Internal Revenue Service
U.S. Income Tax Returns for Estate and Trusts
Forms: Form 1041, associated schedules, and related attachments.
OMB Control Number 1545-0092
Sections 6011 & 6012 of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) require entities to prepare and file estate and trust income tax returns. These forms and related schedules are used by estate and trust to report income and other compensation subject to tax as well as to report and disclosure taxes paid.
Treasury Regulations section 1.6011-1 explains that every person subject to any tax, or required to collect any tax, under Subtitle A of the Code, shall make such returns or statements as are required by the regulations. The return or statement shall include therein the information required by the applicable regulations or forms. Section 1.6012-3 explains the general guidelines for estates and trusts required to make returns of income.
OMB clearance for the burden estimate will be requested before the relevant tax filing season but after the IRS has had the opportunity to update its models with prior year data and to make necessary revisions to draft forms (including providing drafts to public for comment) and is sought on an annual basis instead of on the regular 3-year Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) cycle. Doing so ensures that new and updated forms can be made available for use on a timelier basis.
This information collection request (ICR) covers the actual reporting, recordkeeping, and third-party disclosure burden associated with the forms, listed below, and their affiliated schedules and regulations. Forms that are used by other tax filers (e.g., individuals, businesses, etc.) are marked with an asterisk (*). These forms will continue to report burden for other taxpayers under separate OMB numbers.
The following forms and worksheets were developed to assist taxpayers in the reporting of this information:
The data is used by the IRS to verify that the correct taxes have been paid. The IRS uses some of the tax data to verify that the beneficiaries included the correct amounts on their returns. Also, the IRS uses the data to process payments more accurately and efficiently.
We are currently offering electronic filing for these forms.
The information obtained through this collection is unique and is not already available for use or adaptation from another source.
There is no flexibility to reduce burden on small businesses or other small entities because the statutes apply to small businesses and small entities. Small business should not be disadvantaged as the forms have been structed to request the least amount of information and still satisfy the requirements of the statute and the needs of the IRS.
The forms can be filed electronically, which further reduces any burden to small businesses. The IRS proactively works with both internal and external stakeholders to minimize the burden on small businesses, while maintaining tax compliance. The IRS also seeks input regarding the burden estimates from the public via notices and tax product instructions.
Form 1041 and related schedules are used by the IRS to verify that the income tax reported is correct. Consequences of less frequent collection on federal programs or policy activities could consist of a decrease in the amount of taxes collected by the IRS, inaccurate and untimely filing of tax returns, an increase in tax violations, and the inability of the IRS to meet its mission.
There are no special circumstances requiring data collection to be inconsistent with guidelines in 5 CFR 1320.5(d)(2).
The IRS received one comment during the public comment period in response to the Federal Register notice (89 FR 73501), dated September 10, 2024. The comment received from first from Bureau of Economic Analysis strongly supports the continued collection of data by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) on Form 1041. The IRS appreciates the comment. The full comment will be included within submission to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).
No payment or gift will be provided to any respondents.
Generally, tax returns and tax return information are confidential as required by 26 U.S.C. 6103.
A privacy impact assessment (PIA) has been conducted for information collected under this request, and Privacy Act System of Records notices (SORN) have been issued for these systems under Treasury/IRS 22.062 - Electronic Filing Records; Treasury/IRS 24.030 - Customer Account Data Engine (CADE) Individual Master File; Treasury/IRS 24.046 - CADE Business Master File (BMF); Treasury/IRS 34.037 - Audit Trail and Security Records. The Internal Revenue Service PIAs can be found at
Title 26 U.S.C. 6109 requires inclusion of identifying numbers in returns, statements, or other documents for securing proper identification of persons required to make such returns, statements, or documents and is the authority for social security numbers (SSNs) in IRS systems.
PRA Approval of Forms Used by Trusts and Estates:
Under the PRA, OMB assigns a control number to each ''collection of information'' that it reviews and approves for use by an agency. The PRA also requires agencies to estimate the burden for each collection of information. Burden estimates for each control number are displayed in (1) PRA supporting statement that accompanies collections of information, (2) Federal Register notices, and (3) OMB's database of approved information collections.
The forms listed in Appendix A are used by trusts and estates to report and pay their income taxes. The burden included within this request for OMB approval includes reporting, recordkeeping, and third-party disclosures.
Taxpayer Burden Model:
The burden estimation methodology for trust and estate income tax reporting burden is being transitioned from the legacy Arthur D. Little (ADL) model to the IRS Taxpayer Burden Model. Burden is defined as the time and out-of-pocket costs incurred by taxpayers to comply with their federal tax reporting responsibilities. Time-related activities include recordkeeping, tax planning, gathering tax materials, learning about the law and what the taxpayer needs to do, and completing and submitting the return. Out-of-pocket costs include any expenses incurred by taxpayers to prepare and submit their tax returns. Examples include tax return preparation fees, the purchase price of tax preparation software, submission fees, photocopying costs, postage, printing, and phone calls (if not toll-free). The methodology is based on the primary drivers associated with observed trust and estate income tax reporting burden. These include the type of trust or estate, the number of beneficiaries, and the complexity of the trust or estate’s income generated from assets and investments. Indicators of tax law and administrative complexity, as reflected in the tax forms and instructions, are incorporated into the model. Tax compliance burden does not include a taxpayer’s tax liability, economic inefficiencies caused by sub-optimal choices related to tax deductions or credits, or psychological costs.
Types of taxpayer activities reflected in the model are as follows:
Purchasing tax preparation software
Form completion and submission
Calculating, reviewing, and paying estimated taxes
Preparing and providing Schedule K-1s
Tax preparation fees
Taxpayer Burden Estimate:
The burden estimation methodology for trust and estate income tax reporting burden is being transitioned from the legacy ADL model to the IRS Taxpayer Burden Model. The ADL estimate for the 153 forms and 27 regulations that this estimate replaces would have been 396,470,339 hours. The IRS Taxpayer Burden Model methodology provides an estimate of 31,900,000 hours, a decrease in total estimated time burden of 364,570,339 hours. The IRS Taxpayer Burden Model method also provides a new estimate of total out-of-pocket costs of $5,501,000,000. Total estimated monetized burden is $7,573,000,000. These changes are solely related to the transition of the burden estimate from the legacy ADL Model methodology to the preferred IRS Taxpayer Burden Model. This is a one-time change.
Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 Burden Total Estimates for trust and estate income tax forms, schedules, and regulations |
FY 25 |
FY23 to 24 |
Program Change due to Adjustment |
Program Change due to New Legislation |
Program Change due to Agency |
FY25 |
Responses per year |
19,120,534* |
(16,050,534) |
0 |
0 |
3,070,000** |
Burden in Hours |
396,470,339 |
(364,570,339) |
0 |
0 |
31,900,000 |
Monetized time Burden |
$0 |
$2,072,000,000 |
$0 |
$0 |
$2,072,000,000 |
Out-of-Pocket Costs |
$0 |
$5,501,000,000 |
$0 |
$0 |
$5,501,000,000 |
Total Monetized Burden*** |
$0 |
$7,573,000,000 |
$0 |
$0 |
$7,573,000,000 |
Source: IRS:RAAS:KDA (11-18-2024)
*FY23 responses per year is a count of all forms and schedules filed under legacy ADL Model methodology
**FY25 responses per year is a count of all taxpayers under the IRS Taxpayer Burden Model methodology. This approach is also used for OMB 1545-0074 (individuals), 1545-0123 (business entities), 1545-0029 (employment tax), and 1545-0047 (tax-exempt organizations).
monetized burden = Monetized hours + Out-of-pocket costs
Reported time and cost burdens are national averages and do not
necessarily reflect a “typical” case. Most taxpayers
experience lower than average burden, with taxpayer burden varying
considerably by taxpayer type. Detail may not add to total due to
Tax return data are used to calculate a monetization rate for each trust and estate income tax forms. A lower bound is set at the federal median wage rate from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) Survey. Rates from the OES and the BLS Employer Costs for Employee Compensation from the National Compensation Survey are used for an upper bound. Specifically, we use the 90th percentile for accountants and auditors from the OES and the ratio of total compensation to wages and salaries from the private industry workers (management, professional, and related occupations) to account for fringe benefits.
The following additional breakouts of average burden are provided for transparency in understanding the average estimated burden experienced by taxpayers. Table 1 shows the average burden by filers of Form 1041. Table 2 shows the average burden by total income. Table 3 shows the average burden by the number of K-1s attached to the Form 1041.
FY2025 Average Burden Projections by Entity Type |
Entity Type |
Percent of Filed Form 1041** |
Average Time (hrs.) |
Average Out-of-Pocket Costs |
Average Monetized Burden |
Simple Trust |
17% |
9 |
$ 1,300 |
$ 1,900 |
Complex Trust* |
54% |
11 |
$ 21,900 |
$ 2,700 |
Decedent Estate |
12% |
18 |
$ 3,300 |
$ 4,400 |
Grantor Trust |
16% |
8 |
$ 1,100 |
$ 1,400 |
Qualified Disability Trust |
1% |
8 |
$ 800 |
$ 1,200 |
Pooled Income Fund |
<1% |
10 |
$ 2,700 |
$ 3,200 |
Source: IRS:RAAS:KDA (11-18-2024)
*The category of Complex Trusts includes Chapter 7 and Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Estates.
**Percentages based on Tax Year 2022 filings. Detail may not add to total due to rounding.
FY2025 Average Burden Projections by Total Income* |
Table 2A – Simple Trusts |
Total Income |
Average Time (hrs.) |
Average Out-of-Pocket Costs |
Average Monetized Burden |
1. < $1 |
8 |
$ 800 |
$ 1,200 |
2. $1 to $5,000 |
8 |
$ 800 |
$ 1,200 |
3. $5,001 to $10,000 |
7 |
$ 900 |
$ 1,400 |
4. $10,001 to $50,000 |
7 |
$ 1,200 |
$ 1,800 |
5. > $50,000 |
11 |
$ 2,500 |
$ 3,700 |
Table 2B – Complex Trusts, Qualified Disability Trusts, Pooled Income Funds, Chapter 7 and 11 Bankruptcy Estates |
Total Income |
Average Time (hrs.) |
Average Out-of-Pocket Costs |
Average Monetized Burden |
1. < $1 |
8 |
$ 1,100 |
$ 1,400 |
2. $1 to $5,000 |
9 |
$ 900 |
$ 1,300 |
3. $5,001 to $10,000 |
8 |
$ 1,200 |
$ 1,700 |
4. $10,001 to $50,000 |
9 |
$ 1,700 |
$ 2,400 |
5. > $50,000 |
18 |
$ 4,600 |
$ 6,400 |
Table 2C – Decedent Estates |
Total Income |
Average Time (hrs.) |
Average Out-of-Pocket Costs |
Average Monetized Burden |
1. < $1 |
16 |
$ 2,500 |
$ 3,400 |
2. $1 to $5,000 |
18 |
$ 2,300 |
$ 3,000 |
3. $5,001 to $10,000 |
18 |
$ 2,900 |
$ 3,800 |
4. $10,001 to $50,000 |
18 |
$ 3,700 |
$ 5,000 |
5. > $50,000 |
21 |
$ 6,000 |
$ 8,000 |
Source: IRS:RAAS:KDA (11-18-2024)
* Grantor trusts are not reflected in this table because income from a grantor trust is generally reported on the grantor’s tax return.
FY2025 Average Burden Projections by Number of K-1s Attached* |
Table 3A – Simple Trusts |
Number of K-1s |
Average Time (hrs.) |
Average Out-of-Pocket Costs |
Average Monetized Burden |
0 |
9 |
$ 1,000 |
$ 1,400 |
1-5 |
8 |
$ 1,300 |
$ 1,900 |
6-10 |
13 |
$ 2,300 |
$ 3,300 |
>10 |
17 |
$ 3,300 |
$ 4,700 |
Table 3B – Complex Trusts, Qualified Disability Trusts, Pooled Income Funds, Ch. 7 and 11 Bankruptcy Estates |
Number of K-1s |
Average Time (hrs.) |
Average Out-of-Pocket Costs |
Average Monetized Burden |
0 |
9 |
$ 1,200 |
$ 1,600 |
1-5 |
11 |
$ 2,200 |
$ 3,100 |
6-10 |
20 |
$ 4,300 |
$ 6,100 |
>10 |
26 |
$ 5,800 |
$ 8,100 |
Table 3C – Decedent Estates |
Number of K-1s |
Average Time (hrs.) |
Average Out-of-Pocket Costs |
Average Monetized Burden |
0 |
14 |
$ 2,400 |
$ 3,300 |
1-5 |
20 |
$ 3,800 |
$ 5,100 |
6-10 |
25 |
$ 5,400 |
$ 7,300 |
>10 |
32 |
$ 7,500 |
$ 11,000 |
Source: IRS:RAAS:KDA (11-18-2024)
* Grantor trusts are not reflected in this table because they do not use Schedule K-1s. See Instructions to Form 1041,
The following are related regulations which impose no additional burden. Please continue to assign OMB number 1545‑0092 to these regulations.
1.47-5 1.199A-4 1.641(b)-2
1.642(c)-1 1.642(c)-2 1.642(c)-6
1.642(g)-1 1.642(h)-2 1.642(i)-1
1.645-1 1.663(b)-2 1.666(d)-1A
1.671-4 1.1367-1 1.6001-1
1.6012-3 1.6033-2 1.6034-1
20.2055-2 53.6011-1 301.6034-1
301.6104(b)-1 301.6109-1 301.6111-3
301.6685-1 301.7207-1 301.7701-4
The federal government cost estimate for product development is based on a model that considers the following three cost factors for each information product: aggregate labor costs for development, including annualized startup expenses, operating and maintenance expenses, and distribution of the product that collects the information. These costs do not include any activities such as taxpayer assistance and enforcement.
The government computes cost using a multi-step process. First, the government creates a weighted factor for the level of effort to create each information collection product based on variables, such as complexity, number of pages, type of product, and frequency of revision. Second, the total costs associated with developing the product such as labor cost, and operating expenses associated with the downstream impact such as support functions, are added together to obtain the aggregated total cost. Then, the aggregated total cost and factor are multiplied together to obtain the aggregated cost per product. Lastly, the aggregated cost per product is added to the cost of shipping and printing each product to IRS offices, National Distribution Center, libraries, and other outlets. The result is the government cost estimate per product.
Product |
Aggregate Cost per Product (factor applied) |
Printing and Distribution |
Government Cost Estimate per Product |
Estate and Trust Income Tax Forms and Instructions |
$8,405,680 |
+ |
$278,341 |
= |
$8,684,022 |
Totals |
$8,405,680 |
+ |
$278,341 |
= |
$8,684,022 |
Table costs are based on 2023 actuals obtained from IRS Chief Financial Office and Media and Publications |
* New product costs will be included in the next collection update. |
The government cost estimates for processing tax returns and performing related functions in the Submission Processing Campus(es) includes salaries and benefits only. Other costs such as real estate, programming, recruitment, equipment and supplies are not included.
Estimated Filers |
Processing Cost - Paper Returns |
Processing Cost - Electronic Returns |
Government Cost Estimate |
3,070,000 |
$ 2,502,357 |
+ |
$ 373,926 |
= |
$ 2,876,283 |
Total |
$ 2,876,283 |
Table costs estimates are based on FY2023 IRS Cost Estimate References. |
The total government cost estimate for this collection is $ 11,560,305.
The year-over-year change in burden is analyzed and reported by technical adjustments, legislative adjustments, and agency adjustments. The change in reported burden from FY24 to FY25 is due to the technical change in how the estimated burden is calculated. The count of respondents is substantially lower because the IRS Taxpayer Burden Model methodology counts each taxpayer rather than counting each separate form or schedule filed. Time burden is substantially reduced because the IRS Taxpayer Burden Model methodology uses recent taxpayer-provided burden data which allows the IRS to take into account efficiencies resulting from advances in software technology and adoption of electronic filing.
Requested (FY25) |
Program Change Due to New Statute |
Program Change Due to Agency Discretion |
Change Due to Adjustment in Agency Estimate |
Change Due to Potential Violation of the PRA |
Previously Approved (FY23) |
Responses |
*3,070,000 |
0 |
0 |
(16,050,534) |
0 |
**19,120,534 |
Burden in Hours |
31,900,000 |
0 |
0 |
(364,570,339) |
0 |
396,470,339 |
Annual Out-of-Pocket Cost |
$ 5,501,000,000 |
$ 0 |
$ 0 |
$ 5,501,000,000 |
$ 0 |
$ 0
*FY25 responses per year is a count of all filers of trust and estate income tax returns under the IRS Taxpayer Burden Model methodology. This approach is also used for OMB 1545-0074 individuals,
1545-0123 (business entities), 1545-0047 (tax-exempt organizations), and 1545-0029 (employment tax).
**FY24 responses per year is a count of all forms and schedules filed under the legacy ADL model methodology.
There are no plans for tabulation, statistical analysis, and publication.
The IRS believes that displaying the OMB expiration date is inappropriate because it could cause confusion by leading taxpayers to believe that the forms and regulations expire as of the expiration date. Taxpayers are not likely to be aware that the IRS intends to request renewal of the OMB approval and obtain a new expiration date before the old one expires.
There are no exceptions to the certification statement for this collection.
Appendix A |
Form |
Title / Description |
OMB Number |
172 |
Net Operating Losses (NOLs) for Individuals, Estates, and Trusts |
1545-0074 |
461 |
Limitation on Business Losses |
1545-2283 |
926 |
Return by a U.S. Transferor of Property to a Foreign Corporation |
1545-0026 |
965-A |
Form 965-A, Individual Report of Net 965 Tax Liability |
1545-0074 |
982 |
Reduction of Tax Attributes Due to Discharge of Indebtedness (And Section 1082 Basis Adjustment) |
1545-0046 |
1040 Schedule C |
Profit or Loss from Business (Sole Proprietorship) |
1545-0074 |
1040 Schedule E |
Supplemental Income and Loss |
1545-0074 |
1040 Schedule F |
Profit or Loss from Farming |
1545-0074 |
1040 Schedule H |
Household Employment Taxes |
1545-0074 |
1041 |
U.S. Income Tax Return for Estates and Trusts |
1545-0092 |
1041 Schedule D |
Capital Gains and Losses |
1545-0092 |
1041 Schedule I |
Alternative Minimum Tax-Estates and Trusts |
1545-0092 |
1041 Schedule J |
Accumulation Distribution for Certain Complex Trusts |
1545-0092 |
1041 Schedule K-1 |
Beneficiary's Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, etc. |
1545-0092 |
1041-A |
U.S. Information Return Trust Accumulation of Charitable Amounts |
1545-0094 |
1041-ES |
Estimated Tax for Estates and Trusts |
1545-0971 |
1041-ES (OCR) |
Estimated Tax Vouchers Package 1041ES (OCR) 2017 |
1545-0971 |
1041-N |
U.S. Income Tax Return for Electing Alaska Native Settlement |
1545-1776 |
1041-QFT |
U.S. Income Tax Return for Qualified Funeral Trusts |
1545-1593 |
1041-T |
Allocation of Estimated Tax Payments to Beneficiaries (Under Code section 643(g)) |
1545-1020 |
1041-V |
Payment Voucher |
1545-0092 |
1065 Schedule D |
Capital Gains and Losses |
1545-0123 |
1065 Schedule K-2 |
Partners’ Distributive Share Items – International |
1545-0123 |
1116 |
Foreign Tax Credit |
1545-0121 |
1116 Schedule B |
Foreign Tax Credit |
1545-0121 |
1116 Schedule C |
Foreign Tax Credit |
1545-0121 |
2210 |
Underpayment of Estimated Tax by Individuals, Estates and Trusts |
1545-0140 |
2210-F |
Underpayment of Estimated Tax by Farmers and Fisherman |
1545-0140 |
2439 |
Notice to Shareholder of Undistributed Long-Term Capital Gains |
1545-0123 |
3115 |
Application for Change in Accounting Method |
1545-2070 |
3468 |
Investment Credit |
1545-0074 |
3800 |
General Business Credit |
1545-0895 |
4136 |
Credit for Federal Tax Paid on Fuels |
1545-0162 |
4255 |
Recapture of Investment Credit |
1545-0166 |
4562 |
Depreciation and Amortization (Including Information on Listed Property) |
1545-0172 |
4684 |
Casualties and Thefts |
1545-0177 |
4797 |
Sales of Business Property |
1545-0184 |
4952 |
Investment Interest Expense Deduction |
1545-0191 |
4970 |
Tax on Accumulation Distribution of Trusts |
1545-0192 |
4972 |
Tax on Lump-Sum Distributions |
1545-0193 |
5227 |
Split-Interest Trust Information Return |
1545-0196 |
5227 |
Split-Interest Trust Information Return |
1545-0196 |
5329 |
Additional Taxes on Qualified Plans (Including IRAs) and Other Tax-Favored Accounts |
1545-0123 |
5471 |
Information Return of U.S. Persons With Respect to Certain Foreign Corporations |
1545-0123 |
5471 Schedule E |
Income, War Profits, and Excess Profits Taxes Paid or Accrued |
1545-0123 |
5471 Schedule G1 |
Cost Sharing Arrangement |
1545-0123 |
5471 Schedule H |
Current Earnings and Profits |
1545-0123 |
5471 Schedule I1 |
Information for Global Intangible Low-Taxed Income |
1545-0123 |
5471 Schedule J |
Accumulated Earnings and Profits (E&P) of Controlled Foreign Corporation |
1545-0123 |
5471 Schedule M |
Transactions Between Controlled Foreign Corporation and Shareholders or Other Related Persons |
1545-0123 |
5471 Schedule O |
Organization or Reorganization of Foreign Corporation and Acquisitions and Dispositions of its Stock |
1545-0123 |
5471 Schedule P |
Previously Taxed Earnings and Profits of U.S. Shareholder of Certain Foreign Corporations |
1545-0123 |
5471 Schedule Q |
CFC Income by CFC Income Groups |
1545-0123 |
5471 Schedule R |
Form 5471 Schedule R |
1545-0123 |
5713 |
International Boycott Report |
1545-0216 |
5713 Schedule B |
Specifically Attributable Taxes and Income (Section 999(c)(2)) |
1545-0216 |
5713 Schedule C |
Tax Effect of The International Boycott Provisions |
1545-0216 |
5884 |
Work Opportunity Credit. |
1545-0219 |
5884-A |
Employee Retention Credit for Employers Affected by Qualified Disasters |
1545-1978 |
6198 |
At-Risk Limitations |
1545-0712 |
6252 |
Installment Sale Income |
1545-0228 |
6478 |
Biofuel Producer Credit |
1545-0231 |
6765 |
Credit for Increasing Research Activities |
1545-0619 |
6781 |
Gains and Losses from Section 1256 Contracts and Straddles |
1545-0644 |
7205 |
Energy Efficient Commercial Buildings Deduction |
1545-2004 |
7207 |
Advanced Manufacturing Production Credit |
1545-2306 |
7210 |
Clean Hydrogen Production Credit |
1545-0123 |
7211 |
Clean Electricity Production Credit |
1545-0123 |
7213 |
Nuclear Power Production Credit |
1545-0123 |
7217 |
Partner’s Report of Property Distributed by a Partnership |
1545-0123 |
7218 |
Clean Fuel Production Credit |
1545-NEW |
8082 |
Notice of Inconsistent Treatment or Administrative Adjustment Request (AAR) |
1545-0074 |
8275 |
Disclosure Statement |
1545-0889 |
8275-R |
Regulation Disclosure Statement |
1545-0889 |
8453-FE |
U.S. Estate or Trust Income Tax Declaration and Signature for Electronic Filing |
1545-0967 |
8582 |
Passive Activity Loss Limitations |
1545-1008 |
8582-CR |
Passive Activity Credit Limitations |
1545-1034 |
8586 |
Low-Income Housing Credit |
1545-0984 |
8594 |
Asset Acquisition Statement |
1545-0074 |
8609 |
Low-Income Housing Credit Allocation and Certification |
1545-0988 |
8609-A |
Annual Statement for Low-Income Housing Credit |
1545-0988 |
8611 |
Recapture of Low-Income Housing Credit |
1545-1035 |
8621 |
Return by a Shareholder of a Passive Foreign Investment Co. or Qualified Electing Fund |
1545-1002 |
8697 |
Interest Computation Under the Look-Back Method for Completed Long-Term Contracts |
1545-1031 |
8801 |
Credit For Prior Year Minimum Tax--Individuals, Estates, and Trusts |
1545-1073 |
8820 |
Orphan Drug Credit |
1545-1505 |
8824 |
Like-Kind Exchanges |
1545-1190 |
8825 |
Rental Real Estate Income and Expenses of a Partnership or an S Corporation |
1545-0123 |
8826 |
Disabled Access Credit |
1545-1205 |
8829 |
Expenses for Business Use of Your Home |
1545-0074 |
8830 |
Enhanced Oil Recovery Credit |
1545-1292 |
8833 |
Treaty-Based Return Position Disclosure Under Section 6114 or 7701(b) |
1545-1354 |
8835 |
Renewable Electricity Production Credit |
1545-1362 |
8838 |
Consent To Extend the Time To Assess Tax Under Section 367 – Gain Recognition Agreement |
1545-1395 |
8838-P |
Consent To Extend the Time To Assess Tax Pursuant to the Gain Deferral Method (Section 721(c)) |
1545-1668 |
8844 |
Empowerment Zone Employment Credit |
1545-1444 |
8845 |
Indian Employment Credit |
1545-0123 |
8846 |
Credit for Employer Social Security and Medicare Taxes Paid on Certain Employee Tips |
1545-0123 |
8855 |
Election To Treat a Qualified Revocable Trust as Part of an Estate |
1545-1881 |
8858 |
Information Return of U.S. Persons With Respect to Disregarded Entities (FDEs) and Foreign Branches (FBs) |
1545-1910 |
8858 Schedule M |
Transactions Between Foreign Disregarded Entity (FDE) or Foreign Branch (FB) and the Filer or Other Related Entities |
1545-1910 |
8864 |
Biodiesel, Renewable Diesel, or Sustainable Aviation Fuels Credit |
1545-1924 |
8865 |
Return of U.S. Persons With Respect to Certain Foreign Partnerships |
1545-1668 |
8865 Schedule G |
Statement of Application for the Gain Deferral Method Under Section 721(c) |
1545-1668 |
8865 Schedule H |
Acceleration Events and Exceptions Reporting Relating to Gain Deferral Method Under Section 721(c) |
1545-1668 |
8865 Schedule K-1 |
Partner's Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, etc. (Schedule K-1 (Form 8865)) |
1545-1668 |
8865 Schedule K-2 |
Schedule K-2 (Form 8865), Partners' Distributive Share Items - International |
1545-1668 |
8865 Schedule K-3 |
Partner's Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, etc.-International |
1545-1668 |
8865 Schedule O |
Transfer of Property to a Foreign Partnership |
1545-1668 |
8865 Schedule P |
Acquisitions, Dispositions, and Changes of Interests in a Foreign Partnership |
1545-1668 |
8866 |
Interest Computation Under the Look-Back Method for Property Depreciated Under the Income Forecast Method |
1545-1622 |
8873 |
Extraterritorial Income Exclusion |
1545-1722 |
8879-F |
U.S. Estate or Trust Declaration for an IRS e-file Return |
1545-0967 |
8881 |
Credit for Small Employer Pension Plan Startup Costs |
1545-1810 |
8882 |
Credit for Employer-Provided Child Care Facilities and Services |
1545-1809 |
8886 |
Reportable Transaction Disclosure Statement |
1545-1800 |
8896 |
Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel Production Credit |
1545-1914 |
8903 |
Domestic Production Activities Deduction |
1545-1984 |
8904 |
Credit for Oil and Gas Production From Marginal Wells |
1545-2278 |
8908 |
Energy Efficient Home Credit |
1545-1979 |
8910 |
Alternative Motor Vehicle Credit |
1545-1998 |
8911 |
Alternative Fuel Vehicle Refueling Property Credit |
1545-0123 |
8911 Schedule A |
Alternative Fuel Vehicle Refueling Property |
1545-NEW |
8912 |
Credit to Holders of Tax Credit Bonds |
1545-2025 |
8918 |
Material Advisor Disclosure Statement |
1545-0865 |
8932 |
Credit for Employer Differential Wage Payments |
1545-2126 |
8933 |
Carbon Oxide Sequestration Credit |
1545-2132 |
8933 Schedule A |
Disposal or Enhanced Oil Recovery Owner Certification |
1545-2132 |
8933 Schedule B |
Disposal Operator Certification |
1545-2132 |
8933 Schedule C |
Enhanced Oil Recovery Operator Certification |
1545-2132 |
8933 Schedule D |
Recapture Certification |
1545-2132 |
8933 Schedule E |
Election Certification |
1545-2132 |
8933 Schedule F |
Utilization Certification |
1545-2132 |
8936 |
Clean Vehicle Credits |
1545-0074 |
8936 Schedule A |
Clean Vehicle Credit Amount |
1545-2137 |
8938 |
Statement of Specified Foreign Financial Assets |
1545-2195 |
8941 |
Credit for Small Employer Health Insurance Premiums |
1545-2198 |
8949 |
Sales and Other Dispositions of Capital Assets |
1545-0074 |
8960 |
Net Investment Income Tax-Individuals, Estates, and Trusts |
1545-2227 |
8978 |
Partner's Additional Reporting Year Tax |
1545-0123 |
8978 Schedule A |
Partners Additional Reporting Year Tax |
1545-0123 |
8990 |
Limitation on Business Interest Expense Under Section 163(j). |
1545-0123 |
8992 |
U.S Shareholder Calculation of Global Intangible Low-Taxed Income (GILTI) |
1545-0123 |
8992 Schedule A |
Schedule A, for Global Intangible Low-Taxed Income (GILTI) |
1545-0123 |
8994 |
Employer Credit for Paid Family and Medical Leave |
1545-2282 |
8995 |
Qualified Business Income Deduction Simplified Computation. |
1545-2294 |
8995-A |
Qualified Business Income Deduction |
1545-2294 |
8995-A Schedule A |
Specified Service Trades or Businesses |
1545-2294 |
8995-A Schedule B |
Aggregation of Business Operations |
1545-2294 |
8995-A Schedule C |
Loss Netting and Carryforward |
1545-2294 |
8995-A Schedule D |
Special Rules for Patrons of Agricultural or Horticultural Cooperatives |
1545-2294 |
8997 |
Initial and Annual Statement of Qualified Opportunity Fund (QOF) Investments |
1545-0123 |
T |
Forest Activities |
1545-0007 |
*These forms were already included in 1545-0092. 1545-0092 will not be discontinued it will be the number assigned to all Forms within the employment tax collection. *1545-0074 will not be discontinued it will be the number assigned to all Forms within the individual tax collection *1545-0123 will not be discontinued. It is the business collection and 8922 will be included in both the Business collection and the Employment Tax collection. *1545-0029 will not be discontinued it will be the number assigned to all Forms within the employment tax collection. |
Appendix B |
Guidance title |
Description |
OMB Number |
Notice 2023-65 |
Section 45L New Energy Efficient Home Credit |
1545-1994 |
Revenue Procedure 2009-20 |
Safe harbor treatment for taxpayers that experienced losses in certain investment arrangements discovered to be criminally fraudulent. |
1545-0092 |
Revenue Procedure 2009-26 |
Examination of returns and claims for refund, credit or abatement; determination of correct tax liability. |
1545-0092 |
Revenue Procedure 2009-52 |
Examination of returns and claims for refund, credit or abatement; determination of correct tax liability. |
1545-0092 |
Revenue Procedure 2019-38 |
Trade or Business. |
1545-0092 |
TD 9846 |
Regulations Regarding the Transition Tax Under Section 965 and Related Provisions. |
1545-2280 |
TD 9847 |
Qualified Business Income Deduction. |
1545-0092 |
TD 9902 |
Guidance Under Sections 951A and 954 Regarding Income Subject to a High Rate of Foreign Tax. |
1545-0092 |
TD 9918 |
Effect of Section 67(g) on Trusts and Estates. |
1545-0092 |
TD 9922 |
Guidance Related to the Allocation and Apportionment of Deductions and Foreign Taxes, Foreign Tax Redeterminations, Foreign Tax Credit Disallowance Under Section 965(g), Consolidated Groups, Hybrid Arrangements and Certain Payments Under Section 951A. |
1545-1056 |
TD 9936 |
Guidance on Passive Foreign Investment Companies. |
1545-0092 |
TD 9945 |
Guidance Under Section 1061 |
1545-0092 |
TD 9959 |
Guidance Related to the Foreign Tax Credit; Clarification of Foreign-Derived Intangible Income. |
1545-2296 |
TD 9998 |
Increased Amounts of Credit or Deduction for Satisfying Certain Prevailing Wage and Registered Apprenticeship Requirements. |
1545-2315 |
TD 10009 |
Advanced Manufacturing Investment Credit Rules Under Sections 48D and 50 |
1545-0092 |
TD 10010 |
Advanced Manufacturing Production Credit |
1545-0092 |
TD 10015 |
Definition of Energy Property and Rules Applicable to the Energy Credit |
1545-0092 |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2024-12-23 |