List of Gear by Fisheries and Fishery Management Council

OMB 0648-0346

OMB 0648-0346

Under provisions of section 305(a)3 of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSA) (16 U.S.C. et. seq.) as amended in 2006, the Secretary of Commerce is required to publish a list of all fisheries under the authority of each Fishery Management Council and of all fishing gear to be used in such fisheries. Any person wishing to use gear not on the list, or engage in a fishery not on the list, must provide the appropriate Fishery Management Council (or in some cases the Secretary) with a 90 days' advance written notice. If the Secretary takes no action to prohibit such a fishery or use of such gear, the person may proceed.

The latest form for List of Gear by Fisheries and Fishery Management Council expires 2021-10-31 and can be found here.

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