Form 202415 Activities and Outcomes Report for the State Humanities

Generic Clearance Authority for the National Endowment for the Humanities

15. Activities and Outcomes Report FedState

Activities and Outcomes Report for the State Humanities Councils

OMB: 3136-0134

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8/6/24, 4:07 PM


Activities and Outcomes Report (Federal/State Partnership) (UPDATED)


OMB control number 3136-0134, expiration date October 31, 2024
The Activities and Outcomes Report is a required annual report for General Operating Support (GOS) recipients. It serves to: 1)
Inform NEH of council activities, 2) Collect data and communicate findings to the public, Congress, and other NEH stakeholders,
and 3) Comply with council-specific reporting requirements outlined in NEH's founding legislation U.S. Code 20 Section 956 (f)(1-7).
Reporting Period
Report on activities and outcomes funded by the GOS award and/or by funds leveraged to meet the required cost share. For
questions regarding council activity, report on activity that occurred during the past funding period (Nov. 1 – Oct. 31). For questions
regarding subrecipient activity, report on all activity (within and outside of the past funding period) for subawards that closed
(submitted a final report) during the past funding period. Please do your best to respond to new or revised questions, understanding
that you may not have the requested information for this report deadline.
Definitions of Terms
Definitions are included in the relevant form tabs. General terms include:
Council-conducted activity: An activity or program that is managed by the council. Though the council may engage partners
or subrecipients, the council is ultimately responsible for the activity.
Subrecipient-conducted activity: Subrecipient refers to a recipient of direct funding from the council. Subrecipient-conducted
activity is an activity or program that is managed by a subrecipient of GOS funding. Though subrecipients may engage
partners or the council, the subrecipient is ultimately responsible for the planning, delivery, and evaluation of the activity.
Recipient replaces term Grantee in 2CFR200 §200.86. This term refers to a recipient of direct funding from the council.
Recipients include NEH subaward recipients and recipients of funding from all other council sources.
Submitting the Report
You must answer each required question in a section before advancing to the next section. Regularly save your work. You can leave
the form and return to where you last saved. You may experience a delay when you click "Submit"; this is normal. Submission of the
report indicates that the board chair has approved and verified the contents of the report. The information you report may be shared
in print or electronically with NEH stakeholders, including but not limited to NEH staff, the public, members of Congress, and the
Office of Management and Budget (OMB).
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 30 hours per response, including the time for
reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing

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the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other suggestions for reducing this burden to
NEH’s Office of Federal/State Partnership, [email protected], 400 Seventh Street SW, Washington, D.C. 20506.
Impacts and outcomes


Public access to information

Humanities scholars

Budget and funding sources

Reach and access


General operations

Other (optional)

Definition of Outcomes: For the purpose of this report, changes to behavior, knowledge, skills, attitude, and circumstance resulting
from a program, activity, product, or service.
1. In 4,000 characters or less (including spaces and punctuation), discuss if the council achieved its goals as stated in Question #2 of
the Annual Plan submitted with the corresponding GOS application.

2. In 4,000 characters or less (including spaces and punctuation), discuss the humanities themes the council explored to respond to
its constituents' priorities and/or the changing environment in the state or jurisdiction.

3. In 4,000 characters or less (including spaces and punctuation) for each, describe two council-conducted activities during this past
funding period that the council feels best represent its impact in its state or jurisdiction (this can include internal/operational
activities, as well). Include for each the name of the activity, timeframe, objectives, audiences served, how the activity made a
difference for those audiences, and outcomes. If available, please include a quote/comment from an audience member.

4. In 4,000 characters or less (including spaces and punctuation), describe one subrecipient activity during this past funding period
that the council feels best represents the impact of its grantmaking in its state or jurisdiction. Include the name of the activity,


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timeframe, objectives, audiences served, how the activity made a difference for those audiences, and outcomes. If available, please
include a quote/comment from an audience member.

NEH divisions are regularly asked to supply information on NEH-funded activities aligned with NEH's priorities. Aligning activities with
NEH's priorities is encouraged, not required.
5. Did the council fund or conduct activities to advance racial equity?
Select a value


6. Did the council fund or conduct activities that confronted the catastrophic impacts of the climate crisis through programs that
promote and build climate resilience and environmental sustainability, reduce climate pollution, and/or embed environmental justice,
or other environmental humanities programs?
Select a value


7. Did the council fund or conduct activities that champion the nation's excellence in the humanities to international audiences?
Select a value


8. Did the council fund or conduct activities that provide relief to cultural organizations grappling with the COVID-19 pandemic and
economic crisis?
Select a value


9. Did the council fund or conduct activities that strengthen Americans' knowledge of and commitment to the country's principles of
constitutional governance and democracy?
Select a value


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8/6/24, 4:08 PM


Activities and Outcomes Report (Federal/State Partnership) (UPDATED)


OMB control number 3136-0134, expiration date October 31, 2024
The Activities and Outcomes Report is a required annual report for General Operating Support (GOS) recipients. It serves to: 1)
Inform NEH of council activities, 2) Collect data and communicate findings to the public, Congress, and other NEH stakeholders,
and 3) Comply with council-specific reporting requirements outlined in NEH's founding legislation U.S. Code 20 Section 956 (f)(1-7).
Reporting Period
Report on activities and outcomes funded by the GOS award and/or by funds leveraged to meet the required cost share. For
questions regarding council activity, report on activity that occurred during the past funding period (Nov. 1 – Oct. 31). For questions
regarding subrecipient activity, report on all activity (within and outside of the past funding period) for subawards that closed
(submitted a final report) during the past funding period. Please do your best to respond to new or revised questions, understanding
that you may not have the requested information for this report deadline.
Definitions of Terms
Definitions are included in the relevant form tabs. General terms include:
Council-conducted activity: An activity or program that is managed by the council. Though the council may engage partners
or subrecipients, the council is ultimately responsible for the activity.
Subrecipient-conducted activity: Subrecipient refers to a recipient of direct funding from the council. Subrecipient-conducted
activity is an activity or program that is managed by a subrecipient of GOS funding. Though subrecipients may engage
partners or the council, the subrecipient is ultimately responsible for the planning, delivery, and evaluation of the activity.
Recipient replaces term Grantee in 2CFR200 §200.86. This term refers to a recipient of direct funding from the council.
Recipients include NEH subaward recipients and recipients of funding from all other council sources.
Submitting the Report
You must answer each required question in a section before advancing to the next section. Regularly save your work. You can leave
the form and return to where you last saved. You may experience a delay when you click "Submit"; this is normal. Submission of the
report indicates that the board chair has approved and verified the contents of the report. The information you report may be shared
in print or electronically with NEH stakeholders, including but not limited to NEH staff, the public, members of Congress, and the
Office of Management and Budget (OMB).
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 30 hours per response, including the time for
reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing

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the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other suggestions for reducing this burden to
NEH’s Office of Federal/State Partnership, [email protected], 400 Seventh Street SW, Washington, D.C. 20506.
Impacts and outcomes


Public access to information

Humanities scholars

Budget and funding sources

Reach and access


General operations

Other (optional)

For questions regarding council activity, report on activity that occurred during the past funding period (Nov. 1 - Oct. 31). For
questions regarding subrecipient activity, report on all activity (within and outside of the past funding period) for subawards that
closed (submitted a final report) during the past funding period. For council activities that span more than one funding period, report
ONLYthe data from the most recently completed funding period. For all recurring activities like a monthly discussion group or
quarterly council magazine, count each recurrence as one activity; for activities with multiple forms of delivery, count each form as its
own activity with its own audience. When reporting a number, do not input symbols or decimals. Reminder: Report on activities
funded by the GOS award and/or funds leveraged for the required cost share.

Questions 18, 19, and 20 request information beyond GOS funding and/or funds leveraged to meet the required cost share, and are
therefore optional
1. What was the total attendance for all live council-conducted activities (in-person or live streaming)?

2. What was the total attendance (number of times accessed) for all non-live council-conducted activities (recorded, printed, or digital
activities)? Please do your best to provide the data from the past funding period.

3. How many live activities did the council conduct?

4. How many non-live activities did the council conduct?


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5. What was the total attendance for all live subrecipient-conducted activities (in-person or live streaming)?

6. What was the total attendance (number of times accessed) for all non-live subrecipient-conducted activities (recorded, printed, or
digital activities)? Please do your best to provide the data for the past funding period.

7. How many live activities did subrecipients conduct?

8. How many non-live activities did subrecipients conduct?

9. Does the council produce a podcast?
Select a value


10. Did the council produce a documentary?
Select a value


11. Did the council publish a magazine or journal (print and/or digital)?
Select a value


12. Does the council maintain a digital humanities encyclopedia?

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Select a value




13. Does the council support another organization's digital humanities encyclopedia?
Select a value


14. In 4,000 characters or less (including spaces and punctuation), describe any other media products the council produced during
the past funding period, including the purpose, audience, and outcomes for each.

15a. Did the council conduct lectures?
Select a value


15b. Did the council conduct festivals?
Select a value


15c. Did the council conduct fee-for-service activities?
Select a value


15d. Did the council conduct activities for K-12 youth?
Select a value


15e. Did the council conduct reading and discussion programs?
Select a value


15f. Did the council conduct exhibitions (excluding Museum on Main Street)?


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Select a value



15g. Did the council facilitate a Museum on Main Street program?
Select a value


15h. Did the council conduct literacy programs?
Select a value


15i. Did the council conduct speaker bureau presentations?
Select a value


15j. Did the council conduct teacher institutes and workshops?
Select a value


15k. Did the council conduct conferences and symposia?
Select a value


15l. Did the council conduct Chautauqua or living history events?
Select a value


15m. Did the council conduct oral history projects?
Select a value


15n. Did the council conduct digital humanities activities (such as virtual tours)?
Select a value


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15o. Did the council conduct language revitalization projects?
Select a value


15p. Did the council conduct preservation projects?
Select a value


15q. Did the council conduct activities that promoted civil discourse through the humanities that were inclusive of diverse
Select a value


15r. Did the council conduct activities of types other than those listed above?
Select a value


16a. Did subrecipients conduct lectures?
Select a value


16b. Did subrecipients conduct festivals?
Select a value


16c. Did subrecipients conduct activities for K-12 youth?
Select a value


16d. Did subrecipients conduct reading and discussion programs?
Select a value



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16e. Did subrecipients conduct exhibitions (including Museum on Main Street)?
Select a value


16f. Did subrecipients conduct literacy programs?
Select a value


16g. Did subrecipients conduct speaker bureau presentations?
Select a value


16h. Did subrecipients conduct teacher institutes and workshops?
Select a value


16i. Did subrecipients conduct conferences and symposia?
Select a value


16j. Did subrecipients conduct Chautauqua or living history events?
Select a value


16k. Did subrecipients produce a documentary?
Select a value


16l. Did subrecipients produce a podcast?
Select a value


16m. Did subrecipients produce a magazine or journal (print or digital)?

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Select a value




16n. Did subrecipients produce other media products/publications?
Select a value


16o. Did subrecipients conduct oral history projects?
Select a value


16p. Did subrecipients conduct digital humanities activities (such as virtual tours)?
Select a value


16q. Did subrecipients conduct language revitalization projects?
Select a value


16r. Did subrecipients conduct preservation projects?
Select a value


16s. Did subrecipients conduct activities that promoted civil discourse through the humanities that were inclusive of diverse
Select a value


16t. Did subrecipients conduct activities of types other than those listed above?
Select a value


17. Did the council make subawards with GOS funds and/or funds leveraged for the required cost-share?


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Select a value


18. (This question requests information on subawards funded by ALL sources, including but not limited to GOS funds and/or funds
leveraged for the required cost share; it is therefore optional): How many applications for funding did the council receive across all its
grant programs?

19. (This question requests information on subawards funded by ALL sources, including but not limited to GOS funds and/or funds
leveraged for the required cost share; it is therefore optional): How many applications did the council fund across all its grant

20. (This question requests information on subawards funded by ALL sources, including but not limited to GOS funds and/or funds
leveraged for the required cost share; it is therefore optional): What was the total dollar amount subawarded across all its grant



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8/6/24, 4:09 PM


Activities and Outcomes Report (Federal/State Partnership) (UPDATED)


OMB control number 3136-0134, expiration date October 31, 2024
The Activities and Outcomes Report is a required annual report for General Operating Support (GOS) recipients. It serves to: 1)
Inform NEH of council activities, 2) Collect data and communicate findings to the public, Congress, and other NEH stakeholders,
and 3) Comply with council-specific reporting requirements outlined in NEH's founding legislation U.S. Code 20 Section 956 (f)(1-7).
Reporting Period
Report on activities and outcomes funded by the GOS award and/or by funds leveraged to meet the required cost share. For
questions regarding council activity, report on activity that occurred during the past funding period (Nov. 1 – Oct. 31). For questions
regarding subrecipient activity, report on all activity (within and outside of the past funding period) for subawards that closed
(submitted a final report) during the past funding period. Please do your best to respond to new or revised questions, understanding
that you may not have the requested information for this report deadline.
Definitions of Terms
Definitions are included in the relevant form tabs. General terms include:
Council-conducted activity: An activity or program that is managed by the council. Though the council may engage partners
or subrecipients, the council is ultimately responsible for the activity.
Subrecipient-conducted activity: Subrecipient refers to a recipient of direct funding from the council. Subrecipient-conducted
activity is an activity or program that is managed by a subrecipient of GOS funding. Though subrecipients may engage
partners or the council, the subrecipient is ultimately responsible for the planning, delivery, and evaluation of the activity.
Recipient replaces term Grantee in 2CFR200 §200.86. This term refers to a recipient of direct funding from the council.
Recipients include NEH subaward recipients and recipients of funding from all other council sources.
Submitting the Report
You must answer each required question in a section before advancing to the next section. Regularly save your work. You can leave
the form and return to where you last saved. You may experience a delay when you click "Submit"; this is normal. Submission of the
report indicates that the board chair has approved and verified the contents of the report. The information you report may be shared
in print or electronically with NEH stakeholders, including but not limited to NEH staff, the public, members of Congress, and the
Office of Management and Budget (OMB).
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 30 hours per response, including the time for
reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing

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the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other suggestions for reducing this burden to
NEH’s Office of Federal/State Partnership, [email protected], 400 Seventh Street SW, Washington, D.C. 20506.
Impacts and outcomes


Public access to information

Humanities scholars

Budget and funding sources

Reach and access


General operations

Other (optional)

NEH divisions evaluate the involvement and engagement of scholars in NEH-funded activities to assess how scholars contribute to
public humanities programming and increase the public’s access to humanities scholarship. When reporting a number, do not input
symbols or decimals.
Definition of scholar: For the purpose of this report, a scholar is an individual who is recognized as an expert in one or more
humanities disciplines. A scholar’s expertise may result from an advanced academic degree in the humanities or from serving as the
keeper of community traditions and knowledge. Examples of scholars include but are not limited to, a tribal elder, an independent
expert on American Literature, and a classics professor at a university.
1. How many unique humanities scholars were involved in all council-conducted activities, including in the review of grant
applications (excluding board or staff members)?

2a. Did humanities scholars participate in the design or development of council-conducted activities/content?
Select a value


2b. Did humanities scholars participate in the implementation or delivery of council-conducted activities/content?
Select a value


2c. Did humanities scholars participate in the evaluation of council-conducted activities/content?
Select a value



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2d. Did humanities scholars participate in the review of grant applications for council funding?
Select a value


2e. Did humanities scholars participate in conducting outreach on council-conducted activities/content?
Select a value


2f. Did humanities scholars participate in general consulting on council-conducted activities/content?
Select a value


2g. Did humanities scholars participate in other ways concerning council-conducted activities/content?
Select a value


3. In 1,000 characters or less (including spaces and punctuation), discuss additional ways humanities scholars were involved and any
challenges in identifying/involving scholars.

4. How many unique humanities scholars were involved in all subrecipient projects?

5. Did the council conduct outreach to institutions of higher learning to ensure that scholars there are aware of the council’s activities
and funding opportunities?
Select a value



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8/6/24, 4:16 PM


Activities and Outcomes Report (Federal/State Partnership) (UPDATED)


OMB control number 3136-0134, expiration date October 31, 2024
The Activities and Outcomes Report is a required annual report for General Operating Support (GOS) recipients. It serves to: 1)
Inform NEH of council activities, 2) Collect data and communicate findings to the public, Congress, and other NEH stakeholders,
and 3) Comply with council-specific reporting requirements outlined in NEH's founding legislation U.S. Code 20 Section 956 (f)(1-7).
Reporting Period
Report on activities and outcomes funded by the GOS award and/or by funds leveraged to meet the required cost share. For
questions regarding council activity, report on activity that occurred during the past funding period (Nov. 1 – Oct. 31). For questions
regarding subrecipient activity, report on all activity (within and outside of the past funding period) for subawards that closed
(submitted a final report) during the past funding period. Please do your best to respond to new or revised questions, understanding
that you may not have the requested information for this report deadline.
Definitions of Terms
Definitions are included in the relevant form tabs. General terms include:
Council-conducted activity: An activity or program that is managed by the council. Though the council may engage partners
or subrecipients, the council is ultimately responsible for the activity.
Subrecipient-conducted activity: Subrecipient refers to a recipient of direct funding from the council. Subrecipient-conducted
activity is an activity or program that is managed by a subrecipient of GOS funding. Though subrecipients may engage
partners or the council, the subrecipient is ultimately responsible for the planning, delivery, and evaluation of the activity.
Recipient replaces term Grantee in 2CFR200 §200.86. This term refers to a recipient of direct funding from the council.
Recipients include NEH subaward recipients and recipients of funding from all other council sources.
Submitting the Report
You must answer each required question in a section before advancing to the next section. Regularly save your work. You can leave
the form and return to where you last saved. You may experience a delay when you click "Submit"; this is normal. Submission of the
report indicates that the board chair has approved and verified the contents of the report. The information you report may be shared
in print or electronically with NEH stakeholders, including but not limited to NEH staff, the public, members of Congress, and the
Office of Management and Budget (OMB).
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 30 hours per response, including the time for
reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing

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the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other suggestions for reducing this burden to
NEH’s Office of Federal/State Partnership, [email protected], 400 Seventh Street SW, Washington, D.C. 20506.
Impacts and outcomes


Public access to information

Humanities scholars

Budget and funding sources

Reach and access


General operations

Other (optional)

NEH evaluates its reach to constituents traditionally underserved by the humanities, minority-serving academic institutions, and
community colleges. If the council does not have a minority-serving academic institution in its state or jurisdiction, respond "no" to
the respective question.
Question #12 requests information about activities funded by ALL sources, including but not limited to GOS funds and/or funds
leveraged for the required cost share; it is therefore optional.
1. In 8,000 characters or less (including spaces and punctuation), discuss and specify the audiences the council served during the
past funding period.

2. In 8,000 characters or less (including spaces and punctuation), discuss the council's efforts to increase the accessibility of the
humanities to constituents underserved through the humanities. For the purpose of this report, constituents that are underserved
may lack access to humanities programs or funding opportunities due to but not limited to, geography, economics, ethnicity, or
disability. Within this broad definition, councils are asked to specify their own constituencies that are underserved.

3. Did the council conduct or fund activities that involved the participation of veterans and active-duty military?
Select a value


4. Did the council conduct or fund activities that involved the participation of seniors (65+)?


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Select a value


5. Did the council conduct or fund activities that involved the participation of undergraduate students?
Select a value


6. Did the council conduct or fund activities that involved the participation of Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander
Institutions? (Consult the "List of Eligible Institutions by Fiscal Year")
Select a value


7. Did the council conduct or fund activities that involved the participation of Hispanic-Serving Institutions? (Consult "Eligibility
Matrix," column AS ("HSI"); 5 or 6 is an eligible institution)
Select a value


8. Did the council conduct or fund activities that involved the participation of Historically Black Colleges and Universities? (Click on
"Accredited HBCU Listing")
Select a value


9. Did the council conduct or fund activities that involved the participation of Tribal Colleges and Universities?
Select a value


10. Did the council conduct or fund activities that involved the participation of community colleges?
Select a value


11. In 4,000 characters or less, in terms of congressional districts, discuss where council-conducted in-person activities occurred. In
which regions of the state or jurisdiction was the council most and least active? If you can, also comment generally on where inperson subrecipient-conducted activity occurred (location of activities, not location of subrecipient).

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12. (This question requests information about activities funded by ALL sources, including but not limited to GOS funds and/or funds
leveraged for the required cost share; it is therefore optional): What percentage of congressional districts were reached by council
and subrecipient-conducted activities (in-person and virtual) funded by ALL sources?

13. Were Congressional Offices, Resident Commissioners (federal and/or state), Delegates invited to attend or participate in councilconducted activities?
Select a value



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8/6/24, 4:16 PM


Activities and Outcomes Report (Federal/State Partnership) (UPDATED)


OMB control number 3136-0134, expiration date October 31, 2024
The Activities and Outcomes Report is a required annual report for General Operating Support (GOS) recipients. It serves to: 1)
Inform NEH of council activities, 2) Collect data and communicate findings to the public, Congress, and other NEH stakeholders,
and 3) Comply with council-specific reporting requirements outlined in NEH's founding legislation U.S. Code 20 Section 956 (f)(1-7).
Reporting Period
Report on activities and outcomes funded by the GOS award and/or by funds leveraged to meet the required cost share. For
questions regarding council activity, report on activity that occurred during the past funding period (Nov. 1 – Oct. 31). For questions
regarding subrecipient activity, report on all activity (within and outside of the past funding period) for subawards that closed
(submitted a final report) during the past funding period. Please do your best to respond to new or revised questions, understanding
that you may not have the requested information for this report deadline.
Definitions of Terms
Definitions are included in the relevant form tabs. General terms include:
Council-conducted activity: An activity or program that is managed by the council. Though the council may engage partners
or subrecipients, the council is ultimately responsible for the activity.
Subrecipient-conducted activity: Subrecipient refers to a recipient of direct funding from the council. Subrecipient-conducted
activity is an activity or program that is managed by a subrecipient of GOS funding. Though subrecipients may engage
partners or the council, the subrecipient is ultimately responsible for the planning, delivery, and evaluation of the activity.
Recipient replaces term Grantee in 2CFR200 §200.86. This term refers to a recipient of direct funding from the council.
Recipients include NEH subaward recipients and recipients of funding from all other council sources.
Submitting the Report
You must answer each required question in a section before advancing to the next section. Regularly save your work. You can leave
the form and return to where you last saved. You may experience a delay when you click "Submit"; this is normal. Submission of the
report indicates that the board chair has approved and verified the contents of the report. The information you report may be shared
in print or electronically with NEH stakeholders, including but not limited to NEH staff, the public, members of Congress, and the
Office of Management and Budget (OMB).
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 30 hours per response, including the time for
reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing

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the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other suggestions for reducing this burden to
NEH’s Office of Federal/State Partnership, [email protected], 400 Seventh Street SW, Washington, D.C. 20506.
Impacts and outcomes


Public access to information

Humanities scholars

Budget and funding sources

Reach and access


General operations

Other (optional)

NEH seeks to encourage collaboration between organizations, cultural institutions, scholars, and state and jurisdictional humanities
councils to enhance the accessibility and quality of humanities teaching, learning, and programming.
Definition of partner: For the purpose of this report, a partner is an organization or group that works collaboratively with the council
to advance the council’s mission and expand the council’s reach. This includes but is not limited to: Contributing humanities-based
resources or scholarship to advance the work of the council, expanding the council’s reach, and/or hosting or providing skills,
knowledge, services, and products. Fed/State defines “effective partnerships” as those that are strategic, sustainable, and advance
the council’s mission. For this report, a funder can be a partner if the funder also contributes humanities-based resources or
scholarship; however, a funder is not a partner if the relationship exists only for funding purposes. For the purpose of this report, a
subrecipient is not a partner.
For each of the organization types in question 4 below, indicate the number of council partners. Enter a zero if your council has no
partners with organizations of that type. When reporting a number, do not input symbols or decimals.
1. Describe a partnership that the council identifies as effective, including the name of the partner(s), the goals of the partnership,
and how the partnership was effective.

2. Did the council partner with or support National History Day?
Select a value


3. Did the council partner with or support the Library of Congress Center for the Book?


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Select a value



4a. Archive

4b. Arts-related organization (including art museums)

4c. Community organization or center

4d. Festival

4e. Cultural heritage organization

4f. Foundation

4g. Government (state or local)

4h. Higher education (university or four-year college)

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4i. Higher education (two-year college)

4j. Higher education affiliates (press, radio station, archive, library, etc.)

4k. Historical site/house

4l. Historical society

4m. Incarceration or detention facility

4n. Independent research library or center

4o. Indigenous tribal organization or community

4p. K-12 school or school system

4q. Media organization


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4r. Membership organization or association

4s. Museum (history)

4t. Museum (other)

4u. Nature center, botanical garden, arboretum, environmental organization

4v. Other

4w. Private business or organization

4x. Public library

4y. Social services or health organization

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4z. State or national park



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8/6/24, 4:17 PM


Activities and Outcomes Report (Federal/State Partnership) (UPDATED)


OMB control number 3136-0134, expiration date October 31, 2024
The Activities and Outcomes Report is a required annual report for General Operating Support (GOS) recipients. It serves to: 1)
Inform NEH of council activities, 2) Collect data and communicate findings to the public, Congress, and other NEH stakeholders,
and 3) Comply with council-specific reporting requirements outlined in NEH's founding legislation U.S. Code 20 Section 956 (f)(1-7).
Reporting Period
Report on activities and outcomes funded by the GOS award and/or by funds leveraged to meet the required cost share. For
questions regarding council activity, report on activity that occurred during the past funding period (Nov. 1 – Oct. 31). For questions
regarding subrecipient activity, report on all activity (within and outside of the past funding period) for subawards that closed
(submitted a final report) during the past funding period. Please do your best to respond to new or revised questions, understanding
that you may not have the requested information for this report deadline.
Definitions of Terms
Definitions are included in the relevant form tabs. General terms include:
Council-conducted activity: An activity or program that is managed by the council. Though the council may engage partners
or subrecipients, the council is ultimately responsible for the activity.
Subrecipient-conducted activity: Subrecipient refers to a recipient of direct funding from the council. Subrecipient-conducted
activity is an activity or program that is managed by a subrecipient of GOS funding. Though subrecipients may engage
partners or the council, the subrecipient is ultimately responsible for the planning, delivery, and evaluation of the activity.
Recipient replaces term Grantee in 2CFR200 §200.86. This term refers to a recipient of direct funding from the council.
Recipients include NEH subaward recipients and recipients of funding from all other council sources.
Submitting the Report
You must answer each required question in a section before advancing to the next section. Regularly save your work. You can leave
the form and return to where you last saved. You may experience a delay when you click "Submit"; this is normal. Submission of the
report indicates that the board chair has approved and verified the contents of the report. The information you report may be shared
in print or electronically with NEH stakeholders, including but not limited to NEH staff, the public, members of Congress, and the
Office of Management and Budget (OMB).
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 30 hours per response, including the time for
reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing

8/6/24, 4:17 PM



the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other suggestions for reducing this burden to
NEH’s Office of Federal/State Partnership, [email protected], 400 Seventh Street SW, Washington, D.C. 20506.
Impacts and outcomes


Public access to information

Humanities scholars

Budget and funding sources

Reach and access


General operations

Other (optional)

Instructions: When reporting a number, do not input symbols or decimals.
1. Did the council review and/or update its by-laws?
Select a value


2. Did the council board chair review the responsibilities of board service as outlined in Fed/State's Handbook for New Board
Select a value


3. Did the council review and/or update succession plans for council leadership and key staff members?
Select a value


4. Did the council review and/or update succession plans for board members?
Select a value


5. Did the council hire student interns?
Select a value


6. Did the council employ consultants?
Select a value



8/6/24, 4:17 PM




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8/6/24, 4:18 PM


Activities and Outcomes Report (Federal/State Partnership) (UPDATED)


OMB control number 3136-0134, expiration date October 31, 2024
The Activities and Outcomes Report is a required annual report for General Operating Support (GOS) recipients. It serves to: 1)
Inform NEH of council activities, 2) Collect data and communicate findings to the public, Congress, and other NEH stakeholders,
and 3) Comply with council-specific reporting requirements outlined in NEH's founding legislation U.S. Code 20 Section 956 (f)(1-7).
Reporting Period
Report on activities and outcomes funded by the GOS award and/or by funds leveraged to meet the required cost share. For
questions regarding council activity, report on activity that occurred during the past funding period (Nov. 1 – Oct. 31). For questions
regarding subrecipient activity, report on all activity (within and outside of the past funding period) for subawards that closed
(submitted a final report) during the past funding period. Please do your best to respond to new or revised questions, understanding
that you may not have the requested information for this report deadline.
Definitions of Terms
Definitions are included in the relevant form tabs. General terms include:
Council-conducted activity: An activity or program that is managed by the council. Though the council may engage partners
or subrecipients, the council is ultimately responsible for the activity.
Subrecipient-conducted activity: Subrecipient refers to a recipient of direct funding from the council. Subrecipient-conducted
activity is an activity or program that is managed by a subrecipient of GOS funding. Though subrecipients may engage
partners or the council, the subrecipient is ultimately responsible for the planning, delivery, and evaluation of the activity.
Recipient replaces term Grantee in 2CFR200 §200.86. This term refers to a recipient of direct funding from the council.
Recipients include NEH subaward recipients and recipients of funding from all other council sources.
Submitting the Report
You must answer each required question in a section before advancing to the next section. Regularly save your work. You can leave
the form and return to where you last saved. You may experience a delay when you click "Submit"; this is normal. Submission of the
report indicates that the board chair has approved and verified the contents of the report. The information you report may be shared
in print or electronically with NEH stakeholders, including but not limited to NEH staff, the public, members of Congress, and the
Office of Management and Budget (OMB).
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 30 hours per response, including the time for
reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing


8/6/24, 4:18 PM


the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other suggestions for reducing this burden to
NEH’s Office of Federal/State Partnership, [email protected], 400 Seventh Street SW, Washington, D.C. 20506.
Impacts and outcomes


Public access to information

Humanities scholars

Budget and funding sources

Reach and access


General operations

Other (optional)

Definition of average engagement by reach (question #5): A social media metric calculated by adding the engagement rates per post
and dividing by the total number of posts.
1a. Was the governor provided with information on council activities?
Select a value


1b. Were federal, state, and local officials provided with information on council activities?
Select a value


2. Were board meetings open to the public?
Select a value


3. Were there opportunities for the public to present views/recommendations on the work of the council (through surveys, meetings,
or other feedback mechanisms)?
Select a value


4. Was information on council programs and funding opportunities made available to the public in languages other than English?
Select a value


5. Of the council's social media channels, which channel has the highest average engagement rate by reach?


8/6/24, 4:18 PM




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8/6/24, 4:19 PM


Activities and Outcomes Report (Federal/State Partnership) (UPDATED)


OMB control number 3136-0134, expiration date October 31, 2024
The Activities and Outcomes Report is a required annual report for General Operating Support (GOS) recipients. It serves to: 1)
Inform NEH of council activities, 2) Collect data and communicate findings to the public, Congress, and other NEH stakeholders,
and 3) Comply with council-specific reporting requirements outlined in NEH's founding legislation U.S. Code 20 Section 956 (f)(1-7).
Reporting Period
Report on activities and outcomes funded by the GOS award and/or by funds leveraged to meet the required cost share. For
questions regarding council activity, report on activity that occurred during the past funding period (Nov. 1 – Oct. 31). For questions
regarding subrecipient activity, report on all activity (within and outside of the past funding period) for subawards that closed
(submitted a final report) during the past funding period. Please do your best to respond to new or revised questions, understanding
that you may not have the requested information for this report deadline.
Definitions of Terms
Definitions are included in the relevant form tabs. General terms include:
Council-conducted activity: An activity or program that is managed by the council. Though the council may engage partners
or subrecipients, the council is ultimately responsible for the activity.
Subrecipient-conducted activity: Subrecipient refers to a recipient of direct funding from the council. Subrecipient-conducted
activity is an activity or program that is managed by a subrecipient of GOS funding. Though subrecipients may engage
partners or the council, the subrecipient is ultimately responsible for the planning, delivery, and evaluation of the activity.
Recipient replaces term Grantee in 2CFR200 §200.86. This term refers to a recipient of direct funding from the council.
Recipients include NEH subaward recipients and recipients of funding from all other council sources.
Submitting the Report
You must answer each required question in a section before advancing to the next section. Regularly save your work. You can leave
the form and return to where you last saved. You may experience a delay when you click "Submit"; this is normal. Submission of the
report indicates that the board chair has approved and verified the contents of the report. The information you report may be shared
in print or electronically with NEH stakeholders, including but not limited to NEH staff, the public, members of Congress, and the
Office of Management and Budget (OMB).
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 30 hours per response, including the time for
reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing

8/6/24, 4:19 PM



the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other suggestions for reducing this burden to
NEH’s Office of Federal/State Partnership, [email protected], 400 Seventh Street SW, Washington, D.C. 20506.
Impacts and outcomes


Public access to information

Humanities scholars

Budget and funding sources

Reach and access


General operations

Other (optional)

For this section, please report on the council's actual expenses during its past fiscal year (Note: these do not need to be audited
Question #4 requests information beyond GOS funding and/or funds leveraged for the required cost share and is therefore optional.
If you have questions on how to categorize funding sources, please submit your question via eGMS.
Question #5 requests information beyond GOS funding and/or funds leveraged for the required cost share and is therefore optional.
If you provide answers for this question, the sum of the percentages provided in 5a-5h should equal 100%.
1. What was the start date of your past fiscal year?
2. What was the end date of your past fiscal year?
3a. What was the total amount of GOS funding and/or funds leveraged for the required cost-share allocated to Council-conducted
programs (program costs and staff costs)

3b. What was the total amount of GOS funding and/or funds leveraged for the required cost-share allocated to Subaward/grants
(program costs and staff costs)


8/6/24, 4:19 PM


4. (This question requests information beyond GOS funding and/or funds leveraged for required cost share and is therefore optional):
What were the council's actual expenses during its past fiscal year?

5a. Optional: What percentage of the council's total funding came from NEH?

5b. Optional: What percentage of the council's total funding came from federal sources other than NEH?

5c. Optional: What percentage of the council's total funding came from state or local government?

5d. Optional: What percentage of the council's total funding came from foundations?

5e. Optional: What percentage of the council's total funding came from corporations?

5f. Optional: What percentage of the council's total funding came from individuals?

5g. Optional: What percentage of the council's total funding came from income-generating revenue?

5h. Optional: What percentage of the council's total funding came from other sources?

8/6/24, 4:19 PM



6. NEH encourages councils to develop non-NEH funding streams in order to build organizational capacity and support council
activities. Did the council take concrete steps to develop non-NEH funding streams during the reporting period?
Select a value



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8/6/24, 4:20 PM


Activities and Outcomes Report (Federal/State Partnership) (UPDATED)


OMB control number 3136-0134, expiration date October 31, 2024
The Activities and Outcomes Report is a required annual report for General Operating Support (GOS) recipients. It serves to: 1)
Inform NEH of council activities, 2) Collect data and communicate findings to the public, Congress, and other NEH stakeholders,
and 3) Comply with council-specific reporting requirements outlined in NEH's founding legislation U.S. Code 20 Section 956 (f)(1-7).
Reporting Period
Report on activities and outcomes funded by the GOS award and/or by funds leveraged to meet the required cost share. For
questions regarding council activity, report on activity that occurred during the past funding period (Nov. 1 – Oct. 31). For questions
regarding subrecipient activity, report on all activity (within and outside of the past funding period) for subawards that closed
(submitted a final report) during the past funding period. Please do your best to respond to new or revised questions, understanding
that you may not have the requested information for this report deadline.
Definitions of Terms
Definitions are included in the relevant form tabs. General terms include:
Council-conducted activity: An activity or program that is managed by the council. Though the council may engage partners
or subrecipients, the council is ultimately responsible for the activity.
Subrecipient-conducted activity: Subrecipient refers to a recipient of direct funding from the council. Subrecipient-conducted
activity is an activity or program that is managed by a subrecipient of GOS funding. Though subrecipients may engage
partners or the council, the subrecipient is ultimately responsible for the planning, delivery, and evaluation of the activity.
Recipient replaces term Grantee in 2CFR200 §200.86. This term refers to a recipient of direct funding from the council.
Recipients include NEH subaward recipients and recipients of funding from all other council sources.
Submitting the Report
You must answer each required question in a section before advancing to the next section. Regularly save your work. You can leave
the form and return to where you last saved. You may experience a delay when you click "Submit"; this is normal. Submission of the
report indicates that the board chair has approved and verified the contents of the report. The information you report may be shared
in print or electronically with NEH stakeholders, including but not limited to NEH staff, the public, members of Congress, and the
Office of Management and Budget (OMB).
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 30 hours per response, including the time for
reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing


8/6/24, 4:20 PM


the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other suggestions for reducing this burden to
NEH’s Office of Federal/State Partnership, [email protected], 400 Seventh Street SW, Washington, D.C. 20506.
Impacts and outcomes


Public access to information

Humanities scholars

Budget and funding sources

Reach and access


General operations

Other (optional)

Instructions: Please use this section to provide any additional information or feedback (optional).
Please use this textbox to provide any other information or feedback (limit 8,000 characters, including spaces and punctuation).



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File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2024-08-09
File Created2024-08-09

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