OMB Control Number 2120-0801
Expiration Date: 12-31-2024
Paperwork Reduction Act Statement: A federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act unless that collection of information displays a currently valid OMB Control Number. The OMB Control Number for this information collection is 2120-0801. Public reporting for this collection of information is estimated to be approximately three minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, completing and reviewing the collection of information. All responses to this collection of information are voluntary. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to: Information Collection Clearance Officer, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence Ave SW, Suite 300 W, Washington DC 20591.
Submitting Pilot Weather Reports (PIREPs)
1. UA - Routine PIREP / UUA - Urgent PIREP
2. /OV - Location: Use airport or NAVAID identifiers only
Location can be reported as a single fix, radial DME, route segment (Fix- Fix), or latitude/longitude (in degrees and minutes)
Examples: /OV LAX, /OV RDU150020, /OV BOS-OWD360005, /OV KMCI-KMKC, /OV 3901N 08446W
3. /TM – Time: When conditions occurred or were encountered, using 4 digits in UTC
Examples: /TM 1645, /TM 0915
4. /FL - Altitude/Flight Level: Use 3 digits for hundreds of feet
If not known, use UNKN
Examples: /FL095, /FL310, /FLUNKN
5. /TP - Type aircraft: Required if reporting Turbulence or Icing
No more than 4 characters
If not known use UNKN
Examples: /TP P28A, /TP RV8, /TP B738, /TP UNKN
6. /SK – Sky Condition/Cloud layers:
Report cloud coverage using contractions: FEW, SCT, BKN, OVC, SKC
Report bases in hundreds of feet: BKN005, SCT015, OVC200
If bases or tops are unknown, use UNKN
Report cloud tops in hundreds of feet: TOP120
Examples: /SK BKN035, /SK SCT UNKN-TOP125, /SK OVC095-TOP125/ SKC
7. /WX - Weather: Flight visibility is always reported first
Report visibility using 2 digits, append FV reported with SM: FV01SM, FV10SM
Unrestricted visibility use FV99SM
Use standard weather contractions e.g.: RA, SH, TS, HZ, FG, -, +
Examples: /WX FV01SM +SHRA, /WX FV10 SM -RA BR
8. /TA - Air temperature (Celsius): Required when reporting icing
2 digits, unless below zero, then prefix digits with M
Examples:/TA 15, /TA 04 /TA M06
9. /WV - Wind: Direction in 3 digits, speed in 2 or 3 digits, followed by KT
Examples: /WV 28008KT, /WV 270045KT, /WV 080110KT
10. /TB - Turbulence:
Report duration using INTMT, OCNL or CONS when reported by pilot
Report intensity using LGT, MOD, SEV, or EXTRM
Report type using CAT or CHOP when reported by pilot
Include altitude only if different from /FL
Use ABV or BLO when limits are not defined
Use NEG if turbulence is not encountered
Examples: /TB OCNL MOD, /TB LGT CHOP, /LGT 060, /TB MOD BLO 090, / TB NEG
11. /IC - Icing:
Report intensity using TRACE, LGT, MOD or SEV
Report type using RIME, CLR, or MX
Include altitude only if different than /FL
Use NEG if icing not encountered
Pilot reports of icing should also include air temperature (/TA)
Examples: /IC LGT-MOD RIME, /IC SEV CLR 028-045, /IC NEG
12. /RM - Remarks: Use to report phenomena that does not fit in any other field
Report the most hazardous element first
Name of geographic location or local description from /OV field
Examples: /RM LLWS +/-15KT SFC-003 DURC RWY22, /RM FA RWY10
Examples of Completed PIREPS
UA /OV RFD /TM 1315 /FL160 /TP PA44 /SK OVC025-TOP095/OVC150 /TA M12 /TB INTMT LGT CHOP
UA /OV DHT360015-AMA /TM 2116 /FL050 /TP PA32 /SK BKN090 /WX FV05SM –RA /TA 04 /TB LGT /IC NEG
UUA /OV PDZ010018 /TM 1520 /FL125 /TP C172 /WV 270048KT /TB SEV 055-085 /RM CAJON PASS
3 or 4 letter Identifier
___ ___ ___ ___ 1. UA____UUA_____ Routine Urgent |
2. /OV |
Location |
3. /TM |
Time |
4. /FL |
Altitude/Flight Level |
5. /TP |
Aircraft Type |
Items 1 through 5 are mandatory for all PIREPs |
6. /SK |
Sky Condition |
7. /WX |
Flight Visibility & Weather |
8. /TA |
Temperature (Celsius) |
9. /WV |
Wind |
10. /TB |
Turbulence |
11. /IC |
Icing |
12. /RM |
Remarks |
FAA Form 7110-2 (7/24) Supersedes Previous Edition
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Air Traffic Organization |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2025-02-24 |