30-Day FRN

0648-0551 30-Day 89 FR 59718 2024-0723.pdf

Southeast Region IFQ Programs

30-Day FRN

OMB: 0648-0551

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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 141 / Tuesday, July 23, 2024 / Notices

ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1

(though not required) the length of
residence in the area affected by the site.
Council members and alternates for the
LONMS Advisory Council serve two or
three-year terms, as reflected in the
signed charter.
More information on advisory council
membership and processes and
materials related to the purpose,
policies, and operational requirements
for advisory councils can be found in
the charter for each specific advisory
council (https://sanctuaries.noaa.gov/
and in the National Marine Sanctuary
Advisory Council Implementation
Handbook (https://nmssanctuaries.blob.
media/docs/2022-sanctuary-advisorycouncil-handbook.pdf). For more
information about the LONMS Advisory
Council, including seat descriptions and
application materials, please visit
Privacy Act Statement
Authority. The collection of
information concerning the solicitation
for applications for sanctuary advisory
councils is authorized under the NMSA,
16 U.S.C. 1445a, and Executive Order
13178, and in accordance with the
Privacy Act of 1974, as amended,
(Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C. 552a).
Purposes. The collection of names,
contact information, professional
information, qualifications, and answers
to the application questions is required
in order for ONMS to evaluate and
appoint members to the sanctuary
advisory councils. The information
collected will be reviewed by NOAA
employees, and may also be reviewed
by current sanctuary advisory council
members as part of the evaluation
Routine Uses. NOAA will use the
application information for the purposes
set forth above. The Privacy Act
authorizes disclosure of the collected
information for the following purposes:
to NOAA staff for work-related
purposes; for other purposes as set forth
in the Privacy Act; and for routine uses
published in one or more of the
following Privacy Act System of
Records Notices, as applicable:
COMMERCE/DEPT–11, Candidates for
Membership, Members, and Former
Members of Department of Commerce
Advisory Committees, available at
COMMERCE/DEPT–18, Employees
Personnel Files Not Covered by Notices
of Other Agencies, available at https://

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GOVT–1, General Personnel Records,
available at https://www.opm.gov/
information-management/privacypolicy/sorn/opm-sorn-govt-1-generalpersonnel-records.pdf, which cover
certain records regarding Federal
employees and may also cover records
of individuals who are not Federal
employees who, through their service
on a sanctuary advisory council, may be
considered as volunteers providing
gratuitous services to the agency
without compensation; and, for
individuals who are also members of a
Regional Fishery Management Council,
COMMERCE/NOAA–13, Personnel,
Payroll, Travel, and Attendance Records
of the Regional Fishery Management
Effects of Not Providing Information.
Providing the application information is
voluntary; however, if the information is
not provided, the individual will not be
considered for appointment as a
member of a sanctuary advisory council.
Consent. By submitting an application
to ONMS for appointment to a sanctuary
advisory council, you are consenting to
the use and disclosure of the
information for the purposes and
routine uses described above. However,
if you prefer that your application be
reviewed by NOAA employees only and
not disclosed to current council
members as part of the evaluation
process, please contact the sanctuary
advisory council coordinator to request
internal review only, which will not
result in any disadvantage or impact
regarding your candidacy, or for any
questions regarding this Privacy Act
Paperwork Reduction Act
ONMS has a valid Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) control
number (0648–0397) for the collection
of public information related to the
processing of ONMS national marine
sanctuary advisory council applications
across the National Marine Sanctuary
System. Establishing a sanctuary
advisory council for LONMS fits within
the estimated reporting burden under
that control number. See https://
(Enter Control Number 0648–0397).
Therefore, ONMS will not request an
update to the reporting burden certified
for OMB control number 0648–0397.
Send comments regarding this burden
estimate, or any other aspect of this data
collection, including suggestions for
reducing the burden, to: Office of
National Marine Sanctuaries, 1305 East
West Highway, N/NMS, Silver Spring,
Maryland 20910.
Notwithstanding any other provisions
of the law, no person is required to

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respond to, nor shall any person be
subject to a penalty for failure to comply
with a collection of information subject
to the requirements of the Paperwork
Reduction Act (PRA), 44 U.S.C. 3501 et
seq., unless that collection of
information displays a currently valid
OMB control number. The OMB control
number is #0648–0397.
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1431 et seq.
John Armor,
Director, Office of National Marine
Sanctuaries, National Ocean Service,
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
[FR Doc. 2024–16028 Filed 7–22–24; 8:45 am]

National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Agency Information Collection
Activities; Submission to the Office of
Management and Budget for Review
and Approval; Comment Request;
Southeast Region Individual Fishing
Quota Programs
The Department of Commerce will
submit the following information
collection request to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) for
review and clearance in accordance
with the Paperwork Reduction Act of
1995, on or after the date of publication
of this notice. We invite the public and
other Federal agencies to comment on
proposed and continuing information
collections, which helps us assess the
impact of our information collection
requirements and minimize the public’s
reporting burden. Public comments
were previously requested for a 60-day
period via a notice published in the
Federal Register on February 13, 2024.
The purpose of this notice is to allow for
an additional 30-day public comment
Agency: National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration,
Title: Southeast Region Individual
Fishing Quota Programs.
OMB Control Number: 0648–0551.
Form Number(s): None.
Type of Request: Regular
submission—extension of a current
information collection.
Number of Respondents: 1,703.
Average Hours per Response:
• Dealer Landing Transaction Report,
6 minutes for electronic form or 5
minutes for paper form used in
catastrophic conditions only;
• Transfer Shares, 3 minutes;
• Share Receipt, 2 minutes;



ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1

Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 141 / Tuesday, July 23, 2024 / Notices
• Individual Fishing Quota (IFQ)
Notification of Landing, 5 minutes;
• Transfer Allocation, 3 minutes;
• IFQ Online Account Application,
13 minutes;
• Landing Transaction Correction
Request, 5 minutes;
• Dealer Cost Recovery Fee
Submission through https://www.pay.
gov, 3 minutes;
• Wreckfish Quota Share Transfer, 20
• IFQ Close Account, 3 minutes.
• Account Update, 2 minutes;
• Trip Ticket Update, 2 minutes;
• Gulf Reef Fish Notification of
Landing, 3 minutes; and
• Commercial Reef Fish Landing
Location Request, 5 minutes.
Total Annual Burden Hours: 1,719.
Needs and Uses: The NMFS Southeast
Regional Office manages three
commercial individual fishing quota
(IFQ) and individual transferable quota
(ITQ) programs in the U.S. southeast
region under the authority of the
Magnuson-Stevens Fishery
Conservation and Management Act
(Magnuson-Stevens Act). The IFQ
programs for red snapper, and groupers
and tilefishes occur in Federal waters of
the Gulf of Mexico (Gulf), and the ITQ
program for wreckfish occurs in Federal
waters of the South Atlantic.
Regulations for the IFQ and ITQ
programs are located at 50 CFR part 622.
The NMFS Southeast Regional Office
proposes to extend the information
collection currently approved under
OMB Control Number 0648–0551. This
collection of information tracks the
transfer and use of IFQ and ITQ shares,
and IFQ allocation and landings by
commercial fishermen necessary for
NMFS to operate, administer, and
review management of the IFQ and ITQ
Affected Public: Business or other forprofit organizations.
Frequency: Annually, quarterly, and
on occasion.
Respondent’s Obligation: Varying
Obligation: Mandatory, required to
obtain or retain benefits, and Voluntary
based on submitted form.
Legal Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
This information collection request
may be viewed at https://www.reginfo.
gov. Follow the instructions to view the
Department of Commerce collections
currently under review by OMB.
Written comments and
recommendations for the proposed
information collection must be
submitted within 30 days of the
publication of this notice on the
following website https://www.reginfo.
gov/public/do/PRAMain. Find this
particular information collection by

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selecting ‘‘Currently under 30-day
Review—Open for Public Comments,’’
or by using the search function and
entering either the title of the
information collection or the OMB
Control Number 0648–0551.
Sheleen Dumas,
Department PRA Clearance Officer, Office of
the Under Secretary for Economic Affairs,
Commerce Department.
[FR Doc. 2024–16086 Filed 7–22–24; 8:45 am]

[Docket No. CFPB–2024–0035]

Agency Information Collection
Activities; Comment Request
Consumer Financial Protection
ACTION: Notice and request for comment.

In accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
(PRA), the Consumer Financial
Protection Bureau (CFPB) requests the
revision of the Office of Management
and Budget’s (OMB’s) approval for an
existing information collection titled
‘‘Consumer Response Government and
Congressional Portal Boarding Forms’’
approved under OMB Control Number
DATES: Written comments are
encouraged and must be received on or
before August 22, 2024 to be assured of
ADDRESSES: Written comments and
recommendations for the proposed
information collection should be sent
within 30 days of publication of this
notice to www.reginfo.gov/public/do/
PRAMain. Find this particular
information collection by selecting
‘‘Currently under 30-day Review—Open
for Public Comments’’ or by using the
search function. In general, all
comments received will become public
records, including any personal
information provided. Sensitive
personal information, such as account
numbers or Social Security numbers,
should not be included.
Requests for additional information
should be directed to Anthony May,
Paperwork Reduction Act Officer, at
(202) 435–7278, or email: CFPB_PRA@
cfpb.gov. If you require this document
in an alternative electronic format,
please contact CFPB_Accessibility@
cfpb.gov. Please do not submit
comments to these email boxes.

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Title of Collection: Consumer
Response Government and
Congressional Portal Boarding Forms.
OMB Control Number: 3170–0057.
Type of Review: Revision of a
currently approved collection.
Affected Public: State, local, and
Tribal governments; Federal
Estimated Number of Respondents:
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 14.
Abstract: Section 1013(b)(3)(A) of the
Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and
Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank
Act or Act) requires the CFPB to
‘‘facilitate the centralized collection of,
monitoring of, and response to
consumer complaints regarding
consumer financial products or
services.’’ 1 The Act also requires the
CFPB to ‘‘share consumer complaint
information with prudential regulators,
the Federal Trade Commission, other
Federal agencies, and State agencies.’’ 2
To facilitate the collection of
complaints, the CFPB accepts consumer
complaints submitted by Members of
Congress on behalf of their constituents
with the consumer’s express written
authorization for the release of their
personal information. In furtherance of
its statutory mandates related to
consumer complaints, the CFPB uses
Government and Congressional Portal
Boarding Forms (i.e., Boarding Forms)
to register users for access to secure,
web-based portals. The CFPB has
developed separate portals for
congressional users and other
government users as part of its secure
web portal offerings (the ‘‘Government
Portal’’ and the ‘‘Congressional Portal,’’
Through the Government Portal,
government users can view consumer
complaint information in a user-friendly
format that allows easy review of
complaints currently active in the CFPB
process, complaints referred to a
prudential Federal regulator, and other
closed/archived complaints.
Through the Congressional Portal,
Members of Congress and authorized
congressional office staff can view data
associated with consumer complaints
they submit on behalf of their
constituents with the consumer’s
1 Codified

at 12 U.S.C. 5493(b)(3)(A).
Act section 1013(b)(3)(D), codified
at 12 U.S.C. 5493(b)(3)(D).
3 In addition to the boarding forms for
congressional and government users, CFPB utilizes
a separate OMB-approved form to board companies
onto their own distinct portal to access complaints
submitted against them, through OMB Control
Number 3170–0054 (Consumer Complaint Intake
System Company Portal Boarding Form Information
Collection System).
2 Dodd-Frank



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File Modified2024-07-23
File Created2024-07-23

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