Screenshots OT21-2103

App B_2_CDC OT21-2103_Screenshots OT21-2103.pdf

[OADPS] The Performance Measures Project: Improving Performance Measurement and Monitoring by CDC Programs

Screenshots OT21-2103

OMB: 0920-1282

Document [pdf]
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Form approved:
OMB Control Number: 0920-1282
Expiration date: 01/31/2023

Appendix B.2 Screenshots of
Performance Measures REDCap
Data Entry Fields
for OT21-2103 COVID-19 Health
Disparities Program Quarterly
Performance Measure Reports
CDC estimates the average public reporting burden for this collection of information as 140 hours annually per response from each recipient,
including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data/information sources, gathering and maintaining the data/information needed,
and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a
collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect
of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to
CDC/ATSDR Information Collection Review Office, 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS D-74, Atlanta, Georgia 30333; ATTN: PRA (0920-1282)

REDCap Data Entry Fields

REDCap Data Entry Fields
Performance Measure 1.1
No Changes

REDCap Data Entry Fields
Performance Measure 1.2

REDCap Data Entry Fields
Performance Measure 1.2
Optional (cont’d)

REDCap Data Entry Fields
Performance Measure 1.2
Optional (cont’d)

REDCap Data Entry Fields
Performance Measure 1.3

REDCap Data Entry Fields
Performance Measure 1.3
Optional (cont’d)

REDCap Data Entry Fields
Performance Measure 1.4
New measure

REDCap Data Entry Fields
Performance Measure 1.4
New measure (cont’d)

REDCap Data Entry Fields
Performance Measure 1.4
New measure (cont’d)

REDCap Data Entry Fields
Performance Measure 1.4
New measure (cont’d)
Sample for one population
of focus
Section i
Note: Sharing a sample for
one population of focus to
illustrate the branching
logic in REDCap for sections
i-iv. These sections will
show for each population
of focus a respondent
answers ‘Yes’ to in
Question 2.

REDCap Data Entry Fields
Performance Measure 1.4
New measure (cont’d)
Sample for one
population of focus
Section ii

REDCap Data Entry Fields
Performance Measure 1.4
New measure (cont’d)
Sample for one
population of focus
Section ii

REDCap Data Entry Fields
Performance Measure 1.4
New measure (cont’d)
Sample for one population
of focus
Section iii

REDCap Data Entry Fields
Performance Measure 1.4
New measure (cont’d)
Sample for one population
of focus
Section iv

REDCap Data Entry Fields
Performance Measure 1.4
New measure (cont’d)
Population of focus
Section iv

REDCap Data Entry Fields
Performance Measure 1.4
New measure (cont’d)
Population of focus
Section iv

REDCap Data Entry Fields
Performance Measure 1.5
New measure

REDCap Data Entry Fields
Performance Measure 1.5
New measure (cont’d)
Population of focus

REDCap Data Entry Fields
Performance Measure 1.5
New measure (cont’d)
Population of focus

REDCap Data Entry Fields
Performance Measure 1.5
New measure (cont’d)
Sample for one population
of focus
Section i
Note: Sharing a sample for
one population of focus to
illustrate the branching
logic in REDCap for sections
i-iv. These sections will
show for each population
of focus a respondent
answers ‘Yes’ to in
Question 2.

REDCap Data Entry Fields
Performance Measure 1.5
New measure (cont’d)
Sample for one
population of focus
Section ii

REDCap Data Entry Fields
Performance Measure 1.5
New measure (cont’d)
Sample for one
population of focus
Section ii

REDCap Data Entry Fields
Performance Measure 1.5
New measure (cont’d)
Sample for one population
of focus
Section iii

REDCap Data Entry Fields
Performance Measure 1.5
New measure (cont’d)
Sample for one population
of focus
Section iv

REDCap Data Entry Fields
Performance Measure 1.5
New measure (cont’d)
Population of focus
Section iv

REDCap Data Entry Fields
Performance Measure 1.5
New measure (cont’d)
Population of focus
Section iv

REDCap Data Entry Fields
Performance Measure 2.1

REDCap Data Entry Fields
Performance Measure 2.1
Updated to align with
reporting guidance

Updated to align with
reporting guidance

REDCap Data Entry Fields
Performance Measure 2.1
Updated to align with
reporting guidance

Updated to align with
reporting guidance

REDCap Data Entry Fields
Performance Measure 3.1

REDCap Data Entry Fields
Performance Measure 3.1

Updated to align with
reporting guidance

Updated to align with
reporting guidance

REDCap Data Entry Fields
Performance Measure 4.1
No Changes

REDCap Data Entry Fields
Performance Measure 4.1

REDCap Data Entry Fields
Performance Measure 4.1

REDCap Data Entry Fields
Submit and Complete

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleScreen shots of OT21-2103 COVID-19 Health Disparities Program Quarterly Performance Measures Report Form in REDCAP
AuthorCastelin, Kimberly (CDC/DDPHSIS/CSTLTS/DPIFS)
File Modified2022-08-22
File Created2022-07-05

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