Appendices: Recruitment Materials

Recruitment appendices SAS-HV OSC4a OMB package 1-10-24, CLEAN.docx

Pre-testing of Evaluation Data Collection Activities

Appendices: Recruitment Materials

OMB: 0970-0355

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Appendix A
Recruitment Announcement
for Focus Groups to Explore Relevance of Reflective Supervision Measure Across Subgroups


Expiration Date: XX/XX/XX

The Supporting and Strengthening the Home Visiting Workforce project wants to hear from you! We are developing a measure of reflective supervision0 and need expertise of home visiting supervisors from diverse racial and ethnic groups.

Who can participate? 

We are seeking home visiting supervisors that identify as Black, Hispanic/Latine, or American Indian Alaskan Native and who have experience providing reflective supervision.

We also want to include supervisors with a variety of training on reflective supervision; model(s) implemented; number of home visitors supervised; and geographic location.


What does participation include? 

If you agree to participate, we will ask you to review a set of questions designed to measure reflective supervision and then join a focus group with other supervisors to share your perspective on the influence of racial and ethnic identity on reflective supervision practice and the relevance of questions on the measure to your racial or ethnic identity. The focus group will last about one hour and will be held virtually over Zoom.

Why should I participate?  

Hearing from individuals with a range of racial and ethnic backgrounds who have experience supervising home visitors will help us develop a measure that is relevant and useful for the home visiting field—we need your expertise! Additionally, we are offering a $45.00 gift card for participating in the focus group. Whatever you say during the group discussion will be kept private, and your name will not be connected to your answers in any written reports or presentations.

How can I participate? 

If you are interested in participating, complete the questionnaire using the link below. The questionnaire takes about five minutes to complete and asks for information about you, your home visiting program, and your experience with reflective supervision.  


Please note that we may not be able to invite all interested individuals to focus groups. If you are selected, we will reach out to you. If you are not selected, we may reach out to you in the next six months to see if you are interested in participating in later phases of the project, including surveys, interviews, or additional focus groups. 

Have questions?  

If you have any questions or clarifications about participation, please contact the project team at [email protected]. 

Appendix B
Confirmation and Preparation Participant Email for Focus Groups to Explore Relevance of Reflective Supervision Measure Across Subgroups

Confirmation Email 

Subject: Home Visiting Reflective Supervision Measure Focus Group 


Hello [focus group participant name], 

Thank you for signing up for a focus group. By participating, you will be helping us create a measure of reflective supervision that is relevant to diverse home visitors and their supervisors – and will lead to better support for the home visiting workforce.  

The session will be approximately 60 minutes and you will be given a $45 gift card for your time.  

I’m attaching the reflective supervision measure, which we will review during the focus group. Whatever you say in the focus group will be kept private, and your name will not be connected to your answers in any written reports or presentations. You will also find the consent form for the focus group attached, we will review this document again during the focus group.

Below is a zoom link for the focus group, so I can share the items on screen and so you’ll have the ability to see us and other participants. We also send a calendar invitation. If possible, please be prepared to share your video during the meeting.  Please contact me at this address if your schedule changes and you are no longer able to participate during the time you selected. We will send a reminder one day before the date of the focus group.

We look forward to talking with you soon,  


[Zoom Link Information] 

Appendix C
Recruitment Email for Web-based Developmental Test of Reflective Supervision Measure

Note: This is an email template that the Study Team will adapt and personalize for the different audiences that will be enlisted to help recruit home visiting supervisors. These audiences include all state, territory, and tribal MIECHV leads and representatives for models that are eligible for MIECHV funds. Additional regional champions may be identified for assistance with outreach as well.

The Supporting and Strengthening the Home Visiting Workforce (SAS-HV) project wants to hear from home visiting supervisors! We need your help inviting a broad group of supervisors to contribute to developing a reflective supervision measure.

Help us strengthen the evidence for reflective supervision in home visiting. We are seeking 500 home visiting supervisors to help us develop and test a measure of reflective supervision. The Study FAQs (attached) provide more information on the SAS-HV project. You can also view a recorded webinar about the study [link here].

We are sending this email to all state, territory, and tribal MIECHV leads and representatives for models that are eligible for MIECHV funds. Please forward the information below to [insert detailed instructions tailored to audience]. Thank you for your assistance. If you have any questions or clarifications about sharing this invitation or would like to schedule a phone call to discuss this opportunity, please contact the project team at [email protected]. 


The Supporting and Strengthening the Home Visiting Workforce project wants to hear from home visiting supervisors! Please consider taking one hour of your time to complete an online reflective supervision measure and a related set of questions. You will receive a $35 gift card for your participation.

Why should I participate?  

Hearing from individuals who have experience with supervising home visitors will help us develop a measure that is relevant and useful for the home visiting field---we need your expertise! Additionally, we are offering a $35.00 honorarium for completing this survey.  Your survey responses will be kept private, and your name will not be connected to your answers in any written reports or presentations.

Who can participate? 

All supervisors who provide individual reflective supervision to home visitors implementing models that are eligible for MIECHV funds can participate. We are seeking home visiting supervisors with a variety of backgrounds and perspectives with respect to:  

  • Race and ethnicity 

  • Geographic location 

  • Types of communities served (urban, suburban, rural, frontier)  

  • Training and professional development in reflective supervision

What does participation include? 

Participants takes about one hour and includes an online survey. The survey includes questions measuring aspects of supervision, several comparison measures, and feedback questions on the measure. We will also ask you some questions about yourself, your home visiting program, and your experience with reflective supervision. We will also offer opportunities to take part in additional follow up activities – these additional activities are completely optional.

Why should I participate?  

Hearing from individuals who have experience with supervising home visitors will help us develop a measure that is relevant and useful for the home visiting field---we need your expertise! Additionally, we are offering a $35.00 honorarium for completing this survey.  Your survey responses will be kept private, and your name will not be connected to your answers in any written reports or presentations.

How can I participate? 

If you are interested in participating, please click the link below.


Want to learn more about the study and your participation?

We are offering an informational webinar on [Date] at this link. We have attached Frequently Asked Questions as well.

Have questions?  

If you have any questions or clarifications about participation, please contact the project team at [email protected].

Appendix D
Recruitment Email for Supervisors for Repeated Measures Subsample

Greetings from the Supporting and Strengthening the Home Visiting Workforce (SAS-HV) project team! Thank you again for completing the reflective supervision measure survey. We are writing with an additional opportunity for you to participate in this project.

We need your expertise to understand how responses to the measure may vary across sessions and supervisees. We are looking for home visiting supervisors and up to three of their home visitors to participate in completing the reflective supervision measure over time and for home visitors to complete a short survey on the nature of supervision received.

Why should I participate?  

Hearing from individuals with a range of backgrounds who have experience with supervising home visitors will help us develop a measure that is relevant and useful for the home visiting field—we need your expertise! Adding in the perspectives of home visitors being supervised will allow us to compare perspectives. Additionally, we are offering a $20.00 gift card for the first survey, then a $35 gift card for the second survey, and a $50 gift card for the third survey. We will ask you to complete the reflective supervision for three supervision sessions with up to three home visitors, for a total of nine reports. Home visitors will receive a $35 gift card for completing a survey.

Who can participate? 

We plan to include up to 40 home visiting supervisors. We are looking for a diverse range of supervisors with a variety of experiences providing reflective supervision; receipt of training on reflective supervision; model(s) implemented; number of home visitors supervised; and geographic location. To be eligible for participation, you must provide weekly or biweekly supervision to at least two home visitors and be willing to complete all study activities over a period of approximately 4-8 weeks. You must also be willing to help us recruit home visitors whose supervision sessions you will refer to when completing the survey.

What does participation include? 

We will ask you to complete the reflective supervision measure after three reflective supervision sessions with the same home visitor. We will ask that you complete this process for up to three home visitors, completing the reflective supervision measure a total of 9 times. We will also ask you to complete a brief questionnaire about each supervision session (for example, was it a typical session?) and the home visitor you supervise (for example, race and ethnicity, years of experience). The format is an online survey that will take about 30 minutes to complete. 

How can I participate? 

If you are interested in participating, please sign up for an optional informational webinar using the link below. During the webinar, we will review the process and answer any questions. You will have a dedicated study team member to support you throughout your participation in the study. This study team member will also support the home visitors you supervise to ask for their participation.


Please note that we may not be able to invite all interested individuals to participate.

Have questions?  

If you have any questions or clarifications about participation, please contact the project team at [email protected]. 

Appendix E
Recruitment Email for Home Visitor Survey (for Supervisees of Repeated Measures Supervisors)

Greetings from the Supporting and Strengthening the Home Visiting Workforce (SAS-HV) project team! We are contacting you because your supervisor [insert name] is participating in a study testing a survey to measure reflective supervision practices. They complete this survey after supervision sessions with two to three home visitors they supervise. We are inviting home visitors receiving the supervision to share their perspectives on their supervision so we can compare the surveys.

Why should I participate?  

Hearing from supervisors and the home visitors they supervise, all individuals with a range of backgrounds, will help us develop a measure that is relevant and useful for the home visiting field—we need your expertise! Additionally, we are offering a $35.00 gift card for your participation.

Who can participate? 

We plan to include up to 120 home visitors whose supervisors are participating in the study. To be eligible for participation, you must participate in a weekly or biweekly supervision session then complete an online survey.


What does participation include? 

We will ask you to complete the quality and satisfaction supervision survey within one week of receiving the survey from the study team. The format is an online survey that will take about 30 minutes to complete. Your results will not be shared with your supervisor.

How can I participate? 

If you are interested in participating, please sign up for an optional informational webinar using the link below. During the webinar, we will review the process and answer any questions. You will have a dedicated study team member to support you throughout your participation in the study.


Have questions?  

If you have any questions or clarifications about participation, please contact the project team at [email protected]. 

Appendix F: Recruitment Email for Focus Groups with Repeated Measures Supervisors

Greetings from the Supporting and Strengthening the Home Visiting Workforce (SAS-HV) project team! Thank you again for completing the reflective supervision measure survey for multiple sessions and supervisees. We are writing with an opportunity to participate in a final activity for this project.

We are looking for home visiting supervisors to participate in focus groups to review and interpret the survey results. We need your expertise to inform the next steps with the reflective supervision measure so it is relevant and useful to diverse home visiting supervisors.

Who can participate? 

All home visiting supervisors who completed the earlier repeated measures survey are eligible to participate. We are seeking up to 15 home visiting supervisors with a range of backgrounds and experiences providing reflective supervision; training on reflective supervision; model(s) implemented; number of home visitors supervised; and geographic location.


What does participation include? 

Participation includes joining a focus group. We will ask you to share your experiences with completing the measure multiple times and to share your questions and perspectives on the supervisor and home visitor survey results. The focus groups will be held online using Zoom or a similar virtual platform and will last about one hour. Focus groups will include 3-4 other participants.

Why should I participate?  

Hearing from individuals with a range of backgrounds who have experience with testing the model over multiple sessions and home visitors will help us develop a measure that is relevant and useful for the home visiting field—we need your expertise! Additionally, we are offering a $45.00 honorarium for participating.  

How can I participate? 

If you are interested in participating, please sign up for a focus group using the link below.


Please note that we may not be able to invite all individuals to the focus groups. If you are selected, we will reach out to you.

Have questions?  

If you have any questions or clarifications about participation, please contact the project team at [email protected]. 

Appendix G: Confirmation and Preparation Email for Focus Groups with Repeated Measures Supervisors

Confirmation Email 

Subject: Home Visiting Reflective Supervision Measure Focus Group 


Hello [focus group participant name], 

Thank you for signing up for a focus group. By participating, you will be helping us create a measure of reflective supervision that is relevant to diverse home visitors and their supervisors – and will lead to better support for the home visiting workforce.  

The session will be approximately 60 minutes and you will be given a $45 gift card for your time.  

I’m attaching the reflective supervision measure, which we may reference during the focus group. Whatever you say in the focus group will be kept private, and your name will not be connected to your answers in any written reports or presentations.

Below is a zoom link for the focus group, so I can share the items on screen and so you’ll have the ability to see us and other participants. We also send a calendar invitation. If possible, please be prepared to share your video during the meeting.  Please contact me at this address if your schedule changes and you are no longer able to participate during the time you selected. We will send a reminder one day before the date of the focus group.

We look forward to talking with you soon,  


[Zoom Link Information] 

Appendix H
Study FAQs for Participants

Supporting and Strengthening the Home Visiting Workforce (SAS-HV) Project: Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the purpose of the SAS-HV project?

The purpose of this project is to develop and test a measure of reflective supervision for home visiting.

Despite strong support for reflective supervision, there is limited understanding of how it is implemented in practice and limited evidence of effectiveness. This is due, in part, to a lack of valid, reliable measures of reflective supervision.

2. Is participation required?

No. Choosing not to participate will not affect your job in any way. However, your participation will help us develop a measure of reflective supervision that is useful and relevant and useful for other supervisors.

3. Why is participation important?

Home visiting supervisors can offer valuable feedback on the reflective supervision measure. This includes perspectives on the relative importance of questions, the clarity and relevance of language and terms used, and if questions capture racially or ethnically salient practices and techniques.

We need a large, diverse sample of home visiting supervisors to achieve our aims and develop a measure that is relevant and useful to the field. To recruit supervisors, we are asking for help from all state, territory, and tribal MIECHV leads and representatives for models that are eligible for MIECHV funds and implemented in the United States. MIECHV leads and home visiting model representatives can share information directly with home visiting programs and supervisors about the study and how to participate.

4. What does participation include?

The study includes four possible activities, but all activities are optional, and supervisors will not participate in all activities. Activities include:

    1. 60-minute focus groups with diverse home visiting supervisors to explore the measure’s relevance for racial and ethnic subgroups

    2. 60-minute online survey including the reflective supervision measure and feedback questions, comparison measures, and background questions

    3. 30-minute repeated surveys to understand how responses to the measure change across sessions and supervisees

    4. 30-minute online survey with home visitors whose supervisors complete the repeated surveys. Home visitors will answer questions about the quality and satisfaction with their supervision.

    5. 60-minute focus groups with a subset of home visiting supervisors to review and interpret the survey results with the study team

All focus groups will take place virtually and all surveys completed online. Participants will receive gift cards for each data collection activity they complete.

5. Will participant responses be kept private?

Yes. All data is kept private, and answers will not be shared with the home visiting agency supervisors work in or with other agencies.

0 Reflective supervision is the regular collaborative reflection between a home visitor and their supervisor that builds on the home visitor’s use of their thoughts, feelings, and values within their work with families. Reflective supervision is characterized by reflection, regularity, and collaboration.


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