Model Deed Restriction


Property Acquisition and Relocation for Open Space

Model Deed Restriction

OMB: 1660-0103

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FEMA Model Deed Restriction
Exhibit A is FEMA’s Model Deed Restrictions that support 44 C.F.R. Part 80 requirements. Applications
requesting mitigation assistance to acquire properties for open space purposes must include a copy of
the deed restriction language proposed to meet these requirements.
The deed conveying the property to the locality must reference and incorporate Exhibit A (or equivalent
name). Any variation from the model deed restriction can only be made with prior approval from
FEMA’s Office of Chief Counsel. Such requests should be made to the FEMA Regional Administrator
through the relevant State or Tribal Office. Exhibit A shall be attached to the deed when recorded.
Exhibit A
In reference to the property or properties (“Property”) conveyed by the Deed between *property owner]
participating in the federally-assisted acquisition project (“the Grantor”) and *the local government+,
(“the Grantee”), its successors and assigns:
WHEREAS, the Flood Mitigation Assistance Program, as authorized in the National Flood Insurance
Reform Act of 1994,Sections 1366 and 1367, (42 USC §§ 4104c, 4104d), identifies the use of FMA funds
for planning and carrying out activities designed to reduce the risk of flood damage to structures
insurable under the National Flood Insurance Program;
WHEREAS, The Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, ("The Stafford Act"), 42
U.S.C. § 5121 et seq., identifies the use of disaster relief funds under § 5170c, Hazard Mitigation Grant
Program, including the acquisition and relocation of structures in the floodplain;
WHEREAS, The Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, ("The Stafford Act"), 42
U.S.C. § 5121 et seq., identifies the use of pre-disaster mitigation grants under § 5133, Pre-Disaster
Mitigation, to assist States and local governments in implementing cost-effective hazard mitigation
measures to reduce injuries, loss of life, and damage and destruction of property;
WHEREAS, the Repetitive Flood Claims program, as authorized by Section 1323 of the National Flood
Insurance Act of 1968 (42 USC §§ 4030), as amended by the Bunning-Bereuter-Blumenauer Flood
Insurance Reform Act of 2004, Public Law 108-264, identifies the use of RFC funds for reducing flood
damages to individual properties for which one or more claim payments for losses have been made
under flood insurance coverage and that will result in the greatest savings to the National Flood
Insurance Fund in the shortest period of time;
WHEREAS, the Severe Repetitive Loss Pilot Program, as authorized under Sections 1361(A) of the
National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 (NFIA, or “the Act”), 42 USC 4011 et seq., as amended by the
National Flood Insurance Reform Act of 1994; Public Law 103-325, and the Bunning-Bereuter-

Blumenauer Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2004, Public Law 108-264, identifies the use of SRL funds for
uses that reduce flood damages to properties insured under the National Flood Insurance Program;
WHEREAS, the mitigation grant program provides a process for a local government, through the State,
to apply for federal funds for mitigation assistance to acquire interests in property, including the
purchase of structures in the floodplain, to demolish and/or remove the structures, and to maintain the
use of the Property as open space in perpetuity;
Whereas, [state or tribe] has applied for and been awarded such funding from the Department of
Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency and has entered into a mitigation grant
program Grant Agreement dated [date] with FEMA and herein incorporated by reference; making it a
mitigation grant program grantee.
Whereas, the Property is located in [Village/City/County], and [Village/City/County] participates in the
National Flood Insurance Program and is in good standing with NFIP as of the date of the Deed;
Whereas, the [local government], acting by and through the [local government] Board, has applied for
and been awarded federal funds pursuant to an agreement with *State+ dated *date + (“State-Local
Agreement”), and herein incorporated by reference, making it a mitigation grant program subgrantee;
WHEREAS, the terms of the mitigation grant program statutory authorities, Federal program
requirements consistent with 44 C.F.R. Part 80, the Grant Agreement, and the State-local Agreement
require that the Grantee agree to conditions that restrict the use of the land to open space in perpetuity
in order to protect and preserve natural floodplain values;
Now, therefore, the grant is made subject to the following terms and conditions:
1. Terms. Pursuant to the terms of the [select mitigation grant program] program statutory authorities,
Federal program requirements consistent with 44 C.F.R. Part 80, the Grant Agreement, and the Statelocal Agreement, the following conditions and restrictions shall apply in perpetuity to the Property
described in the attached deed and acquired by the Grantee pursuant to FEMA program requirements
concerning the acquisition of property for open space:
a. Compatible uses. The Property shall be dedicated and maintained in perpetuity as open space for
the conservation of natural floodplain functions. Such uses may include: parks for outdoor recreational
activities; wetlands management; nature reserves; cultivation; grazing; camping (except where
adequate warning time is not available to allow evacuation); unimproved, unpaved parking lots; buffer
zones; and other uses consistent with FEMA guidance for open space acquisition, Hazard Mitigation
Assistance, Requirements for Property Acquisition and Relocation for Open Space.
b. Structures. No new structures or improvements shall be erected on the Property other than:

i. A public facility that is open on all sides and functionally related to a designated open space or
recreational use;
ii. A public rest room; or
iii. A structure that is compatible with open space and conserves the natural function of the
floodplain, including the uses described in Paragraph 1.a., above, and approved by the FEMA
Administrator in writing before construction of the structure begins.
Any improvements on the Property shall be in accordance with proper floodplain management
policies and practices. Structures built on the Property according to paragraph b. of this section shall be
floodproofed or elevated to at least the base flood level plus 1 foot of freeboard, or greater, if required
by FEMA, or if required by any State, Tribal, or local ordinance, and in accordance with criteria
established by the FEMA Administrator.
c. Disaster Assistance and Flood Insurance. No Federal entity or source may provide disaster
assistance for any purpose with respect to the Property, nor may any application for such assistance be
made to any Federal entity or source. The Property is not eligible for coverage under the NFIP for
damage to structures on the property occurring after the date of the property settlement, except for
pre-existing structures being relocated off the property as a result of the project.
d. Transfer. The Grantee, including successors in interest, shall convey any interest in the Property
only if the FEMA Regional Administrator, through the State, gives prior written approval of the
transferee in accordance with this paragraph.
i. The request by the Grantee, through the State, to the FEMA Regional Administrator must include a
signed statement from the proposed transferee that it acknowledges and agrees to be bound by the
terms of this section, and documentation of its status as a qualified conservation organization if
ii. The Grantee may convey a property interest only to a public entity or to a qualified conservation
organization. However, the Grantee may convey an easement or lease to a private individual or entity
for purposes compatible with the uses described in paragraph (a), of this section, with the prior approval
of the FEMA Regional Administrator, and so long as the conveyance does not include authority to
control and enforce the terms and conditions of this section.
iii. If title to the Property is transferred to a public entity other than one with a conservation mission,
it must be conveyed subject to a conservation easement that shall be recorded with the deed and shall
incorporate all terms and conditions set forth in this section, including the easement holder’s
responsibility to enforce the easement. This shall be accomplished by one of the following means:
a) The Grantee shall convey, in accordance with this paragraph, a conservation easement to an entity
other than the title holder, which shall be recorded with the deed, or

b) At the time of title transfer, the Grantee shall retain such conservation easement, and record it
with the deed.
iv. Conveyance of any property interest must reference and incorporate the original deed restrictions
providing notice of the conditions in this section and must incorporate a provision for the property
interest to revert to the State, Tribe, or local government in the event that the transferee ceases to exist
or loses its eligible status under this section.
2. Inspection. FEMA, its representatives and assigns including the state or tribe shall have the right to
enter upon the Property, at reasonable times and with reasonable notice, for the purpose of inspecting
the Property to ensure compliance with the terms of this part, the Property conveyance and of the grant
3. Monitoring and Reporting. Every three years on [date], the Grantee (mitigation grant program
subgrantee), in coordination with any current successor in interest, shall submit through the State to the
FEMA Regional Administrator a report certifying that the Grantee has inspected the Property within the
month preceding the report, and that the Property continues to be maintained consistent with the
provisions of 44 C.F.R. Part 80, the property conveyance, and the grant award.
4. Enforcement. The Grantee (mitigation grant program subgrantee), the State, FEMA, and their
respective representatives, successors and assigns, are responsible for taking measures to bring the
Property back into compliance if the Property is not maintained according to the terms of 44 C.F.R. Part
80, the property conveyance, and the grant award. The relative rights and responsibilities of FEMA, the
State, the Grantee, and subsequent holders of the property interest at the time of enforcement, shall
include the following:
a. The State will notify the Grantee and any current holder of the property interest in writing and
advise them that they have 60 days to correct the violation.
i. If the Grantee or any current holder of the property interest fails to demonstrate a good faith effort
to come into compliance with the terms of the grant within the 60-day period, the State shall enforce
the terms of the grant by taking any measures it deems appropriate, including but not limited to
bringing an action at law or in equity in a court of competent jurisdiction.
ii. FEMA, its representatives, and assignees may enforce the terms of the grant by taking any
measures it deems appropriate, including but not limited to 1 or more of the following:
a) Withholding FEMA mitigation awards or assistance from the State or Tribe, and Grantee; and
current holder of the property interest.
b) Requiring transfer of title. The Grantee or the current holder of the property interest shall bear the
costs of bringing the Property back into compliance with the terms of the grant; or
c) Bringing an action at law or in equity in a court of competent jurisdiction against any or all of the
following parties: the State, the Tribe, the local community, and their respective successors.

5. Amendment. This agreement may be amended upon signatures of FEMA, the state, and the Grantee
only to the extent that such amendment does not affect the fundamental and statutory purposes
underlying the agreement.
6. Severability. Should any provision of this grant or the application thereof to any person or
circumstance be found to be invalid or unenforceable, the rest and remainder of the provisions of this
grant and their application shall not be affected and shall remain valid and enforceable.
[Signed by Grantor(s) and Grantee, witnesses and notarization in accordance with local law.]

Grantor’s Signature ____________________________
Date ________________
Name (printed or typed) _________________________
Grantee’s Signature _____________________________
Date ______________

Grantee’s Name _______________________________
Grantee’s Title _________________________________
Last Updated:
07/27/2012 - 15:23

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2013-07-24
File Created2012-08-10

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