CJ-43A CCF Confinement Facilities

Census of State and Federal Adult Correctional Facilities

Attachment A - CJ-43A confinement facility form

OMB: 1121-0147

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OMB No. 1121-xxxx: Approval Expires xx/xx/xxxx


Form CJ-43A













Please complete this questionnaire before [DATE] using one
of the following methods:
Online: https://bjs-prisoncensus.org


If you have any questions, contact the CCF Helpdesk at
1-877-254-1806 or [email protected].

The census includes all correctional facilities administered by state departments of corrections (DOC) or the Federal
Bureau of Prisons (BOP) or operated by private companies contracted to primarily house inmates for state correctional
authorities or the BOP. These facilities are intended for adults but sometimes hold juveniles. For this data collection, each
individual correctional facility or unit holding inmates under your jurisdiction is included, even if that facility shares budget
or staff with other facilities.
The CJ-43A is intended to collect data on confinement facilities administered by the state DOC or the BOP or operated by
private companies contracted to primarily house inmates for state correctional authorities or the BOP.
As you complete the survey, please provide a response to each question:
• If the answer to a question is “none” or “zero”

Write “0” in the space provided.

• If an exact numeric answer is not available

Provide estimates, and mark X in the box beside each
number that is estimated.

• If an exact numeric answer is not available
and you cannot provide an estimate

Write “DK” (don’t know) in the space provided.

• If you do not know the answer to a question

Write “DK” (don’t know) in the space provided.

• If the question does not apply to your facility
or those you are reporting for

Write “NA” (not applicable) in the space provided.

Under the Paperwork Reduction Act, we cannot ask you to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control
number. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 2 hours and 45 minutes per response, including the time for
reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of
information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspects of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing
this burden, to the Director, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Washington, DC 20531; and to the Office of Management and Budget, OMB No. 1121-xxxx,
Washington, DC 20503.

1. As of June 30, 2024, what were the functions of this facility? Mark (X) all that apply.
a. Facility functions
General adult population confinement
Alcohol/drug treatment confinement
Medical treatment/hospitalization confinement
Mental health/psychiatric confinement
Community corrections/work release/prerelease
Boot camp
Primarily for persons returned to custody (e.g., parole violators)
Primarily for confinement of youthful offenders
Geriatric care
Other — Specify:
b. Which facility function selected in question 1a applies to the largest number of inmates?
Mark (X) only ONE box.
General adult population confinement
Alcohol/drug treatment confinement
Medical treatment/hospitalization confinement
Mental health/psychiatric confinement
Community corrections/work release/prerelease
Boot camp
Primarily for persons returned to custody (e.g., parole violators)
Primarily for confinement of youthful offenders
Geriatric care
Other — Specify:
2. As of June 30, 2024, what percentage of the inmates in this facility were regularly permitted to leave the
facility unaccompanied (e.g., to work release, study release, rehabilitation)? Mark (X) only ONE box.
50% or more
Less than 50%


Please review your answers to Question 1b and Question 2.
• If you answered “Community corrections/work release/prerelease” to
Question 1b or “50% or more” to Question 2, DO NOT complete this
form. Please contact RTI at 1-877-254-1806 or [email protected]
to receive the appropriate form for this facility.
• Otherwise, please continue completing this form.


3. Is this facility administratively linked to any other facility? Facilities that share budgets or
administrators are administratively linked.
a. What are the names of the facilities?


Go to
question 4

4. As of June 30, 2024, who operated this facility? Mark (X) only ONE box.
Federal authority
State authority
Local authority
Joint state and local authority
Private contractor
5. As of June 30, 2024, was this facility authorized to house — Mark (X) only ONE box.
Males only
Females only
Both males and females
6. As of June 30, 2024, what was the physical security of this facility?
• Super maximum, maximum/close/high security is characterized by walls or double-fence perimeters, armed
towers, or armed patrols. Cell housing is isolated in one of two ways: within a cell block so that a prisoner
escaping from a cell is confined within the building or by double security from the perimeter by bars, steel
doors, or other hardware. All entry or exit is via trap gate or sally port.
• Medium security is characterized by a single or double-fenced perimeter with armed coverage by towers or
patrols. Housing units are cells, rooms, or dormitories. Dormitories are living units designed or modified to
accommodate 12 or more persons. All entry or exit is via trap gate or sally port.
• Minimum or low security is characterized by a fenced or “posted” perimeter. Cell housing units are rooms or
dormitories. Normal entry and exit are under visual surveillance.
Mark (X) the ONE box that best describes the physical security of the facility. If there are multiple, please select
the highest level.
Super maximum
Administrative (e.g., medical facilities)
Other — Specify:
7. As of June 30, 2024, did this facility have —
a. A geriatric unit specifically designed for inmates of advanced age?
b. A housing unit specifically designated for veterans?


• Rated capacity is the maximum number of beds or inmates authorized by a rating official for safe and efficient
operation of this facility. It may exceed design capacity because of double bunking. However, beds in an area
not designed as sleeping space, such as day rooms and multipurpose rooms, should not be included in rated
Rated capacity
Don’t know

Go to question 9
• Design capacity is the number of inmates that planners or architects
intended for this facility.
Design capacity



Go to question 10
Number of inmates

D :KDWZHUHWKHVSHFLILFFRQGLWLRQV"Mark (;) all conditions that apply.


Go to question 11

Visiting/mail/telephone policy
Accommodation of disabled
Religious practices
Mental health services/treatment
Search policies or practices
Fire hazards
Medical facilities or services
Disciplinary procedures or policies
Grievance procedures or policies
Administrative segregation procedures or policies
Library services
Inmate classification
Food services/nutrition/cleanliness
Counseling programs
Other — Specify:


b. Was this facility under court order or consent decree for the totality of
conditions (the cumulative effect of several conditions)?
c. In what year did this order or decree first take effect?

11. On June 30, 2024, what was the total number of inmates in this facility?
• INCLUDE all inmates temporarily absent from this facility (e.g., for court appearances, brief furloughs,
medical leave).
• EXCLUDE all inmates who were on escape or absent without leave (AWOL).
a. Males
b. Females
c. TOTAL (Sum of questions 11a and 11b)
12. On June 30, 2024, how many inmates in this facility were —
a. Males under age 18
b. Females under age 18
c. TOTAL (Sum of questions 12a and 12b)
13. On June 30, 2024, how many inmates in this facility were —
a. White, not of Hispanic origin
b. Black or African American, not of Hispanic origin
c. Hispanic or Latino
d. American Indian/Alaska Native, not of Hispanic origin
e. Asian, not of Hispanic origin
f. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, not of Hispanic origin
g. Two or more races, not of Hispanic origin
h. Additional categories in your information system —
i. TOTAL (Sum of questions 13a to 13h should equal question 11c)


14. On June 30, 2024, how many inmates in this facility were held in —
a. Maximum/close/high custody
• Maximum, close, or high custody is assigned to prisoners requiring the highest degree of supervision
because they pose a danger to others and to the institution or because their well-being would be in
jeopardy if they refused protective custody.
• These prisoners cannot participate in activities requiring outside movement, and their inside movement is
closely observed.
Number of inmates
b. Medium custody
• Medium custody is assigned to prisoners needing more than minimal supervision. Their inside movement
and call-outs require passes and/or supervision. Outside movement, if allowed, requires restraints except
for work or program assignments.
Number of inmates
c. Minimum/low custody
• Minimum or low custody is assigned to prisoners posing the least threat to the institution and public safety.
They include inmates assigned to community service centers and halfway houses and those who
participate in work, education, and other activities in the community.
Number of inmates
d. Not classified/other (e.g., unsentenced, sentenced and awaiting classification)
Number of inmates
e. TOTAL (Sum of questions 14a to 14d should equal question 11c)
Number of inmates
15. On June 30, 2024, how many inmates in this facility —
a. Had a total maximum sentence of more than 1 year
b. Had a total maximum sentence of 1 year or less
c. Were unsentenced
d. TOTAL (Sum of questions 15a to 15c should equal question
16. On June 30, 2024, how many inmates in this facility were —
a. U.S. citizens
b. Not U.S. citizens
c. Of unknown citizenship status
d. TOTAL (Sum of questions 16a to 16c should equal question


17. On June 30, 2024, how many inmates in this facility were being held in restrictive housing?
• Restrictive housing is a placement that requires an inmate to be confined to a cell at least 22 hours per day for
the safe and secure operation of the facility.
Number of inmates
If zero, skip to question 19.
18. If question 17 is greater than zero, how many inmates were in restrictive housing on June 30, 2024 for —
a. Protective custody
• Protective custody includes placement to ensure the safety of the inmate or that of another inmate.
Number of inmates
b. Administrative segregation
• Administrative segregation includes placement of an inmate because the inmate is a clear and present
danger to the security of the institution.
Number of inmates

Disciplinary reasons
Number of inmates


Death row
Number of inmates

e. Other reasons — Specify:

Number of inmates
f. TOTAL (Sum of questions 18a to 18e should equal question 17)
Number of inmates


19. On June 30, 2024, how many inmates in this facility were being held for —
a. Federal authorities
Number of inmates
If zero, skip to question 19b.
If greater than zero: Of all the inmates held for federal authorities, how many were held for —
1. Federal Bureau of Prisons
2. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (I.C.E.)
3. U.S. Marshals Service
4. Bureau of Indian Affairs
5. Other — Specify:
6. TOTAL (Sum of questions 19a1 to 19a5 should equal question 19a)
b. State prison authorities
Number of inmates
If zero, skip to question 19c.
If greater than zero: Of all the inmates held for state prison authorities, how many were held for —
1. Your state
2. Some other state(s) — Specify states below:

3. TOTAL (Sum of questions 19b1 and 19b2 should equal
question 19b)
c. Local authorities
Number of inmates
d. Tribal authorities
Number of inmates
e. TOTAL (Sum of questions 19a to 19d
should equal 11c)
Number of inmates


20. On June 30, 2024, how many staff employed by this facility were–
• Count each employee only once. Classify employees with multiple functions by the function
performed most frequently.
• INCLUDE payroll staff, non-payroll staff on the payroll of other government agencies (e.g.,
health department, human services, education, court), and unpaid interns.
• EXCLUDE staff paid through contractual agreements and community volunteers.
a. Security staff


b. Other staff

1. Male

1. Male

2. Female

2. Female

3. TOTAL (Sum of items
20a1 and 20a2)

3. TOTAL (Sum of items
20b1 and 20b2)

TOTAL ALL STAFF (Sum of items 20a3 and 20b3)
Security staff

Other staff

Includes correctional officers, line staff, and their
supervisors. Officers of all ranks and other
uniformed staff who, regardless of their staff titles,
are in direct contact with inmates and involved in
their daily custody, care, supervision, or monitoring.

Administrators, clerical and maintenance staff,
educational staff, professional and technical staff,
and other staff who spend more than 50% of their
time in this facility.

21. Of the total SECURITY STAFF reported in question 20a3, how many were —
a. White, not of Hispanic origin
b. Black or African American, not of Hispanic origin
c. Hispanic or Latino
d. American Indian/Alaska Native, not of Hispanic origin
e. Asian, not of Hispanic origin
f. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, not of Hispanic origin
g. Two or more races, not of Hispanic origin
h. Additional categories in your information system —
i. TOTAL (Sum of questions 21a to 21h should equal question 20a3)

22. As of June 30, 2024, how many security staff vacancies did this facility have?
• EXCLUDE security staff vacancies paid through contractual agreements or community volunteers.
Number of security staff vacancies


23. Between July 1, 2023, and June 30, 2024, how many misconduct/disciplinary reports were filed on inmates
for major infractions in this facility? Please count reports of major infractions in which one or more
inmate was found guilty.

INCLUDE major infractions, such as drug and alcohol violations; possession of stolen property, contraband or
weapons; verbal or physical assaults; work slow downs; food strikes; setting fires; escapes; and similar major


ONLY include the number of reports filed, not the number of inmates involved in major infractions.

Number of reports filed

24. Between July 1, 2023, and June 30, 2024, how many physical or sexual assaults against facility staff did
inmates commit resulting in a serious injury to staff at this facility? Please only include assaults that took
place on-site at this facility.
• A serious injury restricts the staff member’s usual activity. This type of injury requires immediate medical
attention more extensive than first-aid, such as application of bandages to wounds; it could include stitches,
setting bones, and treatment of concussion.
• INCLUDE rape/sexual assault
• INCLUDE assaults resulting in death.
Number of assaults against facility staff

25. Between July 1, 2023, and June 30, 2024, how many physical or sexual assaults against another inmate(s)
did inmates commit at this facility? Please only include assaults that took place on-site at this facility.
a. With serious injury to other inmates?
• A serious injury restricts the inmate’s usual activity. This type of injury requires immediate medical attention
more extensive than first-aid, such as application of bandages to wounds; it could include stitches, setting
bones, and treatment of concussion.
• INCLUDE rape/sexual assault
• INCLUDE assaults resulting in death.
b. Without serious injury to other inmates?
c. TOTAL (Sum of questions 25a and 25b)


 Between July 1, 2023, and June 30, 2024, how many disturbances occurred at this facility?
• A disturbance is an incident brought about by inmate action that results in loss of control of the facility or a
portion of the facility and requires extraordinary measures to regain control.
• A loss of control is defined as a situation in which inmates are acting in concert to disrupt facility operations
and refuse to comply with lockdown orders.
• Examples of extraordinary measures include sending in a significant number of staff or the tactical response
team, firing of shots, use of gas, etc.
Number of disturbances

Does this facility have a perimeter and barriers such as walls to keep prisoners from leaving or
surveillance methods such as guard towers, perimeter patrols, and electronic monitoring devices to
detect those attempting to escape?

Go to question 28

a. How many escapes occurred from this secure facility between
July 1, 2023, and June 30, 2024?
• Escape from a secure facility occurs when a prisoner breaches the last
line of security. If a prisoner clears the first fence of a double-fenced
facility but not the second, it is not an escape. Those who clear the
second fence, even if apprehended on prison grounds, have escaped.
Number of escapes

28. Between July 1, 2023, and June 30, 2024, how many inmates walked away while on work detail, medical
appointment, court appearance, work release, or furlough and, as a consequence, were officially
recorded as AWOL?
• Walkaway prisoners leave custodial supervision outside a secure institution while on detail, during
transportation, medical visit, or court appearance and are recorded as AWOL. Inmates who return late from
furlough or other temporary release should be counted as walkaways, not escapees.
Number of walkaways


29. As of June 30, 2024, what types of work assignments were available to inmates in this facility?
Mark (X) all that apply.
Prison industries (e.g., license plates, wood product, textiles)
Facility support services (e.g., office and administration work, food services, building maintenance)
Public works assignments — inmates work outside the facility and perform road, park, or other public
maintenance work
Other — Specify:
30. As of June 30, 2024, what types of counseling or special programs were available to inmates in this
• EXCLUDE formal education programs.
Mark (X) all that apply.
HIV/AIDS counseling
Drug dependency/counseling/awareness
Alcohol dependency/counseling/awareness
Psychological/psychiatric counseling
Anger management
Cognitive Behavioral Intervention, also known as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (e.g., Thinking for a Change [T4C])
Employment (e.g., job-seeking and interviewing skills)
Life skills and community adjustment (e.g., personal finance, conflict resolution)
Parenting/child-rearing skills
Canine training
Sex offender counseling
Victim services (provided to inmates who have been victims of crime prior to or during their incarceration)
Other — Specify:
31. As of June 30, 2024, what types of educational programs were available to inmates in this facility?
• INCLUDE only formal programs.
• EXCLUDE unscheduled activities and informal programs.
Mark (X) all that apply.
Literacy training or other lower basic adult education (ABE) — first- to fourth-grade level
Upper basic adult education — fifth- to eighth-grade level
Secondary education or High School Equivalency/GED
Special education (e.g., programs for inmates with learning disabilities)
English as a second language (ESL)
Vocational training (e.g., auto repair, drafting, data processing)
College courses
Study release programs (i.e., release to community to attend school)
Other — Specify:

32. As of June 30, 2024, was access to digital technology (e.g., tablets, computers, kiosks) provided to any
inmates in this facility?

End survey

a. As of June 30, 2024, what type(s) of inmates in this facility were provided
digital technology for the following purposes? Mark (X) all purposes that apply.
Note: Only mark boxes in 32a1-32a9 for the inmates that you hold under each
custody security level. Mark (X) in “Not Applicable” box if your facility does not hold
inmates under the specified custody security level.
Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

1. Attorney virtual visits
2. Telehealth visits
3. Counseling or special programs
4. Educational programming
5. Family/friend virtual visits
6. Email to authorized recipients
7. Entertainment (e.g., music,
television, books, games)
8. To browse approved websites
9. Other — Specify (include the
purpose(s) and the level(s) to
which it applies):

Please use the following space to provide any comments to clarify any of your responses or describe any
challenges you had in providing a response.


File Typeapplication/pdf
File Title2024 CCF Survey (CJ-43A)_confinement
File Modified2024-05-15
File Created2024-02-16

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