OMHRC Supporting Statement A

OMHRC Supporting Statement A.docx

Office of Minority Health Research Coordination (OMHRC) Research Training and Mentor Programs Applications (NIDDK)

OMB: 0925-0748

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Supporting Statement A for

Office of Minority Health Research Coordination (OMHRC) Research Training and Mentor Programs Applications (National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases)

OMB Control Number 0925-0748, exp., date 8/31/2023


Check off which applies:

  • New

  • Revision

  • Reinstatement with Change

  • Reinstatement without Change

  • Extension

  • Emergency

  • Existing

Robert Clay Rivers, PhD

Acting Director, Office of Minority Health Research Coordination

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases

National Institutes of Health

6707 Democracy Blvd, Room

Bethesda, Maryland 20892

Phone: 301-443-8415

Fax: 301-594-9358

E-mail: [email protected]

Table of Contents


  1. Short-Term Research Experience Program to Unlock Potential (STEP-UP) Application

  2. STEP-UP Student Feedback Form

  3. STEP-UP Participant Survey Form

  4. Diversity Summer Research Training Program (DSRTP) Student Feedback Form

  5. Network of Minority Health Research Investigators (NMRI) Enrollment Form

  6. NMRI Evaluation Form Day 1

  7. NMRI Evaluation Form Day 2

  8. NMRI Evaluation Form Day 3

  9. NMRI Survey Form

  10. NMRI Mentor-Mentee Agreement Form

  11. NIH/National Medical Association (NMA) Academic Career Fellow Travel Awards Application

  12. NIH/NMA Feedback Form

  13. NIH/NMA Academic Career Development Workshop Contact Information and Feedback Form

  14. NIH/National Hispanic Medical Association (NHMA) Academic Career Fellow Travel Awards Application

  15. NIH/NHMA Feedback Form

  16. Privacy Act Notification Memo

  17. Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA)

A. Justification

The information collection activity is necessary to determine the eligibility and quality of potential awardees for traineeships and mentorships in the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases’ Office of Minority Health Research Coordination programs. This will be a revision of an existing clearance submission that has a current expiration date of 08/31/2023. Since the last revision occurred there have been no major changes made to the program, but the following activities have occurred: For the Network of Minority Health Research Investigators (NMRI) survey an internal data report was created but no changes were proposed based on its findings; For the NMRI Evaluation form this was split into three documents, one for each day of workshop evaluation, but the questions remain the same from the last revision; For the National Medical Association (NMA) and National Hispanic Medical Association (NHMA) feedback forms some participant suggestions are incorporated into the NMA Career development workshop.

A1. Circumstances Making the Collection of Information Necessary

The National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), Office of Minority Health Research Coordination (OMHRC) administers a variety of programs and initiatives to recruit high school students through post-doctoral educational level individuals into research training and mentorship programs to facilitate their development into future biomedical, behavioral, clinical, or social scientists.

The legal authority granted to the NIH to train future scientists comes from several sources. Title 42 of the U.S. Code, Sections 241 and 282(b)(13) authorize the NIH Director to conduct and support research training for which fellowship support is not provided under Part 487 of the Public Health Service (PHS) Act (i.e., National Research Service Awards) and that is not residency training of physicians or other health professionals. Sections 405(b)(1)(C) of the PHS Act and 42 U.S.C. Sections 284(b)(1)(C) and 285-287 grant this same authority to the Director of each of the Institutes/Centers at NIH. 

Identification of participants to matriculate into OMHRC programs and initiatives comes from applications and related forms hosted through the following program websites:

Short-Term Research Experience Program to Unlock Potential (STEP-UP)

Diversity Summer Research Training Program (DSRTP)

Network of Minority Research Investigators (NMRI)

NIH/National Medical Association (NMA) Academic Career Fellow Travel Awards

NIH/National Hispanic Medical Association (NHMA) Academic Career Fellow Travel Awards

Prospective trainees and mentees for admission must apply directly to the OMHRC and may be asked to provide the following information to ensure eligibility: personal information, eligibility criteria, contact information, research training program selection, scientific discipline interests, educational history, standardized examination scores, reference information, resume components, employment history, employment interests, research details, letters of recommendation, financial aid history, future networking contact information, travel information, sensitive data (see Section A11), as well as feedback questions about interviews, event participation, and application submission experiences.

A2. Purpose and Use of the Information Collection

This is a revision of an existing collection, OMB control number 0925-0748, expiration date, 8/31/2023, and OMHRC requests approval for three years. The purpose of the information collection activity is to:

  • Assure that prospective trainees to the OMHRC Research Training and Mentoring Programs meet basic eligibility requirements

  • Assess applicants’ potential as future scientists

  • Determine where mutual research interests exist

  • Decide which applicants will be proposed and approved for traineeship awards

In each case, completing the application is voluntary, but in order to receive due consideration, the prospective trainee must complete all required fields. The OMHRC staff and NIH investigators have access to applications for select programs based on their affiliation. Access to the information contained in each application is restricted by a login password that will be regulated and monitored by the OMHRC staff. Selections for all OMHRC Research Training and Mentor Programs are made by an admissions committee and/or Program Director.

Over the last several years, the total number of participants in OMHRC Research Training and Mentoring programs have ranged from 1,000 to 2,000 trainees. To ensure the entire trainee population is receiving appropriate training and mentoring experiences to transition from student to colleague, the OMHRC created a series of programs, workshops, and activities to address research skills and career development.

The OMHRC programs’ application databases are designed to collect and review applications for admissions into OMHRC Research Training and Mentor Programs. The applicant profile and contact information collected in the application are useful for tracking OMHRC program alumni and for providing future research information, trainings, workshops, events, networking opportunities, and follow-up surveys.

Documenting participant feedback and post-program experiences (e.g., academic degrees conferred, academic and professional accomplishments, updated contact/professional information, career status and trajectory, potential research activities and funding, etc.) collected in the OMHRC feedback and evaluation forms are useful for programmatic insights to assess enhancement opportunities in program delivery and evaluate whether the programs are meeting their missions and goals. This information is useful to advance future evaluations for the OMHRC programs and to strategize new initiatives in minority health research and training.

A3. Use of Information Technology and Burden Reduction

The online web applications for the STEP-UP, DSRTP, NMRI, NMA, and NHMA have been developed to promote efficiency and long-term tracking capabilities.

Features of the online applications include, but are not limited to the following elements:

  • Edit submitted application to ensure up-to-date information for evaluation

  • E-mail confirmation of successful submission of application

  • E-mail notice of recommendation request for trainee submission

  • E-mail confirmation messages for receipt of the following items: application submitted, recommendation letter submitted from each reference

  • Resend recommendation request via e-mail program

  • E-mail notification of application status

Prospective trainees can review web pages hosting application instructions and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) prior to submitting an application for admission consideration. The details posted within the web pages ensure adequate time to carefully complete and submit a well-organized application. The estimated time to complete an OMHRC application is approximately 45-60 minutes based on informal feedback from applicants. Applicants are assigned login credentials, including randomly generated or user-defined passwords when they first apply, which conforms to standards used by the NIH Center for Information Technology. References submit their letters of recommendation for applicants via a password-protected website. The online sites and tools that individuals use to access applicant data are restricted to OMHRC-approved users.

OMHRC’s online systems reduces the burden on every applicant by streamlining the application process; improves agency efficiency and responsiveness to the public; and reduces the financial cost to applicants (e.g., there is no application fee for OMHRC programs). A Privacy Impact Assessment ([PIA] see Attachment 15) has been completed and submitted for OMHRC Research Training and Mentor Program applications database system.

A4. Efforts to Identify Duplication and Use of Similar Information

The NIH Office of Intramural Training and Education (OITE) host a similar platform to what OMHRC uses for STEP-UP however their platform is not easily transferable for extramural use. As such continued use of the already developed system that uniquely responds to the needs of the program is in the best interest of both OMHRC, applicant and the taxpayer.

OMRHC is transitioning to a government funded and supported data and survey tool known as RedCap. As it is a commonly used tool transitioning to this service leads to decreased probability of duplication of efforts.

A5. Impact on Small Businesses or Other Small Entities

No small business or other small entities will be affected by the implementation of OMHRC applications.

A6. Consequences of Collecting the Information Less Frequently

Without approval to collect applications for the various training programs, the OMHRC would be compromised in the ability to identify highly qualified trainees and mentees at various educational levels: high school students, undergraduate students, medical residents and fellows, and post-doctoral research students. Submitted applications for OMHRC programs’ admission remain active for up to five years and are then archived or disposed based on NIH Policy Manual Chapter 1743: Keeping and Destroying Records.

A7. Special Circumstances Relating to the Guidelines of 5 CFR 1320.5

The OMHRC information collection is consistent with the guidelines of 5 CFR 1320.5. Individuals that submit an application to the OMHRC do so voluntarily.

A8. Comments in Response to Federal Register Notice and Efforts to Consult Outside Agency

A.8.1 Comments in Response to the Federal Register Notice

The proposed information collection was published in the Federal Register on March 13, 2023, page 15423-15424 (88 FR 15423) and allowed 60 days for public comment. No comments were received.

A.8.2 Efforts to Consult Outside Agency

Since the inception of the Office of Minority Health Research Coordination, both formal and informational consultations with the Extramural Research Programs of the NIH’s Institutes-Centers and university communities have convened to discuss concerns and ideas about training future biomedical scientists within the OMHRC programs. Areas of interest and discussion included but were not limited to the following:

  • Recruitment of high-ability trainees

  • Application and interview process

  • Requirements for advanced degrees

  • Structure of NIH-University partnerships

  • Trainee support and stipends

  • Development of the NIH trainee community

  • Monitoring, steering, and evaluation of training programs

  • Mentor composition

A9. Explanation of Any Payment or Gift to Respondents

Neither payments nor gifts will be distributed to individuals to encourage the completion and submission of an application.

A10. Assurance of Confidentiality Provided to Respondents

The data collection is covered by the NIH Privacy Act Systems of Record 09-25-0014, “Clinical Research: Student Records, HHS/NIH/OD/OIR/OE,” per the privacy memo received (see Attachment 14). The applications and feedback forms collect Personally Identifiable Information (PII), such as name, contact information, education, financial aid history, and employment history. Information about whether an applicant has a relative at the NIH is collected to ensure compliance with the NIH Policy Manual Chapter 2300-310-1 Nepotism.

A11. Justification for Sensitive Questions

The OMHRC mission is to address the burden of diseases and disorders that disproportionately impact the health of minority populations. The OMHRC offers and participates in a variety of opportunities for researchers with underrepresented backgrounds. As such, the applications in this information collection request may collect sensitive data from applicants such as race, gender, ethnicity, and recruitment method, which are made available only to OMHRC staff members or in aggregate form to project officers and select NIH offices. This demographic information is not used by the admission committee for admission consideration. The OMHRC tracks and evaluates NIDDK’s progress in training underrepresented racial and ethnic minorities in biomedical research.

A12. Estimates of Hour Burden Including Annualized Hourly Costs

Table A12-1. Estimated Annualized Burden Hours

Form Name

Type of Respondent

Number of Respondents

Number of Responses per Respondent

Average Burden Per Response

(in hours)

Total Annual Burden Hours

Attachment 1: Short-Term Research Experience Program to Unlock Potential (STEP-UP) Application







Attachment 2: STEP-UP Student Feedback Form







Attachment 3: STEP-UP Participant Survey Form

Individuals/ Households





Attachment 4:

Diversity Summer Research Training Program (DSRTP) Feedback Form







Attachment 5: Network of Minority Health Research Investigators (NMRI) Enrollment Form

Private Sector





Attachment 6: NMRI Evaluation Form Day 1

Private Sector





Attachment 7: NMRI Evaluation Form Day 2

Private Sector





Attachment 8: NMRI Evaluation Form Day 3

Private Sector





Attachment 9: NMRI Survey Form

Private Sector





Attachment 10: NMRI Mentor-Mentee Agreement Form

Private Sector





Attachment 11: NIH/National Medical Association (NMA) Academic Career Fellow Travel Awards Application

Private Sector





Attachment 12: NIH/NMA Feedback Form

Private Sector





Attachment 13: NIH/NMA Academic Career Development Workshop Contact Information and Feedback Form

Private Sector





Attachment 14: NIH/National Hispanic Medical Association (NHMA) Academic Career Fellow Travel Awards Application

Private Sector





Attachment 15: NIH/NHMA Feedback Form

Private Sector








Table A12-2. Annualized Cost to Respondents

Type of Respondents

Total Annual Burden Hours

Hourly Respondent Wage Rate*

Respondent Cost





Private Sector







*Individuals/Households refers to high school and undergraduate student participants. This rate is generated from the federal minimum wage under the Fair Labor Standards Act:

Private Sector refers to researchers and fellows in the field of scientific/biomedical research. This rate is generated from the mean hourly wage of the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Employment Statistics, Occupational Employment and Wages, May 2021, Occupational Code 29-0000, Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations:

A13. Estimate of Other Total Annual Cost Burden to Respondents or Record Keepers

There are no capital costs, operating costs, or maintenance costs to report.

A14. Annualized Cost to the Federal Government

The annual cost to the Federal Government is estimated to be $128,086.25

Cost Descriptions



% of Effort

Total Cost to Gov't

Federal Oversight





IT Application Development Lead





IT Specialist





Health Science Administrator





Health Science Administrator





Program Analyst










*The salary in the table above is cited from 2023 DC-Baltimore-Arlington, DC-MD-VA-WV-PA locality pay table:

A15. Explanation for Program Changes or Adjustments

This is a revision to an existing collection in use under OMB Control Number 0925-0748, expiring 8/31/2023.

OMHRC changed the name of Short-Term Research Experience for Underrepresented Persons (STEP-UP) to the Short-Term Research Experience Program to Unlock Potential. The name change was made after guidance received from the Office of General Counsel. However, the goals of the program and the specific application forms and surveys remain the same.

The number of estimated respondents for Attachment #1 Short-Term Research Experience Program to Unlock Potential (STEP-UP) Application and #2 STEP-UP Student Feedback Form in the burden table has decreased by 1,400 and 75 respectively, which has decreased the overall burden hour estimate by 908 hours from 2,557 to 1,649. Subsequently, the overall burden cost to the public has decreased by $8,970. The federal cost, while slightly increased due to a change in the GS scale, has decreased as contractors were not used after the initial creation of the collection instruments in the last revision.

As discussed in Section A2, the OMHRC wishes to collect participant information for program evaluation and enhancement purposes. For example, the NMRI may update the existing, approved evaluation form (Section A12, Attachment 7) to include elements such as academic/career achievements, program participation feedback, updated contact information, and other factors informative for program assessment. Evaluation enhancements will not be made until approval is given by the NIDDK Advisory Council and resources are available to conduct such assessments. While the programs do not have an instrument prepared at this time, NIDDK will submit a revision with updated instrument(s) when finalized in the future.

A16. Plans for Tabulation and Publication and Project Time Schedule

No statistical analysis will be conducted from the information collected from the OMHRC applications.

Table A16-1. Project Time Schedule: Application Opening and Closing Dates for OMHRC programs


Program Application Opening and Closing Dates

Short-Term Research Experience Program to Unlock Potential (STEP-UP)

Annually around November-February; exact dates change each year

Diversity Summer Research Training Program (DSRTP)

Annually around November-February; exact dates change each year

Network of Minority Health Research Investigators (NMRI)

Continuous, open year-round

NIH/National Medical Association (NMA) Academic Career Fellow Travel Awards

Annually around December-May; exact dates change each year dependent on NMA Convention date

NIH/National Hispanic Medical Association (NHMA) Academic Career Fellow Travel Awards

Annually around August-January; exact dates change each year dependent on NHMA Conference date

A17. Reason(s) Display of OMB Expiration Date Is Inappropriate

The OMHRC displays OMB Control Number 0925-0748, expiration date 8/31/2023, and burden disclosure statements on all applicable information collection requests. Upon approval, the updated expiration date will be applied to each instrument.

A18. Exceptions to Certification for Paperwork Reduction Act Submissions

There are no exceptions to the Certification for Paperwork Reduction Act submissions.

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