Ecosystem Questionnaire for States and Territories to Inform CHIPS R&D Facility Site Selection Process

Ecosystem Questionnaire for States and Territories to Inform CHIPS R&D Facility Site Selection Process

Natcast_Ecosystem Questionnaire_Updated post FRN_07.15.24 - CLEAN-508C

Ecosystem Questionnaire for States and Territories to Inform CHIPS R&D Facility Site Selection Process


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Ecosystem Questionnaire for States and Territories to Inform CHIPS R&D Facility Site
Selection Process
OMB Control #0693-XXXX
Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXXX

A Federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, nor shall a
person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with an information collection subject to the
requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 unless the information collection has a currently
valid OMB Control Number. The approved OMB Control Number for this information collection is 0693XXXX. Without this approval, we could not conduct this survey/information collection. Public reporting
for this information collection is estimated to be approximately 10 hours per response, including the
time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data
needed, and completing and reviewing the information collection. All responses to this information
collection are voluntary. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this
information collection, including suggestions for reducing this burden to the National Institute of
Standards and Technology at: 100 Bureau Drive, Gaithersburg, MD 20899, Attn: Senior Advisor,
Partnerships, CHIPS NSTC Program, Victoria Brown or [email protected].


Natcast and the Department of Commerce are launching a site selection process to identify a site for the
NSTC Prototyping and NAPMP Advanced Packaging Piloting Facility. Further information about this
facility and the site selection process can be found in the Model Fact Sheet and Process Fact Sheet.
This Questionnaire invites your state or territory to participate in the initial phase of the site selection
process, the purpose of which is to provide an opportunity to submit information about existing
semiconductor ecosystems in your state or territory (regions, metropolitan areas, cities; NOT specific sites).
This information will inform Natcast’s and the Department’s assessment of which states and territories
have existing semiconductor ecosystems to support the facility identified above, and will inform
Natcast’s and the Department’s determination as to which states and territories will be invited to
provide detailed information about specific proposed sites for the facility in their state or territory.
States and territories must respond to this Ecosystem Questionnaire in order to be considered for the
facility. Natcast and the Department anticipate making a significant down-select following this initial
phase of the site selection process.
Note: If, after reviewing responses to the site-specific questionnaire and other relevant considerations,
Natcast and the Department determine that it is in their interest to consider separate sites for the NSTC
Prototyping and NAPMP Advanced Packaging Piloting Facility, Natcast and the Department may request
additional information from any state and/or territory that participated in this Ecosystem Questionnaire.
Natcast and the Department of Commerce intend to follow the timeline below:
Process Step / Interaction

Estimated Date

Ecosystem Questionnaire Issued to States/Territories

Mid July

Site-Specific Information Gathered from Down-selected States/Territories

Late August (Tent.)

CHIPS for America | Natcast


Instructions for Submission
States and territories: It is important that you provide clear, concise, and comprehensive responses to
the Ecosystem Questionnaire.
Subsequent to the receipt of responses to the Ecosystem Questionnaire, Natcast or the Department of
Commerce may contact states or territories to obtain clarifying information. Natcast and the
Department may also verify information provided in your responses using other sources. By
participating in this Ecosystem Questionnaire, you acknowledge and consent to the information
submitted being reviewed by Natcast, the Department of Commerce, other key federal officials, or thirdparty contractors retained by Natcast or the Department of Commerce for that purpose. The
Department of Commerce will protect any confidential business information it receives in response to
this questionnaire to the extent permitted by federal law, including the Trade Secrets Act (18 U.S.C.
1905) and the Department’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) implementing regulations, including the
regulation for confidential business information at 15 CFR 4.9.
You are encouraged to submit your form as soon as it is completed and not wait until the deadline.
Any questions concerning the information requested within this electronic form should be directed to
[email protected]. Answers to questions of general interest may be released to all respondents
in the form of an FAQ.
On behalf of Natcast and the Department of Commerce, thank you for your efforts in responding
promptly to this information request.
Recommended Process:


Answer all questions on the online form - you must answer all required information on a page
before moving forward (required fields are denoted by stars *).
If you are awaiting information in order to answer a question, entering “TBD” will allow you
to move to the next page. Be sure to return to the question with a valid input before
submitting the form, as “TBD” will be interpreted as “no response” during the submission
Please enter “N/A” if the question is not applicable to the submission.
Review and submit your work; you will automatically receive a copy of your submission when

Don't lose your work! You may save your work and return at any time. Your progress is automatically
saved as you navigate from page-to-page. However, unsaved work will “time out” if you leave your
computer idle for 15+ minutes.

CHIPS for America | Natcast


Questions/Responses for Submission
1. Natcast is seeking to collaborate with a state or territory partner to advance the semiconductor
industry through investment in R&D. Is your state or territory interested in participating in the
PPF site selection process? Please refer to this Process Fact Sheet for additional information.
• Yes, we wish to be considered for the NSTC Prototyping and NAPMP Advanced
Packaging Piloting Facility
• No, we do not wish to be considered for the above CHIPS R&D Facility

Semiconductor Ecosystem

1. How many companies across the semiconductor value chain (e.g., materials, capital equipment,
design, and assembly/manufacturing) operate in your state/territory? For purposes of this
question, your response may include companies that have announced 1 facilities that will
operate in your state/territory, and/or facilities that are pending construction; your response
should not include existing or pending sales support offices.
• 0
• 1-9
• 10-19
• 20+
2. Please list the top 5 semiconductor employers (by employment in your state or territory) and a
high-level description of their activities within your state/territory (e.g., manufacturing/
production, R&D, sales support). For purposes of this question, your response may include
entities that have announced plans to operate in your state/territory. Character count max of
2,000 characters.
1. Employer 1 (Description)
2. Employer 2 (Description)
3. Employer 3 (Description)
4. Employer 4 (Description)
5. Employer 5 (Description)
3. How many 200mm commercial semiconductor fabs are in your state/territory? For purposes of
this question, your response may include entities that have announced 200mm commercial
semiconductor fabs that will operate in your state/territory, and/or 200mm commercial
semiconductor fabs that are pending construction.
• 0
• 1-2
• 3-4
• 5+
• Please name up to your top 3 200mm fab facilities (by employees) and provide links to
their websites.
1. Employer 1 (Link)
2. Employer 2 (Link)
3. Employer 3 (Link)

The term “announced” used in questions 1-7 refers to new corporate investments that have been made public
through verifiable sources such as websites, press releases, articles, or other data sources.


CHIPS for America | Natcast


4. How many 300mm commercial semiconductor fabs are in your state/territory? For purposes of
this question, your response may include entities that have announced 300mm commercial
semiconductor fabs that will operate in your state/territory, and/or 300mm commercial
semiconductor fabs that are pending construction.
• 0
• 1-2
• 3-4
• 5+
• Please name up to your top 3 300mm fab facilities (by employees) and provide links to
their websites.
1. Employer 1 (Link)
2. Employer 2 (Link)
3. Employer 3 (Link)
5. How many semiconductor advanced packaging facilities (e.g., those that assemble multi-chip
modules) capable of handling 300mm wafers operate in your state/territory? For purposes of
this question, your response may include entities that have announced semiconductor advanced
packaging facilities that will operate in your state/territory, and/or semiconductor advanced
packaging facilities that are pending construction.
• 0
• 1-2
• 3-4
• 5+
• Please name up to your top 3 advanced packaging facilities (by employees) and provide
links to their websites.
1. Employer 1 (Link)
2. Employer 2 (Link)
3. Employer 3 (Link)
6. How many semiconductor suppliers (material suppliers (e.g., chemicals, wafers, fluids, gases,
consumables used in the fabrication of wafers/semiconductors), and capital equipment
suppliers (e.g., equipment used in the physical manufacturing steps of wafer/semiconductor
fabrication)) operate in your state/territory? For purposes of this question, your response may
include semiconductor suppliers that have announced production, manufacturing or R&D
facilities that will operate in your state/territory, and/or facilities that are pending construction;
your response should not include existing or pending sales support offices.
• 0
• 1-9
• 10-24
• 25+
7. How many semiconductor design-related companies (fabless chip designers, design IP
companies, Integrated Device Manufacturers (IDMs), Electronic Design Automation (EDA) firms)
operate in your state/territory? For purposes of this question, your response may include
semiconductor design-related companies that have R&D facilities, and/or corporate offices,
and/or production/manufacturing facilities in your state/territory. For purposes of this question,

CHIPS for America | Natcast


your response may include semiconductor design-related companies that have announced
facilities that will operate in your state/territory, and/or facilities that are pending construction;
your response should not include existing or pending sales support offices.
• 0
• 1-9
• 10-19
• 20+
8. Please provide the employment figures within the semiconductor NAICS codes: (1) 334413
Semiconductor and Related Device Manufacturing; and (2) 333242 Semiconductor Machinery
Manufacturing, in your state/territory. All 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and
the U.S. Virgin Islands should use the most recent Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages
data provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Those territories which are not included in the
QWEC data set are encouraged to provide data sets that follow a similar methodology as the
QWEC data series:
• 334413 Semiconductor and Related Device Manufacturing Employment #
• 333242 Semiconductor Machinery Manufacturing Employment #
9. How many graduates (bachelors, masters, etc.) with engineering degrees focused on
microelectronics (electrical, electronics, mechanical, materials, or chemical engineering, science
including chemistry and applied physics, or technology) matriculate annually from universities
in your state/territory?
• <1,000
• 1,001-2,499
• 2,500-7,499
• >7,500
• Please name up to your top 3 microelectronics-focused engineering education
programs (by graduates) and provide links to their websites. This could include any of
the engineering programs listed above but should have a focus on microelectronics.
1. Program 1 (Link)
2. Program 2 (Link)
3. Program 3 (Link)
10. How many microelectronics-focused university research centers and/or government research
centers (e.g., Federally Funded Research and Development Centers, “FFRDCs”) are in your
• 0
• 1-2
• 3-4
• 5+
• Please name up to your top 3 microelectronics-focused research centers (by annual
funding dollars) and provide links to their websites.
1. Program 1 (Link)
2. Program 2 (Link)
3. Program 3 (Link)

CHIPS for America | Natcast


11. How many R1 universities offering advanced degree programs and/or conduct significant
research focused on the microelectronics industry and are engaged in semiconductor R&D?
• 0
• 1-2
• 3-4
• 5+
• Please name up to your top 3 programs (by graduates) and provide links to their
1. Program 1 (Link)
2. Program 2 (Link)
3. Program 3 (Link)
12. How many community colleges/vocational/technical schools in your state/territory offer
certification programs (or similar programs) centered on the semiconductor industry, including
hands-on training with semiconductor facilities and tools?
• 0
• 1-2
• 3-4
• 5+
• Please name up to your top 3 programs (by graduates) and provide links to their
1. Program 1 (Link)
2. Program 2 (Link)
3. Program 3 (Link)
13. How many workforce training programs specifically for the semiconductor industry are
provided in your state/territory?
• 0
• 1-2
• 3-4
• 5+
• If applicable, please name up to your top 3 programs and provide links to their websites.
1. Training Program 1 (Link)
2. Training Program 2 (Link)
3. Training Program 3 (Link)
14. How many tech hubs or designations (e.g., EDA Tech Hubs and Build Back Better Regional
Challenge Coalitions, NSF Regional Innovation Engines, ME Commons Hubs, other state/local
designations) specifically focused on the semiconductor industry are in your state/territory?
• 0
• 1-2
• 3-4
• 5+
• If applicable, please name up to your top 3 programs and provide links to their websites.
1. Program 1 (Link)
2. Program 2 (Link)
3. Program 3 (Link)

CHIPS for America | Natcast


15. How many state, territory, or local programs or initiatives aimed at growing the semiconductor
industry (e.g., semiconductor workforce development or a task force on semiconductor skills
training) are in your state/territory?
• 0
• 1-2
• 3-4
• 5+
• If applicable, please name up to your top 3 programs and provide links to their websites.
1. Program 1 (Link)
2. Program 2 (Link)
3. Program 3 (Link)
16. Please identify the metro areas/regions in your state/territory you believe are most suitable
for investment in the semiconductor industry and provide a brief rationale for each. Your
answer may highlight relevant ecosystem components that border your state or territory. For
purposes of this question, your response may include existing or planned investments in
ecosystems or ecosystem components. Please note any confidential information and include
relevant markings. Character count max of 2,000 characters.
• Location 1 (Rationale)
• Location 2 (Rationale)
• Location 3 (Rationale)
• Location 4 (Rationale)
17. In the last 10 years, what has been the total investment in your state/territory’s semiconductor
industry from commercial sources?
• <$500M
• $500M - <$1B
• $1B - $10B
• >$10B
18. In the last 10 years, what has been the total investment in your state/territory's semiconductor
industry from federal government sources?
• <$50M
• $50M - <$100M
• $100M - $500M
• >$500M
19. In the last 10 years, what has been the total investment in your state/territory's semiconductor
industry from state/territory government sources?
• <10M
• $10M - <$50M
• $50M - $100M
• >$100M
20. Are there any current or proposed financial or in-kind state/territory incentives/programs
related to the semiconductor industry for which this facility might be eligible?
• Yes
• No
CHIPS for America | Natcast



If yes, please name the program and provide a link to verify
1. Program 1 (Link)
2. Program 2 (Link)
3. Program 3 (Link)

21. What kinds of incentives does your state/territory provide to encourage semiconductor R&D?
Check all that apply.
• Tax Incentives (e.g., Property Tax Abatement, Tax Increment Financing, Tax Credits)
• Grants
• Infrastructure Assistance
• Training and Human Resources Assistance
• Other _________________

CHIPS for America | Natcast


File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleEcosystem Questionnaire for States and Territories to Inform CHIPS R&D Facility Site Selection Process
AuthorCollins, Addison
File Modified2024-07-15
File Created2024-07-15

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