AFRC Mission Support Customer Satisfaction Survey

Generic Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery

Mission Support Customer Satisfaction Survey Design BCB 2-9-23 (003)

AFRC Mission Support Customer Satisfaction Survey

OMB: 2700-0153

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Comments Reconciled

Mission Support Customer Satisfaction Survey Design and Content

Page 1: Survey Introduction

Thank you for your participation in the 2022 Mission Support Directorate (MSD) Customer Satisfaction Survey!

You will be provided with examples of the services provided by each Mission Support organization and asked whether you would like to rate them, one-by-one. Please select and rate all Mission Support organizations you have interacted with in the last 6 months. You will be presented with the same set of core questions for each organization you select. Some organizations have added two specific questions to gather more detailed information on their functions.

We appreciate you taking the time to help us serve you better.”

Paperwork Reduction Act Statement:

This information collection meets the requirements of 44 U.S.C 3507, as amended by section 2 of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. You do not need to answer these questions unless we display a valid Office of Management and Budget control number. The OMB control number for this information collection is 2700-0153 and it expires on 07/31/2024. We estimate that it will take about 3 minutes to read the instructions, gather the facts, and answer the questions. You may send comments on our time estimate above to [email protected]. Send only comments relating to our time estimate to this address.

Click ‘Next’ to begin selecting organizations to rate.”

MSEO Selection Pages

[Respondents will be provided with the name of each office and a description of their services, then be asked whether they want to rate that office (yes/no). If they choose “Yes”, on the next screen they will see the “core questions” + applicable “optional questions” that each respondent will answer for every MSEO they selected. They will select yes/no for each office.]

OCHCO: Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer

Have you received services from OCHCO within the last six months and would like to rate those services?

[Yes/No] option that leads to either Core + Optional questions OR next MSEO.

For examples of the services OCHCO provides, have you: received training, organizational development, coaching, workforce planning support, employee relations advice, hired a new employee, or visited the OCHCO OneNASA intranet site?

If they answered “yes” they will be directed to the Core Questions for this Mission Support Office. Once those are answered they will be directed back to the next Mission Support Office.

If they have answered “No” they will skip the Core Questions for this mission support office and be directed to the next Mission Support Office.

OCOMM: Office of Communications

Have you received services from OCOMM within the last six months and would like to rate those services?

[Yes/No] option that leads to either Core + Optional questions OR next MSEO.

For examples of the services OCOMM provides, have you: received communications services for news, media or internal messaging activities, received support for a public or stakeholder activities to include a communications partnership, celebrity/entertainment or documentary engagement, received help with NASA messaging or outreach materials, received television, photography, web, social media or other digital communications services, worked with a historian, archivist, librarian or FOIA officer, received support for VIP visitor coordination, tours or launch guest operations, engaged with an official NASA Visitor Center, artifacts or exhibit, or used the agency style guide/ branding guides?

If they answered “yes” they will be directed to the Core Questions for this Mission Support Office. Once those are answered they will be directed back to the next Mission Support Office.

If they have answered “No” they will skip the Core Questions for this mission support office and be directed to the next Mission Support Office.

OP: Office of Procurement

Have you received services from OP within the last six months and would like to rate those services?

[Yes/No] option that leads to either Core + Optional questions OR next MSEO.

For examples of the services OP provides, have you: received procurement support, contracting support, simplified acquisitions policy support, or received COR training and support?

If they answered “yes” they will be directed to the Core Questions for this Mission Support Office. Once those are answered they will be directed back to the next Mission Support Office.

If they have answered “No” they will skip the Core Questions for this mission support office and be directed to the next Mission Support Office.

OPS: Office of Protective Services

Have you received services from OPS within the last six months and would like to rate those services?

[Yes/No] option that leads to either Core + Optional questions OR next MSEO.

For examples of the services OPS provides, have you: completed a security clearance process, received support managing visitors to NASA, received PIV/badging services, used my badge to access a NASA building, or interacted with security personnel in a NASA building?

If they answered “yes” they will be directed to the Core Questions for this Mission Support Office. Once those are answered they will be directed back to the next Mission Support Office.

If they have answered “No” they will skip the Core Questions for this mission support office and be directed to the next Mission Support Office.

OSI: Office of Strategic Infrastructure - Environmental

Have you received services from OSI - Environmental within the last six months and would like to rate those services?

[Yes/No] option that leads to either Core + Optional questions OR next MSEO.

For examples of the services OSI - Environmental provides, have you: received services related to environmental regulatory compliance, hazardous waste management, natural resource conservation, National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) implementation, and/or cultural resource management from the Environmental Management Program?

If they answered “yes” they will be directed to the Core Questions for this Mission Support Office. Once those are answered they will be directed back to the next Mission Support Office.

If they have answered “No” they will skip the Core Questions for this mission support office and be directed to the next Mission Support Office.

OSI: Office of Strategic Infrastructure - Facilities

Have you received services from OSI - Facilities within the last six months and would like to rate those services?

[Yes/No] option that leads to either Core + Optional questions OR next MSEO.

For examples of the services OSI - Facilities provides, have you: received services related to construction, facility or grounds maintenance, space utilization planning, leasing support, and/or custodial services from the Facilities Management Program?

If they answered “yes” they will be directed to the Core Questions for this Mission Support Office. Once those are answered they will be directed back to the next Mission Support Office.

If they have answered “No” they will skip the Core Questions for this mission support office and be directed to the next Mission Support Office.

OSI: Office of Strategic Infrastructure - Logistics

Have you received services from OSI - Logistics within the last six months and would like to rate those services?

[Yes/No] option that leads to either Core + Optional questions OR Demographic Information Section.

For examples of the services OSI - Logistics provides, have you: received services related to property or equipment management, shipping & receiving, and/or transportation support from the Logistics Management Program

If they answered “yes” they will be directed to the Core Questions for this Mission Support Office. Once those are answered they will be directed back to the next Mission Support Office.

If they have answered “No” they will skip the Core Questions for this mission support office and be directed to the next Mission Support Office.

Core Questions

(Respondents will answer these questions for EACH office/functional area they answer “Yes” for. If they select 2 offices, they will fill out these 5 questions twice, for each office)

  1. How would you rate your experience receiving services from <<insert name of office selected by user here, e.g., OSI, OCIO, etc.>>

    • Highly satisfied

    • Satisfied

    • Neutral

    • Dissatisfied

    • Strongly Dissatisfied

    • N/A

  1. Rate your level of agreement with the following statement: The services from [Insert Office] met my needs.

    • Strongly Agree

    • Agree

    • Neutral

    • Disagree

    • Strongly Disagree

    • N/A

  1. How satisfied are you with the communication from [Insert Office] based on your most recent interaction? (i.e., Were communications prompt, clear, understandable, and actionable where necessary?)

    • Highly satisfied

    • Satisfied

    • Neutral

    • Dissatisfied

    • Strongly Dissatisfied 

    • N/A

  1. Rate your level of agreement with the following statement: [Insert Office] provides its services within the promised or expected timeframe.

    • Strongly Agree

    • Agree

    • Neutral

    • Disagree

    • Strongly Disagree

    • N/A

  1. Is there any other feedback you would like to provide? Use this space to provide detail on a recent interaction, further explanation for any of the questions above, suggestions for improvement, or general comments.

[Free text response]

MSEO-Specific Questions

(Will be shown in addition to the core questions only for the functional areas the respondent selected on page 1 that chose to add additional questions on page 2)



  • Question 1: Overall, how satisfied are you with the communication services you receive?

    • Highly satisfied

    • Satisfied

    • Neutral

    • Dissatisfied

    • Strongly Dissatisfied

    • N/A

  • Question 2: What can the communications team change or improve on to enable you to do your job better? 

      • [Free text response]


    • Question 1: Office of Procurement provides effective or innovative solution to meet your mission requirement(s).

      • Strongly Agree

      • Agree

      • Neutral

      • Disagree

      • Strongly Disagree

      • N/A

    • Question 2: Office of Procurement provides clear communication and OP personnel are responsive to your needs.

      • Strongly Agree

      • Agree

      • Neutral

      • Disagree

      • Strongly Disagree

      • N/A

OSI (Respondents will fill out the same optional questions for each OSI sub-organization they choose, OSI-Environmental, OSI-Facilities, and OSI-Logistics)

  • Question 1: Thinking of the services listed above, which one(s) predominantly influenced your responses to this survey? If more than one service influenced your responses, please provide additional information.

    • [Free text response]

  • Question 2: If we provided you a service and you were not satisfied, please tell us what service that was, why you weren’t satisfied, and the level of importance of that service to your mission (on a scale of 1 to 5 where 5 is “mission-critical” and 1 is “no effect on mission”)

    • [Free text response]

Respondent Demographic Information. << (Responses will be Optional)>><<May replace with FEVS demographic gathering questions>>

  • Select your organization type. -> Select your organization

    • Mission Directorate (MD)

      • ARMD: Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate

      • ESDMD: Explorations Systems Development Mission Directorate

      • MSD: Mission Support Directorate (MSD Core)

      • SMD: Science Mission Directorate

      • SOMD: Space Operations Mission Directorate

      • STMD: Space Technology Mission Directorate

    • Center (Ctr)

      • AFRC: Armstrong Flight Research Center

    • Mission Support Enterprise Office (MSEO)

      • NSSC: NASA Shared Services Center

      • OCFO: Office of the Chief Financial Officer

      • OCHCO: Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer

      • OCIO: Office of the Chief Information Officer

      • OCOMM: Office of Communications

      • ODEO: Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity

      • OGC: Office of the General Counsel

      • OIIR: Office of International and Interagency Relations

      • OLIA: Office of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs

      • OP: Office of Procurement

      • OPS: Office of Protective Services

      • OSBP: Office of Small Business Programs

      • OSI: Office of Strategic Infrastructure

      • OSTEM: Office of STEM Engagement

    • Technical Authority (TA)

      • OCE: Office of the Chief Engineer

      • OCHMO: Office of the Chief Health and Medical Officer

      • OSMA: Office of Safety and Mission Assurance

  • Are you a supervisor? <<Y/N>>

Final Page Post-Submission: Thanks Message

Thank you very much for providing your feedback!


File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorDeyo, Jonathan D. (HQ-LA030)
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2024-07-24

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