DS-64_OMB No 1405-0014_30 Day FRN_PRA Supporting Statement

DS-64_OMB No 1405-0014_30 Day FRN_PRA Supporting Statement.docx

Statement Regarding a Lost or Stolen U.S. Passport Book and/or Card

OMB: 1405-0014

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Statement Regarding a Valid Lost or Stolen U.S. Passport Book and/or Card

OMB Number 1405-0014



  1. Why is this collection necessary and what are the legal statutes that allow this?

Passport bearers no longer in possession of their previously issued valid or potentially valid U.S. passport book and/or card must submit form DS-64, Statement Regarding a Valid Lost or Stolen U.S. Passport Book and/or Card, with an application for a new U.S. passport book and/or card. To assist in protection against identity theft, a passport bearer can also submit form DS-64 after a loss or theft has taken place even if the bearer does not apply for a new U.S. passport. The statement must detail the circumstances of the loss or theft and any efforts made to recover it, as required in the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations at 22 C.F.R. § 51.8(c).

Entering a report of a loss or theft of a U.S. passport book and/or card in the passport data system, as mandated by 8 U.S.C. § 1737, requires accurate verification of the reported passport and/or card. Collection of the Social Security number on form DS-64 assists in correctly identifying the passport that needs to be invalidated.

The legal authorities under which the information is requested include but are not limited to the following: 22 U.S.C. § 211a et seq; 22 C.F.R Part 50; 22 C.F.R. Part 51, including 22 C.F.R. §§ 51.2 and 51.8; Executive Order 11295; 8 U.S.C. § 1104; and 8 U.S.C. § 1737.

  1. What business purpose is the information gathered going to be used for?

The Department of State (Department) uses the information obtained on form DS-64 to record a report of a valid lost or stolen U.S. passport and/or card, to electronically cancel the valid lost or stolen U.S. passport and/or card, and to adjudicate an application for a new U.S. passport and/or card. This helps the Department to ensure that no person bears more than one fully valid or potentially valid U.S. passport book at any one time, or one fully valid or potentially valid U.S. passport card at any one time, except as authorized by the Department. The information is also used to combat passport fraud and misuse.

  1. Is this collection able to be completed electronically (e.g., through a website or application)?

Passport bearers may submit the form on the Department’s website, travel.state.gov, where it can be completed, signed, and submitted electronically. The DS-64 is also available at eforms.state.gov where it can be completed online and printed for signature and submission. 

  1. Does this collection duplicate any other collection of information?

The DS-64 is the form used solely by the Department for the purpose outlined in item 2. The information collected, taken as a whole, does not duplicate information gathered elsewhere.

  1. Describe any impacts on small business.

The collection of information does not involve small businesses or other small entities.

  1. What are consequences if this collection is not done?

If this information is not collected, the Department would have difficulty issuing a new U.S. passport book and/or card to anyone whose previously valid U.S. passport book and/or card has been lost or stolen. The Department would also have difficulty combating passport fraud. Eliminating the form would significantly increase the Department’s costs by necessitating more labor-intensive methods of collecting the information and could have serious consequences to national security and law enforcement.

  1. Are there any special collection circumstances?

No such special circumstances exist.

  1. Document publication (or intent to publish) a request for public comments in the Federal Register

The Department published a 60-day notice in the Federal Register to solicit public comments on July 15, 2024 (Public Notice: 12460). No comments were received.

  1. Are payments or gifts given to the respondents?

This information collection does not provide any payment or gift to respondents.

  1. Describe assurances of privacy/confidentiality

This form includes a Privacy Act Statement explaining the routine uses of the information collected under the Act. There are no promises of confidentiality to the respondents.

  1. Are any questions for a sensitive nature asked?

The DS-64 asks the respondent to provide a Social Security number to identify and confirm that the person completing the form and the passport bearer of the reported lost or stolen U.S. passport book and/or card are the same person. Moreover, the applicant’s Social Security number helps the Department accurately identify the passport being reported lost or stolen so that the correct passport can be invalidated.

  1. Describe the hour time burden and the hour cost burden on the respondent needed to complete this collection.

Respondent Hour Time Burden and Hour Cost Burden

The estimated number of respondents for this collection was calculated by using the average (rounded) number of respondents during the last three fiscal years.

DS-64 Projected Respondents

FY 2021


FY 2022


FY 2023




The estimated number of minutes per response is based on a sampling of the time required to search existing data sources, gather the necessary information, provide the information required, review the final collection, and submit the collection to Passport Services for processing.

Passport Services estimates that the average time required for this information collection is 5 minutes per response. Therefore, the estimated total annual respondent hour time burden is 36,250 hours.

(435,000 annual respondents x 5 minutes / 60 = 36,250)

The estimated cost to respondents is based on the civilian hourly wage listed in the Employer Costs for Employee Compensation released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics in 2023. The base hourly wage is estimated to be $31.48i. We also incorporate a benefit multiplier of 1.3 and the total hourly wage is calculated to be $40.92. The total hourly wage of $40.92 is then multiplied by the annual time burden of 36,250 hours. Therefore, the estimated total annual respondent hour cost burden is $1,483,350.

($40.92 total hourly wage x 36,250 annual hours = $1,483,350)

  1. Describe the monetary burden to respondents (out of pocket costs) needed to complete this collection.

Respondents may download the form or obtain one at a passport agency or acceptance facility and use one of the four options to report a valid U.S. passport and/or card lost or stolen outlined as follows:

  • Online: The respondent may visit travel.state.gov to complete the form then select “submit electronically” or “print and mail” to submit the form.

  • By Phone: Call the National Passport Information Center at 1-877-487-2778 and follow the representative’s instructions to submit the form.

  • While Applying for a new U.S. Passport: Submit the DS-64 with a new DS-11 (Application for a U.S. Passport) along with required documentation to a designated acceptance facility, U.S. passport agency, U.S. embassy or consulate abroad.

  • By Mail: Submit the DS-64 and a front and back photocopy of a valid government-issued photo identification to the Department’s address provided on the form.

The estimated out of pocket cost associated with submitting the DS-64 includes the following:

  • Print form and photocopy identification - Average copier print fee at $0.40 (x 2 @ $0.20/ea.) per black and white copy based on a quote from Staplesii

  • Mail form - Postage mailing fee at $0.68 per mailing based on a quote from the United States Postal Serviceiii

The Department estimates that about 1 percent of respondents choose to submit form DS-64 on its own by mail. The monetary burden is calculated as follows:

435,000 total respondents x .01 percentage (mail-in) = 4,350 mail-in respondents

4,350 mail-in respondents x ($0.40 photocopies + $0.68 mailing) = $4,698

The estimated total annual respondent monetary burden is $4,698.

  1. Describe the cost incurred by the Federal Government to complete this collection.

Government Adjudication Cost

To calculate the cost to the Federal Government, we use the hourly wage for a FY 2024 domestic Civil Service GS-11 step 10 (the highest level of a passport adjudicator), which is $38.69 - along with a weighted wage rate multiplier. Department employees have access to many resources, so we use two (2) as the weighted wage rate multiplier - as suggested by the Office of Management and Budget. Therefore, the hourly wage is set as $77.38.

($38.69 x 2 = $77.38)

Passport Services estimates that reviewing the DS-64 requires 10 minutes of a passport adjudicator’s time. Dividing $77.38/hr. by 60 minutes yields a processing time cost of $1.29 per minute, and that cost multiplied by 10 (minutes) totals $12.90. Multiplying the projected number of annual respondents (435,000) by $12.90 yields $5,611,500. The estimated total annual adjudication cost is $5,611,500.

Government Printing Cost

The DS-64 will be produced by a contractor with cost-plus-fixed-fee line items for material and/or supply purchases. The estimate provided to the Department by the contractor includes costs for contractor labor, supplies, equipment, printing materials, delivery, overhead, support staff, etc. The current cost is $38.54 per 1000 forms. Based on the projected number of 435,000 respondents per year, at a cost of $38.54 per thousand, the estimated total annual printing cost is $16,765.

Government Federal Register Notice Cost

This number is added to the cost to the Federal Government to publish the Federal Register Notices (FRNs). The estimated amount to publish one Federal Register Notice (FRN) is $795. A 60-day FRN and 30-day FRN is published with a total cost of $1,590.

Therefore, the estimated annual cost to the Federal Government is $5,629,855.

($5,611,500 + $16,765 + $1,590 = $5,629,855)

  1. Explain any changes/adjustments to this collection since the previous submission.

There are no substantive changes to this collection since the last submission.

  1. Specify if the data gathered by this collection will be published.

This collection of information will not be published for statistical use.

  1. If applicable, explain the reason(s) for seeking approval to not display the OMB expiration date.

The Department will display the OMB expiration date.

  1. Explain any exceptions to the OMB certification statement below.

No exceptions to the certification statement are being requested.


This collection does not employ statistical methods.

iSource: Bureau of Labor Statistics, “Employer Costs for Employee Compensation – May 2023,” https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes_nat.htm#00-0000

iii Source: United States Postal Service, https://www.usps.com/business/prices.htm

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2024-10-08

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