0920-1353 Component 2: Core Viral Hepatitis Prevention Activities

[NCCHSTP] Integrated Viral Hepatitis Surveillance and Prevention Funding for Health Departments

Att 3b_Comp 2_APR_Form_rev.2024

OMB: 0920-1353

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Annual Performance Report—PS21-2103 Component 2

Integrated Viral Hepatitis Surveillance and Prevention Funding for Health Departments

Form Approved

OMB No. 0920-1353

Expiration Date: 11/30/2024

Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 60 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer; 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS D-74, Atlanta, Georgia 30333; Attn: OMB-PRA (0920-1353)

Component 2: Core Viral Hepatitis Prevention Activities

Reporting Agency

Reporting jurisdiction

Contact name (person completing form)

Contact phone number (xxx-xxx-xxxx)

Contact email address

Additional contact name(s) (if applicable)

Additional contact phone number(s)


Additional contact email address(es)

Date of report submission (MM/DD/YYYY)

Reporting Period

(Complete this form with information from Reporting Period selected)

Select one

□ Year 1 (5/1/21-9/30/21)

□ Year 2 (10/1/21-9/30/22)

□ Year 3 (10/1/22-9/30/23)

□ Year 4 (10/1/23-9/30/24)

□ Year 5 (10/1/24-4/30/26)

2.1—Support viral hepatitis elimination planning and surveillance,

and maximize access to testing, treatment, and prevention

Measures 2.1.1.a – 2.1.1.b

  • Establishment and maintenance of a viral hepatitis elimination technical advisory committee (or coalition) with membership to support jurisdictional viral hepatitis elimination planning

  • Conduct at least two meetings per year of the viral hepatitis elimination technical advisory committee (or coalition)

Have you established a viral hepatitis elimination technical advisory committee (or coalition) to support viral hepatitis elimination planning?

Select one

□ Completed

□ In progress

□ Not started

Identify the stakeholder groups that are (or will be) represented on this committee (or coalition).

(select all that apply)

□ Public health

□ Corrections

□ Criminal justice, law enforcement

□ Medicaid

□ Injury prevention services

□ Substance use and mental health services

□ Healthcare providers

□ HIV care providers

□ Hospitals

□ Laboratories

□ Community-based organizations

□ Local harm reduction coalition members

□ Non-profit/advocacy groups

□ People with viral hepatitis lived experience

□ Other, specify:


□ N/A (committee not established)

During this reporting period, how many times did the committee (or coalition) meet?

Number of meetings=

□ No meetings held during reporting period

□ N/A (committee not established)

If the committee (or coalition) met during this reporting period, please submit copies of all meeting agendas.

Select one

□ Submitted □ Not submitted

□ N/A (committee not established)

Measure 2.1.1.c

  • Development and maintenance of a viral hepatitis elimination plan with support from the technical advisory committee (or coalition)

Have you developed a viral hepatitis elimination plan?

Select one

□ Completed

□ In progress

□ Not started

Does it contain plans for elimination of hepatitis C and/or hepatitis B?

(select all that apply)

□ Hepatitis C

□ Hepatitis B

□ N/A (plan not started)

If the viral hepatitis elimination plan is completed, please submit a copy with the APR.

Select one

□ Submitted □ Not submitted

□ N/A (plan not started)

Measures 2.1.2.c, 2.1.4.a

  • The jurisdictional viral hepatitis elimination plan addresses recommendations for increasing HCV RNA reflex testing

  • The jurisdictional viral hepatitis elimination plan addresses provider training in prescribing hepatitis C and hepatitis B treatment

Does your viral hepatitis elimination plan address recommendations for increasing HCV RNA reflex testing?

Select one

□ Yes

□ No

□ N/A (plan not started)

Does your viral hepatitis elimination plan address provider training in prescribing hepatitis C treatment?

Select one

□ Yes

□ No

□ N/A (plan not started)

Does your viral hepatitis elimination plan address provider training in prescribing hepatitis B treatment?

Select one

□ Yes

□ No

□ N/A (plan not started)

Measure 2.1.4.a

  • The jurisdictional viral hepatitis elimination plan addresses provider training in prescribing hepatitis C and hepatitis B treatment

During the reporting period, what trainings and/or resources were shared with primary care providers related to increasing their capacity to prescribe hepatitis B or hepatitis C treatment?

(Select all that apply)

Trainings sponsored by the health department that were conducted with primary care providers (in person or virtually) to increase their capacity to prescribe hepatitis treatment

A repository of existing hepatitis B and/or hepatitis C training resources, with links to this information, provided on health department website

Guidelines or recommendations related to prescribing hepatitis B or hepatitis C treatment

Information related to reducing the administrative burden of hepatitis C treatment (e.g., getting prior authorization, using patient assistant programs)

A provider resource directory, identifying both private and public provider resources for treatment of hepatitis B and/or hepatitis C

Protocols for primary care provider training and consultation for various audiences in culturally sensitive/culturally appropriate formats

Worksheets, job aids, or other tools intended to improve provider capacity to prescribe hepatitis B or hepatitis C treatment

Other type of resources for primary care providers (please describe):

(If trainings were conducted with primary care providers):

Which of the following best describes these trainings?

Number of trainings conducted that focused on increasing primary care provider capacity for prescribing hepatitis treatment:

Number of primary care providers who attended these trainings:

(Select one)

Newly developed trainings as part of PS21-2103 funding

Training programs/curricula developed outside of PS21-2103 (e.g., Project ECHO)

Combination of both

Other type of primary care provider training (please describe):

Enter total number of trainings that covered:

Prescribing hepatitis C treatment=

Prescribing hepatitis B treatment

Enter total number of primary care providers in attendance:

For trainings on prescribing hepatitis C treatment=

For trainings on prescribing hepatitis B treatment=

Question below relates to required NOFO activity (2.1.c. Disseminate materials regarding evidence-based practices for access to hepatitis C treatment and viral hepatitis prevention). There is no relevant required measure described in the NOFO.

During the reporting period, have you disseminated any of the following regarding evidence-based practices for prevention and access to treatment?

(Select all that apply)

Information on hepatitis C treatment recommendations for public and private insurance payors

Information on harm reduction for law enforcement and other emergency responders

Information on recommended viral hepatitis prevention and treatment services for PWID, their family, and friends

Information on recommended viral hepatitis prevention and treatment services for high-impact settings

Prioritized materials matched to target audiences (e.g., plans for developing, adapting, or identifying materials regarding evidence-based practices; plans for dissemination of materials)

Other materials shared related to evidence-based prevention services for persons at risk for viral hepatitis (please describe):

Measures 2.1.2.a – 2.1.2.b

  • CLIA-certified laboratories that conduct testing for at least 80% of all anti-HCV results identified in the jurisdiction

  • The proportion conducting HCV RNA reflex testing was assessed; feedback with recommendations conducted

Have you worked with your surveillance and/or epidemiology teams to identify the total number of CLIA-certified laboratories in your jurisdiction that report hepatitis C antibody testing results?

Select one

□ Yes

□ No

□ In progress

Of the CLIA-certified laboratories you have identified that report hepatitis C antibody testing results, have you selected the subset that reports at least 80% of the hepatitis C antibody testing results in your jurisdiction?

Select one

□ Yes

□ No

□ In progress

□ N/A (labs not identified)

Of this subset, have you performed a needs assessment to identify key barriers and challenges to increasing HCV RNA reflex testing?

Select one

□ Yes

□ No

□ In progress

□ N/A (labs not identified)

What proportion of the subset is conducting HCV RNA reflex testing?

Select one


□ In progress

□ N/A (labs not identified)

Have you provided recommendations to increase HCV RNA reflex testing?

Select one

□ Yes

□ No

□ In progress

□ N/A (labs not assessed)

How else were the results of the needs assessments used to increase HCV RNA reflex testing?


□ N/A (the results were not used for anything except developing recommendations related to increasing testing)

Measures 2.1.3.a – 2.1.3.b

  • The top 5 highest volume health systems in the jurisdiction identified

  • The proportion of health systems promoting routine HCV and HBV testing assessed; feedback with recommendations was conducted

What are the top 5 highest volume health systems in your jurisdiction?






□ In progress

□ Not started

Have you assessed how many of these health systems are promoting routine HCV testing?

Select one


In progress

Not started

□ N/A (health systems not assessed)

If so, what percent of health systems are promoting routine HCV testing?


In progress

N/A (health systems not assessed)

Have you assessed how many of these health systems are promoting routine HBV testing?

Select one


In progress

Not started

□ N/A (health systems not assessed)

If so, what percent of health systems are promoting routine HBV testing?


□ In progress

N/A (health systems not assessed)

Have you provided feedback to the top 5 highest volume health systems with recommendations on promoting routine HCV and/ or HBV testing?

Select one

Yes, to all 5

No, have not provided feedback to any of them

Yes, to some but not all

□ N/A (health systems not assessed)

How else were the results of the needs assessments used to promote routine HCV and/or HBV testing?


□ N/A (the results were not used for anything except developing recommendations related to routine testing)

Please use this space

to provide information about challenges and successes experienced when implementing Strategy 2.1 activities. Include additional contextual information that would help us interpret your annual performance data.

Did you use PS21-2103 funds to conduct Strategy 2.2 activities (i.e., hepatitis C and/or hepatitis B testing and referral to care in high-impact settings) during the reporting period?

□ Yes

□ No


List all types of settings serving PWID

During the reporting period, were component 2 activities conducted at one or more syringe services programs (SSPs)?

□ Yes

□ No

During the reporting period, were component 2 activities conducted at one or more substance use disorder (SUD) treatment programs (non-hospital based)?

□ Yes

□ No

During the reporting period, were component 2 activities conducted at one or more hospital-based substance use disorder (SUD) treatment programs?

□ Yes

□ No

During the reporting period, were component 2 activities conducted at one or more hospital-based programs (excluding SUD treatment programs which are included separately above)?

□ Yes

□ No

During the reporting period, were component 2 activities conducted at one or more health centers (non-hospital based)?

□ Yes

□ No

During the reporting period, were component 2 activities conducted at one or more sexually transmitted infections (STI) clinics? 

□ Yes

□ No

During the reporting period, were component 2 activities conducted at one or more mobile clinics? 

□ Yes

□ No

During the reporting period, were component 2 activities conducted at one or more emergency departments? 

□ Yes

□ No

During the reporting period were component 2 activities conducted at one or more correctional facilities? 

□ Yes

□ No

During the reporting period were component 2 activities conducted at one or more homeless services? 

□ Yes

□ No

During the reporting period, were component 2 activities conducted at another type of setting? 

□ Yes, specify: __________________

□ No

Note: If more than one other type of setting, list the first other type here and describe the additional other type(s) individually in the following questions. 

During the reporting period, were component 2 activities conducted at a second other type of setting? 

□ Yes, specify: __________________

□ No

Note: If more than two other types of settings, list the second other type here and describe the additional other type(s) individually in the following questions. 

During the reporting period, were component 2 activities conducted at a third other type of setting?

□ Yes, specify: __________________

□ No

Setting type

Was relationship established to expand HCV testing?

Was relationship established to expand HBV testing?

Number of clients seen at this setting during reporting period


questions will be skipped if not applicable

Select one

□ Yes

□ No

□ In progress

Select one

□ Yes

□ No

□ In progress


□ Unknown

SUD treatment programs, non-hospital based

questions will be skipped if not applicable

Select one

□ Yes

□ No

□ In progress

Select one

□ Yes

□ No

□ In progress


□ Unknown

SUD treatment programs, hospital-based

questions will be skipped if not applicable

Select one

□ Yes

□ No

□ In progress

Select one

□ Yes

□ No

□ In progress


□ Unknown

Hospital-based programs (excluding SUD treatment programs which are included separately above)

questions will be skipped if not applicable

Select one

□ Yes

□ No

□ In progress

Select one

□ Yes

□ No

□ In progress


□ Unknown

Health centers (non-hospital based)

questions will be skipped if not applicable

Select one

□ Yes

□ No

□ In progress

Select one

□ Yes

□ No

□ In progress


□ Unknown

STI clinics

questions will be skipped if not applicable

Select one

□ Yes

□ No

□ In progress

Select one

□ Yes

□ No

□ In progress


□ Unknown

Mobile clinics

questions will be skipped if not applicable

Select one

□ Yes

□ No

□ In progress

Select one

□ Yes

□ No

□ In progress


□ Unknown

Emergency departments

questions will be skipped if not applicable

Select one

□ Yes

□ No

□ In progress

Select one

□ Yes

□ No

□ In progress


□ Unknown

Correctional facilities

questions will be skipped if not applicable

Select one

□ Yes

□ No

□ In progress

Select one

□ Yes

□ No

□ In progress


□ Unknown

Homeless services

questions will be skipped if not applicable

Select one

□ Yes

□ No

□ In progress

Select one

□ Yes

□ No

□ In progress


□ Unknown

Other type of setting described above, first

questions will be skipped if not applicable

Select one

□ Yes

□ No

□ In progress

Select one

□ Yes

□ No

□ In progress


□ Unknown

Other type of setting described above, second

questions will be skipped if not applicable

Select one

□ Yes

□ No

□ In progress

Select one

□ Yes

□ No

□ In progress


□ Unknown

Other type of setting described above, third

questions will be skipped if not applicable

Select one

□ Yes

□ No

□ In progress

Select one

□ Yes

□ No

□ In progress


□ Unknown

Measures 2.2.2.c – 2.2.2.f, 2.2.3.a

  • Number of clients screened for hepatitis C (anti-HCV), by setting

  • Number of clients positive for anti-HCV, by setting

  • Number of clients tested for HCV RNA, by setting

  • Number of clients positive for HCV RNA, by setting

  • Number of clients positive for HCV RNA linked to treatment, by setting

During this reporting period, number of:

Setting type

Clients screened for hepatitis C (anti-HCV)

Clients positive for anti-HCV

Clients tested for HCV RNA

Clients positive for HCV RNA

Clients positive for HCV RNA linked to hepatitis C treatment


questions will be skipped if not applicable


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown

SUD treatment programs, non-hospital based

questions will be skipped if not applicable


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown

SUD treatment programs, hospital based

questions will be skipped if not applicable


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown

Hospital-based programs (excluding SUD treatment programs which are included separately above)

questions will be skipped if not applicable


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown

Health centers (non -hospital based)

questions will be skipped if not applicable


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown

STI clinics

questions will be skipped if not applicable


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown

Mobile clinics

questions will be skipped if not applicable


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown

Emergency departments

questions will be skipped if not applicable


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown

Correctional facilities

questions will be skipped if not applicable


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown

Homeless services

questions will be skipped if not applicable


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown

Other type of setting described above, first

questions will be skipped if not applicable


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown

Other type of setting described above, second

questions will be skipped if not applicable


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown

Other type of setting described above, third

questions will be skipped if not applicable


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown

Measures 2.2.2.g – 2.2.2.h, 2.2.3.b

  • Number of clients screened for hepatitis B, by setting

  • Number of clients positive for HBsAg, by setting

  • Number of clients positive for HBsAg linked to care, by setting

During this reporting period, number of:

Setting type

Clients screened for hepatitis B

Clients positive for HBsAg

Clients positive for HBsAg linked to hepatitis B care


questions will be skipped if not applicable


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown

SUD treatment programs, non-hospital based

questions will be skipped if not applicable


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown

SUD treatment programs, hospital-based

questions will be skipped if not applicable


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown

Hospital-based programs (excluding SUD treatment programs which are included separately above)

questions will be skipped if not applicable


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown

Health centers (non- hospital based)

questions will be skipped if not applicable


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown

STI clinics

questions will be skipped if not applicable


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown

Mobile clinics

questions will be skipped if not applicable


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown

Emergency departments

questions will be skipped if not applicable


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown

Correctional facilities

questions will be skipped if not applicable


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown

Homeless services

questions will be skipped if not applicable


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown

Other type of setting described above, first

questions will be skipped if not applicable


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown

Other type of setting described above, second

questions will be skipped if not applicable


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown

Other type of setting described above, third

questions will be skipped if not applicable


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown

Please use this space

to provide information about challenges and successes experienced when implementing Strategy 2.2 activities. Include additional contextual information that would help us interpret your annual performance data.

Was Section 2.3 funded?

Select one

□ No NOTE: Stop here if not funded

□ Yes


2.3—Improve access to services preventing viral hepatitis

and other bloodborne infections among people who inject drugs (PWID)

Measures 2.3.3.a – 2.3.3.d

  • Number of hepatitis A vaccination doses administered to clients in the high-impact settings, by setting

  • Number of clients in the high-impact settings who completed hepatitis A vaccination series, by setting

  • Number of hepatitis B vaccination doses administered to clients in the high-impact settings, by setting

  • Number of clients in the high-impact settings who completed hepatitis B vaccination series, by setting

During this reporting period, number of:

Setting type

Hepatitis A vaccination doses administered

Clients who completed hepatitis A vaccination series

Hepatitis B vaccination doses administered

Clients who completed hepatitis B vaccination series


questions will be skipped if not applicable


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown

SUD treatment programs, non-hospital based

questions will be skipped if not applicable


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown

SUD treatment programs, hospital-based

questions will be skipped if not applicable


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown

Hospital-based programs (excluding SUD treatment programs which are included separately above)

questions will be skipped if not applicable


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown

Health centers (non- hospital based)

questions will be skipped if not applicable


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown

STI clinics

questions will be skipped if not applicable


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown

Mobile clinics

questions will be skipped if not applicable


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown

Emergency departments

questions will be skipped if not applicable


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown

Correctional facilities

questions will be skipped if not applicable


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown

Homeless services

questions will be skipped if not applicable


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown

Other type of setting described above, first

questions will be skipped if not applicable


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown

Other type of setting described above, second

questions will be skipped if not applicable


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown

Other type of setting described above, third

questions will be skipped if not applicable


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown

Measures 2.3.1.a – 2.3.1.d, 2.3.2.a

  • Number of syringe services programs (SSPs) in the jurisdiction

  • Number of visits in the jurisdiction, by SSP

  • Number of unduplicated SSP clients in the jurisdiction, by SSP

  • Mean (median) syringe coverage rates, by SSP

  • Number of clients linked to substance use disorder treatment by SSPs in the jurisdiction, by SSP

During this reporting period, number of:

Syringe services programs (SSPs) in jurisdiction

Total client visits

Unduplicated SSP clients

Clients linked to substance use disorder treatment

Mean syringe coverage rates during this reporting period





□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown






□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown






□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown






□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown






□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown






□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown






□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown






□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown






□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


SSP 10




□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


SSP 11




□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


SSP 12




□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


SSP 13




□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


SSP 14




□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


SSP 15




□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


SSP 16




□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


SSP 17




□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


SSP 18




□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


SSP 19




□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


SSP 20




□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


SSP 21




□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


SSP 22




□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


SSP 23




□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


SSP 24




□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


SSP 25




□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


SSP 26




□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


SSP 27




□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


SSP 28




□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


SSP 29




□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


SSP 30




□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


SSP 31




□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


SSP 32




□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


SSP 33




□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


SSP 34




□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


SSP 35




□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


SSP 36




□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


SSP 37




□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


SSP 38




□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


SSP 39




□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


SSP 40




□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


SSP 41




□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


SSP 42




□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


SSP 43




□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


SSP 44




□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


SSP 45




□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


SSP 46




□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


SSP 47




□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


SSP 48




□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


SSP 49




□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


SSP 50




□ Unknown


□ Unknown


□ Unknown


Please use this space

to provide information about challenges and successes experienced when implementing Strategy 2.3 activities. Include additional contextual information that would help us interpret your annual performance data.


File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorCooley, Laura A. (CDC/DDID/NCHHSTP/DVH)
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2024-07-22

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