Y. Burden Table

Y. Burden Table.xlsx

Understanding the Relationship Between Poverty, Well-Being, and Food Security

Y. Burden Table

OMB: 0584-0682

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Burden Table

Sheet 1: Burden Table

Responsive Non-Responsive

Respondent Category Type of respondents Instruments Appendix Sample Size Number of respondents Frequency of response Total Annual responses Hours per response Annual burden (hours) Number of
Frequency of response Total Annual responses Hours per response Annual burden (hours) Grand Total Annual Burden Estimate (hours) Hourly rate Cost
Individual/ Household Survey participants Survey Invitation C1/C2 19,800 15,840 1 15,840 0.0334 529 3,960 1 3,960 0.0334 132.264 661 $7.25 $4,795
Study Brochure D 19,800 15,840 1 15,840 0.0334 529 3,960 1 3,960 0.0334 132.264 661 $7.25 $4,795
Endorsement Letter E1/E2 19,800 15,840 1 15,840 0.0334 529 3,960 1 3,960 0.0334 132.264 661 $7.25 $4,795
First Survey Reminder Letter F1/F2 17,325 10,395 1 10,395 0.0334 347 6,930 1 6,930 0.0334 231.462 579 $7.25 $4,195
Second Survey Reminder Letter G1/G2 13,860 5,544 1 5,544 0.0334 185 8,316 1 8,316 0.0334 277.754 463 $7.25 $3,356
Survey Door Hanger H 10,395 9,876 1 9,876 0.0167 165 519 1 519 0.0167 8.667 174 $7.25 $1,259
Survey Refusal Letter J1/J2 3,960 3,168 1 3,168 0.0334 106 792 1 792 0.0334 26.453 132 $7.25 $959
Thank You Letter K1/K2 2,178 2,178 1 2,178 0.0167 36 0 0 - 0.0167 - 36 $7.25 $264
Household Survey S1/S2/S3 19,800 6,600 1 6,600 0.5845 3,858 13,200 1 13,200 0.0000 - 3,858 $7.25 $27,968
IDI participants IDI Invitation Call Script L1/L2 624 562 1 562 0.1002 56 62 1 62 0.1002 6.212 63 $7.25 $453
IDI Confirmation Letter/Email M1/M2 624 156 1 156 0.0167 3 468 1 468 0.0167 7.816 10 $7.25 $76
IDI Reminder Call Script N1/N2 624 156 1 156 0.0334 5 468 1 468 0.0334 15.631 21 $7.25 $151
IDI Consent Form O1/O2 624 156 1 156 0.0334 5 468 1 468 0.0334 15.631 21 $7.25 $151
IDI Interview Guide P1/P2 624 156 1 156 2.0000 312 468 1 468 0.0000 - 312 $7.25 $2,262
Individual/ Household Sub-Total 20,112 16,121 5.36 86,467 0.0771 6,666 3,991 10.92 43,571 0.0226 986.419 7,652.101
Business (Profit, Non-Profit, or Farm) Focus groups Focus Group Consent Form Q1 96 36 1 36 0.0334 1 60 1 60 0.0334 2.004 3 $25.94 $83
Focus Group Discussion Guide Q2 96 36 1 36 1.5000 54 60 1 60 0.0000 - 54 $25.94 $1,401
Focus Group Invitation Q3 96 36 1 36 0.0167 1 60 1 60 0.0167 1.002 2 $25.94 $42
Study Description R 96 36 1 36 0.0334 1 60 1 60 0.0334 2.004 3 $25.94 $83
Business (Profit, Non-Profit, or Farm) Sub-Total 96 36 4.000 144 0.396 57 60 4 240 0.021 5 62
State, Local, or Tribal Government State or county staff SNAP Agency Data Request B 7 7 1 7 8.0000 56 0 0 - 8.0000 - 56 $78.88 $4,417
State or local police station staff Police Station Letter I 38 31 1 31 0.0167 1 7 1 7 0.0167 0.117 1 $78.88 $50
Study Description R 38 31 1 31 0.0334 1 7 1 7 0.0334 0.234 1.3 $78.88 $100
Focus groups Focus Group Consent Form Q1 24 12 1 12 0.0334 0 12 1 12 0.0334 0.401 1 $78.88 $63
Focus Group Discussion Guide Q2 24 12 1 12 1.5000 18 12 1 12 0.0000 - 18 $78.88 $1,420
Focus Group Invitation Q3 24 12 1 12 0.0167 0 12 1 12 0.0167 0.200 0 $78.88 $32
Study Description R 24 12 1 12 0.0334 0 12 1 12 0.0334 0.401 1 $78.88 $63
State, Local, or Tribal Government Sub-Total 69 50 2.34 117 0.654 76.555 19 3.263 62 0.022 1.353 78
COMBINED TOTAL 20,277 16,207
6,799 4,070 18 43,873
993 7,792.02

Sources: Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division (http://www.dol.gov/whd/minimumwage.htm). Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Employment Statistics Survey, May 2021. (https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes_stru.htm). Individual/Household: Federal minimum wage. Business (Profit, Non-Profit, or Farm): Average hourly earnings of Social and Community Service Management Occupations. State, Local, or Tribal Government: Average hourly earnings of Management Occupations. State, Local, or Tribal Government.

Number of responses per respondent (includes respondents and non-respondents 6.4408

Total Annual Responses


Estimated time per respondent


Total annual burden hours (respondent + nonrespondent


Number of responses per survey respt 0.3620

Total survey responses


Estimated time per survey respt


Number of responses per State respt


Total state responses


Estimated time per State respt


Sheet 2: Assumptions

Cell Document Sample Size Assumption Notes
C3 Survey Invitation 19,800 Sample of all participants who receive initial letter+brochure
C4 Study Brochure 19,800 Sample of all participants who receive initial letter+brochure
C5 Endorsement Letter 19,800 Sample of all participants who receive initial letter+brochure
C6 First Survey Reminder Letter 17,325 Send 1st survey reminder 2 weeks after start
C7 Second Survey Reminder Letter 13,860 Send 2nd survey reminder 8 weeks after start
C8 Survey Door Hanger 10,395 Use door hanger 8 weeks after start
C9 Survey Refusal Letter 3,960 Send refusal letters between 4-8 weeks after participant refusal
C10 Thank You Letter 2,178 Respondents who are mailed thank you letter for participation - just phone and web completes
C11 Household survey 19,800 Sample of all participants invited to participate in the survey
C12 IDI Invitation Call Script 624 Respondents invited to participate in the IDI. Half of these sample members will have completed the household survey, while the other half will be household members who were not included in the survey sample.
C13 IDI Confirmation Letter/Email 624 Send IDI confirmation letter/email
C14 IDI Reminder Call Script 624 Send reminder call script
C15 IDI Consent Form 624 Use consent form with IDI
C16 IDI Interview Guide 624 Respondents invited to complete IDI
C17 Total Individual/HH Respondents 20,112 19,800 household survey sample members + 312 IDI sample members (the half of the IDI sample that is not included in the HH survey sample)

C18 Focus Group Consent Form 96 Use consent form with focus groups - community based organizations
C19 Focus Group Discussion Guide 96 Respondents from community based organizations invited to complete focus group
C20 Focus Group Invitation 96 Sample of focus group participants from community based organizations - send invitation letter
C21 Study Description 96 Sample of focus group participants from community based organizations - send study description

C23 SNAP Agency Data Request 7 6 States + 1 County agency provide SNAP administrative data
C24 Police Station Letter 38 Number of police stations to alert regarding field staff
C25 Study Description 38 Number of police stations to alert regarding field staff
C26 Focus Group Consent Form 24 Use consent form with focus groups - State, local or tribal government
C27 Focus Group Discussion Guide 24 Respondents from State, local, or tribal government invited to complete focus group
C28 Focus Group Invitation 24 Sample of focus group participants from State, Local, or Tribal government - send invitation letter
C29 Study Description 24 Sample of focus group participants from State, Local, or Tribal government - send study description

Hourly rate for State agency staff includes 33% adjustment to include fringe benefits

Individuals/Participant: Federal minimum wage = $7.25

State, local, or Tribal agency director/manager: Average hourly earnings of workers in management occupations; = $59.31

State, local, or Tribal agency direct service staff: Average hourly earnings of workers in community and social services occupations;

Private sector for-profit business director/manager: Average hourly earnings of workers in management occupations;

Private sector not-for-profit agency director/manager: Average hourly earnings of social and community services managers = $$ 36.92

Private sector not-for-profit direct service staff : Average hourly earnings of community and social service specialists;

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