Form DSP-5 Application/License for Permanent Export of Unclassified

Application/License for Permanent Export of Unclassified Defense Articles and Related Unclassified Technical Data

1_DSP-5 DECCS Form & Instructions

Application/License for Permanent Export of Unclassified Defense Articles and Related Unclassified Technical Data

OMB: 1405-0003

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DSP-5 - Application for Permanent Export of Unclassified Defense Articles, Related Technical
Data, and Defense Services

Application for Permanent Export of Unclassified Defense Articles, Related
Technical Data, and Defense Services
*Transaction Number
Enter your internal submission company identifier for this application.
Classified Information must NOT be included, or referred to, in the form.
Classified information must be sent separately to PM/DDTC in accordance with Defense
Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA) guidelines. For issues that may pertain to
classified information, contact the DDTC Response Team.
Classified information is being sent under separate cover
Select this field if you are going to send classified information that is pertinent to the
application under separate cover to the DDTC in accordance with the DCSA guidelines.
Upload Document
Document Type

DDTC Registration Code
Select your registration code. If no codes are displayed, confirm you have an active registration
code prior to submitting a license application.
*Registration Code
Select your registration code for this application.

Country of Ultimate Destination
Select at least one Country of Ultimate Destination. This is the country where the commodities
will ultimately be used or reside. For each Country of Ultimate Destination identified in Block 3,
there must be at least one Foreign End-User identified in Block 14. If the commodity(ies) to be
shipped include hardware, only one Country of Ultimate Destination may be selected.
*Destination Country (drop down menu)

Probable Port of Exit from U.S.
Enter the known or expected U.S. Customs port from which the defense article(s) will be
exported. Up to two ports can be entered, each in a separate field.
Probable Port of Exit from U.S. 1
Enter your exit port 1 for this application.
Probable Port of Exit from U.S. 2
Enter your exit port 2 for this application.

Provide all Applicant information. If you are a subsidiary provide your parent company's
information in the Applicant information and check the Subsidiary checkbox to provide your
Applicant Is
Select the applicant's business type. Select either Government, Manufacturer, Exporter, or
Freight Forwarder.
Select if the applicant/requester is a subsidiary of the PM/DDTC registered company to
which the PM/DDTC registration code belongs. Note that the subsidiary must be listed on the
registered company’s DDTC registration in order to apply for the license.
Name (read-only)
***The registrant’s name is auto-populated based on the registration***
Enter the first and last name of the person who is responsible for this application for the
Incomplete/imprecise addresses or use of P.O. boxes will result in your request being RWAed.
Zip Code

***If Subsidiary is checked, then the following options show up***

Subsidiary Information
The Subsidiary Information fields (Name, Attention, Address, City, State, Zip Code, Telephone
Number and Extension) become required when the user selects the Subsidiary checkbox. When
field becomes required, a response must be identified.
*Select a Subsidiary
Select a Subsidiary to populate the form below
***Subsidiary’s name is auto-populated based on the registration***
Enter the first and last name of the person who is responsible for this application for the
Incomplete/imprecise addresses or use of P.O. boxes will result in your request being RWAed.
Zip Code

U.S. Government Point of Contact (Optional)
Enter an U.S. Government contact if applicable. To enter one or more U.S. Government contacts,
click the "Add Entry" button.
The individual identified in this block must be an employee of the U.S. Government. Do not list
an employee of the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls.

Select the Agency which the U.S. Government contact belongs to. If the appropriate agency is
not available, select "Other." The "Please specify" field will appear for you to enter in the agency

Applicant Point of Contact
Provide all information for individuals who are familiar with the transaction and who can
respond to questions from PM/DDTC or other government agencies. The individual(s) should be
prepared to answer procedural and/or technical questions. To enter one or more applicant
contacts, click the "Add Entry" button.

Description of Transaction

Provide any related license numbers that apply to the sections below. When a previous license or
agreement (Approved, Disapproved or RWAed) is identified, please provide a copy of the
license/application/relevant pages of agreement including any proviso letters issued with your
application. An electronic copy of the previous license, agreement or case can be attached to the
"Precedent (identical/similar) Cases" document type.
*A. This application represents
Select whether this transaction is a completely new shipment or the unshipped balance under a
previously issued license that has expired or is about to expire, or a replacement license.
o ONLY a completely new shipment
o ONLY the unshipped balance under license number
*Enter applicable previous license number
o ONLY a replacement license for license number
*Enter applicable previous license number

* B. The IDENTICAL commodity
NOTE: You must first select the appropriate check boxes under this section to add license
Was licensed to the country in block 3 of the first page under license numbers.
Select if there were previous licenses for the defense article(s) to the country in Block 3.
*Related license #
Was licensed to other countries under license numbers.
Select if there were previous licenses for the defense article(s) to country(ies) not listed in
Block 3.
*Related license #
Was returned without action under voided license numbers.
Select if a license was denied due to a voided license.
*Related license #
Was denied to the country in block 3 of the first page under voided license(s).
Select if there were previous licenses denied due to a voided license for the defense article(s)
to the country in Block 3
*Related license #
Was never licensed for this applicant
Select if a license for this applicant has never been approved, approved with proviso(s) or
denied for the defense article(s).
* C. This application is related to an agreement
 Not Applicable
 In furtherance of agreement number
*Related agreement #
 In support of agreement numbers
*Related agreement #
*D. The commodity is being financed under
Foreign Military Sale
Enter the applicable Foreign Military Sale case number(s). To enter additional case
numbers, click the 'Add Case Number(s)' button.
*Case Number
Foreign Military Financing
Enter the applicable Foreign Military Financing case number(s). To enter additional case
numbers, click the 'Add Case Number(s)' button.
*Case Number
Grant Aid Program
Enter the applicable Grant Aid Program case number. To enter additional case numbers,

click the 'Add Case Number(s)' button.
*Case Number
International Military Education and Training
Enter the applicable International Military Education and Training case number. To enter
additional case numbers, click the 'Add Case Number(s)' button.
*Case Number
U.S. Government Loan
Enter the applicable U.S. Government Loan case number. To enter additional case
numbers, click the 'Add Case Number(s)' button.
*Case Number
U.S. Government Guarantee
Enter the applicable U.S. Government Guarantee case number. To enter additional case
numbers, click the 'Add Case Number(s)' button.
*Case Number
Not Applicable
Select if a license for this applicant has never been approved, approved with proviso(s) or
denied for the defense article(s).
E. This application is related to a disclosure filed with Defense Trade Controls
*Enter Compliance Disclosure Number

Provide all required commodity information. At least one commodity must be identified. To
enter one or more commodities, click the "Add Commodity" button.
Quantity Information
Enter the exact number for each particular item or major component. If this application is for an
unshipped balanced (as indicated in Block 8a), the quantity, commodity, and values listed must
reflect only the unshipped balance from the previous license.
*Unit Type
Select the appropriate unit of measure for the quantity of the commodity. Do not use terms like
"lots" unless deemed appropriately and fully explained in the commodity Block 10. "Lot" is
generally only acceptable when used as a quantity for minor components or parts.

Commodity Description
Provide a complete description to include model number, part number, military designation, etc.
If the commodities are components or spare parts, identify the major end-item with which they
are associated. When possible, indicate whether the commodity is new or used, and whether it is
U.S. government surplus. If the commodity is technical data or defense services, include/list the
USML hardware categories and subcategories that are related to the technical data and/or
defense services.
*Defense Article Type
Select defense article type of the commodity. If hardware is being exported, a separate
application is required for each country of ultimate destination.
USML Category
Select the USML category and sub-category for the commodity. The USML, Part 121.1 in the
ITAR, will assist you in identification of the category and sub-category for the commodity(ies)
stated on your application.
*USML Category (drop down menu)
*USML Sub-Category (drop down menu)
***The following SME and DSP-83 questions only appear if the selected USML
Category/subcategory is SME***
Item is SME and DSP-83 is required
*Is a DSP-83 attached?
*If SME, and DSP-83 is not attached, state why.
Provide a statement explaining why a DSP-83 will not be attached to the application.
Item is MDE
Check the box if the commodity is Major Defense Equipment (MDE).
$ Value
Provide all required dollar value information in U.S. dollars only. Line item total is auto
calculated based on the quantity multiplied by the unit price. The total value cannot exceed
*Unit Price

Enter the unit price in U.S. dollars. Only enter the numeric value. Do not include currency
symbols or commas.
Line Item Total
This field is auto calculated based on Quantity and Unit Price.
Total Value
This field is auto calculated based on the sum of all Line Item Totals.

Foreign End-User
At least one foreign end-user must be provided. If there are multiple countries of ultimate
destinations (Block 3) there must be at least one foreign end-user for each country listed.
However, if this request includes the export of hardware, only one end-user may be entered. To
enter one or more foreign end-users, click the 'Add Entry' button.
Enter the full legal name of the foreign end-user. Do not include “subsidiary of” statements,
partial address or location clarifiers, or go-by names in the Name field, unless those are part of
the legal name. The end-user is the entity that will take final possession of the commodity,
regardless of foreign purchaser(s) and foreign intermediate consignee(s). Note that foreign
government entities must be identified, at a minimum, to the ministry-level equivalent (e.g.,
“Ministry of Defense of Lilliput”). Applications that only state “Government of (Country)” may
be returned without action.
Incomplete/imprecise addresses or use of P.O. boxes will result in your request being RWAed.
*End-User Type:
Select one of the following for entity type.

Foreign Government Entity (e.g., a foreign armed force)
U.S. Government Entity (e.g., a U.S. Embassy overseas)
Non-Government Entity (e.g., a commercial entity or private individual)
Other (if the entity does not fall under one of the other categories)

Manufacturer of Commodity

At least one manufacturer of the commodity(ies) must be identified. More than one manufacturer
of the commodity(ies) can be listed. To enter one or more manufacturers of the commodity(ies),
click the "Add Entry" button.
Same as Block 5
Select 'Same as Block 5' if the Manufacturer is the same as the Applicant. When the
'same as block' checkbox is selected, any data entered will be removed and updated with
the information provided from the same as block.
Enter the full legal name of the manufacturer of commodity. Do not include “subsidiary of”
statements, partial address or location clarifiers, or go-by names in the Name field, unless those
are part of the legal name.
Incomplete/imprecise addresses or use of P.O. boxes will result in your request being RWAed.
*** State and Zip only appear when country is United States ***
*Zip Code

Foreign Consignee
At least one foreign consignee must be provided. More than one foreign consignee can be listed.
To enter one or more foreign consignees, click the "Add Entry" button.
Same as Block 14
Select 'Same as Block 14' if the Foreign Consignee is the same as the Foreign End-User.
When the 'same as block' checkbox is selected, any data entered will be removed and
updated with the information provided from the same as block.
Enter the full legal name of the foreign purchaser who will receive the shipment for storage,
modification or for incorporation into another end-item, and for subsequent forwarding to the
foreign end-user. Do not include “subsidiary of” statements, partial address or location clarifiers,
or go-by names in the Name field, unless those are part of the legal name. The foreign consignee
may be in a country other than the foreign end-user. Note that foreign government entities must
be identified, at a minimum, to the ministry-level equivalent (e.g., “Ministry of Defense of

Lilliput”). Applications that only state “Government of (Country)” may be returned without
Incomplete/imprecise addresses or use of P.O. boxes will result in your request being RWAed.

Source of Commodity
At least one source of the commodity(ies) must be provided. More than one source of the
commodity(ies) can be listed. To enter one or more sources of the commodity(ies), click the
"Add Entry" button.
Same as Block 5
Select 'Same as Block 5' if the Source is the same as the Applicant. When the 'same as
block' checkbox is selected, any data entered will be removed and updated with the
information provided from the same as block.
Same as Block 15
Select 'Same as Block 15' if the Source is the same as the Manufacturer. When the 'same
as block' checkbox is selected, any data entered will be removed and updated with the
information provided from the same as block.
Enter the full legal name of the source of commodity. Do not include “subsidiary of” statements,
partial address or location clarifiers, or go-by names in the Name field, unless those are part of
the legal name.
Incomplete/imprecise addresses or use of P.O. boxes will result in your request being RWAed.
*** State and Zip only appear when country is United States ***
*Zip Code


Foreign Intermediate Consignee
If applicable, list all foreign intermediate consignees that may receive the goods for onward
movement to the foreign consignee or foreign end-user. Otherwise select the "None" checkbox.
To enter one or more foreign intermediate consignees, click the "Add Entry" button.
If there are no foreign intermediate consignees, select the 'None' check box. If the 'None'
check box is selected, the 'Add Entry' button becomes inactive.
Enter the full legal name of the foreign intermediate consignee. Do not include “subsidiary of”
statements, partial address or location clarifiers, or go-by names in the Name field, unless those
are part of the legal name. A foreign intermediate consignee is an entity who will receive the
goods for onward movement to the foreign consignee or foreign end-user without actually taking
title to the goods. This includes foreign freight forwarders, customs brokers, agents or
representatives, and brokers as defined in 22 CFR 129(a). A foreign intermediate consignee may
be an agency or entity in a country other than the country of ultimate destination. Note that
foreign government entities must be identified, at a minimum, to the ministry-level equivalent
(e.g., “Ministry of Defense of Lilliput”). Applications that only state “Government of (Country)”
may be returned without action.
Incomplete/imprecise addresses or use of P.O. boxes will result in your request being RWAed.
Enter a description of the role the foreign intermediate consignee has in this transaction.

U.S. Seller
Enter the U.S. seller. Note that in most cases the applicant will be the U.S. seller and only one
U.S. seller may be provided. To enter a U.S. seller other than the applicant, click the "Add Entry"
Same as Block 5
Select 'Same as Block 5' if the U.S. Seller is the same as the Applicant. When the 'same
as block' checkbox is selected, any data entered will be removed and updated with the
information provided from the same as block.

Enter the full legal name of the U.S. seller. Do not include “subsidiary of” statements, partial
address or location clarifiers, or go-by names in the Name field, unless those are part of the legal
Incomplete/imprecise addresses or use of P.O. boxes will result in your request being RWAed.
*Zip Code

Specific Purpose
*Select One
Off-Shore Procurement
Licensing of Foreign Persons Employed by a U.S. Person
Furnishing of Limited Defense Services
Provide a complete account of the specific purpose of the requested export. Simply stating, "For
use in production of military aircraft" or "for resale" is inadequate. In order to provide rationale
for the review and final U.S. Government determination, the specific details in this block should
describe the intended uses, end-users, and end-use platforms of the commodities involved in the
transaction. If applicable, list the RWA license number.
*End-Use System/Platform
List the systems and/or platforms for which the commodity will be used on, in, or with (as
described in the Details section of this block). All intended end-use systems and/or platforms
must be identified. If the commodity is a system, identify the end-use platforms. If the
commodity is a component or part, then identify both the end-use system and platform. For
example, if the commodity is a component/part going into a remote weapons system (RWS)
which will in turn be installed on an armored vehicle, then both the RWS and the vehicle must be
listed. If a commodity itself is the end-use platform (e.g., a night vision goggle), then list the

U.S. Consignor/Freight Forwarder

At least one U.S. consignor/U.S. freight forwarder must be provided. More than one U.S.
consignor/U.S. freight forwarder can be listed. To enter one or more U.S. consignor/U.S. freight
forwarders, click the "Add Entry" button.
Same as Block 5
Select 'Same as Block 5' if the U.S. Consignor/Freight Forwarder is the same as the
Applicant. When the 'same as block' checkbox is selected, any data entered will be
removed and updated with the information provided from the same as block.
Enter the full legal name of the U.S. consignor/freight forwarder. Do not include “subsidiary of”
statements, partial address or location clarifiers, or go-by names in the Name field, unless those
are part of the legal name.
Incomplete/imprecise addresses or use of P.O. boxes will result in your request being RWAed.
*Zip Code

Applicant's Statement
, an empowered official (22 CFR 120.67) or an official of a foreign government
entity in the U.S., hereby apply for a license to complete the transaction described above; warrant
the truth of all statements made herein; and acknowledge, understand and will comply with the
provisions of 22 CFR 120-130, and any conditions and limitations imposed.
I am authorized by the applicant to certify the following in compliance with 22 CFR 126.13:
1. Neither the applicant, its chief executive officer, president, vice presidents, other senior
officers or officials (e.g., comptroller, treasurer, general counsel) nor any member of its
board of directors is:
a. the subject of an indictment for or has been convicted of violating any of the U.S.
criminal statutes enumerated in 22 CFR 120.6 since the effective date of the Arms
Export Control Act, Public Law 94-329, 90 Stat. 729 (June 30, 1976); or
b. ineligible to contract with, or to receive a license or other approval to import
defense articles or defense services from, or to receive an export license or other
approval from any agency of the U.S. Government;

2. To the best of the applicant's knowledge, no party to the export as defined in 22 CFR
120.68(a) has been convicted of violating any of the U.S. criminal statutes enumerated in
22 CFR 120.6 since the effective date of the Arms Export Control Act, Public Law 94329, 90 Stat. 729 (June 30, 1976); or is ineligible to contract with, or to receive a license
or other approval to import defense articles or defense services from, or to receive an
export license or other approval from any agency of the U.S. Government; and
*22 CFR 126.13 Certification

I am authorized by the applicant to certify that the applicant and all the parties to the
transaction can meet in full the conditions of 22 CFR 126.13 as listed above.


I am authorized by the applicant to certify to 22 CFR 126.13. The applicant or one of
the parties of the transaction cannot meet one or more of the conditions of 22 CFR 126.13
as listed above. A request for an exception to policy, as described in 22 CFR 127.11 of
the ITAR, is attached.


I am authorized by the applicant to certify to 22 CFR 126.13. The applicant or one of
the parties of the transaction cannot meet one or more of the conditions of 22 CFR 126.13
as listed above. However that party has met the conditions imposed by the Directorate of
Defense Trade Controls in order to resume standard submission of applications, not
requiring an exception to policy as described in Section 127.11 of the ITAR.


I am not authorized by the applicant to certify the conditions of 22 CFR 126.13. The
applicant and all of the parties to the transaction can meet in full the conditions of 22
CFR 126.13 as listed above. Please see the attached letter from an official that is
authorized by the applicant to certify to the conditions of 22 CFR 126.13.


I am not authorized by the applicant to certify the conditions of 22 CFR 126.13. The
applicant or one of the parties of the transaction cannot meet one or more of the
conditions of 22 CFR 126.13 as listed above. A request for an exception to policy, as
described in 22 CFR 127.11 of the ITAR, and a letter from an official that is authorized
by the applicant to certify to the conditions of 22 CFR 126.13 are attached.


I am not authorized by the applicant to certify to 22 CFR 126.13. The applicant or
one of the parties of the transaction cannot meet one or more of the conditions of 22 CFR
126.13 as listed above. However that party has met the conditions imposed by the
Directorate of Defense Trade Controls in order to resume standard submission of
applications, not requiring an exception to policy as described in 22 CFR 127.11 of the
ITAR. Please see the attached letter from an official that is authorized by the applicant to
certify to the conditions of 22 CFR 126.13.

*Compliance with 22 CFR 130

This transaction does not meet the requirements of 22 CFR 130.2.
This transaction meets the requirements of 22 CFR 130.2. The applicant or its
vendors have not paid, nor offered, nor agreed to pay, in respect of any sale for which a
license or approval is requested, political contributions, fees or commissions in amounts
as specified in 22 CFR 130.9(a).


The applicant or its vendors have paid, or offered, or agreed to pay, in respect of any
sale for which a license or approval is requested, political contributions, fees or
commissions in amounts as specified in 22 CFR 130.9(a). Information required under 22
CFR 130.10 is attached.


I am not authorized by the applicant to certify the conditions of 22 CFR 130.9(a).
Please see the attached letter for such certification.

File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorReimnitz, Patrick
File Modified2024-08-14
File Created2024-08-14

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