehicle or Equipment 77

Current Vehicle or Equipment 78

Current Vehicle or Equipment 79

Current Vehicle or Equipment 80

Current Vehicle or Equipment 81

Current Vehicle or Equipment 82

Current Vehicle or Equipment 83

Current Vehicle or Equipment 84

Current Vehicle or Equipment 85

Current Vehicle or Equipment 86

Current Vehicle or Equipment 87

Current Vehicle or Equipment 88

Current Vehicle or Equipment 89

Current Vehicle or Equipment 90

Current Vehicle or Equipment 91

Current Vehicle or Equipment 92

Current Vehicle or Equipment 93

Current Vehicle or Equipment 94

Current Vehicle or Equipment 95

Current Vehicle or Equipment 96

Current Vehicle or Equipment 97

Current Vehicle or Equipment 98

Current Vehicle or Equipment 99

Current Vehicle or Equipment 100

Sheet 6: 5. Infrastructure

U. S. Environmental Protection Agency

Clean Ports Program | Zero-Emission Technology Deployment Competition

Infrastructure Description


Below are 5 tables (7-11), and one text response. Please complete all applicable tables. The electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) & other electric charging information (Table 7) should detail all EVSE and other charging equipment and supporting infrastructure purchased under the project. Table 8 focuses on shore power systems, Table 9 covers hydrogen fueling stations, Table 10 captures solar and wind power generation systems, Table 11 covers battery energy storage systems (BESS), and the bottom text response focuses on any other eligible infrastructure activity funded by this grant.

Please only fill out shaded cells highlighted blue with a diagonal pattern (///); additional rows for each table are hidden and may be unhidden and completed be added as needed to capture all infrastructure components of this project. Please refer to the Data Dictionary (Tab 6) for additional guidance on each field.

Key Reminders:
►All Level 2 EVSEs and DC Fast Chargers must be ENERGY STAR certified.
►All zero emission supporting infrastructure must comply with Build America, Buy America (BABA) requirements.

Build America, Buy America (BABA) requirements

On August 16, 2022, the Inflation Reduction Act ("IRA"), Pub. L. No. 117-169, which includes the Build America, Buy America Act (BABA), Public Law 117-58, §§ 70901-52, was signed into law. BABA requires that on or after May 14, 2022, all of the iron, steel, manufactured products, and construction materials used in infrastructure project are produced in the United States. If award recipient will be installing, upgrading, or replacing “infrastructure,” then BABA requirements apply to the infrastructure project, regardless of whether or not the infrastructure project was the primary basis for the award. Additionally, BABA requirements apply even if the award recipient will be using another source of funding, whether in part or wholly, for the infrastructure project. For more information, please visit https://www.epa.gov/cwsrf/build-america-buy-america-baba.

Table 7. Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) & Other Electric Charging Equipment (not including vessel shore power)

Table 7a. EVSE & Charger Overview

Table 7b. Location of Charging Infrastructure

Table 7c. EVSE BABA Details

Table 7d. EVSE Cost Summary

  Type of Charger If Level 2 or DC Fast Charging, is it ENERGY STAR certified? EVSE or Other EV Charger Manufacturer EVSE or Other EV Charger Model EVSE or Other EV Charger Maximum Output Power (kW) Number of EVSE or Other EV Charger Units Port or Port Facility Where Infrastructure is Installed
(select options from dropdown, based on Table 3a of this template)
If Infrastructure is not at a port or port facility listed in Table 3a, provide the Name of the Additional Project Location as listed in Table 3b (select from dropdown, based on Table 3b of this template) Project Site ID State County City Zip Code Does the EVSE or Other EV Charger serve multiple port areas within this application? Primary Port or Port Facility Served by EVSE and/or EV Charger (select options from dropdown, based on Table 3a of this template) Secondary Port or Port Facilities served by EVSE and/or EV Charger (use semicolon to separate between multiple port locations) Is the EVSE or Other EV Charger and associated Equipment, Housing, and all Accessories BABA Compliant? If No, Partly Compliant, or Unsure, explain Is the plan to use a waiver to fulfill BABA compliance for this infrastructure?
(For more information on approved waivers, see Build America, Buy America (BABA) Approved Waivers US EPA)
Does the Infrastructure Equipment Cost Include Installation? Total Estimated Acquisition Cost for each EVSE or Other EV Charger Equipment: Total EPA Funds Requested for Acquisition of each EVSE or Other EV Charger Unit Total Estimated Acquisition Cost for EVSE or Other EV Chargers Total EPA Funds Requested for Acquisition of EVSE or Other EV Chargers Total Estimated Cost for Installation of EVSE or Other EV Chargers Total EPA Funds Requested for Installation Cost of EVSE or Other EV Chargers Total Estimated Cost for All other Eligible EVSE or Other EV Charger Related Expenses (e.g., Shipping) Total EPA Funds Requested for All other Eligible EVSE or Other EV Charger Related Expenses (e.g., Shipping) Description of Other Eligible EVSE or Other EV Charger Administrative Expenses Total Estimated Cost on EVSE or Other EV Charger Equipment, Installation, and Other Eligible EVSE or Other EV Charger Related Expenses Total EPA Funds Requested for EVSE or Other EV Charger Equipment, Installation, and Other Eligible EVSE or Other EV Charger Related Expenses

Example EV Infrastructure Level 2 Yes Manufacturer Name Model Name 24 2 Port Facility A Additional Site B Example Site VA Arlington County Alexandria 22305 Yes Port Facility A Port of Galveston; UP Englewood Yard Yes - Equipment, Housing, Wiring, Cables, and All Accessories are BABA Compliant   No - Infrastructure meets all BABA requirements No $16,000.00 $12,000.00 $32,000.00 $24,000.00 $12,000.00 $7,000.00 $750.00 $250.00 shipping ($1000) $44,750.00 $31,250.00

EVSE Group 1


$- $-

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EVSE Group 2          


$- $-

$- $-

EVSE Group 3


$- $-

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EVSE Group 4          


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EVSE Group 5


$- $-

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EVSE Group 6          


$- $-

$- $-

EVSE Group 7          


$- $-

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EVSE Group 8          


$- $-

$- $-

EVSE Group 9          


$- $-

$- $-

EVSE Group 10          


$- $-

$- $-

Table 8. Shore Power Equipment Information

Table 8a. Shore Power Equipment Information & Demand Overview

Table 8b. Location of Shore Power Infrastructure

Table 8c. Shore Power BABA Details

Table 8d. Shore Power Cost Summary

  Type of Shore Power Connection Total Voltage Service Provided
(select from dropdown)
Total Voltage Service Provided, if not listed Manufacturer Model Estimated Number of Annual Vessel Calls to Berth where Shore Power is to be Installed Estimated Average Hotel Hours per Vessel Call per Berth where Shore Power is to be Installed Estimated Number of Vessel Berths that can be served by Shore Power Pedestal Maximum Output Power (kW) Estimated Annual Total Energy Dispersed in MW-h Number of Shore Power Pedestals Port or Port Facility Where Infrastructure is Installed
(select options from dropdown, based on Table 3a of this template)
Project Site ID State County City Zip Code Are the Shore Power Equipment, Housing, and all Accessories BABA Compliant? If No, Partly Compliant, or Unsure, explain Is the plan to use a waiver to fulfill BABA compliance for this infrastructure?
(For more information on approved waivers, see Build America, Buy America (BABA) Approved Waivers US EPA)
Total Estimated Acquisition Cost for each Shore Power Pedestal: Total EPA Funds Requested for Acquisition of each Shore Power Pedestal Does the Infrastructure Equipment Cost Include Installation? Total Estimated Cost for Installation of Shore Power Pedestals Total EPA Funds Requested for Installation Cost for Shore Power Pedestals Total Estimated Cost for All other Eligible Shore Power Acquisition & Installation Related Expenses Total EPA Funds Requested for All other Eligible Shore Power Acquisition & Installation Related Expenses Description of Other Eligible Shore Power Related Expenses Total Estimated Cost for Shore Power Equipment Acquisition
(total # of pedestals x Funds Expended/pedestal)
Total EPA Funds Requested for Shore Power Equipment Acquisition
(total # of pedestals x EPA Funds Expended/pedestal)
Total Estimated Cost for Shore Power Equipment Acquisition, Installation, and Other Costs Total EPA Funds Requested for Shore Power Equipment Acquisition & Installation, and Other Costs

Example Shore Power Infrastructure High voltage shore power connection (HVSC) 6.6 kV 10 kV Manufacturer Name Model Name 500 72 1 24 1 MW-h 2 Port Facility A Example Site VA Arlington County Alexandria 22305 Yes - Equipment, Housing, Wiring, Cables, and All Accessories are BABA Compliant   No - Infrastructure meets all BABA requirements $16,000.00 $12,000.00 No $12,000.00 $7,000.00 $750.00 $- shipping ($500) $32,000.00 $24,000.00 $44,750.00 $31,000.00

Shore Power Group 1




Shore Power Group 2




Shore Power Group 3



Shore Power Group 4



Shore Power Group 5




Shore Power Group 6




Shore Power Group 7




Shore Power Group 8




Shore Power Group 9




Shore Power Group 10




Table 9. Hydrogen Fueling Station Information

Table 9a. Hydrogen Fueling Station Information Overview

Table 9b. Location of Hydrogen Fueling Station

Table 9c. H2 Fueling Infrastructure BABA Details

Table 9d. H2 Fueling Infrastructure Cost Summary

Type of Station
(Select from dropdown)
Type of Hydrogen Storage (select from dropdown) Total Hydrogen Storage Tank Capacity (kg) H2 Dispenser Pedestal Manufacturer H2 Dispenser Pedestal Model H2 Storage Tank Manufacturer H2 Storage Tank Model H2 Compressor Manufacturer H2 Compressor Model H2 Cooling System Manufacturer H2 Cooling System Model Estimated Annual Total H2 to be Dispensed in kg Hydrogen Generation Pathway
(Select from dropdown menu)
Port or Port Facility Where Infrastructure is Installed
(select options from dropdown, based on Table 3a of this template)
If Infrastructure is not at a port or port facility listed in Table 3a, provide the Name of the Additional Project Location as listed in Table 3b (select from dropdown, based on Table 3b of this template) Project Site ID State County City Zip Code Does the fueling station serve multiple port facilities within this application? Primary Port or Port Facility Served by H2 Fueling station Secondary Port or Port Facilities served by H2 fueling station
(use a semicolon between facilities)
Are the Hydrogen Fueling and related Equipment, Housing, and all Accessories BABA Compliant? If No, Partly Compliant, or Unsure, explain Is the plan to use a waiver to fulfill BABA compliance for this infrastructure?
(For more information on approved waivers, see Build America, Buy America (BABA) Approved Waivers US EPA)
Total Estimated Cost for Acquisition of H2 Fueling Pedestal(s): Total EPA Funds Requested for Acquisition of H2 Fueling Pedestal(s): Total Estimated Cost for All Additional H2 Supporting Infrastructure (e.g., tanks, pipes, compressors, cooling systems): Total EPA Funds Requested for all Additional H2 Supporting Infrastructure (e.g., tanks, pipes, compressors, cooling systems): Total Estimated Cost for Installation of H2 Fueling Infrastructure Total EPA Funds Requested for Installation of H2 Fueling Infrastructure Total Estimated Cost for All other Eligible H2 Fueling Infrastructure Acquisition & Installation Related Expenses Total EPA Funds Requested for All other Eligible H2 Fueling Infrastructure Acquisition & Installation Related Expenses Description of Other Eligible H2 Fueling Related Expenses Total Estimated Cost for H2 Infrastructure Acquisition, Installation, and Other Eligible Expenses
(Total cost of acquisition + supporting infrastructure + installation + other eligible expenses)
Total EPA Funds Requested for H2 Infrastructure Acquisition, Installation, and Other Eligible Expenses
(Funds requested for acquisition + supporting infrastructure installation + other eligible expenses)
Example Hydrogen Fueling Station Gas Above Ground 1,200 H2 Hoses & Co. Magic Hose 1 H2 Super Tank ST001 Cool Engineering Co. H2+HD Cool and Beyond Cool H2+ Mark I 200,000 Electrolysis - Electric Grid Mix Port Facility A Additional Site B Example Site VA Arlington County Alexandria 22305 Yes Port Facility A Port of Galveston; UP Englewood Yard Yes - Equipment, Housing, Wiring, Cables, and All Accessories are BABA Compliant   No - Infrastructure meets all BABA requirements $200,000.00 $150,000.00 $100,000.00 $80,000.00 $25,000.00 $12,000.00 $100.00 $100.00 Shipping $325,100.00 $242,100.00
Hydrogen fueling station 1


Hydrogen fueling station 2


Hydrogen fueling station 3


Hydrogen fueling station 4


Hydrogen fueling station 5


Hydrogen fueling station 6


Hydrogen fueling station 7


Hydrogen fueling station 8


Hydrogen fueling station 9


Hydrogen fueling station 10


Table 10. Solar and Wind Power Generation Equipment Information | Note: If the solar and wind power generation system includes an energy storage system, information for such system needs to be documented in the table below this one (Table 11).

Table 10a. Solar and Wind Power Generation Equipment Information

Table 10b. Solar and Wind Power Generation System Location Details

Table 10c. Solar and Wind Power Generation BABA Details

Table 10d. Solar and Wind Power Generation System Cost Summary

Type of energy generation Manufacturer of Solar or Wind Power Generation System Model of Solar or Wind Power Generation System Generation Capacity of the System (please indicate kW or MW) Port or Port Facility Where Infrastructure is Installed
(select options from dropdown, based on Table 3a of this template)
If Infrastructure is not at a port or port facility listed in Table 3a, provide the Name of the Additional Project Location as listed in Table 3b (select from dropdown, based on Table 3b of this template) Project Site ID State County City Zip Code Does the Solar or Wind Power Generation System serve multiple ports within this application? Primary Port or Port Facility Served by Solar or Wind Power Generation System Secondary Port or Port Facilities served by Solar or Wind Power Generation System (use a semicolon between facilities) Is Solar or Wind Power Generation System and related Equipment, Housing, and all Accessories BABA Compliant? If No, Partly Compliant, or Unsure, explain Is the plan to use a waiver to fulfill BABA compliance for this infrastructure?
(for more information on approved waivers, see Build America, Buy America (BABA) Approved Waivers US EPA)
Total Estimated Acquisition Cost for Solar or Wind Power Generation System Equipment Total EPA Funds Requested for Acquisition Cost of Solar or Wind Power Generation System Equipment Total Estimated Cost for Installation of Solar or Wind Power Generation System Equipment Total EPA Funds Requested for Installation of Solar or Wind Power Generation System Equipment Total Estimated Cost for All other eligible Solar or Wind Power Generation System Related Expenses Total EPA Funds Requested for All other eligible Solar or Wind Power Generation System Related Expenses Description of Other Eligible Solar or Wind Power Generation System Related Expenses Total Estimated Cost for Solar or Wind Power Generation Equipment, Installation, and other Eligible Expenses Total EPA Funds Requested for Solar or Wind Power Generation Equipment, Installation, and other Eligible Expenses

Example solar and wind Power Generation Solar Manufacturer Name Model Name 15 kW Port Facility A Additional Site B Example Site VA Arlington County Alexandria 22305 Yes Port Facility A Port of Galveston; UP Englewood Yard Yes - Equipment, Housing, Wiring, Cables, and All Accessories are BABA Compliant   No - Infrastructure meets all BABA requirements $45,000.00 $45,000.00 $7,000.00 $5,000.00 $100.00 $100.00 shipping $52,100.00 $50,100.00

Solar or Wind Power Generation 1


Solar or Wind Power Generation 2


Solar or Wind Power Generation 3


Solar or Wind Power Generation 4


Solar or Wind Power Generation 5


Solar or Wind Power Generation 6


Solar or Wind Power Generation 7


Solar or Wind Power Generation 8


Solar or Wind Power Generation 9


Solar or Wind Power Generation 10



Table 11. Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) Equipment Information

Table 11a. BESS Equipment Overview

Table 11b. Location of BESS Infrastructure

Table 11c. BESS BABA Details

Table 11d. BESS Cost Summary

Type of Battery Manufacturer of BESS Model of BESS Total Energy Capacity (please indicate unit; kWh or MWh) Maximum Continuous Discharge AC Power (kW) Maximum Continuous Discharge DC Power (kW) Number of Units Port or Port Facility Where Infrastructure is Installed
(select options from dropdown, based on Table 3a of this template)
If Infrastructure is not at a port or port facility listed in Table 3a, provide the Name of the Additional Project Location as listed in Table 3b (select from dropdown, based on Table 3b of this template) Project Site ID State County City Zip Code Does the BESS serve multiple port facilities within this application? Primary Port or Port Facility Served by BESS Secondary Port or Port Facilities served by BESS: Associated Port(s) (use a colon between facilities) Is BESS and related Equipment, Housing, and all Accessories BABA Compliant? If No, Partly Compliant, or Unsure, explain Is the plan to use a waiver to fulfill BABA compliance for this infrastructure?
(for more information on approved waivers, see Build America, Buy America (BABA) Approved Waivers US EPA).
Total Estimated Acquisition Cost for each BESS Unit Total EPA Funds Requested for each BESS Unit Acquisition Total Estimated Cost for BESS Acquisition Total EPA Funds Requested for BESS Acquisition Total Estimated Cost for Installation of BESS Total EPA Funds Requested for Installation of BESS Total Estimated Cost for All other Eligible BESS Related Expenses Total EPA Funds Requested for All other Eligible BESS Related Expenses Description of Other Eligible BESS Related Expenses Total Estimated Cost for BESS Equipment, Installation, and Other Eligible Expenses Total EPA Funds Requested BESS Equipment, Installation, and Other Eligible Expenses

BESS Example Lithium-Ion Manufacturer Name Model Name 36 kWh 1200 2400 2 Port Facility A Additional Site B Example Site VA Arlington County Alexandria 22305 Yes Port Facility A Port of Galveston; UP Englewood Yard Yes - Equipment, Housing, Wiring, Cables, and All Accessories are BABA Compliant   No - Infrastructure meets all BABA requirements $48,000.00 $20,000.00 $96,000.00 $40,000.00 $12,000.00 $10,000.00 $100.00 $100.00 shipping $108,100.00 $50,100.00

BESS Group 1


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BESS Group 2


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BESS Group 3


$- $-

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BESS Group 4


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BESS Group 5


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BESS Group 6


$- $-

$- $-

BESS Group 7


$- $-

$- $-

BESS Group 8


$- $-

$- $-

BESS Group 9


$- $-

$- $-

BESS Group 10


$- $-

$- $-

Are there any other infrastructure projects associated with this grant that are not listed above? (select Yes or No)

If no, please leave this section blank. If yes, please provide details in the box below on the infrastructure project and describe how BABA compliance was determined.

Sheet 7: 6. Data Dictionary

U. S. Environmental Protection Agency
Clean Ports Program | Data Dictionary
This data dictionary contains descriptions for all fields and detailed instructions for how to complete all fields found on Tabs 2, 3, 4a, 4b, and 5.

Tab 2. CAQP Supplemental Application For applicants to the Climate and Air Quality Planning Competition, this is the only tab that needs to be completed.
Table 1: Applicant & Project Details
Applicant Name/Organization Enter Name of Applicant or Applying Organization
Applicant Address – Street Provide the street name and number of mailing address of Applicant or Applying Organization
Applicant Address – City Provide the city of mailing address of Applicant or Applying Organization
Applicant Address – State (select from dropdown) Provide the state of mailing address of Applicant or Applying Organization
Applicant Address – Zip Code Provide the Zip Code of mailing address of Applicant or Applying Organization
Primary Contact Information– Name Provide the name of the Primary Contact for this application
Primary Contact Information– Title/Role Provide the title or role of the Primary Contact for this application
Primary Contact Information– Phone Provide the phone number of the Primary Contact for this application
Primary Contact Information– email Provide the email address of the Primary Contact for this application
Applicant Type (See NOFO Section III.A for details) Select from dropdown which of the following options best describes the applicant: Port Authority; State Agency with jurisdiction over a port authority or port; Tribal agency with jurisdiction over a port authority or a port; Regional Agency with jurisdiction over a port authority or port; Local Agency with jurisdiction over a port authority or port; Air Pollution Control Agency; Eligible Private Entity
Affiliate Port Authority (if applicable) For applicants that are not Port Authorities or which have affiliated port authorities, provide the name(s) of the port authorities
SAM.gov Unique Entity ID (UEI) Enter the SAM.gov Unique Entity Identification Number for the applicant
Small Water Port Project? See NOFO section II.B for specifications Select Yes or No from Dropdown
Dry Port Project?
(See NOFO Section I.B. for specifications)
Select Yes or No from Dropdown
Does the applicant use LOGINK or any other prohibited logistics platform as described in NOFO Section III.D.? Select Yes or No from Dropdown
Proposed Project Title One descriptive sentence only
Project Period–Project start date For Climate & Air Quality Planning projects, project periods may be up to three years.
Project Period–Project end date For Climate & Air Quality Planning projects, project periods may be up to three years.
Short Project Description Briefly describe your project in one to three sentences only, especially noting the expected outputs and outcomes.
Does this project include planning activities related to emissions inventory and accounting exercises? Select Yes or No from Dropdown
Total EPA Funding Requested Use the definitions provided in Section IV.C., Section 7 “Budget” to fill out this budget summary. The amount listed in this summary should match the amounts listed in the budget table in Section 7. As noted in Section II.B. of the NOFO, each application can request between $200,000 and $3,000,000.
Other Federal Funding Sources If the applicant has applied or plans to apply for funding for this project (or portions of this project) from another federal funding source, the applicant should list the potential funding source(s). Otherwise, enter N/A
Table 2: Project Partners
Project Partner Organization Name Provide the name(s) of the organizations working in partnership with the applicant on this project
Primary Contact Information for Project Partner(s) – Name Provide the name(s) of the primary contact at this partner organization
Primary Contact Information for Project Partner(s) – Title/Role Provide the title or role of the primary contact at this partner organization
Primary Contact Information for Project Partner(s) – Email Provide the email address of the primary contact at this partner organization
Primary Contact Information for Project Partner(s) – Phone Provide the phone number of the primary contact at this partner organization
Type of Organization Select from dropdown which of the following options best describes the applicant: Port Authority; State Agency with jurisdiction over a port authority or port; Tribal agency with jurisdiction over a port authority or a port; Regional Agency with jurisdiction over a port authority or port; Local Agency with jurisdiction over a port authority or port; Air Pollution Control Agency; Eligible Private Entity
Type of Organization—If Other, describe Enter in a brief description of the type of organization
Nature of Partnership with Applicant Select from Dropdown: Statutory Partner or Collaborating Entity (non-statutory)
Role in Project—Select from dropdown Select from the dropdown one of the following options: Recipient of funds; Other   
Role in Project – If Other, describe Enter in a brief description of the role this project partner is expected to have
Table 3: Project Location(s)
Table 3a: Port/Port Facility Location(s)
Port/Port Facility Name If a port or port facility spans more than 1 county, please enter a new line for each unique county.
Project Site ID Prepopulated; used for looking up tables in other tables
Port Authority Name (if applicable) Enter in the Port Authority Name associated with this Port or Port Facility, if applicable.
State Select the state abbreviation from the dropdown list provided
County Select the county name from the dropdown list provided; note the dropdown menu will only work if the state field for that row is completed
City      Enter in the name of the city in which the Port/Port Facility is located
Description of Project Activity at Port/ Port Facility Provide a brief comment about which project activity or activities are expected to be completed at this site
Estimate of the Share of Overall Project Activity at this site Enter a value between 0-1, where 1 is 100%. Values in this field for Tables 3a and 3b should total to 100%
County FIPS Code Autopopulates
EPA Region Autopopulates
Does this county contains a PM2.5 or Ozone Nonattainment Area? Autopopulates
Does this county contains a Severe or Extreme Ozone Nonattainment Area?  Autopopulates
Does this county contains a PM2.5 or Ozone Maintenance Area? Autopopulates
Does this county contain an area with High Ambient Diesel PM Concentration? Autopopulates
Does this county meet the Disadvantaged Community Definition in Section IV.C.2 of the NOFO? Autopopulates
Table 3b: Additional Project Locations: Use this table to identify additional project locations found outside of the ports and port facilities listed in Table 3a above.
Site Name If an Additional Site spans more than 1 county, please enter a new line for each unique county.
Project Site ID Prepopulated; used for looking up tables in other tables
Port(s)/Port Facilities Served by Location Separate additional ports by semicolon
State Select the state abbreviation from the dropdown list provided
County Select the county name from the dropdown list provided; note the dropdown menu will only work if the state field for that row is completed
City Enter in the name of the city in which the Port/Port Facility is located
Description of Project Activity at Site Provide a brief comment about which project activity or activities are expected to be completed at this site
Estimate of the Share of Project Activity at this site Enter a value between 0-1, where 1 is 100%. Values in this field for Tables 3a and 3b should total to 100%
County FIPS Code Autopopulates
EPA Region Autopopulates
Does this county contains a PM2.5 or Ozone Nonattainment Area? Autopopulates
Does this county contains a Severe or Extreme Ozone Nonattainment Area?  Autopopulates
Does this county contains a PM2.5 or Ozone Maintenance Area? Autopopulates
Does this county contain an area with High Ambient Diesel PM Concentration? Autopopulates
Does this county meet the Disadvantaged Community Definition in Section IV.C.2 of the NOFO? Autopopulates
Table 4. Climate and Air Quality Planning Project Overview
Project Includes this Activity For each of the listed Planning Activity Types in columns A & B, select whether this project features that activity using the dropdown menu provided
Requested EPA Funds for this Activity For each of the planned Activities selected in the previous column, enter the requested funds to support this specific activity
Is it the intent that this Activity will be fully funded by EPA For each of the planned Activities selected in the first column, use the dropdown menu to select whether or not it is the intent for this activity to be fully funded by the Clean Ports Program Climate and Air Quality Planning Competition. Options include: "Yes", "No", and "Unsure at this Time"
Other Activities If project features other Planning Activities not listed, please provide here; additional rows hidden if needed.
Tab 3. Cover Sheet for App_ZE For applicants to the Zero-Emission Technology Deployment Competition, this is the first of up to 4 tabs that may be completed.
Table 1: Applicant & Project Details
Applicant Name/Organization Enter Name of Applicant or Applying Organization
Applicant Address – Street Provide the street name and number of mailing address of Applicant or Applying Organization
Applicant Address – City Provide the city of mailing address of Applicant or Applying Organization
Applicant Address – State (select from dropdown) Provide the state of mailing address of Applicant or Applying Organization
Applicant Address – Zip Code Provide the Zip Code of mailing address of Applicant or Applying Organization
Primary Contact Information– Name Provide the name of the Primary Contact for this application
Primary Contact Information– Title/Role Provide the title or role of the Primary Contact for this application
Primary Contact Information– Phone Provide the phone number of the Primary Contact for this application
Primary Contact Information– email Provide the email address of the Primary Contact for this application
Applicant Type Select from dropdown which of the following options best describes the applicant: Port Authority; State Agency with jurisdiction over a port authority or port; Tribal agency with jurisdiction over a port authority or a port; Regional Agency with jurisdiction over a port authority or port; Local Agency with jurisdiction over a port authority or port; Air Pollution Control Agency; Eligible Private Entity
Affiliate Port Authority (if applicable) For applicants that are not Port Authorities or which have affiliated port authorities, provide the name(s) of the port authorities
SAM.gov Unique Entity ID (UEI) Enter the SAM.gov Unique Entity Identification Number for the applicant
Small Water Port Project? See NOFO section II.B for specifications Select Yes or No from Dropdown
Dry Port Project? See NOFO section I.B. for specifications Select Yes or No from Dropdown
Does the applicant use LOGINK or any other prohibited logistics platform as described in Section III.D. of the NOFO? Select Yes or No from Dropdown
Proposed Project Title One descriptive sentence only
Project Period–Project start date For Zero Emissions Technology projects, project periods may be up to 4 years.
Project Period–Project end date For Zero Emissions Technology projects, project periods may be up to 4 years.
Short Project Description Briefly describe your project in one to three sentences only, especially noting the expected outputs and outcomes.
Total EPA Funding Requested Use the definitions provided in Section IV.C., Section 7 “Budget” to fill out this budget summary. The amount listed in this summary should match the amounts listed in the budget table in Section 7. As noted in Section II.B. of the NOFO, each application can request between $200,000 and $3,000,000.
Total Applicant Costs Use the definition provided in Section IV.C., Section 8 “Budget” to fill out this field. The amount listed in this summary should match the amounts listed in the budget table in Section
Total Project Costs Autopopulates the sum of the EPA Funding Requested and Total Applicant Costs
Other Federal Funding Sources If the applicant has applied or plans to apply for funding for this project (or portions of this project) from another federal funding source, the applicant should list the potential funding source(s). Otherwise, enter N/A
Total Funding for ZE Equipment This field will auto-populate upon completing 'Fleet Description' tab.
Total Funding for Charging and/or Fueling Infrastructure This field will auto-populate upon completing 'Infrastructure’ tab
Table 2: Project Partners
Project Partner Organization Name Provide the name(s) of the organizations working in partnership with the applicant on this project
Primary Contact Information for Project Partner(s) – Name Provide the name(s) of the primary contact at this partner organization
Primary Contact Information for Project Partner(s) – Title/Role Provide the title or role of the primary contact at this partner organization
Primary Contact Information for Project Partner(s) – Email Provide the email address of the primary contact at this partner organization
Primary Contact Information for Project Partner(s) – Phone Provide the phone number of the primary contact at this partner organization
Type of Organization – Select from dropdown Select from dropdown which of the following options best describes the applicant: Port Authority; State Agency with jurisdiction over a port authority or port; Tribal agency with jurisdiction over a port authority or a port; Regional Agency with jurisdiction over a port authority or port; Local Agency with jurisdiction over a port authority or port; Air Pollution Control Agency; Eligible Private Entity
Type of Organization—If Other, describe Enter in a brief description of the type of organization
Nature of Partnership with Applicant Select from Dropdown: Statutory Partner or Collaborating Entity (non-statutory)
Role in Project—Select from dropdown Select from the dropdown one of the following options: Recipient of funds for ZE equipment deployment; Recipient of funds for ZE infrastructure deployment and/or installation; Other
Role in Project – If Other, describe If Other selected for previous field, supply a brief description of the Project Partner's Anticipated Role in Project
Table 3: Project Location(s)
Table 3a: Port Location(s)
Port/Port Facility Name Enter the name(s) of the Port or Port Facility where this project will take place. If a port spans more than 1 county, please enter a new line for each unique county
Project Site ID Prepopulated; used for looking up tables in other tables
Port Authority Name (if applicable) Enter the name of the Port Authority (if applicable to site)
State Select the state abbreviation from the dropdown list provided
County Select the county name from the dropdown list provided; note the dropdown menu will only work if the state field for that row is completed
City Enter in the name of the city in which the Port/Port Facility is located
Description of Project Activity at Port Provide a brief comment about which project activity or activities are expected to be completed at this site
Estimate of the Share of Project Activity at this site Enter a value between 0-1, where 1 is 100%. Values in this field for Tables 3a and 3b should total to 100%
County FIPS Autopopulates
EPA Region Autopopulates
County Contains PM2.5 or Ozone Nonattainment Area? Autopopulates
County Contains Severe or Extreme Ozone Nonattainment Area? Autopopulates
County Contains PM2.5 or Ozone Maintenance Area? Autopopulates
County Contains High Ambient Diesel PM Concentration? Autopopulates
County Meets Disadvantaged Community Definition in Section IV.C.2, Section 4 in the NOFO? Autopopulates
Table 3b: Additional Project Locations: Use this table to identify additional project locations found outside of the ports listed in 3a above
Site Name If an Additional Site spans more than 1 county, please enter a new line for each unique county.
Project Site ID Prepopulated; used for looking up tables in other tables
Port(s) Served by Location Separate additional ports by semicolon
State Select the state abbreviation from the dropdown list provided
County Select the county name from the dropdown list provided; note the dropdown menu will only work if the state field for that row is completed
City Enter in the name of the city in which the Port/Port Facility is located
Description of Project Activity at Site Provide a brief comment about which project activity or activities are expected to be completed at this site
Estimate of the Share of Project Activity at this site Enter a value between 0-1, where 1 is 100%. Values in this field for Tables 3a and 3b should total to 100%
County FIPS Autopopulates
EPA Region Autopopulates
County Contains PM2.5 or Ozone Nonattainment Area? Autopopulates
County Contains Severe or Extreme Ozone Nonattainment Area? Autopopulates
County Contains PM2.5 or Ozone Maintenance Area? Autopopulates
County Contains High Ambient Diesel PM Concentration? Autopopulates
County Meets Disadvantaged Community Definition in Section IV.C.2, Section 4 in the NOFO? Autopopulates
Table 4: Zero-Emission Technology Deployment Project Overview
Port Sectors Affected- Onroad These fields will auto-populate with ✔ upon completing 'Fleet Description' tab.
Port Sectors Affected- Cargo Handling Equipment & Other Nonroad These fields will auto-populate with ✔ upon completing 'Fleet Description' tab.
Port Sectors Affected- Locomotive These fields will auto-populate with ✔ upon completing 'Fleet Description' tab.
Port Sectors Affected- Vessels These fields will auto-populate with ✔ upon completing 'Fleet Description' tab.
Project Features Scrappage These fields will auto-populate with ✔ upon completing 'Scrappage Information' tab.
Fueling Infrastructure Affected – Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE)   These fields will auto-populate with ✔ upon completing 'Infrastructure' tab.
Fueling Infrastructure Affected – Shore Power Infrastructure These fields will auto-populate with ✔ upon completing 'Infrastructure' tab.
Fueling Infrastructure Affected—Hydrogen Fueling Infrastructure These fields will auto-populate with ✔ upon completing 'Infrastructure' tab.
Fueling Infrastructure Affected—Solar or Wind Power Generation These fields will auto-populate with ✔ upon completing 'Infrastructure' tab.
Fueling Infrastructure Affected—Battery Energy Storage System These fields will auto-populate with ✔ upon completing 'Infrastructure' tab.
Tab 4a. New Fleet Description For applicants to the Zero-Emission Technology Deployment Competition, this is the second of up to 4 tabs that may be completed.
Table 5. New Vehicle, Equipment, or Engine Information
Table 5a: Vehicle/Equipment Overview
Vehicle or Equipment Prepopulated.
Equipment Type (select from dropdown) Using the dropdown menu, select the equipment type sector from the following options: Onroad, Locomotive, Vessel, and Cargo_Handling_Equipment_and_Other_Nonroad
Vehicle or Equipment Subtype Select the subtype from dropdown menu. Note, you must select a 'Vehicle or Equipment Type' first.
Vocation Select the vocation from dropdown menu for Onroad and Vessels. This field will be automatically hatched out for Locomotives and Cargo Handling Equipment
If 'Other' Subtype or Vocation selected, please describe If ‘Other’ is selected for either Vehicle or Equipment Subtype or Vocation, provide a brief description of the vehicle and/or equipment subtype and its vocation related to this project. This field will be automatically hatched out for Locomotives.
Technology Type (select from dropdown) Using the dropdown menu, select the best description of the new technology; options include: New Vehicle - Battery Electric, New Vehicle - Fuel Cell, New Locomotive - Battery Electric, New Locomotive - Fuel Cell, New Vessel - Battery Electric, New Vessel - Fuel Cell, New Engine - Battery Electric, New Engine - Fuel Cell, New Cargo Handling Equipment - Battery Electric, New Cargo Handling Equipment - Fuel Cell, and Other
If 'Other' selected for Technology Type, please describe If ‘Other’ is selected for Technology Type, provide a brief description of the vehicle and/or equipment technology. This field will be automatically hatched out unless Other is entered into the prior field.
Vehicle or Equipment Total Battery Capacity, (kWh) For Battery Electric equipment, provide the estimated total battery capacity in kWh; this may also be calculated by multiplying the listed battery capacity per battery pack by the number of battery packs.
Fuel Cell Capacity (kW) For H2 Fuel Cell equipment, provide the estimated total fuel cell capacity in kW
Equipment Owner (if known) List the name and/or organization that will own the new ZE equipment
Table 5b: Place(s) of Performance
Vehicle or Equipment Operates in Multiple Performance Locations Within this project? (Yes/No) Select Yes/No from Dropdown menu
Primary Port or Port Facility Select options from dropdown which will be populated based on entries supplied into Table 3a of this template.
If Primary location of vehicle/equipment is not at a port or port facility listed in Table 3a, provide the Name of the Additional Project Location as listed in Table 3b Select options from dropdown which will be populated based on entries supplied into Table 3b of this template.
Project Site ID Autopopulates
State Autopopulates
County Autopopulates
Percentage of Time operated in County
(enter value 0-1, where 1= 100%)
Enter the percentage of the time the vehicle or equipment will operate at the site listed by entering a value from 0 to 1, where 1 = 100%.
City Autopopulates
Zip Code Autopopulates
Secondary Port or Port Facility Select options from dropdown which will be populated based on entries supplied into Table 3a of this template.
If Secondary location of vehicle/equipment is not at a port, provide the Name of the Additional Project Location (select from dropdown)_2 Select options from dropdown which will be populated based on entries supplied into Table 3b of this template.
(Secondary Port) Project Site ID_2 Autopopulates
(Secondary Port) State_2 Autopopulates
(Secondary Port) County_2 Autopopulates
Percentage of Time operated in County Enter the percentage of the time the vehicle or equipment will operate at the site listed by entering a value from 0 to 1, where 1 = 100%.
City_2 Autopopulates
Zip Code_2 Autopopulates
Additional Counties where Vehicle Operates List the names of the additional counties where the vehicle operates; separate multiple counties using a semicolon
% of time operated in each Additional County List the relative share of time each vehicle or equipment operates in the additional counties listed in the field before
Table 5c: Details of New Vehicle, Vessel, and/or Equipment
Vehicle Class Select from the dropdown menu the Vehicle/Equipment Class for onroad vehicles, as appropriate. This field will be hatched out for all nonroad equipment
Vehicle GVWR Enter the onroad vehicle's gross vehicle weight rating. This field will be hatched out for all nonroad equipment
Vehicle or Equipment Manufacturer Enter the manufacturer of the New Vehicle
Vehicle or Equipment Model Enter the model of the New vehicle
Vehicle or Equipment Model Year Enter the model year of the new vehicle or equipment
Acquisition Cost per Vehicle or Equipment Enter the total cost anticipated for acquiring this vehicle or equipment
Total EPA Funds Expended Per Vehicle or Equipment Acquisition Enter the total EPA funds requested from this grant for acquiring this vehicle or equipment
Table 5d. Engine Replacement Details (only to be completed if 'Technology Type' selected is "New Engine")
New Engine Make Enter the manufacturer of the new Engine.
New Engine Model Enter the model of the new Engine.
New Engine Model Year Enter the model year of the new engine.
New Engine Horsepower Enter the average horsepower of the new engine .
Number of Propulsion Engines
(Vessels only)
Enter the total number of new propulsion engines on the vessel.
Number of Auxiliary Engines
(Vessels only)
Enter the total number of new auxiliary engines on the vessel.   
Total Estimated Acquisition Cost per New Engine Enter the total cost anticipated for acquiring each engine
EPA Funds Requested for New Engine Acquisition Enter the total EPA funds requested from this grant for acquiring each engine
Total Estimated Cost for Labor related to Engine Replacement Enter the total cost anticipated for labor related to this engine replacement
EPA Funds Expended for Labor Cost related to Engine Replacement Enter the total EPA funds requested from this grant for labor related to this engine replacement
Total Combined Costs for New Engine Acquisition and Labor of Engine Replacement Autopopulates
Total EPA Funds Requested for New Engine Acquisition and Labor of Engine Replacement Autopopulates
Fuel Cell Capacity (kW)
Tab 4b. Scrappage Information For applicants to the Zero-Emission Technology Deployment Competition, this is the third of up to 4 tabs that may be completed, and only applicants with proposed scrappage should complete this tab
Table 6. Current Vehicle or Equipment Committed for Scrappage Information
Table 6a. Basic Fleet Information and Place(s) of Performance | Note: Yellow fields for the Basic Fleet Information will Automatically Populate upon selecting the corresponding new equipment
Current Vehicle or Equipment Prepopulated Field
Corresponding New Vehicle, Equipment, or Engine (select from dropdown) Dropdown menu with the Vehicle/Equipment IDs from Tab 4a, Table 5; select the vehicle or equipment that will be the 'Replacement' for each scrapped or disposed of vehicle you will describe in Table 6.
Vehicle or Equipment Type No action needed; this field autopopulates based on responses entered in Tab 3a, Table 5
Vehicle or Equipment Subtype No action needed; this field autopopulates based on responses entered in Tab 3a, Table 5
Vocation No action needed; this field autopopulates based on responses entered in Tab 3a, Table 5
If 'Other' Vocation selected, describe No action needed; this field autopopulates based on responses entered in Tab 3a, Table 5
Technology Type No action needed; this field autopopulates based on responses entered in Tab 3a, Table 5
If 'Other' selected for Technology Type, please describe No action needed; this field autopopulates based on responses entered in Tab 3a, Table 5
Vehicle or Equipment Total Battery Capacity, (kWh) No action needed; this field autopopulates based on responses entered in Tab 3a, Table 5
Fuel Cell Capacity (kW) No action needed; this field autopopulates based on responses entered in Tab 3a, Table 5
Fleet Owner No action needed; this field autopopulates based on responses entered in Tab 3a, Table 5
Vehicle or Equipment Operates in Multiple Performance Locations Within this project? (Yes/No) No action needed; this field autopopulates based on responses entered in Tab 3a, Table 5
Primary Place of Performance No action needed; this field autopopulates based on responses entered in Tab 3a, Table 5
Primary Port (select from dropdown, if applicable) No action needed; this field autopopulates based on responses entered in Tab 3a, Table 5
Project Site Name No action needed; this field autopopulates based on responses entered in Tab 3a, Table 5
Project Site ID No action needed; this field autopopulates based on responses entered in Tab 3a, Table 5
State No action needed; this field autopopulates based on responses entered in Tab 3a, Table 5
County No action needed; this field autopopulates based on responses entered in Tab 3a, Table 5
Percentage of Time operated in County (enter value 0-1, where 1= 100%) No action needed; this field autopopulates based on responses entered in Tab 3a, Table 5
City No action needed; this field autopopulates based on responses entered in Tab 3a, Table 5
Zip Code No action needed; this field autopopulates based on responses entered in Tab 3a, Table 5
Secondary Place of Performance (if applicable) No action needed; this field autopopulates based on responses entered in Tab 3a, Table 5
Secondary Port (select from dropdown, if applicable)_2 No action needed; this field autopopulates based on responses entered in Tab 3a, Table 5
Project Site Name_2 No action needed; this field autopopulates based on responses entered in Tab 3a, Table 5
Project Site ID_2 No action needed; this field autopopulates based on responses entered in Tab 3a, Table 5
State_2 No action needed; this field autopopulates based on responses entered in Tab 3a, Table 5
County_2 No action needed; this field autopopulates based on responses entered in Tab 3a, Table 5
Percentage of Time operated in County (enter value 0-1, where 1= 100%)_2 No action needed; this field autopopulates based on responses entered in Tab 3a, Table 5
City_2 No action needed; this field autopopulates based on responses entered in Tab 3a, Table 5
Zip Code_2 No action needed; this field autopopulates based on responses entered in Tab 3a, Table 5
Additional Location Details (if applicable) No action needed; this field autopopulates based on responses entered in Tab 3a, Table 5
Additional Counties where Vehicle Operates No action needed; this field autopopulates based on responses entered in Tab 3a, Table 5
% of time operated in each Additional County No action needed; this field autopopulates based on responses entered in Tab 3a, Table 5
Table 6b. Current Vehicle or Equipment Specifications 
Current Vehicle Class (Onroad Current Vehicles only) Enter current vehicle's classification (only required for Onroad Vehicles)
Current Vehicle GVWR (Onroad Current Vehicle Only) Enter current vehicle's gross vehicle weight rating in lbs. (only required for Onroad Vehicles)
Current Vehicle or Equipment Manufacturer Enter the manufacturer of the existing vehicle or equipment
Current Vehicle or Equipment Model Enter the model of the existing vehicle or equipment
Current Vehicle or Equipment Model Year Enter the model year of the existing vehicle or equipment
Current Fuel Type Select fuel type of current vehicle or equipment from dropdown menu
Estimated Remaining Life of Current Vehicle or Equipment (years): Enter the estimated number of years of remaining life of the vehicle or equipment
Table 6c. Current Engine Information (Only to be completed for engine replacement projects)
Current Engine Make Enter the manufacturer of the existing Engine.
Current Engine Model Enter the model of the existing Engine.
Current Engine Model Year Enter the model year of this engine set.
Current Engine Tier Enter the engine tier using the dropdown menu
If Current Engine Tier is Tier 4, Provide Tier 4 Standards If you selected "Tier 4" for the previous answer, provide details about which Tier 4 standards the existing engine met
Current Engine After-Treatment Technology Describe any after-treatment technology
Current Engine Horsepower Enter the average horsepower of the engine/equipment.
Current Engine Cylinder Displacement Use the dropdown menu to select the current engine's cylinder displacement
Total # of Propulsion Engines  (per vessel; marine only) Enter the number of propulsion engines
Total # of Auxiliary Engines (per vessel; marine only)  Enter the number of auxiliary engines
Tab 5. Infrastructure For applicants to the Zero-Emission Technology Deployment Competition, this is the fourth and final of up to 4 tabs that may be completed.
Table 7: Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) & Other Electric Charging Equipment (not including vessel shore power)
Table 7a. Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) Overview
Type of Charger Enter the type of charger, either Level 2 (AC charging up to 19.2 kW), DC Fast Charging, or Other (including non-standard or megawatt charging system).
If Level 2 or DC Fast Charging, is it ENERGY STAR certified? Confirm and select yes if applicable. Please see https://www.energystar.gov/
EVSE or other EV charger Manufacturer Enter the manufacturer of the charging equipment
EVSE or other EV charger Model Enter the model name of the charging equipment.
EVSE Maximum Output Power (kW) Enter the maximum power output of the charging equipment, measured in kilowatts.
Number of EVSE or other EV Charger Units
Table 7b. Location of Charging Infrastructure
Port or Port Facility Where Infrastructure is Installed Select from the dropdown menu, options which will be populated based on Table 3a of this template.
If Infrastructure is not at a port or port facility listed in Table 3a, provide the Name of the Additional Project Location as listed in Table 3b Select from the dropdown menu, options which will be populated based on Table 3b of this template.
Project Site ID Autopopulates
State Autopopulates
County Autopopulates
City Autopopulates
Zip Code Enter the zip code in which the charging equipment will be located.
Does the EVSE or other EV charger serve multiple port areas within this application?   Select whether or not the charging equipment serve more than one port area within the project submitted in this application.
Primary Port or Port Facility Served by EVSE and/or EV Charger Select from the dropdown menu the port area which the charging equipment will primarily serve; options will be populated based on Table 3a of this template.
Secondary Port or Port Facilities served by EVSE and/or EV Charger (use semicolon to separate between multiple port locations) Enter the name of the other port areas in which the charging equipment will serve. If it will serve multiple secondary port areas, list all and separate with a semicolon (e.g., Port of Galveston; Port of Corpus Christi).
Table 7c. EVSE BABA Details
Is the EVSE or Other EV Charger and associated Equipment, Housing, and all Accessories BABA Compliant? Select from the dropdown menu which parts of the infrastructure project are BABA compliant. Options include: Yes - Equipment, Housing, Wiring, Cables, and All Accessories are BABA Compliant, Some Equipment, Housing, Wiring, Cables, and Accessories are BABA Compliant, No, and Not Sure
If No, Partly Compliant, or Unsure, explain For the previous column, explain which parts are not compliant or enter N/A.
Is the plan to use a waiver to fulfill BABA compliance for this infrastructure? (for more information on approved waivers, see Build America, Buy America (BABA) Approved Waivers US EPA). Select from the dropdown menu how BABA requirements are being met for the infrastructure project. Options include: No - Infrastructure meets all BABA requirements, Yes - EPA's De Minimis Waiver, Yes - EPA's Small Project Waiver, Yes - EPA's Pacific Island Territories General Applicability Waiver, Yes - Project-Level Waiver, and Unsure
Table 7d. EVSE Cost Summary
Does the Infrastructure Equipment Cost Include Installation? Select whether or not the equipment cost includes installation of the EVSE or other EV charger system.
Total Estimated Acquisition Cost for each EVSE or Other EV Charger Equipment: Enter the equipment cost for each unit of the charging infrastructure system.
Total EPA Funds Requested for Acquisition of each EVSE or Other EV Charger Unit Enter the EPA funds requested for the equipment in each unit of the EVSE or other EV charging system.
Total Estimated Acquisition Cost for EVSE or Other EV Chargers No action - autopopulated
Total EPA Funds Requested for Acquisition of EVSE or Other EV Chargers No action - autopopulated
Total Estimated Cost for Installation of EVSE or Other EV Chargers Enter the total amount of funds anticipated for installation of all the units in the charging infrastructure system.
Total EPA Funds Requested for Installation Cost of EVSE or Other EV Chargers Enter the total amount of EPA funds anticipated for installation of all the units in the charging infrastructure system.
Total Estimated Cost for All other Eligible EVSE or Other EV Charger Related Expenses (e.g., Shipping) Enter the total amount of funds anticipated for all other eligible expensed related to the charging infrastructure project in this application, including shipping, etc.
Total EPA Funds Requested for All other Eligible EVSE or Other EV Charger Related Expenses (e.g., Shipping) Enter the total amount of EPA funds anticipated for all other eligible expenses related to the charging infrastructure project in this application, including shipping, etc.
Description of Other Eligible EVSE or Other EV Charger Administrative Expenses Describe the items corresponding to the previous two columns.
Total Estimated Cost on EVSE or Other EV Charger Equipment, Installation, and Other Eligible EVSE or Other EV Charger Related Expenses No action - autopopulated
Total EPA Funds Requested for EVSE or Other EV Charger Equipment, Installation, and Other Eligible EVSE or Other EV Charger Related Expenses No action - autopopulated
Table 8. Shore Power Equipment Information
Table 8a. Shore Power Equipment Information & Demand Overview
Type of Shore Power Connection Select the type of shore power connection, either high-voltage (HVSC) or low-voltage (LVSC).
Total Voltage Service Provided Select the total voltage provided from the dropdown menu, if listed.
Total Voltage Service Provided, if Not Listed Enter the total voltage service provided if the amount is not listed in the dropdown menu.
Manufacturer Enter the manufacturer of the shore power system.
Model Enter the model name of the shore power system.
Estimated Number of Annual Vessel Calls to Berth where Shore Power is to be Installed Enter the estimated number of annual vessel calls per berth where the shore power system is to be installed.
Estimated Number of Vessel Berths that can be served by Shore Power Pedestal Enter the estimated average hotel hours per vessel call per berth where the shore power system is to be installed
Number of Vessel Berths that can be served by Shore Power Pedestal Enter the estimated number of vessel berths that may be served by the shore power system.
Maximum Output Power (kW) Enter the maximum power output of the shore power system, measured in kilowatts.
Estimated Annual Total Energy Provided in MW-h Enter the estimated total annual energy output of the shore power system in megawatt-hours.
Number of Shore Power Pedestals Enter the total number of shore power pedestals installed.
Table 8b. Location of Shore Power Infrastructure
Port or Port Facility Where Infrastructure is Installed Select from the dropdown menu, options which will be populated based on Table 3a of this template.
If Infrastructure is not at a port or port facility listed in Table 3a, provide the Name of the Additional Project Location as listed in Table 3b Select from the dropdown menu, options which will be populated based on Table 3b of this template.
Project Site ID Autopopulates
State Autopopulates
County Autopopulates
City Autopopulates
Zip Code Enter the zip code in which the charging equipment will be located.
Table 8c. Shore Power BABA Details
Are the shore power equipment, Housing, and all Accessories BABA Compliant? Select from the dropdown menu which parts of the infrastructure project are BABA compliant. Options include: Yes - Equipment, Housing, Wiring, Cables, and All Accessories are BABA Compliant, Some Equipment, Housing, Wiring, Cables, and Accessories are BABA Compliant, No, and Not Sure
If No, Partly Compliant, or Unsure, explain For the previous column, explain which parts are not compliant or enter N/A.
Is the plan to use a waiver to fulfill BABA compliance for this infrastructure? (for more information on approved waivers, see Build America, Buy America (BABA) Approved Waivers US EPA). Select from the dropdown menu how BABA requirements are being met for the infrastructure project. Options include: No - Infrastructure meets all BABA requirements, Yes - EPA's De Minimis Waiver, Yes - EPA's Small Project Waiver, Yes - EPA's Pacific Island Territories General Applicability Waiver, Yes - Project-Level Waiver, and Unsure
Table 8d. Shore Power Cost Summary
Total Estimated Acquisition Cost for each Shore Power Pedestal Enter the equipment cost for each unit of the shore power infrastructure system.
Total EPA Funds Requested for Acquisition of each Shore Power Pedestal Enter the EPA funds expended for the equipment in each shore power pedestal.
Does the Infrastructure Equipment Cost Include Installation? Select whether or not the equipment cost includes installation of the shore power equipment.
Total Estimated Cost for Installation of Shore Power Pedestals Enter the total estimated cost for installation of all the units in the shore power system.
Total EPA Funds Requested for Installation Cost for Shore Power Pedestals Enter the total amount of EPA funds requested installation of all the units in the shore power system.
Total Estimated Cost for All other Eligible Shore Power Acquisition & Installation Related Expenses Enter the total estimated cost for installation of all the units in the shore power system.
Total EPA Funds Requested for All other Eligible Shore Power Acquisition & Installation Related Expenses Enter the total amount of EPA funds requested installation of all the units in the shore power system.
Description of Other Eligible Shore Power Related Expenses Describe the items corresponding to the previous two columns.
Total Estimated Cost for Shore Power Equipment Acquisition
(total # of pedestals x Funds Expended/pedestal)
No action - autopopulated
Total EPA Funds Requested for Shore Power Equipment Acquisition
(total # of pedestals x EPA Funds Expended/pedestal)
No action - autopopulated
Total Estimated Cost for Shore Power Equipment Acquisition, Installation, and Other Costs No action - autopopulated
Total EPA Funds Requested for Shore Power Equipment Acquisition & Installation, and Other Costs No action - autopopulated
Table 9. Hydrogen Fueling Station Information
Table 9a. Hydrogen Fueling Station Information Overview
Type of Station Select from the dropdown menu what type of hydrogen fueling station is installed under this project.
Type of Hydrogen Storage (select from dropdown) Select from the dropdown menu what type of hydrogen storage is installed under this project.
Total Hydrogen Storage Tank(s) Capacity (kg) Enter the capacity of the hydrogen storage tank in kilograms.
H2 Dispenser Pedestal Manufacturer Enter the manufacturer of the hydrogen dispensing pedestal equipment.
H2 Dispenser Pedestal Model Enter the model name of the hydrogen dispensing pedestal equipment.
H2 Storage Tank Manufacturer Enter the manufacturer of the hydrogen storage tank.
H2 Storage Tank Model Enter the model name of the hydrogen storage tank.
H2 Compressor Manufacturer Enter the manufacturer of the compressor.
H2 Compressor Model Enter the model name of the compressor.
H2 Cooling System Manufacturer Enter the manufacturer of the cooling system.
H2 Cooling System Model Enter the model name of the cooling system.
Estimated Annual Total H2 to be Dispensed in kg Enter the estimated amount of total annual hydrogen dispensed from the fueling station in kilograms.
Hydrogen Generation Pathway Select the hydrogen generation pathway from the menu provided below. Options include: Steam Reforming - Natural Gas, Steam Reforming with Carbon Capture & Storage - Natural Gas, Methane cracking - Natural Gas, Gasification - Coal, Gasification with Carbon Capture & Storage - Coal, Gasification - Biomass, Gasification with Carbon Capture & Storage - Biomass, Electrolysis - Electric Grid Mix, Electrolysis - Renewable Energy, Fermentation - Biomass, Thermal water splitting - Nuclear, Thermal water splitting - Renewables, Purchased from Vendor, and Unknown
Table 9b. Location of Hydrogen Fueling Infrastructure
Port or Port Facility Where Infrastructure is Installed Select from the dropdown menu, options which will be populated based on Table 3a of this template.
If Infrastructure is not at a port or port facility listed in Table 3a, provide the Name of the Additional Project Location as listed in Table 3b Select from the dropdown menu, options which will be populated based on Table 3b of this template.
Project Site ID Autopopulates
State Autopopulates
County Autopopulates
City Autopopulates
Zip Code Enter the zip code in which the charging equipment hydrogen fueling station will be located.
Does the fueling station serve multiple port facilities within this application? Select whether or not the hydrogen fueling station serve more than one port area within the project submitted in this application.
Primary Port or Port Facility Served by H2 Fueling station Select from the dropdown menu the port area which the charging equipment will primarily serve; options will be populated based on Table 3a of this template.
Secondary Port or Port Facilities served by H2 fueling station Enter the name of the other port areas which the hydrogen fueling station will serve. If it will serve multiple secondary port areas, list all and separate with a semicolon (e.g., Port of Galveston; Port of Corpus Christi).
Table 9c. H2 Fueling Infrastructure BABA Details
Are the Hydrogen Fueling and related Equipment, Housing, and all Accessories BABA Compliant? Select from the dropdown menu which parts of the infrastructure project are BABA compliant. Options include: Yes - Equipment, Housing, Wiring, Cables, and All Accessories are BABA Compliant, Some Equipment, Housing, Wiring, Cables, and Accessories are BABA Compliant, No, and Not Sure
If No, Partly Compliant, or Unsure, explain For the previous column, explain which parts are not compliant or enter N/A.
Is the plan to use a waiver to fulfill BABA compliance for this infrastructure? Select from the dropdown menu how BABA requirements are being met for the infrastructure project. Options include: No - Infrastructure meets all BABA requirements, Yes - EPA's De Minimis Waiver, Yes - EPA's Small Project Waiver, Yes - EPA's Pacific Island Territories General Applicability Waiver, Yes - Project-Level Waiver, and Unsure
Table 9d. H2 Fueling Infrastructure Cost Summary
Total Estimated Cost for Acquisition of H2 Fueling Pedestal(s): Enter the total estimated cost for acquiring all hydrogen fueling pedestals needed for this project
Total EPA Funds Requested for Acquisition of H2 Fueling Pedestal(s): Enter the total EPA funds requested for acquiring all the hydrogen fueling pedestals needed for this project
Total Estimated Cost for All Additional H2 Supporting Infrastructure (e.g., tanks, pipes, compressors, cooling systems): Enter the total estimated cost for acquiring additional supporting infrastructure such as tanks, compressors, pipes, cooling systems, etc.
Total EPA Funds Requested for all Additional H2 Supporting Infrastructure (e.g., tanks, pipes, compressors, cooling systems): Enter the total EPA funds requested for acquiring additional supporting infrastructure such as tanks, compressors, pipes, cooling systems, etc.
Total Estimated Cost for Installation of H2 Fueling Infrastructure Enter the total estimated cost for installation of all the units in the hydrogen fueling station.
Total EPA Funds Requested for Installation of H2 Fueling Infrastructure Enter the total amount of EPA funds requested for installation of all the units in the hydrogen fueling station.
Total Estimated Cost for All other Eligible H2 Fueling Infrastructure Acquisition & Installation Related Expenses Enter the total estimated cost for acquisition and installation of all the units in the hydrogen fueling system.
Total EPA Funds Requested for All other Eligible H2 Fueling Infrastructure Acquisition & Installation Related Expenses Enter the total amount of EPA funds requested for acquisition and installation of all the units in the hydrogen fueling system.
Description of Other Eligible H2 Fueling Related Expenses Describe the items corresponding to the previous two columns.
Total Estimated Cost for H2 Infrastructure Acquisition, Installation, and Other Eligible Expenses No action - autopopulated
Total EPA Funds Requested for H2 Infrastructure Acquisition, Installation, and Other Eligible Expenses No action - autopopulated
Table 10. Solar and Wind Power Generation System Equipment Information 
Table 10a. Solar and Wind Power Generation System Equipment Information
Type of energy generation Select from the dropdown menu the renewable source of energy for power generation: solar or wind.
Manufacturer of Solar or Wind Power Generation System Enter the name of the manufacturer of the solar or wind power generation system.
Model of Solar or Wind Power Generation System Enter the model name of the solar or wind power generation system.
Generation Capacity of the System (please indicate kW or MW) Enter the energy generation capacity of the solar or wind power generation system, including the appropriate units (kW or MW).
Table 10b. Solar and Wind Power Generation System Location Details
Port or Port Facility Where Infrastructure is Installed Select from the dropdown menu, options which will be populated based on Table 3a of this template.
If Infrastructure is not at a port or port facility listed in Table 3a, provide the Name of the Additional Project Location as listed in Table 3b Select from the dropdown menu, options which will be populated based on Table 3b of this template.
Project Site ID Autopopulates
State Autopopulates
County Autopopulates
City Autopopulates
Zip Code Enter the zip code in which the solar or wind power generation system will be located.
Does the Solar or Wind Power Generation System serve multiple ports within this application? Select whether or not the solar or wind power generation system serves more than one port area within the project submitted in this application.
Primary Port or Port Facility Served by Solar or Wind Power Generation System Enter the name of the port area in which the solar or wind power generation system will primarily serve.
Secondary Port or Port Facilities served by Solar or Wind Power Generation System (use a semicolon between facilities) Enter the name of the other port areas in which the solar or wind power generation system will serve. If it will serve multiple secondary port areas, list all and separate with a semicolon (e.g., Port of Galveston; Port of Corpus Christi).
Table 10c. Solar and Wind Power Generation System BABA Compliance
Is Solar or Wind Power Generation System and related Equipment, Housing, and all Accessories BABA Compliant? Select from the dropdown menu which parts of the infrastructure project are BABA compliant. Options include: Yes - Equipment, Housing, Wiring, Cables, and All Accessories are BABA Compliant, Some Equipment, Housing, Wiring, Cables, and Accessories are BABA Compliant, No, and Not Sure
If No, Partly Compliant, or Unsure, explain For the previous column, explain which parts are not compliant or enter N/A.
Is the plan to use a waiver to fulfill BABA compliance for this infrastructure?
(for more information on approved waivers, see Build America, Buy America (BABA) Approved Waivers US EPA)
Select from the dropdown menu how BABA requirements are being met for the infrastructure project. Options include: No - Infrastructure meets all BABA requirements, Yes - EPA's De Minimis Waiver, Yes - EPA's Small Project Waiver, Yes - EPA's Pacific Island Territories General Applicability Waiver, Yes - Project-Level Waiver, and Unsure
Table 10d. Solar and Wind Power Generation System Cost Summary
Total Estimated Acquisition Cost for Solar or Wind Power Generation System Equipment Enter the total estimated cost for the acquisition of the solar or wind power generation infrastructure system(s)
Total EPA Funds Requested for Acquisition Cost of Solar or Wind Power Generation System Equipment Enter the EPA funds requested for the acquisition of the solar or wind power generation infrastructure system(s)
Total Estimated Cost for Installation of Solar or Wind Power Generation System Equipment Enter the total estimated cost for installation of the solar or wind power generation infrastructure system(s).
Total EPA Funds Requested for Installation of Solar or Wind Power Generation System Equipment Enter the total amount of EPA funds requested for installation of the solar or wind power generation infrastructure system(s).
Total Estimated Cost for All other eligible Solar or Wind Power Generation System Related Expenses Enter the total estimated cost for all other eligible expenses related to the solar or wind power generation system(s).
Total EPA Funds Requested for All other eligible Solar or Wind Power Generation System Related Expenses Enter the total amount of EPA funds requested for all other eligible expenses related to the solar or wind power generation system(s).
Description of Other Eligible Solar or Wind Power Generation System Related Expenses Describe the items corresponding to the previous two columns.
Total Estimated Cost for Solar or Wind Power Generation Equipment, Installation, and other Eligible Expenses No action - autopopulated
Total EPA Funds Requested for Solar or Wind Power Generation Equipment, Installation, and other Eligible Expenses No action - autopopulated
Table 11. Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) Equipment Information
Table 11a. Battery Electric Storage System (BESS) Equipment Overview
Type of Battery Select the type of battery from the dropdown menu; options include: Lithium-ion, lead-acid, Flow, Flywheels, Other, and Not Sure
Manufacturer of BESS Enter the manufacturer of the BESS equipment.
Model of BESS Enter the model name of the BESS equipment.
Total Energy Capacity (please indicate unit; kWh or MWh) Enter the total energy capacity of the BESS system and indicate the unit of energy (kWh or MWh)
Maximum Continuous Discharge AC Power (kW) Enter the maximum continuous discharge alternative current power in kW
Maximum Continuous Discharge DC Power (kW) Enter the maximum continuous discharge direct current power in kW
Number of Units Enter the number of BESS units installed in this infrastructure project.
Table 11b. Location of BESS Infrastructure
Port or Port Facility Where Infrastructure is Installed Select from the dropdown menu, options which will be populated based on Table 3a of this template.
If Infrastructure is not at a port or port facility listed in Table 3a, provide the Name of the Additional Project Location as listed in Table 3b Select from the dropdown menu, options which will be populated based on Table 3b of this template.
Project Site ID Autopopulates
State Autopopulates
County Autopopulates
City Autopopulates
Zip Code Enter the zip code in which the BESS equipment will be located.
Does the BESS System serve multiple ports within this application? Select whether or not the BESS system serves more than one port area within the project submitted in this application.
Primary Port or Port Facility Served by BESS System Enter the name of the port area in which the BESS system will primarily serve.
Secondary Port or Port Facilities served by BESS System (use a semicolon between facilities) Enter the name of the other port areas which the BESS system will serve. If it will serve multiple secondary port areas, list all and separate with a semicolon (e.g., Port of Galveston; Port of Corpus Christi).
Table 11c. BABA Compliance
Is BESS and related Equipment, Housing, and all Accessories BABA Compliant? Select from the dropdown menu which parts of the infrastructure project are BABA compliant. Options include: Yes - Equipment, Housing, Wiring, Cables, and All Accessories are BABA Compliant, Some Equipment, Housing, Wiring, Cables, and Accessories are BABA Compliant, No, and Not Sure
If No, Partly Compliant, or Unsure, explain For the previous column, explain which parts are not compliant or enter N/A.
Is the plan to use a waiver to fulfill BABA compliance for this infrastructure? (for more information on approved waivers, see Build America, Buy America (BABA) Approved Waivers US EPA). Select from the dropdown menu how BABA requirements are being met for the infrastructure project. Options include: No - Infrastructure meets all BABA requirements, Yes - EPA's De Minimis Waiver, Yes - EPA's Small Project Waiver, Yes - EPA's Pacific Island Territories General Applicability Waiver, Yes - Project-Level Waiver, and Unsure
Table 11d. BESS Cost Summary
Total Estimated Acquisition Cost for each BESS Unit Enter the equipment cost for each unit of the BESS.
Total EPA Funds Requested for each BESS Unit Acquisition Enter the EPA funds expended for the equipment in each BESS unit.
Total Estimated Cost for BESS Acquisition Autopopulates
Total EPA Funds Requested for BESS Acquisition Autopopulates
Total Estimated Cost for Installation of BESS Enter the total estimated cost for installation of BESS.
Total EPA Funds Requested for Installation of BESS Enter the total amount of EPA funds requested for installation of BESS.
Total Estimated Cost for All other Eligible BESS Related Expenses Enter the total estimated cost for all other eligible BESS-related expenses such as shipping of equipment, etc.
Total EPA Funds Requested for All other Eligible BESS Related Expenses Enter the total amount of EPA funds requested for all other eligible BESS-related expenses such as shipping of equipment, etc.
Description of Other Eligible BESS Related Expenses Describe the items corresponding to the previous two columns.
Total Estimated Cost for BESS Equipment, Installation, and Other Eligible Expenses No action - autopopulated
Total EPA Funds Requested BESS Equipment, Installation, and Other Eligible Expenses No action - autopopulated
Are there any other infrastructure projects associated with this grant that are not listed above? (select Yes or No) Select Yes or No from Dropdown
If no, please leave this section blank. If yes, please provide details in the box below on the infrastructure project and describe how BABA compliance was determined. If other infrastructure elements are part of this project, please provide details in the text field on the infrastructure components, cost, and describe how BABA compliance was determined.
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