50 CFR Part 600.725(v)

50 CFR 600.725 (up to date as of 9-17-2024).pdf

List of Gear by Fisheries and Fishery Management Council

50 CFR Part 600.725(v)

OMB: 0648-0346

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50 CFR 600.725 (up to date as of 9/17/2024)
General prohibitions.

50 CFR 600.725 (Sept. 17, 2024)

This content is from the eCFR and is authoritative but unofficial.

Title 50 —Wildlife and Fisheries
Chapter VI —Fishery Conservation and Management, National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, Department of Commerce
Part 600 —Magnuson-Stevens Act Provisions
Subpart H —General Provisions for Domestic Fisheries
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 561 and 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
Source: 61 FR 32540, June 24, 1996, unless otherwise noted.

§ 600.725 General prohibitions.
It is unlawful for any person to do any of the following:
(a) Possess, have custody or control of, ship, transport, offer for sale, sell, purchase, land, import, export or reexport, any fish or parts thereof taken or retained in violation of the Magnuson-Stevens Act or any other
statute administered by NOAA or any regulation or permit issued thereunder, or import, export, transport,
sell, receive, acquire, or purchase in interstate or foreign commerce any fish taken, possessed,
transported, or sold in violation of any foreign law or regulation, or any treaty or in contravention of a
binding conservation measure adopted by an international agreement or organization to which the United
States is a party.
(b) Transfer or attempt to transfer, directly or indirectly, any U.S.-harvested fish to any foreign fishing vessel,
while such vessel is in the EEZ, unless the foreign fishing vessel has been issued a permit under section
204 of the Magnuson-Stevens Act, which authorizes the receipt by such vessel of U.S.- harvested fish.
(c) Fail to comply immediately with enforcement and boarding procedures specified in § 600.730.
(d) Refuse to allow an authorized officer to board a fishing vessel or to enter areas of custody for purposes of
conducting any search, inspection, or seizure in connection with the enforcement of the MagnusonStevens Act or any other statute administered by NOAA.
(e) Dispose of fish or parts thereof or other matter in any manner, after any communication or signal from an
authorized officer, or after the approach by an authorized officer or an enforcement vessel or aircraft.
(f) Assault, resist, oppose, impede, intimidate, threaten, or interfere with any authorized officer in the conduct
of any search, inspection, or seizure in connection with enforcement of the Magnuson-Stevens Act or any
other statute administered by NOAA.
(g) Interfere with, delay, or prevent by any means, the apprehension of another person, knowing that such
person has committed any act prohibited by the Magnuson-Stevens Act or any other statute administered
by NOAA.
(h) Resist a lawful arrest for any act prohibited under the Magnuson-Stevens Act or any other statute
administered by NOAA.

Make any false statement, oral or written, to an authorized officer concerning the taking, catching,
harvesting, landing, purchase, sale, offer of sale, possession, transport, import, export, or transfer of any
fish, or attempts to do any of the above.

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50 CFR 600.725 (up to date as of 9/17/2024)
General prohibitions.


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Interfere with, obstruct, delay, or prevent by any means an investigation, search, seizure, or disposition of
seized property in connection with enforcement of the Magnuson-Stevens Act or any other statute
administered by NOAA.

(k) Fish in violation of the terms or conditions of any permit or authorization issued under the MagnusonStevens Act or any other statute administered by NOAA.

Fail to report catches as required while fishing pursuant to an exempted fishing permit.

(m) On a scientific research vessel, engage in fishing other than recreational fishing authorized by applicable
state or Federal regulations.
(n) Trade, barter, or sell; or attempt to trade, barter, or sell fish possessed or retained while fishing pursuant to
an authorization for an exempted educational activity.
(o) Harass or sexually harass an authorized officer or an observer.
(p) Fail to show proof of passing the USCG Commercial Fishing Vessel Safety Examination or the alternate
NMFS safety equipment examination, or fail to maintain the vessel safety conditions necessary to pass
the examination, when required by NMFS pursuant to § 600.746.
(q) Fail to display a Commercial Fishing Vessel Safety Examination decal or a valid certificate of compliance
or inspection pursuant to § 600.746.
(r) Fail to provide to an observer, a NMFS employee, or a designated observer provider information that has
been requested pursuant to § 600.746, or fail to allow an observer, a NMFS employee, or a designated
observer provider to inspect any item described at § 600.746.
(s) Fish without an observer when the vessel is required to carry an observer.
(t) Assault, oppose, impede, intimidate, or interfere with a NMFS-approved observer.
(1) Prohibit or bar by command, impediment, threat, coercion, interference, or refusal of reasonable
assistance, an observer from conducting his or her duties as an observer; or
(2) Tamper with or destroy samples or equipment.
(v) The use of any gear or participation in a fishery not on the following list of authorized fisheries and gear is
prohibited after December 1, 1999. A fish, regardless whether targeted, may be retained only if it is taken
within a listed fishery, is taken with a gear authorized for that fishery, and is taken in conformance with all
other applicable regulations. Listed gear can only be used in a manner that is consistent with existing
laws and regulations. The list of fisheries and authorized gear does not, in any way, alter or supersede any
definitions or regulations contained elsewhere in this chapter. A person or vessel is prohibited from
engaging in fishing or employing fishing gear when such fishing gear is prohibited or restricted by
regulation under an FMP or other applicable law. However, after December 1, 1999, an individual
fisherman may notify the appropriate Council, or the Director, in the case of Atlantic highly migratory
species, of the intent to use a gear or participate in a fishery not already on the list. Ninety days after such

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50 CFR 600.725 (up to date as of 9/17/2024)
General prohibitions.

50 CFR 600.725(v)

notification, the individual may use the gear or participate in that fishery unless regulatory action is taken
to prohibit the use of the gear or participate in the fishery (e.g., through emergency or interim regulations).
The list of authorized fisheries and gear is as follows:


Authorized gear types

1. Atlantic Sea Scallop Fishery (FMP):
A. Dredge fishery

A. Dredge.

B. Trawl fishery

B. Trawl.

C. Hand harvest fishery

C. Hand harvest.

D. Recreational fishery

D. Hand harvest.

2. Iceland Scallop Fishery (Non-FMP):
A. Dredge fishery

A. Dredge.

B. Trawl fishery

B. Trawl.

3. Atlantic Salmon Fishery (FMP)

No harvest or possession in the EEZ.

4. Striped Bass Fishery (Non-FMP)

No harvest or possession in the EEZ.

5. Northeast (NE) Multispecies Fishery (FMP):
A. NE multispecies sink gillnet fishery

A. Gillnet.

B. North Atlantic bottom trawl fishery

B. Trawl.

C. Groundfish hook and line fishery

C. Longline, handline, rod and reel.

D. Mixed species trap and pot fishery

D. Trap, pot.

E. Dredge fishery

E. Dredge.

F. Seine fishery

F. Seine.

G. Recreational fishery

G. Rod and reel, handline, spear.

6. American Lobster Fishery (FMP):
A. Lobster pot and trap fishery

A. Pot, trap.

B. North Atlantic bottom trawl fishery

B. Trawl.

C. Dredge fishery

C. Dredge.

D. Hand harvest fishery

D. Hand harvest.

E. Gillnet fishery

E. Gillnet.

F. Recreational fishery

F. Pot, trap, hand harvest.

7. Atlantic Herring Fishery (FMP):
A. Trawl fishery

A. Trawl.

B. Purse seine fishery

B. Purse seine.

C. Gillnet fishery

C. Gillnet.

D. Herring pair trawl fishery

D. Pair trawl.

E. Dredge fishery

E. Dredge.

F. Recreational fishery

F. Hook and line, gillnet.

8. Spiny Dogfish Fishery (FMP jointly managed
by MAFMC and NEFMC):
A. Gillnet fishery

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A. Gillnet.

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General prohibitions.

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Authorized gear types

B. Trawl fishery

B. Trawl.

C. Hook and line fishery

C. Hook and line, rod and reel, spear.

D. Dredge fishery

D. Dredge.

E. Longline fishery

E. Longline.

F. Recreational fishery

F. Hook and line, rod and reel, spear.

9. Atlantic Bluefish Fishery (FMP managed by
A. Pelagic longline and hook and line fishery

A. Longline, handline.

B. Seine fishery

B. Purse seine, seine.

C. Mixed species pot and trap fishery

C. Pot, trap.

D. Bluefish, croaker, flounder trawl fishery

D. Trawl.

E. Gillnet fishery

E. Gillnet.

F. Dredge fishery

F. Dredge.

G. Recreational fishery

G. Rod and reel, handline, trap, pot, spear.

10. Atlantic Mackerel, Squid and Butterfish
Fishery (FMP managed by the MAFMC):
A. Mackerel, squid, and butterfish trawl fishery

A. Trawl.

B. Gillnet fishery

B. Gillnet.

C. Longline and hook-and-line fishery

C. Longline, handline, rod and reel.

D. Purse seine fishery

D. Purse seine.

E. Mixed species pot and trap fishery

E. Pot, trap.

F. Dredge fishery

F. Dredge.

G. Dip net fishery

G. Dip net.

H. Bandit gear fishery

H. Bandit gear.

I. Recreational fishery

I. Rod and reel, handline, pot, spear.

11. Surf Clam and Ocean Quahog Fishery (FMP
managed by the MAFMC):
A. Commercial fishery

A. Dredge, hand harvest.

B. Recreational fishery

B. Hand harvest.

12. Atlantic Menhaden Fishery (Non-FMP):
A. Purse seine fishery

A. Purse seine.

B. Trawl fishery

B. Trawl.

C. Gillnet fishery

C. Gillnet.

D. Commercial hook-and-line fishery

D. Hook and line.

E. Recreational fishery

E. Hook and line, snagging, cast nets.

13. Weakfish Fishery (Non-FMP):
A. Commercial fishery

A. Trawl, gillnet, hook and line.

B. Recreational fishery

B. Hook and line, spear.

14. Atlantic Mussel and Sea Urchin Fishery

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General prohibitions.

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Authorized gear types

A. Dredge fishery

A. Dredge.

B. Hand harvest fishery

B. Hand harvest.

C. Recreational fishery

C. Hand harvest.

15. Atlantic Skate Fishery (Non-FMP):
A. Trawl fishery

A. Trawl.

B. Gillnet fishery

B. Gillnet.

C. Hook-and-line fishery

C. Longline and handline.

D. Dredge fishery

D. Dredge.

E. Recreational fishery

E. Rod and reel.

16. Crab Fishery (Non-FMP):
A. Dredge fishery

A. Dredge.

B. Trawl fishery

B. Trawl.

C. Trap and pot fishery

C. Trap, pot.

17. Northern Shrimp Fishery (Non-FMP):
A. Shrimp trawl fishery

A. Trawl.

B. Shrimp pot fishery

B. Pot.

18. Monkfish Fishery (FMP jointly managed by
A. Trawl fishery

A. Trawl.

B. Gillnet fishery

B. Gillnet.

C. Longline fishery

C. Longline.

D. Dredge fishery

D. Dredge.

E. Trap and pot fishery

E. Trap, pot.

F. Recreational fishery

F. Rod and reel, spear.

19. Summer Flounder, Scup, Black Sea Bass
Fishery (FMP managed by MAFMC):
A. Trawl fishery

A. Trawl.

B. Longline and hook and line fishery

B. Longline, handline.

C. Mixed species pot and trap fishery

C. Pot, trap.

D. Gillnet fishery

D. Gillnet.

E. Dredge fishery

E. Dredge.

F. Recreational fishery

F. Rod and reel, handline, pot, trap, spear.

20. Hagfish Fishery (Non-FMP)

Trap, pot.

21. Tautog Fishery (Non-FMP):
A. Gillnet fishery

A. Gillnet.

B. Pot and trap fishery

B. Pot, trap.

C. Rod and reel, hook and line fishery

C. Rod and reel, handline, hook and line.

D. Trawl fishery

D. Trawl.

E. Spear fishery

E. Spear.

F. Fyke net fishery

F. Fyke net.

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General prohibitions.

50 CFR 600.725(v)

G. Recreational fishery

Authorized gear types
G. Rod and reel, hook and line, handline, spear.

22. Recreational Fishery (Non-FMP)

Rod and reel, handline, spear, hook and line, hand
harvest, bandit gear, powerhead, gillnet, cast net,
pot, trap, dip net, bully net, snare.

23. Commercial Fishery (Non-FMP)

Trawl, pot, trap, gillnet, pound net, dredge, seine,
handline, longline, hook and line, rod and reel,
hand harvest, purse seine, spear, bandit gear,
powerhead, dip net, bully net, snare, cast net,
barrier net, slurp gun, allowable chemicals.

24. Dolphin/wahoo fishery (FMP managed by

Automatic reel, bandit gear, handline, pelagic
longline, rod and reel, spear (including

1. Summer Flounder, Scup, Black Sea Bass
Fishery (FMP):
A. Trawl fishery

A. Trawl.

B. Pelagic longline and hook and line fishery

B. Longline, handline, rod and reel.

C. Mixed species pot and trap fishery

C. Pot, trap.

D. Gillnet fishery

D. Gillnet.

E. Dredge fishery

E. Dredge.

F. Recreational fishery

F. Rod and reel, handline, pot, trap, spear.

2. Atlantic Bluefish Fishery (FMP):
A. Bluefish, croaker, and flounder trawl fishery

A. Trawl.

B. Pelagic longline and hook and line fishery

B. Longline, handline, bandit gear, rod and reel.

C. Mixed species pot and trap fishery

C. Pot, trap.

D. Gillnet fishery

D. Gillnet.

E. Seine fishery

E. Purse seine, seine.

F. Dredge fishery

F. Dredge.

G. Recreational fishery

G. Rod and reel, handline, trap, pot, spear.

3. Atlantic Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish
Fishery (FMP):
A. Mackerel, squid, and butterfish trawl fishery

A. Trawl.

B. Gillnet fishery

B. Gillnet.

C. Longline and hook-and-line fishery

C. Longline, handline, rod and reel.

D. Purse seine fishery

D. Purse seine.

E. Mixed species pot and trap fishery

E. Pot, trap.

F. Dredge fishery

F. Dredge.

G. Dip net fishery

G. Dip net.

H. Bandit gear fishery

H. Bandit gear.

I. Recreational fishery

I. Rod and reel, handline, pot, spear.

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General prohibitions.

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Authorized gear types

4. Surf Clam and Ocean Quahog Fishery (FMP):
A. Commercial fishery

A. Dredge, hand harvest.

B. Recreational fishery

B. Hand harvest.

5. Atlantic Sea Scallop Fishery (FMP managed
by NEFMC):
A. Dredge fishery

A. Dredge.

B. Trawl fishery

B. Trawl.

C. Hand harvest fishery

C. Hand harvest.

D. Recreational fishery

D. Hand harvest.

6. Atlantic Menhaden Fishery (Non-FMP):
A. Purse seine fishery

A. Purse seine.

B. Trawl fishery

B. Trawl.

C. Gillnet fishery

C. Gillnet.

D. Commercial hook-and-line fishery

D. Hook and line.

E. Recreational fishery

E. Hook and line, snagging, cast nets.

7. Striped Bass Fishery (Non-FMP)

No harvest or possession in the EEZ.

8. Northern Shrimp Trawl Fishery (Non-FMP)


9. American Lobster Fishery (FMP managed by
A. Pot and trap fishery

A. Pot, trap.

B. Hand harvest fishery

B. Hand harvest.

C. Trawl fishery

C. Trawl.

D. Dredge fishery

D. Dredge.

E. Gillnet fishery

E. Gillnet.

F. Recreational fishery

F. Pot, trap, hand harvest.

10. Weakfish Fishery (Non-FMP):
A. Commercial fishery

A. Trawl, gillnet, hook and line, rod and reel.

B. Recreational fishery

B. Hook and line, spear.

11. Whelk Fishery (Non-FMP):
A. Trawl fishery

A. Trawl.

B. Pot and trap fishery

B. Pot, trap.

C. Dredge

C. Dredge.

D. Pound net, gillnet, seine

D. Pound net, gillnet, seine.

E. Recreational fishery

E. Hand harvest.

12. Monkfish Fishery (FMP jointly managed by
A. Trawl fishery

A. Trawl.

B. Longline fishery

B. Longline, rod and reel.

C. Gillnet fishery

C. Gillnet.

D. Dredge fishery

D. Dredge.

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General prohibitions.

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Authorized gear types

E. Trap and pot fishery

E. Trap and pot.

F. Recreational fishery

F. Rod and reel, spear.

13. Tilefish Fishery (Non-FMP):
A. Groundfish hook-and-line fishery

A. Longline, handline, rod and fishery reel.

B. Trawl fishery

B. Trawl.

C. Recreational fishery

C. Rod and reel, spear.

14. Spiny Dogfish Fishery (FMP jointly managed
by MAFMC and NEFMC):
A. Gillnet fishery

A. Gillnet.

B. Trawl fishery

B. Trawl.

C. Hook and line fishery

C. Hook and line, rod and reel, spear.

D. Dredge fishery

D. Dredge.

E. Longline fishery

E. Longline.

F. Recreational fishery

F. Hook and line, rod and reel, spear.

15. Tautog Fishery (Non-FMP):
A. Gillnet fishery

A. Gillnet.

B. Pot and trap fishery

B. Pot, trap.

C. Rod and reel, hook and line handline fishery

C. Rod and reel, hook and line, handline.

D. Trawl fishery

D. Trawl.

E. Spear fishery

E. Spear.

F. Fyke net fishery

F. Fyke net.

G. Recreational fishery

G. Rod and reel, handline, hook and line, spear.

16. Coastal Gillnet Fishery (Non-FMP)


17. Recreational Fishery (Non-FMP)

Rod and reel, handline, spear, hook and line, hand
harvest, bandit gear, powerhead, gillnet, cast net.

18. NE Multispecies Fishery (FMP managed by
A. NE multispecies sink gillnet fishery

A. Gillnet.

B. North Atlantic bottom trawl fishery

B. Trawl.

C. Groundfish hook and line

C. Longline, handline, rod and fishery reel.

D. Mixed species trap and pot fishery

D. Trap, pot.

E. Dredge fishery

E. Dredge.

F. Seine fishery

F. Seine.

G. Recreational fishery

G. Rod and reel, handline, spear.

19. Atlantic Skate Fishery (Non-FMP):
A. Trawl fishery

A. Trawl.

B. Gillnet fishery

B. Gillnet.

C. Hook-and-line fishery

C. Longline and handline.

D. Dredge fishery

D. Dredge.

E. Recreational fishery

E. Rod and reel.

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General prohibitions.

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Authorized gear types

20. Crab Fishery (Non-FMP):
A. Dredge fishery

A. Dredge.

B. Trawl fishery

B. Trawl.

C. Trap and pot fishery

C. Trap, pot.

21. Atlantic Herring Fishery (FMP managed by
the NEFMC):
A. Trawl fishery

A. Trawl.

B. Purse seine fishery

B. Purse seine.

C. Gillnet fishery

C. Gillnet.

D. Herring pair trawl fishery

D. Pair trawl.

E. Dredge fishery

E. Dredge.

F. Recreational fishery

F. Hook and line, gillnet.

22. South Atlantic Snapper-Grouper Fishery
(FMP managed by the SAFMC):
A. Commercial fishery

A. Longline, rod and reel, bandit gear, handline,
spear, powerhead.

B. Black sea bass trap and pot fishery

B. Pot, trap.

C. Wreckfish fishery

C. Rod and reel, bandit gear, handline.

D. Recreational fishery

D. Handline, rod and reel, bandit gear, spear,

23. South Atlantic Coastal Migratory Pelagics
Fishery (FMP managed by the SAFMC):
A. Commercial Spanish mackerel fishery

A. Handline, rod and reel, bandit gear, gillnet, cast

B. Commercial king mackerel fishery

B. Handline, rod and reel, bandit gear.

C. Other commercial coastal migratory pelagics

C. Longline, handline, rod and reel, bandit gear.

D. Recreational fishery

D. Bandit gear, rod and reel, handline, spear.

24. Calico Scallops Fishery (Non-FMP):
A. Trawl fishery

A. Trawl.

B. Dredge fishery

B. Dredge.

C. Recreational fishery

C. Hand harvest.

25. Sargassum Fishery (Non-FMP)


26. South Atlantic Shrimp Fishery (FMP)


27. Commercial Fishery (Non-FMP)

Trawl, pot, trap, gillnet, pound net, dredge, seine,
handline, longline, hook and line, rod and reel,

28. Dolphin/wahoo fishery (FMP managed by

Automatic reel, bandit gear, handline, pelagic
longline, rod and reel, spear (including


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50 CFR 600.725 (up to date as of 9/17/2024)
General prohibitions.

50 CFR 600.725(v)

1. Golden Crab Fishery (FMP)

Authorized gear types

2. Crab Fishery (Non-FMP):
A. Dredge fishery

A. Dredge.

B. Trawl fishery

B. Trawl.

C. Trap and pot fishery

C. Trap, pot.

3. Atlantic Red Drum Fishery (FMP)

No harvest or possession in the EEZ.

4. Coral and Coral Reef Fishery (FMP):
A. Octocoral commercial fishery

Hand harvest.

B. Live rock aquaculture fishery

Hand harvest.

5. South Atlantic Shrimp Fishery (FMP)


6. South Atlantic Snapper-Grouper Fishery
A. Commercial fishery

A. Longline, rod and reel, bandit gear, handline,
spear, powerhead.

B. Black sea bass pot fishery

B. Pot.

C. Wreckfish fishery

C. Rod and reel, bandit gear, handline.

D. Recreational fishery

D. Handline, rod and reel, bandit gear, spear,

7. South Atlantic Spiny Lobster Fishery (FMP):
A. Commercial fishery

A. Trap, pot, dip net, bully net, snare, hand

B. Recreational fishery

B. Dip net, bully net, snare, hand harvest.

8. South Atlantic Coastal Migratory Pelagics
Fishery (FMP):
A. Commercial Spanish mackerel fishery

A. Handline, rod and reel, bandit gear, gillnet, cast

B. Commercial king mackerel fishery

B. Handline, rod and reel, bandit gear.

C. [Reserved]
D. Recreational fishery

D. Bandit gear, rod and reel, handline, spear.

9. Spiny Dogfish Fishery (FMP jointly managed
by NEFMC and SAFMC):
A. Gillnet fishery

A. Gillnet.

B. Trawl fishery

B. Trawl.

C. Hook and line fishery

C. Hook and line, rod and reel, spear, bandit gear.

D. Dredge fishery

D. Dredge.

E. Longline fishery

E. Longline.

F. Recreational fishery

F. Hook and line, rod and reel, spear.

10. Smooth Dogfish Fishery (Non-FMP):
A. Gillnet fishery

A. Gillnet.

B. Trawl fishery

B. Trawl.

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General prohibitions.

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Authorized gear types

C. Hook and line fishery

C. Hook and line, rod and reel, spear, bandit gear.

D. Dredge fishery

D. Dredge.

E. Longline fishery

E. Longline.

F. Recreational fishery

F. Hook and line, rod and reel, spear.

11. Atlantic Menhaden Fishery (Non-FMP):
A. Purse seine fishery

A. Purse seine.

B. Trawl fishery

B. Trawl.

C. Gillnet fishery

C. Gillnet.

D. Commercial hook-and-line

D. Hook and line fishery.

E. Recreational fishery

E. Hook and line, snagging, cast nets.

12. Atlantic Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish
Trawl Fishery (Non-FMP)


13. Bait Fisheries (Non-FMP)

Purse seine.

14. Weakfish Fishery (Non-FMP):
A. Commercial fishery

A. Trawl, gillnet, hook and line.

B. Recreational fishery

B. Hook and line, spear.

15. Whelk Fishery (Non-FMP):
A. Trawl fishery

A. Trawl.

B. Pot and trap fishery

B. Pot, trap.

C. Dredge fishery

C. Dredge.

D. Recreational fishery

D. Hand harvest.

16. Marine Life Aquarium Fishery (Non-FMP)

Dip net, slurp gun, barrier net, drop net, allowable
chemical, trap, pot, trawl.

17. Calico Scallop Fishery (Non-FMP):
A. Dredge fishery

A. Dredge.

B. Trawl fishery

B. Trawl.

C. Recreational fishery

C. Hand harvest.

18. Summer Flounder Fishery (FMP managed by
A. Commercial fishery

A. Trawl, longline, handline, rod and reel, pot, trap,
gillnet, dredge.

B. Recreational fishery

B. Rod and reel, handline, pot, trap, spear.

19. Bluefish, Croaker, and Flounder Trawl and
Gillnet Fishery (Bluefish FMP managed by

Trawl, gillnet.

20. Commercial Fishery (Non-FMP)

Trawl, gillnet, longline, handline, hook and line,
rod and reel, bandit gear, cast net, pot, trap,
lampara net, spear.

21. Recreational Fishery (Non-FMP)

Rod and reel, handline, spear, hook and line, hand
harvest, bandit gear, powerhead, gillnet, cast net.

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50 CFR 600.725 (up to date as of 9/17/2024)
General prohibitions.

50 CFR 600.725(v)


Authorized gear types

22. Sargassum Fishery (Non-FMP)


23. Octopus Fishery (Non-FMP)

Trap, pot.

24. Dolphin/wahoo fishery (FMP)

Automatic reel, bandit gear, handline, pelagic
longline, rod and reel, spear (including

25. Atlantic Migratory Group Cobia (Non-FMP):
A. Commercial Fishery

A. Longline, handline, rod and reel, bandit gear,

B. Recreational Fishery

B. Bandit gear, rod and reel, handline, spear.

1. Gulf of Mexico Red Drum Fishery (FMP)

No harvest or possession in the EEZ.

2. Coral Reef Fishery (FMP):
A. Commercial fishery

A. Hand harvest.

B. Recreational fishery

B. Hand harvest.

3. Gulf of Mexico Reef Fish Fishery (FMP):
A. Snapper-Grouper reef fish longline and hook
and line fishery

A. Longline, handline, bandit gear, rod and reel,
buoy gear.

B. Other commercial fishery

B. Spear, powerhead, cast net, trawl.

C. Recreational fishery

C. Spear, powerhead, bandit gear, handline, rod
reel, cast net.

4. Gulf of Mexico Shrimp Fishery (FMP):
A. Gulf of Mexico commercial fishery

A. Trawl butterfly net, skimmer, cast net.

B. Recreational fishery

B. Trawl.

5. Gulf of Mexico Coastal Migratory Pelagics
Fishery (FMP):
A. Large pelagics longline fishery

A. Longline.

B. King/Spanish mackerel gillnet fishery

B. Gillnet.

C. Pelagic hook and line fishery

C. Bandit gear, handline, rod and reel.

D. Pelagic species purse seine fishery

D. Purse seine.

E. Recreational fishery

E. Bandit gear, handline, rod and reel, spear.

Gulf of Mexico Spiny Lobster Fishery (FMP):
A. Commercial fishery

A. Trap, pot, dip net, bully net, hoop net, trawl,
snare, hand harvest.

C. Recreational fishery

C. Dip net, bully net, pot, trap, snare, hand

6. Stone Crab Fishery (FMP):
A. Trap and pot fishery

A. Trap, pot

B. Recreational fishery

B. Trap, pot, hand harvest.

7. Blue Crab Fishery (Non-FMP)

Trap, pot.

8. Golden Crab Fishery (Non-FMP)


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50 CFR 600.725 (up to date as of 9/17/2024)
General prohibitions.

50 CFR 600.725(v)


Authorized gear types

9. Mullet Fishery (Non-FMP):
A. Trawl fishery

A. Trawl.

B. Gillnet fishery

B. Gillnet.

C. Pair trawl fishery

C. Pair trawl.

D. Cast net fishery

D. Cast net.

E. Recreational fishery

E. Bandit gear, handline, rod and reel, spear, cast

10. Inshore Coastal Gillnet Fishery (Non-FMP)


11. Octopus Fishery (Non-FMP)

Trap, pot.

12. Marine Life Aquarium Fishery (Non-FMP)

Dip net, slurp gun, barrier net, drop net, allowable
chemical, trap, pot, trawl.

13. Coastal Herring Trawl Fishery (Non-FMP)


14. Butterfish Trawl Fishery (Non-FMP)


15. Gulf of Mexico Groundfish (Non-FMP):
A. Commercial fishery

A. Trawl, purse seine, gillnet.

B. Recreational fishery

B. Hook and line, rod and reel, spear.

16. Gulf of Mexico Menhaden Purse Seine
Fishery (Non-FMP)

Purse seine.

17. Sardine Purse Seine Fishery (Non-FMP)

Purse seine.

18. Oyster Fishery (Non-FMP)

Dredge, tongs.

19. Commercial Fishery (Non-FMP)

Trawl, gillnet, hook and line, longline, handline,
rod and reel, bandit gear, cast net, lampara net,

20. Recreational Fishery (Non-FMP)

Bandit gear, handline, rod and reel, spear, bully
net, gillnet, dip net, longline, powerhead, seine,
slurp gun, trap, trawl, harpoon, cast net, hoop net,
hook and line, hand harvest.

21. Offshore aquaculture (FMP)

Cages, net pens

1. Exclusive Economic Zone around Puerto Rico
A. Puerto Rico Reef Fish Fishery (FMP):
i. Commercial fishery

i. Automatic reel, bandit gear, buoy gear,
handline, longline, rod and reel, trap, pot, spear.

ii. Recreational fishery

ii. Dip net, handline, rod and reel, slurp gun, spear,
trap, pot.

B. Puerto Rico Pelagic Fishery (FMP):
i. Commercial fishery

i. Automatic reel, bandit gear, buoy gear,
handline, longline, rod and reel, gillnet.

ii. Recreational fishery

ii. Spear, handline, longline, rod and reel.

C. Puerto Rico Spiny Lobster Fishery (FMP):
i. Commercial fishery

50 CFR 600.725(v) (enhanced display)

i. Trap, pot, dip net, hand harvest, snare.

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50 CFR 600.725 (up to date as of 9/17/2024)
General prohibitions.

ii. Recreational fishery

50 CFR 600.725(v)

Authorized gear types
ii. Trap, pot, dip net, hand harvest, snare.

D. Puerto Rico Coral Reef Resources Fishery

No harvest or possession in the EEZ.

E. Puerto Rico Queen Conch Fishery (FMP):

No harvest or possession in the EEZ.

F. Puerto Rico Pelagic Fishery (Non-FMP):
i. Commercial fishery

i. Gillnet, automatic reel, bandit gear, buoy gear,
handline, longline, rod and reel.

ii. Recreational fishery

ii. Spear, handline, longline, rod and reel.

G. Puerto Rico Commercial Fishery (Non-FMP)

Automatic reel, bandit gear, buoy gear, handline,
longline, rod and reel, trawl, gillnet, cast net,

H. Puerto Rico Recreational Fishery (Non-FMP)

Automatic reel, bandit gear, handline, longline,
rod and reel, spear, powerhead, hand harvest,
cast net.

2. Exclusive Economic Zone around St. Croix
A. St. Croix Reef Fish Fishery (FMP):
i. Commercial fishery

i. Automatic reel, bandit gear, buoy gear,
handline, longline, rod and reel, trap, pot, spear.

ii. Recreational fishery

ii. Dip net, handline, rod and reel, slurp gun, spear,
trap, pot.

B. St. Croix Pelagic Fishery (FMP):
i. Commercial fishery

i. Gillnet, automatic reel, bandit gear, buoy gear,
handline, longline, rod and reel.

ii. Recreational fishery

ii. Spear, handline, longline, rod and reel.

C. St. Croix Spiny Lobster Fishery (FMP):
i. Commercial fishery

i. Trap, pot, dip net, hand harvest, snare.

ii. Recreational fishery

ii. Trap, pot, dip net, hand harvest, snare.

D. St. Croix Coral Reef Resource Fishery (FMP):

No harvest or possession in the EEZ.

E. St. Croix Queen Conch Fishery (FMP):
i. Commercial fishery

i. Hand harvest.

ii. Recreational fishery

ii. Hand harvest.

F. St. Croix Pelagic Fishery (Non-FMP):
i. Commercial fishery

i. Gillnet, automatic reel, bandit gear, buoy gear,
handline, longline, rod and reel.

ii. Recreational fishery

ii. Spear, handline, longline, rod and reel.

G. St. Croix Commercial Fishery (Non-FMP)

Automatic reel, bandit gear, buoy gear, handline,
longline, rod and reel, trawl, gillnet, cast net,

H. St. Croix Recreational Fishery (Non-FMP)

Automatic reel, bandit gear, handline, longline,
rod and reel, spear, powerhead, hand harvest,
cast net.

50 CFR 600.725(v) (enhanced display)

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50 CFR 600.725 (up to date as of 9/17/2024)
General prohibitions.

50 CFR 600.725(v)


Authorized gear types

3. Exclusive Economic Zone around St. Thomas
and St. John
A. St. Thomas and St. John Reef Fish Fishery
i. Commercial fishery

i. Automatic reel, bandit gear, buoy gear,
handline, longline, rod and reel, trap, pot, spear.

ii. Recreational fishery

ii. Dip net, handline, rod and reel, slurp gun, spear,
trap, pot.

B. St. Thomas and St. John Pelagic Fishery
i. Commercial fishery

i. Automatic reel, bandit gear, buoy gear,
handline, longline, rod and reel, gillnet.

ii. Recreational fishery

ii. Spear, handline, longline, rod and reel.

C. St. Thomas and St. John Spiny Lobster
Fishery (FMP):
i. Commercial fishery

i. Trap, pot, dip net, hand harvest, snare.

ii. Recreational fishery

ii. Trap, pot, dip net, hand harvest, snare.

D. St. Thomas and St. John Coral Reef Resource
Fishery (FMP):

No harvest or possession in the EEZ.

E. St. Thomas and St. John Queen Conch
Fishery (FMP):

No harvest or possession in the EEZ.

F. St. Thomas and St. John Pelagic Fishery (NonFMP):
i. Commercial fishery

i. Gillnet, automatic reel, bandit gear, buoy gear,
handline, longline, rod and reel.

ii. Recreational fishery

ii. Spear, handline, longline, rod and reel.

G. St. Thomas and St. John Commercial Fishery

Automatic reel, bandit gear, buoy gear, handline,
longline, rod and reel, trawl, gillnet, cast net,

H. St. Thomas and St. John Recreational Fishery

Automatic reel, bandit gear, handline, longline,
rod and reel, spear, powerhead, hand harvest,
cast net.

1. Pacific Coast Salmon Fisheries (FMP):
A. Commercial

A. Hook and line.

B. Recreational

B. Hook and line.

2. Pacific Coast Groundfish Fisheries (FMP):
A. Commercial

A. Trawl, hook and line, pot/trap, demersal seine,
set net, spear, and hand collection.

B. Recreational

B. Hook and line, spear.

3. Coastal Pelagic Species Fisheries (FMP):

50 CFR 600.725(v) (enhanced display)

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50 CFR 600.725 (up to date as of 9/17/2024)
General prohibitions.

50 CFR 600.725(v)


Authorized gear types

A. Commercial

A. Purse seine, lampara net, brail net, dip net,
cast net, hook and line.

B. Recreational

B. Hook and line, spear, pot/trap, dip net, cast
net, hand harvest, rake, harpoon, bow and arrow.

4. Highly Migratory Species Fisheries (FMP):
A. Commercial

A. Hook and line, gillnet, harpoon, purse seine.

B. Recreational

B. Hook and line, spear, harpoon, bow and arrow.

5. Pacific Halibut Fisheries (Non-FMP):
A. Commercial

A. Hook and line.

B. Recreational

B. Hook and line, spear.

6. Dungeness Crab Fisheries (Non-FMP):
A. Commercial

A. Pot/trap.

B. Recreational North of 46°15′ N. lat

B. Pot/trap, dip net, hand harvest.

C. Recreational South of 46°15′ N. lat. and North of C. Pot/trap, hook and line, dip net, hand harvest,
42° N. lat
rake, crab loop.
D. Recreational South of 42° N. lat

D. Pot/trap, hand harvest, hoop net, crab loop.

7. Crab Fisheries for Species other than
Dungeness crab (Non-FMP):
A. Commercial Pot/Trap Fisheries South of 46°15′
N. lat

A. Pot/trap.

B. Recreational North of 46°15′ N. lat

B. Pot/trap, dip net, hand harvest.

C. Recreational South of 46°15′ N. lat. and North of C. Pot/trap, hook and line, dip net, hand harvest,
42° N. lat
rake, crab loop.
D. Recreational South of 42° N. lat

D. Pot/trap, hand harvest, hoop net, crab loop.

8. Shrimp and Prawn Fisheries (Non-FMP):
A. Commercial spot prawn

A. Pot/trap.

B. Commercial pink shrimp North of 46°15′ N. lat

B. Trawl.

C. Commercial pink shrimp South of 46°15′ N. lat

C. Pot/trap, trawl.

D. Commercial coonstripe shrimp South of 46°15′
N. lat

D. Pot/trap.

E. Commercial ridgeback prawn South of 42° N. lat

E. Trawl.

F. Recreational North of 46°15′ N. lat

F. Pot/trap, dip net, hand harvest.

G. Recreational South of 46°15′ N. lat. and North of G. Pot/trap, hook and line, dip net, hand harvest,
42° N. lat
H. Recreational South of 42° N. lat
9. Hagfish Commercial Fisheries (Non-FMP)

H. Pot/trap, hand harvest, dip net.

10. Squid, all spp. except market squid or not
otherwise prohibited, and Octopus Fisheries
A. Commercial

50 CFR 600.725(v) (enhanced display)

A. Hook and line, pot/trap, dip net, seine, trawl,
set net, spear, hand harvest.

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50 CFR 600.725 (up to date as of 9/17/2024)
General prohibitions.

50 CFR 600.725(v)


Authorized gear types

B. Recreational Squid North of 42° N. lat

B. Hook and line, cast net, dip net, hand harvest.

C. Recreational Octopus North of 42° N. lat

C. Hook and line, pot/trap, dip net, hand harvest.

D. Recreational South of 42° N. lat

D. Hook and line, dip net, hand harvest.

11. White Sturgeon Fisheries (Non-FMP):
A. Commercial South of 46°15′ N. lat. and North of
42° N. lat

A. Trawl, pot/trap, hook and line, seine, dip net,

B. Recreational North of 42° N. lat

B. Hook and line.

C. Recreational South of 42° N. lat

C. Hook and line, spear.

12. Sea Cucumber Fishery (Non-FMP):
A. Commercial hand harvest fishery South of
46°15′ N. lat

A. Hand harvest.

B. Commercial trawl South of 42° N. lat

B. Trawl.

13. Minor Finfish Commercial Fisheries South of Trawl, pot/trap, hook and line, seine, dipnet,
46°15′ N. lat. and North of 42° N. lat. for: Salmon spear.
shark, Pacific pomfret, slender sole, wolf-eel,
eelpout species, Pacific sandfish, skilfish, and
walleye pollock Fisheries (Non-FMP)
14. Weathervane Scallop Commercial Fishery
South of 46°15′ N. lat. and North of 42° N. lat.


15. California Halibut, White Seabass
Commercial Fisheries South of 42° N. lat. (NonFMP):
A. California halibut trawl

A. Trawl.

B. California halibut and white seabass set net

B. Gillnet, trammel net.

C. California halibut hook and line

C. Hook and line.

D. White seabass hook and line

D. Hook and line.

16. California Barracuda, White Seabass, and
Yellowtail Drift-Net Commercial Fishery South of
42° N. lat. (Non-FMP)


17. Pacific Bonito Commercial Net Fishery South Purse seine.
of 42° N. lat. (Non-FMP)
18. Lobster Commercial Pot and Trap Fishery
South of 42° N. lat. (Non-FMP)


19. Finfish and Invertebrate Fisheries Not Listed
Above and Not Otherwise Prohibited (Non-FMP):
A. Commercial South of 46°15′ N. lat

A. Hook and line, pot/trap, spear.

B. Recreational

B. Hook and line, spear, pot/trap, dip net, cast
net, hand harvest, rake, harpoon, bow and arrow.

1. Alaska Scallop Fishery (FMP)

50 CFR 600.725(v) (enhanced display)


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50 CFR 600.725 (up to date as of 9/17/2024)
General prohibitions.

50 CFR 600.725(v)


Authorized gear types

2. Bering Sea (BS) and Aleutian Islands (AI) King
and Tanner Crab Fishery (FMP):
Pot fishery


3. Bering Sea (BS) and Aleutian Islands (AI) King
and Tanner Crab Fishery (FMP):
Recreational fishery


4. BS and AI Groundfish Fishery (FMP):
A. Groundfish trawl fishery

A. Trawl.

B. Bottomfish hook-and-line, and handline fishery

B. Hook and line, handline.

C. Longline fishery

C. Longline.

D. BS and AI pot and trap fishery

D. Pot, trap.

5. BS and AI Groundfish Recreational Fishery

Handline, rod and reel, hook and line, pot, trap.

6. Gulf of Alaska (GOA) Groundfish Fishery
A. Groundfish trawl fishery

A. Trawl.

B. Bottomfish hook-and-line and handline fishery

B. Hook and line, handline.

C. Longline fishery

C. Longline.

D. GOA pot and trap fishery

D. Pot, trap.

E. Recreational fishery

E. Handline, rod and reel, hook and line, pot, trap.

7. Pacific Halibut Fishery (Non-FMP):
A. Commercial (IFQ and CDQ)

A. Hook and line, pot.

B. Recreational

B. Single line with no more than 2 hooks
attached or spear.

C. Subsistence

C. Setline gear and hand held gear of not more
than 30 hooks, including longline, handline, rod
and reel, spear, jig, and hand-troll gear.

8. Alaska Salmon Fishery (FMP):
A. East Area

A. Hook and line.

B. Cook Inlet EEZ Area

B. Drift gillnet, handline, rod and reel, hook and

9. Alaska Salmon Fishery (Non-FMP):
A. Hook-and-line fishery

A. Hook and line.

B. Gillnet fishery

B. Gillnet.

C. Purse seine fishery.

C. Purse seine.

D. Recreational fishery

D. Handline, rod and reel, hook and line.

10. Finfish Purse Seine Fishery (Non-FMP)

Purse seine.

11. Octopus/Squid Longline Fishery (Non-FMP)


12. Finfish Handline and Hook-and-line Fishery

Handline, hook and line.

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50 CFR 600.725 (up to date as of 9/17/2024)
General prohibitions.

50 CFR 600.725(v)


Authorized gear types

13. Recreational Fishery (Non-FMP)

Handline, rod and reel, hook line.

14. Commercial Fishery (Non-FMP)

Trawl, gillnet, hook and line, longline, handline,
rod and reel, bandit gear, cast net, spear.

VIII. Western Pacific Fishery Management Council
1. Western Pacific Crustacean Fishery (FMP)
(Fishery Ecosystem Plan, FEP)

Trap, hand harvest, hoop net.

2. Western Pacific Crustacean Fishery (NonFEP):
A. Commercial fishery

A. Gillnet, hand harvest, hoop net, spear, snare,
trap, trawl.

B. Recreational fishery

B. Gillnet, hand harvest, hoop net, spear, snare,

C. Charter fishery

C. Hand harvest, spear.

3. Western Pacific Precious Corals Fishery
A. Tangle net dredge fishery

A. Tangle net dredge.

B. Submersible fishery

B. Submersible.

C. Dive fishery

C. Hand harvest.

D. Recreational fishery

D. Hand harvest.

4. Western Pacific Precious Corals Fishery (NonFEP)

Hand harvest, submersible, tangle net dredge.

5. Western Pacific Bottomfish and Seamount
Groundfish Fishery (FEP)
A. Bottomfish hook-and-line fishery

A. Bandit gear, buoy gear, handline, hook and line,
rod and reel, hand harvest.

B. Seamount groundfish fishery

B. Longline, trawl.

C. Bottom longline fishery

C. Longline, hook and line.

D. Trap fishery

D. Trap.

E. Spear fishery

E. Spear, powerhead.

6. Western Pacific Bottomfish and Seamount
Groundfish Fishery (Non-FEP):
A. Commercial fishery

A. Bandit gear, buoy gear, gillnet, handline, hookand-line, longline, rod and reel, spear, trap.

B. Recreational fishery

B. Bandit gear, buoy gear, Gillnet, handline, hook
and line, longline, rod and reel, spear, trap, slurp
gun, hand harvest.

C. Charter fishery

C. Bandit gear, buoy gear, handline, hook-andline, rod and reel, spear.

7. Western Pacific Pelagics Fishery (FEP):
A. Longline Fishery

A. Longline.

B. Hook and line fishery

B. Bandit gear, buoy gear, handline, hook and line,

50 CFR 600.725(v) (enhanced display)

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50 CFR 600.725 (up to date as of 9/17/2024)
General prohibitions.

50 CFR 600.725(v)


Authorized gear types
rod and reel.

C. Purse seine fishery

C. Lampara net, purse seine.

D. Spear fishery

D. Spear, powerhead.

E. Squid jig fishery

E. Squid jig.

8. Western Pacific Pelagics Fishery (Non-FEP):
A. Recreational fishery

A. Bandit gear, buoy gear, dip net, handline, hook
and line, hoop net, powerhead, rod and real,

B. Commercial fishery

B. Bandit gear, buoy gear, dip net, handline, hook
and line, hoop net, powerhead, rod and reel,

C. Charter fishery

C. Bandit gear, buoy gear, dip net, handline, hook
and line, hoop net, powerhead, rod and reel,

9. Western Pacific Coastal Pelagics Fishery

Bandit gear, buoy gear, dip net, gillnet, handline,
hook and line, hoop net, lampara net, purse
seine, rod and reel, spear.

10. Western Pacific Squid and Octopus Fishery

Bandit gear, hand harvest, hook and line, rod and
reel, spear, trap.

11. Western Pacific Coral Reef Fishery (NonFEP)

Allowable chemical, barrier net, dip net, gillnet,
hand harvest, seine, slurp gun, trap, spear, rod
and reel, hook and line.

12. Recreational Fishery (Non-FEP)

Rod and reel, hook and line, handline, hand
harvest, spear.

13. Commercial Fishery (Non-FEP)

Trawl, gillnet, hook and line, longline, handline,
rod and reel, bandit gear, cast net, spear.

1. Atlantic Highly Migratory Species Fisheries
A. Swordfish handgear fishery

A. Rod and reel, harpoon, handline, bandit gear,
buoy gear, green-stick gear.

B. Swordfish recreational fishery

B. Rod and reel, handline.

C. Pelagic longline fishery

C. Longline.

D. Shark gillnet fishery

D. Gillnet

E. Shark bottom longline fishery

E. Longline.

F. Shark handgear fishery

F. Rod and reel, handline, bandit gear.

G. Shark recreational fishery

G. Rod and reel, handline.

H. [Reserved]
I. Tuna recreational fishery

50 CFR 600.725(v) (enhanced display)

I. Speargun gear (for bigeye, albacore, yellowfin,
and skipjack tunas only); Rod and reel, handline
(all tunas); green-stick gear (HMS Charter/

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50 CFR 600.725 (up to date as of 9/17/2024)
General prohibitions.

50 CFR 600.725(w)


Authorized gear types
Headboat Category only).

J. Tuna handgear fishery

J. Rod and reel, harpoon, handline, bandit gear.

K. Tuna harpoon fishery

K. Harpoon.

L. Atlantic billfish recreational fishery

L. Rod and reel.

M. Tuna green-stick fishery

M. Green-stick gear.

N. Commercial Caribbean Small Boat Fishery

N. Rod and reel, handline, harpoon, bandit gear,
green-stick gear, buoy gear.

2. Commercial Fisheries (Non-FMP)

Rod and reel, handline, longline, gillnet, harpoon,
bandit gear, purse seine, green-stick gear.

(w) Fail to maintain safe conditions for the protection of observers including compliance with all U.S. Coast
Guard and other applicable rules, regulations, or statutes applicable to the vessel and which pertain to
safe operation of the vessel.
(x) Fish for commercial purposes within the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument,
as defined in § 600.10, consistent with Presidential Proclamations 9496 and 10287. Fishing for
commercial purposes means fishing that is intended to, or results in, the barter, trade, transfer, or sale of
fish, either in whole or in part.
(1) Vessels may transit the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument, provided
commercial fishing gear is stowed and not available for immediate use during passage without
interruption through the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument.
(2) [Reserved]
[61 FR 32540, June 24, 1996]

Editorial Note: For FEDERAL REGISTER citations affecting § 600.725, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which
appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at www.govinfo.gov.

50 CFR 600.725(x)(2) (enhanced display)

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